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Venugopal et al.

, International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, September 2014, 3(10): 326-327 International Current
Pharmaceutical Journal


Microbicidal activity of crude extracts from Sargassum wightii against

Bacillus cereus
Amritha Krishna Bhuvaneshwari Venugopal1, *Vinoth Kumar Thirumalairaj1, Geetharamani Durairaj2, Mahitha Puthan-
purayal Vijayan1, Navya Lazar1, Kavya Kurumboor Sathyan1, Amrutha Chacko1, Rincy Yesudas1, Shasna Kadheeja1,
Ishara Kumari John David1, Sezirahiga Jean Damascene1
1 School of Biological Sciences, CMS College of Science & Commerce, Coimbatore-641 049, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Department of Microbiology, Dr. NGP Arts and Science College, Coimbatore-641048, Tamil Nadu, India

The present study was investigated to explore the antibacterial activity of four different solvent (petroleum ether, chloroform,
acetone and ethanol) crude extracts of marine brown seaweed Sargassum wightti. Crude extracts were screened against human
pathogen Bacillus cereus. The antibacterial efficiency was performed by agar well diffusion, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) methods. The results revealed that the crude extract of petroleum ether showed
prominent inhibiting activity against B. cereus and other crude extracts showed below detectable level. The highest microbicidal
activity (zone of inhibition) 9.0 ± 0.32 mm was obtained at the concentration of 250 μg /ml and the lowest activity was 3 ± 0.20 mm at
31.25 μg /ml concentration. The MIC and MBC values were found to be 125 and 250 μg /ml respectively. Results of this study
suggested that the compounds present in the crude extracts of petroleum ether showed high activity against B. cereus and further
studies are required to purify the active principles.
Key Words: Seaweed, antibacterial activity, pathogen, microbicide, solvents.

INTRODUCTION quickly even at room temperature. B. cereus is responsible
World Health Organization (2004) reported that infectious for a minority (2–5%) of food borne diseases (Todar, 2008;
diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality Davis, 2010), causing severe nausea, vomiting and
worldwide and bacterial infection causes high rate of diarrhea, aggressive than necrotizing fasciitis. Food
mortality in human population (Farias et al., 2000). The poisoning is a major health problem, affecting both
enhanced treatment of infectious diseases by microbicide industrialized and developing countries.
has limitations because of its changing patterns of Objective of the present study was to screen the
resistance in pathogens and side effects. These limitations crude solvent extracts of S. wightii against the food borne
demand for the identification of new antimicrobial pathogen B. cereus.
compounds derived from natural sources especially from
marine (Ballantine et al., 1987). MATERIALSAND
Marine seaweeds are rich source of structurally nov- Antibacterial assays
el and biologically active metabolites. Secondary and Bacterial culture
primary metabolites isolated from seaweeds are potential- B. cereus was collected from the Rajah Muthiah Medical
ly active in the pharmaceutical industry against human College, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India.
and other diseases (Farias et al., 2000). Most of the Collected strain was grown in Trypticase soy-polymyxin
secondary metabolites of marine seaweeds such as broth under aerobic conditions at 37°C in a rotary shaker
flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids and phenolic com- at 200 rpm to reach exponential growth.
pounds show wide range of anti-bacterial activities
against the human pathogens (Thirumaran et al., 2006) Screening of antibacterial activity
and recent research implies that polysaccharides like Crude petroleum ether, chloroform, acetone and ethanol
inulin, oligo-fructose, galacto oligosaccharides and extracts of the seaweed S. wightii were obtained by
lactilose can also act as potent prebiotic compounds sequential solvent extraction method using a soxhlet. The
against pathogenic microbes in humans. antibacterial activity of crude extracts was performed by
The antimicrobial activity of seaweeds in the coastal agar plate well diffusion assay on Mueller Hinton Agar
area of Tamil Nadu is still needs to be explored. Sargassum (Marudhupandi and AjithKumar, 2013). Mueller Hinton
wightii belongs to brown seaweeds and are widely found agar media was prepared, sterilized and poured into
in south Indian coastal belt with remarkable biological sterile Petri dishes. Wells of 6 mm diameter were made on
activities. the agar plates by using sterilized well cutter. Inoculum in
Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped aerobic exponential phase of growth, equivalent to a 0.5 McFar-
bacterium with endospore (Todar, 2008) and can multiply land standard was swabbed on to the surface of the agar.
Crude extracts of the solvents (petroleum ether, chloro-
form, acetone and ethanol) were prepared and dispensed
*Corresponding Author: in to the wells in the concentrations ranging from 250, 125,
T. Vinoth Kumar, Director
School of Biological Sciences
61.5 and 31.25μg/ml. The plates were then incubated at
CMS College of Science & Commerce 37°C for 24 h. The antibacterial activity of the crude
Coimbatore-641 049, Tamil Nadu, India extracts was determined by observing the diameter of
E-mail: zone of inhibition (in mm) on the plates.
Contact No.: +91 9486094219

© 2014 Venugopal et al.; licensee Saki Publishing Club. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use (including commercial use), distribution and reproduction of the work in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited and remain unaltered.
Table 1: Diameter of Zone of inhibition (in mm) produced by 2008). Kim and Lee (2008) used methanolic extracts of
the crude solvent extracts of S. wightii against B. Cereus. Sargassum sp. which showed strong antibacterial activities
Diameter of zone of inhibition (in mm) against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Concentration of
Petroleum Chloro- Acetone Ethanol strains. Rajasekar et al. (2014) indicated that acetone was the
extract (µg/ml)
ether form best solution for extracting the effective antimicrobial
31.25 8.0±0.20 - - - materials from Sargassum myricystum, Turbinaria conoides,
62.5 10.4±0.10 - - - and Gracilaria edulis; whereas, Karthikaidevi et al. (2009)
125 12.2±0.20 - - - used seven different solvents including chloroform and
250 14.0±0.32 - - -
ethanol for extraction of antibacterial substances from Ulva
reticulata and Halimeda tuna.
In this study, four extracts of different solvent ex-
tracts of S. wightii were screened for the antibacterial
Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations
activity against the human pathogen B. cereus. The results
To determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
showed that, petroleum ether extract of S. wightii showed
of the crude extracts of S. wightii tube dilution technique
high activity against B. cereus compared to the other
was employed. This test was done to determine the lowest
extract and the MIC and MBC value was found to be 62.5
concentration of crude extracts that inhibit the growth of
and 125 μg/ml, respectively against B. cereus. The
bacteria. A loop full of exponential phase bacterial culture
compounds present in the petroleum ether extract which
corresponding to 0.5 Macfarlands opacity was inoculated in
exhibits high antibacterial activity against B. cereus should
to nutrient broth with different concentration of extracts
be purified and characterized completely to explore its
ranging from 125, 62.5, 31.25 and 15.625 μg/ml,. The tubes
potential application as food preservative.
were then incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Turbidity was
observed after the incubation period. MIC was defined as
the lowest concentration of crude extract that completely
inhibited the visible growth of the test microorganisms. The authors are thankful to the authorities of CMS college
of Science and Commerce and Dr. NGP Arts and Science
Minimum bactericidal concentration College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India for their facilities.
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