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Hope or
Hype in
From Oprah to President
Obama, people think Geoffrey
Canada's Harlem Children's
Zone has found the way for
America to fight poverty.
There's just one question:
Does it work?

• Who’s Afraid of Charter Schools?
• Commitment, Connections and Cash
• Going Local Goes National
• A Modest ‘Miracle’
• Read. Think. Do.

Vol. 34, No. 1

March 2010
THE LOOK Above: Christine Valentin, a student in Kelly Downing and
Patrice Ward’s ninth grade English class at Harlem Children’s
Zone’s Promise Academy I. Photo by Alice Proujansky.
Is the Promise Real? 4
The Harlem Children’s Zone becomes
a template for national change
By Helen Zelon / Photographs by Alice Proujansky

The Man of the Hour 5 Shaping Success 16
“We will find the money “Failure is not permitted,
to do this because we can’t because funding is tied to
afford not to.” success, not failure.”
Vol. 34, No. 1
March 2010 The Great Escape 9 Going National 25
“If you hit 65 percent of “We are so desperate for any
the population, that’s the little inkling of success …”
City Limits is published bi-monthly support or contact 212-614-5398 tipping point.”
by the Community Service Society for development opportunities. An Act of Faith 34
of New York (CSS). “So you and I, we must
For Bulk Magazine Orders: visit
City Limits or succeed … in this crusade,
105 East 22nd Street, Suite #901 contact City Limits’ subscription this holy deed.”
New York, NY 10010 customer service at 1-877-231-7065
212-614-5397 or write to P.O. Box 3000, Denville,
NJ 07834-9253 features daily news, SIDEBARS
investigative features and resources Magazine Distribution: For Retail
in the city’s five boroughs. For more and Newsstand Distribution, Canada’s Provinces 10
than 160 years, CSS has been on the contact 718-875-5491 or e-mail: An inventory of the Harlem Children’s Zone’s initiatives
cutting edge of public policy innova- By Maria Muentes
tions to support poor New Yorkers in
their quest to be full participants in Sponsorship and Advertising:
In the Zone 13
the civic life of the nation’s largest city Contact: or
and tackle poverty on many fronts. visit The physical footprint of the Harlem Children’s Zone

Letters to the Editor: We welcome Jobs and Marketplace: The Charter Challenge 17
letters, articles, press releases, ideas Submit job listings, calendar events,
and submissions. Please send them marketplace listings and announce-
The pros and conflicts of a schooling revolution
to ments at By Helen Zelon

Subscriptions and Customer Periodical Postage Paid: Charting a Course 21

Service: U.S. subscriptions to City New York, NY 10001
Limits are $25 for one year for the City Limits (USPS 498-890)
A timeline of Harlem’s charter schools
print edition, $15 for one year for (ISSN: 0199-0330) By Samia Shafi
the digital edition and $30 for both
the print and digital editions. Digital If the Postal Service alerts us that Test Pattern 22
and print single issues are $4.95. your magazine is undeliverable, we
have no further obligation unless we re- How Harlem’s “miracle” really ranks
To subscribe or renew visit ceive a corrected address within a year. Postmaster: Please send address Taking It Local 26
or contact toll free 1-877-231-7065 changes to: P.O. Box 3000, Denville, Anti-poverty programs beyond the Zone
or write to City Limits, P.O. Box NJ 07834-9253
3000, Denville, NJ 07834-9253 By Rachel Dodakian
Copyright © 2010. All rights reserved.
Contributions: City Limits depends Making Connections 30
on your support to provide inves- No portion or portions of this jour-
Powerful friends, deep pockets and the HCZ
tigative journalism and cover the nal may be reprinted without the
five boroughs with no boundaries. express permission of the publish- By Maria Muentes and Jarrett Murphy
Special thanks to recent contribu- ers. City Limits is indexed in the Al-
tors: Brian Browdie, Naoki Fujita, Jill ternative Press Index and the Avery
Lanier, Minna Hamilton-Lafortune, Index to Architectural Periodicals HomeWork 38
Carolyn McLaughlin, Tom Rob- and is available on microfilm from
bins, and Susan Susman. Make a ProQuest, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. ExtraExtra 42
contribution at 1
Editor's Note
It is hard not to be impressed with Geoffrey Canada.

Charismatic, passionate, eloquent, it is no mystery why he has become a

media star
probably the highest
profile person ever personally associated
with the fight against poverty. And there is no reason not to be impressed,
for Canada is not merely playing a role on 60 Minutes or the American
Express commercial or wherever he makes his case. He is the genuine

Even before he began the Harlem Children's Zone, Canada had dedicated
his life not just to battling but to defeating poverty--to getting results where
others had failed.

Fixing America's schools and ending poverty have been on America's to do

list for generations, and Canada's model offers a hope of doing both. From
Anderson Cooper to Wall Street financiers to President Obama, everyone
wants to find something--anything--that will work, and so they have
embraced Canada's approach.
approach T

he media coverage the Zone receives is uniformly glowing. Millionaires and

billionaires have showered it with support. And Obama's signature
antipoverty program, Promise Neighborhoods, is modeled after the
Children's Zone.

But there's
h ' a problem bl when
h admiration
d i i turns iinto d duplication.
li i The
impatience sewn by America's past policy failures has amplified the allure of
the Children's Zones early successes. As Canada is the first to state, the
experiment he initiated on a few Harlem blocks in 1994 has yet to run its
course. After all, the charter schools that now anchor the multi-service,
cradle-to-college Harlem Children's Zone are only a few years old. They've
yet to graduate a high school class. The schools have achieved much, but not
without significant bumps along the way. The impact of the larger model of
HCZ's social interventions is harder to track. And the exact mix of services--
schools, clinics, family resources--that produces success is still not clear.

Yet many of Canada's fans are quick to declare his success absolute. Some
isolate one part of the mix, like the charter schools, as the only necessary
element for replicatingg the p
j elsewhere. Others p payy little attention to
the unique neighborhood dynamics and financial resources that HCZ has
thrived upon.

The danger is not that HCZ gets an unwarranted reputation for success:
Canada deserves all the credit he gets. The risk is that poor attempts to copy
Canada's model will fail, reflect poorly on his good work, undermine yet
another federal attempt to eliminate poverty and leave thousands in
economic isolation. On the pages that follow, Helen Zelon takes a hard look
at what we and don't know about what Geoffrey Canada has accomplished
in Harlem, and what it might mean for a national agenda.

-Jarrett Murphy
4 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1
Is the
The Harlem Children’s Zone becomes
a template for national change



“We will find the money to do this because we can’t afford not to.”

Geoffrey Canada strides to the lectern in the New York Sheraton’s

Grand Metropolitan Ballroom amid the clatter and clink of laden
plates and silver coffee urns, as 1,400 sets of eager eyes and ears—fans
and acolytes, students and advocates, civic leaders, law enforcement
officers, school chiefs, nonprofit staffers and a handful of funders rep-
resenting 106 communities across the United States—turn their atten-
tion away from their sliced-chicken-and-asparagus entrées to the tall,
lean man at the front of the room. The diners are gathered at a confer-
ence called “Changing the Odds.” They are there because they seek to
glean the secrets and wisdom of the Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ),
Canada’s all-encompassing neighborhood anti-poverty program. 5
“We are launching Promise Neighborhoods
to build on Geoffrey Canada’s successes in
Harlem with a comprehensive approach to
ending poverty,” the President has said.

Previous spread: Above: Opposite:

Teaching assistant Rudy The $44 million building Geoffrey Canada’s
de la Cruz corrects tests for that houses the Harlem charter schools have
fourth graders at Harlem Children’s Zone’s Promise been hailed as a national
Children’s Zone. Academy I is a gleaming model. Photo: Rebecca
presence on an otherwise Davis.
worn-looking block.

6 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

And they are not alone in listening closely to
what Canada has to say. His grand experiment,
which began in 1994 as an intensely local web of
cradle-to-college social services and has expanded
to include two charter schools and 97 square blocks
of central Harlem, is about the hottest commodity
on today’s national urban-policy scene.
Just a few weeks after the conference, Canada
was featured in a glowing 60 Minutes portrait—the
second time the premier TV newsmagazine has
covered the Zone. Oprah Winfrey calls Canada “an
angel from God.” ABC’s Good Morning America,
PBS’s Charlie Rose and CNN’s Soledad O’Brien
have broadcast Canada’s message; National Public
Radio’s Terry Gross and Tavis Smiley have in-
terviewed him; Public Radio International’s This
American Life aired a lengthy profile; and articles
about the Harlem Children’s Zone have appeared in
The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Promise Neighborhoods built on the Harlem Chil-
Newsweek and other leading publications. In 2004, dren’s Zone template. That’s what drew the audience
the Harlem Children’s Zone’s first charter school that waited for Canada’s words at the Sheraton that
caught the attention of author and New York Times afternoon in November.
magazine editor Paul Tough, whose book-length Yet as Canada readily admits, his work has just
profile of the Zone, Whatever It Takes, was published begun. “We won’t have our cycle completed until 10
in 2008. years from now,” he told the crowd in November.
Think tanks right, left and center have discussed “It’s a 20-year cycle.” The Zone’s Promise Academy
and evaluated Canada’s work. President Bill Clin- schools have posted celebrated gains on New York
ton has paid homage; Britain’s Prince Harry and State standardized tests, but the schools are them-
Prince Seeiso of Lesotho visited last May. A report selves too new to register a full complement of
last spring by two Harvard scholars asserting that students or graduate a high school class. Many of
Canada’s charter schools have eradicated the long- HCZ’s social-service programs predate the schools,
entrenched achievement gap between black and but their impact has mostly eluded measurement.
white students cued an ongoing avalanche of praise The White House, prominent academics and the
from pundits, cheer-led by Times columnist David media have anointed the Harlem Children’s Zone
Brooks’ celebratory accolade “The Harlem Miracle.” the weapon of choice for attacking poverty, even
though little is known about what degree of differ-
In 2007, Canada’s lifework was singled out by ence HCZ has actually made, and exactly how it
Barack Obama the candidate, and it has since been was achieved.
written into the President’s proposed 2010 and 2011 There has been some success, no doubt.
budgets as a template for Promise Neighborhoods, Canada possesses enormous integrity; his lifelong
a program that aims to reverse generations of dedication is unquestioned. But it’s unclear
urban poverty and racial disparity. “We are launch- whether the Harlem Children’s Zone is an
ing Promise Neighborhoods to build on Geoffrey exportable, adaptable commodity that can work
Canada’s successes in Harlem with a comprehensive from Cleveland to Compton or a “sui generis,”
approach to ending poverty,” the President has said. only-in–New York idea. Not every neighborhood
Of the cost, which Obama estimates to be “a few could claim the deep, dense financial and political
billion a year,” the President has vowed, “We will resources that have nurtured the Harlem Children’s
find the money to do this because we can’t afford Zone. Not everyone has a homegrown Geoff
not to.” Canada to lead the way.
The Obama administration has already dedicated How much does a dynamic, charismatic,
$10 million for planning grants, to be awarded visionary leader matter?
competitively to 20 communities that will develop Short answer: a great deal. 7
8 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1
“If you hit 65 percent of the population, that’s the tipping point.”

At the Sheraton conference—co-sponsored do class, where respect, discipline, order and

by the Harlem Children’s Zone and PolicyLink, focus were both cultivated and required. But
a California-based research and advocacy more students wanted to take tae kwon do
nonprofit with ties to the Obama administra- than could sign up; a long waitlist formed.
tion—Canada drapes a lanky arm across the Inevitably, some were left out. Over time,
lectern as he speaks, sliding the mic from its this became a motif: There were
stand, and moves downstage to confide in more children in need than
the audience. Two giant screens bracket the there were programs and classes
stage, placed catercorner in the vast ballroom to serve them. Canada grew
Read an exclusive Q&A
space. When his stories build to an emotional increasingly frustrated with
with Geoffrey Canada.
height, Canada takes a precisely folded milk- Rheedlen’s inability to reach a
white hanky from his inside suit-coat pocket broad swath of Harlem’s kids.
and dabs at his brow and the corners of his He came to believe that un-
mouth, a gold bracelet gleaming on his wrist. less every child received ample
Polished and passionate, undeniably driven support, the cycle of poverty that has long
but charmingly self-effacing, Canada’s not shy hobbled Harlem would never be broken.
to put himself in the punch line of an anec- Canada worked with and eventually
dote or to use the silence between his words replaced Rheedlen director Richard Murphy,
to hit hard truths square on: He is a master of who joined the Dinkins administration
his message, and his presence—his story, his as commissioner of youth services. As
vision, his dedication and his drive—anchors commissioner, Murphy championed the
the work that has made him a rock star in the creation of Beacon community centers,
universe of education reform. which were sited in public schools and meant
Although he now lives in a Long Island to provide after-hours community resources
suburb, Canada is a son of the South Bronx and academic and social supports to local
who grew up tough on Union Avenue. “We youth. With Murphy’s authority and Canada’s
were the poorest welfare cheats there ever leadership, Rheedlen’s after-school and anti- Opposite:
was,” Canada wrote in his 1995 memoir- truancy programs evolved to become the Tempestt Tucker, a
manifesto, Fist Stick Knife Gun. One of city’s first Beacon centers. student in a ninth-
four brothers in a single-parent household, At about the same time, Children’s Defense grade English class.
Canada knew he was different: He was placed Fund (CDF) founder and president Marian Schools were a late
in honors classes in grade school, apart from Wright Edelman convened a new group, the addition to the “cradle-
the other kids on the block. Yet he hewed to Black Community Crusade for Children, to-college” pipeline.
the honor code of the street, fighting when and invited Canada to be part of it. The
challenged (and sometimes when not). Then, group met every year at the rural-Tennessee
he got a break: a move to the suburbs to live farm of Roots author Alex Haley. Even as
with his grandparents. Canada escaped. Canada found solace in the gathering of like-
Educated at Bowdoin College in Maine, minded leaders, his discouragement grew:
Canada earned a graduate degree in educa- The problems they all recognized as critical
tion at Harvard in 1975. In 1983, after a stint threats to poor, urban youth were only
teaching at and eventually leading a school increasing in the wake of rising gun violence,
for troubled youth in Boston, he returned the ready availability of crack cocaine,
to New York City and began work at the growing rates of incarceration and abysmally
Rheedlen Foundation, a nonprofit that aimed low academic achievement in America’s
to reduce truancy in Harlem. poorest communities.
At Rheedlen, Canada started to form the The Children’s Defense Fund (whose board
ideas that would become the HCZ fabric. Canada now chairs) articulated a disturbing
One passion was teaching a weekly tae kwon cradle-to-prison pipeline, by which urban
Continued on p.12 9
Canada’s Provinces
Geoffrey Canada’s Harlem Children’s Zone encompasses an
array of programs serving different needs and populations

The Harlem Children’s Zone’s headquarters anchors the intersection of 125th Street and Madison Avenue.

