Result Fst261 Lab 2

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Table 2.

2: Peroxide value of fresh oil and used oil

Sample weight Blank Vol of titrate Peroxide value (PV x 2)

Fresh oil (g) (ml) (ml) (PV) mEq/kg
Trail 1 1.011 0.100 8.000 15.628 31.256
Trail 2 1.011 0.100 8.200 16.024 32.048
Trail 3 1.011 0.100 8.800 17.211 34.422
Average 1.007 0.100 8.300 16.288 32.575
Standard deviation 0.673 1.345
Average standard
deviation 16.288 0.673 32.575 1.345

Sample weight Blank Vol of titrate Peroxide value (PV x 2)

Used oil (g) (ml) (ml) (PV) mEq/kg
Trail 1 1.007 0.100 13.500 26.614 53.228
Trail 2 1.007 0.100 12.000 23.635 47.270
Trail 3 1.007 0.100 14.500 28.600 57.200
Average 1.007 0.100 13.300 26.283 52.566
Standard deviation 2.040 4.081
Average standard
deviation 26.283 2.040 52.566 4.081

Peroxide value = x T x 103
Weight of sample

T = Molarity of sodium thiosulphate

Vs = Volume in mL titration for sample

Vb = Volume in mL titration for blank

Fresh oil

Peroxide value = x 0.002 x 103

= 16.22

PV x 2 = 16.22 x 2

= 32.44 mEq/kg

Used oil
Peroxide value = x 0.002 x 103

= 26.27

PV x 2 = 26.27 x 2

= 52.54 mEq/kg

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