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Asset Management

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1994 - 2010© Copyright Numara® Software, Inc.

Portions Copyright© 1989-95 GROUPE BULL
Portions Copyright© 1999-2000 Dave Smith
Portions Copyright© 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd
Portions Copyright© 2001 by First Peer, Inc.
Portions Copyright© 1995 Eric Young
Portions Copyright© 1994, Tom Boutell, Cold Spring Harbor Labs
Portions Copyright© 1991 by Ozan S. Yigit
Portions Copyright© 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
Portions Copyright© 1999 - 2005 NetGroup, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Portions Copyright© 2005 - 2008 CACE Technologies, Davis (California)
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Numara® Software, Inc.

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The Numara Asset Management Platform (AMP) is a unique solution for managing and securing systems that
provides a global overview of the complete infrastructure by using its automating administration tools as well as
its securisation functionalities. Once installed on all systems the NAMP agents allow the administrator to monitor
all devices from the NAMP administration console.
The Numara Asset Management Platform is composed of a master server, a unique agent, installed on all devices
and relay agents for an optimised architecture, a database as well as a unique administration console.

This manual is designed mainly for the system administrator. It guides you through installation process of all
components of the software and your first logon. It is divided into the following chapters and topics:
• Getting Started with Numara AMP
• Numara Asset Management Platform Architecture
• Installation Prerequisites
• Windows Installation
• Linux Installation
• Solaris Installation
• Mac OS Installation
• Starting and Logging On
• Agent Rollout Step-by-Step
• Upgrading Step-by-Step
• Uninstalling Numara AMP Components
• Migrating from V4 to V9

Further Documentation
In addition to this little manual you will find detailed information on all possible aspects and topics regarding the
Numara Asset Management Platform in subject oriented manuals, which are located on the Numara Asset
Management Platform Installation DVD under the /docs directory in their respective language directories. There
you will find a reference manual containing detailed information on general topics such as all parameters,
modules, security, as well as more technical information on topics such as the autodiscovery.
4 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Numara AMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1 Modules of Numara Asset Management Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.2 Features of the Numara Asset Management Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
1.3 Numara Asset Management Platform Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
1.4 Architecture with Super Master Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Chapter 2 - Installation Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1 Supported Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
2.2 System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
2.3 Functionality Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
2.4 Installation Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1 The Setup Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
3.2 Master and Console Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
3.3 Relay (Client) Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
3.4 Installation Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1 The Setup Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
4.2 Master and Console Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
4.3 Super Master Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
4.4 Relay (Client) Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
4.5 Installation Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Chapter 5 - Solaris Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.1 The Setup Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
5.2 Relay (Client) Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Chapter 6 - Mac OS Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.1 The Setup Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
6.2 Relay (Client) Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
6.3 Console Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
6.4 Installation Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Chapter 7 - Starting and Logging On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.1 Agent Startup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
7.2 Logging on to the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
7.3 Preparing for Client Rollout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
8.1 Rolling Out the NAMP Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
8.2 Rollout Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
Chapter 9 - Upgrading Step-by-Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
9.1 Master and Database Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
9.2 Console Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
9.3 Out-of-box Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
6 - Numara Asset Management Platform

9.4 Agent Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105

9.5 Upgrade Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
Chapter 10 - Uninstalling Numara AMP Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
10.1 Uninstallation on Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
10.2 Uninstallation on Linux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
10.3 Uninstallation on Solaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
10.4 Uninstallation on Mac OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
10.5 Uninstallation via Rollout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Chapter 11 - Migrating from V4 to V9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
11.1 Migration of Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
11.2 Migration of Custom Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
Getting Started with Numara AMP
The Numara® Asset Management Platform (NAMP) empowers IT organizations to increase service levels,
improve performance, and reduce costs by automating IT asset management. Up to 80% of the lifetime cost of a
computer can be attributed to poorly managed hardware and software configurations, yet IT asset management
can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
Built from the ground up as a modular yet integrated system, NAMP is a comprehensive suite of solutions that
reduces the expense, risk, and complexity typically associated with asset management. A single unified platform
eliminates the need for expensive combinations of segregated products, which create knowledge gaps and cannot
provide correlated information. Easy to implement, easy-to-use, and easy to scale, NAMP delivers value
immediately and gives you the flexibility you need to adapt quickly and cost-efficiently to evolving business
Integrated snap-in products leverage a consistent agent, console, and reporting system to simplify management of
the complete asset lifecycle. NAMP effectively addresses a diverse set of IT asset management challenges, such as
hardware/software configuration management, software deployment and software license management, OS
deployment, security vulnerability remediation, compliance management, patch deployment, and power
This manual will guide you through your first steps in the Numara Asset Management Platform software. It is
divided into two separate sections to introduce you to the basic objects and operations first and then guide you
through advanced application of the software product.

1.1 Modules of Numara Asset Management Platform

All the following moduls are part of the integrated Numara Asset Management Platform (NAMP) which empowers
IT organisations to increase service levels, improve performance and reduce costs by automating IT asset
management. Learn more about the additional IT Asset Management products included in NAMP.

1.1.1 Numara Inventory Manager

Understanding the hardware and software assets installed throughout your organization can be a laborious and
resource-intensive process. Numara Inventory Manager streamlines IT inventory management to increase
productivity, speed up problem resolution, and optimize software costs. Inventory Manager allows you to easily
manage and automate critical tasks, such as software license compliance, configuration management, and
upgrade/migration planning.
Numara Inventory Manager provides detailed hardware and software inventories for Windows, MacOS and Linux
systems, as well as other network endpoints. A comprehensive auto discovery process delivers detailed
configuration information via agent-less network scanning or through intelligent agent deployment.
Automatic Device Discovery
Quickly identify all desktops, laptops, mobile devices, or network endpoints, and easily access a visual
representation of the network topology.
Software Inventory
Eliminate wasted expenses by ensuringthat installed software is properly licensed, up-to-date, and in
compliance with company and industry standards. Customized searches streamline upgrade/migration
8 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Hardware Inventory
Maintain control with a comprehensive inventory of hardware assets across the entire organization.
Application Self-Healing
Improve service levels and reduce help desk calls by proactively detecting and automatically correcting
unintentional application, file, and configuration changes.
Manage Prohibited Applications
Reduce risk by controlling which applications or processes can be run on specific devices and blocking
unauthorized applications.
Monitor Application Usage
Maintain visibility of all installed software, easily reconcile purchased software to installed software, and
quickly determine usage of installed software whether a device is online or offline.
Custom Inventory
Address business-specific needs through custom inventory capabilities and administrator-specified data fields.
Inventory and Configuration History
Manage changes to hardware or software configurations, enforce change control policies, and maintain
detailed inventory history.
Security Inventory
Easily collect specific data on key security settings, including installed anti-virus, update status, or shared
Printer Inventory
Discover and manage network devices such as printers and routers.

1.1.2 Numara Patch Manager

Despite increasing security concerns, IT organizations still struggle to enact effective patch management
processes, and over 90% of security attacks target known vulnerabilities that have already been patched. Numara
Patch Manager simultaneously reduces security risk, unplanned downtime and the IT hassle associated with
patch management. By quickly identifying missing patches and automatically delivering critical fixes to devices
across the entire organization, you can rest assured your applications and Window OS are reliable and secure.
Robust Patch Processes
Optimize the patch/remediation process by tailoring methods to fit operational needs. Establish baseline
patching for all devices; deploy special or emergency patches to a group of machines outside of the normal
patch cycle; or completely automate the patch management process.
Effective Patch Deployment
Simplify patch deployment in complex distributed environments through an agent-based architecture.
Flexible Reboot Options
Ensure a ’Safe Reboot’ experience for both administrators and end-users with myriad flexible options, from
immediately following patch installation to administrator-specified times.
Multiple Vendor Support
Reduce development and testing requirements with a pre-tested patch knowledge base that supports both
Microsoft products and popular applications from other vendors.

1.1.3 Numara Vulnerability Manager

Mitigating vulnerabilities to protect the business and prevent service interruptions has become both increasingly
critical and increasingly complex. Easily reduce IT asset vulnerability and support costs with Numara
Vulnerability Manager optimizes the patch management process by proactively preventing unplanned service
interruptions before they occur. This NAMP product enables you to quickly scan all network assets, identify
vulnerable or non-secure configurations, and automatically remediate those vulnerabilities.
Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis
Scan any device with an IP address to reveal internal and external vulnerabilities.
Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Numara AMP - 9

Balanced Approach to Managing Vulnerabilities

Make better decisions, avoid critical situations, and prioritize remediation efforts by precisely determining the
impact of each vulnerability in its network-specific context with intelligence based on the Common
Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS v2).
Flexible Vulnerability Scanning
Simplify vulnerability scanning by centrally managing scanners across complex multi-site networks, and
easily deploy multiple scanners across many geographical locations or network topologies.
Effective Mitigation and Timely Vulnerability Remediation
Mitigate risk by reducing the exposure window of vulnerabilities, identifying high-risk vulnerabilities, and
quickly remediating vulnerabilities in a consistent and scalable fashion.
Verifying Remediation
Ensure that vulnerabilities have been properly remediated using comprehensive dashboard and reporting

1.1.4 Numara Deployment Manager

Frequent software upgrades and updates drive up costs and increase the complexity of maintaining and
controlling systems. Numara Deployment Manager ensures successful, cost-effective software and OS
deployment, even to large and distributed user populations. You’ll improve performance, security and reliability
across the organization by automating software deployment processes, smoothly upgrading users to authorized
configurations, and eliminating obsolete, unauthorized, or redundant software.
Software Packaging
Streamline software deployment to large numbers of devices with an integrated software packaging product.
Automatically provide ready-to-deploy packages of various types.
Microsoft Installer (MSI) Support
Leverage MSI technology with easy access to all installation options, including support for Microsoft® and
administrative installations.
Snapshot Packager
Build before and after system snapshots to accelerate deployment.
RPM Packager
Support Linux-based RPM packaging, with easy access to all installation options.
Custom Packager
Minimize the hassle of managing unique or “home-grown” software applications by building a custom package
with any set of files.
Automated Configuration Deployment
Simplify configuration by specifying targeted software and OS deployments with dynamic group definitions.
Advanced Scheduling
Enhance software deployment through a comprehensive scheduler for each step in the software distribution
Automatic Package Rollback
Automatically rollback or uninstall software packages in the event of errors to reduce workload.
Bandwidth Throttling
Minimize disruption during deployment through close management of allocated bandwidth.
Checkpoint Restart
Guarantee secure transfer even in the event of network interruption during deployment.
Automatically wake-up offline devices and deploy the appropriate software.
Multicast Delivery
Leverage the power of parallel software distribution to an unlimited number of client systems while
maintaining server and network resource requirements and bandwidth consumption.
Support for Large Packages
Deploy individual software packages up to 4 Gigabytes without impacting day-to-day business.
10 - Numara Asset Management Platform

OS Deployment
Take control of software distribution and easily deploy Microsoft Operating Systems.

1.1.5 Numara Compliance Manager

Non-compliant assets can create costly problems, yet enforcing compliance policies, and assessing assets is
difficult and time-consuming. Numara Compliance Manager helps organizations quickly ensure compliance of IT
assets with relevant regulatory standards, internal corporate policies, and industry best practices.
Custom rule/template capabilities allow you to adapt standards to your organization or easily create new
compliance templates, based upon unique corporate requirements. Following compliance assessments, non-
compliant assets can be easily identified and automatically grouped for immediate remediation.

1.1.6 Numara Device Manager

Data leakage or privacy breaches can cripple an organization. Numara Device Manager protects your business by
minimizing the risks associated with unauthorized use of prohibited devices, such as USB drives or external hard
drives. The easy-to-use device management solution ensures compliance and reduces manual effort by allowing
you to quickly define policies or schedules that specify what devices are explicitly enabled or disabled.

1.1.7 Numara Power Manager

Wasted energy is wasted money. Numara Power Manager improves energy efficiency to help organizations recoup
the 40% of IT spend lost when devices are idle.
Deploy a pragmatic Green IT approach and analyze energy consumption trends by tracking workstations power
states, determining associated costs, and measuring efficiency of power management policies.
Dynamic agent technology allows you to define, implement, and enforce power management policies on devices
across the network without impacting productivity. Highly granular power management policies can be defined
based upon specific types/classes of devices, user populations, physical location of devices, day or time of the
week, or the current state of a device.

1.1.8 Numara Remote Control

Lack of easy access to users’ computers makes resolving problems time consuming and expensive. Numara
Remote Manager improves service levels, increases productivity, and lowers costs. As an administrator, you can
remotely view and control computers, and work with users to quickly resolve issues without leaving your
Remote Manager provides support for authenticated sessions with encrypted communication, video driver
independence, target device restart, file transfer capability, and clipboard management.
Process Integration
Direct Access functionality is integrated into the NAMP administration console to simplify and speed up help
desk and configuration management tasks. Remote desktop management capabilities also allow remote and
silent access to the host’s system and management tools.

1.2 Features of the Numara Asset Management Platform

All the following moduls are part of the integrated Numara Asset Management Platform (NAMP) which empowers
IT organisations to increase service levels, improve performance and reduce costs by automating IT asset
management. Learn more about the additional IT Asset Management products included in NAMP.

1.2.1 Intelligent Agents

Systems administrators must be capable of reaching all users at all times in order to ensure that CSM strategies
are effectively implemented. The Numara Asset Management Platform deploys intelligent agents to all
workstations that are capable of automatically interacting with their surrounding IT environment in order to
determine their location and system needs. Whether the machine is a laptop, making irregular connections via
dialup, or a fixed workstation, the agents constantly report their presence and status to the nearest or most
Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Numara AMP - 11

appropriate Numara Asset Management Platform server. As a result, the master server is capable of dynamically
updating its topology database and of displaying this information in an easy to understand expandible file tree
The agent can be deployed on to thousands of geographically diverse systems from one single point of
• Automatic roll-out of management agents
• Automatic (but configurable) upgrade of agents
• Automatic discovery of new agents

1.2.2 The Numara Asset Management Platform Console

As the guiding principal of CSM is to facilitate and streamline systems administration, it is essential that a CSM
solution be easy to use, implement, and maintain. The Numara Asset Management Platform provides authorised
systems managers with a fully integrated administration console panel that is secure and powerful yet easy to use.
Through its Java architecture, the control panel is fully customisable and is built using standard "Windows-like"
toolbars and features for ease of use. To speed up implementation time, the Numara Asset Management Platform
is delivered with a series of "out-of-the-box" features enabling the administrator to select from predefined queries,
reports, or groups in order to implement the most common CSM tasks. Fast deployment is also assured by
integrating the deployment of the client agent software into the administration console and by seamlessly
leveraging existing user information from LDAP sources.

1.2.3 Secure Communication

The Numara Asset Management Platform uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol for transmitting any type
of data. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data - a public key known to everyone and
a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. It creates a secure connection between the
client and its server, over which any amount of data can be sent securely.

1.2.4 Reports & Dashboards

Drowning In Reports? Creating Summaries And Dashboards Can Reduce The Time Available For Supporting The
Business. The Numara Asset Management Platform Includes An Integrated Reporting Solution That Gives You
The Critical Time And Visibility To Focus On The Important Issues. A Wealth Of Pre-defined Reports And
Executive Dashboards, Combined With Flexible Customization Options, Makes Reporting On Asset Management
Easy And Hassle-free.

1.2.5 Proactive Event Management

To ensure effective system operations, and end-user productivity, it is necessary for administrators to establish
rules and procedures for system usage. By monitoring systems for predefined events, the Numara Asset
Management Platform ensures that clients comply with set procedures. This "intelligent" event management can
be used, for example, to lock system functions, to prevent undesired application installation or to provide alerts
that proactively prevent system problems.

1.2.6 Bandwidth Management

Whenever significant file transfers are made to large numbers of workstations it is vital to evaluate the impact on
the organisation's network. The mass distribution of software, and other CSM tasks, cannot be permitted to strain
network resources or adversely impact critical operational applications. To ensure this, the Numara Asset
Management Platform offers a sophisticated bandwidth management module to guarantee efficient and timely
distributions. Using the bandwidth management module, system administrators can finely tune network usage by
scheduling CSM tasks for periods of low network usage or by utilising only a select rate of transfer.
12 - Numara Asset Management Platform

1.2.7 Chilli Language

Chilli is a procedural programming language, combining the features of BASIC and C as well as some C++
concepts into a powerful Systems Management language. This powerful script language is a self-contained stand-
alone language with its own compiler and is also available as a module of the NAMP agent, allowing dynamic
Chilli is used in and comes with the Numara Asset Management Platform. But it is not limited to Numara ®
Software products. It can also be used to create scripts in general systems and network management
environments to automate repetitive and otherwise time consuming tasks.
Chilli features all common language constructs such as if-then-else, loops and procedure calls. But its true power
comes from the long list of built-in functions to collect, process and manipulate the PC configuration. With Chilli
you can monitor complex dependencies between processes, hardware and configurations.
For more information regarding the Chilli programming language please refer to the Chilli Reference manual
which comes packaged with the Numara Asset Management Platform.

1.3 Numara Asset Management Platform Architecture

A highly scalable and flexible architecture ensures effective client systems management no matter how complex
the enterprise infrastructure. the Numara Asset Management Platform can scale from 150 to 50,000 heterogeneous
client systems on geographically distributed locations. It provides a reliable way to monitor the status of all
systems on a network and isolates the exact point of failure when problems occur to make it easy for network or
systems difficulties to be resolved quickly.
The architecture of the Numara Asset Management Platform software is made up of the following components:
Master Server

UK Relay USA Relay

London Relay Glasgow Relay

Client_L 1 Client_L 2 Client_L 3 Client_G 1 Client_G 2 Client _G 3

Master Server
The master server or administration server is the main server in the network topology which contains the
database. It is responsible for answering requests from the console and executing the appropriate database
communication. It receives and stores all information and data sent by the client agents and sends requests for
additional information when necessary through the first level relays. The master server database is an object
model database system in which each network or system component is modelled by corresponding model objects.
Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Numara AMP - 13

It operates in real time and reacts to changes in the real network and systems components by updating and
changing the corresponding objects in the database. The Numara Asset Management Platform Console connects
to the master to display the collected data on the screen.

A relay or intermediate server is used to balance the network and resource load. Relays are present at multiple
levels depending on the network topology to forward the down-going data/actions to their own lower level. They
also collect up-going data/actions which they forward to their upper level based on a predefined schedule
allocation. Each relay records a list of transactions and is configured for a number of retries before abandoning
and informing the next higher level on error. Relays are basically clients with the extra feature of forwarding data
in both upstream and downstream directions for software distribution and other operations to execute.

The Numara Asset Management Platform Console is the graphical user interface to the management system and
its database. It is a Java application through which you may visualise all data collected in the database and
execute any type of action on the objects in the database, such as create and delete objects, modify specific data of
an object, execute reports and operational rules or remotely access a client to make modifications on the remote
client’s registry.

The Numara Asset Management Platform client agent is installed on each client and operates completely
independent of the master server, sending information either at regularly defined intervals or when polled by the
master or any other module through its respective relay, such as reporting their connection status. Agents receive
data/actions from and forward data to their upper level based on a pre-defined schedule allocation. They provide
monitoring of and reporting on a very large number of parameters. The nature of these parameters depends on the
operating system of the client on which the agent is installed, i.e. if it is a Windows client, a Linux client or a
Solaris client.

1.3.1 Preparing your Architecture

Before you can launch the installation and rollout process you should create an architectural schema of your
network, i.e. define amongst others the points listed following. After you have followed the example installations
and operations in this booklet you will certainly find more questions to be answered before you can make the
complete installation of your network.
The architecture will obviously look very differently depending on the size of your company, i.e. is it a small
company, with everybody, that is the whole system, being located in the same building, is it a company operating
on several sites within one country or even one continent, or is it a company with sites and locations all around
the world:
• Define, if your database will be on the master server. If you have a large network we recommend you use
different machines.
• Define the basic architecture of you network. There are two different types:
ƒ A smaller number of relays which are each managing a large number of clients. This scenario asks for quite
powerful relays to guarantee a performant operation.
ƒ A larger number of relays managing a smaller number of clients each. In this case the master server needs to
be very powerful and your network must have a good and fast performance.
• Define the relays on your remote sites, we recommend you use one relay per site, a site being in this case a
physically independent entity like a building,
• Define the maximum number of clients per relay: this number may vary depending if the relay is a dedicated
relay, meaning it will only be used as a relay and does not serve for any other tasks, or if it is not dedicated, i.e.
a normal client in your network. For a dedicated relay we would recommend a maximum number of 2000
clients and for a normal one, not more than 500. Also, for a site relay we would always recommend to use a
dedicated relay.
• Plan for growth for at least one year ahead, preferably for two years. This will avoid costly reconfiguration later
14 - Numara Asset Management Platform

The points listed here are not an exhaustive list of all the questions appearing when you create your Numara
Asset Management Platform architecture, they are supposed to give you an entry point in the complexity of this
task, as well as the recommendations made. They are only intended as guidelines. If you have any question or are
in doubt please contact our services department.

1.4 Architecture with Super Master Server

In addition to the commonly used architecture with one central management server and one central database it is
also possible to install a Super Master Server containing its own database and several site management servers
with their database each installed at the different sites of the organisation. Each management or site master server
and its administration team work completely autonomously at their site, the Super Master only consolidates
inventory information for reporting purposes and has some limited operating functionalities for remote control
and direct access.
This type of architecture of the Numara Asset Management Platform is made up of the following components:

Console Super Master Server


Relay China


Master Server
Europe Master Server

Relay India

UK Relay France Relay

London Relay



Super Master Server

The Super Master Server does not execute any management operations in your network, it only consolidates data
from all local master servers and generates reports on the available data. The inventory data collection on the
organisation’s sites will be carried out in the same way as for the regular architecture and the site master servers
will then upload the collected data to the super master once it is integrated in their local database. The super
master database will only store information on the uploaded inventories, on existing device groups and queries
required for the device groups and reports to be generated. However, the super master does have some small
operating functionalities on its population via the Direct Access and Remote Control functionalities.
Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Numara AMP - 15

1.4.1 Architecture Considerations

Before you can launch the installation and rollout process of this type of architecture you should make very sure,
that this is what you need and that the ’regular’ type of architecture will not do for your needs as it requires:
• additional local management,
• additional hardware and
• additional database licenses
• as the master does not execute any management operations, it is neither possible to automatically patch it or
resolve vulnerabilities via the agent.
On the other hand this architecture also offers some advantages to large corporations:
• better console performance, as the console will only connect to a local server,
• easier administration delegation, as objects are naturally isolated from one server to another,
complete autonomy for the delegated teams.
16 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Installation Prerequisites
This chapter provides you with information regarding any prerequisites for your system and any other tasks
which need to be executed before you can begin with the actual installation.

2.1 Supported Platforms

This chapter provides you with the list of platforms supported for all elements of the product as well as the
databases which may be used with the Numara® Asset Management Platform (NAMP) v9.