Charter Schools but will eventually have grades K The Three-Year-Old Journey
Promise Academies through 12. A Saturday workshop for parents
Admission is mainly by lottery, whose children will enter pre-K
conducted when students are 3 Saturday Academy the following year. The program
years old; admission to the school Gives extra support in English emphasizes developmental
includes an invitation to enroll in and math to Promise Academy stages and language skills.
Harlem Gems, HCZ’s intensive pre- students.
kindergarten program. Students Harlem Gems
have an extended school day and Pre-K for 4-year-olds with a 4-to-1
year, with classes running until Early Childhood student-teacher ratio. The re-
early August. Promise Academy I, Programs ported expenditure per student is
launched in 2004, will eventually The Baby College $13,500, twice that of Head Start.
cover kindergarten through 12th An early intervention program
grade but currently has students for expectant parents and
in grades K through 6, 9 and 10. parents of children up to 3 years Targeting Youth
The school’s elementary, middle old. The nine-week parenting Harlem Peacemakers
and high school divisions oper- workshop emphasizes early- In conjunction with AmeriCorps,
ate separately, each with its own childhood development and this program trains college-age
principal. Promise Academy II, reading to infants and children, interns to offer in-classroom sup-
located several blocks away and while discouraging corporal port to young children, supervise
operating since 2005, currently punishment. them during the school day,
has kindergarten to fourth grade provide after-school program-

10 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

ming and coordinate outreach Neighborhood Needs Healthy Living Initiative
to parents at seven elementary Employment and Seeks to address the problem of
schools in Harlem as well as at the Technology Center obesity in the community and pro-
Promise Academy. Provides access to computers, mote physically-active lifestyles
technology classes and employ- and healthy eating habits among
A Cut Above ment services for community the children of central Harlem.
An after-school program for mid- residents of all ages.
dle schoolers who do not attend Harlem Children’s Health Project
the Promise Academy Charter Community Pride A health clinic located inside the
Schools. Academic support and The community-organizing Promise Academy I middle school
high school and college prep are program of HCZ organizes tenants provides on-the-spot medical
provided. and block associations. It has support and dental and mental-
helped tenant organizations build health services to students. The
TRUCE (The Renaissance Univer- capacity by converting city- intent is to address the immedi-
sity for Community Education) owned buildings to tenant co-ops, ate health needs of children who
An arts education and media according to HCZ reports, as well have no health insurance and to
literacy program for youth ages 12 as set up community-building remove possible health-related
to 19 who live in the Zone. Those in events such as block parties and barriers to learning.
the program produce a public ac- film festivals.
cess TV show called The Real Deal.
Single Stop Preventive Services
Learn to Earn Offers financial and legal services The Family Development Program
An after-school program for high to Zone residents. Conducts family assessments and
school juniors and seniors with a refers families to mental-health
focus on academic skills, college Income Tax Consulting services.
prep and job readiness. Students Individualized, one-time counsel-
are paid weekly stipends for good ing on income tax preparation The Family Support Center
grades and good attendance at has garnered millions in gains, Provides group sessions on par-
school and after-school programs. say Zone officials. enting and anger management,
crisis intervention, referrals and
College Success Office advocacy.
College admissions support Health and
program for youth who gradu- Fitness Initiatives The Midtown Family Place
ate from high school and are TRUCE Fitness and Nutrition Center Provides preventive services to
involved in one of six other HCZ Offers free dance, martial arts, 45 families in Chelsea and Hell’s
programs, such as Learn to Earn fitness and nutrition classes as Kitchen; also runs a food pantry
and Beacon. The office offers sup- well as academic support for and a literacy program.
port through the college search students in grades 5 through 8.
and admissions process and It began as an effort to address Project CLASS (Clean Living
throughout former students’ col- obesity in the community. and Staying Sober)
lege careers. Provides referrals for drug abuse
Asthma Initiative treatment and monitors sobriety
Beacon A collaboration with Harlem for families at risk of foster care
Centers that offer additional Children’s Zone, Harlem Hospital, placement.
afternoon, evening and weekend Columbia University and
services to students. Programs other community partners, the Truancy Prevention
include tutoring, drug counseling, initiative surveys families in the Provides supportive services for 90
pregnancy prevention and social Zone to determine who suffers families in Manhattan Valley and
events. from asthma, then works with central Harlem. Includes domestic
individual households to help violence and parenting support
them manage the disease. groups.
— Maria Muentes 11
Canada conceived an alternate pipeline, a cradle-
to-college “conveyor belt” that would insulate
Harlem’s children from the ills that long plagued
the community—one that would, once a child was
in the pipeline, guide that child inexorably, inevitably,
toward high school graduation and into college.

Continued from p.9

youth, most often boys of color, are far more likely to skills on to their children. As Canada puts it, “The gap
spend time in prison than to enter—much less graduate starts at Day One—and it never gets any closer,” unless
from—college. Canada conceived an alternate pipeline, children have more time to learn.
a cradle-to-college “conveyor belt” that would insulate The funders soon realized Canada was unusually
Harlem’s children from the ills that long plagued the com- dedicated and extraordinarily agile in his ability to move
munity—one that would, once a child was in the pipeline, from the boardroom to the tenement with finesse. “The
guide that child inexorably, inevitably, toward high school more they got to know him, they realized what a uniquely
graduation and into college. talented, dedicated person he is,” Norman Fruchter,
director of the community involvement program at the
Canada’s connections allowed him to marry his ideas Annenberg Institute for School Reform, says. “They
to money. The CDF’s Edelman got Canada appointed pledged X million if he came up with a plan to transform
to the board of the Robin Hood Foundation, which was Harlem. That was the origin of the Harlem Children’s
created by hedge funder Paul Tudor Jones II to channel Zone.” Druckenmiller and others helped Canada write a
corporate generosity into the city’s neediest schools. business plan; Rheedlen became the HCZ.
Through Robin Hood and via Edelman’s networks, Two succinct concepts define the Harlem Children’s
Canada met billionaire hedge-fund magnate Stanley Zone. The first is “the pipeline,” a metaphor for the matrix
Druckenmiller—a fellow Bowdoin alum—and other of services and programs designed to usher local children
financial powerhouses. Canada was already friends with from birth to college. The second, “the tipping point,”
current American Express CEO Ken Chenault from their describes a milestone in the neighborhood’s development
undergraduate years at Bowdoin. where positive change becomes inevitable.
The economic disparities that plagued Harlem when The cradle-to-college pipeline is actually designed to
Canada started work at the Rheedlen Foundation were begin before birth: Expectant parents are recruited into
stark: According to William Julius Wilson’s landmark Baby College, a nine-weekend workshop that teaches
1987 book The Truly Disadvantaged, only 38 percent of basic parenting skills and discipline strategies and aims
African-American men in Harlem were employed in to instill the importance of early-childhood enrichments
1984, compared with 82 percent a generation earlier, like reading aloud to babies and toddlers. Children enter
in 1965. Even the economic boom of the 1990s largely the pipeline in preschool, via the Three-Year-Old Journey,
bypassed Harlem; about 40,000 residents lived below Get Ready for Pre-K or, for those who’ve won the lottery
the poverty line in both 1989 and 1999. Employment for slots in the two Promise Academy charter schools, the
remained relatively constant, 49 percent in 1989 and 51 intensive Harlem Gems pre-kindergarten. The Promise
percent a decade later. Academies (Academy I was launched in 2004, Academy
Beyond economics and employment, academic II in 2005) themselves are designed as K-12 schools,
achievement among Harlem’s children consistently lagged although neither has all 13 grades in place yet.
behind that of kids growing up below, say, 96th Street. HCZ brings in older teens through its TRUCE media
And the deficits perpetuated themselves: Parents who’d and fitness efforts, its Peacemakers school volunteer
done poorly in school passed subpar verbal and reading program, Employment and Technology workshops and

12 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

In the Zone W
7 S College l
ilto n PW

St W1
6 W1
t W1
The physical footprint of H a m St W1

W St M
136 W1
the Harlem Children’s Zone

St 42 8

W1 St St




Edg ve



las A

134 W1


St St

W s W1
133 ola

s te
St St

St N
1. Harlem Children’s Zone


St N
38 9
Headquarters W1 t

Harlem River Dr
Hamilton Grange M 37
35 East 125th Street National Memorial W1


City University 19 W1

17 35S
W1 of New York The


2. The Baby College 30 W1

S t City College 34

W1 St


(not shown) W1

29 33
St St


2037- 39 Seventh Avenue W1

28 M

St 32





27 St


3. Booker T. Washington Beacon

(not shown)



103 West 107th Street



W1 t





4. College Success Office W1 S t
147 St. Nicholas Avenue W1
W1 W1 13
23 25
St E1
5. Community Pride W1
St W1
29 14
22 24
S E1
St Nicholas Ave

157 West 122nd Street St t 18 28

W1 St
21 12 E1
St 27
W1 St
20 5 16 E1
St 26
6. Countee Cullen Community 1 S t
Beacon 7
242 West 144th Street 4 20 19
W1 Marcus M E1
W1 18 25
16 21 St Garvey Park S t
St W1 E1

