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Removing of inert of space debris and space junk


Student, department of aerospace engineering

SRM institute of science and technology

No 2nd cross street, udhayam nagar, kaveripakkam -632508

Email id:


Space junk or the space wastage found from the millions of the satellites that are sent from the earth to the outer
space. Thus, the space junk includes the old satellites and the spent rocket stages as well as the fragmentation
from the collisions. As far as concerned so much of the satellites has collided and caused a greater much of
trouble to the earth and also for the international space station. The space junk is actually caused by the human
activity which is caused by the unfunctional rockets and the low earth orbital elements. Although most of the
objects are burned in the earth atmosphere large objects cannot reach the ground intact. This made millions of
the small objects to strike the earth atmosphere


Space debris and spacecrafts junk is viewed to be the most serious threat to the earth and the people around the
world. This may be seeming to be the most serious national threat within the few years as far of now many of
the satellites are rotating around the earth. Space debris as from the word it seems to be the debris of the
satellites and the spacecrafts that are found in the outer space. They are also found from the mass of the defuncts
and also from the artificially created satellites. As far some of the this may remain in the low earth orbit but
some of them are placed in the higher orbits and they stay for the many and causes the junk to be created.
Approximately the estimated amount of the space debris is found to be over 51 million parts which are very
much minute in the structure. Thus, space debris as this continues it may seem to be cause collision and might to
be dangerous to the universe and also the international space station which is in the outer space. Thousands of
the satellites which are found in the low earth orbit causes the collision to happen which are overcrowded man-
made satellites in the space. My thought of imagination caused me to pave the way for the cleaning of the space
debris and decrease the risk to human and space exploration. By the effective way of utilising the small made
satellite instilled with the certain conditions of the information of the satellites which are non-functional it is
possible to clean the space debris found in the outer space. . Currently there are more than the 1500 satellites
that are orbiting around the earth in the heliocentric orbits. The chances of the crash increase as more of the
satellites are launched into the outer space and the orbits. The higher the altitude the longer the satellites stay in
the orbit and thus the satellites placed below the 300 kms will fall below the earth. In my method this includes
the use of the space pods which can be made of the small satellite which senses the unfunctional satellites and
space junk and the debris that are found on the earth. By the devised of the small satellite it is powered with the
nuclear energised radiations which sends the powerful ionic beam and disables the space junks and fell down
into the ocean by sensing the position of the satellite from the longitudinal position of the equator with respect to
the earth orbit.
Figure 1: Space debris found in the outer space


The LEO satellites can be placed in the low earth orbit which are functional in the distance under the 300km of
the earth. Thus, my research into the low earth orbit satellite known as the vesta includes the section for the
placing of the nuclear made space pods which can be inserted to sends the powerful beam to destroy the
unfunctional satellites. Satellites Is designed in such a way that includes the information of the unfunctional low
earth orbit satellites which stores the information in the particular low earth orbit. By utilising of the
semiconductor chips such as the HI silicon inside of the space pods the required information can be stored.

Figure 2: Orbits found around the earth


Some of the powerful semiconductor chips can be used for the storing of the information which are found in the
outer space. There is a built-in main memory chips which can store and retrieve information about the
unfunctional space junks and many debris found around the earth. This powerful semiconductor chips are made
to collide with the nuclear power chips which sends the powerful beam ionised rays to destroy the satellites.
Firstly, the powerful semiconductor chips of the silicon conductors are made for storing and retrieving of the
information. Then the preceding information about the unfunctional satellites are found from the space
organisations. The satellites that are in the low earth orbit are also loaded with the certain functions for the
dismantle, this is also loaded to the microchips. The large number of the small semiconductor chips are made so
that are able to store the information as much as possible. They are inbuilt together to make the large powerful
based semiconductor chips. By this it contains the large layer made up of the powerful micro semiconductor
chips. As the number of the semiconductor chips is increased each of this is loaded with the separate set of data
obtained from the space organisations. Each of the satellite’s functions and the structure and the distance they
are found from the low earth orbit are gathered and uploaded to the semiconductor chips.


The ionising radiations which are found on the living atmosphere may be of the several types

Radio ways

Micro waves

Infrared waves

Visible light waves

Ultraviolent waves

X rays

Gamma rays

Figure 3: High energy lasers producing alpha and beta radiations

Out of these several types of the radiation there are some of the dangerous radiations which are harmful to the
human body. As we can say the gamma rays which are the most dangerous types of the radiations which when
penetrated to the human body can destroy the cells and the human tissues. But the ionising radiations at the
same time can also be useful to the humans also, from the above ionising radiations some of the useful
radiations which are found to be are the alpha and the beta rays, when these rays are passed into the human body
it provides some of the beneficial activities to the human body. Alpha and the beta waves of the ionising
radiations when penetrated into the human body is not much more defective when compared to the most
dangerous radiations such as the gamma rays. The radiations are known to be much more powerful when
penetrated, so by the penetration of the radiation of the alpha and the beta rays cannot be much more defective.


