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16 Copy Support

This chapter explains how to copy a support.

 This functionality is not available for hangers or trunnions. The Support Application completes various
checks while creating the support which may be bypassed in the copy process. It is easier to create a
new support from scratch.

16.1 Copying a Support

To copy a support select Copy Support from the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

The User is prompted to “Identify source support to copy or <ESC> to finish”. The prompt message is
not shown if the support to be copied is already selected.

Select the support to copy using a cursor pick in the 3D


The user will be presented with the Copy Support form

and also prompted to “Identify tube of pipe to add
DATUM ancillary of the support or <ESC> to finish:”

The Distance value defines the distance between the copied support and the previous piping component or
previous support.

Selecting the Align with selected framework check box,

align the copied support to the original support.

The copied support is offset by the value entered in the

Offset field.

If no value is entered in the Distance or Offset fields, a

message as shown on the left displays.

Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel it.

The Distance or Offset values can be modified between each copy.

Positive or negative values can be entered in the Distance or Offset fields to copy the support along or
against the pipe direction.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

After entering the Distance or Offset values, the pipe to associate with the copied support should be selected.
Continuing to click the pipe will cause to create additional supports.

Press ESC to finish copying support.

By default, the SUPPORTS application defines the support name for the copied support. The support name
can be modified through the Support Editor form.

16.2 Copy Support – A Worked Example

The following shows the procedure used to copy an existing support.

Add BRAN 02200-B-42/B1 and the support to be copied XFT03 created previously to the 3D view.

Click the Copy Support button in the Tools group as shown above.

Select the Support XFT03 from the 3D view.

The Copy Support form and a prompt message

are displayed

As shown, a red arrow showing the pipe direction

appears on the top of the pipe where the source
support is located.

Enter Distance 500mm.

Select the pipe between the REDUCER and the existing


As shown, a copy of the support is created in 500mm

distance from the previous piping component and
along with the pipe direction.

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

Without changing the distance value, select the

pipe after the source support.

A copy is created along with the pipe and in 500mm

from its previous support.

Enter -500mm in the Distance field.

Select the pipe between the support and TEE.

The copied support is created against the red

arrow direction and in 500mm distance from the
pipe component.

Check the Align with selected framework checkbox.

The Distance option is changed to Offset.

Enter 500mm in the Offset text box.

Select the pipe as shown.

As the copied support is aligned with the source

support, the following message displays.

Click No to cancel it.

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

Enter 1500mm in the offset text box and select

the pipe shown before.

A copy is created at a 1500mm offset from the

source support

 When copying a framework on multiple pipes with different slopes the SUPPORTS module does not alter
the elevations of any steelwork members. To adjust these and make sure the support is correct the
support must be modified to make any changes necessary.

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

Exercise 14 – Copy Support

1. Using the above as an example copy some Supports

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

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