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Politeknik Negeri Lampung


1. is, am, are - kalimat positif..............................................................1

2. is, am, are - kalimat negatif............................................................. 3
3. is, am, are - kalimat interogatif....................................................... 5
4. is, am, are - kalimat tanya WH........................................................7
5. is, am, are - CONVERSATION...................................................... 9
6. Present Continuous - kalimat positif............................................. 11
7. Present Continuous - kalimat negatif............................................ 13
8. Present Continuous - kalimat interogatif.......................................15
9. Present Continuous - kalimat tanya WH....................................... 17
10. Present Continuous - CONVERSATION................................... 19
11. Present Simple - kalimat positif.................................................. 21
12. Present Simple - kalimat negatif................................................. 23
13. Present Simple - kalimat interrogatif.......................................... 25
14. Present Simple - Kalimat tanya WH........................................... 27
15. Present Simple - CONVERSATION.......................................... 29
16. Have dan have got....................................................................... 31
17. Have dan have got - CONVERSATION.....................................33
18. There is, there are, some, any......................................................35
19. There is, there are, some, any - CONVERSATION................... 37
20. Was dan Were - positif dan negatif............................................. 39
21. Was dan Were - interogatif......................................................... 41
22. Was dan Were - CONVERSATION...........................................43
23. Past Continuous...........................................................................45
24. Past Continuous - CONVERSATION........................................ 47
25. Past Simple - kalimat positif....................................................... 49
26. Past Simple - kalimat negatif dan interogatif.............................. 51
27. Past Simple - CONVERSATION............................................... 53
28. Past Continuous and Past Simple................................................ 55

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29. Past Continuous dan Past Simple - CONVERSATION..............57

30. Present Perfect - positif dan negatif............................................ 59
31. Present Perfect - interogatif.........................................................61
32. Present perfect - CONVERSATION...........................................63
33. For, since, dan ago.......................................................................65
34. Future simple - will..................................................................... 67
35. Be going to.................................................................................. 69
36. Be going to - CONVERSATION................................................71
37. Can dan could..............................................................................73
38. Must dan have to......................................................................... 75
39. Kata keterangan frekuensi...........................................................77


1. Extra Exercise - is, am, are - positif.............................................. 80

2. Extra Exercise - is, am, are - negatif............................................. 81
3. Extra Exercise - am, is, are - interogatif........................................83
4. Extra Exercise - is, am, are - kata tanya WH................................ 84
5. Extra Exercise - Present Continuous - negatif.............................. 86
6. Extra Exercise - Present Continuous - interogatif.........................88
7. Extra Exercise - Present Continuous - k. tanya WH..................... 90
8. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - positif...................................... 92
9. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - negatif......................................93
10. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - interogatif.............................. 95
11. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - kata tanya WH.......................97
12. Extra Exercise - Have dan have got............................................ 99
13. Extra Exercise - there is, there are.............................................101
14. Extra Exercise - was dan were - positif dan negatif.................. 104
15. Extra Exercise - was, were - interogatif.................................... 107
16. Extra Exercise - past continuous............................................... 109

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17. Extra Exercise - past simple...................................................... 112

18. Extra Exercise - past simple - negatif and interogatif............... 115
19. Extra Exercise - past continuous vs past simple....................... 118
20. Extra Exercise - Present Perfect................................................ 120
21. Extra Exercise - present perfect - interogatif............................ 123
22. Extra Exercise - Future Simpel - Will.......................................125
23. Extra Exercise - Be going to..................................................... 126
24. Extra Exercise - can dan could..................................................129
25. Extra Exercise - Kata Keterangan Frekuensi............................ 130
26. Kata Kerja Tak Beraturan - Irregular Verbs..............................132

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1. is, am, are - kalimat positif

Is, am, dan are adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sama, yakni
‘menyatakan keadaan’ yang bermakna ‘adalah’. Tapi,
masing-masing hanya bisa dipakai dengan subjek tertentu saja.
Nah, subjek terdiri dari tujuh pihak, yaitu I (saya), He (dia, John),
She (dia, Susy), It (ia, buku), We (kami, kita), They (mereka, Bob &
Ely, buku-buku), dan You (kamu, kalian).
Lantas, subjek mana yang bisa memakai kata kerja is, am, dan are?
Rincian penjodohonnya adalah seperti di bawah ini:
I am … (= I’m) => Saya adalah …
He is … (= He’s) => Dia (laki-laki) adalah …
She is … (= She’s) => Dia (perempuan) adalah …
It is … (= It’s) => Ia (benda) adalah …
They are … (= They’re) => Mereka adalah …
We are … (= We’re) => Kami adalah …
You are … (= You’re) => Kamu adalah …
Supaya punya makna, penjodohan tersebut perlu ditambahi
komplemen/pelengkap, yang dapat berupa:
(frasa) kata benda = Andy, a student, my friend, dll.
(frasa) kata sifat = fat, very thin, overly optimistic, dll.
frasa preposisi = at school, from China, in the box, dll.
Sehingga menjadi kalimat utuh seperti berikut:
I’m Andy Mcquire. = Saya adalah Andy Mcquire.
She’s very thin. = Dia sangat kurus.
He’s my friend. = Dia adalah teman saya.
It’s on the table. = Ia [benda] di atas meja.
They’re from China. = Mereka (berasal) dari China.
We’re at school. = Kami (berada) di sekolah.
You’re too optimistic. = Kamu terlalu optimistis.
Begitu saja kok cara membuat kalimat dengan kata kerja is, am, are.
Gampang, kan? (Klo liat contoh-contoh itu sih gampang, tapi yang
bukan contoh pasti sulit. Sebel deh!). Coba saja dulu latihannya ya.

