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Anuj Anuj

Hora (wealth) Chaturthamsha (destiny)

Ve Ra Ke Ma Ra Sa Ve
5 MeR JuR Sa As 3 5 3
6 2 JuR 6 As Ma 2 MeR
Su Mo Gk

4 4
7 1 7 1
10 10
8 12 Mo 8 Su 12
9 11 9 11
Ke Gk

Dreshkana (happiness siblings) Saptamsha (children)

Sa MeR Ra JuR
Ma 4 2 Gk 2 12
5 Ve As 1 3 As 11 Ke
JuR Ve
3 1
6 12 Ma 4 10
9 7
Mo 7 Su 11 5 Su 9
8 10 Mo 6 8
Ke Gk Sa MeR

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
12 13
Anuj Anuj

Moon Chart Shad Bala

Sa Ke Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

Ma 12 10 Sthana
211.41 181.02 214.83 173.21 106.88 174.75 133.31
1 Mo 9 JuR Dig 29.67 50.24 24.75 1.51 41.28 18.63 44.16
167.04 115.61 120.00 134.76 169.59 123.15 159.79
11 Chesta
53.67 19.91 14.80 57.12 49.07 58.26 29.03
MeR 2 8
5 Naisar.
60.00 51.42 17.16 25.74 34.26 42.84 8.58
Drik 42.64 22.39 51.29 35.97 -44.78 -7.21 34.23
Ve 3 7 As
4 6 Total564.43 440.59 442.82 428.30 356.29 410.42 409.10
Gk Ra Rupas 9.41 7.34 7.38 7.14 5.94 6.84 6.82

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
10 15
Anuj Anuj

Bhava (Sripati) Chart Aspects on Bhavas

Bhava Su Mo MaMe Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke
Gk Ra Aspected

8 6 First 58 30 60 50 - 5 36 2 47
JuR 9 As 5 Second 45 15 45 46 - 49 48 20 54
Third 29 - 22 31 - 47 22 47 12
Fourth 14 - 7 16 2 32 - 53 -
7 Fifth - - - 1 19 17 - 11 -
10 4
1 Sixth - - - - 47 2 - 57 -
Seventh - 14 - - 56 - 35 47 2
Mo Ma Su Eighth - 44 7 - 8 - 50 54 20
11 3
Sa 12 MeR 2 Ninth 15 29 37 13 57 - - 12 47
Tenth 44 1 44 42 47 12 10 - 53
Ke Ve Eleventh29 59 14 31 55 40 37 - 11
Twelfth - 45 29 3 12 32 50 - 57

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
8 17
Anuj Anuj
Sign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
Birth Chart Samudaya
Lagna 3 3 6 4Ashtakavarga
5 4 3 1 5 6 4 5 49
Sun 6 4 1 5 2 3 5 5 6 5 3 3 48
Moon 2 3 3 5 6 5 3 3 6 4 5 4 49
Gk Ra Mars 3 3 2 4 2 4 5 4 3 4 2 3 39
8 6 Mercury 4 5 2 6 3 5 6 5 4 5 4 5 54
JuR 9 As 5 Jupiter 4 4 5 6 4 2 7 4 3 5 7 5 56
Venus 3 3 5 5 3 5 6 3 4 5 5 5 52
7 Saturn 5 4 1 4 3 1 4 3 3 5 3 3 39
10 4
Totals 272619352325362729332928 337
Mo 11 Ma Su 3 Ve
12 2
Sa Ke MeR

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
6 19
Anuj Anuj

Ghata Chakra Vimshottari AntarDasha

Saturn Maha Dasha
From 02-02-2002 to 02-02-2021

Planet Begin End

Ghat Month : Chaitra
Ghat Tithi : 3/8/12 Saturn 02-02-2002 05-02-2005
Ghat Day : Thursday Mercury 05-02-2005 16-10-2007
Ghat Nakshatra : Ardra Ketu 16-10-2007 24-11-2008
Ghat Yoga : Ganda Venus 24-11-2008 24-01-2012
Ghat Karana : Kinstughna Sun 24-01-2012 05-01-2013
Ghat Prahar :3 Moon 05-01-2013 07-08-2014
Ghat Chandra : Dhanu Mars 07-08-2014 16-09-2015
Rahu 16-09-2015 22-07-2018
Jupiter 22-07-2018 02-02-2021

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
4 21
Anuj Anuj

Horoscope made by Lucky Points

Parashara's Light
Main Sentence : I am balanced.
Grandfather : Talent : Friendship.
Father : Weakness : Pride and Arrogance.
Ambition : Moral and humanitarian relations.
Mother : Lucky Day : Sunday and Monday.
Lucky Colour : White and Light Blue.
Caste : Lucky Number : 1,4,2 and 7.
Lucky Stone : Pearl, Sapphire and Diamond.
Gotra : Lucky Upratna : Jamuniya an Amethyst.
Lucky Sign : Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Cap.

GeoVision Presents
World's best astrological software
enlightened by Vedic wisdom

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
2 23
Anuj Horoscope

Astrologer's Comments Model - PH1


Parashara Software Pvt. Ltd.

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. H-13, Chitranjan Marg,, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Ph: 0141- 2364129, 23602084,Fax: 2373696
Anuj Anuj

Vimshottari Antardasha Birth Details

Mercury Maha Dasha
From 02-02-2021 to 02-02-2038 Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 12 May 1996
Planet Begin End Day : Sunday
Mercury 02-02-2021 01-07-2023 time : 18:58:00 hrs.
Ishtkaal : 32:9:50 hrs.
Ketu 01-07-2023 28-06-2024 Place : Mumbai
Venus 28-06-2024 28-04-2027 Country : India
Sun 28-04-2027 04-03-2028 Ayanamsha : -23:48:26
Moon 04-03-2028 03-08-2029 Latitude : 18N58'00
Longitude : 72E50'00
Mars 03-08-2029 01-08-2030 Timezone : -05:30:00 hrs.
Rahu 01-08-2030 17-02-2033 DST : 00:00:00 hrs.
Jupiter 17-02-2033 26-05-2035 GMT at birth : 13:28:00 hrs.
Saturn 26-05-2035 02-02-2038 LMT Corr. : -00:38:40 hrs.
Local Mean Time : 18:19:20 hrs.
Sidereal Time : 09:41:43 hrs.

