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Passion for Christ — Passion for Humanity

Xaverian Mission
Volume 58 - No. 4 | November 2010
Website: • MissionBlog:

on Earth
and the

Freedom of


W orld Day of Peace is tradi-

tionally celebrated on
January 1 of each year, the Feast of the
We also live in a world today where
the freedom to practice one’s faith,
taken for granted by many nations,
In the centerfold of this issue of XMN,
we showcase He Qi, a marvelous
Chinese Christian artist whose talent
Mary, Mother of God. For this upcoming and perhaps even ours, is curtailed shared with the world today evolved
year, the Holy See has set the theme: or severely restricted in others. The out of the severity of the communist
Religious Freedom, the Path to Peace. persecution of other faiths is one of regime years ago. In the mission news
For us, peace in the world today, some- the hallmarks of a lack of human rights page, we share the report of a group of
thing we sing much about in Christmas today and a challenge for the whole Filipinos who were recently arrested in
carols, with all its own complexities, is Church, particularly in the USA that Saudi Arabia for participating in a
not possible without the freedom to lauds a central part of our national Catholic mass, forbidden by Saudi law.
practice one’s faith, no matter what character as a welcome space for all In this and more, we need your help to
that faith may be. faiths. faces these challenges in the mission of
the church. U
Xaverians in Burundi, Africa

To Save and To Be Saved

X averian Missionaries
Provincial Headquarters
12 Helene Court
Wayne, NJ 07470-2813
Tel.: (973) 942-2975
Fax: (973) 942-5012

Xavier Knoll Mission Center

4500 Xavier Drive
Franklin, WI 53132-9066
Tel.: (414) 421-0831
Fax: (414) 421-9108

Mission Center & Fatima Shrine

101 Summer Street
P.O. Box 5857
Holliston, MA 01746-5857
Tel.: (508) 429-2144
Fax: (508) 429-4793

Xaverian Mission Newsletter

Official publication of the
Xaverian Missionaries
of the United States Fr. Lino Maggioni with a mother and fifteen year old daughter.
Coordinating Editor The mother died from AIDS five months after this photo was taken.
Fr. Carl Chudy

Editorial Team
Fr. Tony Lalli just enough time to avoid the disaster.” A
ometimes hard fast assumptions about
Fr. Joseph Matteucig
Fr. Alfredo Turco the way we see things changes. I hap- Muslim woman did not hesitated to put her
pen to have an experience of this when I life at risk to save me. I realized that being
Layout Consultant a missionary is not only giving of oneself,
Diamand Design,
thought that the missionary goes to mission
Wrentham, MA to give their lives to save others. Well, it but receiving as well, to save and be saved!
took one afternoon in the African sun to
Printing During the months I spent recovering, I
Rea-Craft Press, Inc.
change that.
Foxboro, MA thought back to the many experiences in
I walked to the airport in the middle of a the Democratic Republic of the Congo and
E-mail & Web: in Burundi, Africa. I considered the dignity
group of Muslim women who accompanied their husbands leaving for Mecca. Near me of the people in the villages on the moun- there was a young Muslim friend by the tain that I baptized, the commitment and
Donation: name of Irene. She confided with me along enthusiasm of the people to promote human
$5.00 per year the way: “I would like to become a rights, the young victims of AIDS I accompa-
Christian”. nied to enter into paradise, street kids that
we helped to helped to grow and learn a
Remember the While listening to Irene, a van suddenly trade, to have a small house and a family all
fell on the group and I found myself on the to themselves, and the generosity of many
Xaverian Missionaries ground with pain throughout my body. friends that contributed in all we did.
in Your Will
Around me lay six others who were carried
or help us with a My meeting with Irene who risked her life
tax deductible donation.
to local hospitals.
to save mine would also be my farewell to
Contact: Burundi as I had to return to my homeland
After some days Father Sergio Marchetto
Fr. Frank Grappoli, SX told me: “You know that you would be dead in order to recover fully. U
12 Helene Court, Wayne, NJ 07470 if it were not for Irene who saved your life?
Tel: (973) 942-2975 – Fr. Lino Maggioni, SX
As the van was falling, she pulled you in

