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Computerized Personnel Forecasting

Traditional way to envision recruitment and selection is as series of Computerized forecasts - enable managers to build more variable
hurdles: into their personnel projections. This system also rely on setting
1. Decide what positions to fill, through workforce/planning clear goals. With programs like these, employers can more
and forecasting. accurately translate projected productivity and sales levels into
2. Build a pool of candidates for these jobs, by recruiting personnel needs.
internal or external candidates.
3. Have candidates complete application forms and perhaps FORECASTING THE SUPPLY OF INSIDE CANDIDATES
undergo initial screening interviews. - knowing your staffing needs satisfies only half the staffing
4. Use selection tools like tests, background investigations, equation
and physical exams to indentify viable candidates. - estimate the likely supply both inside and outside candidates
5. Decide who to make an offer to, by having the supervisor - to determine which current employees might be qualified for the
and perhaps others interview the candidates. projected openings
Qualifications (or skills) inventories - contain data on employees'
WORKFORCE PLANNING AND FORECASTING: performance records, educational background, and promotability.
Whether manual or computerized, these help managers
Workforce (or employment or personnel) planning determine which employees are available for promotion or
- the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and transfer
how to fill them.
- it embraces all future positions, from maintenance clerk to CEO Manual systems and replacement charts
Personnel replacement charts - they show the present
STRATEGY AND WORKFORCE PLANNING performance and promotability for each positions' potential
Workforce planning - to forecast the employer's demand for labor replacement
and supply of labor; then identify supply-demand gaps and develop Position Replacement Card - you create a card for each position,
action plans to fill the projected gaps. showing possible replacements as well as their present
performance, promotion potential, and training
- first, forecast revenues
- then, estimate the size of the staff required to support the sales Computerized Skills Inventories
volume - such programs help management anticipate human resource
Other strategic factors: projected turnover, decision to upgrade (or shortages, and facilitate making employment recruitment and
downgrade) products or services, productivity changes, and financial training plans.
resources. - produces a list of qualified candidates
- computerized inventory data typically include items like work
Simple tools for projecting Personnel Needs: experience codes, product knowledge, the employee's level of
1. TREND ANALYSIS - means studying variations in the firm's familiarity with the employer's product lines or services, the
employment levels over the last few years person's industry experience, and formal education.
- can provide an initial estimate of future staffing needs,
but employment levels rarely depend just on the passage Keeping the Information Private
of time. - legislation gives employees legal rights regarding who has access
2. RATIO ANALYSIS - means making forecasts based on to information about them.
historical ratio between,
o some causal factor Forecasting the supply of outside candidates
o the number of employees required - depends first on the manager's own sense of what's happening
- if sales productivity were rise to fall, the ratio of sales to in his or her industry and locale.
salespeople would change
3. THE SCATTER PLOT - shows graphically how to variables- Talent Management and Predictive Workforce Monitoring
such as sales and your firm's staffing levels - employers engage in formal workforce planning perhaps every
Drawbacks: year or so
- they generally focus on historical - applying a talent management philosophy to workforce planning
sales/personnel relationships and assume that the firms' requires being more proactive
existing activities will continue as is - it requires paying continuous attention to workforce planning
- they tend to support compensation plans that issues. Managers call this newer, continuous workforce planning
reward managers for managing ever-larger staffs, approach predictive workforce monitoring
irrespective of the company's strategic needs  Intel Corporation example
- they tend to institutionalize existing ways of  Amerada Hess example
doing things, even in the face of change  Valero Energy example
4. MARKOV ANALYSIS - a mathematical process or  ABB example
"transition analysis" to forecast availability of internal job
- involves in creating a matrix that shows the SUPPLY AND LABOR DEMAND
probabilities that employees in the chain of feeder for a - workforce planning should logically culminate in a workforce action
key job. plan
- this lays out the employer's projected workforce demand-supply
gaps, as well as staffing plans for filling the necessary positions.


