ICELT Trainer-In-Training Handbook V1

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Trainer-in-Training handbook

© UCLES 2017 | CE/4569/7Y07


Section 1: General Information ........................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2.1 General requirements for supporting a trainer-in-training ......................................................... 4
1.2.2 Minimum Professional Requirements for the trainer-in-training ............................................... 4
1.3 Point of entry for ICELT trainers-in-training ................................................................................ 5
1.3.1 Route One: Training and development ....................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Route Two: Induction and development programme ................................................................. 5
1.3.3 Route Three: Induction programme ............................................................................................ 6
1.3.4 Refresher training for approved ICELT trainers ........................................................................... 6
1.4 Application procedures................................................................................................................ 6

Section 2: Guidelines for devising the training programme .................................................................. 8

2.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Time allocation for trainer-in-training ......................................................................................... 8
2.3 ICELT trainer-in-training portfolio................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Competencies .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 Administrative procedures and professionalism ......................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Teaching, learning and training principles and approaches ........................................................ 9
2.4.3 Guidance, feedback and assessment......................................................................................... 10
2.5 Training supervisor’s report....................................................................................................... 10

Section 3: ICELT Training Programmes .............................................................................................. 12

3.1 Training programmes and routes .............................................................................................. 12
3.2 Route One: ICELT Training and Development Programme ....................................................... 12
3.3 Route Two: ICELT Induction and Development Programme ..................................................... 13
3.4 Route Three: ICELT Induction Programme ................................................................................ 14

Section 4: ICELT Training Tasks ......................................................................................................... 15

4.1 Task One: Tracking your own development .............................................................................. 15
4.2 Task One Cont.: ICELT trainer-in-training: Development Plan .................................................. 16
4.3 Task One Cont.: Task record ...................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Task Two: Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines ........................................................................ 18
4.5 Task Three: Administration Handbook ...................................................................................... 18
4.6 Task Four: Syllabus and timetable ............................................................................................. 19
4.6 Task Four cont. : Language knowledge and awareness............................................................. 20

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4.7 Task Five: Background Reading ................................................................................................. 27
4.8 Task Six: Selection of Candidates ............................................................................................... 28
4.9 Task Seven: Monitoring trainee progress .................................................................................. 29
4.10 Task Eight: Input Analysis Sheet ............................................................................................... 30
4.11 Task Nine: Materials and input session design .......................................................................... 31
4.12 Task Ten: Standards of assessment ........................................................................................... 32
4.13 Task Eleven: Shadowing assessed teaching and feedback ........................................................ 33
4.14 Task Twelve: Post Course Record Keeping ................................................................................ 34
4.15 Task Thirteen Post Course Administration ................................................................................ 34
4.16 Task Fourteen: Post-course written assignment ....................................................................... 35

Section 5 ICELT Training report and Continued Professional Development ......................................... 37

5.1 Possible observation of a trainer-in-training ............................................................................. 37
5.2 ICELT Training Report................................................................................................................. 37
5.3 ICELT Training Roles ................................................................................................................... 37

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Section 1: General Information

1.1 Introduction
ICELT, the Cambridge In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching is a highly practical course-
based award which provides in-service teacher training and development for practising English
Language teachers.

ICELT is divided into two Modules:

Component One - Language for Teachers
Components Two and Three - Teaching and Methodology.

This handbook is intended for ICELT trainers and trainers-in-training and provides information about
and guidelines for the process of training experienced teachers and trainers to deliver ICELT courses.
There are separate handbooks for training other Cambridge English teaching qualifications.

1.2 Requirements
1.2.1 General requirements for supporting a trainer-in-training
 Trainers-in-training must be proposed and supported by a recognised ICELT training centre.

 The training should take place before, during and after a course running at the centre.

 The Main Course Tutor and Assistant Course Tutor must be experienced in running the ICELT
course; either can take the role of the training supervisor.

 The centre has the responsibility for ensuring that the appropriate level of training and
induction is provided.

 The centre has the responsibility for ensuring that the prospective trainer-in-training meets
the minimum professional requirements detailed below.

 Where training programmes cannot be provided internally, centres will need to arrange for the
training to take place at an approved centre or to employ a consultant trainer to set up the
initial course.

1.2.2 Minimum Professional Requirements for the trainer-in-training

All prospective ICELT trainers-in training should:

 have substantial and current learner-centred classroom-based ELT experience, preferably in

more than one context. Experience of teaching a range of levels and different types of class is
a requirement.

 hold the Cambridge DTEFLA, Cambridge DELTA, Cambridge Delta Modules, Trinity Dip. TESOL,
ICELT or have a similar in-service ELT qualification.

 have demonstrated commitment to their own professional development by being involved in

staff development, support for in-services teachers, attendance at conferences, etc. and
through current reading within the field of ELT.

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 use written language which is free of errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and lexical
selection and use spoken language which is accurate with regard to grammar, lexical selection
and pronunciation.