2 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010

Xaverian Missionaries in the World

in the
Mission of

Fr. Edi Foschiatto in red with friends at our parish. Fr. Joe Matteucig, “God then helped us
Director of our Center in Holliston, MA is there in the yellow stole.
to move towards three
directions in the way

R ecently I was home with my

family in Italy and naturally
many friends and family are curious
and the project that God has already
gifted us with. A big help on being mis-
sionary in Taiwan comes from a saying
of the mission: the
ministry in our parish,
about our work in Taiwan and China. from our Founder, Blessed Guido social ministry, and
Let me share with you a little of what Conforti: “Seek God, love God, and see
God in everything.”
dialogue with the
the Xaverian Missionaries are doing in
the Far East. predominate faith
Our pastoral support to the Taiwan-
The Xaverians came to the island of ese Church led us to accept the parish, here, Buddhism.”
Taiwan (once called “Formosa”) twenty St. Francis Xavier. The Xaverian Miss-
years ago. During this period a number ionaries built this parish in the 1970’s
of Xaverian priests came to work. Today and then was returned to the diocese
Father Fabrizio Tosolini of Italy and when we left Taiwan in those days. It is
Father Paulin Batairwa of the Congo a small parish community, like most of
work with me at our parish. the Christian communities of the island.
Among the 23 million people, those that
In the beginning years, there was are Catholic are less than three hundred
much enthusiasm and good will. We thousand.
studied the language, looked for a
house, found work, and with friends, we We live the ordinary life of every
purchased furniture, and other necessi- parish with the celebration of the
ties to make a home. God then helped Eucharist, prayer and devotion, always
us to move towards three directions in adding a touch of our very familiar style
the way of the mission: the ministry in typical of Xaverians everywhere. At the
our parish, social ministry, and dialogue end of Sunday Mass the community
with the predominate faith here, drinks tea together, in order to get to
Buddhism. know one another better. At Christmas
and Easter, for birthdays and name
Here is the first thing to do in mis- days, for baptisms and communions, we
Some youth in front of
sion: pay attention to life experience also have lunch together as a parish.
a church in Taiwan.
(continued on next page)

Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010 3

Xaverian Missionaries in the World

Enrico Rossetto, who studied

English in the USA, A celebration in our parish with the local Bishop and Fr. Edi Foschatti in the red stole.
now teaches in China.
(continued from page 3)
Little by little, we began to reach We are grateful to the Lord for all
out the poorest in the city. We helped his grace in all that has been done. U
the Aboriginal communities living in the
mountains. We maintain a twinning – Fr. Edi Foschiatto, SX
relationship with a village in the moun-
tains after a devastating earth-
quake struck the area and we
helped rebuild the church. Now
we are helping children and
young people of the village with
scholarships for school. We
recently began the work of inter-
faith dialogue. Father Paulin, who
recently completed a doctorate
in religious studies has created a
new way of interfaith dialogue:
the dialogue of life. Often we
host Buddhist monks and
Buddhist nuns to dinner with us.
Since Buddhist monks and nuns
do not eat meat, we had to
adjust the menu.

Throughout these years our

congregation has not only devel-
oped our parish work here in
Taiwan, but we also prepare
other Xaverians to work in main-
land China. Two of our fathers
Two Xaverians working in Taiwan, teach archeology and musicology
Fr. Zamora (left) from Mexico and at the University of Beijing and
Fr. Dharmawan from Indonesia. we have other Xaverians working
in special programs with handi-
capped children. Chinese style church in Taiwan.