- the manager should recognize that filling a relative handful of
positions might require recruiting dozens or hundreds of candidates
- it is the historical arithmetic relationships between recruitment
leads and invitees, invitees and interviews, and interviews and offers
made, and offers accepted.
- the ratio of offers made to actual new hires is 2 to 1
- the ratio of candidates interviewed to offers made is
3 to 2.
- the ratio of candidates invited for interviews to
candidates interviewed is about 4 to 3.
- finally, the firm knows that of six leads that come in
from all its recruiting sources, it typically invites only
one applicant for an interview- a 6 to 1 ratio
CH 5 - PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUITING Offshoring - having outside vendors supply services
Outsourcing - having outside vendors or employees
Employee Recruiting - means finding and/or attracting applicants for 13. Executive Recruiters - also known as headhunters are
the employer's open positions special employment agencies employers retain to seek
out top-management talent for their clients
WHAT MAKES RECRUITING A CHALLENGE? 14. On-demand Recruiting Services - provide short term
- first, some recruiting methods are superior to others, depending specialized recruiting assistance to support specific
on the type of job for which you are recruiting projects without the expense of retaining traditional
- second, the success you have recruiting depends on search firms
nonrecruitment issues and policies 15. College Recruiting - sending an employer's representative
- third, employment law prescribes what you can and cannot do to college campuses to pre-screen applicants and create
when recruiting an applicant pool from the graduating class
16. On-campus recruiting goals - to attract good candidates
INTERNAL SOURCES OF CANDIDATES and to determine if a candidate is worthy of further
USING INTERNAL SOURCES: PROS AND CONS 17. The on-site visit - employers invite good candidates to
- there is really no substitute for knowing a the office or plant for an on-site visit
candidate's strengths and weaknesses 18. Interships
- current employees may also be more 19. Referral and Walk Ins
committed to the company Referral - the employer post announcements of
- Morale may rise if employees see openings and requests for referrals on its web sites,
promotions as rewards for loyalty and bulletin etc.
competence Walk in - direct applications made at your office
- Inside candidates should require less 20. Telecommuters -
orientation and training than outsiders 21. Military Personnel
- Employees who apply for jobs and don't
get them may become discontented
- Too often internal recruiting is a waste of RECRUITING A MORE DIVERSE WORKPLACE
time  Single Parents
- Inbreeding (when all managers come up  Older Workers
through the ranks, they may have a  Recruiting Minorities
tendency to maintain the status quo,
when a new direction is required WELFARE-TO-WORK
- applicants get counseling and basic skill training over several weeks
2. Succession Planning - the ongoing process of
systematically identifying, assessing, and developing Purpose of Application Forms - usually the first step in this process
organizational leadership to enhance planning programs. Filled-in applications provides four types of information:
 identify key needs - you can make judgments on substantive matters
 develop inside candidates - you can draw conclusions about the applicant's previous progress
 assess and choose and growth
- you can draw tentative conclusions about the applicants stability
based on previous work record
OUTSIDE SOURCES OF CANDIDATES - you may be able to use the data in the application to predict which
1. Recruiting via the Internet candidates will succeed on the job and which will not
2. Texting
4. Virtual Job Fairs - online visitors see a very similar setup Applicant Exaggeration - job applicants often exaggerate their
to a regular job fair qualifications
5. Using Applicant Tracking - online systems that help - the most common exaggerations concern education and job
employers attract, gather, screen, compile, and manage experience
6. Improving online recruiting effectiveness - APPLICATION FORMS and EEO LAW
7. Advertising  Education
8. The media  Arrest Record
9. Constructing (Writing) the ad  Notify in case of emergency
10. Employment Agencies (public agencies operated by  Membership in organizations
federal, state or local government; agencies associated  Physical handicaps
with nonprofit organizations; privately owned agencies  Marital status
11. Temp Agencies and Alternative Staffing  Housing
12. Offshoring and Outsourcing Jobs Video Resumes

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