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EXERCISE (Latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan is, am, atau are.
1. John, you are very clever. You _____ so awesome!
2. My name’s Maa Ling Ban. I ___ from China. I ___ a cop.
3. My brother _____ a soldier. He _____ in Bandung now.
4. My father _____ a carpenter. He ______ 47 years old.
5. My mother _____ a midwife. She ______ short and thin.
6. My cell phone _____ 6 inches. It _____ only 1 year old. It
____ a Japanese product. It ____ really pretty, right?
7. My grandparents _____ still young, but they _____ retired.
8. Tim & I ____ classmates. We_____ in the third semester.
B. Isilah dengan I’m, he’s, she’s, it’s, they’re, we’re, dan you’re.
Hi, Guys! How are you? _____ healthy and happy, right?
Well, ____ my Youtube channel. _____ new.
Let me introduce myself. My name’s Shelly, but please call
me Ici. _____ from Bandung. _____ Sundanese. _____only 14
years old. _____in the third grade of junior high school now.
Let me tell you about my family. Look at this. _____ a
photo of my family. _____ a new photo.
These are my parents. _____ Mike & Anne. My father is a
doctor. ____ very diligent and energetic. This is my mother. ____a
nurse. ____ very thin and tall. My parents are very romantic.
____ both very young, right?
This is my sister. ____ Nana. ____very pretty, but ____ very
fat. ____ really quiet. ____17 years old. ____ in senior high school.
And this is my brother. ____ Tony. ____ short and heavy, but ____
really smart and talkative. You know, ____ a very funny boy.
Nana, Tony, and I are very good-looking :-). _____ very
diligent. ____ good students and high achievers.
That’s all for now. Please like, subscribe, and share. Thanks.
See you in the next post, Guys!. Bye!
D. SPEAKING. Ceritakan secara lisan informasi keluargamu
seperti latihan C. Rekam dengan ponsel dan lihat hasilnya.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

2. is, am, are - kalimat negatif

Kalimat negatif adalah kalimat yang menyatakan ‘tidak/bukan’. OK?

(Aiih …Gitu doang penjelasannya?!). Yup, itu saja.
Cara membuatnya sangatlah mudah. Pola kalimatnya seupa dengan
kalimat positif. Kita hanya perlu menambahkan not setelah kata kerja
be (is, am, are), seperti berikut ini:

Positif Negatif Bentuk singkat

I am … I am not… I’m not / -
He is … He is not… He’s not / He isn’t
She is … She is not … She’s not / She isn’t
It is … It is not … It’s not / It isn’t
They are … They are not … They’re not / They aren’t
We are … We are not… We’re not / We aren’t
You are … You are not … You’re not / You aren’t

Contoh kalimat negatif adalah seperti di bawah ini:

I’m not a doctor. = Saya bukan seorang dokter.

She’s not Tom’s sister. = Dia bukan saudari Tom.
He’s not from China. = Dia bukan dari China.
It’s not my pen. = Ia bukan pena saya.
They’re not Balinese. = Mereka bukan orang Bali.
We’re not at school. = Kami tidak berada di sekolah.
You’re not fat. = Kamu tidak gemuk.
Nah, sekarang silakan latihan dulu. Soal-soal latihanya mudah kok.
Hanya bertujuan membiasakan penggunaan pola di atas dan
menambah kosa kata.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

EXRCISE (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan am, is, are, tanpa atau dengan ‘not’.
1. I _____ a midwife. Only a housewife. I _____ busy at
home, you know, sweeping, mopping, etc.
2. Made _____ from Bali. He _____ from Java, either. I guess
he _____ from Papua. His parents are Papuan.
3. Cui Lan Sheng _____ my sister. Jack Ma _____ my brother,
either. I’m an only child.
4. It _____ a gun, Mom! Only a toy! Look, it _____ plastic.
5. My elder brothers _____ police officers. They _____
soldiers. Lieutenants, you know.
6. I’m sure you ____ fine. You ____ sick. Your face is pale.
7. Tony and I _____the best students. We _____ just about
average. You know, just ordinary students.
B. Lengkapilah dengan am not, is not, atau are not.
Hi, my Youtube fans! It’s me again, Shelly. How’s
everything? Fine, right?! Today, I’ll tell you about my uncle.
Look! It’s his family photo. My uncle is not rich, but
he ____ poor, either. He’s a middle-class man. He ____ stingy,
though. He’s quiet generous. He ____ a doctor. He's a nurse.
Now look! Next to my uncle is his daughter, Cayla. She
_____ a student. She’s only 2 years old. She’s very funny girl.
She _____ quiet. Yeah, she’s crazy about talking.
Next to Kayla is Bobby. He _____ fat and chubby. In fact,
he’s pretty thin . He _____ naughty. He’s very friendly. He
_____ good at football, but he’s good at swimming.
This woman is my uncle’s wife. She _____ only a
housewife. She’s a teacher. She ____ tall, only around 150 cm.
Now they _____ in Jakarta. They’re in Bandung.
C. PRONUNCIATION. Bacalah Latihan C dengan lantang.
D. SPEAKING PRACTICE. Ceritakan secara lisan tentang
keluarga pamanmu seperti Latihan B di atas. Videokan
dengan ponsel.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

3. is, am, are - kalimat interogatif

Kalimat interogatif adalah kalimat yang bermakna menanyakan

sesuatu. (Ya iyalah… Udah tahu kaeleees. Kan udah gitu sejak
jaman dinosaurus belajar naik motor…!).
Cara membuatnya sangatlah mudah. Kata kerja be (am, is, are)
diletakkan di depan subjek. Bandingkan pola kalimat positif dan
kalimat interogatif berikut ini:
Positif Interogatif
I am … => Am I…? (Apakah saya…?)
She is … => Is she …? (Apakah dia (pr)…?)
They are … => Are they …? (Apakah mereka…?)
Selengkapnya, perhatikan kalimat-kalimat interogatif berikut ini:

Be S Komplemen Jawaban
Am I beautiful? Yes, you are.
ugly? No, you aren’t. / No, you’re not.
Is she a doctor? Yes, she is.
a pilot? No, she isn’t. / No, she’s not.
Is he from China? Yes, he is.
from India No, he isn’t. / No, he’s not.
Is it your pen? Yes, it is.
Tom’s pen? No, it isn’t. / No, It’s not.
Are they your sisters? Yes, they are.
your nieces? No, they aren’t. / No, they’re not.
Are we thin? Yes, you are.
fat? No, you aren’t. / No, you’re not.
Are you at home? Yes, I am.
at work? No, I’m not.
Sudah, itu saja penjelasannya. Nah, sekarang silakan latihan dulu. O
ya, jangan lupa. Bacalah secara lantang kalimat-kalimat dalam
latihan untuk melatih pengucapan.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