4 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010

Xaverian Missionaries in the USA

God’s Mission
and its
Many Faces:


Bishop Rodimer, Bishop Emeritus (center) of the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey
ordained a few of our deacons in our parish in Chinatown, Chicago who
are now serving in Taiwan and the Philippines. “The 2010 Mission

G od’s Mission, Many Faces: A Por-

trait of U.S. Catholics in Mission
is the theme of the Mission
Life and Mission of the Church empha-
sized the need for mission beyond our
faith and cultural borders; Pope
Congress comes at a time
when world-wide mission
is the focus of many
Congress 2010, which met October Benedict in his 2008 visit to the United
28-31 in Albuquerque, New Mexico States stressed the need for global soli- Catholic initiatives in the
where hundreds of missionaries of the darity; the bishops of Latin America
USA gathered. Frs. Puopolo, Menendez and the Caribbean proclaimed at their recent years
and Chudy represented the Xaverians meeting in Aparecida, Brazil, the great
there. “continental mission” which was
launched during the Congreso Ameri-
Using the image of a portrait, Father cano Misionero in Quito, Ecuador. This
Michael Montoya, executive director of great continental mission challenges all
the United States Catholic Mission of us to put our Church in a constant
Association (USCMA), said the 2010 state of mission.”
Mission Congress “will bring together
dedicated men and women from across The Mission Congress meets every
the nation and around the world into a five years and this is its third edition. It
faith-filled environment to discern the is sponsored by the Catholic Mission
movement of the spirit within the U.S. Forum, an umbrella organization of
Church in mission; discover the varied leading national Catholic mission orga-
colors and brush strokes of U.S. nizations.
Catholics in mission; invigorate mission
identity and leadership in the U.S. Xaverian roots in the mission of the
Church, and celebrate the faces and US Catholic Church go back to Fr.
creativity of U.S. Catholics in mission.” Bonardi (photo right) who was born in
Boston, joined the Xaverian
“The 2010 Mission Congress comes Missionaries in 1898 and left for mission
at a time when world-wide mission is work in China in 1904. Today we con-
the focus of many Catholic initiatives in tinue that mission and are grateful for Fr. Bonardi, born in the USA, was
the recent years,” Father Montoya said. so many friends that collaborate with one of the first Xaverians to China.
“The Bishop’s Synod on the Word in the us in this great project of Christ. U

Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010 5

The Chinese
Christian Artistry of

He Qi
T he dream of St. Francis Xavier
was to reach the shores of China
with the hope of Christ, a dream he
In celebration of the missionaries and
Christians of China that bear their faith
in Christ, many times through trial and
would never see realized as he died off persecution, we would like to showcase
its shores. Blessed Guido Maria Conforti the Chinese Christian artist, He Qi.
sought to continue the dream of St.
Francis through the religious missionary As odd as it may sound, He Qi (pro-
congregation he founded, the Xaverian nounced “huh cheee”) may have
Missionaries. Our first mission was Chairman Mao to thank for becoming
indeed in China. the most prolific Christian artist of a

billion people. When He was 16, the

Cultural Revolution erupted in China
and his father’s university was closed
down. He was sent with his large family
to the fields to do hard physical labor.
He hated it. (As most 16 year olds

A friend of his father, former chair

of the art department at Nanjing
University, taught the young apprentice
to paint Chairman Mao’s portrait.
“Every little town with a wall needed a
painting to venerate in those days,”
says He. “I thought maybe if I could
paint Chairman Mao’s portrait, I would
be lucky! I wasn’t very big or strong
enough to work in the fields.” With the
coaching of his mentor, He won a paint-
ing competition and was relieved from
The Nativity

