Combined Footing Design

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General information
Take rho = rmin = 0.002
fyk = 300 fyd= fyk/1.15 260.87
Concrete grade = 25
fck =concrete grade/1.25 = 20.00 fcd= 0.85*fck/1.5 11.33
fctd = 0.21*((fck)^0.67)/1.5 = 1.04
Allowable punching resistance of concrete,
= 0.5fctd(1+50*rho) = 781.41
Allowable wide beam shear resistance of
= 0.25fctd(1+50*rho) = 390.71
concrete, Vud (KN/m2)
Allowable bearing pressure, Pall (KPa) 250
Foundation depth, fd (m) 3.00
Unit weight of soil, γs (KN/m3) 18.00
Width of column 1, a1 (m) 0.30
Width of column 2, a2 (m) 0.30
Sizing the footing
Footing group F6
Loads: P1 (lighter) and P2 (heavier) (KN) 272.00 440.00
Resultant force, R = P1 + P2 = 712.00
Distance b/n the two columns, x 1.00
Centroid of the footing from P1, e = (P2 * x)/R = 0.62
Projection from the face of the lighter column, r 0.60
Footing length L (m) = 2*(r + a1/2 + e) = 2.74 Use 2.80m
Depth, D (m) 0.30
Effective depth, d (m) = D - 0.05 = 0.25
Net soil pressure, Pnet (KPa) = Pall-[D*γc+ (fd-D)*γs] = 193.90
Actual area, A(m2) = R/Pnet = 3.67
Footing width, W (m) = A/L = 1.34 Use 1.40m
Punching shear (column 1) Vp1 (kN) = P1-Pnet (a1+d)^2 = 213.35
Punching shear (column 2) Vp2 (kN) = P2-Pnet (a2+d)^2 = 381.35
Punching shear stress (column 1) Vps (KPa) = Vp1/(4(a1+d)*d) = 387.90
Punching shear stress (column 2) Vps (KPa) = Vp2/(4(a2+d)*d) = 693.36
Wide beam shear (column 2) Vw2 (KN) = P2-Pnet[(r+2e+(a1+a2)/2+d-x)W] = 79.32
Wide beam shear stress (column 2) Vws (KPa) = Vw2/(b*d) = 317.29
Longitudinal reinforcement
Design moment, Md (KN-m/m) 136.00
N = (Md*10^6/fcd*b*d^2) = 0.19
B = 1 -(1 - 2*N)^0.5 = 0.22
As = B*fcd*b*d/fyd = 2336.70
Asmin = 0.5/fyk*b*d = 416.67
Diameter Φ (mm) 20.00
Asing = 3.14*Φ^2/4 314.29
Spacing for As = Asing*1000/As = 134.50
Spacing for Asmin = Asing*1000/Asmin = 754.29
Final use Φ20 c/c 130
Transverse reinforcement
Design moment, Md (KN-m/m) = 0.5*(P2/(1*W)) ((W-a2)/2)^2 44.51
N = (Md*10^6/fcd*b*d^2) = 0.06
B = 1 -(1 - 2*N)^0.5 = 0.06
As = B*fcd*b*d/fyd = 705.31
Asmin = 0.5/fyk*b*d = 416.67
Diameter Φ (mm) 14.00
Asing = 3.14*Φ^2/4 154.00
Spacing for As = Asing*1000/As = 218.34
Spacing for Asmin = Asing*1000/Asmin = 369.60
Final use Φ14 c/c 200

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