7. Employment and Technology W1 17 24
15 S St

St t E1

Center W1 23


14 North General


W1 Hospital Lex 22
304 West 117th Street

13 11

St M St

10 E1

12 21
St St


8. Family Development Program E1
689 Lenox Avenue The Harlem Children’s Zone covers 97 square blocks, from 116th Street to 143rd
Street and from Madison Avenue to Frederick Douglass Boulevard.
9. Family Support Center
207-211 Lenox Avenue
15. Midtown Family Place 18. Promise Academy II
10. Harlem Gems (not shown) 2005 Madison Avenue
41 West 117th Street 457 West 51st Street
19. Truancy Prevention
11. Harlem Gems Head Start 16. Promise Academy I Upper (Project CLASS)
60 West 117th Street Elementary, Middle School 309 West 134th Street
& High School
12. Harlem Peacemakers — South 35 East 125th Street 20. TRUCE Media Project
2031 Fifth Avenue 147 St. Nicholas Avenue
17. Promise Academy I
13. Harlem Peacemakers — North Lower Elementary 21. TRUCE Fitness and
1916 Park Avenue 175 West 134th Street Nutrition Center
147 St. Nicholas Avenue
14. Learn to Earn
1916 Park Avenue 13
the College Success program, which offers high school se- and Madison Avenue. In 2000, the area was home to
niors at six area schools workshops on college admission around 70,000 people.
and financial aid and helps students secure internships Physical expansion was supported by exponential
and community service placements. financial growth: The annual budget has grown from $6
Adults who live within the Zone’s boundaries gain million in 1994 to $74 million in 2008. In fiscal 2007,
access to community-building resources; more than HCZ paid $7.2 million in salaries and wages. Canada
two dozen city-owned properties have become tenant- earned $494,000. George Khadoun, the chief operating
owned co-ops through HCZ-led organizing, and HCZ- officer, earned $217,600; development director Mindy
supplied tax guidance has secured millions in tax credits Miller was paid $266,000, or slightly more than both
and rebates for local residents, the organization says. Promise Academy principals combined. Consultants
Community-wide HCZ initiatives harness local hospital billed for more than $1.4 million. The chess tutor received
and social-service resources to fight asthma and obesity; $66,000 to $75,000 a year; $105,000 went to Wyzant
provide medical, dental and mental-health services for Tutoring, a national tutor-placement service; and the
Promise Academy students; and aim to keep struggling organization spent $175,000 on travel. The Zone’s in-kind
families intact—with their children out of foster care. support for the Promise Academy I (which leases its
They are all part of the Zone’s score of programs, which space, unlike Promise Academy II, which is located in a
employ a staff of 1,500 and involve about 8,000 local public school building) slashes the school’s rental costs
youth at a per capita cost of $5,000 a year. from an estimated $35 per square foot in 2003 to $2.70
per square foot.
According to Canada’s tipping point theory, once HCZ’s physical presence is easy to see. Take the inter-
Harlem reaches a 65 percent level of success—academic, section of Madison and 125th. On one corner, an empty
economic, social and health—future success and academ- shell of a building languishes. On another, there’s a row of
ic achievement will be the natural outcome. At that point, shops—some vacant, others full—topped by the derelict
what Canada characterizes as a positive “contamination” Mason and Trowel ballroom. But directly across the
will take place: Everyone will begin to benefit from HCZ, street, dominating the block and the local skyline with six
whether he or she is part of the schools, the after-school spanking new stories of steel, glass and brick, sits the Har-
and youth employment programs, the community devel- lem Children’s Zone headquarters, a $44 million structure
opment efforts and the myriad other projects that exist that exudes both permanence and wealth.
in the Zone—or not. That tipping point, and the osmosis
of benefits from the HCZ reports that its programs serve more than 17,000
few to the many, has local residents. Its schools enroll about 1,200 students—
been part of Canada’s a fraction of the number of children in the neighborhood
thinking for nearly 30 but still substantial for an aspect of the HCZ that, at
A video report on the HCZ
years. It is, however, the outset, was an afterthought. While the Promise
from Jay DeDapper. Check
not a fixed target. Academies and the early-childhood programs that
“There’s no known feed them now command the greatest public attention,
science to support 65 the Harlem Children’s Zone didn’t originally envision
[percent],” says Anne running its own schools.
Kubisch, director of the Aspen Institute’s Roundtable on Instead, back in 1994, the weight was squarely on social
Community Change, who has studied HCZ and other services; schools were out of the picture. “We had com-
place-based initiatives. “It’s not like there’s scientific evi- mitted ourselves to not going into that business in the
dence that if you hit 65 percent of the population, that’s early ‘90s,” says longtime treasurer Mitch Kurz. “We didn’t
the tipping point. But that’s their theory.” want to have to deal with the old [Board of Education]
Canada began putting the theory into practice in 1994 bureaucracy.” Schools meant risk: If the program quality
with community centers and a blocked-off weekday “play suffered, Kurz says, “the brand would be attached to some-
street” that revived a drug-steeped, bullet-scarred block thing mediocre, and that would hurt the brand and hurt
of West 144th Street. Today, that same block houses the our ability to make money” to support the programs.
Countee Cullen Community Center, a teen center, and a Working with the local schools in the 1990s meant
nursery school, all under HCZ auspices. Since 1994, the wrangling with local school boards, which were variously
Zone has grown from 24 to 97 square blocks of central indebted to, or controlled by, local politicians. “Geoff
Harlem, in a rough rectangle from 116th Street up to Canada was very soured on the inability of the public
143rd Street, bounded by Frederick Douglass Boulevard school system to educate Harlem children, or children

14 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

of color, period,” says Annenberg’s Fruchter. corporations and nonprofits.
“There were two villains: the UFT [United “The charter school movement changed
Federation of Teachers], which Geoff held the landscape,” says Kurz, a multimillionaire
responsible for what teachers didn’t do and who, after a career in advertising, now serves
for being embedded in local politics, and as HCZ treasurer and works with the Bronx
the local politicians,” who controlled school Center for Science and Mathematics, a small
boards, as had long been the case in Harlem’s high school where he teaches math and Above:
District 5. serves as a college adviser. “The mayor and Kelly Downing leads
During its first decade, the HCZ pipeline the chancellor were both pro-change, and [an a ninth-grade English
grew more robust, but the results Canada HCZ] board with pre-existing relationships, class at Promise

and his team sought, in terms of academic Academy I, a school

particularly with the mayor, enabled us to get
launched in 2004 and
achievement and progress out of poverty, did in front of the chancellor.” (See “Charting a
now at the heart of the
not materialize. “We realized this hole in our Course,”p. 21)
HCZ model.
service provision, particularly in District 5, Klein met with Canada early in his tenure
and the hole was in the schools,” says Kurz. as chancellor and suggested that Canada
Too few children were succeeding—Canada bypass the traditional open-enrollment
felt there had to be a way to scale up the effort public schools and open his own charter
and save all the kids, instead of a handful. school, which would become central to the
Canada’s frustration with the city’s public Harlem Children’s Zone pipeline of cradle-
schools continued undimmed. By January to-college programs. Canada and his team
2002, when Bloomberg began his first wrote a proposal, recruited teachers and
term, Canada had worked with five schools administrators, and organized an admissions
chancellors. But in the summer of 2002, for lottery that meant door-knocking across
the first time since the Boss Tweed era, the the Zone’s 24 blocks. In 2004, the Promise
mayor secured control of the city’s schools. Academy elementary and middle schools
With Bloomberg’s blessing, new schools opened their doors.
chancellor Joel Klein cultivated vigorous
private support for public schools from 15
“Failure is not permitted, because funding is tied to success, not failure.”

Students in the Harlem Children’s Zone achieve the tions. But the HCZ schools are simply too new to be able
results they do, Canada says, because they invest more: to measure success in the vocabulary of graduation or
They invest more actual time in the classroom, with college enrollment—no students have yet graduated from
a far longer school day and a school year that begins the Promise Academy’s high school, so there’s no gradua-
in September and ends in early August. All Promise tion rate to discuss. Regents scores from 2009 are encour-
Academy students are in school about 60 percent longer aging but preliminary, as only one cohort of students has
than average public school students. Struggling students taken the exams. Nearly 500 young adults who partici-
can spend twice as many hours in school as the average pated in nonschool HCZ programs are now in college,
kid—in class and in tutoring or in small-group before- but not much is known about that group.
and after-school instruction. HCZ’s corporate and school Instead, at the Promise Academies, success has an ex-
leaders say they hold each child to high standards and plicit benchmark: “We are judged by the New York State
expect teachers to do “whatever it takes” to achieve tests,” says HCZ spokesperson Marty Lipp. “We literally
success. And the charters invest more money per child live or die by that test.”
per year—nearly $19,000 in 2008—than the $14,525 the Like all other public school students, those at the Prom-
city spends on children who attend general-education ise Academies take statewide assessments every year. The
programs in traditional open-enrollment public schools. Promise Academy schools have recently posted strong
The financial investment starts well before the first results in math: In 2009, 87 percent of Promise Academy
formal day of kindergarten. The Harlem Children’s Zone eighth-graders scored at or above grade level, compared
spends almost as much per child in its Harlem Gems with 61 percent overall in District 5. On the state math
preschool, $13,500, as the city spends on a typical older test, 91 percent of Asian students and 86 percent of white
student. Gems tykes are carefully cultivated and groomed students citywide scored at or above grade level, as did
for school; they’re in the Promise Academy pipeline a mere 62 percent of black students in the city’s schools.
already, because Harlem Children’s Zone planners hold Since the Promise Academy is 91 percent black, its high
kindergarten lotteries when a cohort of students is 2 or scores suggest a far narrower racial achievement gap than
3 years old—effectively holding seats until they are old might otherwise be expected.
enough to attend kindergarten. In addition, HCZ spends On the 2009 English-language arts (ELA) test, 57 per-
$5,000 per child each year for after-school and extra- cent of Promise Academy eighth-graders met or exceeded
curricular programs for students who don’t attend the grade-level standards, compared with 46 percent in
Promise Academies but live within the Harlem Children’s District 5 at large and 50 percent of black students in New
Zone. Some of the money goes to direct payment of York City. While HCZ students' scores exceed city aver-
middle school children, for good grades and participation ages for black students, a substantial and significant race
in HCZ programs. gap persists: Citywide, 76 percent of both white and Asian
The school day begins at Promise Academy I and II at eighth-graders scored at or above grade level. (Promise
8 a.m., even for the youngest students. At Harlem Gems, Academy eighth-graders bested their District 5 counter-
the lottery admission pre-K program that feeds into the parts in 2007 and 2008 on math and English, as well.)
Promise Academies, the day stretches from 8 a.m. to 4 In April 2009, Harvard economists Roland Fryer and
p.m. After-school programs, which include 4- and 5-year- Will Dobbie released a study asserting that “the Harlem
olds, run until 6 or 7 p.m. There’s Saturday school every Children’s Zone is enormously effective at increasing the
weekend, and some teachers and students meet as early as achievement of the poorest minority children,” based
7 a.m. for intensive test preparation. on their analysis of 2007 state test score data. In middle
“Every single child has to make it,” says Shana Brodnax, school, they documented gains that “reverse the black-
senior manager of early-childhood programs at the HCZ. white achievement gap in mathematics.” Grade school
“It’s an entirely no-excuses-accepted policy that takes an al- results are even stronger, Fryer and Dobbie say, and “close
most incomprehensible amount of resources and support.” the racial achievement gap in both subjects [math and
“Failure is not permitted,” vowed Canada, speaking to a English-language arts].”
public gathering in Springfield, Mass., in November. “No
excuses. Failure is not permitted, because funding is tied Test scores are the single most powerful measure in the
to success, not failure.” city’s annual progress reports about each school. Yet both
In the world of education, success has many defini- the city’s Department of Education and New York State

16 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch
recognize that the Level 3 score—
widely translated as “at grade level”
or “proficient,” which is where most
The Charter some skepticism. When the CREDO
institute, also based at Stanford
HCZ students scored—does not
actually predict academic success.
Challenge University, analyzed data from
70 percent of the nation’s charter
schools, it said only a fraction, 17
In fact, students who score Level The pros and percent, excel, while 37 percent post
3 in eighth grade have only a 52
percent chance of graduating from conflicts of a lower outcomes than do traditional
publics. Reports from the New York
high school in four years, accord- schooling revolution City Department of Education’s char-
ing to Tisch and analysts at the city ter office say that charter students
Department of Education. The charter school movement has do not make as much academic
Fryer and Dobbie based their been gathering steady steam since progress each year as their peers in
conclusions on gains made by a sin- the late 1990s in New York City. traditional public schools—and note
gle class on a single test in a single Nearly 100 are in operation today, the dramatic difference in high-need
year. In other years, and for other predominantly in parts of the city populations between school models,
grades, state-exam scores at the long-plagued by poverty and low with open-enrollment publics serving
Promise Academy have not always academic achievement. Central far more special needs students and
been impressive. The fifth-graders Harlem’s District 5 is no exception: English-language learners than the
scored lower than the district aver- 20 percent of local schools are lottery admission charters.
age on the 2009 math test. Only a charters. More are coming. New The rivalry between the charter
third of the school’s eighth-graders York State education leaders said in school and public school models is
were at grade level on the 2008 December that they support open- not abstract: It’s a very real competi-
English test. ing 200 new charter schools. Mayor tion for teaching talent, students,
On nonstate exams, the results Bloomberg’s current five-year capital attention, money and—in New York
are even more mixed. On the Iowa plan would allocate $200 million for City, anyway—space. The Depart-
Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), the the new charters. ment of Education is locating more
Charter schools are public schools of the expanding universe of charter
eighth-graders’ average score was
that are exempt from some of the schools in public school buildings,
41, well below the HCZ-set target
constraints under which other cutting into space that noncharter
of 50 and a score that correlates
schools operate. Their teachers typi- kids use.
to an achievement ranking on the
cally do not work under a union con- The charter debate provokes
33rd percentile nationally. (ITBS
tract, principals have more autono- philosophical questions too, says
scores since 2007 have risen but still my over curriculum and instruction Pedro Noguera, executive director
do not meet HCZ-set goals.) On and their students can be selected of the Metropolitan Center for Urban
the TerraNova English assessment, by lottery. (Most other public schools Education and an NYU professor.
HCZ’s goal was for 65 percent—the have open enrollment.) “The regimentation, the silence and
tipping point—of students to score Proponents contend the schools’ the emphasis on control concern
80 percent or above, a goal that ability to innovate produces bet- me. Middle-class kids are never
the school has not yet been able to ter results. In a 2009 study of New treated that way,” he says. Many
achieve. A similar target was set for York City’s charter schools, Stanford charters, including the Promise
math; again, the organization’s test- University academic and charter Academy, seek to cultivate “char-
ing goals were unmet, despite three- advocate Caroline Hoxby con- acter” and mold behavior to more
month delays in testing that should cluded that charter school students traditional, middle-class standards
have translated into extra gains. make long-term gains that signifi- — what some describe as a kind of
The fact is, any test one looks at, cantly narrow (but do not close) “the paternalistic, top-down imposition
whatever result is shown, is of limited Scarsdale-Harlem achievement of mainstream culture. “They are
use in judging whether the Prom- gap.” Results like those have made preparing kids to be followers, not
ise Academy model works or not. charters increasingly appealing to leaders — to conform, not innovate,”
Each Promise Academy test cohort policymakers from the left and right. says Noguera. “I support what Geoff
comprised fewer than 100 students— President Obama’s secretary of edu- Canada is doing — his ambition, his
a fairly small pool from which to cation, Arne Duncan, has called for a dedication, his commitment. He is
$52 million increase in charter school a sincere, dedicated individual. It
conclude that the project is brilliant
funding in the 2010 federal budget. doesn’t mean that everything they do
or a bust. (See “Test Pattern,” p.22)
But the reports of success in the is right, though.”
charter experiment have met with — Helen Zelon 17
Above: David Rosen leads vocal Below: Veronica Thomas oversees a 10th-
practice in his and Clinton Moore’s grade global studies class. Teacher turnover
fourth-grade music class. at the HCZ schools has been significant.

