First of The Month Letter - November 2010

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November 1, 2010

     

Dear Friend,

Everyone realizes that we have a leadership crisis, not only in our country, but in the world at large. How did we
get to this place? Where does leadership come from? And where does it go?

Leadership is a gift from God. James 1:17 tells us, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and
cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

Also, we find that Psalm 68:18 says, “Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast
received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them. Blessed be the
Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.”

Do you think God gives his gifts only to righteous men? The psalmist says God gives his gifts to the
rebellious also. What are we to make of that? Let’s first think about it. God causes it to rain on the just and the
unjust. He doesn’t cause rain to fall on one side the property line, watering the good man’s field while letting the
field of the evil man stay dry. That would probably be an effective technique to promote righteousness, but God
does not do that.

Do you recall the curious incident in John 5:1-8 where there was a pool in Jerusalem that was called
Bethesda? A great multitude of impotent folk—blind, halt, withered—lay waiting for the moving of the water
when an angel went down at a certain season and troubled the water. The first person who stepped in after the
water was troubled was made whole of whatever disease he had.

A man had an infirmity for 38 years. Jesus saw him and asked, “‘Will you be made whole?’ The impotent
man answered him, ‘Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am
coming, another steppeth down before me.’ Jesus saith unto him, ‘Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.’”

This story seems a little strange to you, but it establishes something very profound. God’s gifts are not given
for merit. For the first man in may only be quicker than another, not more righteous. Not only are the gifts of God
not given for merit, they are often given randomly.

The movie, Amadeus, develops an interesting theme as Salieri—a court musician who has worked hard all his
life, has studied diligently, and is a composer—finds his music totally eclipsed by that of Mozart who seems to
have been born with a supernatural gift of music.

Salieri prayed that God would bless his work and he promised to glorify God with it. The young Mozart was
a crude and vulgar man, but plainly had received the gift that Salieri wanted so very much. Salieri came to hate
God, thinking that God had been unfair.

There is nothing to suggest that demonic powers can convey gifts such as this and everything to suggest that
they cannot. Remember what James said? Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights.
And remember the psalmist? God gives gifts to men—the rebellious also.

When you listen to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, you encounter a great gift of God—given to a man who was
deaf and couldn’t hear it. Not only are the gifts of God not given for merit, they are often given at random. You
need to understand the gifts of God and what form they take. Leadership is one of those gifts that God rains down
at random among men. This Born to Win program by Ronald L. Dart will enlighten you and vastly improve your
understanding of what this has to do with leadership and with you. You will benefit greatly from hearing this FREE
message titled, Leadership in Crisis. Watch for the warning you are to heed. Don’t delay. Order this FREE
program today simply by returning the enclosed card.

Working together for a better life,

Allie Dart
Speaker’s Choice #66
Living Together - Something is terribly wrong with sex education in our schools. Barbara Whitehouse
observed in an article, How We Mate, that major changes have taken place in the mating habits of our nation.
Single moms are trapped when their little boys start acting like boys. They need a male mentor for their
darling baby boys who grow up as rage filled teenagers. Learn how these single moms are at a terrible
competitive disadvantage competing with child-free single women, how their children are at risk with their
live-in boyfriends molesting their children, and the ploys they use. Parents, this Born to Win message is an
absolute must for you and your teenage girls to hear. It could save them from a world of misery and more.

For the Children - The US Supreme Court has struck down as unconstitutional a Texas law outlawing
sodomy. Establishing a right to gay marriage is probably just around the corner. Why does the government,
the State, have anything to say about marriage at all? Why does the State outlaw polygamy? Regulate
divorce? Why does the State accord favorable treatment to married couples, who enjoy rights that unmarried
couples do not? Learn the biblical reason for marriage and why the State, irrespective of religion, has an
interest in regulating marriage.

It’s In Your Genes - Did you know that science is suggesting that our genes not only provide the basic
framework for an individual’s physical features, but may actually be involved in shaping personality?
Human beings have a genetic predisposition for spoken language that is at its peak during a narrow time in a
child’s life. What evidence is there in the Bible that we humans also have a narrow time in our lives during
which we are predisposed toward God? Learn how God’s commandment to talk to our children about him
and his Law may have its foundation in the fundamental genetic structure of man.

Free Love - In this probing Born to Win broadcast special, Ronald Dart examines the Oneida experiment
with “free love” in the 1850s. One man attempted to free couples from exclusive devotion to one another so
that the community he formed might experience his concept of kinship and community ties he thought stronger
than the traditional family. You will come to appreciate more than ever the divine wisdom of the Creator
who ordained marriage and family.

Yes! I would like to receive these essential Born to Win broadcasts.

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