1.3 Point of entry for ICELT trainers-in-training

There are three points of entry for prospective ICELT trainers. Consideration will be given to
prospective ICELT trainers in the following three groups and successful candidates will follow a training
route adapted to their level of experience.

1.3.1 Route One: Training and development

This route is for applicants with little or no formal Cambridge or equivalent teacher-training

In such cases, in addition to the general requirements outlined in 1.2, applicants will have substantial
experience of providing in-service support for less experienced colleagues or staff. This will include
experience of observing practising teachers in order to provide advice on professional development.

The aims of the training and development programme are to:

 ensure trainee trainers have the skills and subject knowledge to undertake formal teacher
 enable trainee trainers to develop the skills and approaches necessary for the successful
delivery of input, observation, feedback, assessment and tutoring at the appropriate level for
participants on ICELT courses
 ensure that the trainee trainer is fully aware of the aims, administrative structure and
requirements of ICELT.

1.3.2 Route Two: Induction and development programme

This route is for applicants with experience of providing pre-service training (e.g. CELTA, Trinity Cert)

In addition to the general requirements outlined in 1.2, applicants in this group will have substantial
experience of leading training and/or development courses at pre-service level, for example: CELTA.
These courses will include the observation of/and feedback to trainee teachers for assessment

The aims of an induction and development programme are to:

 enable trainee trainers to adjust their skills, approach and assessment from pre-service level to
the needs of experienced teachers
 ensure that the trainee trainer is fully aware of the aims, administrative processes and
requirements of ICELT.

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1.3.3 Route Three: Induction programme
This route is for applicants with experience of providing in-service training (e.g. Delta, Trinity Dip)

In addition to the general requirements outlined in 1.2, applicants in this group will have substantial
experience of leading training and/or development courses for experienced teachers in the field of
English Language Teaching (e.g. Delta). In addition they will have substantial experience of observing
and providing feedback to practising teachers as part of a training or development programme.

The aims of an induction programme are to:

 ensure the trainee trainer has adapted their skills, knowledge and approaches from Diploma
level to the appropriate level for delivery of content and assessment required on an ICELT
 ensure that the trainee trainer is fully aware of the aims, processes and requirements of ICELT.

1.3.4 Refresher training for approved ICELT trainers

ICELT trainers should not allow more than a four year gap to accrue between courses. If this happens,
then approval will be withdrawn and refresher training will be required. The details of the refresher
training programme will need to be agreed in consultation with Cambridge English.

1.4 Application procedures

Centres seeking approval for a prospective ICELT trainer-in-training should:
 verify the qualification and experience of the prospective trainer-in-training to ensure they
meet the minimum professional requirements. (see section 1.2.2)
 provide selection tasks to prospective trainers-in-training to prove suitability for training.
Tasks may include:
o a self-assessment, identifying their own strengths as a teacher-trainer, and areas for
o a written evaluation of a videoed lesson.
 Complete the Trainer Nomination Form (available on the Support site) and submit to
Cambridge English for verification.
If accepted, the centre will be advised of the type of programme the new trainer-in-training is required
to follow.

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1.4 Summary: The process of becoming
an ICELT trainer

Trainer meets MPR's Centre submits the nomination The nomination form is
form to Cambridge English. verified by Cambridge English.


Trainer-in-training has no Trainer-in-training has Trainer-in-training has

formal teacher- training substantial experience of substantial in-service
experience. pre-service teacher training. teacher training
experience at an
appropriate level.


TRAINING DEVELOPMENT Undertake an induction
Undertake a programme of PROGRAMME programme to ensure they
training to develop their Undertake an induction are fully aware of the
teacher training skills over and development requirements processes
a whole ICELT course. programme to ensure their and standards of the ICELT
skills are adapted to the in- service award.
needs of the ICELT
in-service award.

At the end of the training programme, training centre submits a report on the
trainer-in-training's programme of training for scrutiny by Cambridge English.
Portfolios may be requested.

Centre is advised that approval is not given Trainer is verified as an Assistant ICELT
for the trainer at this stage. trainer. Some support and assistance will
be required over further courses.
If appropriate, Cambridge English agrees
an extension of the training programme
with the training centre.
Section 2: Guidelines for devising the training programme

2.1 Overview
The aims of the materials in this handbook are to raise the trainer-in-training’s awareness of the
Cambridge ICELT award and to provide guidance for the training supervisor in devising an appropriate
training, development and/or induction programme.

This handbook contains samples of the types of tasks which the trainer-in-training might be required
to complete before, during and after the ICELT course. It is the responsibility of the training centre to
ensure that the programme contains an appropriate number and range of tasks in order to enable the
trainer-in-training to complete the ICELT trainer-in-training portfolio. This portfolio may be requested
by Cambridge English for scrutiny before final verification is provided.

2.2 Time allocation for trainer-in-training

When devising the programme, the centre should allocate an appropriate amount of time for the
trainer-in-training to complete set tasks. The amount of time required will obviously vary according to
the level of programme devised for each individual. Please note that extra time should be allowed for
background or selective reading from the ICELT Recommended Booklist which can be downloaded
from the Support Site.