2.1.1 Virtual Environments

Numara® Software, Inc. confirms that Numara Asset Management Platform running on supported operating
systems in a VMware virtual machine environment is supported.
Numara Software, Inc. will provide unqualified support for Numara Asset Management Platform running in a
VMware virtual environment in an identical manner as with Numara Asset Management Platform running on any
other major x86 based systems without initially requiring reproduction of issues on native hardware. Should
Numara Software, Inc. suspect that the virtualisation layer is the root cause of an incident the customer will be
required to contact the appropriate VMware support provider to resolve the VMware issue.
While Numara Software, Inc. products are expected to function properly in a VMware virtual environment, there
may be performance implications which can invalidate Numara Asset Management Platform typical sizing and

2.1.2 Platform Overview

Following you will find a short overview of the supported platforms and components in tabular format:

Windows Versions:
The following Windows platforms are supported:

Service Pack Current Latest Version Editions x86 / x64

Windows 98 All x86
Windows NT4 SP6a SP6a All x86
Windows 2000 SP4 SP4 All x86
Windows XP All SP3 All x86 / x64
Windows Vista All SP1 All x86 / x64
Windows 2003 All SP2 All x86 / x64 - Including 2003 R2
Windows 2008 All SP1 All x86 / x64
Windows 7 All x86 / x64
Windows 2008 R2 All x86 / x64
18 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Linux Versions:
The Numara Software solution runs on Linux x64 although the software is officially released only for Linux x86.
All other Linux distributions should work also if they match the below listed kernel versions.

Release Update Editions

Red Hat 9 All
RHEL >= 3 All All
Suse >= 10 All
CentOS >= 4

Solaris Versions:
The following Solaris versions are supported:

Release Update Editions

Solaris on SPARC >=8 All All

Mac OS Versions:
The following Mac OS versions are supported:

Release Update
Intel-based Mac OS >=10.5 (Leopard) All

Component Overview
The different Numara AMP components are supported on the following platforms:

Windows Vista/XP/2000/ Windows NT4 Windows 98 / Linux Solaris Mac OS

2003/2008/7/2008 R2 98 SE
Master Agent X X
Relay Agent X X X X X
Client Agent X X X X X X
Console X X X X X

2.1.3 Master Server

The Numara Asset Management Platform is a multi-platform software suite supporting Windows and Linux as
detailed hereafter:
Windows 2000 Workstation and Server (minimum Service Pack 4), Windows XP Professional (32 and 64 bit),
Windows 2003 (32 and 64 bit), Windows Vista Business, Enterprise and Ultimate (32 and 64 bit), Windows
2008 and Windows 2008 Core version (32 and 64 bit), Windows 7 Business, Enterprise and Ultimate (32 and
64 bit), Windows 2008 R2 (32 and 64 bit).
Red Hat 9, RHEL 3, 4 and 5, CentOS 4 and Novell Suse 10.

2.1.4 Master Server Databases

The Numara Asset Management Platform supports the following databases:
SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 (32 + 64 bit), SQL Server Express Edition (32 + 64 bit) and MSDE (32 bit)
SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 and MSDE are supported on all Windows platforms described above, SQL Server
Express Edition will only be installed for Windows Vista and 2008. Certain prerequisites and
recommendations concerning the installation and configuration of SQL Server are detailed below in Database
Prerequisites and should be taken into account before using the Numara AMP v9.
Chapter 2 - Installation Prerequisites - 19

Oracle 9i version or later

Oracle 9i version or later is supported on all Windows, Linux and Solaris platforms described above.
Certain prerequisites and recommendations concerning the installation and configuration of Oracle are
detailed below in Database Prerequisites and should be taken into account before using the Numara AMP v9.
The following versions are supported:
ƒ For Windows :
• 9i from onwards (server and client)
• 10.0 and 10.1 with client
• patch 2 (patch number 5846376)
ƒ For Linux :
• from onwards (server and client)
• 10.0 and 10.1 with client
• patch 5051602
• Attention, does not work, as Oracle did not report patch 5051602 to this version.
Postgres 8 and later
Postgres 8 and later is supported on all Linux and Solaris platforms described above. Certain prerequisites and
recommendations concerning the installation and configuration of Postgres are detailed below in Database
Prerequisites and should be taken into account before using the Numara AMP v9.

2.1.5 Console
The Numara Asset Management Platform Console is the centrepiece of the Numara AMP architecture enabling
administrators to easily carry out tasks on the NAMP clients. These tasks can be performed on individual devices
or on hundreds or even thousands of NAMP clients simultaneously. This user-friendly Console offers the
advantages of swing support (Sun JVM) and on Windows platforms works with JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
The console can be installed on any device of your NAMP architecture. Windows x64 bit devices require the JRE
version 1.6 update 17 or later to be preinstalled. It will simply need to be able to connect to the master server.
The Numara AMP Console is not supported on Solaris platforms.

2.1.6 Client and Relay

The Numara AMP Client/Relay may be installed on one of the following platforms:
Windows 98 (minimum IE 5), Windows NT, Windows 2000 (minimum Service Pack 3), Windows XP (32 and
64 bit, relay only on XP Professional), Windows 2003 (32 and 64 bit), Windows Vista Business, Enterprise and
Ultimate (32 and 64 bit), Windows 2008 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 2008 R2 (32 and
64 bit).
Red Hat 9, RHEL 3 and later, CentOS 4 and later and Novell Suse 10 and later.
Solaris 8 and later, on SPARC architectures.
Mac OS
Mac OS 10.5 and later, on Intel based architectures.

2.2 System Requirements

It is not possible to provide you with minimum system requirements for the different types of machines used in
the Numara AMP software, it all depends on the size of your system and the workload.
The minimum requirements for the individual parts of the Numara AMP depend on many different points, such
as their dedication, location and the tasks that you regularly execute within your network. In the following
paragraphs on each of the parts you will find a number of points to be taken into account when you set up the
20 - Numara Asset Management Platform

respective machines before the install. None of the lists are complete lists, when you go through the details of
your network architecture as well as when you review all the routine administration tasks you regularly execute
on your systems, you will find that there are many more points that have an impact.

2.2.1 Client
Client devices must be at least be Pentium III 1GHz or equivalent with 128 MB of RAM. Excessive use of the
virtual memory may cause the agent to dysfunction.

2.2.2 Master Server and Relay

Following you will find the minimum requirements for the specific functionalities executed by master and relays:

Numara Asset Management Platform Server Specifications

Number of Master Dedicated DB Relay
Up to 50 CPU: Pentium D 3.2GHz CPU: Pentium D 3.2GHz
Up to 200 CPU: Xeon Dual Core 2.4GHz CPU: Pentium D 3.2GHz
Up to 500 CPU: Xeon Dual Core 2.8GHz CPU: Pentium D 3.2GHz
HDD: SCSI 10,000rpm 80GB HDD: SATA 80GB
Up to 1000 CPU: Xeon Dual Core 2.8GHz CPU: Xeon Dual Core 2.8GHz CPU: Pentium D 3.2GHz
HDD: SCSI 10,000rpm 80GB HDD: SCSI 10,000rpm 80GB HDD: SCSI 10,000rpm 80GB
Up to 2000 CPU: Xeon Dual Core 3.0GHz CPU: Xeon Dual Core 3.0GHz CPU: Pentium D 3.2GHz
HDD: SCSI 10,000rpm 80GB HDD: SCSI 10,000rpm 80GB HDD: SCSI 10,000rpm 80GB
Over 2000 A Numara ® Software expert will advise you

• If you have more than 500 clients to manage we strongly recommend to install the database on a dedicated
machine and use another for the master server.
• MSDE is not recommended if you have more than 500 managed devices, as this type of database has an inbuilt
maximum limit of 2 GB.
• The space allocated to your software distribution packages must be double their size.
• The number indicated in parenthesis for the disk space applies if Resource Management is used.
• If a relay server must manage more than 500 clients a dedicated device for this relay is strongly recommended.

2.3 Functionality Requirements

Following you will find the supported platforms for the specific functionalities executed by relays and clients.

Windows Vista/XP/2000/ Windows NT4 Windows 98 / Linux Solaris Mac OS

2003/2008/7/2008 R2 98 SE
Master Agent X X
Relay Agent X X X X X
Client Agent X X X X X X
Console X X X X X
Inventory X X X X X X
Chapter 2 - Installation Prerequisites - 21

Windows Vista/XP/2000/ Windows NT4 Windows 98 / Linux Solaris Mac OS

2003/2008/7/2008 R2 98 SE
Software Distribution X X X X X X
System Monitoring X X
Application Monitoring X X X X X
Direct Access X X X X X X
Remote Control X X X
Patch Management X X
Vulnerability Scanner X X X
Green IT X
OSD Manager X

2.3.1 Client Functionality Restrictions

The following Numara Asset Management Platform functionalities do not run on all platforms:

Patch Manager
The following prerequisites apply for a patch manager client:
• The operating system of the patch manager device must be Windows 2000 (minimum Service Pack 4),
Windows XP and later.
• The Microsoft XML parser MSXML 3.0 must be installed, for Windows XP and later it is already preinstalled.

OSD Manager
The following prerequisites apply for a OSD manager client:
• The operating system of the OSD manager device must be Windows XP Professional, Windows 2003 and later.

Remote Control
The NAMP administrator may only remotely control the Windows devices of his infrastructure.

Green IT - Power Management

Power Management can only be executed on clients installed on the following platforms:
• Windows 2000 (minimum Service Pack 3), Windows XP and later.

Vulnerability Management Scanner

The following prerequisites apply for a scanner client:
• The operating system of the scanner device must be
ƒ Windows 2000 (minimum Service Pack 4), Windows XP and later or
ƒ Linux RHEL 3, 4 and 5, SUSE 10, CentOS 4.3, Debian 4.0 or later versions
• The scanner must be connected to the network via Ethernet. It is not possible to use a device as scanner if it
has a wireless connection.

Depending on the type of operating system not all inventories are available.

Patch Management and Inventory

The patch inventory and patch application functionalities are only applicable to Windows systems.

Resource and Performance Monitoring

Resource and performance monitoring can only be executed on clients installed on the following platforms:
• Windows NT, Windows 2000 (minimum Service Pack 3), Windows XP and later.
22 - Numara Asset Management Platform

2.4 Installation Prerequisites

In the following paragraphs you will find information concerning prerequisites for the installation of the
individual components of the software.

2.4.1 Database Prerequisites

The Numara AMP setup offers the possibility to install MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine) or SQL
Server Express on the master server for Windows platforms which have no database engine already installed on
their network. MSDE/SQL Server Express will be installed during master server installation.
For those of you who have a version of the SQL Server, Oracle, Postgres or MSDE already installed, you must
make sure the following prerequisites are fulfilled before starting the Numara AMP setup process:

SQL Server 2000/2005/2008

If SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 is already installed as a database engine you need to execute the following tasks
before installing the master:
• SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 is case insensitive. You can make it case sensitive by modifying the Collation
Name parameter which is located in the Maintenance zone of the Database Properties dialog box. In this
drop-down list select the regional language corresponding to your operating system (CI = case insensitive, CS
= case sensitive). To apply this value, the parameter must be set either during the installation of SQL Server or
when creating the ampdb database. It may not be modified anymore afterwards. If the database is set to case
sensitive you must pay attention to the spelling when creating queries or when using the search tool in NAMP.
• Set its authentication to mixed mode i.e. SQL Server and Windows or only SQL Server. To check this and to
correct it if necessary, you need to:
1 Open the Properties dialog box in Enterprise Manager by right clicking
your SQL Server in the directory tree.
2 Go to the Security zone in the Security tab and check that the required
authentication radio button is checked.
3 If the button is unchecked you must check it, then click OK and close the
• Creating a database for the Numara AMP is optional. You may either create it
directly during installation or you may manually create it here and then provide the required information at
the installation. This database can be default named as ampdb or freely named. The name will be requested
during the Numara AMP master installation in the Database Settings dialog box (this applies to Windows
platforms only).
• Creating the tablespaces for the NAMP database is optional. You may either create them directly during
installation or you may manually create them here and then provide the required information at the
installation. Creating the tablespaces is done through the execution of a script delivered on the Numara AMP
installation DVD in the Support\Database directory. Proceed as follows:
1 Go to the SQL Server to create a directory in which the tablespaces will be installed, e.g., Microsoft SQL
2 Open the SQL Query Analyzer and select the device on which the NAMP database is located, e.g. local if
it is on the local device.
3 Open the file Support/Database/Create_TS.sqlserver.sql on the Numara AMP installation DVD in the
SQL Query Analyzer window.
4 In the script replace the placeholder &2 with the name of the NAMP database, e.g. ampdb, the default value,
and &1 with the path to the tablespace subdirectory created under step 1, e.g. Microsoft SQL Server/
5 Verify that the script works correctly by clicking the Parse Query icon. If this is the case execute the script
by selecting the Execute Query icon in the icon bar.

If MSDE is already installed as a database engine on the device to be used as the master server check for the
Chapter 2 - Installation Prerequisites - 23

• The SECURITYMODE=”SQL” parameter must be present. To check this and to correct it if necessary, you proceed
as follows:
1 Open a Command Prompt window via your Start menu.
2 Type in the following command line: osql -U sa, then press the Enter key.
(Warning: command lines are case sensitive)
3 The Command Prompt window will now request a Password. Leave it blank and press the Enter key.
4 If connection is established (i.e. the following line displays 1>) then MSDE is correctly installed for the
Numara AMP use. You may now close the Command Prompt window and continue with the Numara AMP
setup and installation.
5 If connection fails and you get an error message, you will need to uninstall MSDE then reinstall it via the
Numara AMP Setup.
6 In the case of an uninstall/reinstall, databases contained in your MSDE will not be lost. They are located in
their original Data subdirectory under the Microsoft SQL Server directory which will NOT be deleted
during uninstall.

SQL Server Express Edition

• Remote Connection to the database
If the master and the database are on different devices make sure that the following conditions are fulfilled,
otherwise the database will not accept any connections from the master:
1 Enable the TCP/IP protocol using the Surface Area Configuration Utility.
a Go to the Surface Area Configuration Utility window.
b Under the section Configure Surface Area for localhost select the Surface Area Configuration for Services
and Connections link.
c In the appearing window select the Remote Connections option under SQLEXPRESS -> Database Engine
in the left window pane.
d In the appearing table in the right window pane make sure the Local and remote connections radio button
is selected as well as the Using TCP/IP only button.
2 Make sure the TCP/IP protocol is enabled in the SQL Server Configuration Utility.
a Open the SQL Server Configuration Utility window.
b Select the Protocols for SQLEXPRESS option under SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration in the left
window pane.
c In the right window pane make sure the entry TCP/IP in set to status Enabled.
d Right click on the entry to open the Properties window.
e In the Protocol tab make sure the Enabled entry is set to Yes.
f Then select the IP Addresses tab.
g Here you will probably see several sections, one for each network connection. Normally there would be one
network card and one or more loopback connections indicated by the standard address of
These are of no interest for the SQL Server Express.
h In the section for the network card make sure that the options Active and Enabled are both set to Yes.
i If you wish to enable dynamic ports for your SQL Server Express instance then the TCP Dynamic Ports
option should be set to 0. To disable this option and use a fixed port change this field to a blank and fill in
the port number of the TCP Port option.
3 Make sure the SQL Server browser is started. Note that this step is optional. It is possible to set the SQL Server
instance to use a fixed IP address - but this is non-standard for named instances.
a In the SQL Server Configuration Utility window select the SQL Server 2005 Service entry in the left
window pane.
b Then right-click the entry SQL Browser in the right window pane to open the SQL Browser Properties
c In the Log on tab press the Start button in the Service Status part if it not yet started.
d Go to the Service tab.
e Select the Start Mode option in the table and set it to Automatic if this is not yet the case.
24 - Numara Asset Management Platform

4 Make sure the SQL Server Express and the SQL Server Browser are exempted by the firewall on the server
machine. This is done by putting sqlservr.exe and sqlbrowser.exe as an exception in the Windows
5 You might need to completely reboot the server machine after making these changes. There have been reports
that starting and stopping the SQL Server and Browser software is not enough.

SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 with ODBC Connection

To create an ODBC connection (System DSN) follow the general procedure for SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 and
then proceed as follows:
1 Open the window ODBC Data Source Administrator and go to the tab System DSN.
2 Click the Add button and select the SQL Server driver from the list, then click Next.
3 In the following window enter the name for the data source, for example ampCX, select the SQL Server to which
to connect and click Next.
4 Then select the authentication type, Windows NT or SQL Server and click Next.
5 Select the database you created previously, for example ampDB, click Next and then Finish.
6 In the appearing window click the Test Data Source button to verify the connection.

Oracle v9.2.0.6 or later

If Oracle v9.2.0.6 or later is already installed as a database engine you need to execute the following before
installing the master:
• If you are using Oracle 10g Release 2 make sure you have installed all available patches.
• In the Database Configuration Assistant select the Character Set tab when the Initialisation Parameters
window appears on the screen. In this tab select the Use Unicode (AL32UTF8) radio button and below this
box in the National Character Set drop-down field select the UTF8 value.
• Create a database for the Numara AMP before running the installation process. This database can be default
named as ampdb or freely named. The name will be requested during the NAMP master installation in the
Database Settings dialog box (this applies to Windows platforms only).
• Before installing the master you must also create a user and the tablespaces for the NAMP database. This is
done through the execution of scripts delivered on the Numara AMP installation DVD in the
Support\Database directory. Proceed as follows:
1 Create a new directory under the Oracle installation directory for the tablespaces, e.g.
Oracle\OraData\Numara Asset Management Platform.
2 Copy the files and to the temp directory of
the machine on which the NAMP master will be installed.
3 Open a command line window on this machine.
4 Enter the following command line followed by the ENTER button: <System Password> <Instance Name> <Tablespace Directory>
System Password
is the password to the Oracle system.
Instance Name
is the Oracle instance on which the NAMP master will be located.
Tablespace Directory
is the directory in which the tablespaces will be located, as created above under step 1, e.g.
Oracle\OraData\Numara Asset Management Platform.
• The following line must be commented with a hash (#) in the following file to take off the Oracle identification
on the Oracle client:
file: sqlnet.ora
• On Solaris and Linux systems, ensure that the oracle library exists on the master in the
directory oracle_home/lib of the Oracle client. It is sometimes possible that this library exists under another
name, such as If this is the case, create a symbolic link for pointing to
Chapter 2 - Installation Prerequisites - 25 Also make sure that the directory that contains this file is referenced in the configuration
file /etc/ Any changes to this file require the file ldconfig to be run for the changes to take
• If you have a Linux master you should carry out the following actions:
1 Stop the NAMP agent if it is already started with the following command:
service NumaraAssetManagementPlatformAgent stop
2 Open the file .bashrc in the /root/ directory.
3 Copy the following line of the file:
export TNS_ADMIN=/usr/lib/oracle/
(depending on the installed version of Oracle the path might differ: /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/
4 Save and exit.
5 Open the NumaraAssetManagementPlatformAgent file which is located in the /etc/init.d/ directory
(this file corresponds to the service of the NAMP agent).
6 Paste the line copied under step 3 as the first entry under section # Some definitions of this file.
7 Save and exit.
8 Start the NAMP agent with the following command:
service NumaraAssetManagementPlatformAgent start

Postgres 8 and later

If Postgres is already installed as a database engine with default settings you need to execute the following:
• Ensure that Postgres was compiled with UTF8 support.
Create Database
The database must use the default name of ampdb, as well as the default user name postgres with no password,
if you want to execute the default example installation on a Linux Suse system. To do so proceed as follows:
1 Copy the file from directory support/database/postgres on the installation DVD
to the PostgreSQL server.
2 Login as the PostgreSQL user or as root and type su postgres.
3 Change to the directory where the database files should be created.
4 Type sh /<script path>/ This will create the a directory named ampdb with the
required folder structure for the PostgreSQL tablespaces.

To create the database with another name you must first open the file used for the procedure below and modify the
name from ampdb to the new name.

Create Tablespaces
By default, the NAMP database tablespaces are created in the system account. It is however strongly
recommended to create a specific account for NAMP and create the tablespaces in this account. To do so some
additional operations need to be carried out. The scripts to create the tablespaces are located in the support/
database/postgres directory on the Numara AMP installation DVD.
1 Open the support/database/postgres/Create_TS.postgres.sql file in any text editor.
2 Replace all occurrences of:
ƒ &1 with the path to the NAMP database folders, e.g. if the path defined above was /var/lib/pgsql/data,
&1 should be replaced with /var/lib/pgsql/data/ampdb.
ƒ &2 with the <Database amp User>, i.e. the username that will be used to connect to the NAMP database.
If a user other than postgres is used, this username must be created manually.
ƒ &3 with the <Database Name> (only one occurrence).
3 Save the file.
4 Run this script with any PostgreSQL tool capable of running scripts or use the command line psql -U
postgres -W -f /<file path>/Create_TS.postgres.sql.
Specific Database Configuration
Verify that the database is configured as follows:
26 - Numara Asset Management Platform

1 Configure the appropriate authentication with pg_hba.conf in your PGDATA directory:

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all ident sameuser
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
#host all all md5
host all all trust (this example allows
connection from an IP included in the range from to
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 trust
2 Enable TCP sockets by verifying or adding the following lines to postgresql.conf in your PGDATA directory:
listen_addresses = *#this entry defines what IP addresses are listened on, it contains
either a comma separated list of addresses, localhost which is the
default or * for all.
port = 5432
3 Restart PostgreSQL.
4 Verify that the file PG_VERSION is present in the path where the tablespaces were created.
After the Master Installation
1 Set the full log on the master: edit the file mxtagent.ini and set the parameter EnableTypes to * (All). The
file is located in the master installation directory (by default /usr/local/) in the etc folder.
2 Start the NAMP service, NumaraAssetManagementPlatformAgent by default.
3 At the first time the master will connect to the database created above and create all tables. This initialisation
phase may take several minutes.
4 Verify in the mtxagent.log in the log directory of the master installation directory that there are no errors.

If the master can not connect to the database you will have a connection problem error in the log. In
this case first verify the connection parameter in the Vision64database.ini file on the master
(parameters to check: DatabaseType, DatabaseName, Host, Port, User and Password).
If all the parameters in the Vision64database seems to be correct, try to connect to PostgreSQL in the
command line: psql -U <USERNAME> -d <DATABASENAME> (example: psql -U postgres -d ampdb).

2.4.2 Master Prerequisites

A recent version of JRE (Java Runtime Environment, minimum version 1.6 update 17) needs to be installed on the
master device for the generation of template based reports.
• For Windows platforms, the Numara AMP setup will automatically detect the JRE version and will install a
compatible version if necessary.
• For Linux, the JRE must be installed before you can install the master. To verify if it is installed type in your
terminal window java -version then press the Enter key. The version of java installed on your machine will
be displayed. It is recommended to use JRE version 6.0 Update 17 with the master. This can be downloaded

2.4.3 Console Prerequisites

A recent version of JRE (Java Runtime Environment, minimum version 1.6 update 17) needs to be installed on the
device the console will be used on.
• For Windows platforms, the Numara AMP setup will automatically detect the JRE version and will install a
compatible version if necessary.
• For Linux, the JRE must be installed before you can install the console. To verify if it is installed type in your
terminal window java -version then press the Enter key. The version of java installed on your machine will
be displayed. It is recommended to use JRE version 6.0 Update 17 with the master. This can be downloaded
Chapter 2 - Installation Prerequisites - 27

• For Solaris, the JRE must be installed before you can install the console. To verify if it is installed type in your
terminal window which java -version then press the Enter key. The version of java installed on your
machine will be displayed. It is recommended to use JRE version 6.0 Update 17 with the master. This can be
downloaded from
• On Mac OS devices the JRE is installed by default.

