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The Re-structuring of Sovereign Americans

May 16, 2010

Dear Friends,

I have a new phone number for you to call with questions regarding Your Sovereignty.

The new phone number is: 423-289-5409.

NOTICE: Some of you have a previous phone number listed for me, and it is my wish that you
discard any previous phone numbers! Do not call any other number that you have for me and
ONLY call the new number above!

In order for me to handle the large amount of telephone traffic I have established the
following new Phone Call Guidelines:

· The time frame for calling will be 12-3PM Monday-Friday only!

· Calls have to be limited to 10 minutes each.

· If you call while I am on the line assisting another student, I will beep over and ask you to
call back as the next caller. If you do not make it into this queue, then email me, or call back the
next day.

· Calls will be limited to the scope of your questions and my answers only. This line will
not be used for casual lengthy personal conversations.

· Callers must have a brief list of specific questions prepared before calling.

· My answers will be brief, correct, and to the point. You should take notes when I give you
your answer and remedy.

· All the information about The Sovereignty process is listed in detail on my Website,
Sovereign Americans United:

· Use the contact form on the Website or email me at to ask

further questions for that day, or if you forget something or need clarification. I answer all emails
personally as soon as possible.
· We will be doing a new conference via Skype each week for all of you to participate in.
You will be notified in a few days with details regarding these Skype conference calls.

Notice: The phone Number/Line listed above will be turned off outside the hours of 12-3PM
Monday-Friday. Any call made to this number outside these hours will be ignored. I will
consider expanding these hours as I am able and as it becomes necessary.

I love you all and I have to do this as part of the re-structuring process of both my personal life
and this Hugh endeavor to help free the people of America!

Bonus#1: I will be sending each of you special simple instructions on how to earn a good living
at home just like me, and I will NOT „charge‟ anything to teach you how to do this! The more
Sovereign Teaching Websites that come online, the more impact we will have as the Sovereign

SPECIAL NOTICE: The reason I persoanlly get so many calls, emails and gifts is because:

1) My site has a strong spiritual foundation underneath it and

2) I do not „charge‟ any one for anything, and I never will, because I am not tempted by greed.
Think about the word „Charge‟. Can anyone tell me what it means? It means two things which
are both the same thing: criminal and commerce.

I do not say any of this to be boastful, but only to make this point to you:

If you do start your own Sovereignty Website tp provide for your families and do not adhere to
the two principles above, then you will fail! You are defeating your own purpose and it just
won‟t work, trust me!

With that said, I would like for all of you to send me an email at and
tell me where you are in your Sovereign Journey. Update me with what step you are on as

First provide a brief synopsis of the 'crisis' that brought you here: Court Dates, Charges, Tax
Issues, Debts, Etc… Do not be ashamed of these because each of us has had one of these and the
whole point of Redemption is to build a shield of immunity around us and to protect ourselves,
our families and loved ones from Commercial Tyranny and Abuse. This information will be kept
private and allows me to provide your strategy and remedy faster!

Next show me where you are in the follow three redemption steps:

Step#1: UCC-1 Filing. Designate in your progress email whether you have not started, are in
process, have filed or have received notice back with a file number or whether the filing was
Step#2: Birth Certificate Redemption with the U.S. Treasurer/UCC Contract Trust Account
Activation process.

Step#3: Accepting all Presentments/Debts/Charges for Value under HR-192

Bonus#2: I will be setting up a training process with some other leaders within a week to start
teaching Americans how to be free after being abused by FEAR as commercial slaves their
whole life. Tim Turner, Guardian Elder of The Restore America Plan made this statement: “The
people do not know how to be free, so we must re-educate them on how to feel and experience
this freedom. They do not yet know what it is like to feel the blissful feeling of just being free to
do as they desire. Men and Women of God who are ready and responsible for Sovereignty and
Kingship will abide under The Common Law of GOD in the Kingdom of Heaven, and will „Do
No Harm‟ as they do what they love and desire without fear of retribution from their

Peace and Blessings,

™Dennis-Joseph: Halsey©, The Sovereign Secured Party Creditor and Natural Free Man of the


Restore America Plan Update

Latest comments and updates from Tim Turner, of The Guardian Elders of the Free Republic, on
the Restore America Plan.

April 14, 2010.

“The Republic of America has been restored.”