EXERCISE (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. Is it a pen, Mom? Yes, it is. It’s a pen, Honey.
2. ___________ No, she isn’t. Tina isn’t a teacher.
3. ___________ Yes, he is. He’s Shaun Toloyyo.
4. ___________ No, you aren’t. You’re not slim.
5. ___________ Yes, she is. Santi is a nice girl.
6. ___________ No, it isn’t. The car isn’t broken.
7. ___________ Yes, they are. Ben and Jil are cops.
8. ___________ No, we aren’t. Bob & I aren’t siblings.
B. Isilah is, am, atau are. Lalu bacalah dengan lantang.
Rud : Hi, Elie. Your face is pale. ______ you all right?
Elie : Yes, I ______. I _____ all right. Everything is just fine.
Rud : ______ you sure? You _____ sick, I guess.
Elie : Sure. I _____ not sick. How about you? _____ you OK?
Rud : Well, I _____ a bit sad.
Elie : That’s too bad. Why?
Rud : My cat ____ missing. ____ it at your home?
Elie : No, it _____ not. It _____ probably in the park.
Rud : Oh, maybe you ___ right! It ____ probably in the park.
C. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisi Anda.
Are you a student? You: Yes, I am. I’m a college student.
Are you from Medan? Is your brother thin?
Are you at home now? Is your father a pilot?
Are you fat and short? Is your mother a doctor?
Are you a diligent student? Is your sister at school now?
Are you good at math? Are your neighbors friendly?
Are you a hardworking person? Is your house big?
Are you allergic to shrimp? Is your shirt new?
Are your parents still young? Is this lesson easy for you?
Are your shoes pink? Are these exercises difficult?

D. SPEAKING PRACTICE. Praktikkan tanya-jawab di atas

secara lisan dengan lantang (dengan temanmu atau sendiri).

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4. is, am, are - kalimat tanya WH

WH adalah kata tanya yang berawalan huruf w dan h, yaitu what

(apa), where (di mana), when (kapan), who (siapa), why (mengapa),
dan how (bagaimana). Kata tanya ini memerlukan jawaban berupa
sebuah kalimat, bukan jawaban Yes/No.
Pola kalimatnya adalah kata tanya WH diikuti be dan subjek.
Perhatikan pola lengkapnya sebagai berikut:

WH Be Subjek Jawaban
Where am I? You’re in an ICU.
What is it? It’s a gold hammer.
When is the concert? It’s on 2 May 2017.
Who are they? They’re my brothers.
Why is she in the hospital? She’s sick.
How is she now? She’s fine now.

Selain itu, kata tanya WH juga bisa berupa kombinasi 2 kata atau
lebih. Beberapa di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

Kata tanya Makna

What time...? Jam berapakah...?
What color...? Warna apakah...?
How many...? Berapa banyak...? (jumlah bisa dihitung)
How much...? Berapa banyak...? (jumlah tak bisa dihitung)
Berapa harga...?
How long...? Berapa panjang/lama...?
How far...? Berapa jauh...?
How tall...? Berapa tinggi...?
How old...? Berapa usia...?

Contoh pertanyaan WH kombinasi disajikan dalam bentuk latihan.

Silakan dikerjakan, nanti akan paham sendiri. (Ealah... belum ngasih
contoh kok udah nyuruh ngerjain latihan... Pelajaran apaan ini?!)

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

EXERCISE (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan what, where, when, why, who, dan how.
1. Where is my hat, Mom? It’s in your bag, I guess.
2. _____ are your brothers? They’re at home.
3. _____ is the man in your car? He’s my uncle.
4. _____ aren’t you in the class? Sorry Sir, I’m sick.
5. _____ is it, Bob?! It’s a toy bomb, Sir.
B. Lengkapilah dengan kata tanya WH dan kata kerja ‘be’.
1. ________ ___ I in the clinic? (because) You’re sick.
2. ________ ___ Jack? He’s 27 years old.
3. ________ ___ your mother? She’s fine.
4. ________ ___ Muxi river? It’s 23 km long.
5. ________ ___ it, Dad? It’s a chainsaw, Sweety.
C. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. ____________? Jony is 167 cm tall.
2. ____________? She’s my aunt, Sitikus Nari.
3. ____________? I’m late because my bike is broken.
4. ____________? Well, I think Bob is in the library.
5. ____________? Her hair is shoulder-length.
D. Lengkapilah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisi Anda.
What’s your address? You : It’s Jl. Creek Kill No. 2.
When is your birthday? You : _______________
Where’s the gas station? You : _______________
What time is your school over? You : _______________
Who’s your favorite teacher? You : _______________
How old are you? How tall? You : _______________
What color are your shoes? You : _______________
How far is your school? You : _______________
What’s your favorite color? You : _______________
Who’s your favorite singer? You : _______________
Where’s your father now? You : _______________
Where’s your cell phone? You : _______________
E. SPEAKING PRACTICE. Praktikkan secara lisan Latihan
D secara lantang (dengan temanmu atau baca sendiri).

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5. is, am, are - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.
Bob: So, where are you from, Tim?
Tim: I’m from Metro, Lampung.
Bob: Oh, is it a beautiful city?
Tim: Yeah, it is. It’s very beautiful.
Bob: Is it a big and crowded city?
Tim: No, it isn’t. It’s pretty small, but yeah, it’s quite crowded.
Bob: Is every thing cheap? I mean food, rent, and clothes.
Tim: Well, I guess so. Generally, things are cheap, but some are
expensive. I think food is cheap.
Bob: Oh, I see. Is your house in the center of the city?
Tim: No, it isn’t. It’s outside the city, near the border of Metro and
East Lampung Regency.
Bob: So, what’s your address?
Tim: It’s Jl. Roosack Varrah No. 1. Yoradadi, Metro.
Bob: Is it your own house or your father’s?
Tim: It’s my father’s house, of course.
Bob: Well, anyway, how far is your school from your house?
Tim: It’s only around 1 km away, around 10-minute walk.
Bob: That’s not far. What year/grade are you in?
Tim: I’m in the third year of Vientar Vocational High School.
Bob: Vocational school is good. What’s your favorite subject?
Tim: My favorite subject is mathematics.
Bob: Um.. That’s a very easy subject, I think  . Who’s your
favorite teacher?
Tim: My father. He’s a great teacher.
Bob: Wow .. that’s fantastic! Is your mother a teacher, too?
Tim: No, she isn’t. She’s a housewife.
Bob: Oh, I see. Are they happy with their jobs?
Tim: Yes, they are. How about you? Where are you from
Bob: ….……..

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Bob: So, where are you from?

