Giving Positive Feedback

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GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

Giving Positive Feedback

Giving Positive Feedback
It is tempting to give positive feedback without preparation, after
all, it’s a nice thing to be doing. When you prepare, your positive
feedback enables sustainable behaviours. Remember, give positive
feedback in public.

 Be specific

 Be sincere

 Praise the small steps

 Praise the person

o … not just their performance

The template for giving positive feedback is very similar to that for
negative feedback. The key differences are that the behaviours
observed S UPPORT achievement of the shared goals, and you want
this behaviour to continue.

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty
GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

Giving Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback Template
Client________________________ Date _________________________

Who is this for? Praise

them as a person.

How I want to support


Where I will give this

feedback and when?

What are the shared

goals related to this

What are the facts?

What are the specific

behaviours observed?

What was/is the impact

of this behaviour?

Why this behaviour is

supportive of the
shared goals

What are the specific


What behaviour do I
want now?

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty
GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

Giving Positive Feedback

Receiving Feedback
Receiving feedback is something that many leaders don’t do well. Get
into the habit of asking your clients and team members for their
feedback and follow these tips:

 Adopt a receptive posture

 Don’t be defensive

 Listen

 Acknowledge

 Thank

Examples of great questions to ask when receiving feedback:

 “Please be more specific”

 “Can you give me another example”

 “I am still unclear why…”

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty

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