Alpha radiations are known to be one of the ionising radiations. The radiations are known to be not much more
defective than the gamma radiations. When properly penetrated and synchronised, this radiation is keen to
produce the much more advantageous result. The alpha radiations when faced through the human body are
found to be good to the human tissues and the cells. Alpha particles consist of the two protons and two neutrons
bound together into the particles identical into a 4-helium nucleus. Alpha particles are commonly emitted by the
large radioactive nuclei such as the uranium, thorium as well as the transuranic elements. Alpha decay also
involves the both strong and the electromagnetic interactions. An alpha particle is produced by the alpha decay
of the radioactive nucleus. Because the nucleus is unstable a piece of it is ejected allowing the nucleus to reach a
much more stable state. The piece that is ejected is known as the alpha particle which is made of the two protons
and the two neutrons. Thus, the penetration of the alpha particle is not much more than the dangerous gamma
rays. But the alpha particles provide the considerable energy in the short distance. When this alpha particle made
to decay and then turned into the alpha radiations can be made to collide with the nucleus ionising radiation.
Thus, the alpha particles are colliding with the nucleus to be more energised and precise in emitting radiations in
the low earth orbit. This particle has the great ionisation power they have the ability of ionising the atoms.


A beta particle also called as the beta radiation is the high-speed electron produced by the radioactive decay.
There are two forms of the beta decay beta plus and the beta minus which produces the respective positrons and
the electrons respectively. Beta radiations have the high ionising radiations and are less effective to the damage
of the cells and tissues of the human beings, so even after the destroying of the space debris it will penetrate
much more effect directly into the debris and will not emit much more radiations to the humans. Beta particle
are 100 time penetrative than the alpha particles. They are the energetic electrons and has the emissive power of
the greater effect. The emission of the beta radiations has the continuous spectrum. Thus, the range of the beta
radiations are longer and depends strongly on the initial kinetic energy of the particle. Radiations are again made
collided with the nuclear radiations and made too much stronger and more penetrative. This are made to insists
in each of the micro semiconductor powerful chips and the inbuilt processors.


Radioactive substances give out the radiations all the time. Thus, there are three types of the radiation’s alpha
beta and gamma. Alpha and beta are least penetrating while the gamma is the most penetrating and the
dangerous radiations. Radiation are harmful but it also gives out the useful importance to the universe. Some of
the radiations are harmful when penetrated for the long time while other seems to be quite useful in the low
earth orbit nature. My aim of research includes the use of the two kind of the radiation’s alpha and the beta rays.
The penetration of this radiation is less than the km they been to show the result. Nuclear radiations can be
beneficial or harmful but it depends upon how it is used. The proper use of the energising equipment allows to
meet the requirement.


Nuclear radiations can be energised to meet the specified advance requirements. This takes place by the means
of the making collision on the both of the alpha and the beta radiations and thereby energising with the nuclear
radiations. Appropriate testing of the radiations is done under the nuclear power plants. Under the guidance of
the higher official authority the testing of the radiations is done in the following. Using the calculations and the
values of this radiations the values are assigned and made to react with the nuclear energising radiations.
Nuclear radiations are energised because of to increase the reactivity under the decay of the radiations. This
makes the pavement for the destroying of the unfunctional satellites under the low earth orbit by making the use
of the beam ionising radiations. radioactive substances undergoing the decay process of the beta particles
undergoes the long penetration process and emits the beam ionising radiations in the long manner. After the
testing of the nuclear radiations of the alpha and beta the values of each of the satellite from each of the low
earth orbit are founded out and penetration time for each of the powerful nuclear radiations of alpha and beta are
energised accordingly.


Powerful semiconductor chips are built in accordingly and built in the array of the microchips. Each of the
unfunctional and the low earth orbit satellite are founded out and the distance from the earth orbit is calculated.
The measurement is taken and the information are stored in the semiconductor microchips. This makes possible
to store much more of the satellite information as much as possible. This is made in the separate compartment in
the one of the regions of my satellite. The usage of the space pods paves the ways for the focusing of the beam
ionising radiation in the adjunct space debris. The use of the avionics plays a much more role in this part. Usage
of the equipment’s controlling of the path of the sensors makes use of the semiconductor chips along with the
way. Some of the electronics are also used along with the semiconductor microchips. By this all the required
information about the adjunct satellites can be gathered and propagated to the array of the chips.


