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MOJO- The Brand


Prepared for
S.M. Arifuzzaman


Business Administration Discipline

Khulna University, Khulna

Prepared by
Md. Mahfuzur Rahman - 060330

Mamunur Rashid - 060343

Md. Shahnawaz Akhter - 060342

Sami-Ur-Rashedin - 0604347

August 16, 2010


Mojo is a lifestyle introduced and developed by Akij Foods & Beverages Ltd. This brand name
was created to engage the youth of Bangladesh to the modern and progressing culture, and yet
crave the authenticity of our traditions.

Akij Foods and Beverage Ltd (AFBL), a sister concern of the Akij Group, is exporting soft drinks to
the international market for the first time by a Bangladeshi company. They are exporting three
brands of our soft drinks -- Mojo, Lemu and Speed Energy -- to Malaysia, Yemen and Dubai.

Akij Food & Beverage Ltd. has been established at a beautiful site Krishnapura, Dhamrai of
Dhaka. It has come with the best food & beverage in Bangladesh.

There are various types of drink. Mojo is the brand name of cola, Lemu is the brand name of
Lemon and Speed is the brand name of energy drink. Immediately after the introduction of the
brand it became very popular among its consumer because of the high quality and intensive
distribution in every nook and corner of the country.

Mojo is currently a leading cola in the soft drink industry in Bangladesh. Although consumers
have some negative perception but they buy and drink Mojo regularly, as it is a Bangladeshi
product. After launching back in 2005, Mojo sold really good among the customers because of
its attractive bottling, color, taste, and advertisements. Nowadays the sales are somewhat less.
Most people buy Coke, Pepsi, or RC as their cola drink.

The color and taste of Mojo maintains quality standard and the bottle of Mojo is extremely
well. There are images of Bangladeshi culture on the bottle and it attracts people most. The fizz
of Mojo is also very good as Coke. The distribution channel of Mojo is very good. It is found
everywhere in Bangladesh. Mojo launched a TV commercial initially and it raised great
awareness of the brand. The ad was very well designed and different from other usual soft
drink ads. It showed that Mojo is everywhere. On the Eid festivals, Mojo used to give a cow as a
gift upon being lucky which is quite different approach in promotional activity.
Niall Fitzgerald, chairman of Unilever, observed: “A brand is a storehouse of trust that matters
more and more as choices multiply. People want to simplify their lives.”

In order to gain trust for a brand people has to love it. A brand is person and it will be a
successful one only if people believe in it. MOJO is a successful brand and we can tell this by its
large scale of sales.

So, who is MOJO?

MOJO is soft drinks among others present in the market.

MOJO is energetic

MOJO knows no boundaries

MOJO is refreshing

MOJO is fun

MOJO is everywhere

MOJO is classy

MOJO is full of life

MOJO is for everyone


Brand Salience

Brand Salience is the degree to which your brand is thought about or noticed when a customer is in a
buying situation. Strong brands have high Brand Salience and weak brands have little or none.  This
helps explain to some degree why big brands are big and small brands are small.

Brand Salience is not the same thing as top of mind awareness. Top of mind awareness is simply what
brands come to mind when consumers are asked to recall brands within a category. Brand Salience is
different. Because it is what brands come to mind when consumers are in a purchase situation. More
specifically, Brand Salience is the memory of your brand and its linkage to other important memory
For MOJO brand salience gives us –

1. High awareness
2. Most people intend to remember it.
3. A good volume of sales

Brand Performance

If you are a marketer and advertiser, you know for a fact that a brand can be your powerful ally
when it comes to being successful in the business niche you're in. Without a powerful brand to
represent you to your audience, you would find it very difficult indeed to sustain your business.
A strong and relevant brand is your key to being successful in your field.

For MOJO performance shows-

1. A good cola drinks.

2. People’s reliability on this brand is relatively high.

3. Design is attractive

4. Price is low.

Brand imagery

Its about what kind of image the brand has in front of its consumers. In its sub dimensions are
like profile, usage, personality and value experience.