2.4.4 Miscellaneous Prerequisites

This paragraph lists some specific configurations, which may be executed before the master installation if so
required by company internal standards, which differ from the general way of dealing with the data within the
Numara AMP.

Keep Software Core Data and Generated Data Separate

All data which is generated by DM is located in a directory called <InstallDir>\master\data. To take this
directory out of the installation directory you need to proceed as follows:
Create an empty partition and change the path of this partition in the disk management mmc, then choose the
data folder (the folder must be empty to choose it).
Create a partition and mount it as usr\local\numara-software\numara-asset-management-
platform\master\data in /etc/fstab.
28 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Windows Installation
The installation of the Numara Asset Management Platform is a simple, straightforward process carried out via a
Windows Installer Service. Simultaneously to installing a master server, Windows Installer provides the
possibility to install MSDE (if no database engine is preinstalled on your network), and the Numara Asset
Management Platform Console (these installations will be described in the steps below).
The installation process is divided in the following steps:
• Master and Console Installation
• Super Master Installation
• Relay (Client) Installation
• Installation Options

3.1 The Setup Pages

When you insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into your drive the Autorun of the setup is started.
In its first page you need to select your preferred language. All following pages will be displayed in this language.
For our example this will be [English].
The Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed on the screen enabling
product installation and providing you with product and company information. It contains various tabs:

The Home button or Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform page provides an overview to the
advantages of working with the Numara Asset Management Platform.
30 - Numara Asset Management Platform

The Installation tab enables product installation. Simply click the hyperlink for the platform your installation
will take place on and follow the instructions.

Browse DVD
The Browse DVD tab will display the directory tree structure of the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD.
You may, of course, consult the files within.
The Documentation tab provides direct access to the various the Numara Asset Management Platform manuals
and documents in the different languages currently supported. Documents are available in both HTML and
PDF formats.

Contact Us
The Contact Us tab will take you to the Numara Software contact page where you will find Numara Software
worldwide contact details should you wish to give us feedback or have any queries or require further
information concerning our products.
Our Website
The Our Website tab will redirect you to the Numara Software website where you may access current
company and product news, read customer feedback, become a Numara Software Partner, discover our
services and download our brochures and various software modules.

3.2 Master and Console Installation

The setup program will take you through the steps and install the master including its out-of-the-box features on
your server. The database used for this example installation will be the MSDE database which will be installed
together with the Numara Asset Management Platform.
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 31

• Neither MSDE nor SQL Server are installed on the master server device.
• The installation example will be executed on a Windows XP device. To install the master and database on a
Windows Vista or later system you will find the necessary information in the options later on in this chapter.

If you intend to install the master server with another database than MSDE refer to Option (b) first for
the necessary prerequisites before starting the installation process.

To install the master server and the console, follow these steps:
1 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
2 In the first window select the language in which all subsequent pages will be displayed. For this example this
will be [English].

3 The Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed.
4 Select the Installation tab, then click the hyperlink relevant to your installation platform. For our example this
is Windows.
5 A Choose Setup Language pop-up requests you choose your language for the installation procedure. Select
your language, in our case English then click OK.

6 Wait a few moments while InstallShield prepares the Windows Installer installation and the configuration of
the Numara Asset Management Platform.
7 A Welcome screen appears, click Next.
8 The License Agreement dialog box appears. Check the radio button to accept the license and then Next to
9 The Select Features dialog box appears on the screen. Here you need to select the components to be installed.
Leave all preselected options as they are and click Next.
32 - Numara Asset Management Platform

The master requires that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 Update 17 or later is installed on
your device. If you do not check the respective box in this window, you will not be able to generate the template
based reports for Vulnerability Management if the JRE is not yet installed.

If you want to use another database see Option (b) now.

If you want to install the console on another device than the master uncheck the Console box in this view,
install the master and then see Option (f) now.
If you want to install the console as Java Web Start Console uncheck the Console box in this view, install the
master and then see Option (i) now.

10 A Ready to Install window appears on the screen. It will start the actual installation process. Click Install.
11 The MSDE installation box appears on the screen. Wait until the database installation is configured and

12 If the JRE must be installed, its installation process is shown now, Accept the License.
13 The JRE installation may take some minutes.
14 Click the Terminate button once the installation is finished.
15 Once the InstallShield Wizard Initialized dialog box appears with its Welcome window click Next to proceed
with the NAMP installation.
16 The License Configuration dialog box appears on the screen. Here you may select which type of license to use
for your installation. You have the following choices:
Create an evaluation license
Check this radio button to evaluate the software, which is also the default. Now all possible functionalities are
displayed below with check boxes. The following NAMP functionalities are available:
ƒ Numara Inventory Manager - provides access to the software, hardware, security and custom inventory
functionalities as well as the object, application and resource monitoring. This functionality is also the
minimum configuration.
ƒ Numara Deployment Manager - provides access to software packaging and distribution of MSI, RPM,
custom and snapshot packages as well as to the operating system deployment features
ƒ Numara Patch Manager - activates the patch management functionality (patch inventories and deployment)
ƒ Numara Remote Manager - allows you to remotely control all NAMP devices and directly access the devices
ƒ Numara Vulnerability Manager - activates the vulnerability management functionality (scan, click and fix
ƒ Numara Compliance Manager - activates the device compliance feature
ƒ Numara Power Manager - provides access to the power management - Green IT functionality
ƒ Numara Device Manager - activates the Windows peripheral device management feature
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 33

Import a license file

Check this radio button if you have purchase the software and been provided with a specific license file
from Numara Software. Click the now available Browse button and select the path to the license file in
the appearing Select a License File window. Then click Open to confirm the file and its path and close
the window to return to the wizard. Here click Next to continue.

Check the boxes for the desired functionalities, then click Next to continue.
17 The User Information dialog box allows you to define, if the NAMP master will be installed for all user
accounts of this device or only the account which is currently logged on. Check the required radio
button and click Next to continue.

18 The Destination Folder dialog box will now propose a default installation directory. You may choose to
keep this or click Browse to change the directory or create a new directory for installation. When you are
ready to continue, click Next.
34 - Numara Asset Management Platform

19 The HTTP Port Configuration dialog box now opens. In this window the HTTP ports for the agent
communication and the console will connect are defined as well as the type of secure connection. Leave all
preselected options as they are and click Next.

For more information regarding the agent communication options see Option (d) now.

For more information regarding the SSL options for all agent communication see Option (e) now.

20 Database Configuration
This dialog box allows you to select the Database Engine, the Server Name and the authentication (mode) you
will use with NAMP. If you have selected the option MSDN/SQL Server Express this window will not be
displayed, continue directly with the following window.
ƒ Leave all preselected options as they are.
ƒ Enter the name of your master device into the Server Name field, if it is not yet correctly preentered.
ƒ If an Express edition is installed on your master device, chekc the Express Edition box.
ƒ Enter the name of the SQL Server administrator to use for the creation of the database and tablespaces. You
can leave these fields empty if the current Windows account is to be used.

This administrator must have the proper rights to create the database as well as the rights to create the NAMP
user. It is recommended to use a super administrator account, such as sa.

ƒ Then click the Check Connection button to make sure the connection with the database is valid. The Next
button will not become available until the connection test is successful!

To use an ODBC connection see Option (a) now.

If you want to use another database see Option (b) now.

Click Next to continue.

Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 35

21 SQL Server Database Settings

This dialog box allows you to define the Numara AMP database properties.
Leave all preselected options and preentered values as they are. In this case the database will be created
automatically with its default name ampdb as well as the default user ampdbuser with his password
To create a user to connect to the database with a different name fill in the fields Login, Password and Confirm
Password with the desired values.

If you have selected to install MSDE/SQL Server Express with the setup, the user part of this window will not be
displayed, and the above explained default user will automatically be created with the database.

If you want to use an existing user see Option (c) now.

If the tablespaces are already created select the The database and tablespaces are already created radio button
and enter the name of the existing database in the field Database Name above.

For MSDE and SQL Server the option Automatically create tablespaces is preselected and the the path to the
tablespaces filled in (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data or C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data).
If the fields are not correctly selected/preentered the connection with the database could not be established. In
this case abort the installation and verify that your database installation is correct.

Then click Next to continue.

22 In the next window, the Out-of-the-Box Objects window, you have the choice to import the out-of-the-box
objects that come with the Numara Asset Management Platform. These are a set of predefined objects of type
administrator group, device group, query, compliance rule, vulnerability group and report, and provide you
already with a basic setup for your operations in the network. You also have the choice to not install them by
selecting None. However, be aware, that the later Step-by-Step chapters use a number of these objects for their
36 - Numara Asset Management Platform

23 The Configure Numara Asset Management Platform Agent Service dialog box provides you with NAMP agent
options. The Service Name field allows you to define the name for the NAMP agent Service. Leave all
preselected options as they are and click Next.

If you are installing a Super Master Server system uncheck the box for automatically starting the agent, as some
manual modifications must be executed in the configuration files for this type of architecture.

24 You may verify your settings in the window Ready to Install the Program before selecting Install to launch the
actual installation process.
25 When installation is complete the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box will appear to inform you if
installation has been successful. Click Finish to terminate the master installation and continue with the
console installation.
26 You should now see the grey agent icon in your systray, indicating that the master agent is initialising. Once
it is running the icon will be blue .
27 The InstallShield Wizard Initialized dialog box appears again with its Welcome screen again to install the
console. Click Continue to proceed.
28 The InstallShield Wizard for the console installation dialog box appears on the screen. Wait until the
InstallShield Wizard is completely initialised, then click Next to install.
29 The User Information dialog box allows you to define, if the NAMP master will be installed for all user
accounts of this device or only the account which is currently logged on. Check the required radio button and
click Next to continue.

30 The next window, Console Installation defines the way the console is installed. By default it is installed as an
application with Java Web Start (JWS) support on the master. JWS support indicates in this case that the
console may be launched remotely without being installed on the remote device as an application. Only a
console desktop link to the master will be created on the remote device.

To install the console with Java Web Start support on another HTTP server than the master see Option (g) now.
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 37

31 Click Next to continue.

32 The Ready to Install the Program window displays the chosen installation directory and also allows you to not
create a shortcut to the console on the desktop. Leave the other options as they are and click Install to
continue and launch the installation process.

If you have defined the master installation with SSL, you need to check the Use Secure Connection box here.

33 Once the console installation is completed the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box will appear to
inform you if the console installation was successful. Click Finish.
34 A second InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box appears to terminate the overall NAMP installation
process. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

3.2.1 Super Master Installation

If you are installing a super master architecture, you must execute the above explained installation procedure at
least twice: once for the super master on its device and once for each ’regular’ master server that will be installed
on your different locations. Once all masters including the super master are installed you need to make the
following modifications for the ’regular’ masters:
Relay.ini Configuration File
In the relay.ini configuration file for each regular master (not the super master!) you must indicate that even
though the device is of type master server it still has a parent, the super master. Therefore make the following
1 Go to the <InstallDir>/Master/config directory and open the file relay.ini in a text editor.
2 Go to entry ParentName and enter the name or IP address of the super master device.
3 Modify the entry ParentPort if you did not use the standard installation parameters and have assigned a
different port to the super master.
4 Safe the modifications and close the file.
In the Vision64Database.ini configuration file, the NAMP database configuration file, the parameters are
defined on which data will be uploaded to the super master and its database. To do so proceed as follows:
38 - Numara Asset Management Platform

1 Go to the <InstallDir>/Master/config directory and open the file Vision64Database.ini in a text editor.
2 Find the section [AdministeredRelayUpload] in the file. This section defines all parameters dealing with the
relationship between regular master and super master.
3 It provides the following parameters which by default are all set to true, i.e. all different types of inventory
upload options are activated.
4 If one or the other type of inventory does not need to be uploaded, e.g., because you do not have acquired the
respective license, such as for patch management, modify the true value to false.
5 Safe the modifications and close the file.
Once you have made all these modifications you can launch the Numara Asset Management Platform Agent for
all different master servers, starting with the super master, and you can continue with the regular installation
procedure of the NAMP agent for all other devices in your network.

3.3 Relay (Client) Installation

The agent is installed on each client and operates completely independently from the master server (the master
has its own agent), sending information either at regularly defined intervals or when polled by the master or any
other module. As we will be rolling out the agents to some clients later on, we will use this installation to install a
relay for our clients, as the installation program is the same for a client or relay. A relay agent is the same type of
agent as that of the client and is treated as such, but it has some additional functionalities.
Same as for the master and console installation, the installation of the NAMP agent is a simple, straightforward
process carried out via a Windows Installer Service. The setup program will take you through the steps and install
the agent on your selected device. To install the relay agent, follow these steps:
1 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
2 In the first window select the language in which all subsequent pages will be displayed. For this example this
will be [English].
3 The Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed. Select the Installation
tab, then click the hyperlink relevant to your installation platform. For our example this is Windows.
4 Double click the setup.exe in the opening window or select the Open button, to launch the installation,
depending on the installed Windows version.
5 The Choose Setup Language pop-up requests you choose your language for the installation procedure. Select
your language, for our example English then click OK.
6 Wait a few moments while InstallShield prepares the Windows Installer installation and the Numara Asset
Management Platform configuration.
7 The License Agreement dialog box appears. Check the radio button to accept the license and then Next to
8 The Select Features dialog box then appears for you to choose the components to be installed. For the agent
installation you must first uncheck all preselected options and then check the Client component box.

9 On the Start Copying Files dialog box that now appears, click Next to prepare for installation. Wait until the
InstallShield Wizard is completely initialised, then click Next to continue.
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 39

10 The Destination Folder dialog box will now propose a default installation directory. You may choose to keep
this or click Browse to change the directory or create a new directory for installation. When you are ready to
continue, click Next.

11 The Agent Configuration dialog box now opens for you to enter communication settings for your relay:
The HTTP Port field defines the HTTP port of your local machine. The default value for this port is 1610 for
the Windows machines. If you left the default settings at the master installation also leave this value.
Parent Name
The direct parent of our relay here is the master, therefore you must enter the name of the master server
into this field.
Parent Port
In the Parent Port field enter the port number of the master. If you left the default settings at the master
installation also leave this value.
Relay Enabled
Check the Relay Enabled checkbox to make the particular client you are about to install a relay.
Access Control
The Access Control option defines if agent communication is secured via access control. Leave the
preselected option.
The SSL option defines if agent communication is secured via SSL. Leave the preselected option and click

For more information on the access control options for all agent communication see Option (d) now.

For more information on the SSL options for agent communication see Option (e) now.
40 - Numara Asset Management Platform

12 The following dialog box provides you with NAMP agent options. The Service Name field allows you to
define the name for the NAMP agent Service, the default value for the service, Numara Asset Management
Platform Agent is preentered. Leave the preselected option and click Next.

13 You may verify your settings in the window Ready to Install the Program before selecting Install to launch the
actual installation process.
14 When installation is complete the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box will appear to inform you if the
client/relay installation has been successful. Click Finish.
15 A second InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box appears to terminate the overall NAMP installation
process. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
16 You should now see the grey agent icon in your systray, indicating that the relay agent is initialising. Once
it is running the icon will be blue and the relay is ready for operation.

3.4 Installation Options

Following you will find a number of options you have for the installation of the Numara Asset Management
(a) Install Master with SQL Server Database and ODBC Connection
To install the master with a SQL Server Express or MSDE database with an ODBC connection proceed as follows:
1 At Point 20 (page 34), Database Configuration, check the option ODBC Connection.
2 There are two authentication types possible:
a SQL Server Authentication:
• To install with the default values leave all preentered fields as they are.
• To use an already created DNS name enter the name in the System DSN Name below.

b Windows Authentication:
• To install with the default values leave all preentered fields as they are.
• To use an already created DNS name enter the name in the System DSN Name below.
• Enter the login and password of the Windows account to be used for connecting to the DSN.
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 41

3 Then click Next to go continue with Point 21 (page 35) of the general procedure:
(b) Install Master with an Oracle Database
If you intend to install the Numara Asset Management Platform with an Oracle database refer first to chapter
Installation Prerequisites and its paragraph Database Prerequisites. Find the section regarding Oracle and execute
all necessary steps.
Then proceed with the general installation process as described earlier in this chapter.
1 At Point 9 (page 31) uncheck here the MSDE/SQL Server Express option.
2 Continue with the general procedure.

3 At Point 20 (page 34) in the Database Configuration window select the Option Oracle from the Database
Engine drop-down box.
4 Enter the name of the already existing instance.
5 Enter the name and password of the Oracle account to be user for connecting to the NAMP database.

6 Then click Next to go continue with Point 21 (page 35) of the general procedure:
(c) SQL Server with Existing User
To use an existing user for the connection with the database fill in the follwing fields:
• Fill in the name of the user into the Login field, paying attention to small and capital letters.
42 - Numara Asset Management Platform

• Enter the password corresponding to the login into the Password field, paying attention to small and capital
• DO NOT reenter the password for confirmation into the third field!

(d) Using Access Control for Communication

This parameter defines the security when agents communicate with each other, i.e. if the NAMP Access Control
(PAC) handshake is to be used for inter-agent communication. Be aware that PAC communication is not possible
between a current agent and a 6.0 or earlier agent. By default this parameter is set to No/0, to make sure all agents
can communicate with each other when upgrading.
If you would like to use access control for agent communication you must activate this option for the master as
well as ALL agents, i.e. during the master (Point 19 (page 34)) and relay (Point 11 (page 39)) installations
explained in this chapter as well as for the agent rollout in one of the following chapters.
The following options are available for access control:
Receive Both, No PAC Connections
If the device is acting as a server, i.e. it sends communications, it allows PAC connections with client
authentication as well as non PAC connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC
handshake. If the device is a client, i.e. it receives communications, no PAC connections are required.
Receive Both, PAC Connections
If the device is a server, it allows PAC connections with client authentication as well as non PAC connections.
Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC
connections without server authentication are allowed.
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections without server
authentication are allowed. This is the default selection.
Yes (with Server authentication)
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections with server
authentication are allowed.
Step 1: Master Installation
To install the master agent with access control proceed as follows:
1 At Point 19 (page 34) make the following additional selection:
In window HTTP Port Configuration select the desired option from the drop-down list of the Access Control
field. Then proceed with the next step as defined for the rest of the procedure.
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 43

Step 2: Relay Installation

To install the relay agent with access control proceed as follows:
1 At Point 11 (page 39) make the following additional selection:
In window Service Settings select the option corresponding to the master selection from the drop-down list of
the Access Control field. Then proceed with the next step as defined for the rest of the procedure.

(e) Using SSL for Secure Communication

If you would like to use SSL for agent communication you must be activate this option for ALL components, i.e.
during the master (Point 19 (page 34)) and relay (Point 11 (page 39)) installations explained in this chapter, as
well as for the console, as well as for the agent rollout in one of the following chapters. The console provides an
exception as the SSL option may not only be chosen during the installation process, it may also be activated or
deactivated when you log on to the console. A note will make you aware of this at the appropriate paragraph later
on in this manual.
The following options are available for SSL communication:
With this option the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will send
only non-securised communications. This is the default selection.
Securised Send, Receive Both
This value indicates that the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will
send only securised communications.
When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, i.e. it only receptions and send
securised communication.
Step 1: Master Installation
To install the master agent with SSL proceed as follows:
1 At Point 19 (page 34) make the following additional selection:
In window HTTP Port Configuration make your choice from the drop-down list of the Use SSL field. Then
proceed with the next step as defined for the rest of the procedure.
44 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Step 2: Relay Installation

To install the relay agent with SSL proceed as follows:
1 At Point 11 (page 39) make the following additional selection:
In window Service Settings make your choice from the drop-down list of the Use SSL field. Then proceed with
step12 as defined for the rest of the procedure.

(f) Installing Master and Console on Different Devices

If you would like to install the console on a different device than the master the installation process is divided in
two different parts. Proceed as follows:
Step 1: Install Only the Master
1 Launch the installation as described.
2 At Point 9 (page 31) uncheck the console option in the Select Features window.

3 Proceed with the installation as described until Point 25 (page 36). Once you click Finish the installation
process will terminate and you must install the console separately.
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 45

Step 2: Install the Console

The console installation process starts in the same way as the master, you have two options:
1 To install the Console as Java Web Start Console see Option (i) now.
2 To install the Console on another device with an active HTTP Server proceed as described below:
The installation of the Console starts in the same way as the master installation, therefore proceed as follows:
1 Go to the device on which the console is to be installed and proceed as described in the general installation
process (Point 1 (page 31) to Point 10 (page 32)).
2 At Point 9 (page 31) uncheck uncheck all options apart from Console in the Select Features window. Click

3 The console installation process will be launched and follows the same path as described in the general
procedure from Point 27 (page 36) onwards.
4 At Point 30 (page 36) follow the procedure as explained under Option (g) right below.
(g) Install the Java Web Start Console on a 3rd party HTTP Server
If the console is installed as Java Web Start (JWS) Console the default option is to install it on the master. It is,
however, possible to use another HTTP server than the master server. To install the JWS Console for this the
Console Installation process must be run on the device of the respective HTTP server. But before you can install
the console you must make sure that the HTTP server fulfills the following prerequisites:
• An alias must exist for the location of the JWS Console in the format http:<IP address or server
name>:<port number>/<installation directory>, e.g. This alias will
be coded into a Java Web Start (JNLP) page and the virtual directory you create must map to the physical
installation path which is defined during the console installation.
• The *.jnlp extension must be added to the MIME types.
To install the JWS Console proceed as follows:

To be able to use this option the HTTP server must be active on the device.

1 If the console is to be installed in its default directory leave the directory path unchanged. To select another
installation directory click the Change button to the right and select the target directory in the appearing
Change Current Destination Folder popup window. This is the “physical” path where to install the console
(corresponding to the alias), for instance: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\amp-jws.

This directory must correspond to the alias to be defined in the HTTP Server URL field below.