There must be provision for frequent discussion/feedback time with a course tutor and/or the training

2.3 ICELT trainer-in-training portfolio

The range of materials and tasks to be included in the portfolio will be dependent on the trainer-in-
training’s level of experience and the type of programme required, but in any case should provide
evidence of the competencies laid out in section 2.4.

The Trainer’s-in-training portfolio should include a full programme of training, development and
induction, as well as the following:
 a copy of the nomination form
 the trainer-in-training programme and schedule
 timetabled details for the ICELT courses/sessions which have been assigned to the trainer-in-
 a record of tasks completed before, during and after the course, verified by the supervising
 completed tasks set by the training supervisor
 copies of assignments which have been shadow-marked, accompanied by the supervising
tutor’s marked copy
 input session plans and accompanying hand-outs and bibliographies for sessions given
 self-evaluations and/or written feedback from the tutor who observed the session(s)

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 written feedback for assessed or unassessed teaching practice observed, together with the
course participant’s lesson plan and self-evaluation and, where co-observation has taken
place, the supervising tutor’s feedback
 An evaluation of the course programme and how it related to the ICELT syllabus and course
participants’ needs.
 a piece of reflective writing of 1500-2000 words, appropriate to the type of programme

2.4 Competencies
By the end of the training programme, the ICELT trainer-in-training must be able to show evidence of
the competencies and traits detailed below.

2.4.1 Administrative procedures and professionalism

The trainer-in-training must show:
 a thorough knowledge of the administrative, syllabus and assessment requirements of ICELT
 familiarisation with all aspects of ICELT administration, including candidate selection, course
management and the roles and responsibilities of candidates and tutors in relation to record
 good organisational/presentation skills relating to course delivery and course administration,
with particular reference to assessment and record keeping
 a thorough awareness of trainer roles and responsibilities
 motivation and enthusiasm for the work as an ICELT tutor
 a readiness to respond appropriately to feedback from fellow trainers and course participants
 readiness to work flexibly and co-operatively within a training team
 awareness of their strengths and weaknesses as a trainer
 awareness of routes and strategies for their own on-going professional development.

2.4.2 Teaching, learning and training principles and approaches

The trainer-in-training must demonstrate:
 an understanding of the concepts and terminology used in English Language teaching for
describing form and meaning in language and language use
 an awareness of developing teacher and learner language
 an understanding of strategies for evaluating teaching and learning
 an understanding of principles and approaches to teaching and training, and how these relate
to ICELT course provision, and an ability to put these into practice appropriately
 the ability to design an ICELT course programme to take account of the experience of course
participants and course requirements
 sensitivity to course participants’ needs and an ability to adapt the course programme

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 The ability to design and deliver input sessions at an appropriate level and in relation to the
ICELT syllabus areas.

2.4.3 Guidance, feedback and assessment

The trainer-in-training must:
 demonstrate a thorough knowledge of all course requirements, with particular reference to
the course participants’ completion of assessed work
 provide appropriate guidance for assessed teaching with regard to content and the individual
course participant’s current stage of development
 provide advice on selecting appropriate reading material and on meeting ICELT assessment
 provide appropriate, sensitive and effective feedback on assessed teaching for both
assessment and development purposes
 assess course participants’ written work effectively and appropriately, and provide grading and
 write clear and focused assessments of coursework which include appropriate reference to the
ICELT assessment criteria
 give a clear, accurate and appropriate summary of individual course participants’ development
during the course in the end-of-course documentation.

2.5 Training supervisor’s report

At the end of the course the training supervisor must compile a report to accompany the trainer-in-
training portfolio. Cambridge English provides a template for this report on the Support Site. The
report will refer to the competencies outlined in the guidelines for trainers-in-training (Section 2.4).

Guidelines for this report are given below.

Knowledge and understanding of ICELT requirements:

This should include reference to the trainer-in-training’s understanding of and ability to apply the
relevant information contained in the Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines and in the ICELT
Administration Handbook.

Design and delivery of input

This section should include relevant information about the trainer-in-training’s range of skills,
knowledge and approaches in designing and delivering input appropriate to the needs of ICELT course

Assessed Teaching skills

Information should be included about the trainer-in-training’s approaches and skills when observing
and providing feedback on assessed teaching. Comments on the trainer-in-training’s ability to assess in
relation to ICELT standards and on the quality of the written feedback should be included.

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Tutorial skills
This section should focus on the skills and abilities of the trainer-in-training in providing effective and
appropriate support and guidance to individual course participants in relation to their progress and
development both during and after the course.

Evaluation and assessment skills

The report should provide evidence of the trainer-in-training’s ability to provide accurate and
appropriate assessment of the work of individual course participants.

Administrative skills
This section should refer to the work of the trainer-in-training in record keeping and support of course
participants in compiling their portfolios.