MOJO‘s image-

1. Maintain a good brand profile.

2. A cool drink to hang out with.

3. Young, colorful and enthusiastic personality.

4. Consumer gets high value experience.

Brand judgment

Favorable outcomes may be carried over to associated ad and brand judgments. Advertising has a
positive impact in brand judgment and preferences among the various brands in purchase decision and
behaviors consistent with group norms and an in-group bias. In judgment there are quality, creditability
and superiority.
Brand judgment regarding MOJO-

1. Quality is strictly maintained.

2. Hygienic and tasteful.

Brand feeling
So much of advertising today is based on getting somebody's attention when they are distracted by the
mass of everyday stimuli. The belief is or was that attention leads to interest and if someone is
interested then they will be persuaded to purchase the brand. The sub-dimensions are warm, secure,
fun, excitement, social approval.

Brand feeling about MOJO-

1. Enthusiasm, funs are there with MOJO.

2. There is nothing wrong in social culture regarding MOJO.
3. There is a special brand feelings as MOJO is a brand of our own country.

Brand Resonance

Brand Resonance refers to the extent to which customers feel “in sync” with the brand. Just as
we feel the vibe between ourselves and others, we also experience a vibe that resonates
between ourselves and brands. There are four categories to brand resonance:

Behavior - Such as frequent purchase of MOJO.

Attitude – When we say we “love” the brand MOJO.

Sense of community – All of the friend circle is drinking MOJO.

Active engagement – People invest time and money beyond purchase or consumption.

Brand resonance of MOJO –

1. Consumers are loyal to the brand MOJO.

2. Committed customers.

3. Whenever MOJO is launching any promotional activities with consumers, they seems to
engage a lot.
Brand positioning is the heart of marketing strategy. Positioning involves finding the proper
location in the consumers mind so that they think about a product or service in a desired or
right way. Great brands are the only route to sustained, above-average profitability. And great
brands present emotional benefits, not just rational benefits.

The aim of positioning is to identify, and take possession of, a strong purchasing rationale that
gives us a real or perceived advantage. It implies a desire to take up a long-term position and
defend it. Positioning is competition-oriented: it specifies the best way to attack competitors’
market share. It may change through time: one grows by expanding the field of competition.
Identity is more stable and long-lasting, for it is tied to the brand roots and fixed parameters.
Thus Coke’s positioning was ‘the original’ as long as it competed against other colas. To grow
the business, it now competes against all soft drinks: its positioning is ‘the most refreshing bond
between people of the world’, whereas its identity remains ‘the symbol of America, the essence
of the American way of life’.

How to evaluate and choose a brand positioning

l Are the product’s current looks and ingredients compatible with this positioning?

l How strong is the assumed consumer motivation behind this positioning? (what insight?)

l What size of market is involved by such a positioning?

l Is this positioning credible?

l Does it capitalize on a competitor’s actual or latent durable weakness?

l What financial means are required by such a positioning?

l Is this positioning specific and distinctive?

l Is this a sustainable positioning which cannot be imitated by competitors?

l Does this positioning leave any possibility for an alternative solution in case of failure?

l Does this positioning justify a price premium?

l Is there a growth potential under this positioning?

Evaluation of its positions by answering the 7 questions:

- Yes, MOJO has a very vibrant packaging color, shape and taste which represents its
young energetic character.
- Market size involving these positioning is very large. More or equal to any other
competitors present in the market.
- There are no reasons found to claim it is not credible.
- Yes, it does. Competitors seem to uninterested in advertising and communicating with
the market. MOJO capitalized this and acquired a space in the consumers mind.
- Yes, the positioning is very specific and distinctive.
- Competitors can imitate its positioning.
- Yes, it does. MOJO is smart and contemporary. It can change if it is necessary or
- No it does not. It is competing with international brands. It is new in the market. It only
makes sense to follow the market trend.
- Yes.

According to CBBE model deciding on a positioning requires determining a frame of reference

and the ideal points of parity and points of difference brand associations. In other words, it is
necessary to decide (1) who the target consumer is (2) who the main competitors are (3) how
the brand is similar to these competitors (4) how the brand is different from these competitors.