2 Then check the box Configure the console to be installed on the HTTP server of this device.
3 The HTTP Server URL field below becomes available. Enter the alias from where the JNLP will be accessed,
including the target installation directory for the console, e.g. This URL
will be coded into a Java Web Start (JNLP) page and the virtual directory you create must map to the physical
installation path selected above.
46 - Numara Asset Management Platform

4 Then click Next and continue with Point 32 (page 37) of the main procedure.
(h) Console Installation via the Command Line
The Numara Asset Management Platform Console may also be installed via the command line and the
console.msi executable file which is located in the \software\console\winnt directory on the installation
DVD. For this enter the following command with the desired options that are all optional:
msiexec /i numara-asset-management-platform-console.msi INSTALLDIR=“Program Files/Numara
Software/Numara AMP/Console“ ALLUSERS=2 DESKSHORTCUT=1 SSL=1
• The INSTALLDIR option defines the installation directory of the console. If the optional command is not used
the default directory Program Files\Numara Software\Asset Management Platform\Console is used.
• The ALLUSERS option defines where the configuration information of the installed console is stored. The
following values are possible:
ƒ ALLUSERS=““: determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile. For this option
no administrator rights are required.
ƒ ALLUSERS=1: specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile. Administrator rights
are required for this option.
ƒ ALLUSERS=2: This option offers two possibilities:
• specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile if the installation is launched
by a user with administrator rights.
• determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile if the installation is
launched by a user with only user rights.
• The DESKSHORTCUT option defines if a shortcut to the console is to be created on the desktop. By default the
shortcut is created. If the value 0 is set, no shortcut will be created.
• The SSL option defines if the communication between the console and the master agent is secured. By default
this option is activated (1).
(i) Console Download Page
The console Download Page is only available on the master server and it provides the links to download different
versions of the Numara Asset Management Platform Console. This page is only accessible via a browser through
the following address: http://<master name>:<master port>/console. It can not be access through the regular
HCHL interface of the agent. To log on to this page you must either have an administrator login, the system login
of the master machine or a login specifically defined by the administrator to log on to this page. For our first test
you may use the predefined login admin with no password.
Chapter 3 - Windows Installation - 47

The Numara Asset Management Platform Console exists for the different operating systems as well as Java Web
Start. To download and install a specific Console version click the link of the desired version under the respective
section to start the download.
To install the Console as Java Web Start with the master or the HTTP server click the respective icon on the page.
A desktop link to the console will be created on the device and the remote device keeps in its cache memory the
files required to launch the console. At every console launch a verification takes place if a newer version of these
console files is available.

Do not empty or delete the Java cache memory, as this will delete the files required for the Console Web Start. If this
happens the Console Web Start must be reinstalled.

The Download page also provides the current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is required by
the console as well as the master (on Mac OS X the JRE is preinstalled by default).
(j) Support Far-eastern Languages
The console as well as the tool generating the reports in the Numara Asset Management Platform are both Java
applications. Regarding the font management Java relies on its own fonts as well as those installed on the
operating system of the device. As Java up to date does not include support for East Asian Languages, the
device(s) on which the console and the master are installed must be correctly configured to be able to display
reports in any of these languages, such as Japanese.
The procedure to follow below is explained for the installation example of Windows XP. The procedure for other
Windows versions is the same but the names of the windows and options may slightly vary:
1 Open the Start menu and select the Control Panel.
2 From its options select the Regional and Language Options
3 Select the Language tab in the new window.
4 In this window select the Install files for East Asian Languages check box.
5 Then click Apply to start the installation.
6 Once all files are installed click OK to confirm and reboot your device for these new settings to take effect.
48 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Linux Installation
The installation of the Numara Asset Management Platform is a simple, straightforward process carried out via a
graphic interface or via a terminal window and command lines.
The installation process is divided in the following steps:
• Master and Console Installation
• Super Master Installation
• Relay (Client) Installation
• Installation Options

4.1 The Setup Pages

When you insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into your drive the Autorun of the setup is started.
In its first page you need to select your preferred language. All following pages will be displayed in this language.
For our example this will be [English].
The Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed on the screen enabling
product installation and providing you with product and company information:
This web page contains various tabs:

The Home tab or Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform page provides an overview to the
advantages of working with the Numara Asset Management Platform.
50 - Numara Asset Management Platform

The Installation tab enables product installation. Simply click the hyperlink for the platform your installation
will take place on and follow the instructions.

Browse DVD
The Browse DVD tab will display the directory tree structure of the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD.
You may, of course, consult the files within.
The Documentation tab provides direct access to the various the Numara Asset Management Platform manuals
and documents in the different languages currently supported. Documents are available in both HTML and
PDF formats.

Contact Us
The Contact Us tab will take you to the Numara Software contact page where you will find Numara Software
worldwide contact details should you wish to give us feedback or have any queries or require further
information concerning our products.
Our Website
The Our Website tab will redirect you to the Numara Software website where you may access current
company and product news, read customer feedback, become a Numara Software Partner, discover our
services and download our brochures and various software modules.

4.2 Master and Console Installation

The installation of the Numara Asset Management Platform is a simple, straightforward process carried out via a
terminal window and command lines.
• Installation on Linux Red Hat
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation - 51

• Installation on Linux Suse

4.2.1Installation on Linux Red Hat

To install the master server using the previously created default postgres database as well as the console follow
these steps:
1 Log on as root for the installation.
2 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
3 Open a console or terminal window and type the following command:
cd /mnt/cdrom/software/master/linux/redhat/redhat9
4 Then execute the following command:
rpm -ivh numara-asset-management-platform-master-9_1-2.i686.rpm

If you install a Super Master Server enter the following command line:
AGENTSTART=NO rpm -ivh numara-asset-management-platform-master-9_1-2.i686.rpm
This installation uses all the default parameters for installation. If you need modify any of these values
see Option (b) now.

5 File copying and installation will now begin.

6 To now launch the console installation enter the following command line into the terminal window:
cd /mnt/cdrom/software/console/linux/redhat/redhat9
7 Then execute the following command:
rpm -iv numara-asset-management-platform-console-9_1-2.i686.rpm

This installation uses all the default parameters for installation. If you need modify any of these values
see Option (b) now.

8 File copying and installation will now begin.

9 When installation is complete a successful installation message will be displayed.

If PAM is used with NAMP, PAM must be specifically configured on the Linux server. To do so see see
Option (d) now

4.2.2Installation on Linux Suse

To install the master server using the previously created default postgres database as well as the console follow
these steps:
1 Log on as root for the installation.
2 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
3 Open a console or terminal window and type the following command:
cd /mnt/cdrom/software/master/linux
4 Next type in the following command line:

If you install a Super Master Server enter the following command line:
This installation uses all the default parameters for installation. If you need modify any of these values
see Option (a) now.

5 File copying and installation will now begin.

6 To now launch the console installation enter the following command line into the terminal window:
cd /mnt/cdrom/software/console/linux
7 Next type in:
52 - Numara Asset Management Platform


This installation uses all the default parameters for installation. If you need modify any of these values
see Option (b) now.

8 File copying and installation will now begin.

9 When installation is complete a successful installation message will be displayed.

If PAM is used with NAMP, PAM must be specifically configured on the Linux server. To do so see see
Option (d) now

10 For NAMP to work with LDAP two symbolic links must now be manually created.
11 Open a terminal window.
12 Go to directory /usr/lib and check the version of the installed libldap and liblber files. For SUSE 10 this
is for example and
13 Then go to directory /master/bin and add the following to links:
ln -s libldap<current_version>
ln -s liblber<current_version>
14 For the above mentioned example this would be:
ln -s /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/

4.3 Super Master Installation

If you are installing a super master architecture, you must execute the above explained installation procedure at
least twice: once for the super master on its device and once for each ’regular’ master server that will be installed
on your different locations. Once all masters including the super master are installed you need to make the
following modifications for the ’regular’ masters:
Relay.ini Configuration File
In the relay.ini configuration file for each regular master (not the super master!) you must indicate that even
though the device is of type master server it still has a parent, the super master. Therefore make the following
1 Go to the <InstallDir>/config directory and open the file relay.ini in a text editor.
2 Go to entry ParentName and enter the name or IP address of the super master device.
3 Modify the entry ParentPort if you did not use the standard installation parameters and have assigned a
different port to the super master.
4 Safe the modifications and close the file.
In the Vision64Database.ini configuration file, the NAMP database configuration file, the parameters are
defined on which data will be uploaded to the super master and its database. To do so proceed as follows:
1 Go to the <InstallDir>/config directory and open the file Vision64Database.ini in a text editor.
2 Find the section [AdministeredRelayUpload] in the file. This section defines all parameters dealing with the
relationship between regular master and super master.
3 It provides the following parameters which by default are all set to true, i.e. all different types of inventory
upload options are activated.
4 If one or the other type of inventory does not need to be uploaded, e.g., because you do not have acquired the
respective license, such as for patch management, modify the true value to false.
5 Safe the modifications and close the file.
Once you have made all these modifications you can launch the NAMP agent for all different master servers,
starting with the super master, and you can continue with the regular installation procedure of the NAMP agent
for all other devices in your network.
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation - 53

4.4 Relay (Client) Installation

The agent is installed on each client and operates completely independently from the master server (the master
has its own agent), sending information either at regularly defined intervals or when polled by the master or any
other module. As we will be rolling out the agents to some clients later on, we will use this installation to install a
relay for our clients, as the installation program are the same for a client or relay. A relay agent is the same type of
agent as that of the client and is treated as such, but it has some additional functionalities.
Manual installation of the NAMP agent is a simple, straightforward process carried out via a terminal window and
command lines:
• Installation on Linux Red Hat
• Installation on Linux Suse

4.4.1Installation on Linux Red Hat

To install the relay proceed as follows:
1 Log on as root for the installation.
2 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
3 Open a console or terminal window and type the following command:
cd /mnt/cdrom/software/agent/linux/redhat/redhat9
4 Then execute the following command:
PARENTNAME=<Parent Name> HTTPPARENTPORT=<Parent Port> rpm -i [--prefix <InstallDir>] numara-

This installation uses all the default parameters for installation. If you need modify any of these
values see Option (c) now.

5 File copying and installation will now begin.

6 When installation is complete a successful installation message will be displayed.

4.4.2Installation on Linux Suse

To install the relay proceed as follows:
1 Log on as root for the installation.
2 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
3 Open a console or terminal window and type the following command:
cd /mnt/cdrom/software/agent/linux
4 Next type in the following command line:
LICENSE=y SILENT=y PARENTNAME=<Parent Name> HTTPPARENTPORT=<Parent Port> ./numara-asset-

This installation uses all the default parameters for installation. If you need modify any of these
values see Option (c) now.

5 File copying and installation will now begin.

6 When installation is complete a successful installation message will be displayed.

4.5 Installation Options

Following you will find options to be applied for specific situations.
54 - Numara Asset Management Platform

(a) Master Installation Options

Linux Red Hat Options
To install the master on a Linux Red Hat system you have the following options:
• The ALLUSERS option defines where the configuration information of the installed console is stored. The
following values are possible:
ƒ ALLUSERS=““: determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile. For this option
no administrator rights are required.
ƒ ALLUSERS=1: specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile. Administrator rights
are required for this option.
ƒ ALLUSERS=2: This option offers two possibilities:
• specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile if the installation is launched
by a user with administrator rights.
• determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile if the installation is
launched by a user with only user rights.
• The HTTPPORT option defines the HTTP port for the agent, which is by default 1610.
• The VIRTUALHOSTHTTPPORT option defines the HTTP port for the console, which is by default 1611.
• The PAC option defines if the agent communications is secured via access control, the following values are
0 (Receive Both, No PAC Connections)
If the device is acting as a server, i.e. it sends communications, it allows PAC connections with client
authentication as well as non PAC connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary
PAC handshake. If the device is a client, i.e. it receives communications, no PAC connections are required.
1 (Receive Both, PAC Connections)
If the device is a server, it allows PAC connections with client authentication as well as non PAC
connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC handshake. If the device is a
client, only PAC connections without server authentication are allowed.
2 (Yes)
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections without server
authentication are allowed. This is the default selection.
3 (Yes (with Server authentication))
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections with server
authentication are allowed.

For a first test installation it is recommended to not activate the access control (enter 0). If you selected
Access Control (1, 2 or 3) for the master installation make sure you also activate the corresponding
access control option for the relay/client.

• The SSL option defines if the agent communications is secured via SSL, the following values are possible:
0 (No)
With this option the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will send
only non-securised communications. This is the default selection.
1 (Securised Send, Receive Both)
This value indicates that the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it
will send only securised communications.
2 (Yes)
When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, i.e. it only receptions and send
securised communication.
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation - 55

For a test or initial installation we recommend you to not use SSL (enter 0 (No)). If you still select Yes (1
or 2) make sure you also activate the SSL option for the relay and clients, as well as for the console when
you install it.

• The DBHOST defines the host name of the computer on which the database is installed. This computer may be
identified through its short or full network name, such as scotty or or through its
IP address in dotted notation, e.g. The default value for this option is localhost.
• The DBENGINE defines the type of the database, e.g. postgres or Oracle. Postgres is the default value.
• The DBNAME entry defines the name of the database, the default value is ampdb.
• The DBUSER entry defines the user name to be used to connect to the database, the default value is postgres.
• The DBPASSWORD entry specifies the password of the user to connect to the database, which by default remains
• The AGENTSTART option allows you to define if the agent is started directly after the installation finished. By
default the agent will be started. Possible values are Y and N.

If you are installing a Super Master Server system deactivate this option for automatically starting the
agent, as some manual modifications must be executed in the configuration files for this type of

• The --prefix <Install Dir> is necessary if the installation is to be made into another directory than the
default directory. The default installation directory is /usr/local/numara-software/numara-amp/master. Be
aware that, contrary to all other options which must be listed at the beginning of the command line, this option
is at the end of the command, i.e. rpm -ivh numara-asset-management-platform-master-9_1-2.i686.rpm
Linux Suse Options
To install the master on a Linux Suse system you have the following options:
• The PREVUNINSTALL option specifies if a possibly installed prior version of the master is to be uninstalled
before the new one is installed. If this option is set to no or not defined and a previous master is installed the
installation terminates.
• The LICENSE option accepts or refuses the Numara license. If it is refused the installation terminates.
• The SILENT option allows to use all the default values without disturbing the user at installation time. You
may however override some default values by entering them in the command line. If you do not specify the
SILENT option in the command line, the install procedure will require you to provide all parameters by
answering questions.
• The ALLUSERS option defines where the configuration information of the installed console is stored. The
following values are possible:
ƒ ALLUSERS=““: determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile. For this option
no administrator rights are required.
ƒ ALLUSERS=1: specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile. Administrator rights
are required for this option.
ƒ ALLUSERS=2: This option offers two possibilities:
• specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile if the installation is launched
by a user with administrator rights.
• determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile if the installation is
launched by a user with only user rights.
• The INSTALLDIR option defines the installation directory of the master. If the optional command is not used
the default directory /usr/local/numara-software/numara-amp/master is used.
• The HTTPPORT option defines the HTTP port for the agent, which is by default 1610.
• The VIRTUALHOSTHTTPPORT option defines the HTTP port for the console, which is by default 1611.
• The DBENGINE defines the type of the database, e.g. postgres or Oracle. Postgres is the default value.
56 - Numara Asset Management Platform

• The DBHOST defines the host name of the computer on which the database is installed. This computer may be
identified through its short or full network name, such as scotty or or through its
IP address in dotted notation, e.g. The default value for this option is localhost.
• The PAC option defines if the agent communications is secured via access control, the following values are
0 (Receive Both, No PAC Connections)
If the device is acting as a server, i.e. it sends communications, it allows PAC connections with client
authentication as well as non PAC connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary
PAC handshake. If the device is a client, i.e. it receives communications, no PAC connections are required.
1 (Receive Both, PAC Connections)
If the device is a server, it allows PAC connections with client authentication as well as non PAC
connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC handshake. If the device is a
client, only PAC connections without server authentication are allowed.
2 (Yes)
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections without server
authentication are allowed. This is the default selection.
3 (Yes (with Server authentication))
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections with server
authentication are allowed.

For a first test installation it is recommended to not activate the access control (enter 0). If you selected
Access Control (1, 2 or 3) for the master installation make sure you also activate the corresponding
access control option for the relay/client.

• The SSL option defines if the agent communications is secured via SSL, the following values are possible:
0 (No)
With this option the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will send
only non-securised communications. This is the default selection.
1 (Securised Send, Receive Both)
This value indicates that the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it
will send only securised communications.
2 (Yes)
When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, i.e. it only receptions and send
securised communication.

For a test or initial installation we recommend you to not use SSL (select 0 (No)). If you still select Yes (1
or 2) make sure you also activate the SSL option for the relay and clients, as well as for the console when
you install it.

• The DBUSER entry defines the user name to be used to connect to the database, the default value is postgres.
• The DBPASSWORD entry specifies the password of the user to connect to the database, which by default remains
• The DBNAME entry defines the name of the database, the default value is ampdb.
• The AGENTSTART option allows you to define if the agent is started directly after the installation finished. By
default the agent will be started. Possible values are Yes and No.

If you are installing a Super Master Server system deactivate this option for automatically starting the
agent, as some manual modifications must be executed in the configuration files for this type of
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation - 57

(b) Console Installation Options

Linux Red Hat Options
To install the console on Linux Red Hat you have the following option:
• The --prefix <Install Dir> is necessary if the installation is to be made into another directory than the
default directory. The default installation directory is /usr/local/numara-software/numara-amp/console.
Be aware that, contrary to all other options which must be listed at the beginning of the command line, this
option is at the end of the command, i.e. rpm -ivh numara-asset-management-platform-console-9_1-
2.i686.rpm --prefix=/usr/local/<MyDirectory>
• By default the SSL option is set to FALSE , deactivating secure connections with the master. Define this
option with TRUE for secure communications. This setting covers both SSL agent options 1 and 2 (Yes and
Securised Send, Receive Both).
Linux Suse Options
To install the console on Linux Suse you have the following option:
• The LICENSE option accepts or refuses the Numara Software license. If it is refused the installation
• The PREVUNINSTALL option specifies if a possibly installed prior version of the console is to be uninstalled
before the new one is installed. If this option is set to no or not defined and a previous console is installed the
installation terminates.
• The SILENT option allows to use all the default values without disturbing the user at installation time. You
may however override some default values by entering them in the command line. If you do not specify the
SILENT option in the command line, the install procedure will require you to provide all parameters by
answering questions.
• The INSTALLDIR option defines the installation directory of the console. If the optional command is not used
the default directory /usr/local/numara-software/numara-amp/console is used.
• By default the SSL option is set to FALSE , deactivating secure connections with the master. Define this
option with TRUE for secure communications. This setting covers both SSL agent options 1 and 2 (Yes and
Securised Send, Receive Both).
(c) Agent Installation Options
Linux Red Hat Options
To install the agent on Linux Red Hat you have the following option:
• The ALLUSERS option defines where the configuration information of the installed console is stored. The
following values are possible:
ƒ ALLUSERS=““: determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile. For this option
no administrator rights are required.
ƒ ALLUSERS=1: specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile. Administrator rights
are required for this option.
ƒ ALLUSERS=2: This option offers two possibilities:
• specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile if the installation is launched
by a user with administrator rights.
• determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile if the installation is
launched by a user with only user rights.
• RELAYENABLED defines if the agent to be installed acts also as a relay, Yes for relay and No for simple client.
• PARENTNAME defines the direct parent of the client, with which it communicates.
• HTTPPORT specifies the HTTP port of the agent through which it communicates, the default value is 1610.
• HTTPPARENTPORT defines the port number of the direct parent to which the agent must connect, the default
value is 1610.
• The PAC option defines if the agent communications is secured via access control, the following values are
58 - Numara Asset Management Platform

0 (Receive Both, No PAC Connections)

If the device is acting as a server, i.e. it sends communications, it allows PAC connections with client
authentication as well as non PAC connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary
PAC handshake. If the device is a client, i.e. it receives communications, no PAC connections are required.
1 (Receive Both, PAC Connections)
If the device is a server, it allows PAC connections with client authentication as well as non PAC
connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC handshake. If the device is a
client, only PAC connections without server authentication are allowed.
2 (Yes)
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections without server
authentication are allowed. This is the default selection.
3 (Yes (with Server authentication))
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections with server
authentication are allowed.

If you selected Access Control (1, 2 or 3) for the master installation make sure you also activate the
corresponding access control option for the relay/client.

• SSL defines if the agent communications is secured via SSL, the following options are possible:
0 (No)
With this option the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will send
only non-securised communications. This is also the default selection.
1 (Securised Send, Receive Both)
This value indicates that the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it
will send only securised communications.
2 (Yes)
When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, i.e. it only receptions and send
securised communication.

If you selected Yes (1 or 2) for the master installation make sure you also activate the SSL option for the

• The --prefix <Install Dir> is necessary if the installation is to be made into another directory than the
default directory. The default installation directory is /usr/local/numara-software/numara-amp/client. Be
aware that, contrary to all other options which must be listed at the beginning of the command line, this option
is at the end of the command, i.e. rpm -ivh numara-asset-management-platform-client-9_1-2.i686.rpm
• The AGENTSTART option allows you to define if the agent is started directly after the installation finished. By
default the agent will be started. Possible values are Y and N.
Linux Suse Options
To install the agent on Linux Suse you have the following option:
• The LICENSE option accepts or refuses the Numara Software license. If it is refused the installation
• The PREVUNINSTALL option specifies if a possibly installed prior version of the console is to be uninstalled
before the new one is installed. If this option is set to no or not defined and a previous console is installed the
installation terminates.
• The SILENT option allows to use all the default values without disturbing the user at installation time. You
may however override some default values by entering them in the command line. Also, if you do not specify
the SILENT option in the command line, the install procedure will require you to provide all parameters by
answering questions.
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation - 59

• The ALLUSERS option defines where the configuration information of the installed console is stored. The
following values are possible:
ƒ ALLUSERS=““: determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile. For this option
no administrator rights are required.
ƒ ALLUSERS=1: specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile. Administrator rights
are required for this option.
ƒ ALLUSERS=2: This option offers two possibilities:
• specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile if the installation is launched
by a user with administrator rights.
• determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile if the installation is
launched by a user with only user rights.
• The INSTALLDIR option defines the installation directory of the console. If the optional command is not
provided the default directory /usr/local/numara-software/numara-amp/client is used.
• RELAYENABLED defines if the agent to be installed acts also as a relay, Yes for relay and No for simple client.
• PARENTNAME defines the direct parent of the client, with which it communicates.
• HTTPPORT specifies the HTTP port of the agent through which it communicates, the default value is 1610.
• HTTPPARENTPORT defines the port number of the direct parent to which the agent must connect, the default
value is 1610.
• The PAC option defines if the agent communications is secured via access control, the following values are
0 (Receive Both, No PAC Connections)
If the device is acting as a server, i.e. it sends communications, it allows PAC connections with client
authentication as well as non PAC connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary
PAC handshake. If the device is a client, i.e. it receives communications, no PAC connections are required.
1 (Receive Both, PAC Connections)
If the device is a server, it allows PAC connections with client authentication as well as non PAC
connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC handshake. If the device is a
client, only PAC connections without server authentication are allowed.
2 (Yes)
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections without server
authentication are allowed. This is the default selection.
3 (Yes (with Server authentication))
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections with server
authentication are allowed.

If you selected Access Control (1, 2 or 3) for the master installation make sure you also activate the
corresponding access control option for the relay/client.