18 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

And comparing the student populations at At the Promise Academy, school leaders and
Promise Academy with those in the nearby regular teachers work backward from the test score goals
public schools is an apples-to-oranges matchup: set by Canada and the HCZ leadership: As Paul
The HCZ schools serve significantly fewer high- Tough related in Whatever it Takes, disturbingly
need learners, like special education students or low test scores in the school’s first years dictated
kids who are learning English. For instance, only 6 a results-oriented attack. “The whole school was
percent of the third graders who took the 2007-08 going to be concentrating on one thing: raising the
English test at the Promise Academy had disabili- test scores,” Tough wrote. During the period from
ties, while disabled kids made up 30, 40, even 60 2004 through 2008 when Tough reported on the
percent of the test-taking pool in open-enrollment school, test prep began before school, at 7 or 7:30
schools in the district. Only a handful of students at a.m. for some students, with cash incentives for
the Promise Academies are English-language learn- attendance. Schoolwide test prep started in Septem-
ers, compared with 14 percent in schools citywide. ber, Tough reported, with “morning test-prep ses-
And the students who attend HCZ are selected sions, a test-prep block during the school day, test
by lottery, which may in itself shape the schools’ prep in the after-school program, and test prep on
population: Unlike open-enrollment neighborhood Saturdays.” Over the 11-month school year, focus
schools, the lottery requires a measure of parental persisted on the state tests.
initiative that benefits HCZ students in other ways. Every week, teachers tell City Limits, students
“One has to take the … evidence with a grain of took practice tests, using previous state exams as
salt,” Fryer and Dobbie caution. “Children who study guides. “We used exactly what people were
participate in the HCZ are not a random sample going to see on the exam,” says a former math
of students. …Students served by HCZ are
likely to be self-selected, and results that
compare [them] to other children in
Harlem may be biased.”
Harlem Children’s Zone school “One has to take the evidence
leaders, however, are adding more than with a grain of salt. Children who
a grain of salt. Faced with dramatically
different testing outcomes between participate in the HCZ are not a
state tests and the Iowa exam, they
decided to find an alternative to the
random sample of students. …
Iowa. According to the organization’s Results that compare [them] to other
2008-09 annual report, “Two years ago,
a decision was made to deemphasize children in Harlem may be biased.”
the [Iowa test] in order to focus on
New York state standards and the skills
needed for success on state assessments; thus the teacher, to make sure students were “thoroughly
school is looking for another nationally recognized inculcated with test sophistication, test practice. So
standardized test which aligns more closely with that when they ‘got on the field,’ they’d be ready.”
New York State standards.” “It’s all about the numbers,” another former
Being able to display the right kind of results is Promise Academy math teacher tells City Limits.
a matter of survival. “We are bottom-line kind of “Everyone felt the pressure. People got bonuses
people. We live by the numbers. Show us the out- for their performance. There was a synergy there.
come. That’s how we’re measured—that’s how we It wasn’t so clear-cut, that if X children fail, I’m
measure you,” said HCZ supporter Ken Chenault out of a job. But you knew, at any time, you could
of American Express at the November “Chang- be released.”
ing the Odds” conference. “The Harlem Children’s HCZ does not deny its focus on testing. “We do
Zone thinks about product value, just like they do work with the kids to prep for state tests—during
at Apple, just like they do at J. Crew, just like we do school, after school and weekends,” says HCZ’s
at my company. A strong brand can bring financial Lipp. “We are judged by the state tests. We have
assets—a promise of goods and services, based to pay attention to it.”
on trust.” One part of the HCZ experience that is not 19
emphasized in media coverage is the stunning
rate of teacher turnover the Promise Acade-
mies have posted. In 2006-07, a third of Prom-
ise Academy I’s teachers left or were dismissed.
The year before 48 percent were fired or quit.
Only one of the original teachers is still with
the Promise Academy middle school.
Some teachers elected to leave, like those
who told City Limits that working with data
took precedence at the school over working
with children. Others were fired. One teacher,
who flew in from Hawaii to teach at the Prom-
ise Academy, was let go before her household
furnishings arrived by shipping container.
Efiom Ukoidemabia, the school’s former
math coach, stepped into a teaching role after
an instructor resigned, and was summarily
dismissed. “Before I was fired, I was never
observed in the classroom. I was never offered
feedback on my performance. There was no
paper trail, and there was no guidance. I was
given no chance to improve over time,” he
tells City Limits—all steps that would have
been in place if the school were bound by the
sort of union rules and contracts that charter
school proponents contend inhibit educa-
tional innovation.
On the afternoon City Limits was permitted
to visit the Promise Academy I school at Har-
lem Children’s Zone headquarters, the teach-
ers encountered were predominantly young;
about half had not taught school previously
in New York City (or elsewhere). Two came
to teaching via the New York City Teaching
Fellows program and Teach for America,
alternate-certification programs that bring
“The Harlem Children’s Zone bright, young college grads into the public
schools, with mixed long-term outcomes.
thinks about product value, just Classrooms were clean, bright and bare-
like they do at Apple, just like they bones modest: They were thinly supplied,
with little student-made artwork, writing
do at J. Crew. … A strong brand or other projects on display and limited
classroom resources like the libraries and
can bring financial assets—a manipulative materials often seen in public
promise of goods and services, school classrooms. Most often, students were
arranged in old-school rows of desks, with the
based on trust.” teacher’s desk at the front of the room, but the
instruction was often energetic and engaging:
In one fourth-grade music lesson, the teacher,
who had drawn a cartoon self-portrait
Above: Student Cheik Niang on the on a whiteboard before the lesson, wiped
recorder. Class sizes at the Zone’s schools away an ear in protest after a cacophonous,
are significantly smaller than at other enthusiastic recorder display. “Put the ear
neighborhood schools. Continued on p.23

20 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

Charting a Course
A timeline of Harlem’s charter schools

1998: New York State Charter side-by-side. The John Reisenbach Education Secretary Margaret
Schools Act is passed under Gover- school’s charter is revoked because Spellings and Rep. Charles Rangel
nor George Pataki, authorizing the of poor standardized-test scores. tour Harlem Village Academy. Bush
opening and subsequent renewal declares, “We can see that No Child
of new schools but setting a limit of 2005: In his re-election campaign, Left Behind is working nationwide.”
100 schools statewide. Mayor Bloomberg pledges to elimi- The visit precedes National Charter
nate the cap on charter schools Schools Week. South Carolina Demo-
1999: Sisulu-Walker Charter School, and double the number of charter crat and House majority whip Rep.
New York State’s first, is established schools in NYC to 100 by 2009. P.S. James Clyburn visits Harlem Success
on West 115th Street. The John A. 861 Future Leaders Institute on West Academy in November, speaking
Reisenbach Foundation partners 122nd Street converts to a charter out in support of charter schools.
with the Learning Project, a non- school in July, and the Harlem
profit educational-management Link Charter School and Harlem 2008: St. Hope Leadership Acad-
organization, to found the John Children’s Zone Promise Academy emy on West 134th Street and
Reisenbach Charter School. II open in September. Harlem Success Academy 2, 3 and
4 open. Cindy McCain, wife of
2001: The Bush administration’s No 2006: Democracy Preparatory John McCain, visits Sisulu-Walker
Child Left Behind Act is passed, al- Charter School is founded on West in June to observe the school’s best
lowing students in poorly perform- 133rd Street by teacher Seth An- practices. “I chose to come here
ing public schools to enroll in char- drews. Harlem Success Academy, because of the school’s high record
ter schools and compelling failing the first of the Success Charter of achievement,” McCain notes.
schools to restructure, perhaps into Network that planned to expand In August, Bloomberg and Klein
charter schools. Harlem Day Charter to 40 schools over the next decade, announce the opening of 18 new
School is established by Sheltering is founded by former city council- charter schools in the fall, more
Arms Children’s Service and real- woman and education committee than the city has ever opened in
estate tycoon Benjamin V. Lambert. chair Eva Moskowitz, a reformer a single year, bringing the total
and adversary of the teacher’s number of NYC charters to 78, with
2003: KIPP STAR College Prep union, which she claims under- 24,000 students enrolled.
Charter School opens in Harlem. mined her bid for borough presi-
Former teacher and businesswom- dent in 2005. 2009: In July, police are called to
an Deborah Kenny founds the first P.S. 123, which houses Harlem
of three Harlem Village Academy 2007: Britain’s Prince Charles; his Success Academy, after movers
charter schools committed to wife Camilla; and British ambas- arrive with orders to make way for
“banishing bureaucracy.” Schools sador David Manning tour the the charter school’s expansion and
chancellor Joel Klein describes Harlem Children’s Zone in January, P.S. 123 teachers block the workers.
Kenny as a “star.” joined by Geoffrey Canada and Lt. After an hour-long standoff, DOE
Gov. David Paterson. Prince Charles officials declare there has been a
2004: The Harlem Children’s Zone speaks to school officials about “mistake in communications” and
Promise Academy I charter school incorporating the Harlem Children stop the move. In his bid for a third
opens. Leonard Goldberg, formerly Zone’s educational concepts into term, Bloomberg again pledges
an administrator at a Westchester his 16 UK foundations. After years to double the number of charter
County school, establishes Op- of pressure, state legislators vote schools in the city by creating 100
portunity Charter School on West in April to raise the charter school new schools—which would give
113th Street following the “inclusion cap to 200 with 50 of the new char- charters 100,000 school seats, or
model.” Its student body is roughly ters reserved for New York City. As nearly 10 percent of all public
half general-education students part of President Bush’s campaign school seats in New York City—
and half students with learning to pressure lawmakers to reau- by 2013.
disabilities who learn in classes thorize No Child Left Behind, Bush,
— Samia Shafi 21
Class Size

Test Pattern
(students per eighth-grade English class)

Harlem Village Academy

How Harlem’s ‘miracle’ really ranks I.S. 195

On standardized tests in 2009, the Harlem Children’s Zone’s Choir Academy of Harlem
Promise Academy I fared well compared to most other schools Frederick Douglass Academy
in its upper Manhattan district (District 5), and rivaled city- and Manhattan District 5
statewide averages. Other charter schools in District 5 also
Knowledge & Power Prep IV
posted high marks. But there are significant differences between
the student bodies at the Promise Academy and the other Powell Middle School
schools to which it is compared. Thurgood Marshall Academy
(students scoring at
Eighth-Grade Math Scores or above grade level)
HCZ Promise Academy I
(%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

KIPP Infinity Free Lunches (percentage of students qualifying)

Harlem Village Academy
Democracy Prep I.S. 286

Frederick Douglass Academy I.S. 195

Knowledge & Power Prep IV Acad. of Collaborative Education

HCZ Promise Academy I Knowledge & Power Prep II

New York State Knowledge & Power Prep IV

Thurgood Marshall Academy Manhattan District 5

New York City Academy for Social Action

I.S. 286 KIPP Infinity

Choir Academy of Harlem Choir Academy of Harlem

Manhattan District 5 Powell Middle School

Academy for Social Action Democracy Prep

I.S. 195 Thurgood Marshall Academy

Acad. of Collaborative Education Harlem Village Academy

Knowledge & Power Prep II HCZ Promise Academy I

Powell Middle School KIPP STAR

(%) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Frederick Douglass Academy

(%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(students scoring at
Eighth-Grade English Scores or above grade level)
(percentage of students
Limited English Proficiency deemed LEP)

KIPP Infinity
Harlem Village Academy
I.S. 195
Powell Middle School
Frederick Douglass Academy
Manhattan District 5
Democracy Prep
KIPP Infinity
New York State
Knowledge & Power Prep IV
Knowledge & Power Prep IV
Democracy Prep
Thurgood Marshall Academy
I.S. 286
HCZ Promise Academy I
Academy for Social Action
New York City
Acad. of Collaborative Education
Manhattan District 5
Choir Academy of Harlem
Knowledge & Power Prep II
Knowledge & Power Prep II
Choir Academy of Harlem
I.S. 195
Frederick Douglass Academy
Academy for Social Action
Thurgood Marshall Academy
I.S. 286
Harlem Village Academy
Acad. of Collaborative Education
HCZ Promise Academy I
Powell Middle School
(%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 (%) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Data source: New York State Department of Education

