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HOST DEPARTMENT – Up in Smoke 2018 April

Host – SOP 003

Training time 45 min

Department Front OF the House
Report to Head Host & GRO
Job Scope
Host positions is considered to be very important in the Restaurant operations, it holds the key of
organizing the flow of the guest and make sure that whoever walks in to the restaurant are properly
greeted and most of all it is represent the first impression of the restaurant.
1. Make sure that the Host station is clean
and all the files and equipment are well
2. Receiving today reservation list
3. Make sure that the phone is working
OPENING properly.
4. Check and charge the handy talky
5. Communicating all received reservation
inquiries’ ( to floor captain for table
assigning )
6. Prepare the reservations list at 4PM.
1. Stand by at the host table.
2. Always performed a proper grooming
3. Always perform a good and presentable
4. Welcome and greet all guests that arrive at
the restaurant.
5. Receive all reservations made (phone or
OPERATING HOURS direct or Chope), by following all the
reservation guidelines that has been set by
the management. (starting at 10.00 –
6. Following every procedure accordingly in
applying all the steps in handling arrivals
7. Report to the Spv host or manager in
charge regarding any special issue.
1. Clean the host stations and make sure all
the equipment and files are stored
2. Fill up the daily log of the whole day host
3. Collecting and filling all guest comments
4. Make sure to do a handling over procedure
for the next shift ( by log book or direct )
5. Prepare the reservation list for morning
6. Making daily report regarding
 Number of reservation received
 Number of person by reservation
 Number of person by walk in
 Check list about regular customer
 Making notes regarding any special
issue and complain.
 Making a list of regular guest that visits
the restaurant during the day
operational hours.
7. Making sure that the report is sent to the
GM, OM, GRO and PR in charge.

BOOKING PROCEDURE  Follow the chart below.

 Great the guest, introduce yourself

(name) ask if they have a booking.
 If they have a booking refer to the
reservation sheet. (Ask the guest if it is
their first time with us)
 If no booking ask them the number of
ppl, indoor or outdoor, smoking or
non-smoking area. (Ask the guest if it is
their first time with us)
GUEST ARRIVAL  While bringing the guest to the table
make a small chat (Ex. How was your
 Once the guest seated please give the
menu and inform the guest about the
Non-available items on the menu.
 Before leaving the table let them know
that a waiter will come to introduce
himself and take care of them.
 Return to host desk.
Handling Reservation by phone

Incoming call

Ask for details (Date, Day,

Greeting Checking in reservations list
Time, and Pax)

Available! Not Available!

Ask for Full Name, Phone Apologize and offering

Number, & Email Address an available time

Inform about dress code

policy and hold 30 minutes Ask for Full Name, Phone
for their table. Number, & Email

Repeat the reservation

Inform about dress code
policy and hold 30
minutes for their table
Input the reservation in
CHOPE System

Repeat the reservations

Input the reservation in

CHOPE System
Phone Courtesy

Objectives Procedure Standards

1. Creating a same standard in receiving 1. Pick up the phone within 3 1. Company’s standard greeting
any incoming call to the restaurant (three) rings Thank you for calling Up in smoke
2. A sign of a professionalism and 2. Use a smiling tone and a proper Jakarta, Tia Speaking how may I help
service attitude pitch you?
3. Use the company’s standard 2. Ask for Date, Day, Time and Pax
greeting When and what time you would like
4. Always reply “yes” by using “ to make a reservations Madam/Sir?
certainly “ How many persons Madam/Sir?
5. Always inform the guest before 3. Before putting them on hold
putting them on hold One moment Madam/Sir, let me
6. Make sure not to put the guest check first. I will put you on hold.
on hold for too long. 4. After putting them on hold
7. Thank them for waiting after Thank you for waiting Madam/Sir.
putting them on hold for
checking the available table.

Available Table

1.Creating a same standard inhandling 1. Giving sincere smile 5. Ask for Complete name, Phone
the walk in guest. 2. Greet the customers with Number and Email Address (if
2. Creating the same standard that 3. smiling tone. possible)
willprovide a necessary data for the 4. Ask for Completed Name, Phone May I have your complete name /
operational. Number, and Email. Phone Number / Email Address,
3. Make sure that all the guests who 5. Ask for Table Preference Madam/Sir?
are willing to wait treated fairly. 6. Repeat clearly 6. Ask for table preference
4. Creating a well organize procedure 7. Inform house regulations & End Would you like to be sit in the
in controlling the customer flow. the conversation smoking or non-smoking area?
5. Make sure that there are no 8. Write down all the details to 7. Repeat Reservation
mistakes in serving the first come reservation form in the I will Repeat your reservation on 27th
guest. computer of February at 7PM for 2 persons
6. Minimize inconvenience and bad 9. Input the reservation in the under name of Mr. William
experience. Chope System Armstrong in the smoking area and
your phone number is 081208129900
is confirm.
8. Inform about house regulations.
We would like to inform you that we
will hold 30 minutes for your
reservation and our dress code policy
is smart casual attire. Is there
anything else Madam/Sir?
9. End the conversation.
Thank you for making a reservation
in Up in smoke Jakarta and looking
forward to seeing you.