• SSL defines if the agent communications is secured via SSL, the following options are possible:
0 (No)
With this option the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will send
only non-securised communications. This is also the default selection.
1 (Securised Send, Receive Both)
This value indicates that the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it
will send only securised communications.
2 (Yes)
When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, i.e. it only receptions and send
securised communication.
60 - Numara Asset Management Platform

If you selected Yes (1 or 2) for the master installation make sure you also activate the SSL option for the

• The AGENTSTART option allows you to define if the agent is started directly after the installation finished. By
default the agent will be started. Possible values are Yes and No.
(d) Configuring PAM
If PAM is used with the NAMP agent, it must be specifically configured on the Linux server. The following steps
must be executed:
1 Time synchronisation
2 Hosts file verification
3 Configuration of the krb5.conf file
4 SAMBA configuration
5 Winbind service
6 Nsswitch.conf
7 Authentication configuration
To execute these steps open a terminal window and proceed as follows:
1 The Linux server must be synchronised with the KDC server. To synchronise proceed as follows:
c Stop the etc/init.d/ntpd service.
d Synchronise the time by entering the following command:
ntpdate <KDC server address>
e Restart the etc/init.d/ntpd service.
2 The KDC server, the AD server (this may be the same device) and the AD domain must be reachable by name.
If they cannot be pinged the name resolution must be added to the hosts file, e.g. dns host localhost
To apply the modifications restart the network service by typing the following command:
/etc/init.d/network restart
3 The file /etc/krb5.conf defines the servers and domain with which the communication for the Kerberos
authentication is required. Find following an example:
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log


dns_lookup_realm = true
dns_lookup_kdc = true

kdc =
default_domain =
admin_server =


profile = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation - 61


kinit = {
forwardable = true

pam = {
debug = false
ticket_lifetime = 36000
renew_lifetime = 36000
forwardable = true
krb4_convert = false
4 Samba configuration via the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. Find following an example:
password server =
workgroup = SUPPORT
server string = Samba Server
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
cups options = raw
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
security = ADS
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
dns proxy = no
winbind separator = @
idmap uid = 10000-100000
idmap gid = 10000-100000
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
template homedir = /home/%D/%U
template shell = /bin/bash
client use spnego = yes
winbind use default domain = yes
domain master = no
local master = no
prefered master = no
os level = 0
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
guest ok = no
writable = no
printable = yes
After modifying the file the samba service must be restarted for the updated samba configuration to take effect.
For this enter the following command line:
/etc/init.d/smb restart
5 Once Samba is reconfigured the winbind service must be started or restarted. For this enter the following
/etc/init.d/winbind restart
6 The nsswitch.conf file must contain the following information:
passwd: compat winbind
shadow: compat winbind
62 - Numara Asset Management Platform

group: compat winbind

hosts: files dns

bootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

ethers: db files
netmasks: files
networks: files winbind
protocols: db files
rpc: db files
services: db files

netgroup: files

publickey: nisplus

automount: files
aliases: files nisplus

7 To configure the authentication create the file numara in the directory /ect/pam.d with the following
# This file is auto-generated.
# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
auth required /lib/security/$ISA/
auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/
auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ likeauth nullok
auth required /lib/security/$ISA/

account sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/

account required /lib/security/$ISA/
account sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ uid < 100 quiet
account required /lib/security/$ISA/

password requisite /lib/security/$ISA/ retry=3

password sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ nullok use_authtok md5 shadow
password sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ use_authtok
password required /lib/security/$ISA/

session required /lib/security/$ISA/

session required /lib/security/$ISA/
session optional /lib/security/$ISA/ skel=/etc/skel umask=027
session optional /lib/security/$ISA/
8 You can find additional information under the following link:

(e) Console Download Page

The Console Download Page is only available on the master server and it provides the links to download different
versions of the Numara Asset Management Platform Console. This page is only accessible via a browser through
the following address: http://<master name>:<master port>/console. It can not be access through the regular
HCHL interface of the agent. To log on to this page you must either have an administrator login, the system login
of the master machine or a login specifically defined by the administrator to log on to this page. For our first test
you may use the predefined login admin with no password.
Chapter 4 - Linux Installation - 63

The Numara Asset Management Platform Console exists for the different operating systems as Java Web Start. To
download and install a specific Console version click the link of the desired version under the respective section
to start the download.
The Download page also provides the current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is required by
the console as well as the master.
(f) Support Far-eastern Languages
The console as well as the tool generating the reports in the Numara Asset Management Platform are both Java
applications. Regarding the font management Java relies on its own fonts as well as those installed on the
operating system of the device. As Java up to date does not include support for East Asian Languages, the
device(s) on which the console and the master are installed must be correctly configured to be able to display
reports in any of these languages, such as Japanese.
Under Linux the fonts must be added in the Java JRE. To do so proceed as follows:
1 Locate the Java Run Time 1.6.x.x installation directory.
2 Go to the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/fonts directory.
3 Create a subdirectory called fallback.
4 Copy the Asian fonts in this directory. You can find the fonts on the Numara Asset Management Platform
installation DVD in directory cdrom\support\fonts.
5 You will find the following file there:
ƒ sazanami-mincho.ttf for Japanese language support.
64 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Solaris Installation
The installation of the Numara Asset Management Platform is a simple, straightforward process carried out via a
graphic interface or via a terminal window and command lines.
The installation process is divided in the following steps:
• Relay (Client) Installation

5.1 The Setup Pages

When you insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into your drive the Autorun of the setup is started.
In its first page you need to select your preferred language. All following pages will be displayed in this language.
For our example this will be [English].
The Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed on the screen enabling
product installation and providing you with product and company information:
This web page contains various tabs:

The Home tab or Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform page provides an overview to the
advantages of working with the Numara Asset Management Platform.
The Installation tab enables product installation. Simply click the hyperlink for the platform your installation
will take place on and follow the instructions.
66 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Browse DVD
The Browse DVD tab will display the directory tree structure of the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD.
You may, of course, consult the files within.
The Documentation tab provides direct access to the various the Numara Asset Management Platform manuals
and documents in the different languages currently supported. Documents are available in both HTML and
PDF formats.

Contact Us
The Contact Us tab will take you to the Numara Software’ contact page where you will find Numara Software’
worldwide contact details should you wish to give us feedback or have any queries or require further
information concerning our products.
Our Website
The Our Website tab will redirect you to the Numara Software website where you may access current
company and product news, read customer feedback, become a Numara Software Partner, discover our
services and download our brochures and various software modules.

5.2 Relay (Client) Installation

The agent is installed on each client and operates completely independently from the master server (the master
has its own agent), sending information either at regularly defined intervals or when polled by the master or any
other module. As we will be rolling out the agents to some clients later on, we will use this installation to install a
relay for our clients, as the installation program are the same for a client or relay. A relay agent is the same type of
agent as that of the client and is treated as such, but it has some additional functionalities.
Manual or individual installation of the NAMP agent is a simple, straightforward process carried out via a
terminal window and command lines.
Chapter 5 - Solaris Installation - 67

To install the agent, follow these steps:

1 Open a terminal window and make sure you are logged on as root for the installation.
2 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
3 A File Manager window may open automatically. Leave this as it is.
4 A Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed.
5 Select the Installation tab, then click the hyperlink to Solaris Client.
6 Open a console or terminal window and type the following command:
cd /mnt/cdrom/software/client/solaris/solaris8, then press your Enter key.
7 To copy and uncompress the installation file enter the following command lines:
cp numara-asset-management-platform-client-9-1-2.pkg.Z /tmp
uncompress /tmp/numara-asset-management-platform-client-9-1-2.pkg.Z
8 Next type in the following command line to install the client:
pkgadd -d/tmp/numara-asset-management-platform-client-9-1-2.pkg all
then press your Enter key. Answer the questions which are displayed on the screen:
ƒ The ALLUSERS option defines where the configuration information of the installed console is stored. The
following values are possible:
• ALLUSERS=““: determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile. For this
option no administrator rights are required.
• ALLUSERS=1: specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile. Administrator
rights are required for this option.
• ALLUSERS=2: This option offers two possibilities:
• specifies a per-device installation using folders in the “All Users“ profile if the installation is
launched by a user with administrator rights.
• determines a per-user installation using folders in the user‘s personal profile if the installation is
launched by a user with only user rights.
ƒ Define if the agent to be installed acts also as a relay, Yes for relay and No for simple client.
ƒ Define the direct parent of the client, with which it communicates, either with its name or via its IP
ƒ Specify the HTTP port of the agent through which it communicates, the default value is 1610.
ƒ Define the port number of the direct parent to which the agent must connect, the default value is 1610.
ƒ The PAC option defines if the agent communications is secured via access control, the following values are
0 (Receive Both, No PAC Connections)
If the device is acting as a server, i.e. it sends communications, it allows PAC connections with client
authentication as well as non PAC connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary
PAC handshake. If the device is a client, i.e. it receives communications, no PAC connections are required.
1 (Receive Both, PAC Connections)
If the device is a server, it allows PAC connections with client authentication as well as non PAC
connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC handshake. If the device is a
client, only PAC connections without server authentication are allowed.
2 (Yes)
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections without server
authentication are allowed. This is also the default selection.
3 (Yes (with Server authentication))
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections with server
authentication are allowed.

If you selected Access Control (1, 2 or 3) for the master installation make sure you also activate the
corresponding access control option for the relay/client.

ƒ Define if the agent communications is secured via SSL, the following options are possible:
68 - Numara Asset Management Platform

0 (No)
With this option the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will send
only non-securised communications. This is also the default selection.
1 (Securised Send, Receive Both)
This value indicates that the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it
will send only securised communications.
2 (Yes)
When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, i.e. it only receptions and send
securised communication.

If you selected the option 1 or 2 for the master installation make sure you also activate the corresponding
SSL option for the relay/client.

ƒ You may customise the name of the NAMP agent service, the default name is Numara Asset Management
Platform Agent. Do not forget to enclose the agent name in double quotes if it is composed of more than
one word.
9 The Numara Asset Management Platform License Agreement will now be displayed. Please read it before
10 Once the above settings have been entered, file copying and installation will begin. The /opt/numara-
software/numara-amp/Client installation directory should have been automatically created at the beginning
of this process. If this is not the case the following message will appear on your console or terminal window:
The selected base directory </opt/numara-software/numara-amp/> must exist before installation is
attempted. Do you want this directory created now?
You must answer Yes otherwise installation cannot take place.
11 Each time the console or terminal window requests if it should continue installation, reply Yes.
12 When installation is complete a successful installation message will be displayed.
Mac OS Installation
The installation of the Numara Asset Management Platform is a simple, straightforward process carried out via an
installation wizard or the command line. The installation process is divided in the following steps:
• Relay (Client) Installation
• Console Installation
• Installation Options

6.1 The Setup Pages

When you insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into your drive the Autorun of the setup is started.
In its first page you need to select your preferred language. All following pages will be displayed in this language.
For our example this will be [English].
The Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed on the screen enabling
product installation and providing you with product and company information. It contains various tabs:

The Home button or Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform page provides an overview to the
advantages of working with the Numara Asset Management Platform.
The Installation tab enables product installation. Simply click the hyperlink for the platform your installation
will take place on and follow the instructions.
70 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Browse DVD
The Browse DVD tab will display the directory tree structure of the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD.
You may, of course, consult the files within.
The Documentation tab provides direct access to the various the Numara Asset Management Platform manuals
and documents in the different languages currently supported. Documents are available in both HTML and
PDF formats.

Contact Us
The Contact Us tab will take you to the Numara Software contact page where you will find Numara Software
worldwide contact details should you wish to give us feedback or have any queries or require further
information concerning our products.
Our Website
The Our Website tab will redirect you to the Numara Software website where you may access current
company and product news, read customer feedback, become a Numara Software Partner, discover our
services and download our brochures and various software modules.

6.2 Relay (Client) Installation

The agent is installed on each client and operates completely independently from the master server (the master
has its own agent), sending information either at regularly defined intervals or when polled by the master or any
other module. As we will be rolling out the agents to some clients later on, we will use this installation to install a
relay for our clients, as the installation program is the same for a client or relay. A relay agent is the same type of
agent as that of the client and is treated as such, but it has some additional functionalities.
Chapter 6 - Mac OS Installation - 71

The installation of the NAMP agent is a simple, straightforward process carried out via a wizard which will take
you through the steps and install the agent on your selected device. To install the relay agent, follow these steps:
1 Insert the Numara Asset Management Platform DVD into the drive.
2 In the first window select the language in which all subsequent pages will be displayed. For this example this
will be [English].

3 The Welcome to the Numara Asset Management Platform web page will be displayed. Select the Installation
tab, then click the hyperlink relevant to your installation platform. For our example this is Mac OS X
4 Save the proposed archive locally on the Mac device.
5 Unzip the archive. A new folder is created that contains two files: NumaraAMPClient9.1.2.pkg and
6 Open the configuration file install.cfg in a text editor and enter/modify the following values and leave all
others unchanged:
NUMARA_AMP_RELAY_PARENTNAME=<Master name or IP address>

For information on the other possible options see Option (a) now.

7 Save and close the file.

8 Then double click the NumaraAMPClient9.1.2.pkg to launch the installation.
9 A Welcome window is displayed. Click Next.
10 In the license window check the radio button to accept the license and then click Next.
11 In the destination window select the disk on which to install the client. Click Next.
72 - Numara Asset Management Platform

12 In the summary window click the Install button.

13 An authentication window is displayed. Enter the required credentials to launch the installation.

14 The client will be installed by default in the /usr/local directory with the configuration values defined in
the install.cfg file.
15 The /numara-software/numara-amp/Client installation directory should have been automatically created at
the beginning of this process.
16 Once the installation process is terminated click the Finish button to terminate the installation process.
17 To launch the agent either restart the device or open a terminal window and type the following command
(requires administrator rights):
SystemStarter start NumaraAMPClient
18 The agent is then started.

6.3 Console Installation

Contrary to the other operating systems, the console for Mac is only available with Web Start Support.
To create the link and download the files required for launching the console proceed as follows:
1 Open a brower window and enter the following address:
http://<master name or IP>:<master port>/console
2 The Console download page of the master opens on the screen.
Chapter 6 - Mac OS Installation - 73

3 Double-click the Java Web Start Console icon.

4 The download process for the required files to the local device starts and installs a link to the master for
the Console Web Start.
5 Once this phase is finished the console is directly started.

Do not empty your cache memory or manually delete temporary files, as this will delete the files required for the Console
Web Start. If this happens the Console Web Start must be reinstalled as explained above.

6.4 Installation Options

(a) Client Installation Options
The client/ relay installation has the following parameters to configure:
• The NUMARA_AMP_RELAY_PARENTNAME defines the name of the parent device, i.e. either the master or the
direct relay. This parameter must contain either the network name or the IP address of this device.
• The NUMARA_AMP_RELAY_HTTPPORT specifies the HTTP port of the agent through which it
communicates, the default value is 1610.
• The NUMARA_AMP_RELAY_HTTPPARENTPORT defines the port number of the direct parent to which the
agent must connect, the default value is 1610.
• The NUMARA_AMP_RELAY_ISENABLED defines if the device to be installed is to be a relay. Possible values
are Yes, for relay, and No for simple client, which is the default.
• The NUMARA_AMP_STARTAGENT defines the agent is started directly after the installation. By default this
is activated (1). To not start the agent after installation set this parameter to 0.
• The PAC option defines if the agent communications is secured via access control, the following values
are possible:
0 (Receive Both, No PAC Connections)
If the device is acting as a server, i.e. it sends communications, it allows PAC connections with client
authentication as well as non PAC connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary
PAC handshake. If the device is a client, i.e. it receives communications, no PAC connections are
1 (Receive Both, PAC Connections)
If the device is a server, it allows PAC connections with client authentication as well as non PAC
connections. Legacy authentication is allowed without a preliminary PAC handshake. If the device is a
client, only PAC connections without server authentication are allowed.
74 - Numara Asset Management Platform

2 (Yes)
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections without server
authentication are allowed. This is also the default selection.
3 (Yes (with Server authentication))
If the device is a server, it allows only PAC connections with client authentication. Legacy authentication is
allowed only after a valid PAC handshake. If the device is a client, only PAC connections with server
authentication are allowed.

If you selected Access Control (1, 2 or 3) for the master installation make sure you also activate the
corresponding access control option for the relay/client.

• The SSL parameter defines if the agent communications is secured via SSL, the following options are
0 (No)
With this option the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will send
only non-securised communications. This is also the default selection.
1 (Securised Send, Receive Both)
This value indicates that the agent accepts both securised and non-securised communication, however it will
send only securised communications.
2 (Yes)
When this option is selected the agent only communicates in secure mode, i.e. it only receptions and send
securised communication.

If you selected the option 1 or 2 for the master installation make sure you also activate the corresponding SSL
option for the relay/client.

(b) Console Download Page

(c) Console Download Page
The console Download Page is only available on the master server and it provides the links to download different
versions of the Numara Asset Management Platform Console. This page is only accessible via a browser through
the following address: http://<master name>:<master port>/console. It can not be access through the regular
HCHL interface of the agent. To log on to this page you must either have an administrator login, the system login
of the master machine or a login specifically defined by the administrator to log on to this page. For our first test
you may use the predefined login admin with no password.
Chapter 6 - Mac OS Installation - 75

For Mac OS X the Numara Asset Management Platform Console is only available as Java Web Start. To install the
Console click the link icon to start the download of the necessary files. The console will be launched directly after
The Download page also provides the current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is required by
the console as well as the master.
76 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Starting and Logging On
The following paragraphs will guide you through the startup of all parts of the software and through your first
logon to the Numara Asset Management Platform Console.

7.1 Agent Startup

The NAMP agent installed on the master should start up automatically. To verify this you must proceed as
follows, depending on your operating system. If your agent should not be running for any reason you will also
find out how to start it. This process is also valid for the startup of the client agents, therefore you will also find a
paragraph for Solaris, which is not available as a master agent.
Once these agents are running they will fill in their data into the Numara Asset Management Platform database on
the master.

7.1.1 Windows
The NAMP agent icon should be displayed in the systray of your master server or client when the agent is running
and it can be one of the following colours indicating a specific status:
• The icon is grey during the agent’s initialisation.
• The icon is blue when the agent is running.
• The icon is green or flashing green when an operation is in progress.
• The icon is red when the agent tries to carry out an unauthorised action or access.
• The icon will turn yellow when the local device is taken over through remote control.
• The blue icon will show a package when packages and operational rules are advertised to the client and are
available for download and installation.
If you want to start a stopped agent you need to do so via the Services window of the Control Panel.
If you double left click it, a graphic agent interface will open giving the administrator(s) access to various modules
and settings related to this agent. The administrator may modify settings and actions via this interface. For more
information on this interface, please refer to chapter Agent Configuration in the Administrator’s manual.

Command Line Options

The agent may also be launched from the command line with the following options:

cmd cmd long Description

-v --version Returns the version of the agent.
-i --install Installs the service. This option must be used in connection with the -sn „Service Name” option.
-r --remove Removes the service. This option must be used in connection with the -sn „Service Name” option.
-sa --standalone Starts the agent as standalone.
-cw --consolewindow Starts with popup window (for output text).
-sn --servicename Used to install/remove using non-default service name.
-dn --displayname Used to install/remove using non-default service display name.
78 - Numara Asset Management Platform

7.1.2 Linux
The NAMP agent installed on the master should start up automatically. This can be checked by typing ps -ax |
grep mtxagent and pressing the Enter key. The console or terminal window should return: /usr/local/
numara-software/asset-management-platform/master/bin/mtxagent as one of the running processes in the
process list that will now be displayed.
To start or stop the agent type the following command into a terminal window:
service NumaraAssetManagementPlatformAgent start
service NumaraAssetManagementPlatformAgent stop

Command Line Options

The agent may be launched with the following command line options:

cmd cmd long Description

-v --version Returns the version of the agent.
-sa --standalone Starts the agent as standalone.

7.1.3 Solaris
The NAMP agent installed on a Solaris client should start up automatically. This can be checked by typing ps -ef
|grep mtxagent and pressing the Enter key. The console or terminal window should return: /opt/numara-
software/numara-asset-management-platform/client/bin/ as one of the running processes in the process list
that will now be displayed.
If the agent does not start type the following:
/etc/init.d/NumaraAssetManagementPlatformAgent start
then press your Enter key. The agent will now start up.

Command Line Options

The agent may be launched with the following command line options:

cmd cmd long Description

-v --version Returns the version of the agent.
-sa --standalone Starts the agent as standalone.

7.1.4 Mac OS
The NAMP agent installed on a Mac device should start automatically after a device reboot. This can be checked
by typing ps -eaf |grep mtxagent and pressing the Enter key. The console or terminal window should return:
/usr/local/numara-software/numara-amp/client/bin/ as one of the running processes in the process list that
will now be displayed.
If the agent does not start type the following into a terminal window:
SystemStarter start NumaraAMPClient
then press your Enter key. The agent will start now.

Command Line Options

The agent may be launched with the following command line options:

cmd cmd long Description

-v --version Returns the version of the agent.
-p --standalone Starts the agent as standalone.
Chapter 7 - Starting and Logging On - 79

7.2 Logging on to the Console

The following paragraphs guide you through your first startup and login of the console according to your
operating system and the first preparatory actions to take before you may execute any operations.

7.2.1 Console Startup

As already mentioned the console is a Java application and may thus be launched using the generally available
startup options provided by Java, such as -Xmxn to extend the maximum size of the memory allocation (n must
be a multiple of 1024, e.g., Xmx80m or Xmx81920k). By default the antialiasing option is used for the console, to
switch it off, open the console shortcut’s Properties window and modify the -Dswing.aatext option from true
to false.
To launch the console with its standard options follow the steps indicated below, depending on the operating
system on which your console is installed:
To launch your newly installed Console, click your Start menu, choose Programs -> Numara Software ->
Numara Asset Management Platform -> Console or double-click the console desktop icon.
To start the console you need to type NumaraAMPConsole, then press your Enter key.
Mac OS
To start the console double-click the icon for the Console Web Start on the desktop.

Command Line Options

Through the NAMP command line options the console may be started and opened directly for a specific device
and at a specific functionality, such as remote control. The following command line options are available:

Cmd Description

The login name of the user trying to log on. This command line option requires the -p option to follow providing the
-u user corresponding password. If this is not the case the login window will open requesting the password. The console will then
open according to the parameters provided by the command line.

-p password The corresponding password. This command line option must be used together with the -u command.

-s server:port The master server name and port number to which the console it to connect.

-n devicename /
The name or the ID of the device on which the console is to open.
-i deviceid

-rc Opens the device node on the remote control subnode.

-da Opens the device node on the direct access subnode.

-op Opens the device node on the assigned operational rule‘s subnode.

-inv Opens the device node on the inventories subnode.

-search Opens the device node under the search node.

Opens a new console window, or refreshes the current console window if it is already opened. The <port number>
-lp portnumber
parameter must provide the local TCP free port number on which the console is to be opened or already running.

-rcd Opens a remote control connection with the specified device.

A device may exist under several nodes, that is under the Device Topology as well as in at device groups under
the main Device Groups node. When using the command line, the console will be opened on the device node
which is first returned by the search mechanism, which will always be a node under the Device Groups node.
Only if the device is not a member of any group will the console be opened on the device under the Device
Topology node.
80 - Numara Asset Management Platform

If the device does not exist or you do not have sufficient rights to access it, an error message will appear on the
screen and the console will be opened with the main Console screen.
To open the console on the Direct Access node of a device called, enter the
following command line.
NumaraAMPConsole.jar -u scotty -p ******* -s main:1610 -n -da
If -u, -p and -s are not supplied the main login window will be displayed, asking for the login and password
before opening the console on the requested device/functionality.

7.2.2 First Login

After you launched the console for the first time the login box appears on the screen in the language version of the
operating system, or in English if it is of a language not supported by the Numara Asset Management Platform:
Console on Master
Enter the user name admin and no password into the respective fields, if you are launching a Console on your
master server for the first time.