22 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

Continued from p.20 public schools. “On a visceral level, I’m an
back!” called out one boy, “so you won’t be African male, this is 125th Street—you can’t
Vincent van Gogh!” get any more Harlem. There were these other
Teachers in the classes City Limits visited African males, from Harvard, Bowdoin—I
often worked in pairs, giving the very small was dazzled,” he says. “It was an amazing
classes of 10 to 16 students additional atten- opportunity to shape kids—and a $44 million
tion, discipline and guidance. While some building. I thought, ‘I want in on this.’ “
teachers shushed kids on the stairways or But reality was less inspiring. Physical
snapped their fingers at children, expecting conditions in the first years were bad, some
obedience, others coaxed their charges with teachers say. Discipline, an initial obstacle
humor, like the English teacher who pleaded for many Promise Academy teachers, was a
with students for details in their essays: “No- challenge for leadership as well, says HCZ
body wants a sandwich without the mayo and treasurer Kurz. “We developed a lot of grand
the lettuce.” An essay without color, “that’s plans, educational philosophies,” he recalls,
just the meat and the cheese. That’s dry.” “and we overlooked sort of the fundamental
Students wear uniforms that wouldn’t aspect of running a successful school, and
be out of place in parochial schools—gray that is managing the culture of the school,
plaid skirts and white blouses for the girls, managing the discipline. Forget the curricu-
gray slacks and red vests for the boys, with lum maps and everything else, until you’ve
high schoolers in khakis and button-downs. gotten the blocking and tackling of the
A sign at the building’s entrance prohibits culture as a whole.”
hats, “durags” and hoodies—streetwear that Canada says teachers should be treated
doesn’t belong in the classroom. as professionals, like hard-driving, well-
The school’s two science labs are not compensated young associates at law firms.
currently used as labs but as regular class- “You take the brightest young people, and
rooms—certainly complicating the instruc- you work them to death,” he said at the
tion of Regents-level science classes like biol- Sheraton conference, only half joking.
ogy and chemistry. History students learning Indeed, the demands on Promise Academy
about World War I studied from books that teachers are high and near constant. The
included Regents and other test preparatory school year begins on or near Labor Day and
materials, although their teacher assured City finishes in the second week of August. Longer
Limits that they used a textbook on other hours and a longer year were part of the
days. (We didn’t see any textbooks in use, but original job description; evening sessions and
a few were on classroom shelves.) The gleam- Saturday school were not. All of the schools’
ing gym, visible from 125th Street through a staff, from the principals down, serve at the
wall made of 15 double-height panels of plate pleasure of Canada and the HCZ board.
glass, features an HCZ logo on the basketball There is no union, there is no tenure, and
court’s maple floor—and 15 automated white- there is no job security. That lack of security
fabric panels that slide down, like so many can be a stumbling block for experienced
eyelids, when the kids in the gym wave to teachers and administrators.
passersby on the street. Former Promise Academy teachers say
that leadership applied a double standard to
Most of the teachers who came to—and teachers versus parents. “To get parents to
left—the Promise Academies (the second meetings, they would give away iPods, ste-
school, launched a year after the first in 2005, reos, Pathmark gift certificates,” says former
is located a few blocks away on Madison Ave- literacy coach Shelly Klein. At parent meet-
nue) bought into Canada’s vision of education ings, dinner was ordered for parents who
reform. One former staffer recalls crying, she attended, “but they would not let the teachers
was so inspired the first time she heard Can- eat,” Klein says, despite the fact that teach-
ada speak. Ukoidemabia says that becoming ers remained on call after a very long school
the math coach of the Promise Academy was day. The message from the board was clear,
a dream after 15 years teaching in the city’s she says: “The people who gave us the money 23
[for the schools] wanted to see results. These “restarting” the middle school in grade five.
gentlemen gave millions of dollars. The kids It also ended the practice of the middle
weren’t getting better. The responsibility, and school admissions lottery and began the
the critique, was to the teachers.” preschool lottery that determines eventual
Canada does not dispute this. Of the most enrollment in the Promise Academy. Neither
reluctant parent-participants, he says flatly, strategy would be permitted in conventional
“I bribe them.” Boxes of Pampers, open-enrollment schools.)
cases of Coke, free pizza din- As it closed the entrance to new kids, the
CITYLIMITS.ORG ners, tickets to ballgames, gift Promise Academy also ushered existing
certificates—“whatever it takes” students out the exit. Of the 100 eighth-
Details on the
to get parents engaged and into graders who were the inaugural Promise
President’s plan.
the schools. Canada relates how Academy middle school students—those who
More coverage at
he motivated competition in entered the school with the understanding
an ongoing anti-obesity initia- that they would continue through 12th grade
tive: Children who lost the most there—65 remained in the academy when
weight won a trip to Disney the board stopped enrollment. That May,
World in Orlando; winning staffers were they were hastily “graduated” and placed in
rewarded with a sojourn in the Bahamas. city and private high schools. Where the kids
Canada, in efforts to inspire students, ended up is not clear.
visited the school frequently, Klein says. “In “We don’t track them in the sense that we
middle school, when kids did their home- evaluate our own kids,” says HCZ spokes-
work, Geoff Canada would stand in the person Lipp, who couldn’t detail where that
auditorium with a roll of money and pay cohort went to high school or discuss their
them. Kids would be called up by name. ‘Oh, progress toward graduation. “We don’t track
you got X grade, here’s $20.’ He would call them as a group, like we would track our
up kids. Don’t forget—he’s not the principal. eighth-graders.” This division—“our” eighth-
And he’d hand out money. That’s what Oprah graders vs. the children who were once
doesn’t say.” Promise Academy eighth-graders—stands in
The conditions and demands took their sharp contrast to the oft repeated promise of
toll, on individual teachers and the schools the Promise Academy and the HCZ: Once a
themselves as they tried to build a culture child is in the HCZ pipeline, they’re secure
of success amid staggering turnover. “New and supported all the way through college.
teachers come in—12 new teachers, 12 Here, children who once were in are now out.
distinct cultures. It affects the gestalt. The In the fall of 2008, the Promise Academy
sum of the parts doesn’t equal the whole,” I midle school again accepted new students.
says Ukoidemabia. But instead of admitting sixth-graders, the
Attrition has lessened since 2008, a result, decision was made to start fresh with fifth
at least in part, of a dramatic move to revamp graders who came up from the Promise
the school’s focus. Academy lower grades, effectively controlling
the quality and previous education of
The tension between the teaching staff at students entering the middle school. The
Promise Academy I and the HCZ board came eighth-graders whose 2007 test score gains
to a tumultuous head in March 2007, when, inspired Fryer and Dobbie’s enthusiasm, just
after three years of consistently dismal test a year after the middle school hiatus went
scores, Canada elected to close enrollment into effect, are now in the Promise Academy
in the middle school for a year. No new high school. In 2014, 10 years after it opened
sixth-graders were to be admitted—a luxury its doors, the Promise Academy will finally
that an open-enrollment neighborhood reach its full K-12 enrollment.
school, which is by law obliged to educate all
youngsters within its catchment zone, could
never entertain. (The school also decided not
to admit sixth-graders the following year,

24 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

“We are so desperate for any little inkling of success … ” Richardson
and Stephen
Doubts about test scores shouldn’t nullify all slippery conditions, even sudden stops. Sutherland
the optimism about the Harlem Children’s Zone There also might be more than one road. in class.
schools. Lots of schools are accused of “teaching What’s often overlooked in the warm glow of The Promise
to the test” and cherry-picking the numbers they media attention to HCZ is the fact that other Academies
present to the world, but the Promise Academies traditional public schools and charter networks have recorded
happen to have better numbers than many. That achieve comparably robust test scores, with lower impressive
the gains are pretty recent and largely limited to the per-student spending and often without the scores on state
state tests, that they contrast sharply with the same extended day–extended year paradigm. math tests.
schools’ performance just a few years ago, even Dozens of open-admission public schools and It’s unclear
the serious problems with teacher turnover—these charters, in New York and the nation, demonstrate why that
don’t invalidate the idea that something special is ongoing, dramatic success with high-need, high- success hasn’t
going on in Harlem. They might just be warning poverty students. Some have progressive educa- translated to

signs for those hoping to replicate the Harlem tional policies; others hew to a more traditional, other tests.

model elsewhere: There are curves in the road, structured, prescriptive style. Established national
Continued on p.28 25
Taking It • The Comprehensive Community
Revitalization Program (CCRP), which
the conversion of the prostitution-
plagued Jerome Motel in Mount

Local ran from 1992 through 1998, concen-

trated its efforts on struggling South
Hope–Morris Heights into a supportive
housing project for homeless HIV-
Anti-poverty Bronx neighborhoods along the Cross
Bronx Expressway that had since the
positive individuals (renamed
Jerome Court, and opened in 2000)
programs beyond 1960s and 1970s been battling de- and a predevelopment grant that
the Zone population, arson, declining business
activity and job loss. While HCZ has
helped lead to the construction of
the New Horizons Shopping Center,
made intensive investments in pre-K which brought close to 350 jobs to
through 12th-grade education, neigh- Crotona Park East. While it was not
borhood outreach and preventive free from trial and error through
care at the family level, CCRP’s ap- its demonstration phase, CCRP, in
proach focused more on employment its 2006 assessment report, said
assistance, health care, economic that by the end of the program,
development and overall quality of the neighborhoods “emerged from
life to help reverse years of blight and the initiative vastly enriched and
poverty in this part of the city. energized,” and the participating
According to a 2006 assessment CDCs ended with more staff, more
report published by the program, money and a more comprehensive
CCRP—whose founders were linked plan to address the social and
to the Surdna Foundation and the economic needs of its residents.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Philadelphia’s Penn Alexander
(LIFC)—relied on the philosophy • Community Change for Youth
School. Photo: UPenn.
that in order to achieve success and Development (CCYD), launched in
longevity, redevelopment had to start 1995 by the nonprofit Public/Private
at the ground level with local support. Ventures (PPV), aimed at providing
The best way to do this, the leaders young people from sites in five cities
In its 15 years of believed, was through community across the country—Austin, Texas;
existence, the development corporations (CDCs). The Kansas City, Mo.; Savannah, Ga.; St.
program partnered with four South Petersburg, Fla; and, in New York
Harlem Children’s
Bronx CDCs—the MBD Community City, the Lower East Side and Staten
Zone has earned Housing Corporation, the Mid-Bronx Island’s adjacent Stapleton and
national recognition Senior Citizens Council, the Mount Clifton neighborhoods (considered
for its comprehensive Hope Housing Company and Phipps one “site”) —with resources and
approach to reversing CDC-West Farms—to lead revitalization support programs that tried to
efforts in each neighborhood, steer youth away from crime and
generational poverty.
building off of what the CDCs had joblessness and toward skill-building
But Harlem is not the already managed to accomplish in and future goals. Unlike HCZ, its
only neighborhood housing production and property efforts were concentrated almost
in America where management and broadening exclusively on developing programs
a focused, holistic those roles to include addressing the that met the needs of teenagers
economic and social needs of their during the nonschool hours: after-
attempt has been
neighborhoods. school programs, regular support
made to reduce CCRP managed to raise $10 and guidance from neighborhood
poverty. million from 21 funding groups, adults, homework help, and summer
according to a 1998 final assessment employment programs. It worked by
report by the Organization and partnering an existing and credible
Management Group. Successes “lead agency,” such as a government
include the development of six parks, agency or a nonprofit community

