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Hey friends - Steven here. As promised, here is the free PDF with sentence structures you can
use for various parts of the exam. I hope you find this useful.

Speaking – Personal introduction:

Be prepared with what you are going to say. This is the first part and delivering a good
introduction can boost your confidence for the rest of the section. You can use the below
template as a guideline.

Personal Introduction template:

My name is (your name). I am (enter age) years old and I live in (enter location). I have
completed my (enter education) from (enter college name). I am currently working at (Company
name) as a (job title). In my free time I like to (enter hobby or something unique about you). I
am taking this exam as part of the (visa requirement/university requirement) to assess my
English language.

Filled example

My name is Steven Fernandes. I am 29 years old and I live in Sydney Australia. I have completed
my Bachelors of Computer Science from Wilson College. I am currently working at
PTEPreparation.com helping test-takers pass the PTE Academic exam. In my free time, I like to
play soccer or visit the beach. I am taking this exam as part of the visa requirement to assess
my English language.

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Speaking – Describe Image:

Describe image template


The given image provides a comprehensive overview of “…………………..……”

Main Body:

Upon closer examination/inspection, we can see that, “………………………..”


In conclusion, this is a very informative/useful graph that tells us about “…………………………”

Completed example:

Let‟s discusses the following image as an example

Describe image template example:

The given image provides a comprehensive overview of global smartphone sales by operating
system from 2009 to 2013. Upon closer examination, we see that, 2013.The biggest winner was
by far Android. In 2009 the number of smartphones sold with Android was negligible but by

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2013 it was close to 800 million and dwarfed the other operating systems. In second place, for
instance was iOS with a less than 200 million. The biggest loser over the studied period was
Symbian. It 2009 most smartphones were sold with Symbian but by 2013 it had completely
disappeared. In conclusion, this a very informative graph that tells us about, how volatile the
smartphone operating system market is.

Steven‟s Note:
Note that this is an ideal answer. You do not need to be as precise on content when you are
speaking. Your answer can be relatively simple and straightforward. Keep the focus on fluency
and elimination of pauses/hesitations. More structures available my Ebook and full Video

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Speaking – Retell lecture:

Retell lecture template


The lecture was a brief discussion on the subject of…..

Main body:

Another clearly important point covered in the conversation/talk was….


It can be understood from this conversation/talk….


Let‟s take the below sample lecture:

I love sports and I like playing sports, games playing games and whenever you know or hear
about or think about cheating. I think most of us say oh you know the knee jerk response you
say its terrible. Like people shouldn‟t cheat and shouldn‟t break the rules. But I got thinking
about it and sometimes when I read the sport session the newspaper particularly seems like
three quarters of the article about some version of cheating. Either contractually or
performance enhancing or trying to gain some advantage on the other side of the rules and I
got thinking you know. Maybe we actually like it that way, cheating is just like the heighten
version of wanting to win really really badly. So in a way I kind a admirer the people who cheat
to win. Cheating to lose is different and we punish no one more then people who throw a
game, cheating to loose is really hitting the line. Cheating to win, I think we kinda get it, we say
that even if it Alex Rodrigues, he lives in New York. He when from being one of the, he is still
one of the most famous athletes in the last 50 years. But went from being revealed from a
unbelievable talent, to one of the most despised athletics. He cheated over and over again, kept
lying about it, kept getting caught in a hand handed way. Even so you kinda have to respect
someone who wants so badly to win and do better that they are willing to give themselves
human growth hormones. So in that way, I kinda think that cheating is like something that we
route for a little bit. We get it, we identify it a little bit.

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Sample answer with template:

The lecture was a brief discussion on the subject of how people think about cheating in sports.
Another clearly important point covered in the talk was that people are obsessed with cheating and
in a way, it‟s respected because we respect that an athlete is so dedicated to winning that they are
willing to cheat to do it. If people cheat to lose, however, they are undoubtedly punished severely.
This proves that our emphasis is on the winning aspect of cheating. As a concluding remark, it can
be firmly established that even though we know it‟s wrong, people secretly cheer for and support
cheaters because secretly we respect their drive to win.