You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Oh, is it a beautiful city / town / regency / village?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Is it a big and crowded city / town / regency / village?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Is every thing cheap? I mean food, rent, and clothes.
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Oh, I see. Is your house in the center of the city?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: And what’s your address?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Is it your own house or your father’s?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Well, anyway, how far is your school from your house?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: That’s not far. What year/grade are you in?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: What’s your favorite subject?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Um.. That’s a very easy subject, I think  . Who’s your
favorite teacher?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Wow .. that’s fantastic! Is your mother a teacher?
You: _______________________________________________
Bob: Oh, I see. Are they happy with their jobs?
You: Yes, they are. How about you? Where are you from
Bob: ….……..

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanmu (atau
bacalah sendiri secara lantang).

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

6. Present Continuous - kalimat positif

Present continuous menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung

semisal ‘Saya sedang ...’, ‘Dia sedang ...’ de el el. Polanya adalah
‘subjek diikuti be dan kata kerja ing. Jadi, pola kalimatnya adalah
‘I’m’, She’s’, dan seterusnya. Lengkapnya:

Sbjk Be Kata kerja ‘ing’ Makna

I am driving. Saya sedang mengemudi.
She is crying. Dia (pr) sedang menangis.
He is sleeping. Dia (lk) sedang tidur.
It is singing. Ia (burung) sedang menyanyi.
They are fighting. Mereka sedang berkelahi.
We are studying. Kami/kita sedang belajar.
You are drinking my tea! Kamu sedang meminum tehku..!

Cara nambah ‘ing’ pada kata kerja adalah seperti berikut ini:

Aturan penambahan ing

Pada kata kerja berakhiran 'e', hilangkan 'e':
Come => coming write => writing
Pada kata kerja pendek berhuruf konsonan-vokal-konsonan,
gandakan huruf terakhir:
Run => running swim => swimming
Pada kata kerja berakhiran 'ie', ganti ie dengan 'y':
Lie => lying die => dying
Pada kata kerja berakhiran ‘ee’, langsung tambahkan ‘ing’ :
agree => agreeing flee => fleeing

Present continous bisa ditambahi keterangan waktu, misalnya ‘now’,

‘today’, ‘this week’, ‘these days’, ‘at the moment’, de el el. Contoh:
 I’m doing my homework now.
 Susan is travelling to Papua this week.
Nah, itu saja penjelasannya. Easy isn’t?

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

A. Imbuhilah kata kerja berikut dengan ‘ing’.
read _____ study _____ wear _____ do _____
play _____ hold _____ listen _____ sit _____
B. Lengkapilah dengan ‘be’ dan kata kerja ‘ing’ di atas.
1. I __ ____ English, and now I __ _____ grammar exercises.
2. Mack ___ ____ headphones. He ___ _____ to music.
3. Jessy ___ _____ on a chair. She ___ _____ a novel.
4. Bob & Ben ___ ____ cellphones. They ___ _____ games.
C. Lengkapilah dengan ‘be’ dan kata kerja ‘ing’ berikut ini.
stay carry mop clean record watch
do wash use cook cut hold
Hello, my Youtube fans! It’s Sunday today. I _____ at home
now. Look, I ______ a broom, a bucket and a mop on my hands.
I _____ the floor with this broom and ______ the floor
with this new mop. O, yeah, of course, I _____ this video, too.
Just for you . You ______ me, right?
My father is also ______ at home. Look! He ______ some
housechores, too. He ______ a feather duster on his right hand.
He ______ dust from books. Well, he’s a real bookworm! You
know, he’s crazy about books. Hey, how about you? Are you a
bookworm, too?
My sister is also ______ activities at home. She ______ her
clothes. She ______ the washing machine. Look! She ______
her clothes on the clothesline.
My mother is in the kitchen. She ______ breakfast and
fruit juice. Look, she ______ the meat with sharp knife.
My grandpa is ______ hide and seek with my grandma .
D. SPEAKING. Ceritakan secara lisan aktivitas orang-orang
di sekelilingmu seperti Latihan C. Rekam dengan ponsel dan
lihat hasil praktikmu.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

7. Present Continuous - kalimat negatif

Kalimat negatif adalah kalimat yang mengandung makna

‘tidak/bukan’. (Yaelah …, penjelasan kok cuma kayak gini… ).
Pola kalimat negatif sama dengan kalimat positif, kita hanya perlu
menambahkan not setelah be.
I am … menjadi I am not …
She is … menjadi She is not … dan seterusnya.
Setelah be not, tambahkan kata kerja -ing. Jadi, pola kalimat utuhnya
seperti berikut ini:
I am not reading. He is not reading. They are not reading.
Gampang kan? Lengkapnya, lihat tabel di bawah ini:

S Be not Kata Kerja ‘ing’

I am not eating. = Saya tidak sedang makan.
She is not eating.
He is not eating.
It is not eating.
They are not eating.
We are not eating.
You are not eating.
Perhatikan contoh lain kalimat negatif berikut ini (digarisbawahi):
 I’m not crying, you know. I’m singing. Don’t mock me!
 Hey…!The girl is not swimming! She’s drowning! Help her!
 The boat is not sailing. It’s parking in the dock.
 My grandparents are not eating. They’re talking.
 Trust me, Mom! Jim and I are not fighting. We’re joking.
 Din, you are not watching the TV, right? Turn it off!
Easy, isn’t it? Sekarang silakan berlatih… Soal-soal latihanya mudah
kok, hanya bertujuan membiasakan penggunaan pola kalimat di atas
dan melatih kemampuan berkomunikasi. O ya, bacalah setiap
kalimat secara lantang untuk melatih pengucapan bahasa

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A. Lengkapilah dengan ‘be / be not’ dan kata kerja ‘ing’.
hold swim sleep run watch shop
1. I’m not working_ at the moment. The office is closed.
2. Mommy __ _____ a spatula. She’s ready to fry fish.
3. Daddy __ _____ in the bed. The bedroom is empty.
4. The engine __ ______. It’s out of gas.
5. Jim & Bob __ ______ the TV. Look, the TV is off.
6. Robert & I __ ______ in the pool. We’re at work.
7. Hello Liz. You __ _____, right? Please get me a kg of salt.
B. Mana yang sedang kamu dan orang sekelilingmu lakukan?
1. (wear a hat) I’m not wearing a hat. I’m …..
2. (play online games) I’m
3. (drive a tanker truck) My father______________
4. (sweep the floor) My brother_____________
5. (sleep on the floor) My mother_____________
C. Lengkapilah dengan kata kerja ‘ing’ berikut ini.
study do wear play watch hang out
garden stay work go drive lie
cook wash climb browse
Today is Saturday and the school is off. So, I’m not ______
school uniform. I’m truly feeling free. I’m not ______ at school
now. At home, I’m not ______ online games, though. I’m just
_____ the internet. See, I’m not ______ the house chores at all.
My father is not ______ at the moment, because his office
is closed, too. He’s not _____ anywhere, either. Look, He’s
just ______ movies on his computer.
My sister isn’t _____ at home. She’s not ______ in the
backyard as usual. She’s _____ with her friends, but she isn’t
_____ her car. Maybe she’s _____ a mountain.
My mother isn’t _____ in the kitchen. She isn’t _____ the
dishes. She’s just _____ on the bed.
D. SPEAKING. Berceritalah seperti Latihan C. Rekam
suaramu dengan ponsel dan cek speakingmu.