Continuing professional development

This section should make reference to the trainer-in-training’s ability to reflect on and make plans for
his/her own professional development in the field of Cambridge English.

Recommendations for future courses

This section should contain the supervisor’s recommendation for involvement in future courses,
including level of support required.

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Section 3: ICELT Training Programmes

3.1 Training programmes and routes

The aim of the following section is to provide trainers-in-training and training supervisors with sample
training programmes and routes for training, development and induction before, during and after an
ICELT course. The programme and related tasks, available in Section 4, are designed to enable
trainers-in-training to achieve the aims set out in Section 1.3.1 of this handbook.

3.2 Route One: ICELT Training and Development Programme

The sample tasks referred to below can be found in Section 4.
 Begin compiling a portfolio with this pre-course work. (Task One)
 Read the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines and complete a familiarisation task. (Task
 Read the ICELT Administration Handbook and complete a familiarisation task. (Task Three)
 Look at the ICELT syllabus, the course timetable and complete familiarisation task. (Task Four)
 Start the Background Reading (Task Five)
 Review candidate profiles and applications. (Task Six)
 Observe interviews of prospective candidates. Take notes on procedures and criteria for
acceptance. (No Task)
During the Course
 Select two candidates to monitor throughout the course (Task Seven)
 Look at a range of past ICELT 5 booklets and note the type of comments made by tutors. (No
 Observe as many input sessions as possible during the course and complete an analysis sheet
for each session. Discuss with your training supervisor. (Task Eight)
 Plan, prepare and deliver a variety of the input sessions on the course. These should be
observed by the training supervisor. (Task Nine)
 Complete the standardisation tasks on LMS: Fronter (Task Ten)
 Look at feedback sheets completed by tutors during Assessed Teaching (No Task)
 Observe teaching, assessed teaching, complete assessed teaching feedback sheets and
conduct assessed teaching feedback sessions during the course. Assessed teaching feedback
sessions should be observed at regular intervals by the training supervisor. (Task Eleven)
 Look at a range of past written assignments which have been marked and identify where the
criteria from the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines have been met in the assignment
(No Task)
 Mark a sample of written assignments and give relevant feedback. The assignments must be
double marked by the training supervisor. (No Task)
 Look at past ICELT 5 booklets and note how grades are calculated. (No Task)

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 Take part in the meeting on candidates’ progress and grades prior to the moderator’s visit. (No
 Prepare a portfolio for moderation by the moderator. (No Task)
 Attend grading meeting and discussion with the moderator. (No Task)
 Attend end of course meeting and assist in writing end of course reports. (No Task)
Post Course
 Check portfolios (Task Twelve)
 Familiarise yourself with post course administration (Task Thirteen)
 Write a 2000 word reflective assignment. (Task Fourteen)

3.3 Route Two: ICELT Induction and Development Programme

 Begin compiling a portfolio with this pre-course work. (Task One)
 Read the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines and complete a familiarisation task. (Task
 Read the ICELT Administrative Handbook and complete a familiarisation task. (Task Three)
 Look at the ICELT syllabus, the course timetable and complete familiarisation task (Task Four)
 Start Background Reading (Task Five)
 Where possible review candidate profiles, applications and observe interviews (Task Six)
 Look at a range of past ICELT 5 booklets and note the type of comments made by tutors. (No
 Complete the standardisation tasks on LMS: Fronter (Task Ten)
 Look at feedback sheets completed by tutors in assessed teaching. (No Task)
 Look at a range of past written assignments which have been marked and identify where the
criteria from the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines have been met in the assignment
(No Task)
 Look at past ICELT 5 booklets and note how grades are calculated. (No Task)
 Discuss the role of the moderator, procedures for preparing for the moderator’s visit and
grading meeting (No Task)
 Look at examples of past moderator’s reports. (No Task)

During the Course

 Observe an input session and complete an input analysis sheet. (Task Eight)

 Plan, prepare and deliver a variety of the input sessions on the course and receive feedback
from the training supervisor on the appropriateness of the level. (Task Nine)

 Observe Assessed Teaching, complete AT feedback sheets and conduct AT feedback sessions
during the course. AT feedback sessions should be observed at regular intervals by the
training supervisor. The trainer-in-training should demonstrate awareness of the differences

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between pre-service and in-service ELT training, and the ability to give appropriate guidance
for the development of in-service teachers. (Task Eleven)
 Mark a sample of written assignments and give relevant feedback. The assignments must be
double marked by the training supervisor. The trainer-in-training must provide evidence that
they can assess the work of the ICELT course at an appropriate level and can give appropriate
guidance for future development. (No Task)

Post Course
 Check portfolios (Task Twelve)
 Familiarise yourself with post course administration (Task Thirteen)

 Write a 2000 word reflective assignment. (Task Fourteen)

3.4 Route Three: ICELT Induction Programme

This is normally conducted over two days ahead of the ICELT course.
 Read the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines and complete a familiarisation task. (Task
 Read the ICELT Administrative Handbook and complete a familiarisation task. (Task Three)
 Look at the ICELT syllabus, the course timetable and complete familiarisation task. (Task Four)

