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Macbeth Historical Research Project Due: April 17, 2013

Assignment directions/requirements:

 Select a research topic related to the historical basis for Shakespeare’s Macbeth
 3-5 reliable resources (reliable = professionally published)
 2-3 pages typed, double-spaced
 APA format (this includes in-text citations and a reference page)

The history of Macbeth – How do I get started?

It is well known that William Shakespeare used the lineage of King James I as inspiration

for his play—the play is set in Scotland (where James was king before England). James

was supposed to be a descendent of a man named Banquo. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

were real people (though not quite as portrayed by Shakespeare)…the list goes on…

 How closely does Shakespeare’s Macbeth resemble the real people?

 What do critics have to say about Shakespeare’s portrayal of Scotland and/or the


Remember that Macbeth’s audience during the 1600s believed in the supernatural, like

witches and ghosts.

 How might the beliefs of the time period influence Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

*For more insight into where Shakespeare got his information check out pg. 434-438 in your text

book. This may spark some ideas.

*I have also attached an article from SIRS database that may help generate ideas as well.

Things to remember while doing your research:

 Consider your search terms and remember that the databases don’t search like

Google—asking it a question doesn’t work. For example, try using “Advanced

Search” and search for:

“History of Macbeth”
“Shakespeare and Macbeth”
“Witches and Elizabethan England”
“Macbeth and History”
“Macbeth and criticism”

 Consider where you will search for information

In UDLibSearch, consider which databases will work best, such as databases that

will address literature topics.

SIRS Knowledge Source and Student Resources in Context address literature


 Sources that are not appropriate for this project: Wikipedia and SparkNotes (or similar

study guides).

*Keep in mind—a research paper that is focused on history should still have a thesis—a central

argument or point that you will develop and support throughout the essay.

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