26 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

institution like the YMCA, with a to strengthen and bring together organizers hoped would be fast,
neighborhood council composed of anti-poverty efforts already in place noticeable improvements in several
local residents to design and guide in these communities, according key areas: infrastructure and public
programs that best met the needs to a 2007 assessment report. On the safety (streetlight installation in a
of each site, according to a 2002 whole, experts in the community 123-block area, for example), hous-
report by the founders. change field deemed NII a disap- ing options, local retail and devel-
In its six years working with these pointment because end results in opment activity, and the quality
cities, CCYD yielded some concrete each of the three communities did of local public schools. (The Penn
results in the target neighborhoods. not match the scale envisioned by Alexander School, a joint project of
In St. Petersburg’s Childs Park neigh- stakeholders, given the substantial the university and the Philadelphia
borhood, the CCYD framework lived financial backing the initiatives School District, opened its doors
on through the Childs Park Youth received. Nonetheless, at least in 2001.)
Initiative Council. The lead agency, one successful project managed The university, through a top-
the Pinellas County Juvenile Welfare to bloom from the West Oakland down structure starting with the
Board, helped the council garner initiative after some reorganization: president’s office, delegated each
attention and support from local The McClymonds Youth and Family component of the initiative to a
government for neighborhood Center runs a host of after-school different university entity while hold-
needs. This led to major improve- programs mainly geared toward ing monthly meetings with neigh-
ments in and around the Childs college readiness, youth leader- borhood representatives and civic
Park Recreation Center: increased ship, physical and mental health, groups to share information about
police presence, progress in plan- and family support. The center is current plans and to hear and ad-
ning for a long-awaited swim- located in the McClymonds Educa- dress local community concerns,
ming pool and greater input from tional Complex, which also houses according to a 2004 case study by
residents in overall management of two small high schools that require the university.
the recreation center. At the policy all their seniors to apply to college. The university has agreed
level, the initiative yielded lessons Housed in an adjacent building, the to provide an annual subsidy
going forward on the dos and don’ts complex’s clinician-staffed Chappell of $1,000 per student for Penn
for creating positive youth develop- Hayes Health Center provides to past Alexander’s 700 pre-K through
ment programs at the neighbor- and present McClymonds students eighth graders, to cover operating
hood level. and their siblings ages 12 to 21 a costs (up to $700,000 annually) for
range of physical and mental health 10 years. Penn’s Graduate School of
• In 1996 the Neighborhood services free of charge, courtesy of Education plays a major role in staff
Improvement Initiative (NII), the Children’s Hospital of Oakland. and curriculum development and
a $20 million-plus project supported continues to offer support programs
by the William and Flora Hewlett • Lack of jobs, rising crime, failing to Penn Alexander and other local
Foundation, set out to reduce poverty schools and a general decay of re- public schools, according to the
in three sites across California’s Bay sources and infrastructure had been case study. Children enroll in Penn
Area (Mayfair, West Oakland and taking its toll on West Philadelphians Alexander not through a lottery
East Palo Alto) that were geographi- for decades. But not until the murder system, as is the case with the
cally compact and moderately of a University of Pennsylvania HCZ’s charter schools, but instead
populated and that shared char- graduate student just off campus based on how close they live to
acteristics like high unemployment, in 1996 did the city’s largest private the school. This helps ensure a
high crime and low high-school employer decide to take action. connection between the school and
graduation rates. The West Philadelphia Initiatives, the community, the study states.
By partnering a local community designed, led and mainly funded According to the university’s case
foundation with a local lead agen- by the university, comprised a heav- study, at least 70 percent of Penn
cy at each site to help create and ily marketed campaign that drew Alexander’s primary-grade students
manage neighborhood improve- on university resources, student par- show proficiency in reading and
ment plans that drew heavily from ticipation, local community groups math on standardized tests.
resident involvement, NII attempted and government to spark what — Rachel Dodakian 27
Continued from p.25 about birth rate and family structures, despite concerns
programs like the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP), about data-gathering and incomplete counting in poor
Achievement First and the Opportunity Charter Net- communities. But current hard data are lacking, says
work, as well as individual local charter schools like Bos- Lisbeth Schorr, of the Washington-based Center for the
ton’s Roxbury Prep and the Bedford Stuyvesant Charter Study of Social Policy and a lecturer in social medicine
School for Excellence in Brooklyn, achieve comparable at Harvard. “What Geoffrey Canada has accomplished is
results without the vast HCZ network of social sup- to give people a reason to believe that you can put a lot
ports—or the HCZ’s copious financial resources. of things that have worked separately together and pro-
The success of these schools and programs does not duce better outcomes. He doesn’t have the data to show
diminish HCZ’s work. Rather, they are alternative models that. It’s an inspiration,” Schorr says. “The fact that they
that often deliver similar gains for far less money, going don’t have a lot of hard results hasn’t kept people from
to the heart of the challenge in designing new responses being inspired by it. He’s been so successful at convinc-
to poverty. Does urban poverty have a single cure? Or ing people it can be done that there’s no challenge for
do different models, with unique approaches, have their hard data.”
place? And are great schools enough to tackle poverty, or Even the Zone’s strongest academic supporters, Fryer
do neighborhoods need a broader array of resources? and Dobbie of Harvard, caution against extrapolating too
much, too quickly from the schools’ academic successes.
The two strands of HCZ—its social programs and its They write, “The Harlem Children’s Zone combines
schools—are supposed to work together to transform reform-minded charter schools with a web of community
central Harlem. But while state testing data and other services. … We cannot, however, disentangle whether
statistics—about attendance, poverty, spending and the communities coupled with high-quality schools drive
like—are accessible for the Promise Academy charter our results, or whether the high-quality schools alone are
schools, HCZ’s broader social programs, which were the enough to do the trick.” Of the more than 20 programs in
founding purpose of the Zone, are far more difficult to the Zone, the Harvard authors say, only two lend them-
assess objectively. Although some are 15 years old, the selves to statistical analysis.
impact of these programs is obscured by immaturity: The Oddly, in an era where accountability and metrics are
data are not yet comprehensive or ripe enough to dem- education reform and public policy watchwords, the lack
onstrate conclusively of data about HCZ hasn’t dampened enthusiasm for rep-
that the pipeline actu- licating Canada’s model. Even those skeptical about the
CITYLIMITS.ORG ally works, or that the lack of evidence embrace the hope Canada articulates.
65 percent critical mass “To date, these investments have not aggregated to
Covering poverty: where that Canada identifies improvement in neighborhood-wide well-being nor
policies meet people. as the tipping point to produced population-level changes in, for example, infant positive “contamination” mortality, graduation rates, or income,” reads a recent
has been reached in any report by a research team led by Kubisch of the Aspen
meaningful way. Institute Roundtable for Community Change.
While Canada says publicly, “We’ve been really suc- Yet Kubisch strongly endorses HCZ as a model for na-
cessful with teen pregnancy,” independent verification is tional change. “We are so desperate for any little inkling
impossible. Births to teenage mothers are down slightly of success that as soon as we get something, we grab on
in the community district containing most of the Zone, to it. The Harlem Children’s Zone has more to offer than
but they have fallen in adjoining neighborhoods as well, other places,” she tells City Limits. “If you’ve got to do
and the causes cannot be discerned. Employment data something, it’s better than a lot of alternatives.”
show little change in the HCZ era; at least one HCZ
job-training program fizzled and was shuttered when Even before the bright lights of national prominence
it didn’t reach its intended targets. After two years, “the shone on Canada’s work, educators and civic leaders from
young people we designed the jobs program for were across the U.S. and overseas sought out the Zone’s secrets
not coming in. The program was a failure. We closed the and strategies. In response, Canada assigned his longtime
program. It just simply did not work,” Canada said at the colleague, confidant and fellow Bowdoin alum Rasuli
public gathering in November in Springfield. He added, Lewis the task of creating the HCZ Practitioners Institute.
“We are probably the biggest youth employer in Harlem,” More than 100 groups, from the U.S. and overseas, have
but no public data exist to support—or refute—his claim. since visited the HCZ to observe its techniques.
The 2010 census might provide more accurate insights Now that the White House has tapped Canada’s model

28 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

“I support what Geoff Canada is doing—his ambition,
his dedication, his commitment. He is a sincere,
dedicated individual. It doesn't mean that everything
they do is right, though.”

as the template for tackling 21st century poverty, more are a close second. Many signature HCZ elements didn’t
people from more cities are coming to Harlem to learn. succeed in Richmond, Lau said. “We tried Baby College,
A picture is emerging of what the new federal program Harlem Gems, AmeriCorps—they didn’t work for us.
will look like. At Canada’s November conference, Edu- What works for us is what you do for people and how
cation Secretary Arne Duncan said that “high-quality you engage them. You can’t just pick up Harlem and put
schools are at the center”—essential elements of all po- it in Richmond.”
tential Promise Neighborhoods. According to the govern- Dr. Karen Fox, head of the Delta Health project that
ment’s funding guidelines, prospective Promise Neigh- spans 18 bayou counties in Mississippi, told the confer-
borhoods must demonstrate at least 30 percent childhood ence of a vastly different geographic landscape: 70 percent
poverty. Anchor organizations must be community-based of her area’s residents must drive 45 miles just to reach a
entities and show evidence of long-term community grocery store, she said. There are few community librar-
engagement, the capacity to launch a successful initia- ies; many lack access to an emergency room or a local
tive and the ability to build partnerships with public and physician. Basic social services, omnipresent in central
private entities and community leaders. Harlem, are near absent. “Access is so different,” she said.
U.S. DOE budget materials say the selected programs “Forming collaborations is different.” Because there is
will be “modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone” and little infrastructure and “terrible transportation,” the kind
“designed to combat the effects of poverty and improve of intensive door-knocking outreach that HCZ program
education and life outcomes for children, from birth participation depends on is simply impossible. Neighbor-
through college.” hood saturation is not feasible in an underdeveloped area
“The core idea behind the initiative is that providing “bigger than the state of Rhode Island.” Neither is the
both effective schools and strong systems of support to creation of a single school to anchor a potential Promise
children and youth in poverty and, thus, meeting their Neighborhood—a requirement of the Obama adminis-
health, social services, and educational needs, will tration’s funding guidelines.
offer them the best hope for a better life,” the DOE’s The HCZ is careful to issue a disclaimer to all potential
description continues. Recipients of planning funding Practitioners Institute participants: The workshops
that submit “promising plans and partnerships” will be are not guaranteed to actually prepare community
eligible to get more money to implement their ideas in representatives to go home and implement their own
the following year. versions of the Harlem Children’s Zone. (HCZ even sued
What’s unclear is whether the federal program intends a Hartford, Conn., charity—the Asylum Hill Children’s
to mass-produce the HCZ model or merely use it as a Zone—for copyright infringement. The charity changed
loose framework of ideas. That distinction matters, be- its name to settle the case.)
cause among those who attended the November “Chang- “None of this is easy anywhere,” Canada conceded at
ing the Odds” conference were representatives from areas the November conference. “We are not going to fran-
whose similarities to Harlem begin and end with the fact chise. We are not going to replicate the work ourselves.”
that their residents are overwhelmingly poor. But, he added, “we don’t want people to have to reinvent
In Richmond, Calif., MacArthur “genius prize” winner the wheel—or the science” of how to turn a troubled
Dan Lau has been working to replicate HCZ programs neighborhood around.
and results since he visited Harlem in 2005. Instead of the “We are in the process of inventing a science that will
figurehead leadership personified by Canada, however, allow us to win,” he continued. “What we haven’t done
Lau must coordinate the efforts of 25 partnering agen- is figure out the way to share. ... People have the fantasy
cies. “Fundraising is our biggest challenge,” Lau said at this is easy, that we had all the answers, we didn’t fall on
the “Changing the Odds” conference; neighborhood jobs our face. None of it was ever easy,” he added. But as he
Continued on p.32 29
Making Connections
Powerful friends, deep pockets and the Harlem Children’s Zone

• HCZ board member and hedge fund

magnate Stanley Druckenmiller donated
$250,000 to a Draft Bloomberg committee
advocating a presidential run.

Mayor Bloomberg

• Bloomberg • HCZ has received

donated $600,000 more than $75
to HCZ. million in city funds
for its services and
schools under the

• Canada advised
the White House
not to endorse
Bloomberg’s 2009
mayoral rival.

• Canada testified • Canada chairs

on behalf of the the board of Learn
term limits change, NY, a group that
and endorsed the advocated the Geoffrey Canada,
mayor’s re-election, extension of Director of the Harlem Children’s Zone
recording a radio mayoral control
ad on Bloomberg’s of schools.
• Eight HCZ board
members made
more than $47,000
in campaign
contributions to • Obama Education
Barack Obama. Secretary Arne
Duncan headlined
a recent HCZ
conference on
exporting its model
to other cities.
• Obama’s signature
program, Promise
is modeled on HCZ.
President Obama

30 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

The Harlem Children’s Zone has benefited from its
relationships to influential institutions, powerful
politicians and financial powerhouses. The Zone’s web
of supporters might be a testament to its compelling
mission and inspiring leader, Geoffrey Canada. But
it also illustrates the challenges to programs aspiring
to transplant the HCZ approach to other parts of the
country, where well-heeled and well-connected
supporters might be in shorter supply.
— Maria Muentes and Jarrett Murphy

• Bloomberg joined Druckenmiller

at HCZ board member and Home
Depot founder Kenneth Langone’s
70th birthday party.
• Canada is one of five
Wall Street
co-signers on $100 million
bail for HCZ board member
Raj Rajaratnam, a hedge
fund whiz charged last fall
with securities fraud. • HCZ’s endowment recently took
a hit thanks to investments in Ariel
Group, a Bernard Madoff-linked

• HCZ’s 17-member board

includes current or former top
officers of Goldman Sachs,
American Express, Timberland,
Morgan Stanley, Showtime, • Board members Langone and
Lehman Brothers and Home Druckenmiller joined a failed
Depot, as well as four hedge attempt to buy the New
fund operators. York Stock Exchange in 2005.

•HCZ board member Wallis

Annenberg is chairman,
president and CEO of the • HCZ board member
Annenberg Foundation, a major Laura Samberg runs
education funder that has a family foundation
sent at least $2 million to that supports HCZ.
the Harlem Children’s Zone.