The line Server displays the name of the database server and its port number on which the console will try to
connect, normally this field will already be filled in with the default value localhost:1610. Then click the
Login button at the bottom of the window.

Be aware, that if you have installed master and relay agents with the SSL=0 option, you also must use the non secure
connection option here to connect the console with the master. If the master and agents are installed with any other SSL
option the console may connect with or without SSL.
If you have installed master and relay agents with the SSL=3 option, do not forget to supply the client certificate to the

Master on another machine

If your master is on another machine than the local host select enter the name of the master server you want to
connect to and its port number separated by a colon (:) into the Server:Port field. Enter the user name admin
and no password into the respective fields, and then click the Login button at the bottom of the window.

Be aware, that if you have installed master and relay agents with the SSL=0 option, you also must use the non secure
connection option here to connect the console with the master. If the master and agents are installed with any other
SSL option the console may connect with or without SSL.
If you have installed master and relay agents with the SSL=3 option, do not forget to supply the client certificate to the

7.2.3 The Console Window

The console window will open with the requested connection and its default language, i.e. the language of the
operating system if it is either German, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish or US English, otherwise it will be UK
English. The directory listing in the left window pane displays the main objects of the Numara Asset Management
Platform database.
The right window pane displays the Dashboard. It provides some general information on the objects in your
database, as well as shortcuts to some functionalities as license management and the wizards:
Chapter 7 - Starting and Logging On - 81

• Welcome admin
This box displays the following information:
ƒ The number of administrators currently logged on to the master.
ƒ The number of tasks that are open for the currently logged administrator.
ƒ The update status of the vulnerability database and its last update date, i,e, the coloured bullet icon
indicates if the vulnerability database must be updated before any vulnerability scans may be executed.
The bullet is green, if the database is up to date.
ƒ The update status of the patch database and its current version, i,e, the coloured bullet icon indicates if the
patch database files must be updated before any patch analysis may be executed. The bullet is green, if the
database is up to date.
ƒ Furthermore, this box provides you with shortcuts to useful functionalities such as the online help, your
personal user preferences and the alerts view.
• Device Distribution Pie Chart
This pie chart displays different distribution statistics which you may select in the drop down field above. By
default it shows the distribution of the devices of your network known to the NAMP database:
ƒ active devices
ƒ inactive devices (devices that have not provided any news for a certain time)
ƒ unmanaged devices (devices without a NAMP agent, not connected to the network or devices created
manually in the database that have not been recognised)
ƒ deprecated devices (devices that have been physically removed from the IT environment, but their data are
archived in the NAMP database)
ƒ scanned devices (devices without a NAMP agent but have been scanned by NAMP)
• Your Licenses
This box displays the list of licenses you have purchased and their current state, i.e. how many licenses of
each are left. If a license arrives at its expiry date or is close to exceeding its maximum number it will be
displayed in orange, if it has expired or exceeded it is shown in red.
• Last Connections
This box lists the names of the devices to which you last connected to in the console.
• History
Here you will find the list of the nodes that you accessed most frequently.
• Search
In this box you may search the database for a specific object or take the shortcut to the advanced search
• Wizards
This box displays shortcuts for the main object wizards available in the console.
82 - Numara Asset Management Platform

You may also change the language in which the console is currently displayed, if British English is not your
working language. For this proceed as follows:
1 Select the menu option Tools -> User Preferences or click the link Your Preferences in the links.
2 The window User Preferences appears on the screen.
3 You may change to you required language via the option Language in General tab.
4 For this select the language form the drop-down list.
5 Then click the OK button to confirm and to close the window.
6 The console will refresh and be displayed in the selected language.

7.2.4 Preparing the Console

Before you may execute any operations in the console such as rolling out the agents across your network you must
provide the license for your system. You should have received a license in form of a file with your software DVD
or via e-mail from our sales or support team. If this is not the case, please contact them to provide you with one.
However, a basic temporary license will automatically be installed with the software to be able to launch it. This
license is limited to 20 managed devices and 15 days. I will be erased and replaced as soon as you import your full
The license file contains all necessary information regarding the purchased product options. After it is installed
you may access all of these. Licenses are imported via their files and cannot be added manually. If you have a
license excluding some features of the product, you may always acquire an additional license for these and add
the license for the new features later on. To follow the exercises in section II of this manual it is enough to start
with the preinstalled basic license for 20 devices. If your license is expired only the Licenses node will be shown
in the console to allow you to import a new one.
Chapter 7 - Starting and Logging On - 83

Specific Considerations for a Super Master Architecture:

Same as in the regular architecture you must first import the licenses delivered with your software into ALL your
masters, including the super master. Be careful to use the correct license for each master device as the contents
reflected in the license key will be different for each license:
Super Master
ƒ the global maximum number of all devices, e.g. one site has a 50 device license a second one 30, then the
super master will have a license for 81 agents,
ƒ the global maximum number of all scans, e.g. one site has a 50 scan license a second one 30, then the super
master will have a license for 80 scan inventories,
ƒ the global maximum number of all patched devices, e.g. one site has a 50 device license a second one 30,
then the super master will have a license for 80 patch inventories,
ƒ the Super Master license
Site Masters
ƒ the total number of devices the respective site will manage, e.g., for 50 agents
ƒ the licenses for all purchased functionalities, such as software distribution, task management, vulnerability
management, etc.
Import License
To import your license proceed as follows:
1 Click on the Global Settings node and select from its children the Licenses node in the left window pane.
2 Either select the Edit->Import License menu item or select the respective icon ( ) in the toolbar.
3 A dialog box opens displaying the directory structure in a Windows Explorer like format from which you may
chose the file containing your license.
4 With the file selected click the Open button at the bottom of the window.

5 The information is then read from the file and displayed in the table in the right window pane as follows:
The fields in this column display the names of the licenses, which are the following:
ƒ Numara Asset Management Platform Agents - this is the basic license of the product and provides you with
the maximum number of agents installed on clients which the database will accept. For the initial and
evaluation license this number is fixed at 20. Please note that unconnected devices of which the inventory
is integrated will not decrease this value, i.e. these devices are not counted for licensing purposes.
84 - Numara Asset Management Platform

ƒ Application Management - all types regarding the monitoring and prohibiting of applications as well as
self-healing functionalities.
ƒ Compliance Management - this license activates the device compliance management of the Numara Asset
Management Platform.
ƒ Direct Access - the license providing the direct access features to the remote clients of your installation.
ƒ Distribution - this license activates all software distribution features of the product such as package
generation and scheduling the distribution. You also need either this license or the Patch Management
license to access the Operational Rules functionality.
ƒ Inventory - the license for the following types of inventory: software, hardware and custom, the ’patch
inventory license’ is included with the Patch Management license.
ƒ Multicast - activates the multicast transfer option for transferring packages and other information between
the NAMP agents.
ƒ Operating System Deployment - this license activates the operating system deployment module which
allows you to create OS images and deploy them to any device within your network.
ƒ Patch Management - the number of licenses for patches of Windows and other manufacturers and
programs, such as Adobe, Mozilla, etc. The number indicates how many devices may be patched at the
same time. For the initial and evaluation license this number is fixed at 20. You also need either this license
or the Distribution license to access the Operational Rules functionality.
ƒ Power Management - activate the Green IT / Power Management feature.
ƒ Remote Control - activate the remote control feature.
ƒ Resource Monitoring - this license provides access to the printer, file system and Internet monitoring.
ƒ Super Master - this license is required for a super master architecture with a super master and a number of
site masters.
ƒ System Monitoring - this license activates the different forms of system monitoring such as events and
performance counters.
ƒ Task Management - this license allows you to create tasks to assign and follow the evolution and execution
of specific network management tasks via the console.
ƒ Topology Graph - activates the graphical display of your network topology.
ƒ Unmanaged Devices - this license activates the possibility to remotely scan devices without NAMP agent
and generate their inventories.
ƒ Vulnerability Management - this license defines how many devices, with and without installed NAMP
agent may be scanned, i.e. may be defined in a target list. Same as with the scanners the devices may be
replaced, but never may all defined target lists contain more than the fixed number of members. The
evaluation license for example allows you 3 different devices to scan. You may either have this license OR
the Vulnerability Management Scan Pack license, but not both.
ƒ Vulnerability Management Scan Pack - this license defines a number of scans that may be executed on any
device in your network. This license is not part of the evaluation. You may either purchase this license OR
the Vulnerability Management license, but not both.
ƒ Vulnerability Management Scanners - this license is always required for the VM module. It defines how
many devices may be defined as scanners in your network. You may replace an existing scanner with
another device, but you may not have more than the purchased number. The evaluation license for example
allows you 2 scanners.
ƒ Windows Device Management - this license activates the peripheral device monitoring and controlling
functionalities for Windows devices.
The number in this field indicates how many agents the license contains, i.e. on how many devices you may
install clients. If you have a temporary license for testing purposes this number will be 20. For all other
licenses this field displays 1, if the license is activated, i.e. purchased or 0 if you do not have this license.
This column indicates the number of remaining licenses. It is applicable to the Agent, Patch and Vulnerability
Management as well as to the number of VM scanners. It displays how many licenses are still free to be used.
For all other purchased licenses this field will always display 1.
Chapter 7 - Starting and Logging On - 85

Expiry Date
This field is empty if you have an unlimited license for use in your system. If the license is temporary and thus
limited this field displays the expiry date of the license, in the default format defined in the user preferences.
A temporary license is valid 15 days.
This field shows the current status of the license. If you are using the test license it will display Expiring.
Now that you have installed your license and thus validated your database and Console, you are ready to start
working with the Numara Asset Management Platform and proceed to installing a relay and rolling out the agent
throughout your network, detailed in the following chapters.

7.3 Preparing for Client Rollout

Before you start on the process of installing relays or rolling out agents to your network, Numara ® Software
strongly recommends you to plan the initial settings of the Connection Management of your system. These
settings define how the connections to the devices are managed. You have the possibility to modify these settings
later on, however, it is strongly recommended NOT to do so, as it may lead to different parts of the network having
differently generated unique identifiers, which might cause problems in the communication between the
database and the agents.
For each device, which will be registered in the database, a unique identification, called GUID, is created. This
unique ID may be generated by using various attributes of a device. If you use several attributes for GUID
generation you must, however, be careful because if the value of one of these attributes changes, the device is
considered a new device and will be created as such in the database.

Specific Considerations for a Super Master Architecture:

All master servers, including the super master, must be configured with the exact same host identification
scheme. These must include the Client Identification Type parameter to be set to the Complete Name option as
naming for devices, to avoid cases in which two machines could have the same short name in different locations.
If two devices on two different sites have the same name, then the super master will only store one device,
meaning, that each time data is uploaded from one or the other site master all existing data for one of the devices
will be erased and overwritten by the newly uploaded data of the other device in the super master’s database.
The GUID may be defined through the following attributes available for the managed devices:
• Host name
• Host ID
• NetBIOS name
• MAC address
• Serial number of the hard disk
The concept of ’uniqueness’ should be your guide, when defining which one of these options to use. Before
deciding on a scheme, you should ask yourself some questions, such as:
• Do you work with ghosts in your network? If so, using the serial number may cause problems, as they will be
the same for several devices.
• Do you switch network cards between the machines in your network? Do you have clients with more than one
network card? If so, do not use MAC address as your GUID generator.
• Does your company have a policy defining the usage of NetBIOS names, host names? If not, it may not be safe
to use these two options.
• The Host ID option is only recommended if ALL your devices are all of a newer generation, as this option is
based on WMI and older computers do not have it.
You may select more than one option for the generation of the GUID depending on your company policies
’defining the client’. The safest option for most companies is to use the Host Name, as this name is in almost all
cases unique in a network. If you choose more than one option, on one hand you make sure that your client still
has a unique identifier, even if one of the options chosen is not. On the other hand you must be very sure that
these are attributes which will NOT change, because if one of them does, you will duplicate your clients.
86 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Once the GUID is generated any of the attributes may change for a client, but the GUID is not changed. However,
if an agent loses its GUID, the client becomes a new device in the database, as one part (attribute) of the GUID,
which is newly created, is different.
To define the connection settings proceed as follows:
1 Go to Global Settings -> System Variables.
2 Select the Connection Management tab, which provides you with all the possible options for defining the
connection with the devices in your system.
3 Select an entry in the table and then either choose the Edit->Properties menu item or click the respective icon
( ) in the icon bar.
4 The Properties dialog box appears on the screen.
5 Check the boxes for the attributes you have selected to generate the GUIDs.
6 Select the identification type which is to be used when a device is newly installed. If you use the Hostname
option for generating the GUID, then you must select the option Complete Name. Otherwise one or more of the
devices might not be recognised as different clients.
7 Click the OK button at the bottom of the window to confirm the settings and to close the window.
8 The settings will take effect immediately.
Agent Rollout Step-by-Step
Once you have installed the master and relay and logged on to the console, the Numara Asset Management
Platform Rollout mechanism makes the installation of the NAMP agent on your client population a quite simple
and quickly executed task via a wizard.
From version 6.0 onwards rollout file versions are managed in such a way that it is also possible for different
rollout servers to run different versions than the master. The master server now manages different rollout file
versions from any prior version to version 6.0. I.e. it will keep the ’old’ rollout files as well as add and provide the
new files to send to the respective rollout servers when requested.
For our rollout example in this chapter we have chosen the push deployment. The push deployment is generally
used for the first installation of NAMP and its agents, as the network hierarchy is not yet in place, but it may also
be used for any other rollout on systems that do support remote operations. The master will directly send the
rollout packages to the clients listed in its configuration to be executed there, without passing through any client
The Rollouts node of the console suggests a list of possible clients on which to install the software. This list can
come from:
• Automatic discovery (NetBios or TCP/IP)
• Manually created list (e.g. DNS export file)
Once the list has been established, the push deployment may be scheduled and will be executed on the defined

To execute the examples provided in this chapter we assume that:
• the master, console, relay and database have been installed with their default values and are up and running
• the console is open on the master
• the master is the Rollout Server
• remote shares are accessible from the master device (e.g. \\<PC1>\C)
• the RPC service is started
• no NAT-configurations are used
• the remote registry and services are accessible

Rollout Server Prerequisites

The prerequisite for a machine being used as a rollout server is that Windows Installer version 2.0 or later is
installed. If the rollout server is on the master, this version will automatically have been installed via the master
installation. If the rollout server is installed on a client and the client has been installed via a pull deployment, the
correct Installer version will have been installed as well, however, it must not necessarily have been installed if
the client was installed via a push deployment. This is especially true for Windows NT or 2000 clients. If the
Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or later has been installed the client will have the correct version.
88 - Numara Asset Management Platform

8.1 Rolling Out the NAMP Agent

In our example in this chapter we will roll out the agent to some Windows XP Professional devices via a push
deployment using the Windows network neighbourhood.

If you want to roll out the agent to specific IP ranges see Option (a) now.

Rolling out the agent to the XP devices in your network involves the following steps of which most are executed
via the wizard:
1 Create an XP Rollout via the Rollout Wizard
1a Create an XP rollout and define target operating systems
1b Configure the rollout and target device topology type (relay/client)
1c Define the modules to load
1d Define XP push deployment
1e Define target devices and user accounts
1f Schedule the push deployment
2 Monitor the Rollout
Please refer to chapter Reports Step-by-Step for more information on how to create a report on the rollout results.
Step 1a: Launch the Wizard and Create the XP Rollout
The first step is to launch the rollout wizard and define the rollout as follows:
1 Select the Wizards -> Agent Rollout item menu or icon ( ) in the icon bar.
2 The first wizard window appears on the screen.
3 Define the following parameters for your new rollout all others leave with their predefined values:
ƒ Enter the name for the rollout configuration, e.g. XP Rollout in the Name field.

4 Click Next to go to the following wizard page.

Step 1b: Configure the Rollout

The second step is concerned with the basic configuration of the rollout.
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step - 89

1 Enter the name of the relay installed previously via the Client Install into the Parent Name field via the Select
a Device popup window called by the respective button (by default the master is preselected):
2 To do so click the Add Devices icon ( ).
3 The Select a Device popup window will appear on the screen.
4 Select the All button ( ) in the left window bar.
5 In the list select the device which you installed as the relay, then click OK.
6 Leave all other options unchanged.

7 Click Next to go to the following wizard page.

Step 1c: Define the Modules to load

This window provides the list of all available modules that may be installed on the target agent for the selected
operating systems. The default modules are already prechecked. Click Next.
90 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Step 1d: Define the XP Push Deployment

The deployment to the clients will be effected via a push deployment for our example.

If you want to roll out the agent via a pull deployment see Option (b) now.

1 Select the Push-Deployment radio button at the top right of the window.
2 Define the following parameters:
a Enter the name of the new push deployment into the Name field, e.g. XP Push Configuration.
b Enter the name of the rollout server, in our case this is the master server, into the Rollout Server field. You
can also select it via the Select a Device popup window, explained above under step 1b.
c Leave all other fields untouched.
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step - 91

3 Click Next to continue the wizard.

Step 1e: Define Target Devices and User Accounts

In this window the devices on which the agent is to be installed must be selected as well as the administrator
accounts via which they may be installed on them.
1 To select the target devices there are several methods available. Since this is the first deployment in your
network we will add the devices from the network neighbourhood.

2 Therefore select the Edit->Add Device from List icon ( ).

92 - Numara Asset Management Platform

3 The Select Devices from the List window opens which provides you with the different methods to choose the
rollout targets.

To select the target devices for a specific IP address range see Option (b) Step 2: now.

4 Select the Network tab ( ) in the left window bar.

5 The field Available Devices displays now the Microsoft Windows Network Neighbourhood structure on the
6 Open the tree structure under which the target device are located.

7 Select the device/devices to be added to the list by marking the different devices and moving them to the
Selected Devices list to the right via the Add button ( ). Be aware that you can select a maximum of 18
devices for your rollout with the evaluation license. The evaluation license allows you to test with a total of 20
devices, and you already installed the master and a relay. Be aware that you cannot add the master as a target
8 Before you can schedule the deployment specific login accounts must be defined, which are to be used by the
rollout. These logins will then try to log on to the device to execute the rollout in the order in which they are
defined, and once a login is successful all further accounts will be ignored.
9 To add a new account click the Add Administrator icon ( ).
10 The Properties dialog box appears on the screen.

11 Enter the following data for a new account login into the respective fields:
a Enter the name of the domain to which the rollout is going into the Administrator Domain field. You may
use a dot (.) to indicate the local machine.
b Enter the login name of the administrator as which the push deployment tries to log on to the remote target
to install the agent into the Administrator Login field.

For Windows XP Professional rollouts you MUST enter a valid login and password, and it must be the
same for all devices, i.e. the rollout server (the master) as well as targets.
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step - 93

If you are not sure that your local administrator login has the same passwords for all targets, use the
domain login. For domain logins to work correctly, the necessary domain trust relationships must
already have been set up between the different domain controllers.

c Enter the password of the above entered administrator into the Password field. For security reasons the
passwords will only be displayed in the form of asterisks (*).
d Confirm the above entered the password into this field.
e Click the OK button to confirm the new account and add it.
12 It will now be shown in the list above.
13 If the entry is correct click the Next button to proceed with the wizard.

Step 1f: Schedule the Push Deployment

Now that the deployment configuration as well as the members have been defined it may be scheduled to execute.
Leave the default values as they are to immediately schedule the rollout and click the Finish button to launch the
rollout process.

If you want to schedule the rollout at a specific date and time see Option (c) now.

Step 1g: Object Selection

A confirmation window appears now on the screen. To directly move the focus of the
console to the newly created push rollout check the Go to Rollout. Click OK to
confirm all definitions and create and start the rollout.

Step 2: Monitor the Rollout

You can monitor the advancement of the rollout on various places in the console, always in the right window
pane of either the Windows XP Client Install rollout node in the Members tab, in the Windows XP Client Push
deployment node’s General tab, or in its Assigned Devices tab, which offers the most detailed status information.
When the rollout has just been defined and is preparing to execute the Status will be Initial.
94 - Numara Asset Management Platform

In the more general status information, the final status may be either Successful for a successfully executed
rollout, Processing if the rollout has not yet finished executing, or At least one device failed, if an error of
any type occurred on at least one target.

8.2 Rollout Options

The following paragraphs will provide you with a number of options that may be used to modify the rollout.
(a) Rollout to Specific IP Address Ranges
To roll the agent out to specific IP address ranges instead of selecting the devices from the network neighbourhood
an autodiscovery must be executed before starting the actual rollout procedure.
Step 1: Execute Autodiscovery on the IP Address Range
To run an autodiscovery before the agent rollout proceed as follows:
1 In the left window pane of the console select the device which is to execute the autodiscovery of the network,
in our case this should be the master.
2 Then select the node Agent Configuration -> Module Configuration -> Autodiscovery.
3 Open the module‘s parameters by selecting the Edit -> Properties... menu item or the respective icon ( ) in
the icon bar.
4 The Properties dialog box appears on the screen.
5 Enter the indicated values for the following parameters and leave all others as they are:
Timeout: 2
Address Range: enter the IP address range to scan
Address Verification Interval: 2
Use Network Neighbourhood: Yes
6 Then click OK to confirm the new parameters and to close the window.
7 The autodiscovery will be launched immediately.
8 You can follow its progress by going to the Device List tab. Click the Refresh icon ( ) from time to time and
you will see the list filling up with the devices found by the master.
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step - 95

Step 2: Select Rollout Targets from Autodiscovery

When selecting the rollout targets from the autodiscovery you have two possibilities to do so:
• You may either select the targets from a general list displaying all autodiscovered devices, or
• you may make your selection from the autodiscovered list of a specific device.

Step 2a: All Autodiscovered Devices

1 The tab is the preselected tab when the window is opened. It displays the list of all devices found by all
devices executing autodiscoveries in the network.
2 Select the device/devices to be added as targets by marking the different devices and moving them to the
Selected Devices list to the right via the Add button ( ). Be aware that you can select a maximum of 18
devices for your rollout with the evaluation license. The evaluation license allows you to test with a total of 20
devices, and you already installed the master and a relay. Be aware that you cannot add the master as a target

3 Click OK to confirm the targets and to close the window.

4 Then continue with Point 8 (page 92) of the general rollout procedure.
96 - Numara Asset Management Platform

Step 2b: Autodiscovered List of a Specific Device

1 Select the AutoDisc Device tab ( ) in the left window bar.
2 The Select a Device window appears on the screen.
3 Click the All button and then select the device that carried out the autodiscovery in the appearing list, i.e. the
master in our case.
4 The Available Devices field will now display the list of all devices found.
5 Select the device/devices to be added as targets by marking the different devices and moving them to the
Selected Devices list to the right via the Add button ( ). Be aware that you can select a maximum of 18
devices for your rollout with the evaluation license. The evaluation license allows you to test with a total of 20
devices, and you already installed the master and a relay. Be aware that you cannot add the master as a target

6 Click OK to confirm the targets and to close the window.

7 Then continue with Point 8 (page 92) of the general rollout procedure.
(b) Rollout via Pull Deployment
For systems that do not support remote operations, the pull deployment may be used for rolling out NAMP agents.
In this case the remote machines are informed that a self-extractable file has to be recovered from a specific
machine and to be executed locally. The console eases the process of publishing this executable:
• The package is saved on the master server and accessible through a URL.
• A list of users can be used to select who should receive either the URL or the package via e-mail.
• Using a log-on script, the package can be downloaded and executed. In this case the rollout package may also
be stored on another machine than the master server.
After the clients have been informed that there is a package to pick up and execute an order is launched to
recuperate the package from its location and, once arrived, install it on the local machine.
A pull rollout can be divided into the following major steps:
1 Create Pull Rollout Configuration
2 Send Rollout to Targets
3 Verify Installation
Step 1: Create Pull Rollout Configuration
In this first step the pull configuration is created via the rollout wizard and the agent install package is generated.
1 To create a pull deployment select at Step 1d: the Pull Deployment option in the wizard window.
2 Define the values for the following parameters and leave all others untouched:
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step - 97

a Enter the name for this new pull deployment into the Name field, e.g. XP Pull Configuration.
b Enter the name of the rollout server, in our case this is the master server.
c Enter the name of the boot package of the pull deployment into the Boot Package Name field.
d Check the Add Windows Installer box if the Windows Installer is to be installed before the actual
installation of the agent on the remote client. This may be necessary if the agent is rolled out via a .msi
package and it is not sure that the Windows installer is already installed on the target machine.