Steven‟s Note: Again, keep the focus on speaking fluently and eliminating pauses. More
structures available my Ebook and full Video Course.

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Writing section - Essay

Essay template

This essay template is best suited for essays which ask for your opinion on a topic and for essays
that ask you to choose between two viewpoints. Question with the below keywords included in
them also work well with this template. „advantage/disadvantage | pros/con | boon/curse |
positive/negative | good/bad‟


These days, there is an ongoing debate among people about _____________________________. While
it is possible to claim that ______________________________, my view is that the disadvantages
outweigh the advantages. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analysing both sides
of the argument.

Paragraph 1:

There are several reasons why ___________________. One of them is that ________________________. It
can also be argued that ______________________. It should also be taken into account that
_______________________________. For example, ______________________.

Paragraph 2:

Those who argue for ______________________________________________ have a different view and say that
it can actually be a good thing. Firstly, it is claimed that ____________________________________. Then,
there are concerns about _______________________________________.


While there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, my personal opinion is that
____________________. I would strongly recommend that_________________.

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Filled Essay template example

Question: One in 100 people worldwide are now displaced from their homes and 2015 saw a
record 1.3 million asylum seekers to Europe. To what extent should countries accept or reject

These days, there is an ongoing debate among people about television and if it should be
viewed as a positive or negative impact to society. While it is possible to claim that television
provides a source of entertainment to people, my view is that the disadvantages outweigh
the advantages. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analysing both sides of the

There are several reasons why Television is considered to be disadvantageous to society. One of
them is that viewing of television can be a source of distraction in our lives, turning away our
focus from the more important things in life. It can also be argued that we tend to waste hours
in front of the television instead of working on our goals and ambitions in life. It should also be
taken into account that children at a young age spending too much time in front of the
television. For example, some people spend all their free time in front of the television instead
of working on productive activities.

Those who argue for television have a different view and say that it can actually be a good thing.
Firstly, it is claimed that Television can be a good source of information to learn new things if
used correctly. Then, there are concerns about people not viewing television to be unaware of
current events and latest news around the world.

While there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, my personal opinion is that
television usage is best avoided or minimized as we should focus on other productive tasks
instead. I would strongly recommend that people view how much time they currently spend on
watching television and see how this time can be put to better use.

Steven‟s note: Your score also depends on how well you fill in the blanks with content. You also
need to take care of grammar, vocabulary and spellings while completing this structure to do
well. There are two more Essay templates for „Agree/disagree‟ and „Problem/solution‟ essay
types in my Ebook and full Video Course.

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Listening section – Summarize spoken text

Template 1 :

▫ The given lecture talks in considerable details about ….

▫ Another clearly important point is ….

▫ This leads to the conclusion ….

Steven‟s note: You don't really need a structure for this. I don‟t recommend using one unless
you struggle to come up with grammatically correct sentences while writing.

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Did you find this useful? Check out my EBook "Ultimate Guide to the PTE ACADEMIC" for more
awesome Tips and Strategies on how to nail the PTE Academic Exam.

Learn the secrets to getting your desired score from an actual Band 90 scorer in the exam. Save
Money in Re-Attempts and get the strategies that actually work.

If clearing this exam to obtain your Visa is important to you, take no chances with your
preparation and visit PTEPrepartion.com/ebook to get the Ebook NOW.

About Steven

My name is Steven Fernandes. I got an overall 90 score in PTE Academic Exam (YOU can get it too). I
know that preparing for this exam with other responsibilities and limited time can be hard. Wanting
to help others who are going through this challenge, I decided to make it my mission to help the
most people get their desired score and fulfil their dreams.

Click Here -> PTEPreparation.com/ebook

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