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8. Present Continuous - kalimat interogatif

Kalimat interogatif adalah kalimat untuk menanyakan sesuatu. (Iih..

udah sejak zaman dinosaurus belajar naik kuda kaeleees..!).
Pola kalimat interogatif present continuous adalah be (am, is, are)
diikuti subjek dan kata kerja ‘-ing’. Jadi, pola kalimatnya adalah:
Am I ‘-ing’? => Am I talking too loudly?
Is he ‘-ing’? => Is he talking about me?
Jawaban untuk pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata kerja ‘be’
seperti ini adalah ‘Yes/No’. Lengkapnya adalah seperti berikut ini:

Be S KK ‘ing’ Jawaban
Am I singing nicely? Yes, you are.
No, you aren’t. / No, you’re not.
Is she sleeping? Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t. / No, she’s not.
Is he crying? Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t. / No, he’s not.
Is it dying? Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t. / No, It’s not.
Are they fighting? Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t./ No, they’re not.
Are we talking loudly? Yes, you are.
No, you aren’t. / No, you’re not.
Are you laughing at me? Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.

That’s it. Easy, isn’t it? Sekarang silakan nikmati soal-soal

latihannya. Bacalah semua kalimat dengan lantang untuk melatih
dan membiasakan pengucapan agar lancar ketika berbicara.

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EXERCISE (Latihan lebih engkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah is, am, atau are. Kemudian tulis jawabannya.
1. Is Tim studying with you? Yes, he is.
2. ____ your son swimming with you? No,_________
3. ____ you & Sue watching TV now? Yes,_________
4. ____ your mother singing on the stage? No,_________
5. ____ I driving too slowly? Yes,_________
6. ____ Tom and Jerry fighting? No,_________
7. ____ Bobby talking on the phone? Yes,_________
B. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. Is my cat sleeping? Yes, it is. Your cat is sleeping.
2. _______________ No, she isn’t. Tini isn’t eating a cake.
3. _______________ Yes, he is. Deny is teaching biology.
4. _______________ No, they aren’t. They aren’t dancing.
5. _______________ Yes, she is. Santi is eating dinner here.
6. _______________ No, it isn’t. The music isn’t playing.
7. _______________ Yes, they are. Pi & Pa are wearing hats.
C. Jawablah sesuai diri Anda.
Are you watching a movie now? No, I’m not. I’m studying.
1. Are you studying at home now? Where?
2. Are you doing these exercises with your sister?
3. Are you using a pencil to write? Are you using a dictionary?
4. Are you listening to music while you’re studying?
5. Are you sitting alone? Who are you sitting with? Where?
6. Are your brothers and sisters studying, too? Where are they?
7. Is your father sitting near you at the moment? Where is he?
8. Is your mother going grocery shopping? Where is she?
9. Is your phone ringing and vibrating now?
10. Are you wearing fashionable accessory now? What?
11. Is your teacher talking to you? What is he/she doing?
12. Are you feeling energetic and enthusiastic now?
D. SPEAKING. Paktikkan latihan di atas secara lisan dengan
temanmu (atau bacalah sendiri seolah sedang ngobrol
dengan teman.) Rekam dan cek hasilnya.

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9. Present Continuous - kalimat tanya WH

WH adalah kata tanya yang berawalan huruf w dan h, yaitu what

(apa), where (di mana), when (kapan), who (siapa), why (mengapa),
dan how (bagaimana). Kata tanya ini memerlukan jawaban berupa
sebuah kalimat, bukan jawaban Yes/No.
Pola kalimat tanya WH present continous adalah kata tanya WH
diikuti be, subjek dan kata kerja ‘ing’. Perhatikan pola lengkapnya
sebagai berikut:

WH Be S KK ‘ing’ Jawaban
Where am I lying? You’re lying in ICU.
What are you doing? I’m writing a novel.
Why is Jeny crying? Her mom is sick.
How is Phill going? He’s going by train.
Who are the cops chasing? They’re chasing robbers.

That’s it. Very easy, isn’t it? Sekarang, silakakan cicipi latihannya.
Jangan lupa untuk membaca setiap kalimat secara lantang untuk
melatih pengucapan dan mengasah kelancaran berbicara.

Kata tanya WH tidak bisa dijawab dengan Yes/No. Untuk
mendapatkan jawaban Yes/No, kita langsung menggunakan be di
awal kalimat tanpa kata tanya WH.
What are you reading? I’m reading a comic.
Are you reading a comic? Yes, I am.
What are you reading a comic? ?????
Nomor 1 harus dijawab dengan sebuah kalimat, yakni ‘I am reading
a comic.…’ atau cukup ‘a comic’. Nomor 2 harus dijawab dengan
‘Yes/No’, yakni ‘Yes, I am. /No, I am not’. Nomor 3 tidak bisa
dijawab, karena pertanyaanya salah.

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EXERCISE (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan WH Questions.
1. Where are you going, Mom?! To the market.
2. ______ are your brothers watching? An action movie.
3. ______ is your father talking to? To my uncle.
4. ______ aren’t you studying? I’m feeling sick.
5. ______ is your mom going to Bali? By truck.
6. ______ is Sinta reading? A novel, I guess.
7. ______ is Amy sitting on the floor? He’s cleaning it.
8. ______ am I holding, students? A microscope, Sir!
9. ______ are you looking at me? Because... I think…
10. ______ are you calling, John? I’m calling Ben.
B. Lengkapilah dengan WH questions dan be.
1. How fast are the racers driving? 350 km/hour!
2. ______ ___ your sisters eating? Donuts.
3. ______ ___ is your father singing? A pop song.
4. ______ ___ are you crying? I’m sad.
5. ______ ___ is Josh going to Medan? By train
6. ______ ___ is Jack talking about? Politic.
7. ______ ___ is Amy swimming? In Byur pool.
8. ______ ___ am I wearing, kids? A blue shirt, Sir.
9. ______ ___ are you smiling at me? You’re funny.
10. ______ ___ are you chatting with? My daddy.
C. Tulislah pertanyaannya. Hindari kata kerja ‘doing’.
1. ______? My father is eating fried banana.
2. ______? My mom is cooking Gudek with my dad.
3. ______? I think Kate is listening to rock music.
4. ______? The students are discussing about narcotics.
5. ______? Of course I’m laughing. You’re very funny.
6. ______? We’re eating in Ga’Enac Resto.
7. ______? Wong Shin Ting is going to Bandung.
8. ______? I’m driving 120 km/hour. Why? Are you afraid?
9. ______? Susy is talking to Yoko.
10. ______? I’m crying because my grandma is dying.