6 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010

paper. Then he turns the painting over, lot more money in the art world.
and adds the color using a Japanese “There are two ways one may become
gouache (tempera) paint. The work is a Christian in China,” says He. One is
then attached to a second piece of rice through their parents and grandparents
paper, creating some surprises in how and their teaching. The other is a jour-
the color bleeds through and makes its ney to find the truth. I found both in
own patterns on the paper. “Many the Gospel message.”
times the entire work is destroyed in
the process,” says Dr. He. “It breaks my That peace and that truth has been
heart, but I have no choice but to start the driving force behind his art. He Qi
all over again.” doesn’t see a need to veer away from
the force and focus.
He Qi then brings his originals to the
city of Tsu Dsu, where silk masters have “Life is too short. Art is long,”
been creating amazing art and robes quotes He Qi. “The peaceful message is
since the days of the Caesars and the very important today. We are living in a
Silk Road that led from Rome to China. time where there is much violence.
Using ancient techniques stunning col- There is little peace. We need to listen
ors, the embroidery artists then create to the voice of heaven.”
four large sized hand-sewn silks of each
original. These are breathtakingly beau- Contribution from Rev. Richard
tiful and painstakingly made, with each Melheim (
thread its own color adding to the art.
Please visit the gallery of He Qi at
People often ask He Qi why he paints His prints and
only Bible scenes. With his talents he silks are available for sale. U
could have a wider reach and make a

The Journey of the Disciples from Emmaus

after the Resurrection.

the field work. His mentor, who

received his education in Paris in the
30s, also taught He Qi to paint formal
works using magazines of Renaissance

“By day, I painted Chairman Mao. By

night, Rafael’s Madonna!” says He. “It
was a time of great struggle.
Everywhere you turned people were
rioting in the streets, condemning
every-one else. I looked into the peace-
ful eyes of Rafael’s Madonna, and it
touched my heart.” This was the begin-
ning of his journey toward the Christian
faith and a career in art.

He Qi starts with a sketch and trans-

fers it on to rice paper, painting it in
black ink on the reverse side of the
A The Angel Gabriel Showing the Direction of the Star of Christ.

Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010 7

World Mission Sunday is Everyday

R ecently the
American Catholic
Church celebrated World
versal brethren, cultivat-
ing the great ideals that
transform history and,
The Holy Father goes
to say: “The love that
we celebrate in the sac-
Mission Sunday. On this without false illusions or rament of the Eucharist

Sunday our Bishops remind us:

“At a time of dramatic
useless fears, must strive
to make the planet a
is not something we can
keep to ourselves. By its
global changes and chal- home for all peoples.” very nature it demands
is lenges, Catholics in the
United States face special rEFLECT aND PraY
to be shared with every-
one. What the world

Everyday responsibilities and

opportunities. We are • According to the
needs is God’s love; it
needs to encounter Christ
members of a universal Pope, how do we and to believe in him”.
Church that transcends share hope in the
national boundaries and world? rEFLECT aND PraY
calls us to live in solidari-
ty and justice with the • Read John 12:21. • Why must the
peoples of the world. We How does this Eucharist be shared
are also citizens of a help us to under- with the world?
“We are members of powerful democracy with stand hope accord
enormous influence ing to the Pope? • Read 1 John 1:3.
a universal Church beyond our borders. As What precious gift
that transcends Catholics and Americans of faith do you wish
we are uniquely called to to share? Why? U
national boundaries global solidarity.”
and calls us to live in
solidarity and justice
• What are the
with the peoples
“dramatic global
of the world” changes” going on
today that make us
think about our
place as Catholics in
the world?

• Read Luke 10:25-37.

In prayer ask God
how you can reflect
compassion in the
changes of the
world today? What
is most important
to you?

Pope Benedict XVI, in

his message for World
Mission Sunday to the
whole Church, says: “In a
multi-ethnic society that
is experiencing increas-
ingly disturbing forms of
loneliness and indiffer-
Xaverian Missionary Fr. Parise ence, Christians must
baptizing in Brazil. learn to offer signs of
hope and to become uni-

