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19 Miscellaneous Utilities

There are several miscellaneous tools provide with Supports Application that have not been covered so far,
these are explained below.

19.1 Aligning the Support

The Align Support functionality enables the Support Designer to reposition the supports and realign them to
the Pipe, HVAC and Cable Trays which have been moved by a user who has write access to these databases.

Align Supports is located in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab

19.2 Align Support- A Worked Example

Login to the training project as A.PIPER.

From the Model Explorer, add BRAN 02200-B-42/B1 to 3D view.

Add attached supports to 3D view, by selecting the branch in the Model Explorer and using the Add Supports
option from the sub menu of the 3D View option.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

Select the whole branch, double click on the elbow to activate the Model Editor.

As shown, move the pipe 2000mm in Z direction of the Model Editor axis

Save Work, Exit and re-enter E3D as the user to A.SUPPORTMAN or use the Setup Tools tab on the
Training Setup form.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

The Supports should be repositioned back in line with the Pipe.

Select the pipe and click the Align Support button in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

The Align Supports forms will be displayed.

This form contains a list of supports available on the selected pipe and the result of the aligning.

As shown, all pipe supports are now aligned with the pipe except the Horizontal Trunnion A-TT15 which
needs to be regenerated on the new position.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Supports TM-1818

19.3 Add Support/s

Supports can be added to the 3D view using the following options:

 Drag the support or support zone from the Model Explorer and drop it into the 3D view.

 Drag the support or support zone from the Supports Browser and drop it into the 3D view.

 Right clicking on a support or support zone/site in the Model Explorer and using the Add Supports
option from the sub menu of the 3D View option to add supports or

 Right clicking on a branch, pipe, pipe zone/site in the Model Explorer and using the Add Supports
option from the sub menu of the 3D View option to add all linked supports to the selected item.

19.4 Drawlist

This option allows the user to add elements to the Support drawing. Each drawing will contain the support,
structural steel, pipes and any connected steel by default. This draw list may be used to add extra items of
interest to the drawing.

19.5 Additional Tools

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

19.5.1 Drawing ADP Location

When a location plan is created on the Supports drawing, the origin of the datum ancillary is used to locate
the support to the nearest columns. This position may be modified to any point in the design database using
the Location Position form. Comment

Clicking on the Comment button will display the Modify Drawing Comment form. This enables the user to
add a general comment that will be added to the Supports ADP drawing.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Supports TM-1818 Isometric Settings

Used to change the appearance of the Pipe Support on the Isometric. Drawing Notes

This enables the user to add notes to the Supports drawing. The user must first select the member of the
support they require to add a note to. The text is entered. By default it will use the origin of the selected
member to point the leader line to. The user may modify this origin position.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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19.5.2 Material

This enables the user to set the material of the ancillaries. By default the material is set when the user creates
the ancillary and would not be normally modified.

19.5.3 Reference Bed/Anchor Plate

This will enable the user to reference a bed plate or anchor plate.

This can be used to reference the support to various connection items. If the item being referenced is located
in a read only database, a one way connection is made.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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19.5.4 Snipe

This enables the user to trim the end of angles.

Add Support XFT03 to the 3D view.

To use Snipe select Snipe from the Additional Tools drop-down menu
located in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

Pick the member to be modified according to the prompt message.

The Snipes form, shown below, is displayed.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
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Use the Select Sniped End and Select Angle Leg

radio buttons to select the leg for the snipe.

Click the Create button.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Supports TM-1818

19.5.5 Spooling

Steelwork can be spooled the for erection purposes. The spool number is depicted on the Support drawing
alongside the part number. I.e. 5(2) designates part number 5 belongs to spool 2.

19.5.6 Support Data

Used to add Pipe Stress Interface Data to the Ancillary.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

19.5.7 Trimmer

This sets a logical flag at the support structure element to record the
fact that a trimmer is required to be added to the main structural steel.
A report is provided that will list all supports requiring trimmer steel to
be added. If the support is connected to steelwork the user will not be
allowed to set the trimmer required flag.

19.5.8 View Standard

By clicking the View Standard button a standards plot file of the current support type is displayed, showing
the location of all of the dimensions etc.

19.6 Display Dimensions

Support dimensions can be displayed by clicking the Dimensions button in the

Display group.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

Exercise 17 – Miscellaneous Utilities Snipe

1. Using the above example add a Snipe to some Supports.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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