Objectives Procedure Standards

1. Creating a same standard in handling 1. If the table at requested time is 1. If time is unavailable & offering in
any reservation made by phone unavailable, inform the guest and available time.
2. To create the same standard that will offer them an available time "We're sorry to inform you
provide a necessary data for the 2. Ask for Completed Name, Phone Madam/sir, but we are fully
operational Number, and Email Address. reserved for the time you
3. Ask table preference requested. But we have a table
4. Inform house regulations. available at …… would you like
5. Repeat clearly & End the me to put your name in?
conversation 2. Ask for Name, Phone Number, and
6. Write down all the details to Email Address.
reservation form in the computer May I have your complete name /
7. Post the reservation in the Phone Number / Email Address,
reservation recording system Madam/Sir?
3. Ask for table preference
Would you like to be sit in the
smoking or non-smoking area?
4. Repeat Reservation
I will Repeat your reservation on
27th of February at 7PM for 2
persons under name of Mr. William
Armstrong in the smoking area and
your phone number is
081208129900 is confirm.
5. Inform about house regulations.
We would like to inform you that
we will hold 30 minutes for your
reservation and our dress code
policy is smart casual attire. Is
there anything else Madam/Sir?
6. End the conversation.
Thank you for making a reservation
in Up in smoke Jakarta and looking
forward to seeing you.
Handling Walk In Guest

Guest Coming

Make sure they Checking in

Ask for how many do not have a reservation list
Greeting person? reservation

Yes I have! No, we haven’t!

Ask for Details reservation (Complete Ask for Completed Name

name or Phone number) and Phone Number and
table preference

Checking in reservations list

Checking for the
available table
Repeat the reservation

Available No Available

Escorting the guest

Escorting the guest
Apologize and offering to
wait at bar area

Input the reservation in

Chope System
Yes, I have Reservation

Objectives Procedure Standarts

1. Creating a same standard in 1. Greeting with smile tone and 1. Greetings
handlingthe walk in guest. smile face. Good (Afternoon / Evening)
2. Creating the same standard that will 2. Ask for the details about the madam/ sir Welcome to Up in
provide a necessary data for the customer (complete Name, Phone smoke.
operational. Number), If the name given is not 2. Aks how many persons
3. Make sure that all the guests who in the list, politely ask for any For how many persons Madam
are willing to wait treated fairly. other possible name use to make /Sir ?
4. Creating a well organize procedure the reservation. If the name given 3. Make sure they get the
in controlling the customer flow. is still not in the list, ask for the reservation
5. Make sure that there are no reservation details ( Number of  Have you made any
mistakes in serving the first come person, time of reservation ) reservation ?
guest. 3. Check the remarks on special  May I have your complete
6. Minimize inconvenience and bad request. name, Madam/ Sir?
experience. 4. Confirming all related details  May I have your phone
5. If the table is ready and the guest number, Madam/Sir?
wants to go for the table proceed  May I know for what time is
with Escorting procedure your reservation?
4. Confirming all related details.
Yes Mr. William Armstrong, we
have been expecting you, it’s a
reservation for 4 at 19.00 and you
requested in the sofa at smoking
No, I Don’t Have Reservation

Procedure Standards

. 1. Ask for the guest name 1. Ask for they name.

2. For how many person ( start using  May I have your complete
the name ) name?
3. Always be aware with the  May I have your phone
restaurant condition, and number?
reservation status. 2. Table with Limited time
4. Always refer to the manager for VIP available
and regular customer.  Happy to inform you that we
5. If a table with a limited time is have a table available right
available, inform it as an offer now, but we will need the
(please be considerate on the table back at…….pm, will that
length of table usage towards the be alright for you
next reservation) Madam/Sir?
6. Offering waiting list  Happy to inform you that the
7. If he guest is willing to wait table available now until …, is
Continue to waiting list Procedure. that be alright for you
8. Don’t forget to move them when Madam/Sir?
the table ready. 3. Offering waiting list
Unfortunately your table still in
waiting list around … minutes
would you like to wait in our Bar
area first Madam/Sir?
4. Escorting to the guest.
Hi Mr. … Happy to inform you,
that your table is ready, would
you like to seat now?
Waiting List Procedure

