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GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

SWING Outcome Setting

Using the SWING Outcome Setting Template
Start the process with this question:
If the re was one thing, that if you were to c hange it, would have
the greatest impact on your performance, what would it be?
Specific outcome. Establish this as a specific outcome that is
measurable (by the five senses) and is something to move towards
achieving. Choosing an outcome that is something to not do in the future
needs to be reframes, for example, “what do you want instead… ?”
Establish a clearly defined, sensory outcome and check for congruence.
What will I win? There must be payoffs or benefits to achieving the
outcome for the individual. What are they?
What will it cost? Every outcome demands some payment, occasionally,
this will cost money, and it will always cost time, effort, willpower,
strength and commit ment. Often you can uncover another behavioural
change that is necessary before this one is viable (such as „discipline‟).
Control? This establishes what the individual personally controls, and
who or what else the individual needs to either control, or gain support.
For example, I am able to control my temper (it is my reaction), but I am
not in control of the circumstances (or people) that may trigger my
temper reaction. Many people need the empathy and support of those
closest to them. Any significant behavioural change, do advise clients that
partners may be involved and should be informed.
Now. “Step into the future, having achieved your outcome, please tell
me, what you have now achieved?” Ask or prompt that this includes
noticing all the sensory results identif ied above. Some clients struggle
with this, prompt them with “I am now…”. Ask them to repeat the well-
formed statement several times until you note congruence.
Guarantee. This is a powerful series of Cartesian logic questions that
force an unconscious response and ensure ecology and congruence.
As the coach, when a client takes time to respond, wait. If they suggest
that they do not understand, this is true. The negatively phrased
questions are not processed by the conscious brain. Simply repeat the
question. As many times as you have to repeat the question, repeat it.
Record the responses. They may, or may not make any sense to you, or
even to the individual. The response itself is not relevant here; the
enforced unconscious processing is the intent.
Check for congrue nce as the individual responds. Common signs are
„relief‟, smiling, flushed cheeks, flushed neck, relaxed shoulders.

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty
GAINMORE™ Advantage Coaching Template

SWING Outcome Setting

SWING Outcome Setting Template
Client_________________________ Date___________________
Specific outcome stated in the
positive and measurable
What is the specific outcome you wish
to achieve?

What will you see when you achieve

your outcome?

What will you hear when you achieve

your outcome?

What will you feel when you achieve

your outcome?

What will you smell, taste when you

achieve your outcome?

What will you Win when you have

achieved your goa l?
What are the pay- offs for you?

What does achieving your outcome


Do you control everything that you

need to control to achieve your
(If others involved, what will you do to
ensure that they provide everything
they need to provide?)

Now, as step into the future. You

have now achieved your outcome.
Now, tell me again, what is your
outcome now?

Now that you know your outcome.

What will happe n when you achieve

What won’t ha ppen whe n you

achieve it?

What will happe n if you don’t

achieve it?

What won’t ha ppen if you don’t

achieve it?

Copyright Dr. John Kenworthy © 2010 all rights reserved

This template may be us ed by certified and regis tered GAI NMORE™ Advantage Coach es only or by Coaches in training
under s upervision.
Us e by any other pers on is a violation of our I ntellectual Prop erty

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