• HCZ board members are major supporters of

influential institutions. Langone and Druckenmiller
have donated hundreds of millions to NYU. Drucken-
miller, Langone and Sue Lehmann support Teach for
America. Druckenmiller and Joseph DiMenna donate
to the Central Park Conservancy. DiMenna is on the
board of the New-York Historical Society.
Philanthropy 31
Continued from p.29 defined a new kind of reality in central Harlem, one that
completed the thought, he gave hope to cities that see in drinks deep from the well of hope. There’s no prescriptive
themselves what Canada saw in Harlem. “None of it,” he process that details how to cultivate inspirational leaders,
added, “is so complicated that it can’t be replicated—if much less those with a lifelong commitment to a singular
done correctly.” cause, impeccable social skills and street cred, and deep
In his remarks, Canada never closed the door on the connections to politicians and funders.
possibility that the rest of urban America has something The list of individual and corporate donors to the Har-
to learn from him. But he didn’t mention the unique lem Children’s Zone, posted in its annual report, looks a
attributes that helped the Children’s Zone achieve what lot like the donors wall at the Metropolitan Museum of
it has: a dense neighborhood that permitted a focused Art or any other entrenched New York City icon of good
approach, the profound financial resources that reside works: studded with megawatt corporate and private
in New York City (and, notably, on the HCZ board), the names, the big funders who have donated multiple mil-
city’s long-established web of social services that the HCZ lions to the Zone’s projects every year since its creation.
can harness and direct. The money doesn’t walk itself in the door; it takes
They are all factors that may not be reproduced concerted, dogged effort, by some of the same moneyed
elsewhere in America. “Is it possible to replicate?” asks financiers and philanthropists, to drum up the support
Schorr, of the Center for the Study of Social Policy. “The the Zone currently enjoys.
answer to that is a clear no. Adaptations are required by Donors to the Harlem Children’s Zone include Druck-
new settings and new circumstances.” Plus, says Schorr, enmiller—chairman of HCZ’s board—who ran George
20 Promise Neighborhoods “will require at least 20 ex- Soros’ investment fund and is listed as No. 85 on the
traordinary leaders.” Forbes 400 list of richest Americans. Among other sup-
But not every struggling city or impoverished neigh- porters are ex–American International Group chairman
borhood has a Geoff Canada to tell its story. “I’m not a Maurice H. (Hank) Greenberg, Home Depot founder and
believer in the McDonald’s version of education—you former New York Stock Exchange director Ken Langone
build a franchise and sell the same hamburgers across the and Mayor Bloomberg (No. 8). A $100 million campaign
country,” says Robert Hughes, president of New Visions is currently under way to bolster the Zone’s existing $168
for Public Schools, which has opened 96 New Century million to $175 million endowment.
schools in the Bloomberg-Klein era. “That’s why I’m resis- Canada’s ability to move between the boardroom and
tant to the idea of replication. You can’t replicate Geoff— the street has been honed, over time, to a kind of art. It
you’ll inevitably fail.” helps that some of his relationships with funders go back
nearly 40 years—and that doors have continued to open,
Canada has, over years of work and in countless and introductions have been made, in the years since.
speeches, interviews, meetings and conversations, Chenault, American Express CEO and Canada college

Left: Students at the Promise Academy Right: An after-school step class

go to school for longer days and have for fourth graders.
longer school years than most kids.

32 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

buddy, says conversations that began in dorm In October 2009, HCZ board member Raj
rooms continue today, in Amex boardrooms and Rajaratnam, founder of the Galleon hedge fund,
uptown at HCZ headquarters. Chenault is ada- was arrested and charged with leading an elaborate,
mant in his support of the Zone; a representative of long-lived $20 million insider-trading scheme.
Amex consistently holds a seat on the HCZ board. Rajaratnam did double duty with the HCZ as both
Bloomberg has long been one of the HCZ’s most a board member and financial service provider:
outspoken public champions. He has privately The Harlem Children’s Zone has had about $10
donated $600,000 to the project, and in public life million a year invested with Galleon, at least since
oversees numerous city agencies, including the the mid-2000s. Rajaratnam was on the board for
Department of Education, that funnel many tens “not an insignificant amount of time,” according to
of millions annually into the HCZ’s schools and Kurz, and his arrest took Kurz, and the board,
programs. Canada is an equally staunch devotee by surprise.
of the mayor, headlining the mayor’s anti-poverty Two weeks after Rajarat-
commission, co-chairing the Learn NY effort to re- nam’s arrest, The New York
new mayoral control of the city’s schools and even Times reported that five in-
Voices from the Zone:
reaching out to the Obama White House, through dividuals, including Canada,
Teachers and parents speak.
trusted adviser Valerie Jarrett, to ask that the Presi- vouched for Rajaratnam’s
dent limit his campaign appearances and potential $100 million bail, providing
endorsement on behalf of the mayor’s recent chal- personal assurances that he
lenger, city comptroller Bill Thompson. would not flee the New York
“Geoff Canada has a lot of social capital. He jurisdiction. “Mr. Canada appeared in court and
moves in and among politicians and philanthro- volunteered to be one of five co-signers of Mr. Raja-
pists. That allows him to do things that most people ratnam’s $100 million bail,” according to the Times,
wouldn’t be able to do,” says Columbia University citing the prosecutor’s concerns that Rajaratnam
Teacher's College Dean Aaron Pallas, who has stud- could be a flight risk.
ied the Zone. Canada’s pledge, which he acknowledged in the
As important as Canada’s connections to the Times, risked his home, pension and life savings.
worlds of politics and finance have been to the ex- Even so, he expressed total confidence in the hedge
pansion of HCZ, they sometimes trigger unflatter- funder. “I have not had a moment’s doubt,” Canada
ing coverage. He earned scorn last year for failing told the Times. “I’m not worried about it at all.” The
to disclose the mayor’s financial support for HCZ dramatic public act raised whispered questions at
during his testimony to the City Council in favor of the November conference as to where Canada had
extending term limits. And 2009 was a tough year resources sufficient to assure a fifth, or $20 million,
for many of the financiers in Canada’s close circle, of the hedge funder’s bail. Were the funds his own?
and the money they manage. Was he placing Harlem Children’s Zone moneys
The Wall Street Journal reported that the HCZ on the line? Treasurer Kurz says he did not know
endowment suffered Madoff-linked losses in the of the plan before Canada offered his support to
multiple millions. In addition to the private-sector Rajaratnam. “I learned when you did,” he tells City
board members and donors, private money manag- Limits, “when I read The New York Times. I said to
ers shepherd HCZ investments—including more my wife, ‘Where’d Geoff get that kind of money?’ “
than $10 million invested with Bernard Madoff In fact, Kurz says, the board was not consulted
protégé J. Ezra Merkin’s now collapsed Ariel Group, by Canada on the decision to publicly support
and upwards of $50 million managed by the ultra- Rajaratnam. The question did, Kurz admits,
private investment fund DCM Investments. HCZ “come up” in the board. “We decided to refer
treasurer Kurz would not comment on DCM’s questions to Geoff. It was his volition. It was not
owners—”It’s not a big deal, but I would prefer not something that the trustees had to be asked about,
to answer”—but allowed that “they provide great because he elected to do that on his own.” The
service, and they have been doing very, very well investments HCZ had with Galleon will or have
for us.” Regarding Madoff-linked investments and been “liquidated,” says Kurz, and Rajaratnam’s case
investors, Kurz admits, “we’ve had mixed results awaits legal proceedings. Rajaratnam has resigned
from some of our investments,” but would not detail from the HCZ board.
particulars. The late Madoff associate Jeffry Picower
regularly made million-dollar donations to the HCZ. 33
“So you and I, we must succeed … in this crusade, this holy deed.”

The HCZ model might not work in every creation of the Drew Charter School, where
depressed urban center. But something else 84 percent of students now meet state
might work in those cities—or might already standards for reading and 94 percent for
be working, albeit outside the media spotlight math. The project also includes a community
or the White House’s embrace. center, early-childhood resources, a YMCA
William Strickland, like Canada, has and a public 18-hole golf course. Only 5
dedicated most of his adult life to working percent of adults in East Lake Meadows are
to counter urban poverty. He established the now unemployed, another hallmark of the
nonprofit Manchester Bidwell Corp. in 1968, redeveloped neighborhood, which has its
in Pittsburgh’s toughest district, first as an own service and support pipeline featuring Opposite:
arts education resource for local schoolchil- multiple college partnerships that bring A de la Vega mural
dren and later, when Pittsburgh’s steel indus- college students into the community and, at Promise Academy
try collapsed, to provide vocational training by doing so, provide living, breathing role I. It reads in part,
for unemployed workers. Today, the corpora- models for local schoolchildren. “We have so much to
tion works with Pittsburgh public schools, Other local approaches to combating unlearn here.”

placing artists in the classroom and offering poverty have been tried from Savannah to
a broad swath of after-school, summer and Philadelphia to Oakland, with mixed results
evening programs for kids and adults. (See “ Taking it Local,” p.26).
An overwhelming majority of teenagers The Obama administration’s decision to
who participate in Strickland’s programs—90 require school-based approaches to poverty
percent—graduate from high school. Nearly reduction means the Promise Neighborhoods
as many go on to college or other postsec- initiative is unlikely to support projects that
ondary education. And at least 86 percent mirror the Manchester Bidwell or East Lake
of job-training graduates—who can learn Meadows models—efforts built around
culinary arts, lab technology or horticultural job training and housing, respectively. By
skills, among a score of options—go on to the same token, cities like Orlando, Fla.,
paid employment. where the mayor and other civic leaders
A different approach revitalized East Lake have launched a series of HCZ-based
Meadows in Atlanta. There, developers bet reforms, cannot apply for funding, because
that building mixed-income housing would it is restricted to nonprofits. States without
be the catalyst for community growth—and charter schools, like Washington, may not
so far, it seems, the bet is paying off. Carol be legally able to dedicate a public school
Naughton, speaking at “Changing the Odds,” to Promise Neighborhood development.
says that “the depth of the distress was Cities where court desegregation rulings
liberating” in East Lake Meadows: In 1995, require busing cannot provide the centrally
unemployment was rampant; only 13 percent located school model that the Promise
of adults in East Lake Meadows had a job. Neighborhoods require. And efforts already
Crime was triple that of downtown Atlanta— under way are not eligible for the funding
East Lake marked a murder a week, on aver- either; only newcomers need apply.
age—and 18 times the national average. Only The White House did not respond to a
5 percent of schoolchildren met state-testing request for comment. But Obama’s urban
standards. “Our ideas, our program, was so czar, former Bronx borough president Adolfo
audacious that nobody believed it would Carrión, told HCZ’s November conference
work,” said Naughton. that the President “fell in love” with
The construction of 542 mixed-income Canada’s project. Promise Neighborhoods
residences—half now occupied at market are “of global importance,” Carrión said.
rates and half subsidized by Section 8 “They are a smart investment in people
housing vouchers—was enriched by the and in neighborhoods that build strong

34 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

Is the pipeline that Canada built
in Harlem sturdy enough to sustain
Obama’s national anti-poverty agenda?
Is it enough to save a nation? 35
Above: A Saturday dance class Bottom left: Children from Promise Bottom right: Patrice Ward in her
at the Zone. The impact of HCZ's Academy and the Harlem ninth-grade English class. The
nonschool programs has been Children’s Zone community center spending per student at HCZ may
hard to quantify. participate in a Saturday double- be more than programs elsewhere
Dutch program. in the country can afford.