Objectives Procedure Standards

1. Making sure that all the guests who 1. Inform the guest about the 1 informing restaurant condition:
are willing to wait treated fairly. restaurant condition. We are sorry to inform you that
2. Creating a well organize procedure 2. Inform the guest how many names we are currently full, if you don't
in controlling the customer flow. are in the waiting list mind I will put your name in the
3. Making sure that there are no 3. If the guest is agree to wait, write waiting list.
mistakes in serving the first come down their names, phone number 2 Informing how many names are
guest. and number of person in the in the waiting list:
4. Minimize inconvenience and bad waiting list We currently have 2 names in
experience. 4. Show the bar / lounge area and the waiting list, if you are willing
inform the server about the guest to wait i will put your name in
status the waiting list.
5. Always updated the guest in every 3 Show the bar area / lounge
15 minutes regarding their waiting area:
list status. Our bar / lounge is right over
here (show the bar / lounge
area) you can wait at the bar /
lounge and we will inform you
as soon as we have table ready
for you.
4 Update the guest:
Excuse me Mr..... i would like to
inform you that your name is on
our next available table.

Moving Table Procedure

Objectives Procedure Standards

1. Creating zero chances in having a 1. Check to the server or bartender 1. Info to the customers if that
skip billing or uncharged item. for the standing bill of the guest; ask table ready or not yet:
2. A part of making a communication the standing bill to be printed. Excusme madam/sir, im happy
that creates a control towards the 2. Ask the server to help the guests to inform you that the table in
guest. with their drinks ( use a tray & the non smoking area is ready
deliver it to the table now, would you like move to
3. Give the printed standing bill to the your table now ?
leader and leader will sign the bill. 2. Make sure the customer not
4. Leader in charge will move the bill brings they glass:
to the new table number ( raptor) Let me take care of your drinks
and informing by HT about moving ma'am/ sir ?
table (take care food and drink)
5. Oper handle to the server regarding
the table details

Call the customers 15 minutes after time reservation , make sure they will
come or not.

If they answer your call If they are not answering

to the call

Reminding about their

reservation and we will Wait for the customers until
hold the table for 30 time hold reservation ends,
minutes from proceed with sending a
reservation time. message.

If they are late , make sure Due to a no respon of direct call :

how long will they be late
Dear Mr. Daniel,

Warm regards from Up in smoke

Check the reservation list and Jakarta,
and the waiting list , help
them if possible. We are sorry to inform you that your
reservation for 4 persons at 7 PM in
the non smoking area has been
released. We will be happy to
welcome you as our walk in guest.

Thank you,


Objectives Procedure Standards

1. Minimize the miscommunication 1. If at the time of reservation the 1. Remind them about their
between the host and the guest. guest haven’t showed up, make a reservation
2. Showing a care and attentive phone call by using the available Good Evening Madam / Sir, I’m
service towards the guest contact number calling from Up in smoke,
reservation 2. Remind them about their reminding you about your
3. Reminding the guest about their reservation reservation for 8 o’clock tonight.
reservation 3. Inform the guest that we are willing 2. If the guest is going to be late for
4. Informing the guest of the following to keep the table for 30 minutes more than 30 minutes.
action that we are going to make only. I’m afraid we could only hold the
regarding the reservation. 4. If the guest says that they are going table for 30 minutes, and after that
to be late, please ask the details of we will have to give the table away
how long that they going to need to if you like I could put your name in
reach the restaurant our waiting list priority.
5. If the guest is going to be late for 3. Informing the next available table
more than half an hour, please Our next table available will be
inform them that the table will be around 9.30, but you can always
given away and we will put them in have a drink at the bar while you
the waiting list (help them if wait.

Check with the server incharge if ..

