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@Gateway College of Computer and Management Sciences Sanghar

CIT Level –I / II
Examination Batch: JAN 2010
Date: 15-1-2010 Time: 2 Hours
Max Marks:-100 Min Marks:-40
Note: - Attempt all questions

Q. NO.1 Tick ( ) the correct answer. (25)

i) IT stands for __________________________.
(a) Information Telecom (b) International Technology (c) Information Technology
ii) '.JPG' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
(a) Sound file (b) Picture file (c) Video file (d) Program file
iii) WordPad can be opened by Start > Programs > __________ > WordPad
(a) Settings (b) Accessories (c) Startup (d) None of All

vi) Toolbar button is used for __________.

(a) Page Break (b) Print (c) Print Preview (d) None of All
v) Status bar is present __________ of the MS-Word interface.
(a) Top (b) Left (c) Right (d) Bottom
vi) MS-Excel create files with the following extension?
(a) .txt (b) .bmp (c) .doc (d) .xls
vii) In MS-Excel columns are usually denoted by __________.
(a) Alphabets (b) Numbers (c) Symbols (d) None of All
viii) In Macromedia Flash, Light green color of timeline indicates _______ tweening.
(a) Motion (b) Shape (c) None of All
ix) With ________ shortcut key you can align Justify your documents?
(a) Ctrl+L (b) Ctrl+J (c) Crl+S (d) Ctrl+E
x) HTML stands for?.
(a) Hyper Transfer Modern Language (b) Hyper Text Markup Language
xi) With ________ shortcut key you can align Centre your documents?
(a) Ctrl+L (b) Ctrl+J (c) Crl+S (d) Ctrl+E
xii) MS-Powerpoint is used for creating _____ ?
(a) Presentations (b) Spreadsheets (c) Databases
xiii) In Excel, _____ function is used to get smallest number from the list.
(a) MAX (b) MIN (c) COUNT (d) SUM
xiv) Spelling can be check through _______ function key ?
(a) F6 (b) F8 (c) F7 (d) Shift+F7
xv) In HTML, <HR> tag is used to insert _________________.
(a) Table (b) Vertical Line (c) Horizontal Line
xvi) Windows XP is __________.
(a) Hardware (b) Application (c) Operating System
xvii) From which drop down menu new document can be selected?
(a) Format (b) File (c) Tools (d) Insert
xviii) Yahoo Messenger is ____________ application software.
(a) Database (b) Financial (c) Communication
xix) Formula Bar is the element of _______ interface.
(a) MS-Word (b) MS-Excel (c) MS-Access (d) Powerpoint
xx) Hard Disk is _______ Device.
(a) Output (b) Storage (c) Input
xxi) Which is the accurate email address
a) b) c) Ahmed@yahoo
xxii) 1024 bytes equals to
a) 1KB b) 1MB c) 1GB d) 1 TB
xxiii) we can select whole document by pressing _________ shortcut key.
a) Ctrl+A b) Ctrl+W c) Ctrl+R d) Ctrl+G
xxiv) we can restore deleted files from ________.
a) Control panel b) Recycle Bin c) Display d) My Computer
xxv) In Macromedia Flash, the shortcut key to insert key frame is ________.
a) F6 b) F7 c) F8 d) None of All

Q.NO.2 Write in full form of the given abbreviations. (Any Ten) (20)
i) USB ______________________________ ii) CD__________________________
iii) WWW _______________________________iv) MB__________________________

v) RAM _______________________________vi) VDU_________________________

vii) VGA ______________________________viii) DOS_________________________

ix) DIT _________________________ x) GUI__________________________

xi) E-mail ________________________ xii) INTERNET____________________

Q.NO.3 Join Related terms by sketching line. (10)

MS-Access Internet
DOS File Extensions
Motion Tweening Database Application Software
WAV, JPG, GIF, XLS Output Device
Website Operating System
Printers Macromedia Flash

Q.NO.4 Define any five terms. (10)

i) I.T ii) Hardware iii) Software
iv) Computer v) Hard Copy iv) Soft Copy

Q.NO.5 Explain input and output devices with two examples of each. (10)
How many types of Computer networks? Define each

Q.NO.6 State Briefly the function of following application programs of MS Office Suite. (25)
i) Microsoft Word ii) Microsoft Excel iii) Microsoft Power Point
iv) Microsoft Access v) Microsoft Front Page

*** THE END ***

* Attach Extra Sheets for descriptive questions.
* Mobile phones or other communication devices are not allowed.
* Any evidence of cheating will disqualify you from exam.

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