The FBI and the Military were served last week.
Washington is going down because they do not have any creditability anymore, the land belongs
to the people and they cannot collateralize them anymore.
“The Hague and World Court are working with us and trying to help us do some things, some
great things”.
“We actually had help powers from within the government, and showed us how to do this.”
The military and all the Supreme Court were concerned that we were about to lose our
sovereignty forever.
We succeeded and it is done. The united States of America is re-established to a time prior to the
civil war 1850. Amendments 14-27 do not exist anymore. Congress had no lawful authority
since 1868, they had legal authority. All Amendment of the original Constitution FOR the
united States America up to the 13th are there, Amendments 14-27 were added under the new
Constitution call the Constitution OF the US.
The deception goes all the way to 1860. In 1868 the 41st Congress created the US and gave it a
jurisdictional area of 10 sq miles which is 100 square miles. There jurisdiction was limited to
that 10 sq miles and the territories, not to the 50 states. EVERY single law passed in
Washington DC since 1868 had no effect on the American people except by their consent. 28
USC 3002 The US is a corporation.
TT talks about the expatriation amendment. US Citizens are not Americans, and Americans are
not US Citizens.
In 1864 DC was reduced to 68 sq miles. Alaska and Hawaii accepted to become a state. We
have restored the Americas and if you want information on that Restore America Plan. All 50
Governors were served as of the 30th (March 2009). It was put out last week that 135 of your
Congressmen stole funds from the bailout and put it in accounts around the world. The military
is always subject to civilian authority. The military is responsible for this, they came to a friend
of mine and explained to them that we need to reestablish the republic. All those victimless
crimes is over, they don‟t exist anymore, if you don‟t have a victim you didn‟t commit a crime.
Within 30 days the IRS is over, they will not be able to collect debts in this country anymore.
The united States has so much money out there that you would not believe it. I know for a fact it
is true. We use about 150 million barrels (42 gallon per barrel) of fuel a day. Then you have the
oils and by products. The tax is about 50 cents per gallon, about 1.5 billion dollars a day. 70%
of your income goes to taxes. The only reason that it take that much to operate is because
Congress is stealing it from you.
Congress will lose their funding, their bonds have already been arrested. That is a done deal.
They cannot get funded anymore. They cannot fund it, or bond it as they are in a dishonor in
commerce and did not have lawful authority to operate. This was just recently settled in the
Court in the Hague, they agreed that the US Corporation has run a scam on the American people,
their bonds are under arrest, we arrested their bonds. Congress cannot pass a bill anymore,
because they cannot get it funded because of their dishonor to the American people. We just
arrested the bonds in all 50 states. Congress cannot do anything. The Republic is fully bonded
and fully financed and it is backed by gold, and a lot of it.
I have been told that there will be a currency exchange about the third week in April. Called US
Treasury Notes and available in the third week of April. In the last week I have had the richest
man in the entire government call me and talk about an hour, Ihad the richest man in the world
call me Saturday, the richest man in China. A Prince in Europe called me. These people are
taking it serious, they are offering financial support, as much as we need in gold to support this
effort. This 4th of July will be a celebration like you have never seen because the American
people will truly be free again. By that time they will understand what freedom really is, they
will have more money, and they will not be hounded by those ridiculous victimless laws. People
in prison for victimless crimes will be released. There will be no more property taxes folks.
Automatically you are going to get a 30% increase in your paycheck because the illegal taxes
will not be taken any more, everybody in America, right off the bat. That is coming and it is
coming very soon. These things are not optional for the corporations, they have no say in the
matter. We had over 2,300 downloads in Beijing China. It is a done deal, the Republic is
officially restored. Its done. It is going on around the world. Cancer cures without side effects
within days. TT-I was cured of leukemia in 5 days. Free energy, I have a friend in Seattle that
has two stakes and a coil that you pound into your back yard and it will power your house. It
cost about 3,000 and is a life time project and it will run several houses. The technologies are
over whelming that are going to be released. I have a friend that has a shoebox size (battery?)
gadget you charge one time and your car will run forever on it.

Source: „Constitutional Americans‟ Radio

5Pm-6PM Central at


Restoring the De Jure American Republic

April 07, 2010
The Gaurdians of the Free Republic have set forth the greatest plan in history to implement a
free Dejure Amercian Republic as of the End of March 2010. It is called the Restore America

Lawful warrants arresting the Bonds of all 50 Governors have been served by the Gaurdians
asking them to take a new oath of office to the people or to step down.

This is a plan iniated by the military over a year ago who then contacted the Gaurdian Elders to
re-establish the Sovereign People of America.

The mainstream media has reported about the plan as being a threat and a terrorist act, which is
not the truth. Both the FBI and Homeland Security have been properly notified in advance of the
whole situation.

Accoring to the Guardian Elders led by Sam Kennedy and Tim Turner, The Republic of America
has already been re-established lawfully and they ask, why would anyone want to have anymore
of their lives and property stolen. They also say "We the People do not swear allegiance to a
defacto U.S. Corporation and we have the right not to participate in their alleged governance. "

The process is taking place quietly and peacfully behind the scenes as the article is sent to press.

Gaurdian members were also quoted saying, "If you only knew that your children and your
spouse were owned by the state and that billions of dollars have been stolen from you since birth
then you might think different. You have no rights under this corporate system and you are their
slave and their property. Your marriage and your church, your land and home and all your assets
belong to the government not you. The urge you to go and see who holds the real title. When the
corporate government trade the bonds of the people on the open market, this is a heinous crime.
You can be imprisoned for a debt where there is no contract to the debt on your part and all of
your labor goes towards paying off a fictitious national debt"!

Go and learn about The Restore America Plan with Sam Kennedy and Tim Turner. It is the most
amazing approach I've seen for americans to become free from corporate oppression and tyranny.
This amazing group is working lawfully and peacefully and with success to restore the De Jure
[Original] American Republic where all your rights and freedoms are in tact. These brave and
intelligent men say "do not pray to or swear allegiance to a corrupt defacto bankrupt UNITED
STATES CORPORATION, but only to the Creator!"

Officially Website Launch Information

We will officially launch the Sovereign Americans United Website on March 15, 2010. Until
then, please send emails to

Peace and Blessings,

Dennis Joseph Halsey©, Secured Party and Creditor and Free Man of The Land

All Rights Reserved

"without preju

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