1. They still waiting for any order

2. Have they aks for the bill or not.

If the bar area available

If the bar area not available

Remind the customers about

second reservation is waiting for Remind the customers about second
the table and we have prepare the reservation is waiting for the table and
spot at the Lounge we have spot to standing at the

Yes No

Help them Help them Yes No

to move with the bill
Help them to Help them
move with the bill


Objectives Procedure Standards

1. Reminding to the guest about 1. Make sure the table is done with 1. If the bar available
second reservation that has been serve inchas in that section. Excusme madam/Sir. I’m sorry to
made for the table 2. Have to aks customers about distrube you, how is everything ?
2. Making sure that the informing everything I’m sorry to inform you that the
process is done correctly (the right 3. Use a proper tone next reservation for this table is
way and words) 4. Use a proper way waiting. We have prepare a spot
5. Try to talk personally to the host. for you and your friends at the bar,
(by taking a closer distance) i hope it’s alright if i move you to
6. Please remember that this is an the Lounge.
informing procedure not trying to 2. If the bar not available.
kick the guest out. Excusme madam/Sir. I’m sorry to
7. Help them to the bill if they willn’t distrube you, how is everything ?
to contining at the bar. I’m sorry to inform you that the
next reservation for this table is
waiting. I hope it’s alright if i move
you and your friends to standing at
the Lounge ?
3. Help them to the bill.
May i help with your bill ?
Supervisor Host

Job Title Supervisor Host

Department Front OF the House
Report to Guest Relation Officer, and
General Manager
Job Scope
Host positions is considered to be very important in the Restaurant operations, it holds the key of organizing
the flow of the guest and make sure that whoever walks in to the restaurant are properly greeted and most
of all it is represent the first impression of the restaurant.
1 Make sure all preparation from host is
2 Checking reservation in Chope system
3 Make sure that the phone is working
4 Check and charge the handy talky
5 Communicating all received reservation
inquiries’ (to floor captain for table
6 Attend the briefing at 10AM (TBC)
1 Stand by at the host table.
2 Always performed a proper grooming
3 Always perform a good and presentable
4 Welcome and greet all guests that arrive at
the restaurant.
5 Receive all reservations made (phone or
direct), by following all the reservation
guidelines that has been set by the
management. (starting at 10.00 – 24.00)
6 Follow up big group reservations.
7 Make the function order for big group or
special event.
8 Report to the GRO or PR, Manager in
charge for special issue.
9 Prepare the reservation list for dinner time
at 15.45, print in office.
1 Fill up the daily log of the whole day host
2 Full fill the monthly regular list, collect
good spend and guest competence details
3 Make sure to do a handling over procedure
for the next shift ( by log book or direct )
4 Prepare the reservation list for morning
5 Making sure that the report is sent to the
Operational Manager and Manager in
charge, GRO and PR.

Ask for the date,

INCOMIN CALL or Phone Courtesy or day, time and Checking of
DIRECT VISIT Standard Greeting complete name, & Reservation List
total of person Greeting VISIT

Closed for Public (GRO / PR)

Only for big group (Supervisor Host)

If the table not available If the table available

Apologize & Offer an

available time or Offerto Ask for contact number, email address, type
sister outlets (Up in smoke / of event, & Special request.
One Eyed Jack)

Ask for contact number, email address, type *informing big group / closed for public
of event, & special request. policy

Tell to the guest that this reservation not

*Informing big group / closed for confirm yet (will follow up by GRO / PR –
public policy if the reservation for closed for public

End Conversation
End Conversation

Distribute information
to Supervisor / GRO (if Distribute information to Supervisor /
they don’t in restaurant GRO (if they don’t in restaurant just
just send message to send message to WhatsApp group)
WhatsApp group)

Input to big group book Input to Big Group


1. Name or company name

2. Contact number and email address
3. Day/date and time
4. Total participant
5. Concept of Event
4 invitation from any media (if press conference)
5 Special request :
a. Band
b. DJ
c. Decor
d. Stage or booth
e. Photo Stage
6 Hand over the information to Owner, GM, OM, Marketing.


Group Reservation Policy

1. Be very careful in taking any special request from guest (use the restaurant policy or
guidelines and always refer to GRO or Manager before approving the reservation especially
close for public)
2. Repeat the guest reservation equally.
3. For reservation consist 12 pax, it is advisable to have the set menu or picnic menu.
4. Informing them the capacity of the bill assigned (to prevent the guest from exceeding the
number of person in adding the number of people upon arrival)
5. The agreement process that concerning banquet has to be handled directly by GRO / Leader
6. A selection of set menu, food menu, wine menu will be send by Supervisor Host, GRO & PR
7. An arrangement of menu selection will be made under the advice of Kitchen team.
8. An arrangement letter will be made after the menu has been set and the guest had been
transfer down payment, min. H-3 (especially close for public 2 weeks before).
9. When we received the down payment supervisor host will send email to accaounting about
the deposted (CC Manager Office, Manager restaurant, General manager GRO & PR)
10. Supervisor Host will make a BEO from advice by GRO
11. Host will distribute the BEO and all head division will sign in BEO distribute book
12. Supervisor host should send BEO to General Manager, GRO & PR.

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