Target market

MOJO is for those people who look for freshness, who want to live life, finds joy in little
events of life, who looks for a smart choice and also appreciates his/her culture.


MOJO has competitors who are very much strong in terms of brand loyalty. They in
international brands. Among the domestic brands there are PRAN, CHASER. But these have a
very low market share.

Points of parity

MOJO is a soft drinks brand. It has associated it with the product category by its taste,
advertisement and promotional offers.

Points of difference

In Bangladesh, international soft drinks brands have not been promoting for quite a long
time. MOJO started with strong advertisement in a 360 degree manner. Also it has addressed
small events that bring up our culture. Moreover MOJO has targeted all age group in its
A brand has certain elements that complete a brand. Different brands have different level of
importance towards different brand elements. There are some criteria for choosing brand

Criterion for choosing brand elements

In general there are six criteria in choosing brand elements- Memorability, Meaningfulness,
Likability, Transferability, Adaptability, Protectability.

The brand is MOJO. It is a one syllable name. It has a vibrant color in its logo and packaging.
People can easily remember it. For a soft drink, people want it to be refreshing an full of life.
MOJO is very funky in mane and people like it. Also its color gives meaning to the message it
want to communicate.

Considering the criteria, MOJO has very strong brand elements. They are described below.

Brand name- MOJO

Choosing a good brand name helps. A consumer panel was shown the pictures of two beautiful
women and asked who was more beautiful. The vote split 50–50. Then the experimenter
named one woman Jennifer and the other Gertrude. The woman named Jennifer subsequently
received 80 percent of the votes. MOJO is easy to pronounce and has a funky flavor to it which
instantly grabs the attention.

LOGOS and Symbols-

Characters- MOJO has no character in its communication. But it associates itself with people full
of life and joy and who don’t care any barrier.

Slogans-“It’s inside you”

With this slogan MOJO has integrated itself with its consumer and reached closer very quickly.
It has made it “your drink”.

Jingles-“aasmane paakha melo”

Packaging- MOJO has own type of packaging style. Its bottle’s shape is not similar to other and
wrapped with very colorful sticker which is hard NOT to notice. It is also available in different
size which gives the consumers options.
One of the major reasons for the growing importance of integrated marketing communications
over the past decade is that it plays a major role in the process of developing and sustaining
brand identity and equity.

As branding expert Kevin Keller notes, “Building and properly managing brand equity has
become a priority for companies of all sizes, in all types of industries, in all types of markets.”
With more and more products and services competing for consideration by customers who
have less and less time to make choices; well-known brands have a major competitive
advantage in today’s marketplace. Building and maintaining brand identity and equity require
the creation of well-known brands that have favorable, strong, and unique associations in the
mind of the consumer.

Tools fro IMC: the promotion al mix

Brands are built holistically, through the orchestration of a variety of tools, including
advertising, public relations (PR), sponsorships, events, social causes, clubs, spokespersons, and
so on.

MOJO communicates by advertising very strongly. It has a very high frequency and
coverage in summer season, Eid days and also in nationally and internationally celebrated days
(eg. Valentines day, 21st February, friendship day). MOJO use all the available media for

TVC- MOJO has very well made TVCs. The ads are very colorful and touch daily events
and all age groups. The ads shows it as a full of life, vibrant and smart soft drinks. TVCs
are also made considering special days like 21st February.
Radio- As radio stations increase, MOJO has started promoting itself through radio also.
In radio, MOJO is a funny and smart brand.
Place- MOJO advertises very strongly at points of sales.

MOJO gives promotional offers in special days like Eid days, Puja, Vistory day. Their
promotional offer includes variety and uniqueness. For example, they offered to provide
butcher in Eid ul Azha.

Event marketing and sponsorship

Events that involve youth and emotional attachment of the people, MOJO associates
itself with those. For example, MOJO sponsors concerts and celebrates national days like 21 st

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