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lr. N(,. I l-9(y' 2{Xl9-F(

(:(,r1,r rrnerrt (,r Indii
\li'rist,\ ot l:n\i,()'trrr{trl, li,r's(snId( lioriteahnngr
(l ()r.!l C.,"\, f\ nti(\n l)i\ isr,'!,)
tn(lirn l'.,r vr\.tilr' llltrr\ nt'.
. \r's .I I
N.,. I).lhi ' ll(){r(11
I).rtc(lr I Iul\ 'l{) l r

Ilie I'rin.iFrt Secret.rrr" ([orcsts],

\llSt.rt.. L nnrn lfIitot\ Cl()\.rnn1('nls
-\rl,: (;uillclines ai"' di\tys:('d ('i h,tcst lnnLl i(r non_torL'st puri){'s.s !n(i.r lhr'li(r!ell
(( ()rr\r'!.ttr,'r) \.t, lgSO 5l\.inl pr(\'rsr('ns lo. Pro\|d_tid! oi nrrn'rnls irt l'rr\l
\lir1.s, (i).rl nr(l l'.ttolcum.ttrd NdtLrr.l (;s n) rcLr\ tho cxistitU! g!'idelinLs k) e\c'IPl
JIiIliIltl('l:)]()tJola'holt'sPor5qLm'illiof('stilIuaf(nProstre.tingofn\ilt'lnlstl)Drth.'nt oi obt.tining priof ,rt)pr.r\tl {)r th' (_entral Goven)mdli un(ler lh' l:()rfst
lr .'h.(r\itr,,rr, \' t loxo
thc lincst
minetrrls ilr tcrkst irens, iro'i tlre reqtrircrncnt of obtainmg Prior aPProtal uidcr
((:(]ns('!vntion) .f.t, 1(180 lloile!ef k) iacilit.-lte erPeclilious decision or aPplications

prior apprc ,dl o{ Central Govenlment unde'' the Foresl (Conservation) Act' l960 fot
'fufin"", of mnretals in forest areas this Ministry, irr consultation with the lvli'ristries of
Conf and I'etroleum and Natural Cas for|rulated a simplified format ol the
.rpplicatn)n fc'' obinining prior aPProvdl of Ccntral Government under
thc lorest
(Conservation) Act, !980 for ProPosPectirrg in forest areas This Minis(r'y has alreadv
pLrblishe'(t in thc oificial Gazette the Forest (Conservatiolr) Amendment Rules'
20l'l b irrse'1
;Ird.'rllll rhe said format as
,Form_ C" in Appenctix to the lorest (conervation) Rules. 2003.

further simPlify the process for grant of aPProval under the For€st (Conscrvation)
'l o

Act, 1980 for prosPecting of mirrerals in for6t areas' I am directed to

e]' as t'eloi\ '
blc{'k is
(i) Keeping in vie* that orlv a small fraction of areir located withnr a ProsPecti'r8
utilizeJ for exploration activities, site inspectiori t'!' concerued Regionnl Offi'e o' this
l\linistry hill be insisted ont] if the actual arca of the forest land proPosed to

colt(rtion pits crc. is more than 100 hectares;
(ii) As the prosPecting oPerations involve use of forest lancl
for a very slrort Period' area ot
forc$t land which is likely to exPerience temPorary change in
land use is eremptccr

lh! iratui.qr)!nl ('t.olrlensnt)r\ .rhncst.ttn)n nn(l pnl,rnent ot th. Nl'\'. li)

l,'r'(l $l1i.h e\f.f|('rr.( p.rnLrn({t.h.ntc in the Lrnd usd (lue t() trosPt\.Lint'.cti!ir\
\lrnll ()rrl! b..onsi(l(,'('Ll l()r thc purp()sc ol lh..onrpcnnrt(n\ nffot..starion.nd rhrl
riiil IloB'tnls setkinA pri(r approv.rl unrlef thc f(Jrest (Conscrvntion) ,\ct. t960 fo'
trrl,!P(.ling iri tor!,st Innd are e\ernPtcd ircnr the requiretrre'rt of lhe submission oi
(1,tr r'rrertir\ .r'idr.n.r' in support ot settle re'lr oi righrs in a<(or(tance $ith rhe

f11,! isi(rls (,t the S.h'(lu led l ritrcs a'r(l Othcr l r.d itidrrl l:orest I)$ cllcrs ( Rc(rgn irjon
,t I ()rcst l{'ghts) r\ci. 2(Xl{) stipnlated in this Nlinistr\'s lettcf No. I I .1./!I{-J.C dntc(l ln,
i\ rrrt rrst l0t)e.

{}I.C. Chaudhart,
( oPY l('r
l. Il iDr. Nlinistcr's Otfie(' (I(ix,t dtrn.: Shri Snntosh D. Vaid\,., | )ire(.tor).
l. \\-k't.r\ , ill inish \ (,i l\lincs, Cov.'rn'Den t oi hdi.r. Shasrri t|ha \.an,
Ner\ Dethi
r. q.(r('ia''\.. N.linistr\ (n C('al, covernme'lt of India, Shastri Bhah atr, Ner{ l)ethi.
r 5t\'r.hrr), Nlinistry ol l)ctroleum and Natural Gas, covernment oi India, Shasbi
lllr.)tLdn, Ner! Dellri.
- l'! irl.ipil Chiel Conser\.at(n oi Forests, .rll Sta te/ UT Governmen ts.
6. N(xl.r I Ofiicer, tlrc Forest (Conservation) Act, r 98O, aU Srare/ U
t CovernDenls.
t. AII R€gio'ral Ofiices, \1i'ristry of Er\ irorrmenr, Forests a'rd Ctinrale Chn,rgt,
(i\k,lrFCC), Golernnrent of India (Col).
8. l()int S€fietarv i[-charge, I'npact Assessment Division, MoEFCC, col.
9. All Assistant ttrspector ceneral of l-orests/ Directors in the Fo.esr Conserv.irion
Division, lvIoEFCC, Col.
10. I)irector, Regio'ral Offices, I{eadquarters Divisiorr j\,{oEFCC, CoL
lrz- Sr. Director (Technical), NIC, MoEF h,ith a requGt to place a cop_v of rhe terier on
h ebsite of this Ntinistrv.
12_ Sr. PI,S to the Secretarv, N,linistry of Environment For6ts and Climate Chang€.
13. Sr.PI5 to the Director ceneral of Forests & Special Secretary, tvloEFCC, Cot.
1.1. Sr. PPS to the Addl. Director ceneral of Forests (Forest Conservation), MoEFCC, col.
15. IS to the Inspector Ceneral of Forests (Forest Conservation), MoEFCC, CoI.
16. Cuard File.
(H.C. Chaudhary)

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