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10. Present Continuous - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.

Mommy: (On the phone) Hello, Honey. How are you, Honey?
Child: Hello, Mom! I’m fine. How are you doing?
Mommy: I’m very well. I miss you so much, Honey.
Child: Me, too. What are you doing there, Mom?
Mommy: I’m having lunch here, with my business partners.
Child: Oh. Where are you eating?
Mommy: We’re eating inn D’Meat Resto.
Child: Demit?! That sounds scary!
Mommy: Well, it’s not Demit, Honey. It’s Di-Em-Ii-Ei-Ti.
Child: Oh, I see. What are you eating?
Mommy: We’re eating seafood, you know, crabs, lobsters, squids,
sharks, whales, and others. 
Child: Now that sounds delicious!
Mommy: Yeah, it is. How about you? What are you doing?
Child: Ummm… I’m having a short break, Mom.
Mommy: A short break? Are you studying?
Child: Yes, Mom. I’m studying now.
Mommy: Oh, good. What are you studying?
Child: I’m studying physics.
Mommy: Ah, that sounds difficult. Who are you studying with?
Child: I’m studying with my roommates.
Mommy: Where are you studying?
Child: In our room. We are doing our assignment.
Mommy: Great. Are you feeling stressed?
Child: No, I’m not. I’m just a bit tired and sleepy.
Mommy: Drink some coffee. It’s good to keep you awake.
Child: Well, actually we’re drinking coffee and… smoking.
Mommy: What?! You are smoking?!
Child: Ummm… I … I…I… I’m just learning to smoke, Mom.
I mean… I … just….

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Mommy: (On the phone) Hello, Honey. How are you?

You: Hello, Mom! _________________________________
Mommy: I’m very well. I miss you so much, Honey.
You: Me, too. I miss Daddy, too. How is he?
Mommy: He’s fine. What are you doing now?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Studying? What are you studying?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Who are you studying with?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Oh, I see. Is it easy or difficult?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Hmmm… Are you studying with anyone?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: What topic are you discussing?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Oh, good. Are you practicing speaking or reading?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Are you using a dictionary? Paper or electronic?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Are you feeling stressed with the lesson?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Good. Are you wearing the white and red uniform now?
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: No? So, what are you wearing? Are you wearing boots,
You: _____________________________________________
Mommy: Anyway, it’s so noisy. Who are talking near you there?
You: _____________________________________________

Praktikkan percakapan di atas secara lisan dengan temanmu
(atau bacalah sendiri secara lantang).

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11. Present Simple - kalimat positif

Kalimat simple present tense menyatakan fakta umum (FU),

kebiasaan (K), atau aktivitas harian (AH). Contoh:
FU > Water freezes at 00C. (Air membeku pada 00C.)
K > I drink tea every day.(Saya minum teh tiap hari.)
AH > I go to school by bus.(Saya pergi ke sekolah naik bus.)
Pola kalimat positifnya adalah subjek diikuti kata kerja:
They/We/I/You work in X hotel.
She/He/It works in X hotel.
Subjek They/We/I/You/ memakai kata kerja dasar (tidak perlu
imbuhan apapun).
Subjek She/He/It memakai kata kerja berimbuhan ‘s’ atau ‘es’.
Mayoritas kata kerja perlu imbuhan ‘s’ saja. Sedangkan minoritas
perlu imbuhan ‘es’, yaitu kata kerja yang:
berakhiran Contoh kata Contoh kalimat
-ch Watch => watches Ely watches TV everyday.
-ss Miss => misses He often misses the bus.
-sh Wash => washes Dery rarely washes his car.
-x Mix => mixes Joe often mixes milk & tea.
-zz Buzz => buzzes The sound system often
buzzes loudly.
berakhiran konsonan + y; (‘y’ diubah jadi ‘i’)
-dy study => studies Ben studies math lazily.
-ly reply => replies Jim rarely replies my chat.
tak beraturan
have => has My dad has a car.
go => goes Jim goes to work on foot.
do => does Sri never does the laundry.
(Wadooooh... kok banyak banget sih yang perlu diimbuhi ‘es’?!
Beratlah ngingetnya! ☹ .) Tak usah risau. Kerjakan saja latihan yang
ada, nanti lama-lama paham dengan sendirinya kok. Ok?

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EXERCISES (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

1. Subjek berikut perlu kata kerja ‘s/es’ atau tidak?
1. My classmates tidak perlu (my classmates = they)
2. Susy ___________________________
3. My father ___________________________
4. My cell phone ___________________________
5. My mother & sister ___________________________
6. My father and I ___________________________
7. I ___________________________
8. You ___________________________
2. Lengkapi dengan kata kerja berikut. Pakai s/es atau tidak?
wash speak ride watch play sing work
1. My friends play badminton twice a week. (tidak pakai)
2. Riki & Riko _______ Arabic and English fluently.
3. Riska _______ rock songs beautifully.
4. My parents ________ at a supermarket.
5. My mother & sisters ________ TV 5 hours a day.
6. My mom and I _________ motorbikes to work.
7. I ________ my socks and shoes once a year.
3. Gunakan kata kerja lebih dari sekali. Pakai s/es atau tidak?
get wash go clean take eat study pray
I _____ up at 4.30 in the morning and directly _____ my
face. Then, I _____ shubuh and _____ jogging. After jogging, I
_____ the house and _____ a bath. After that, I _____ breakfast
and _____ to school. I _____ on foot. I _____ at school until 2
o’clock. I _____ home around 3.
But, my sister Rosy _____ up at 4 and directly _____ her
face. Then, she _____ shubuh and _____ running. After running,
she _____ her room and _____ a bath. After that, she _____
breakfast and _____ to school. She _____ to school by
motorbike. She _____ at school until 5. She _____ home around
6. Well, we’re very busy every day? How about you?
4. SPEAKING. Secara lisan, berceritalah seperti Latihan C.
Rekam dan cek hasil praktikmu.