3 Click the Next button and continue with Step 1e: Point 8 (page 92) of the wizard as explained before.
4 In window Administrator Accounts only the administrator account needs to be specified, no target devices.

At Step 1f: (page 93) of the wizard the schedule to be defined concerns the generation of the package executable
not the execution of the rollout as for the push deployment.

5 Once you click the Finish button the rollout is defined and scheduled to be generated at the specified time.
Generated in this case means that the rollout package is being generated and the rollout will be put at the
disposal of the target devices on the Rollout Server page.
6 Open a browser window and enter the address http://<rollout server name>:<rollout server port>/
7 Then enter an administrator login for the agent in the login window, e.g. admin with no password.
8 The Rollout Server page opens, displaying the newly created rollout.

Step 2: Send Rollout to Targets

In this second step the targets for the rollout must be informed that the package is ready to be installed. For this
proceed as follows:
1 Go to the rollout in the console if you have not chosen to do so at the end of the wizard.
2 Select the XP Pull Configuration in the left window pane.
3 Make sure in the right window pane that the Rollout Status displays Successful.
98 - Numara Asset Management Platform

4 Once the package is available you need to send the package via the console mail. This option may only be used
if your Console is open on the rollout server device.
5 For this select the Edit->Send Package menu item or the respective icon ( ) in the icon bar.
6 The Define Mail dialog box will appear on the screen. This dialog box defines the e-mail that is sent to the
target devices. It will inform their users that the installation package is available which is attached to the mail.

7 The subject and mail text with the required information is already filled in, you only need to define the
To define the recipient of the mail click the To... button. The Select an Address dialog box appears on the
screen. To define the recipients you have two possibilities:
a To select the recipients from among your administrators defined in NAMP leave the Select from List
radio button selected. Then select your recipient(s) from the list of administrators and administrator
groups. Click OK to confirm you selection.
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step - 99

b You may also send the mail to people not defined in

NAMP. For this select the radio button Select
Manually. The text field below becomes available and
here you may enter the e-mail addresses of your
recipients separated by a colon (,).
To select the CC... recipient, proceed as explained above for
the To....
To select the BCC... recipient, proceed as explained above for
the To....
8 Click OK to confirm the mail and to send it.
9 On the target device, open this e-mail, save the package and
execute it.

On a Mac OS X device you must mandatorily be logged on with an

administrator account to execute a pull rollout.

10 The agent is installed.

Step 3: Verify Installation

It is not possible to monitor the installation process via a pull deployment from the console. If the installation was
properly executed can only be verified on the local device. When a pull rollout is launched on a device a log file is
created, called PrecisonRollout, which is either located in the C:\Temp directory if this exists, or otherwise in
the C:\Documents and Settings\<Executing Administrator>\Local Settings\Temp, <Executing
Administrator> means in this case the administrator logon via which the rollout was executed. This log file
contains information on the execution of the rollout and mentions as its last line the final rollout status. If this
reads Successfully installed the agent. the installation was successful.
(c) Schedule Rollout at a Given Time and Date
1 At Step 1f: proceed as follows:
2 In the Schedule Rollout box check the Deferred to radio button and then select the desired date and time in
the list boxes below.
100 - Numara Asset Management Platform

3 Click the Finish button.

4 The rollout is now defined and scheduled to be executed at the specified time.
(d) Rollout Server Page
The agent running on the rollout server has an additional page, the Rollout Server page. This page is only
accessible via a browser through the following address: http://<rollout server name>:<rollout server
port>/rollout. This page can not be access through the regular agent interface. To log on to this page you must
either have an administrator login, the system login of the master machine or a login specifically defined by the
administrator to log on to this page. For our first test this is the master and you may use the predefined login
admin with no password.

The Rollout Server page provides the following information on all existing rollouts:
Rollout Configuration
This field displays the name of the rollout as defined through the console. Be aware that only those pull
configurations are displayed here that contain a successfully created pull executable file.
Deployment Name
This is the name of the pull deployment configuration as defined through the console.
Chapter 8 - Agent Rollout Step-by-Step - 101

Boot Package Name

This is the name of the rollout package, the actual installation package of the agent as defined in the console.
This entry is a direct link to the location of the package from which you can download it or launch it through
the use of your mouse buttons.
Last Execution Date
This field displays the date and time at which the package was executed for the last time by a client.
Download/Install Rollout
This page makes all rollout packages on the server available for download by the concerned clients.
1 To download a package right click its name and save it on the local client, or launch it directly for installation
by double-clicking.
2 Before the actual download or installation process starts you must provide the password for the download a
second time.
102 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Upgrading Step-by-Step
The following paragraphs lead you through the upgrade process for the different components of the Numara Asset
Management Platform:
• Master and Database Upgrade
• Console Upgrade
• Out-of-box Upgrade
• Agent Upgrade
• Upgrade Options
ƒ Upgrade Agents via Device Groups
ƒ Master and Database Upgrade for Versions 5.4.0 and earlier
ƒ Agent Upgrade for Versions 5.2.0 and earlier
ƒ Manual Console Upgrade from the Installation DVD
ƒ Console Upgrade via an MSI or a Custom Package
ƒ Console Upgrade Parameters
ƒ Additional Database Upgrade Information
ƒ Oracle Database Upgrade of Versions 6.1.x and Earlier
ƒ WAIK Update

9.1 Master and Database Upgrade

The update processes of the master and the database are closely linked together and consist of the following

If you are upgrading from an earlier version than 9.1.0 you need to request a new licence from the Numara web site as
your old licence will only be valid for another 30 days after the upgrade. This is due to the vulnerability and patch
knowledge base upgrade changes that are connected to the maintenance from now on.
It is strongly recommended to make a backup of the database (precisiondb or nampdb by default depending on the
version) as well as the Master installation directory.
If you have an Oracle database and you are upgrading your master from version 6.1.x or earlier go to Option (h) before
executing the following master upgrade procedure.
If your Master is an OSD Manager and you upgrade from a pre 9.1.0 version you must first upgrade the WAIK to WAIK 7
before upgrading the Master agent, see Option (i).

1 Open the upgrade/master folder on the installation DVD.

2 Copy the master upgrade package (<os>.zip) to folder <InstallDir>/Master (the default path is C:\Program
Files\Numara Software\Numara AMP\Master), i.e.:
ƒ for all flavours of Linux operating systems,
ƒ for all 32 bit Windows operating systems,
ƒ for all 64 bit Windows operating systems.
3 Unzip the upgrade package.
104 - Numara Asset Management Platform

4 Go to folder <InstallDir>/Master/upgrade.
5 Then launch the upgrade executable:
ƒ mtxupgrade.bat for Windows
ƒ for Linux.
6 The upgrade executable first stops the agent, i.e. the blue icon ( ) in the status bar in the bottom right hand
corner disappears.
7 Then it unzips the files archive and copies all files to their required location.
This upgrade process automatically updates all steps and report templates.
8 Then the upgrade process restarts the agent.
You can see that the upgrade process successfully finished when the agent icon reappears in the status bar.
During its initialisation process the icon will be grey ( ), and it will be shown in blue ( ) once the agent is
up and running again.

9.2 Console Upgrade

To upgrade an installed Console to the current version you have the following possibilities:
• Automatic Upgrade via the Console Parameters
• Alternative Upgrade via the Console Download Page

9.2.1 Automatic Upgrade via the Console Parameters

Before upgrading the console you need to have already upgraded the master. The upgrade process for the console
is then configured in such a way that it will be executed automatically when the console is launched for the first
time after the master upgrade.

9.2.2 Alternative Upgrade via the Console Download Page

The console Download Page is available on the master server and it provides the links to download different
versions of the Numara Asset Management Platform Console. This page is only accessible via a browser through
the following address: http://<master name>:<master port>/console, it can not be accessed through the
regular agent interface. To log on to this page you must either have an administrator login, the system login of the
master machine or a login specifically defined by the administrator to log on to this page, such as the initial
administrator login admin with no password.
The Numara Asset Management Platform Console exists for the different operating systems as well as Java Web
Start. To download and install a specific Console version click the link of the desired version under the respective
section to start the download. To install the Console as Java Web Start with the master click the respective icon on
the page.

This will install a link on your desktop to the master to launch the console, which is not installed on the local device.
The files required to launch the console are stored in the local cache memory and are updated every time a console
update is available.
Do not empty or delete the Java cache memory, as this will delete the files required for the Console Web Start. If this
happens the Console Web Start must be reinstalled.

The Download page also provides the current version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is required by
the console as well as the master.

9.3 Out-of-box Upgrade

If you have imported the out of the box objects you also need to upgrade these to the new version. Proceed as
follows to do so:
1 Open the console by double-clicking the desktop icon.
2 Enter your login and password.
Chapter 9 - Upgrading Step-by-Step - 105

3 Don’t forget to select the level of Secure Connection if you have installed the master with SSL.
4 Then click the Login button.
5 The console opens on the screen.
6 Select the File->Import ( ) menu item.
7 The Import a Node window appears on the screen.
8 Go to the <Install folder>\Master\data\Vision64Database\outofbox folder (the default value is
C:\Program Files\Numara Software\Numara AMP\Master\data\Vision64Database\outofbox) and select
the out-of-box file for the respective language that you installed previously, e.g. outofbox_english.xml for
the English version.
9 Then confirm by clicking the Open button of the window.
10 The file will now be imported and the objects are available in the console to be applied.

9.4 Agent Upgrade

The installed NAMP client agents may be upgraded very easily via an automatic upgrade which is executed
through an operational rule from any previous version to the most recent version.
The upgrade process for the agents works as follows for all different platforms:

If one or more of your agents are OSD Managers and you upgrade from a pre 9.1.0 version you must first upgrade the
WAIK to WAIK 7 before upgrading the agents, see Option (i).

1 Put the Numara Asset Management Platform installation DVD into the DVD drive and go to directory
upgrade/client. This directory contains all upgrade packages; they are stored in form of zip files per OS
platform:,,,, and
2 Copy the upgrade files located there to directory <InstallDir>/Master/upgrade/packages/ of the master,
(default path: C:\Program Files\Numara Software\Numara AMP\Master\upgrade\packages).
3 Log on to the console with a super administrator login or equivalent rights, e.g. admin with no password if
you have kept the original settings.

To upgrade the client agents via device groups instead of individually see the option Upgrade Agents via Device
Groups now.

4 In the console window select the Tools->Create Upgrade Package menu item ( ).
5 One custom package (.cst) per .zip file will be created in the same location together with its respective
operational rule and be placed in a specifically created folder called AssetManagementPlatformUpgrade
under the Packages/Operational Rules top nodes.

If you have performed previous upgrades, e.g.: 6.1.2 to 6.1.3 the operational rules/packages are placed under the
previously created folder called PrecisionUpgrade, no new folder will be created.

6 Now go to the Operational Rules->AssetManagementPlatformUpgrade node and select the operational rule
to upgrade the agents, i.e.
• WinntUpgrade for agents on 32 bit Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/7/2008 devices
• Winx64Upgrade for all agents installed on 64 bit Windows systems.
• Win9xUpgrade for agents installed on Windows 98
• LinuxUpgrade to upgrade all devices on which any supported flavour of Linux is installed
• MacosxUpgrade to upgrade all agents on Mac devices
• Solaris8Upgrade to upgrade all agents installed on solaris devices
7 Go to the Assigned Objects->Devices node below the selected package.
8 Either choose the Edit->Assign Device menu item or click the respective icon ( ) in the icon bar.
106 - Numara Asset Management Platform

9 A pop-up window appears on the screen in which you can define if the operational rule will be automatically
activated with the default schedule. Click Yes. (If you select No here, the operational rule must be specifically
activated afterwards.)
10 The Assign to Device popup window will appear on the screen.
11 Click the All button ( ) in the left window bar.
12 The list in the right part of the window now displays all available devices of your infrastructure on which a
NAMP agent is installed.
13 Select all devices of the selected operating system type and that require upgrading from the list, all Linux
devices for the LinuxUpgrade rule.
14 Click OK to confirm the assignment and close the window.
15 The device will be added to the table of assigned devices with the default timer, which schedules the execution
once and immediately.
16 Once the assignment process is finished and the upgrade package has arrived at the targets, the agents are
automatically upgraded.
17 This is the case when the status is green and Executed is displayed in the Status field for the respective
device in the table of all assigned devices.
18 To verify this go to a device node, either in the Topology or in a device group and select the device’s General
19 The attributes Agent Version Major and Agent Version Minor should display the values 9 and 1 now.
20 Repeat steps 7 to 14 for all other operating system platforms for which client agents need to be upgraged.

9.5 Upgrade Options

Following you will find some optional ways to upgrade the NAMP components:
(a) Upgrade Agents via Device Groups
To use this procedure to upgrade the client agents you must obligatorily have completed step 9.3 Out-of-box Upgrade
explained above.

Agents can be upgraded via device groups instead of individually. For this, depending on the operating systems
used in your environment one or more of the following groups need to be created:
• one for all 32 bit Windows devices,
• one for all 64 bit Windows devices,
• one for all Windows 98 devices,
• one for all Linux devices,
• one for all Solaris devices and
• one for all Mac devices
While it is possible to create these groups during the upgrade procedure it is recommended to prepare them
Step 1: Create Target Groups
1 Go to the Queries node.
2 Select the folder Operating Systems.

Windows Target Device Groups

• 32 Bit Windows Devices
a Select the Windows folder.
b Then select the query 32 Bit Windows Devices.

If you need to create a group for several types of Windows devices you may select more than one query in this
folder by holding the CTRL key.
Chapter 9 - Upgrading Step-by-Step - 107

c Now either select the Edit->Create Device Group or select the respective icon ( ) in the toolbar.
d The new group will be automatically created directly under the Device Groups top node with the same
name as that of the query, i.e. 32 Bit Windows Devices.
• 64 Bit Windows Devices
a Select the Windows folder.
b Then select the query 64 Bit Windows Devices.
c Now either select the Edit->Create Device Group or select the respective icon ( ) in the toolbar.
d The new group will be automatically created directly under the Device Groups top node with the same
name as that of the query, i.e. 64 Bit Windows Devices.
• Windows 98 Devices
a Select the Windows folder.
b Then select the query Windows 98 Devices.
c Now either select the Edit->Create Device Group or select the respective icon ( ) in the toolbar.
d The new group will be automatically created directly under the Device Groups top node with the same
name as that of the query, i.e. Windows 98 Devices.

Non Windows Target Device Groups

• Linux Devices
a Select the Unix folder.
b Then select the query Linux Devices.

If you need to create a group for both all Linux and Solaris devices you may select both queries in this folder by
holding the CTRL key.

c Now either select the Edit->Create Device Group or select the respective icon ( ) in the toolbar.
d The new group will be automatically created directly under the Device Groups top node with the same
name as that of the query, i.e. Linux Devices.
• Solaris Devices
a Select the Unix folder.
b Then select the query Solaris Devices.
c Now either select the Edit->Create Device Group or select the respective icon ( ) in the toolbar.
d The new group will be automatically created directly under the Device Groups top node with the same
name as that of the query, i.e. Solaris Devices.
• Mac OS X Devices
a Select the Mac OS X folder.
b Then select the query Mac OS Devices.
c Now either select the Edit->Create Device Group or select the respective icon ( ) in the toolbar.
d The new group will be automatically created directly under the Device Groups top node with the same
name as that of the query, i.e. Mac OS Devices.

Step 2: Create and Distribute Upgrade Packages

Now that all necessary groups are created, the upgrade packages can be created and assigned and distributed to
these target groups. To do so proceed as follows:
1 In the console window select the Tools->Create Upgrade Package menu item ( ).
2 One custom package (.cst) per .zip file will be created in the same location together with its respective
operational rule and be placed in a specifically created folder called AssetManagementPlatformUpgrade
under the Packages/Operational Rules top nodes.

If you have performed previous upgrades, e.g.: 6.1.2 to 6.1.3 the operational rules/packages are placed under the
previously created folder called PrecisionUpgrade, no new folder will be created.
108 - Numara Asset Management Platform

3 Now go to the Operational Rules->AssetManagementPlatformUpgrade node and select the operational rule
to upgrade the agents, i.e.
• WinntUpgrade for agents on 32 bit Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/7/2008 devices
• Winx64Upgrade for all agents installed on 64 bit Windows systems.
• Win9xUpgrade for agents installed on Windows 98
• LinuxUpgrade to upgrade all devices on which any supported flavour of Linux is installed
• MacosxUpgrade to upgrade all agents on Mac devices
• Solaris8Upgrade to upgrade all agents installed on solaris devices
4 Go to the Assigned Objects->Device Groups node below the selected operational rule.
5 Either choose the Edit->Assign Device Group menu item or click the respective icon ( ) in the icon bar.
6 A pop-up window appears on the screen in which you can define if the operational rule will be automatically
activated with the default schedule. Click Yes. (If you select No here, the operational rule must be specifically
activated afterwards.)
7 The Assign to Device Group popup window will appear on the screen.
8 The list in the right part of the window displays all available device groups defined in NAMP.
9 Select the group corresponding to the selected operational rule, i.e. the group 32 Bit Windows Devices for rule
WinntUpgrade, the group Linux Devices for rule LinuxUpgrade, etc.
10 Click OK to confirm the assignment and close the window.
11 The group will be added to the table of assigned device groups with the default timer, which schedules the
execution once and immediately.
12 Once the assignment process is finished and the upgrade package has arrived at the targets, the agents are
automatically upgraded.
13 This is the case when the status is green and Executed is displayed in the Status field for the respective
device in the table of all assigned devices of the device group’s subnode.
14 To verify this go to a device node, either in the Topology or in the device group and select the device’s General
15 The attributes Agent Version Major and Agent Version Minor should display the values 9 and 1 now.
16 Repeat steps 4 to 10 for all other operating system platforms for which client agents need to be upgraged.
(b) Master and Database Upgrade for Versions 5.4.0 and earlier
The update processes of the master and the database are closely linked together and consist of the following
1 Launch master upgrade
2 If required update database tablespaces
3 Relaunch master and database upgrade
To upgrade your master and the database proceed as follows:
1 Unzip the master upgrade package (<os>.zip) which is located in directory upgrade/master of the
installation DVD to directory <install Dir>/Master.
2 Launch the mtxupgrade.bat file from the upgrade directory.
3 The upgrade executable unzips the files archive and copies all files to their required location.
4 Then it verifies if all tablespaces required for the new version are present in the database in the new
Vision64Database.ini configuration file.
a If tablespaces are missing the upgrade process will stop without relaunching the agent. In this case you
need to proceed to update the tablespaces for the database as follows:
1 On the Numara Asset Management Platform installation DVD go to directory Support/database/
<database> in which you will find the scripts for the tablespaces creation and upgrade.
2 Execute the script called dbTablespaces_53x_540.<database>.sql, e.g.
dbTablespaces_53x_540.sqlserver.sql for updating the SQL Server from any version of 5.3 to 5.4.0,
as explained under the respective sections of the database prerequisites in chapter Database
Prerequisites on page 22. This script contains the list of all tablespaces that are to be newly created for
this version.
Chapter 9 - Upgrading Step-by-Step - 109

If you have modified the names of the tablespaces for your database you need to go to the
Vision64Database.ini file and modify the tablespaces again to the names you have given them
before executing the script.

3 Once the script executed with success restart the master. The master will verify again the list of existing
and required tablespaces, which now match. For more information on the tablespace and database
upgrade process see paragraph Additional Database Upgrade Information below.
b If all required tablespaces exist the database is upgraded. For more information on the database upgrade
process see paragraph Additional Database Upgrade Information below.
5 The process will now execute the upgrade and then, as its last operation restarts the agent for normal operation
after upgrade.
(c) Agent Upgrade for Versions 5.2.0 and earlier
If your currently installed version is 5.2.0 or earlier and needs to be upgraded you will need to execute the
following procedure. The upgrade mechanism is the same for all the different platforms and is as follows:
1 Launch the master and clients in their original (old) version.
2 Define the upgrade location in the Agent Configuration of all agents which are to be upgraded. This can be
done in one of the following ways:
a Define the upgrade link in the original rollout of the agent in the Update subnode of the Agent
Configuration node.
b Create an operational rule which will specify the link for the target agents.
c Manually enter the link in the Update subnode of the Agent Configuration node of the target agents.
3 On the master create the upgrade packages (custom packages) for the new version, e.g. 5.3.6, for all your
different operating system versions and publish the packages. The packages are located on the installation
DVD in the directory \upgrade\client\<os>.zip. Create the packages with the following parameters:
a The installation path is ../bin. Do NOT enter a full path.
b Overwrite non-system files.
4 Create an operational rule that will install the package on the targets.
5 Now upgrade your master to the current version:
a Unzip the master upgrade package (<os>.zip) which is located in directory \upgrade\master of the
installation DVD to directory <install Dir>/Master.
b Then restart the agent.
c When the agent starts up it will find the following files:
d When the agent finds the file mtxupgrade.chl it will launch the mtxupgrade.exe file and then will stop.
e The upgrade executable unzips the files archive, executes the upgrade and then, as its last operation
restarts the agent for normal operation after upgrade.
6 Once the master is up-to-date, distribute the upgrade packages to your client population to update to the new
(d) Manual Console Upgrade from the Installation DVD
The manual console upgrade via the NAMP Installation DVD is equivalent to newly installing the console.
For this insert the NAMP Installation DVD into the drive and follow the procedure as described in the preceding
installation chapter.
(e) Console Upgrade via an MSI or a Custom Package
The console may be automatically upgraded by an MSI or a custom package. For this procedure a package must be
created containing the console upgrade file and be sent to the targets.
1 To create the MSI package you may use the numara-asset-management-platform-console.msi file. This is
the console installation file provided by Numara Software and it is contained in the archive
located in the /ui/console/install/console/ directory.
110 - Numara Asset Management Platform

2 To create a custom package you may use an existing installation and create the package based on it.
(f) Console Upgrade Parameters
The parameters defining the automatic upgrade of the NAMP console are located in its configuration file
Vision64Database.ini. The file‘s [Console] section provides two parameters for this and depending on their
definition, the upgrade process is different if the original settings of these parameters were modified:
This section contains all parameters relative to the Numara Asset Management Platform Console.
This parameter defines the minimum version of the console to be able to connect to the current version of the
database module. The value to be defined here is the number of the Build version, i.e. 081022q for the 6.1.0
release. You will find this value in the About dialog window in its title.
This option defines if the console will automatically be updated if its version is too old to connect to the
database. By default this option is activated.
Minversion Parameter
If only the Minversion parameter is defined in this section a popup window appears at the connection of the
console to the database explaining that the currently installed console is obsolete, thus cannot connect to the
database and must be updated.The following update process must be executed manually, e.g.:
1 Open the Agent Interface by right-clicking its icon in the systray.
2 Then enter the following address to access the update page: http://<master:1610>/console.
3 The Console Download page of your master appears on the screen.