 Where possible review candidate profiles, application forms and interview notes. (Task Six)
 Look at a range of past ICELT 5 booklets and note the type of comments made by tutors and
note how grades are calculated. (No Task)

 Complete the standardisation tasks on LMS: Fronter. (Task Ten)

 Look at feedback sheets completed by tutors in Assessed Teaching. (No Task)
 Look at a range of past written assignments which have been marked and identify where the
criteria from the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines have been met in the assignment.
(No Task)
 Look at examples of past moderator’s reports. Discuss the role of the moderator, procedures
for preparing for the moderator’s visit and grading meeting. (No Task)
During the Course
 During the ICELT course there must be at least three formal meetings with the training
supervisor to discuss progress.
 The experienced Main course tutor must be available for advice and mentoring at any point
during the course that the trainee needs it.
Post Course
 Check portfolios. (Task Twelve)
 Familiarise yourself with post course administration. (Task Thirteen)
 Complete the reflective assignment. (Task Fourteen)

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Section 4: ICELT Training Tasks

The aim of this section is to provide trainers-in-training and training supervisors with examples of the
type of tasks which might be provided on a training programme. These tasks are
designed to enable trainers-in-training to achieve the aims set out in Section 1.3.1 of this
handbook. The tasks will need to be supplemented by the training supervisor and adapted for their

4.1 Task One: Tracking your own development

The aims of this task are to encourage you to reflect on the development of your knowledge and skills
in relation to ICELT during the period of the course itself, and to identify areas for your own continuing
professional development.

Tracking your own development

a. After completing the pre-course tasks, reflect on your experience to date and
how it relates to the demands of ICELT. Identify any areas of strength which
you feel you bring to the course, and prioritise areas which you feel you need
to develop. Then decide how you are going to achieve your development
aims. Design a development plan or use the one overleaf. Discuss your
reflections with your supervisor.

b. Decide with your supervisor dates for review of your progress. Depending on
the length of the course, there should be at least 3 review meetings. Prior to
each meeting:

o reflect on your progress in relation to your development goals, and

on any other key areas of progress/development which you can
identify. Complete the relevant section in the development plan.
o reflect on areas which you feel you need to develop/improve.
Complete the relevant stage of your development plan.
o discuss your findings with your supervisor. S/he should sign and date
your development plan.

c. At the end of the course, identify areas for future development and include
your plan in your portfolio.

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4.2 Task One Cont.: ICELT trainer-in-training: Development Plan


STAGE 1: Pre-Course Plan

Current strengths in relation to Key areas for development: Stage 1 Action Plan:
ICELT: (What do you most need to work (How and when are you going to
(What can you do well at this on?) work on these areas?)

Agreed and verified (Name and date):

Review date:

STAGE 2: Point in course (week/day):

Key areas for development: Stage 1 Action Plan:

Agreed and verified (Name and date):

Review date:

STAGE 3: Point in course (week/day):

Key areas for development: Stage 3 Action Plan:

Agreed and verified (Name and date):

Review date:

STAGE 4: Point in course (week/day):

Key areas for development: Stage 3 Action Plan:

Agreed and verified (Name and date):

Review date:

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4.3 Task One Cont.: Task record



(Self) (Tutor)
Task One: Tracking your own development
Task Two: Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines
Task Three: Administration Handbook
Task Four: Syllabus and Timetable
Task Five: Background Reading
Task Six: Selection of Candidates
Task Seven: Monitoring trainee progress
Task Eight: Input Analysis
Task Nine: Materials and Input Session Design
Task Ten: Standards of Assessment
Task Eleven: Shadowing Assessed Teaching and

Task Twelve: Post Course Record Keeping

Task Thirteen: Post Course Administration
Task Fourteen: Post Course Written Assignment

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4.4 Task Two: Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines

For this task, you need a copy of the ICELT Handbook and ICELT Syllabus and Guidelines.

The aim of the task is to enable you to check your knowledge/memory of the ICELT course and
assessment requirements.

Syllabus and Assessment Requirements

a. What is the suggested entry level for ICELT candidates?

b. How many hours of teaching are formally assessed, and by whom?
c. What is the focus of each of the seven units in the ICELT syllabus?
d. How many ICELT assignments are completed during the course?
e. What is the focus of each assignment and what does each contain?
f. Who is involved in the assessment of coursework?
g. What are the pass requirements for ICELT?
h. What are the merit and distinction requirements for ICELT?
Make a note below of any points or questions which you would like to discuss
with your supervisor.

4.5 Task Three: Administration Handbook

For this task, you need a copy of the ICELT Administration Handbook.

The aim of this task is to help you identify the aspects of course administration which are of most
relevance to course tutors and participants.

Administrative requirements

Read the document carefully, making notes on the following aspects so that you
are fully familiar with them. Be prepared to discuss ICELT administrative
requirements with your supervisor.
Make notes on:

 course requirements
 candidate selection requirements
 assessment procedures
 external moderation.