8 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010

Become a Partner in Global Mission

Little Plans
Contribution by:
Patrice J. Touhy

century architect
Daniel Burnham advised
ish, is part of a bigger
picture of God’s plan of
“Make no little plans.
his associates: “Make no
little plans. They have no Every Catholic and
magic to stir men’s blood family has a part to play. They have no magic to stir men’s blood
and probably will not
themselves be realized.” For many this means and probably will not themselves be realized.”
His words inspired enor- that the more that is
mous risk-taking and tal- learned about the urgen-
ent stretching from sub- cy of the global mission
sequent generations of of the church, the they
city planners, architects, are drawn to pray and
and artists, including talk with others about
Anish Kapoor, who creat- this, contributing from
ed his “Cloud Gate” their time, treasure or
sculpture for Chicago’s talent. Others may want
21st-century Millennium to volunteer a little or a
Park. lot of time as they seek
to make a difference.
Burnham’s advice Still others may wish to
extends beyond the art- give their entire lives to
ist’s call. All vocations this mission as a religious
have a public and per- or lay missionary. Where
sonal impact. Your call- do you stand?
ing is a call to service.
Like the panorama of Above all make no lit-
“Cloud Gate,” above, tle plans. Think of what
take in the big picture, one man from the dusty
look at things from vari- town of Nazareth was
ous angles and different able to accomplish.
points of view. Follow him and you will
be on the path to great-
The mission of the ness, to holiness, to a
Church encompasses all life as broad and chal-
of humanity, and each lenging as God intended
culture, indeed each par- all life to be. U

Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010 9

World Mission News Digest

World Mission News Digest

SIERRA LEONE, AFRICA (DRC, formerly Zaire) be- lead a court “to conclude
“Sierra Leone has undoubt- tween 1993 and 2003. The in favor of the absence of a
edly made progress in 550 page report shows 617 specific intention, required
recent years, however it serious violations of human to establish that a crime of
must still be observed and rights and international law genocide has taken place.”
encouraged by the interna- during the period under re-
tional community,” Fr. view. In just ten years, SAUDI ARABIA
Gerardo Caglioni said, a “tens of thousands of
people have been killed A Filipino migrants’ rights
Xaverian missionary with a group today said the
long experience in Sierra and many more raped,
mutilated, or have been “religious police” of the
Leone, commenting on the
decision of the UN Security victims of other heinous
Council to lift the arms violence,” says the docu-
embargo on the African ment, which also denounces
country. The UN Security the systematic rapes used
Council has removed the as a real “weapon of war.”
arms embargo as a sign of same time, however, we “The attacks are apparently
confidence in the complete must pay close attention to systematic and widespread”
certain social and economic in the period between 1996
indicators that may take and 1997 against the Hutu
their toll on peace in the ethnic group, and in par-
country.” “The high unem- ticular, the Rwandan Hutu
ployment among youth is a refugees in the Democratic
time bomb,” said Archbish- Republic of the Congo. The
op Edward Tamba attacks reveal different as-
Charles of Freetown and Bo, pects that “could be de-
Sierra Leone. fined as crimes of geno-
cide,” if proven “before
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC a competent court,” says
the document, specifying Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
OF THE CONGO, AFRICA arrested about 100 expatri-
however that there are
“I think the UN report will “some considerations to ates, including 12 Filipino
force the international com- the contrary” that could workers, for attending a re-
munity to carry out further ligious service in Riyadh on
reflection on recent events Oct. 1. Holding religious ac-
in the region,” said Fr. Loris tivities in public, other than
Cattani, Xaverian missionary Islamic rituals, is prohibited
with a long experience in in Saudi Arabia and in most
control of the territory by Middle East countries. Phil-
the Democratic Republic of
the government in ippine Charge d’Affaires Ez-
Congo and member of the
Freetown and the comple- zedin Tago said the Filipinos
Network for Peace in Con-
tion of the disarmament were arrested with a French
go, commenting on the re-
and demobilization of mili- priest when they reportedly
port, published on October
tias that fought one anoth- held a Mass in an estiraha,
1 by the United Nations
er in a bloody civil a place for special occa-
High Commissioner for Hu-
man Rights, on the serious sions, in Riyadh’s Nadeem
war that ended in 2002.
violations of human rights District. They appealed for
“The people want peace,
that occurred in the Demo- kaffala (temporary release)
there is no doubt about it,”
cratic Republic of Congo to their employers. U
says Fr. Caglioni. “At the