36 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

communities, strong regions and strong there ever been a full answer to the question
countries. It’s an international problem.” of whether the Harlem Children’s Zone really
He added: “ ‘Do what’s right’ doesn’t work. works, and if so, how. Now that the federal
Let the data speak.” government wants to model its national anti-
poverty policy after what Canada has tried in
On a different night in November, 97 blocks of northern Manhattan, the long-
Canada found himself in front of a crowd term test of the HCZ model will play out in a
in Springfield, Mass., a struggling city of score of American cities.
150,000 that some residents hope will be The HCZ experiment has always rested
one of Obama’s Promise Neighborhoods. A largely on hope. Every morning, the students
quarter century after returning to New York at the Promise Academy recite this mantra:
to commence his life’s work, 15 years after “We will go to college. We will succeed. This
launching the Harlem Children’s Zone and is our promise. This is our creed.” As the pro-
five years after starting the charter school gram prepares to go national, faith is still its
whose test scores have propelled HCZ into foundation. It still informs the leader. Canada
the realm of presidential priorities, Canada closes his remarks with a reading of his poem
is in Springfield to deliver his well-honed “Take a Stand.” He stands center stage, beside
message to one segment of his new national the wooden lectern, reading carefully from
audience. Fittingly, his words speak to a a printed sheet. But he knows the words by
nation’s fears. heart, and before long, his eyes are front and
“I believe the country is in peril. We can’t forward, the paper forgotten:
let America become a second-rate country,”
he says. Once again, lithe and elegant in a So you and I, we must succeed
well-fitted pinstriped suit, Canada palms In this crusade, this holy deed
the mic, striding across the stage, using his To say to the children of this land
body to punctuate his words—now still, now Have hope. We’re here. We take a stand.
pantomiming a scolding parent, now side-
stepping with a dancer’s finesse in front of Is the pipeline that Canada built in
almost 2,000. “Unless our country fundamen- Harlem sturdy enough to sustain Obama’s
tally changes its approach, we are not going to national anti-poverty agenda? Is it enough
remain a first-rate power in the world.” to save a nation?
“If you love America,” Canada tells the “We are hopefully saying that the Harlem
audience, gathered in the city’s rococo sym- Children’s Zone does work,” says Anne
phony hall, “this work is essential.” Other Kubisch. “It’s hard to say, ‘We’re not sure
countries “are in a war—a war around how it’s going to work. We can’t expect great
many engineers, how many scientists, how outcomes overnight.’ You have to have
many doctors they can produce.” Other coun- something that has some success—then
tries, like India and China, are preparing to everyone wants to be a part of it.” CL
“dominate the United States.”
“If you love America,” the cadence repeats,
“you see a nation that’s not allowing children
to reach their potential.” But Canada knows
the way out; it’s his way, the Harlem Chil-
dren’s Zone. “You need a massive infusion of
capital and human talent,” he says, echoing
the building blocks that underpin the Harlem
Children’s Zone. “This is a science we’re
creating. All of these problems are solvable.
We had a plan at the Harlem Children’s Zone,
and it worked.”
There has never been any question about
Canada’s commitment to the cause. Nor has 37
The Mount Hope Housing The Manchester Bidwell
Company Corporation
This organization made the goal of Established in Pittsburgh, Pa. in
making high-quality Internet access 1968, this organization operates two
available to low-income residents subsidiaries aimed at exposing both
in its 31 apartment buildings a children and young adults to arts and
priority, and finished outfitting its vocational-based education programs.
buildings with wireless links and The Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild
an Ethernet infrastructure for that offers apprenticeship-training
purpose in 2007. Today, the company programs in ceramics, photography,
still partners with the other original and the digital as well as design arts.
Where to learn more about members of the CCRP (see p.26) to The Bidwell Training Corporation
local efforts to reduce poverty help find jobs for Bronx residents. provides displaced steel workers
and improve quality of life. with ready-to-work training in fields
ranging from culinary arts to medical
The Mid-Bronx Desperadoes The Phipps Community
Community Housing Corp., Development Corporation
Inc. Created in 1996 in collaboration
In February of 2008, Peter M. with the city’s Department of The William and Flora
Williams, a former Vice-President at Education, the West Farms Hewlett Foundation
Medgar Evers College and Director Technology and Career Center Although the 10-year, $20 million
of Housing and Community is the centerpiece initiative of National Improvement Initiative
Development at the National Urban this community development aimed at addressing poverty-related
League, was named President corporation. A Bridge to College issues for the communities of West
and CEO of MBD Community program operated out of the center Oakland, Mayfair and East Palo
Housing Corp., Inc. Under Williams, provides assistance for high school Alto fell short of its stated goals,
the organization has focused on students and residents interested in the foundation still actively funds a
upgrading the corporation’s affordable continuing their education through number of nonprofits in California’s
housing properties and providing college, GED or vocational programs. Bay Area around environmental,
free tax preparation services to East population, performing arts and
Crotona Park residents as priorities. education program areas. Through its support of a New Teacher Center
The West Philadelphia at the University of Santa Cruz,
Initiatives achievement scores for students
The Mid-Bronx Senior The West Philadelphia area in the East Palo Alto community
Citizens Council that includes the district where increased and the district itself boasts
The Mid-Bronx Senior Citizens the University of Pennsylvania teacher retention rate of greater than
council was instrumental in re- concentrated its community 85 percent.
launching a stalled initiative to bring development efforts is currently
a Business Improvement District a member of a Sustainable
centered around the new Yankee Communities Initiative program
Stadium to Bronx residents this past funded by the Local Initiatives The Lumina Foundation
September, and today the council Support Corporation. To learn more This Indianapolis-based, private
operates a youth employment about the University City District and independent foundation was
initiative, among other workforce and the SCI West Philadelphia established with the ambitious
programs, that helps to find paid initiative, go to: goal of increasing the percentage
employment and internships for of Americans with high-quality
young people in the area. college degrees and credentials to 60 percent by the year 2025, and gave
Continued on p.40

38 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1

out more than $50 million in funding Above: The Promise
to non-profits and public awareness Academy is the
campaigns aimed at improving heart of the Harlem
college accessibility for the working Children’s Zone’s
poor and students of color. approach to fighting
“Higher education is a pre- poverty. Other efforts
requisite to succeeding in a around the country
knowledge-based economy ... we have employed
know that college is the one way different models,
out of poverty so we are going to be with varied results.
targeting vulnerable populations,”
explains Teresa Detrich, a Director of
Electronic Communication with the
Lumina Foundation.

Project GRAD
As an education reform model that
currently serves more than 132,000
students in 12 communities across
the country, this Houston-based
educational model is similar to the
Harlem Children’s Zone in its belief
that consistent support programs for
low-income students from the Pre-K
level through 12th grade can improve
educational outcomes. The organiza- Charles R. Drew charter school, the
tion has set the goal of making sure foundation estimates it has saved $89
that 80 percent of entering ninth to $107 million in costs related to the
graders goes on to graduate from incarceration of high-risk youth.
high school, with 50 percent of that
number attending college.
Public/Private Ventures
Since the release of a 2002 report on
The East Lake Foundation its seven-year Community Change
Founded in 1995, this foundation for Youth Development initiative,
was created to address poverty Public/Private Ventures (PPV)
issues in a section of Atlanta that has continued to evaluate after-
was home to the East Lake Meadows school and Out-of-School Time
public housing project, which at one programs throughout the country,
time boasted a crime rate that was PPV published a six-city study
18 times higher than the national this past September that found
average and where 5 percent of the that improving program quality
area’s fifth graders met state math and expanding access for youth
standards. With the development programs received the largest share
of mixed-income housing and the of infrastructure investments.
creation of a “Cradle to College”
program operated out of the nearby

40 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1








Opportunities in the
urban affairs world
from events to careers.

Teacher Quality: The Key to
Closing the Achievement Gap
Conference sponsored by Census 2010 forms wait in a federal warehouse. Photo: Census Bureau.
The Wagner Economic and
Finance Association and
Wagner Education Policy development, from infancy to Renaissance Mayflower Hotel, counted in this year's census.
Studies Association adolescence. The course pres- Washington D.C. The United States Department
ents play therapy techniques of Commerce’s Census Bureau
The Rudin Family Forum for individuals and groups, calendar/11482 is responsible for the count.
for Civic Dialogue, The along with methods for
Puck Building nurturing children’s natural MONDAY APRIL 19 Millennium Minds Seeks resilience and potential for Dynamics of Immigration Board of Directors Members,
calendar/11480 healing. In order to receive and Unionization on Labor Volunteers
a certificate you must attend Markets for Low-Skilled Millennium Minds is a non-
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19 - all trainings within the series. Occupations profit Queens-based cultural
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20 Pre-registration is required. arts youth organization that
The 27th Annual Winter The course fee is $150 per The Baruch College School provides production training
Roundtable on Cultural Psy- person, with sliding-scale of Public Affairs and the in language and the arts to
chology and Education payment available. The course Weissman School of Arts youth ages 12 to 21. The orga-
will run from 10 a.m. to 2 and Sciences nization is seeking members
Teachers College at p.m. on February 25, March 135 East 22nd Street for its board of directors, as
Columbia University 4, March 11, March 18, March well as volunteers to assist
525 West 120th Street 25, April 8, April 15, April 22 calendar/11537 in their efforts. For more and April 29. information, please visit
calendar/11481 or
3 West 29th Street, 9th ANNOUNCEMENTS contact 347-361-7767.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Floor Between 5th Avenue U.S. Census Day: April 1
Working with Children & Broadway April 1, 2010 is the mail The New Museum Launches
Exposed to Domestic Violence deadline for this year’s U.S. Imaginary Museum
Training sponsored by calendar/11384 Census. The United States “The Imaginary Museum”
CONNECT, an organization Constitution requires that the is a new exhibition series at
dedicated to the prevention SATURDAY MARCH 20 - number of people living in the the New Museum that will
and elimination of family and TUESDAY MARCH 23 United States be counted every periodically feature leading
gender violence. In this nine- The Council of the Great City 10 years. People of all ages, private collections of contem-
week course, participants Schools’ Legislative Policy races, ethnic groups, citizens porary art from around the
are trained on the impacts of Conference and non-citizens alike, regard- world, providing the opportu-
trauma at different stages of less of legal status, are to be nity for great works of art to

Continued on p.44

42 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1


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be seen by a broader public, ing an overview of “The La- in foster care, providing an Executive Director,
while experimenting with tino Population in New York infrastructure of support and Dwa Fanm
different curatorial models City, 2008.” All of the reports resources, development and Dwa Fanm (Women’s Rights
and furthering conversa- can be found at http://web. recruitment of foster homes, in Haitian Creole) seeks an
tions about collaboration. an integration of foster care, Executive Director to provide
The first exhibition in this policy & practice, and capacity visionary leadership, manage
series will feature the Dakis Big Brothers/Big Sisters building to ensure that youth staff/volunteers, and fund-
Joannou Collection. For more recruiting mentors in in foster care are successful. raise. BA with 5 years senior-
information, visit http://www. Brooklyn and Queens Visit for level nonprofit management Big Brothers/Big Sisters is more information. experience required mini-
upcoming. the nation’s leading youth mum, MA ideal. Experience
mentoring organization, pro- Business Administrator, in advocacy/human rights,
Cooper Union Elects Mark viding one-to-one successful Community Church of New fluency in French or Creole a
Epstein Chairman, Board mentoring relationships con- York Unitarian Universalist plus. For more information,
of Trustees tributing to brighter futures, Theologically liberal and visit
The Trustees of The Cooper higher achieving students and socially progressive, the Com-
Union for the Advancement stronger communities for all.  munity Church of New York Political Organizer,
of Science and Art, cur- The organization is actively Unitarian Universalist seeks SEIU-New York
rently celebrating the 150th recruiting mentors who live a Business Administrator. S/ Local 32BJ, SEIU is one of
Anniversary of its founding, in Brooklyn or Queens to he will oversee the day-to- the largest and most dynamic
elected Mark Epstein Chair- make a positive difference in day business functions of the labor unions in the country,
man of the Board at the De- the lives of children and youth church and its properties. In with over 100,000 members
cember meeting.  Dr. George ages 6 to 16 living in the two addition to the usual congre- in 8 states and Washington,
Campbell Jr., President of boroughs.  In Brooklyn and gational functions (worship, DC. The union is at the
The Cooper Union, praised Queens, there are approxi- education, and pastoral care), forefront of building the
Epstein’s participation in mately 255,920 single-parent the church operates a guest nation’s labor movement,
Cooper Union affairs, noting households with children who house and houses religious, supporting progressive
that Epstein, a 1976 alumnus do not have an adult friend. If community, and educational candidates for elected
of The School of Art at The you are interested in becom- organizations. For the com- office and moving a broad
Cooper Union, has been a ing a Big Brother/Big Sister plete announcement, visit: policy agenda, including
Trustee since 2004.   or have any further questions, campaigns to guarantee
please contact the organiza- living wages, promote
Report is One of Six Issued tion at or Director of Finance responsible development
by Latino Data Project call 718-875-8801 ext. 118. and Administration, and expand access to health
The percentage of Latinos National Employment care. Its parent organization,
lacking health insurance is Law Project the Service Employees
double the national average, JOBS AND CAREERS National Employment Law International Union (SEIU),
according to a recent study by Assistant Commissioner, Project (NELP) seeks an expe- is the nation’s largest union.
the Latino Data Project of the Office of Resource Develop- rienced nonprofit professional The New York-based Political
Center for Latin American, ment and Program Support to work in NELP’s New York Organizer is responsible for
Caribbean and Latino Stud- The New York City Adminis- City headquarters and oversee various aspects of the union’s
ies (CLACLS) at the CUNY tration for Children’s Services key aspects of the administra- political work in New York
Graduate Center. In addition, (ACS) is seeking an outstand- tion of a vibrant, expanding City. For more information,
the number of uninsured La- ing candidate for the position national advocacy and re- contact
tinos is increasing at a higher of Assistant Commissioner of search organization. Working
rate than that of other groups the Office of Resource Devel- for a mid-size organization
nationally, and in New York opment and Program Support like NELP, the Director of
State, nearly one third of Lati- (RDPS). ACS is a premier Finance and Administration HAVE AN EVENT,
nos are without health insur- children’s services agency ded- will be a hands-on manager ANNOUNCEMENT
ance, the Latino Data Project icated to ensuring the safety of with the ability to oversee OR JOB LISTING?
found.  The report, titled NYC’s 1.8 million children and finance, human resources and
“Health Insurance Patterns strengthening its families. The operations and the willingness SUBMIT IT TO
among Latinos in Compara- Assistant Commissioner will to take on key tasks in these CITY LIMITS!
tive Perspective, 2004–2007,” be responsible for the coordi- areas. For more information,
was one of six studies recently nation of innovative strategies visit:
released by CLACLS, includ- to advance youth development

44 Is the Promise Real? City Limits / Vol. 34 / No. 1






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