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4.6 Task Four: Syllabus and timetable

For this task, you will need a copy of the course timetable(s) and to refer to pages 7 to 16 of the ICELT
Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines.

The aims of this task are to enable you to identify how the syllabus is realised through the course
programme, and to make overt links between these two documents and the course reading list.

Syllabus and timetable

Study the timetable for the course and compare this with the syllabus
specifications and objectives. You should first reflect on how the topic areas of
the syllabus are translated into a timetable, and the extent to which each
syllabus area is made explicit. Note that tutors may deliver explicit sessions
which match an identifiable syllabus topic, or a syllabus area may be covered
implicitly within sessions dealing with other areas.

Using the matrices in the following pages, make notes on how each syllabus
topic is realised (either explicitly or implicitly) in the course programme.

When making these notes, note also any reading which you feel you would
recommend to the course participants following each session to enable them to
achieve the specific objectives in the syllabus document.

Discuss your findings with your supervisor.

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4.6 Task Four cont. : Language knowledge and awareness

SYLLABUS TOPIC 1: Language knowledge and awareness

Realisation on the course programme Associated reading

Explicit Implicit
Concepts and terminology
used in English language
teaching for describing
form and meaning in
language and language use

1.2 Language used by teachers

and learners

1.3 Language selected for

teaching programmes

1.4 Reference materials for

language awareness

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SYLLABUS TOPIC 2: The background to teaching and learning English

Realisation on the course programme Associated reading

Explicit Implicit

2.1 The context of English

language teaching

Learning theory

2.3 Learner development and


Implementing teaching
2.4 programmes to meet the
needs of learners in a
given context

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SYLLABUS TOPIC 3: Resources and materials

Realisation on the course programme Associated reading

Explicit Implicit

3.1 Familiarity with a range of

resources and materials

3.2 Evaluating and selecting

resources and materials

Using, supplementing,
adapting and creating

Effective use of teaching

aids, technical support and
self-access materials

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SYLLABUS TOPIC 4: Planning and management of teaching and learning

Realisation on the course programme Associated reading

Explicit Implicit

Planning for teaching

Classroom management

Teacher and learner

Classroom procedures and

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SYLLABUS TOPIC 5: Evaluation, monitoring and assessment

Realisation on the course programme Associated reading

Explicit Implicit

Identifying learner needs

5.2 Monitoring learners’

progress and giving

Preparing learners for
tests and examinations

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SYLLABUS TOPIC 6: Professional Development

Realisation on the course programme Associated reading

Explicit Implicit

Evaluating teaching and

Working with people

Continuing professional

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SYLLABUS TOPIC 7: Language for teachers

Realisation on the course programme Associated reading

Explicit Implicit

7.1 Professional competence

in speaking and writing

7.2 Professional competence

in reading and listening to

Using spoken English in
the classroom

Using written English in
the classroom

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4.7 Task Five: Background Reading

Part A: ICELT Reading record

For this task you need a copy of the ICELT Recommended Booklist and access to a selection of ELT

The aim of the task is to enable you to build up a list of reading references (articles or chapters or
sections of books) for course participants, linked to the topic areas of the syllabus. This task is
designed to be on-going throughout the period of your training programme and beyond. Please
ensure a copy is provided in your portfolio.

The aim of this task is to ensure that you are aware of the range of skills and knowledge which course
participants are expected to bring to the course. It will also help you to ensure that you are familiar
with the pre-course reading which is expected of participants.

Part B: Applying your knowledge of the ICELT Recommended Booklist

Read your centre’s pre-course requirements carefully and then consider the following scenario.

An applicant who has been accepted for the course has asked for help in prioritising the pre-course
reading which s/he should do.

What would your recommendations for priority reading be?

On what criteria have you based your recommendations?

Discuss your answers with your supervisor.

Note to supervisors: You may wish to customise this task in order to match the centre’s pre-course

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4.8 Task Six: Selection of Candidates

For this task, you need copies of completed applications from prospective ICELT candidates. Your training
supervisor should supply you with these.

The aim of this task is to raise your awareness of the skills, knowledge and experience which successful
applicants should demonstrate at the application stage.

Selecting candidates for ICELT

Using completed applications from prospective ICELT candidates and section 4 of

the ICELT Handbook on Selection of Candidates and the ICELT Syllabus make notes
on your rationale for inviting/not inviting them for interview.

You can note their availability and motivation and note questions for interview

Following your review of the application, consider the main strengths and
weaknesses of the application and areas which you might prioritise for this
applicant’s professional development.

When you have completed your review of the application(s), discuss your feedback
with your training supervisor. Where possible, you should also compare your
feedback with that of the person responsible for interviewing the candidate (if this
is not your supervisor).

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4.9 Task Seven: Monitoring trainee progress

Select two trainees at the beginning of the course. Complete the following for each trainee ideally at the
beginning, middle and end of the course, where possible.

