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(CEV 641)

Introduction to EIA

PM Dr. Abdul Hadi

22nd March 2019


STUDENT ID: 2016691966

Assignment 1

1. List any EIA project that took place from 2013 to latest, 2018

Prescribed Year State/ EIA Project

activities Country
2017 Pahang Proposed Oil Palm Plantation Development
on Lot PT 4310 (649.4 Hectares) and Lot PT
4314 (1,685.51 Hectares) in Mukim Ulu
Lepar, District of Kuantan, Pahang Darul
1. Agriculture Makmur
August Pahang Proposed Oil Palm Plantation Development
2017 on Plot A; Tanah Simpanan Melayu 1174.99
Hectares (2903.46 Acres) and Plot B; Tanah
Rizab Melayu 114.65 Hectares (283.31
Acres) in Kampong Paya Rambutan, Mukim
Ulu Lepar, District of Kuantan, Pahang Darul
April 2015 Pulau Proposed Development on Lot 20017, Jalan
Pinang Tun Hamdan Sheikh Tahir, Mukim 6, Kepala
2. Land Batas, Daerah Seberang Perai Utara, Pulau
reclamation Pinang
October Johor Proposed Forest City Island Reclamation &
2014 Mixed Development, Johor.
May 2016 Myanmar Thilawa Special Economic Zone
Development Project (Industrial Area of Zone
Jun Sarawak Non-Ferro Alloy (Metallurgical Grade
3. Industry 2015 Silicon) Smelting Plant in Samalaju
Industrial Park, Bintulu, Sarawak
2017 Selangor Proposed Recycle Pulp & Packaging Paper
Plant, Mahkota Industrial Park, Kuala
Langat, Selangor

Prescribed Year State/ EIA Project
activities Country
Jun 2016 Malacca Proposed Reclamation and Development of
4. Ports Kuala Linggi International Port (KLIP) at
Kuala Linggi, Malacca, Malaysia.
5. Power November Uzbekistan Power Generation Efficiency Improvement
generation 2017 Project (Second Talimarjan Power Project)
Jun Yamuna Mining of Sand from Yamuna River Bed
2017 Nagar,
6. Mining September Andhra Mining Lease for Quartz, Mica, Feldspar
2017 Pradesh Mine
August Punjab Phillour Sand Mining Project
7. Railways February Kuala Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail
2018 Lumpur (HSR) Project
8. Transportations April Kuala Mass Rapid Transit Laluan 2: Sg.Buloh -
2015 Lumpur Serdang- Putrajaya
9. Waste March Selangor Proposed Expansion of 130.55 Acres
Treatment 2014 Sanitary Landfill in Mukim Jeram, District of
and disposal Kuala Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan
February Pahang Proposed Onsite Secure Landfill
2015 (Prescribed Premise) for the Storage of
NUF Solids within the Existing LAMP Site
located on PT 17212, Gebeng Industrial
Estate, Kuantan, Pahang
10. Water Supply April 2015 Kenya Proposed Kikuyu Water Supply
Improvement Project.
11. Infrastructure September Labuan Labuan-Menumbok Bridge
October Pulau Second Bridge Penang
2015 Pinang

2. In general, briefly conclude in what conditions EIA can be approved/ rejected.

There are few of condition where the EIA can be approved. Firstly, the project details
clearly stated in the report. It contents of project references number, project name, project
proponent or developer, email address and phone number of proponents, project location and
type and purpose of project.

Second, the executive summary clearly written and cover the main impacts and findings.
It also translated into relevant local language so that the local community aware about the project.

Third, the EIA report provides all components of the term of references (TOR). TOR
contents of what studies will be performed, who will conduct the studies, when the studies will be
carried out and study timeline and the outline of methodologies to be used in impact assessment
and evaluation of significance.

Forth, the baseline study provides detailed description of the affected area and establish
the existing environmental and socio-economic baseline status that used in the impact
assessment phase. The baseline study depends on the nature, scale, location of the proposed
project and the extent of the impact.

Fifth, the mitigation measure in the reports include all actions and activities taken, put in
place, or executed which could be structural, non-structural, procedural or administrative in nature
to mitigate the adverse impacts.

Sixth, the draft of environmental plan (EMP) describes the suitable mitigation measures
that directly address all significant negative impacts identified in the EIA report and the
implementation step clearly outlined for all mitigation major. The EMP included the monitoring
and reporting plan for assessing the extent of impacts and the success of mitigation measures.

Last, adequately consider and evaluate the feasible alternatives to the proposed project.
The project has engagement and consultation with local community, land or resources owners
and another relevant stakeholder. The project also adheres to government legislation, regulations,
policies and guidelines and the sources of all data clearly identified and provide list of references.

However, there are few conditions where the EIA can be rejected such as the important
tasks were not performed like studies, public engagements and modelling. Some of TOR
components were not recovered. The EIA report did not comply with the report standard format.
At the same time, important data and factually incorrect and are not technically defensible. The

important studies were not conducted or inadequate or technically flawed and some parts of EIA
report are biased, incoherent and unreadable.

The example of EIA report that had been approved is Expansion of 130.55 Acres Sanitary
Landfill in Mukim Jeram, District of Kuala Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan on March 2014. This
project is approved due to the clear stated the executive summary of the project. Clearly stated
the project proponent and the legal status. The project also clearly justifies the need of the project
and the project option to convince the government so that the project can be approved. This report
also states the details of existing environment such as topography, hydrology, geology and soils,
hydrogeology, landuse and climate. Furthermore, the baseline study also clearly stated such as
physical, biological, social-economic environment, public health status and traffic. In addition, it
also states in details of project description which content of project concept, development
component and amenities and development work and schedule. The report also states the
significant environmental impact and mitigation measures.

The example of EIA report that had been rejected is Klong Rua Coal Seaport and Coal-
Fired Power Plant in Krabi on March 2015. This project is rejected due to the report is misleading
and incomplete. At the same time, the report does not present a comprehensive information, and
does it incorporate all concerns from every sector. In addition, the process used to do the report
does not consider the public opinion and downplays the extent of environmental and health
impact. This shown that, the proponent does not follow the guidelines to do the EIA reports. If this
project is approved, it may harm the human and environment.

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