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Influence of Christianity

Charlemagne & the

Frankish Kingdom
 Age of Faith
 As Secular authority declined,  2 Dynasties – Merovingian & Carolingian
Church authority grew  Clovis converts to Christianity
 Monasteries preserve Greco-Roman  Charles Martel stops Muslim onslaught
cultural achievements at Battle of Tours
o St. Benedict – Benedictine Monks  Pepin the Short expands Frankish
o Sister – Scholastica – creates kingdom
women’s order  Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman
 Missionaries carry Christianity to Emperor – Christmas Day, 800 CE
Germanic tribes  Age of Charlemagne –revives Education,
o Patrick – Ireland Roman culture
 Pope anoints Charlemagne Emperor o Missi Dominici – Court officials
 Parish priests see to the needs of the  Treaty of Verdun splits Charlemagne’s
people empire among 3 grandsons Feudalism & Manorialism
 Church controls Papal States –
Solution to new invasions
territories in Italy
Vikings Early Medieval Period

 Originate in Scandinavia Other Invaders

 Use Longboats to navigate
Rivers/Seas  Magyars
 Create settlements in o Originate Central
Ireland & Iceland Asia, settle
 Eric the Red Hungary
o 1st European in  Muslims
Greenland o Impact Sea Trade
 Leif Ericson  Angles, Saxons, Jutes
o 1st European to land in o Migrate to British
North America Isles

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