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12. Present Simple - kalimat negatif

Kalimat simple present tense menyatakan fakta umum, kebiasan,

atau aktivitas sehari-hari. Contoh:
Water doesn’t boil at 900C. => fakta umum
I don’t drink tea every day. => kebiasaan
I don’t go to school by bus. => aktivitas harian
Pola kalimat negatifnya adalah subjek diikuti do not/does not dan
kata kerja dasar (tanpa imbuhan apapun). Jadi, polanya adalah:
They/We/You/I do not work in a bank.
She/He/It does not work in a bank.
Pola lengkapnya adalah seperti berikut:
A. Setelah subjek They, We, I, You, kita gunakan do not (= don’t)
dan kata kerja dasar.
Kalimat negatif Makna
They do not like apples. Mereka tidak suka apel.
We do not like apples. Kami tidak suka apel.
I do not like apples. Saya tidak suka apel.
You do not like apples. Kamu tidak suka apel.
B. Setelah subjek he, she, it, kita gunakan does not (= doesn’t).
Dalam kalimat negati ini, kita TIDAK menggunakan imbuhan
s/es pada kata kerja.
Kalimat negatif Makna
She does not like apples. Dia (pr) tidak suka apel.
He does not like apples. Dia (lk) tidak suka apel.
It does not like apples. Ia (hewan) tidak suka apel.
Nah, gampang kan? (Gampang apanya?! Ruwet gini kok dibilang
gampang... ☹ .)
Oh... masih terasa sulit ya? Coba dulu latihannya ya, mudah-mudahn
nanti terasa gampang. Oke?

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EXERCISES (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah dengan don’t atau doesn’t dan kata kerja berikut.
work / teach / grow / speak / live / feel / sing / fit / like / run
1. I’m a beginner, you know. I ________ English fluently.
2. My grandparents ________ anywhere. They’re retired.
3. My brother and I ________ with our parents. We’re away.
4. I ________ rock music. I’m a fan of Dangdut.
5. It’s quite difficult. But, you ________ stress, right?
6. My sister Susy ________ pop songs. She’s a rock singer.
7. My father ________ corns this year. The price isn’t good.
8. This T-shirt ________ me well. It’s too small.
9. My motorbike ________ very fast. It’s short of power.
10. My mother ________ physics. She’s a math teacher.
9. Mana yang Anda lakukan tiap hari? Beri tanda ✓ atau ×.
_×_ get up late _✓_ wash my face.
___ go jogging ___ clean the yard
___ sweep and mop the floor ___ clean the toilet
___ brush my teeth ___ take a bath
___ cook breakfast. ___ drink coffee
___ eat bread for breakfast ___ wash dishes
___ wear uniform every day ___ go to school by bus
___ arrive at school before 7 ___ eat home-made lunch
___ study at school until 5 ___ get home late
___ have dinner at a restaurant ___ do homework
___ watch TV till midnight ___ go to bed after 12
A. SPEAKING. Secara lisan, berceritalah sesuai Latihan B.
Rekam dan cek hasil praktikmu. Lihat contoh berikut.
Hi, Guys! I’ll tell you about my day. I start my day early
morning. I don’t get up late. I get up early, around 4. Then, I
wash my face with detergent :-). After washing my face, I ....

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13. Present Simple - kalimat interrogatif

Kalimat simple present tense menyatakan fakta umum, kebiasan,

atau aktivitas sehari-hari. Contoh:
Does water freeze at 00C? => fakta umum
Do you drink coffee every day? => kebiasaan
Do you go to school by bus? => aktivitas harian
Pola kalimat interogatifnya adalah do/does diikuti subjek dan kata
kerja. Jadi, polanya adalah:

Do They/We/I/You work in a hotel?

Does She/He/It works in a hotel?
Kita gunakan Do dengan subjek They/We/You/I, dan kita gunakan
kata Does untuk subjek She/He/It. Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah
kata kerja dasar (tanpa imbuhan apapun).
Pola lengkapnya adalah seperti berikut:
1. Sebelum subjek They, We, I, You, kita gunakan Do.
Kalimat interogatif Jawaban Ya / Tidak.
Do they come late? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
Do we come late? Yes, we do. / No, they don’t.
Do I come late? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Do you come late? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
2. Sebelum subjek he, she, it, kita gunakan Does.
Kalimat negatif Jawaban Ya / Tidak.
Does she like fish? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
Does he like fish? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Does it like fish? Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.
Easy, isn’t? (Kayaknya agak gampang sih...)
Ok, mudah-mudahan tidak membingungkan. Sekarang silakan
dinikmati latihannya.

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EXERCISES (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah do atau does. Kemudian lengkapilah jawabannya.
1. _Do you go to school on foot? Yes, ________
2. ____ your father work in a bank? Yes, she does.
3. ____ your sister study geology? No, _________
4. ____ your cell phone often hang/freeze? Yes,_________
5. ____ I look handsome in this shirt? No,__________
6. ____ you & your brother like soccer? Yes,_________
7. ____ your friends study very hard? Yes,_________
8. ____ you & I live in the same village? No,__________
9. ____ Ms Cui Lan Seng come from China? Yes,_________
10. ____ your father play sport? No,__________
B. Berilah jawaban sesuai dengan keadaanmu.
For example: Do you get up early in the morning?
Yes, I do. I get up around 4.
1. Do you get up early in the morning?
2. Do you work out afterward? (for example: go jogging)
3. Do you do house chores before you go to school/work?
4. Do you often cook and eat breakfast? Do you wash dishes?
5. Do you go to school/work by bus?
6. Do you always arrive at school/work on time?
7. Do you bring your lunch from home?
8. Does your school finish after 5?
9. Do you get home in the evening?
10. Do you watch TV and do homework?
11. Do you go to bed after midnight?
12. How about your parents? Do they get up early too?
13. Does your mother cook breakfast for you?
14. Does your father help your mother in the kitchen?
15. Does your father work in a company? Does he go by bus?
16. Does your mother have a business?
C. SPEAKING. Praktikkan Latihan B secara lisan (dengan
temanmu atau bacalah sendiri dengan lantang seolah sedang
bercakap dengan seseorang ☺).

