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Session 1

Hello, my name is Diva, I’am student a SMAN 1 Tumpang. I have a friend named Nene and
Indra. One day we planned about how to spend our holiday.

Nene : “Hey guys, don’t we have some plans for our holiday?”

Indra : “No, how about you, Div?”

Diva : “I have a plan, but it is imposible for us”

Indra : “What do you mean? Nothing imposible bro, just tell it”

Diva : “So guys, what about to going to Bali by ourself?

Nene : “What? It is imposible for me, my parents would not permit me”

Diva : “As I said, it is imposible for us”

Indra : “But why ne? As I know your parents believe us right?

Nene : “Usually, my parents will not permit me if we go too far and more one day”

Diva : “Slow guys, my aunty’s house is at Denpasar. We can sleep at her house and if your
parents don’t believe in us, my aunty will call your parents to ask permission”

Nene : “Really? That’s sounds good, I hope if you aks to my parents they will permit me”

Indra : If don’t, I will help you to persuade them”

Nene : “Ok Ndra, so what must we prepare for this plan?”

Diva : “Just prepare your money guys, don’t forget to bring a lot of money”

Nene : “I agree with you, I will break my piggy bank”

Indra : “So, we don’t bring clothes?”

Diva : “Dumb you! Of course, we are bring clothes”

Indra : Haha, you are right”

Diva : “Ohh, it’s raining guys, let’s go home!”

Nene : “OK, don’t forget to prepare to our plan. Bye guys”

Indra : “Bye”
Session 2

The holiday come. This is the day me and my friend planned to go to Bali. We planned to gather
at Nene’s home before go to the airport.

Indra : “Assalamualikum”

Nene : “Waalaikumsalam”

Indra : “Where is your parents”

Nene : “Still working of course”

Indra : “Oh I see, so you're alone in this home until your parents go home?

Nene : “Yeah, that’s right”

Indra : “By the way, how about your preparation?”

Nene : “I think, I’ve done it well”

Indra : “Ne, bring your power bank, ok?”

Nene : “Oh, ok. Where’s Diva? Why doesn’t she come yet?”

Indra : “I don’t know, I will call her”

Nene : “ Maybe, she buy some snack in the minimarket”

Indra : “Oh, I think you are right because she doesn’t answer my call”

Nene : “As I said, perhaps she on the way. What time will our plane take off?”

Indra : “At a half past eight. We still have one hour to wait Diva”

Nene : “Let’s wait her by watching TV”

30 minutes later…

Indra : “Why doesn’t Diva come yet?”

Nene : “What do you tink if we pick up Diva at her home?”

Indra : “Good idea, Let’s go!”

At Diva’s home.

Nene : “Assalamualaikum”

Indra : “Divaaaa…Divaaaaaa”

Diva : “Oh hey guys, sorry I just wake up now”

Indra, Nene : “What? Do you know what time is it?”

Diva : “I don’t know”

Indra : “It’s 15 minutes before our plane take off”

Diva : “What? I’m so sorry guys my parents aren’t at home so no one can wake me up”

Nene : “Classic reason”

Diva : “I’m so sorry. Let’s go to airport”

Indra : “Halooo, don’t you take a bath first?”

Diva : “No time for that”

Indra : “Your bag?”

Diva : “I only bring my wallet”

Nene : “ Good, let’s go”

At the airport

Indra : “Hurry up! Let’s see the flight schedule board”

Nene : “What is our flight code”

Indra : “It’s DPS-017”

Diva : "but there is no DPS-017 at the flight schedule board!"

Nene : “So we are late?”

Indra : “Yes, and it’s because of you! Div!”

Nene : “That’s right, it is your fault!”

Diva : “I’m so sorry guys, youre right this is my fault. I regret it guys please forgive me”
Indra : “It’s useless! Always like that!”

Diva : “No, I promise that I’ll not repeat it again believe in me, guys!”

Nene : “Can you keep your promise?”

Diva : “ I’ll try my best”

Indra : “Really?”

Diva : “Of course”

Indra : "so, what will we do now?"

Diva : "what about go to the nearest recreation place?"

Nene : “Good idea, but where will we go?”

Indra : “Because we are at here, the nearest recreation place is wendit. How about going to

Nene : “Not bad”

Diva : “Up to you, I’m makmum”

Indra : “Ok, let’s go”

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