According To Means "As Stated By". Accordance With Means "In Compliance" or "In Agreement"

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Salt pond : tambak garam

temporary lodging place : mes

succinct : brief, concise

breach : violation

Multi-storey building : gedung bertingkat

Landas pacu : runway

Pejabat pembuat komitmen : audit board

Parcel : bidang

Diversion : pengalihan

Specified : yang ditentuakn

Obligasi : bond

Interim : semnetara

Entitlement : hak

Liability : responsibility: keawjiban

Indemnity: amend: compensation: cost: ganti rugi
Subsequently : selanjutnya
Indemnity : tanggungan, ganti rugi
Due diligence : uji kelayakan
Joint venture : uasha bersama patungan
Enter into a contract : involve, take part,
hardship and hazard pay : tunjuangan masa sulit dan tugas berbahaya

site : lapangan

According to means "as stated by".

Accordance with means "in compliance" or "in agreement"

“According to” refers to the source of some information. “Based on” refers to the reason for
believing something. Some examples:

“According to my mom, you should always eat a big breakfast.”

“According to Strunk and White, a double negative is grammatically incorrect.”

“Based on what she told me, it’s pretty clear that they don’t want to come for the holidays.”

“Based on what I read in my textbook, I think the world is in danger from climate change.”

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