For this task you will need to reference the ICELT 3 and ICELT 5. You will need to comment on trainees’
written work, teaching, peer observation and reflections.

Trainee name Strengths To work on Overall

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4.10 Task Eight: Input Analysis Sheet

You will need to make photocopies of this Input Session Log Sheet and complete one for each input session
that you observe. The aim of this activity is to raise your awareness of the range of modes of input used
during the course, and to encourage you to consider possible alternatives to the tutor’s chosen mode,
depending on the topic in question, the stage of the course and the needs of the course participants.

Input Session Log Sheet

Title of session:

Week and day:

Length of session:

Main points covered:

Input was in the form of:

traditional lecture interactive lecture inductive approach

group discussion video deductive approach

workshop tasks presentation of research a trainee-led session

micro-teaching by tutors

Did the trainer make use of loop input in the session?

Interaction patterns used in the session were:
trainer  whole group group   group individual work

pair work group work whole group  trainer

other (detail):

Comment on:
warmer(s) questioning/elicitation closure handouts

Make notes for your own reference, to be used when designing a session on this topic.
You will have the opportunity to discuss points arising from the above with your supervisor.

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4.11 Task Nine: Materials and input session design

For this task, you need a copy of the course timetable.

The aim of the task is to encourage you to implement a range of approaches in your design of input
sessions and the accompanying materials.

Input and materials design

Stage 1: Pre-session handouts

Select two sessions from the course timetable and discuss the aims of each session with
the course tutor. Design a handout for each which could be used to prepare course
participants for the topic in advance of the session. Your handout should include any
recommended reading references.

Discuss your hand-out with the course tutor and/or your supervisor.

Stage 2: Designing input sessions and delivery

Select at least two sessions from the course programme which you will deliver.

Discuss the aims of each input session with your training supervisor and, if required, the
main course tutor. Plan and design an input session to achieve the aims discussed. In
planning, you should consider the following:

 your choice of approach, taking into account the stage of the course, the course
participants’ needs and the aims of the session

 the range of activities included, and the aim of each

 the design and aim of any accompanying handouts

 reading references to support the course participants’ learning in this area.

Submit your plan to your supervisor for discussion and comment. Then deliver your input
session which should be observed by your training supervisor. There should be a post-
delivery discussion of the input session with your training supervisor.

The session plan, plus accompanying handouts, reading list and feedback should be
included in your portfolio.

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4.12 Task Ten: Standards of assessment

For this task, you will need a copy of the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines, a copy of the checklist
and report on assessed teaching and access to the ICELT standardisation area on LMS: Fronter.

The aim of this task is to ensure that you are aware of the assessment requirements for assessed teaching
and to begin the process of standardisation of assessment which will continue throughout the course to
which you have been assigned.

Assessing Teaching

Before you begin this task, re-read the specifications and assessment criteria in the
ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines, paying particular attention to the
assessment criteria for teaching.

Read the lesson plan which relates to the lesson which you are about to watch. Watch
the lesson on LMS: Fronter.

Using the checklist and report on assessed teaching to guide you, identify the key
strengths and weaknesses.

Discuss your findings with your supervisor.

Assessing Assignments

Before you begin this task, re-read the specifications and assessment criteria in the
ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines, paying particular attention to the
assessment criteria for written assignments.

Read the assignments on LMS: Fronter and complete the accompanying mark sheets.

Discuss your findings with your supervisor.

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4.13 Task Eleven: Shadowing assessed teaching and feedback

For this task, you will need a copy of the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines and a copy of the ICELT
Administration Handbook. You will also need the lesson plan for the trainee’s lesson that will be observed.
The marking checklist will also be required.

The aim of this task is:

 to ensure standardisation of grading

 to ensure that processes are followed correctly

 and to provide an opportunity for continued professional development for all concerned.

Shadowing assessed teaching and feedback

Over the duration of the course you will need to observe at least twice and be
observed providing feedback at least twice.

On the occasions that you are observing please ensure:

- there is discussion of the lesson plan with your training supervisor

- that you make notes on the approach and style of feedback

- that you note how difficult issues are handled and discuss later with your
training supervisor.

On the occasions that you are observed by your training supervisor please ensure:
- there is discussion of the lesson plan before the lesson with your training

- you discuss your assessment of the lesson between your observation of the
assessed teaching and providing feedback.

- There is a follow-up discussion with your supervisor regarding how you

handled the provision of feedback.

All documentation relating to observing assessed teaching and providing feedback

(including copies of both your feedback and that of your supervisor) should be
included in your portfolio.

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4.14 Task Twelve: Post Course Record Keeping

For this task, you will need a copy of the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines, and a copy of the ICELT
Administration Handbook.

The aim of this task is to shadow the portfolio maintenance and submission procedure.

Post Course Record Keeping

Familiarise yourself with the requirements in section 11 of the ICELT Administration

Handbook in regards to candidate portfolios.