Space pods acts as the suitable support equipment that are able to hold one pilot and the number of the
passengers depending on the pad’slength.

Figure 4: placing of space pods in the low earth orbit


It is the sensor system which guides the space pod with the required information stored in it. The sensor system
is located from the appropriate place from the space pod. The dimensions of the space pod are calculated with
respect to another storage of the array of the powerful semiconductor chips inside. Thus, this sensor can also be
equipped with some of the other optical scanners and the geological scanners for the mining of the asteroids.
Sensor system in standardised with the reading from the information stored from the experimental values. The
sensor system can be made with the one power source number of the crystals and the energy semiconductors.
The signalling of the sensors with respect to the power source and the crystals takes place with the sensor
system. This system is actuated with the respective sensors and communication with the sensor system.


Pod shooting teasers play as the main weapon in the space pod. It is a complementary equipment for the security
commands. It is also useful to disable the hostile crafts. Space pods are thus equipped with the pod shooting
teasers. This is mounted into another part of the inside section of the satellite. The fusion reactions taking in the
alpha and beta particles are made to collide the space pods and made to hit through the unfunctional spacecraft
and the debris. Some of the minute lasers are also combined to damage the required the space waste and the
debris. A high energy laser is maintained throughout the construction of the space pods. This in entitled with the
useful of the powerful lasers and the weapons. The target for each of the defunct space junks is guided through
the laser system and properly entailed to sent the required information of the position of the satellite from the
low earth orbit.


HEL is used here to increase much more of its power in destroying the space junks. They are designed to detect
and track the unmanned vehicle and the other airborne equipment’s. Raytheon high energy lasers are utilised in
this particular high energy lasers. This laser generates the high output with respect to the required input

Some of the features and approach for the usage of the Raytheon lasers are

High survivability

Sustainability to the high output power

It has diminished weight

It can be automated according to our design and the preferences

Less maintenance design when compared to the other types of the lasers and more powerful

Better manufacturing experiences

Thus, the Raytheon lasers has this much of benefits to the lasers shooting targets. As this is also tested and
proven to be provide the subsequent result.


As all the properties of the semiconductor chips and the lasers are discussed mounting of this in the satellite
plays a very important role in the satellite section. Raytheon lasers are in the shape of the dome so the dome
shape of the satellite is made with the solar panels to keep energising of the satellite. The array of the powerful
semiconductor chips is placed over the dome shape. This are mounted on the specified dimensions for the
location of the semiconductor microchips and the lasers. The appropriate shielding for the dome and for the
emissions of the alpha and the beta radiations are given.
Figure 5: overview diagram of the satellite with space pods


Energy for the satellites are provided through the solar panel devices. This is because the required energy for the
functioning of the satellites and for the nuclear reaction under the decay is provided only through the solar
panels and the devices. Each segment of the module is designed and segmented in the proper way as per the
required dimensions. Then all of the solar panels are mounted in the monolayer disc to get the enough much of
the solar radiation as much as possible to stay enough in the LEO and function in the proper way. The proper
escape velocity for the satellites are given to overcome the gravitational force in addition to the nuclear
emissions and the radiations. parameters are taken accordingly and calculated to ensure the escape velocity.


The utilisation of the powerful semiconductor chips built in with lasers shooting pods enables in tracking of the
solar debris and enabling in cleaning of the space junk. The satellite is designed in a way with the aid of
immense of both the high energy lasers and the space pods. The mounting of the high energy lasers in colliding
with the space pods in enhanced with the utilisation of the nuclear equipment’s. Thus, after the proper mounting
of the nuclear sensors and the space pods the satellite is made of 500kg equipped with the solar panels and
intended to be flown through the rocket.

Space debris within a couple of years would be a serious problem both to the inner atmosphere as well as the
outer space. Although certain satellite becomes decay after certain period there will be inert of debris remaining
in the outer space and would become serious threat to the earth when burned to the atmosphere or if it striking
on any of the country and destroying the humans around the country. With the usage of the high laser shooting
lasers it is possible to clean the space debris made with the powerful semiconductor microchips.


I am very thankful for my colleagues for encouraging me do this research article and also thankful to my college
professors for providing me the testing equipment’s.

[1] Space Debris and Other Threats from Outer Space | Springer Link

[2] Space debris an overview from the article

[3] Orbital risk management and risk mitigation

[4] Active space debris removal from the international journals

[5] Space debris-Wikipedia

[6] Space junk the dangers of polluting earth’s orbit

[7]The history of the space debris scholarly commons

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