Providing Opportunity To The Project Proponent To Be Present and To Place Their Case Before The Forest Advisory Committee and Regional Offices - Reg

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F. No. a1.306/ 201'4-FC

Government of brdia
Ministry of Environmerrt, Foresb and Climate Change
(Forest Conserv-ation Division)
lndira Faryavarart Dhawan
Aliganj, Jorbagh Road
New Delhi - 110 003
Dated: 7tt' October, 2014
1. All Members of the Forest Advisory Conrmittee

2, The Addl. Principal chief consenrator of Forests (central)

All Regional Ofiices of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate
Snb: Guidelines for diversion of forest land for non-forest PurPose under
to be present and
(Conservation) Act, 1980- Providing opportunity to the project ProPonent
Offices- reg'
to place their case before the Forest Advisory Comrnittee and Regional

I am directed. to say that this Ministry has received representations that the project
proponents seeking prior approval of Central Government under
the Forest (conservation) Act'
case before the Forest Advisory
19g0 (FC Aqt) may be allowed to be present and to place their
peCl and the Regional Offices whiler their proposals are exarnined by thern'
and Regional oifices of
After examination of the rnatter, I am dir.ected to say that the FAC
this Ministry may allow the project ProPonents seeking prior
approval of Central Govemment the FC Act to be present and to place th.eir case before
the FAC and the Regional offices
of the proiect
while their proposals are exarnined by them. It is however, clarified that Presence
requirernent for consideration of
proponent before the FAC or Regional office is not a mandatory
exarnination of the proposal' the
the proposal. ln case, a project Proponent is not present during
FAC or the Regional office may take decision on merit of the
proposal and shall not defer
of the project proponent'
decisions on such proposal rnerely on the $round of the absence
Yours faithfullY,

(H.C. ChaudharY)

Copy tor
Prime Minister's Office (Kind atttr': Shri Santosh
D. VaidYa, Director), North Block, New
Climate Change (MoEFCC),
7. All Regional Offices, Ministry of Environment, Forests and
Government of India (GoI)'

3. joint Secretary, Impact Assessment Division, MoEFCC, GoI'

'4. All Assistant Inspector General of Forests/ Directors in the Forest conservation
5. Director, Regional offices Headquarters Division, MoEFCq GoI.
a coPy of this letter on
6. Sr. Director (Technical), NIC, MoEFCC GoI with a request to place
website of this MinistrY.
7. Sr. PPS to the Secretary, Ministry of Environsrent, Forests and
Climate Change' GoI'

8. Sr- PPS to the Director General of Forests & Special Secretary, MoEFCC, GoI'
9. Sr. PPSto the Addl. Director General of Forests (ForestConservation)'
MoEFCC' GoI' o

1,0. IrS to the Inspector General of Forests (Forest Conserwation),


11. Guard File.

'oel ll"'''
(H.C. Chaudhary)

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