Using your two case study candidates check their portfolios are complete and that all
paperwork is completed and accurate.

Work with the Main Course Tutor to compile the ICELT/2 Grade Sheet and to collate
all forms and portfolios for submission to Cambridge English.

4.15 Task Thirteen Post Course Administration

For this task, you will need a copy of the ICELT Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines, and a copy of the ICELT
Administration Handbook.

The aim of this task is to ensure that you are aware of the post course administration procedures and how
to support candidates with differing outcomes.

Post Course Administration

Familiarise yourself with the requirements in section 6 and 7 of the ICELT

Administration Handbook in regards to extensions, deferrals, withdrawals and the
admin calendar.

Discuss any cases of extensions, deferrals or withdrawals on your present course

with your training supervisor and ensure you know how to support these candidates.

Ensure you know the next steps in the administrative process of finishing an ICELT

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4.16 Task Fourteen: Post-course written assignment

The aim of the post-course assignment is to encourage you to review an aspect of the training process
which you have undergone.

The written assignment should be 1500 – 2000 words in length and should provide evidence of your
reflection on your own development as an ICELT tutor and may take one of three formats.

OPTION 1: Case Study

Using information gained in your tracking of a candidate, write a case study charting the
participant’s development. Your assignment should include:

 information about his/her teaching background

 areas which were identified as important for his/her development

 aspects of the course which the participant found easy/difficult

 patterns of motivation shown by the participant during the course

 the approaches chosen by you and other tutors to encourage that development and
his/her reaction to those approaches.

OPTION 2: A Comparison of Pre-service (e.g. CELTA) and ICELT Training

This task is designed for participants with substantial pre-service teacher training experience.

Reflect on main areas of similarity and difference between your experience of pre-service
training and development at ICELT. Your assignment should include information about the

 a description of the contexts of your pre-service teacher training experience

 course participants’ motivation and expectations

 approaches to input

 approaches to teaching practice

 evaluation and assessment

 changes to your own training practice.

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OPTION 3: A Comparison between ICELT Training and other In-service Training (e.g. Delta)

This task is designed for participants with substantial experience of in-service teacher training
and development work.

Reflect on main areas of similarity and difference between your experience of in-service
training and development and training at ICELT. Your assignment should include information
about the following:

 a description of the contexts of your in-service teacher training experience

 course participants’ motivation and expectations

 approaches to input

 approaches to Teaching Practice

 evaluation and assessment

 changes to your own training practice.

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Section 5 ICELT Training report and Continued Professional Development

5.1 Possible observation of a trainer-in-training

If a training supervisor wishes to have a second opinion on the performance of the trainer-in-training then
they should contact Network Development before the moderator visit. Cambridge English will contact the
moderator and ask them to observe the trainer-in-training either giving input or Assessed Teaching

The moderator’s comments should be recorded on the Moderator’s Trainer-in-Training Feedback Form
available on the Support Site, and sent to NetworkDevelopment

The content should be discussed with the tutor-in-training and the training supervisor.

5.2 ICELT Training Report

When the training programme has been completed, the training supervisor for the centre should review
the training process and complete the supervisor’s report. This should be done within one week of the end
of the training process. The template form for the report is available on the Support Site and when
completed should be sent to NetworkDevelopment for

Cambridge English may request the trainer-in-training’s portfolio and centres should send this on request.

Cambridge English will advise the centre of the outcome. The centre and the trainer-in-training should be
aware that the following outcomes may occur:

 The trainer-in-training may be confirmed as an assistant tutor. Tutors do not normally take on a
main course tutor role until they have worked on at least two courses as assistant tutor and have
shadowed the main course tutor role (see section 5.2. below).
 It may be recommended that the training needs to be extended to allow the trainer-in-training
more time to achieve the required competencies.
 The trainer-in-training may be advised that they have not met the competencies required and
cannot be approved.

5.3 ICELT Training Roles

In order to progress to the status of Main Course Tutor, the assistant tutor is required to have worked on at
least two ICELT courses in the role of assistant tutor and should have shadowed the role of main course
tutor. The following competencies are required for the role of the main course tutor.

An ability to:

 design a course programme in accordance with the Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines booklet
 set up teaching assessment and monitoring in accordance with the regulations
 co-ordinate, direct and support the work of others
 prepare for the moderator's visit in accordance with the regulations
 liaise and correspond with Cambridge English regarding completing and returning documentation.
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It is the centre’s responsibility to ensure that tutors are adequately experienced and prepared for the main
course tutor role and can appoint Assistant Tutors to the role as required. Cambridge English will note the
change in status via the entry form.

ICELT trainers need to work regularly on ICELT courses and participate in standardisation procedures, as
required, to retain their active ICELT Trainer status. Where an ICELT trainer has not worked on ICELT
courses for four years, Cambridge English requires provision of refresher training to re-adjust to the

Where Cambridge English receives serious and/or repeated complaints or negative feedback about a
trainer, Cambridge English reserves the right to withdraw tutor approval at any stage.

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