10 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010

From our USA Communities

News from our USA Communities

48th Bercetto Banquet For The Missions
Want to


n October 3, in Learn More?
Queens, New York the
Bercetto Foundation held
Check out our website at:
their 48th Annual Mission
Banquet for the benefit of
our mission work worldwide. and our Mission Blog at:
The Bercetto Foundation XaverianMissionaries.
was founded in 1962 through
a special occasion organized
by friends in New York to
honor Fr. Bonardi, one of
the first Xaverian Taste of Mission
Missionaries who came for
a visit at that time. MOZAMBIQUE SHRIMP
4 tablespoons butter
Over time the hard work 1/4 cup finely chopped onions
of the Bercetto Foundation 1/2 cup water
has continued to contribut- (From left to right) Ugo Conti, Anna Sabini (Pres.) and 8 garlic cloves, finely chopped
ed enormously to the efforts Anna Conti, chairpersons of this year banquet stand 4 tablespoons finely chopped
by a display of our Founder with pictures of him coriander (or flat leaf parsley)
in mission lands worldwide,
visiting the town of Bercetto in Italy during the 1920’s. 1 teaspoon turmeric
48 years and counting. U
1/2 teaspoon saffron, toasted,
crushed and soaked in 1 tbsp
warm water for 15 minutes
Fr. Menendez On Campus Ministry Two young men,
1/2 cup red wine or 1/2 cup
light beer

Jack Duhamel from 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Rhode Island, and 2 teaspoons kosher salt
r. Adolph Tom Finnigan from 1/2 teaspoon white pepper
Menendez has Washington DC gathered 2 teaspoons hot chili sauce
been in involved in with Fathers Rocco (or generous pinch crushed
campus ministry at Puopolo and Carl
red pepper)
the University of Illinois Chudy for a day of
1 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined
located in Champaign. (26-30 count)
prayer and sharing in
September. Melt butter in a 3-quart pot over
Fr. Adolph assists the medium-low heart. Toss in onion
campus ministry of the and fry until lightly golden. Pour in
Jack is a college the water followed by garlic, cilan-
university of more than graduate with his own tro, turmeric, and saffron water.
45,000 students. window washing busi- Cover and simmer for 3 to 4 min-
Catholic campus minis- ness and construction utes, allowing the essence of the
try houses more than work. Tom had been a spices and herbs to mingle. Pour in
600 students and it the red wine or beer with the
public policy analyst lemon juice. Stir. Cover and raise
offers a unique oppor- with the Heritage heat to medium-high and bring the
tunity to inspire a new generation to the mission of the Foundation and now sauce to boil. Reduce the heat to
Church. works at a local restau- medium-low and simmer for 2 min-
rant and will volunteer utes. Toss in the shrimp, hot pep-
He coordinates a special mission group of students at the Africa Faith and
pers or chili sauce if using and give
who come together from time to time. He also shares them a turn in the sauce. Cook for
Justice Network where three minutes over medium-low
our e-newsletter for youth called NO BORDERS with the Fr. Rocco is Executive until the shrimp are just curled ten-
students who reside at the Newman Center or Catholic Director. Please pray for der and turned pink. Spoon the
Campus Center. Along with all of this he ministers with them as they discern shrimp into bowls and serve with
an Hispanic community in the Diocese of Peoria. Sharing their vocation to mis- plenty of crusty bread to dip in the
the urgency of the mission call is hallmark of Fr. flavourful sauce. (This can also be
sion. served over rice!).
Adolph’s work. U

Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010 11

Xaverian Mission Newsletter • November 2010

“She gave birth to her

firstborn, a son.
She wrapped him in cloths
and placed him in a manger,
because there was no room
for them in the inn.”
Luke 2:7

Have a Blessed
Christmas &
New Year
The Xaverian Missionaries
Usa Province

The Xaverian Missionaries Are Presently Serving In:

Bangladesh • Brazil • Burundi • Cameroon • Chad • China • Colombia • Democratic Republic of Congo • France
Great Britain • Indonesia • Italy • Japan • Mexico • Mozambique • Philippines • Sierra Leone • Spain • Taiwan • U.S.A.

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