High Performance Coaching - Feedback Sandwich

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GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

High Performance Coaching

High performance coaching is a regular and continuous process. It is
something that the leader does every day.

The most effective means of raising performance with team

members is small step, incremental feedback based coaching, using
the feedback sandwich

Feedback Sandwich
The Feedback Sandwich is the most effective tool a coach or leader
can use to gain incremental improvements in performance.

Using the feeling of personal motivation and the power of the

unconscious mind, a well-structured, fluent feedback sandwich can
be delivered in a matter of seconds. The embedded performance
improvement is accepted by the other person’s unconscious. It is
possible that they have no conscious know ledge of the required
improvement, but they will act on it.

Use this once a week to gain 50 or more small performance

improvement a year.

ALWAYS prepare the sandwich BEFORE delivery.

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty
GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

High Performance Coaching

Feedback Sandwich Template
Prepare beforehand. Note down 3 specific and work related things t hat YOU have

What SPECIFICALLY, do you want them to improve?

Overall, what does this person do well (work -related)

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty

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