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GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

Aligning actions with shared values

Using the Personal Vision Template
In using this template three areas require your attention and often,
perseverance. The first is when establishing a goal, the second, asking
what they will see, hear etc, and thirdly, asking for what purpose the
client wants to achieve the goal.
“Specifically what do you wa nt to have happen?”
This seemingly innocent question is richly loaded. Few clients in their
initial response w ill be specific, or identify something they actually w ant
to happen. Many will start with something they do NOT want. Take time
with your client to ensure that the goal is truly specific and something
they want to achieve:
Examples of Questions to specify
More money What is MORE money for you? How much,
To be successful What is success for you?
To quit smoking What is that you do want, specifically? (This is an
„away-from‟ goal)
Happiness (any What specifically would you like to achieve that will
state) bring you happiness?

“What will you see, hear, feel, smell a nd taste?”

Rarely will your client have been asked this. Remind your client that the
only way we, as human beings, can ever know that we have achieved
something is that our brains process data from our 5 senses. To help the
coach, these are the sort of things that may help your client:
Exampl See Hear Feel Smell Taste
Money Bank Laughter Relieved Smell Success
notes Bank manager Comfortable of Good food
Printed calling to ask money
statemen about investing New e
t car
Numbers smell
on screen
Success People “Congratulations Successful, Sweet Celebratory
smiling ” achievemen smell party food
t of
Quit Clean “Good job” Healthy Flower Alive
smokin skin “well done” Clean s Fresh
g Full Food

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty
GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

Aligning actions with shared values

Personal Vision Template Step 2
“For what purpose do you want this?”

This question is to uncover values. Asking your client “Why do you

want this?” may, or may not uncover values. Most clients have
compelling reasons for achieving something and roughly half of t hem
are negative reasons (to move away-from a current situation).
Repeat the question at least 3 times. For example:

 I want to earn $250k a year! For what purpose?

 To have more money! For what purpose?

 To buy a bigger house! For what purpose? …

 To have enough rooms for each of the kids to have their own
bedroom and we have space to …!

The purpose, in this example, could be the value of: space, comfort,
family, togetherness, sufficiency and others.

Your role as a coach is to uncover as many personal values of

sufficiently high level for your client to realize what is really driving

More money, is in itself not a good goal for someone to have. Yet,
“money”, is the most frequently mentioned goal. Money is only
useful in life to purchase other things or to trade. Find out what it is
that is important for your client; it will help them and help you w hen
you need to motivate them to change behaviour.

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty
GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

Aligning actions with shared values

Personal Vision

Client___________________________ Date__________________

What specifically do you want

to have happen?
Where are you now?
What will you see, hear and
feel when you have
accomplished this?
How will you know when you
have it?
What will it get for you, or what
will it allow you to do?
Is this only for you?
Where, when, how and with
whom do you want it?
What do you have now, and
what do you need to get your
Have you ever had or
done this before?
Do you know anyone
who has?
Can you act as if you
have it?
For what purpose do you want
What will you gain or
lose if you have it

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty

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