4 Select the link corresponding to your operating system and launch the upgrade.
Minversion and AutomaticUpdate Parameters
If the Minversion parameter is defined and the AutomaticUpdate parameter activated, the upgrade will be
executed automatically in the following way:
1 At the next connection a popup appears explaining the console is going to be updated.
2 Then the console tries to download the upgrade file for which there are the following two possibilities:
Chapter 9 - Upgrading Step-by-Step - 111

a You have created an auto-extractible file called MSIConsole.exe located in the OS respective subdirectory
of the /ui/console/install/console/ directory which contains a customised version of the console
which is to be used in your network. The upgrade process will always first check for such a file.

If the connected user does not have the required access rights to install an msi package, this can be a
workaround to still upgrade the console to the required version.

b If the file MSIConsole.exe does not exist, the console downloads the archive containing
the numara-amp-console.msi from the same directory which is provided by Numara Software by default
and contains the newest version of the console.
3 Once the file is downloaded the installation process is launched.
4 When the installation is terminated the new console will connect to the master.
(g) Additional Database Upgrade Information
The database update is an automatic mechanism, which is defined through the respective entries in the
Vision64Database.ini configuration file under the sections called [SqlUpgrade] and [TableSpaceUpgrade].
This section in the Vision64Database.ini configuration file contains the list of tablespaces, those that already
existed as well as those that were added in the new version. If you modified the names of some or all tablespaces,
you must change those also in the configuration file, otherwise the automatic verification and upgrade process
will not work.
The section contents are used by the automatic upgrade method, which manages the upgrade process, by looking
into the module database and matching a stored version number with the configuration file entries.
Within the [SqlUpgrade] section, each entry name is a regular expression which is used to match the current
schema version in the database. For each entry there is the path to an SQL file which is run to upgrade from the
matching version.
112 - Numara Asset Management Platform

The first entry matches version 0.x.x.x which is the same as not having a database. In effect, this entry points to
the default database definition file. The next entry matches any build of version 5.0.2 and upgrades it to the
'next' version which in the above shown example is 5.1.0. This process continues until it finds the most recent
The schema version is stored in a dedicated table for each module and is updated within each SQL script file. So
for example, the default dbtables.sql file sets the version to the current version, the script
dbupgrade_52x_530.sql updates any 5.2 database version to version 5.3.0.

(h) Oracle Database Upgrade of Versions 6.1.x and Earlier

If you are upgrading a master 6.1.x or earlier to the current verison and you database is Oracle you need to execute
the following procedure before upgrading the master:
1 Go to directory support\database\oracle on the installation DVD.
2 Execute the file as a user with system privileges.
3 After that you can start the acutal master upgrade.
(i) WAIK Update
All OSD Managers, no matter if this function is executed by the master or another “simple” client, must upgrade
their WAIK to WAIK 7 before upgrading the agent, if they are upgrading from a pre 9.1.0 version.
Version 7 of the WAIK can be downloaded from
1 Install the WAIK 7 on all OSD Managers.
2 Delete all *.WIM files in the \data\OsDeployment directory of all OSD Manager devices.
3 Upgrade your network.
4 Regenerate all OSD projects.
Uninstalling Numara AMP Components
If you need to uninstall the any of the Numara Asset Management Platform components which have been
installed manually the procedure to follow will depend on your platform:
• Uninstallation on Windows
• Uninstallation on Linux
• Uninstallation on Solaris
• Uninstallation on Mac OS
• Uninstallation via Rollout
Be aware that uninstalling an agent from a device will NOT automatically remove the device from the NAMP
database, it must be removed manually from there via the console. If you do not delete the device in the database,
it will still be displayed in all its groups with the connection status Lost and a red icon ( ) after the device lost
time defined in the system variables.

10.1 Uninstallation on Windows

To uninstall Numara Asset Management Platform components from a Windows operating system proceed as
1 Select the Start menu and then the Control Panel.
1 Open the Add/Remove Programs window of the Control Panel.
2 Find the component to uninstall (Numara Asset Management Platform Master, Numara Asset Management
Platform Client, Numara Asset Management Platform Console) in the list of progams and select it.
3 In the presented additional information select the Remove button.
4 A confirmation window appears on the screen. Click Yes to confirm.
5 The uninstall starts directly.
6 When uninstall is complete you will see that the respective Numara Asset Management Platform Component
has been removed from the list of programs in the Add/Remove Programs list and the agent icon in the systray
has disappeared.
Warning: If you installed MSDE/SQL Server Express as the database engine to be used with the Numara Asset
Management Platform Master installation, MSDE will NOT be uninstalled together with the master as well, it
must be removed individually.

10.2 Uninstallation on Linux

To uninstall Numara Asset Management Platform components on the different distributions proceed as follows:
Linux Redhat
1 Open a console or terminal window and type:
ƒ rpm -e numara-asset-management-platform-master-9-1-2 to uninstall the master,
ƒ rpm -e numara-asset-management-platform-client-9-1-2 to uninstall a client, or
ƒ rpm -e numara-asset-management-platform-console-9-1-2 to uninstall the console.
then press the Enter key.
114 - Numara Asset Management Platform

2 Details about the Numara Asset Management Platform component will be returned. You will then be asked:
Do you want to remove this package?
3 Reply Yes to remove the package.
Be aware that any files which are generated during the use of Numara Asset Management Platform, such as log
files, data files, etc., are not automatically deleted during the uninstall of the components. They must be deleted
Debian and Open Suse
1 Open a terminal window and type:
ƒ numara-asset-management-platform-master-uninstall to uninstall the master,
ƒ numara-asset-management-platform-client-uninstall to uninstall a client, or
ƒ numara-asset-management-platform-console-uninstall to uninstall the console.
then press the Enter key.

10.3 Uninstallation on Solaris

To uninstall Numara Asset Management Platform components on Solaris, follow the steps below:
1 Open a console or terminal window and type:
ƒ pkgrm CTNPcsnCl to uninstall a client, or
ƒ pkgrm CTNPcsnCo to uninstall the console.
then press the Enter key.
2 Details about the Numara Asset Management Platform component will be returned. You will then be asked:
Do you want to remove this package?
3 Reply Yes to remove the package.
Be aware that any files which are generated during the use of Numara Asset Management Platform, such as log
files, data files, etc., are not automatically deleted during the uninstall of the components. They must be deleted

10.4 Uninstallation on Mac OS

To uninstall Numara Asset Management Platform components on Mac OS, follow the steps below:
1 Go to directory /bin of the client installation directory.
2 Launch the script with script execution rights.
3 The client will be uninstalled.
Be aware that any files which are generated during the use of Numara Asset Management Platform, such as log
files, data files, etc., are not automatically deleted during the uninstall of the components. They must be deleted
To uninstall the Console you simply need to emtpy the cache memory.

10.5 Uninstallation via Rollout

Agents that were installed via a rollout may also be uninstalled by rollout. The procedure is similar to the
Uninstalling the agent from the network via a rollout involves the following steps of which most are executed via
the wizard:
1 Create an uninstall rollout via the Rollout Wizard and execute it
2 Send the package to the targets and execute
3 Monitor the uninstall
Chapter 10 - Uninstalling Numara AMP Components - 115

Step 1: Create Uninstall Rollout

The rollout creation and execution process consists of the following steps:
1a Create an uninstall rollout and define target operating systems
1b Define the deployment
1c Define target devices and user accounts
1d Schedule the uninstall
1e Send rollout package to targets (pull configuration only)
Step 1a: Launch the Wizard and Create the Uninstallation
The first step is to launch the rollout wizard and define the rollout as follows:
1 Select the Wizards -> Agent Rollout item menu or icon ( ) in the icon bar.
2 The first wizard window appears on the screen.
3 Define the following parameters for your new rollout all others leave with their predefined values:
ƒ Enter the name for the rollout configuration, e.g. XP 32-bit Uninstall in the Name field.
ƒ Select the Uninstall option from the Rollout Type dropdown list.
ƒ In the Operating System field select the appropriate operating system group.
4 If you have used the default installation options click Next now to go to the following wizard page.
5 If you have modified the default values verify also the following values:
ƒ Enter your custom installation directory in the field Installation Directory.
ƒ Make sure the name in the field Agent Service Name is the name you used for the installation.
6 Then click Next now to go to the following wizard page.

Step 1b: Define the Deployment

For the uninstall the same type of deployment must be used as for the installation, i.e. agents installed by push
must be uninstalled by push and agents installed by pull must be uninstalled by pull deployment.
1 Select the respective radio button at the top of the window.
1a Push Deployment
For a push uninstall you need to define the following parameters:
ƒ Enter the name of the new push deployment into the Name field, e.g. XP 32-bit Push Uninstall.
116 - Numara Asset Management Platform

ƒ Enter the name of the rollout server, in our case this is the master server, into the Rollout Server field. You
can also select it via the Select a Device popup window, explained above under step 1b. The port number
will be automatically filled in.
ƒ Leave all other fields untouched if you used the default installation, otherwise adapt the field values to
those of your installation.

1b Pull Deployment
For a pull uninstall you need to define the following parameters:
ƒ Enter the name of the new push deployment into the Name field, e.g. XP 32-bit Pull Uninstall.
ƒ Enter the name of the rollout server, in our case this is the master server, into the Rollout Server field. You
can also select it via the Select a Device popup window, explained above. The port number will be
automatically filled in.
ƒ Enter the name of the uninstall package into the Boot Package Name field, e.g.,
ƒ Check the Add Windows Installer box, if required.
Chapter 10 - Uninstalling Numara AMP Components - 117

2 Click Next to continue the wizard.

Step 1c: Define Target Devices and User Accounts

In this window the devices on which the agent is to be uninstalled must be selected for the push uninstallation as
well as the administrator accounts to access them for both deployments. For the pull deployment continue
directly with step 7 of the current procedure.
1 To select the target devices there are several methods available. Since all devices now have an agent installed
we can select them from the device list.

2 Therefore select the Edit->Add Device icon ( ).

118 - Numara Asset Management Platform

3 The Select a Device window opens on the screen.

4 Select the devices to be uninstalled from one of the tabs of the Select a Device dialog box.
5 Click OK to confirm and close the window.
6 The devices are now added to the list window.
7 The access to the devices must be defined in the same way as for the installation before you can schedule the
8 To add a new account click the Add Administrator icon ( ) in the icon bar.
9 The Properties dialog box appears on the screen.

10 Enter the following data for a new account login into the respective fields:
a Enter the name of the domain to which the rollout is going into the Administrator Domain field. You may
use an asterisk (*) if the rollout is going to all domains.
b Enter the login name of the administrator as which the push deployment tries to log on to the remote target
to install the agent into the Administrator Login field.
You may provide the login as one of the following possibilities:
ƒ as the ’simple’ login name of a local user of the remote machine, such as Administrator
ƒ as .\login for a local login, or
ƒ as \\domain\login for a domain login of the administrator, such as \\LAB\TEST. The domain part may
be set to a dot (.) to indicate the local machine.

For Windows XP Professional rollouts you MUST enter a valid login and password, and it must be the
same for all devices, i.e. the rollout server (the master) as well as targets.
If you are not sure that your local administrator login has the same passwords for all targets, use the
domain login. For domain logins to work correctly, the necessary domain trust relationships must
already have been set up between the different domain controllers.

c Enter the password of the above entered administrator into the Password field. For security reasons the
passwords will only be displayed in the form of asterisks (*).
d Confirm the above entered the password into this field.
e Click the OK button to confirm the new account and add it.
11 It will now be shown in the list above.
12 If the entry is correct click the Next button to proceed with the wizard.

Step 1d: Schedule the deployment

Now that the deployment configuration as well as the members have been defined it may be scheduled.
Depending on the type of deployment the schedule process has two different meanings:
• Push Deployment: The uninstall process is scheduled to be executed at a specific time.
• Pull Deployment: The generation of the executable that launches the uninstall process on the target devices is
Leave the default values to schedule immediately and click the Finish button to launch the rollout process.
Chapter 10 - Uninstalling Numara AMP Components - 119

13 A confirmation window appears now on the screen. To directly move the focus of
the console to the newly created rollout check the Go to Rollout. Click OK to
confirm all definitions.
Pull Configuration
To verify that the pull deployment package was properly created proceed as
1 Once you click the Finish button the rollout is defined and the package
scheduled to be generated at the specified time. Generated in this case means that the rollout package is
being generated and the rollout will be put at the disposal of the target devices on the Rollout Server page.
2 Open a browser window and enter the address http://<rollout server name>:<rollout server
3 Then enter an administrator login for the agent in the login window, e.g. admin with no password.
4 The Rollout Server page opens, displaying the newly created rollout.

Step 1e: Send Rollout to Targets

In this step the targets for the uninstall pull rollout must be informed that the uninstall package is ready. For this
proceed as follows:
1 Go to the rollout in the console if you have not chosen to do so at the end of the wizard.
2 Select the XP 32-bit Pull Uninstall in the left window pane.
3 Make sure in the right window pane that the Rollout Status displays Successful.
120 - Numara Asset Management Platform

4 Once the package is available you have two options to let actually uninstall your clients:
a Send an e-mail via your regular e-mail system to the local user. This option is to be used if your Console is
not located on the rollout server device.
1 The mail should contain the link to the package on the Rollout Server page as well as information
concerning the login and password to access the page.
2 The local user can then connect and launch the uninstallation.
b Send the package via the console mail. This option may only be used if your Console is open on the rollout
server device.
1 For this select the Edit->Send Package menu item or the respective icon ( ) in the icon bar.
2 The Define Mail dialog box will appear on the screen. This dialog box defines the e-mail that is sent to
the target devices. It will inform their users that the installation package is available which is attached to
the mail.

3 The subject and mail text with the required information is already filled in, you only need to define the
To define the recipient of the mail click the To... button. The Select an Address dialog box appears on
the screen. To define the recipients you have two possibilities:
Chapter 10 - Uninstalling Numara AMP Components - 121

a To select the recipients from among your

administrators defined in NAMP leave the Select from
List radio button selected. Then select your
recipient(s) from the list of administrators and
administrator groups. Click OK to confirm you
b You may also send the mail to people not defined in
NAMP. For this select the radio button Select
Manually. The text field below becomes available and
here you may enter the e-mail addresses of your
recipients separated by a colon (,).
To select the CC... recipient, proceed as explained above
for the To....
To select the BCC... recipient, proceed as explained above
for the To....
c Click OK to confirm the mail and to send it.
d On the target device, open this e-mail, save the package and execute it.
e The agent is uninstalled.

Step 2: Verifying the Uninstallation

How to verify that the agent was properly uninstalled depends on the uninstall method:
Push Deployment
You can monitor the uninstallation process on various places in the console, always in the right window pane of
either the XP 32-bit Uninstall rollout node in the Members tab, in the XP 32-bit Push Uninstall deployment
node’s General tab, or in its Assigned Devices tab, which offers the most detailed status information. When the
rollout has just been defined and is preparing to execute the Status will be Initial.
In the more general status information, the final status may be either Successful for a successfully executed
rollout, Processing if the rollout has not yet finished executing, or At least one device failed, if an error of
any type occurred on at least one target.
Pull Deployment
It is not possible to monitor the uninstallation process via a pull deployment from the console. If the uninstall was
properly executed can only be verified on the local device. When a pull rollout is launched on a device a log file is
created, called PrecisonRollout, which is either located in the C:\Temp directory if this exists, or otherwise in
the C:\Documents and Settings\<Executing Administrator>\Local Settings\Temp, <Executing
Administrator> means in this case the administrator logon via which the rollout was executed. This log file
contains information on the execution of the rollout and mentions as its last line the final rollout status. If this
reads Successfully uninstalled the agent. the uninstallation was successful.
122 - Numara Asset Management Platform
Migrating from V4 to V9
The Numara Asset Management Platform provides the possibility to migrate from v4 to v9 using a set of specific
migration tools which are provided on the installation DVD.
It is possible to migrate the following v4 classes to v9 objects:
• Migration of Devices
• Migration of Custom Packages

11.1 Migration of Devices

The migration of devices from v4 to v9 is done via an extraction from the v4 database into a .csv file, which is
then used for the rollout of the new v9 agents.
To migrate all your devices from v4 to v9 proceed as follows:
1 On your v4 master server go to directory bin and find file v64wbtch.exe, v64lbtch or v64sbtch. Check
that the version of this file is at least If the version is prior to this, please contact Numara Technical
Support for an upgrade before continuing migration.
2 Then create a text file called v64fbtch in the param directory and add the following entry to it:
Export Devices
3 Then launch the program v64wbtch.exe for Windows, v64lbtch for Linux and v64sbtch for Solaris. This
file will connect to the v4 master and recover all devices known to its database.
4 The script creates the following csv files in the v4 master devices_csv directory:
hostname_Devices.csv, which contains all devices found on the master in form of their host names and
ip_Devices.csv, which lists all devices with their IP address.
5 These lists may now be used with a push deployment to roll out the v9 agent to all these clients as explained in
chapter Agent Rollout Step-by-Step under heading Define the XP Push Deployment in this manual.

11.2 Migration of Custom Packages

It is also possible to migrate existing v4 custom packages to v9 custom packages. Be aware that the migration can
only be done locally, i.e. the files of the v4 packages must be located on the same machine as their target location
is to be, by copying the v4 packages to a temporary directory of the local machine. Mounting the drive as a
network drive on the local client is not possible, as the NAMP agent runs as a service under the system account.
This account does not have the appropriate rights to connect to a remote computer. In that case, the drive has to
be mounted with a valid network user to work with the local agent.
All v4 custom packages are located in the $$dist$$directory of the master and each package consists of two files:
<package name>.idx and <package name>.dta. If one of these files is missing, the package cannot be migrated.
The following files are necessary for the migration to v9:
• PackageV4Import.chl - this is the actual migration script executing the package migration.
• PackageV4Import.ini - this configuration file defines the settings for the migration itself.
• v64wampi.exe (Windows) / v64lampi (Linux) - this file is the v4 migration module that extracts the data of
the v4 packages.
124 - Numara Asset Management Platform

All of these files should be located in the same directory as the Chilli interpreter of the v9 machine, i.e. the
<installation directory>/bin directory.

11.2.1 Configuration File Settings

The PackageV4Import.ini configuration file has the following settings which must be defined before a
migration may be executed:
This section defines the path of the packages. All parameters of this section are mandatory.
This entry defines the relative path to the directory of the v4 packages, which by default is $$dist$$.
This section provides a number of mostly optional parameters for the migration.
Defines if all packages is to include the NAMPI module (Autonomic Module Package V4 installer). Possible
values are Yes and No, by default this is set to No.
This entry defines if the migrated packages are to be identified with a specific prefix, such as for example v64.
If left empty the migrated packages will keep their original name as it is with the new custom extension .cst,
used in v9. By default this field is left empty.
The name of the NAMPI module, v64wampi.exe under Windows and v64lampi under linux. By default this
is set to v64wampi.exe.
Defines the path to the location where the NAMPI is present on the devices from which the migration tool will
extract the v4 custom package(s). This parameter is mandatory if the add_ampi parameter was defined with
The path to the location in which the v4 package(s) will be extracted before the actual migration to v9. This
parameter is mandatory.
This entry defines a number of additional parameters which may be provided to the NAMPI module for
Defines if a log of the extraction and migration should be kept. Possible values are Yes and No.
This entry defines the level of the v4 command execution log, it may be set to any value between 1 and 9, 1
being the less detailed level and 9 the most detailed.
The level of NAMPI log set to a value between 1 and 9.
Define with this parameter the path to the .idx file of the v4 package to install. Important: this parameter
is automatically filled in by the PackageV4Import.chl script.
Define the directory in which the log file(s) are to be located if they are not to be in the default directory, the
directory defined above in the package_remote_path parameter.
The entries in this section define the connection settings to the v9 device on which the target files are to be saved.
All these parameters are mandatory.
Chapter 11 - Migrating from V4 to V9 - 125

The name of the administrator to log on to the local machine.
The password of the above defined administrator.
The name or IP address of the local device. The name may be entered either as its short or long network name,
e.g. scotty or, or as its IP address in dotted notation.
The port on which the NAMP agent is listening. By default this value is 1610.

11.2.2 Migration Procedure

To migrate the custom package proceed as follows:
1 Verify that you have entered all necessary settings in the configuration file.
2 Verify that all v4 custom package files are on the local machine, either copied into a temporary directory from
their original location or through a mounted network drive.
3 Open a terminal window and go to the directory in which the Chilli interpreter is located (<Installation
Directory>/bin) and then enter the following command:
./chilli PackageV4Import.chl
The files should all be located in the /bin directory.
4 All v4 packages found in the defined directory will now be migrated to v9 package format and will be saved in
the directory <Installation Directory>/data/PackagerCustom under a folder with their original package
5 The migrated packages will appear in the Numara Asset Management Platform Console in the Package Factory
of the local device under the Custom Packages node with their original name and a possible prefix, as
specified in the configuration file.
Be aware, that these packages are only migrated and not published. To publish them and thus make them
available for software distribution publish the packages as explained in chapter Custom Packages under heading
Publish Package on page 375 in the Administrator’s Guide.

11.2.3 Migration Log File

A log file is created for the migration of the files in the <Installation Directory>/bin directory,
PackageV4Import.log. It contains information regarding the individual steps of the migration and any possible
errors. Following is an example of a log for a successful migration of two v4 packages with prefix v64:
Starting import.
The ini file PackageV4Import.ini was found.
The ini file PackageV4Import.ini is valid.
The package v4 path is "D:/v4/Master/db/$$dist$$".
Create the package "v64mypkg.cst".
Execution of PackagerCustomCreatePackage -> success (ErrCode: 0).
The file D:/v4/Master/db/$$dist$$/mypkg.idx was found.
The file D:/v4/Master/db/$$dist$$/mypkg.dta was found.
The file v64wampi.exe was found.
Execution of PackagerCustomAddFilesToZipArchive -> success (ErrCode: 0).
Execution of PackagerCustomSetInstallation -> success (ErrCode: 0).
Create the package "v64testpkg.cst".
Execution of PackagerCustomCreatePackage -> success (ErrCode: 0).
The file D:/v4/Master/db/$$dist$$/testpkg.idx was found.
The file D:/v4/Master/db/$$dist$$/testpkg.dta was found.
The file v64wampi.exe was found.
Execution of PackagerCustomAddFilesToZipArchive -> success (ErrCode: 0).
Execution of PackagerCustomSetInstallation -> success (ErrCode: 0).
Import is finished.
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