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Liceul Tehnologic de Electronică şi Automatizări Caius Iacob Arad

Profesor Monica Borş

Lesson Plan
Date: the 1st of April 2014
Form: 10th
Level: Upper-Intermediate
Title of the Lesson: "Test Paper"
Lesson Type: verification and control of knowledge
Main aim: to verify and control prior knowledge
Subsidiary aim: how much the students have improved from the latest test
Objectives: by the end of the lesson the students will have:
O1: rephrased the sentences from the test paper
O2: practised the use of "too" and "enough
O3: practised the use of adjectives

Techniques: written test paper

Types of interaction: individually
Assumptions: students will achieve good results due to previous practise
Personal Aim: to check how useful the practice of the exercises were

Anticipated Problems Solutions

Some students will not read the sentences carefully and they will make Draw the students' attention before the test paper that they should read
mistakes when rephrasing the exercises carefully the sentences they are to rephrase
Some students may use less than two or more than five words when rephrasing Remind students that they have to use between two and five sentences when
the sentences rephrasing the sentences

Aids/Materials: testing sheets

Assessment: self- assessment, marks

Liceul Tehnologic de Electronică şi Automatizări Caius Iacob Arad
Profesor Monica Borş

Lesson Stages

Stage Stage Aim Procedure Inter- Time

Lead in Presenting the aim of The teacher reminds the students that today takes place the testing. T:Ss 2 mins
the lesson
Introduce the Presenting the aim of The teacher tells the students that they will be tested on rephrasing, on the use of adjectives T:Ss 2 mins
aim testing when rephrased and the use of the structures "too" and "enoungh".
Whole Class Class management The teacher makes sure that the students are seated in the right places. Ss:Ss 2 mins
Task Instructions The teacher hands out the sheets of paper and explains students that they have to rephrase Ss:Ss 5 mins
eight sentences after the givin example, that they have to use between two and five words, T:Ss
the score of the paper and the time.
Task solving Students solve the test Students have 30 minutes to solve the test. Ss 30
Checking The teacher collects the The teacher collects the tests and checks whether students have written their names on the T:Ss 1 mins
tests test papers.
Feedback The teacher gives the The teacher gives the solution to the sentences. The students evaluate themselves. T:Ss 5 mins
Conclusion Drawing conclusions The teacher asks the students' opinion about the level of difficulty and their general opinion T:Ss 3 mins
of the test on the whole.

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