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
22 3
Anuj Anuj

Vimshottari Maha Dasha Avakhada Chakra

Dasha balance at birth: Jup 5yrs.-8mth-20day
Dasha at birth: Ju-Ve-Me-Ju-Ju Lagna : Libra
Lagna Lord : Venus
Planet Duration Begin End Moon Sign : Aquarius
Jupiter 16yrs. 12-05-1996 02-02-2002 Moon Sign Lord : Saturn
Nakshatra Pada : Poorvabhadra - 3
Saturn 19yrs. 02-02-2002 02-02-2021 Nakshatra Lord : Jupiter
Mercury 17yrs. 02-02-2021 02-02-2038 Varna : Vaishya
Ketu 7yrs. 02-02-2038 02-02-2045 Vashya : Manava
Venus 20yrs. 02-02-2045 01-02-2065 Yoni : Simha
Gana : Manushya
Sun 6yrs. 01-02-2065 02-02-2071 Nadi : Adya
Moon 10yrs. 02-02-2071 01-02-2081 Varga : Sarp
Mars 7yrs. 01-02-2081 02-02-2088 Yunja : Antya
Rahu 18yrs. 02-02-2088 02-02-2106 hansak (Tatwa) : Vaayu
Namakshar : nk
Rashi Paya : Silver
Nakshatra Paya : Copper

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
20 5
Anuj Anuj

Planetary Avasthas Planetary Details

Planet Jagradadi Baladi Deeptadi Planet R/C Sign Degree Nak. Pada
Avastha Avastha Avastha
Lagna Lib 27:35:39 Vishakha 3
Sun Jagrad Mrita Deepta Sun Ari 28:17:02 Krittika 1
Moon Swapna Mrita Shanta Moon Aqu 28:33:38 P.Bhadra. 3
Mars Jagrad Yuvavastha Swastha Mars C Ari 13:31:27 Bharani 1
Mercury Swapna Mrita Mudita MercuryRC Tau 02:07:02 Krittika 2
Jupiter Jagrad Vridhha Swastha Jupiter R Sag 23:44:59 P.Shad. 4
Venus Swapna Balavastha Mudita Venus Gem 03:23:20 Mrigashi 4
Saturn Swapna Vridhha Shanta Saturn Pis 10:03:58 U.Bhadra. 3
Rahu Jagrad Kumaravastha Swastha Rahu Vir 22:56:30 Hasta 4
Ketu Jagrad Kumaravastha Swastha Ketu Pis 22:56:30 Revati 2
Uranus R Cap 10:46:15 Shravana 1
NeptuneR Cap 03:53:59 U.Shad. 3
Pluto R Sco 08:12:26 Anuradha 2

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
18 7
Anuj Anuj

Aspects on Planets Bhava Spashta (Sripati)

Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke
Su - 1/4 - - 4/4 - - 3/4 - Bhava House beginning House ending
(14) (55) (36) (47) (2)
Mo - - - 1/4 1/4 1/2 - - - First Lib 12:52:33 Lib 27:35:39
(1) (19) (17) (11) Second Sco 12:52:33 Sco 28:09:26
Ma - 1/4 - - 4/4 - - 3/4 - Third Sag 13:26:20 Sag 28:43:14
(7) (54) (6) (49)
Fourth Cap 14:00:08 Cap 29:17:01
Me - 3/4 - - - - 4/4 4/4 1/4
Fifth Aqu 14:00:08 Aqu 28:43:14
(18) (51) (44) (49) (4)
Ju 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 - 4/4 4/4 3/4 1/4 Sixth Pis 13:26:20 Pis 28:09:26
(32) (2) (24) (34) (49) (32) (45) (14) Seventh Ari 12:52:33 Ari 27:35:39
Ve 1/4 1/2 1/4 - 4/4 - 3/4 1/4 3/4 Eight Tau 12:52:33 Tau 28:09:26
(2) (42) (9) (19) (48) (49) (25) Ninth Gem 13:26:20 Gem 28:43:14
Sa - - - - 3/4 1/4 - 4/4 -
Tenth Can 14:00:08 Can 29:17:01
(31) (11) (34)
Ra - 3/4 - 1/2 1/4 3/4 4/4 - 4/4 Eleventh Leo 14:00:08 Leo 28:43:14
(5) (47) (18) (9) (30) (35) (53) (60) Twelfth Vir 13:26:20 Vir 28:09:26
Ke - - - - 3/4 1/4 - 4/4 -
(44) (5) (60)

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
16 9
Anuj Anuj

Dashamsha (great successes) Navamsha

Ma Ke
5 Ve As 3
Gk 6 2
Ra Gk
4 2
Mo 8
Su MeR
12 Ma 5 As Mo 1
Ra Sa

Dwadashamsha (parents) 3
6 12
7 As Ma 5 Ve
8 4 Sa 7 Su
JuR Sa 11
6 8 10
Ke 9 3 Ra
12 Ve JuR MeR Ke
Mo 10 Su 2 MeR
11 1

Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc. Parashara's Light 6.1 © GeoVision Software Inc.
Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma. Licensed to TSRh Ashish Verma.
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