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14. Present Simple - Kalimat tanya WH

WH adalah kata tanya yang berawalan huruf w dan h, yaitu what

(apa), where (di mana), when (kapan), who (siapa), why (mengapa),
dan how (bagaimana). Kata tanya ini memerlukan jawaban berupa
sebuah kalimat, bukan jawaban Yes/No.
Pola kalimat tanya WH simple present adalah kata tanya WH
diikuti do/does, subjek dan kata kerja dasar. Perhatikan pola
lengkapnya sebagai berikut:

Where do you work? I work in a bank.
What does she cook? She cooks rendang.
Why does Ben come late? He often gets up late.
How does Tin go to work? He goes by train.
Who do you live with? I live with my cousin.
When do you Water the I often water them in
flowers? the evening.

Kata tanya who bisa dipakai tanpa do / does. Contoh:
Who lives with you? Andy. / Andy lives with me.
Who teaches you math? Liza. / Liza teaches me math.
Who picks you up every day? My son. / My son picks me up.
Who sells your products? John. / John sells my products.
Who cleans your house? Mery. / Mery cleans my house.

That’s it. Very easy, isn’t it? Sekarang, silakan cicipi latihannya.
Jangan lupa untuk membaca setiap kalimat secara lantang untuk
melatih pengucapan dan mengasah kelancaran berbicara.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

EXERCISE (Latihan lebih lengkap tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan kata tanya WH.
1. What does Johny sell? He sells cosmetics.
2. _____ do you live? We live on Jl. Boon Two.
3. _____ takes you to school? My father.
4. _____ do the banks close? They close at 2.
5. _____ do you always come late? I always get up late, Sir.
6. _____ does Nia go to work with? She goes with Eliz.
B. Lengkapilah dengan pertanyaan WH dan ‘do / does’.
1. _____ __ I look in this gown? You look gorgeous!
2. _____ __ Tim Bill work? In a barber shop.
3. _____ __ you cook for lunch? Chicken soup.
4. _____ __ the car lose power? Maybe the filter is dirty.
5. _____ __ you repair your car? In BobRock Repairshop.
6. _____ __ the people come from? From New Zealand.
C. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisi Anda.
Where do you live?
Do you live alone? Who do you live with?
Where do you go to school? Do you like your school?
How do you go to school/work?
What subject do you like the most? Why?
What do you do before you go to school?
What do usually you eat for breakfast? Do you cook it yourself?
Where do you usually have lunch? What do you eat?
What time do you finish your study at school?
What time do you get home?
What do you usually do after school?
What time do you usually go to bed? Do you do homework?
What do you do before you go to bed?
What do you usually do on weekends?
When and how do you celebrate your birthday?
Where does you father/mother work?
D. SPEAKING PRACTICE. Praktikkan secara lisan Latihan B
secara lantang (dengan temanmu atau bacalah sendiri).

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15. Present Simple - CONVERSATION

A. LATIHAN PENGUCAPAN. Bacalah dengan lantang.

Phill: Where do you live, Pete?

Pete: I live in Natar, South Lampung.
Phill: Is it far from here?
Pete: No, it isn’t. It’s only 50 km away :-).
Phill: 50 km?! That’s very far! So, how do you go to school?
Pete: I go by bike.
Phill: By bicycle?! Are you kidding?
Pete: No, I’m not. I really go by bike. I love biking.
Phill: Fantastic! So, what time do you leave the house?
Pete: I leave the house around 6.
Phill: That’s very early. And what time do you get to school?
Pete: I arrive at school around 7.30.
Phill: That sounds great! So, do you take a bath at school?
Pete: No, I don’t.
Phill: Where do you take a bath, then?
Pete: I don’t take a bath after biking. I don’t have time.
Phill: Do you go straight to class?
Pete: No, I don’t. Before I go to class, I eat breakfast.
Phill: Where do you eat?
Pete: In the canteen.
Phill: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Pete: I usually eat NasDuk.
Phill: Do you eat Nasi Uduk every day?
Pete: Yes, I do. It’s delicious. I love it very much.
Phill: Yeah. Delicious and cheap. Do you drink energy
beverages, too?
Pete: No, I don’t. I never drink anything like that.
Phill: Anyway, I’m still curious. When do you take a bath?
Pete: Well, I take a bath after I get home.

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini sesuai dengan kondisimu.

Phill: Where do you live, Pete?

You: _____________________________________________
Phill: So, how do you go to school/work?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: Umm… So, what time do you leave the house?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: And what time do you get to school/work?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: So, do you eat breakfast before school/work? Where?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: Where do you eat lunch? What do you eat?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: What do you do after you have lunch?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: What time do you finish your study/work?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: What time do you get home?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: Do you do anything fun after you get home?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: Do you eat dinner with your family?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: Do you cook the dinner yourself?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: Do you watch TV before bed? What do you watch?
You: _____________________________________________
Phill: And what time do you go to bed?
You: ________________________________ How about you?

Praktikkan secara lisan tanya-jawab di atas dengan temanmu
atau bacalah sendiri secara lantang.

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16. Have dan have got

Have dan have got (‘ve got) menyatakan kepunyaan. Misalnya:

Saya punya sebuah mobil.
I have a car. (Inggris Amerika / IA)
I’ve got a car. (Inggris Britania / IB)
Pola kalimatnya adalah:
They/we/I/you have/have got kata benda
He/She/It has/has got kata benda
We have a small house. / We’ve got a small house.
He has a small house. / He’s got a small house.
I have a toothache. / I’ve got a toothache. (Saya sakit gigi.)
Untuk menyatakan tidak punya, polanya adalah:
They/we/I/you don’t have / haven’t got kata benda
He/She/It doesn’t have / hasn’t got kata benda
We don’t have a car. / We haven’t got a car.
Eny doesn’t have a car. / Eny hasn’t got a car.
Untuk bertanya, polanya adalah:
Do they/we/I/you have kata benda?
Does he/she/it have kata benda?
Have they/we/I/you got kata benda?
Has he/she/it got kata benda?

Do you have a car? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does John have a car? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Have you got a car? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Has Julia got a car? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
Dalam bentuk lampau, keduanya memiliki bentuk yang sama, had:
Did you have a good time when you were in London?
Yes, I did. I had a very good time.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

EXERCISE (latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Ubahlah ke versi have got.
1. I don’t have a bicycle. I haven’t got a bicycle.
2. They have a restaurant. ____________________
3. We don’t have much money. ____________________
4. I don’t have a big house. ____________________
5. You have a nice mustache. ____________________
6. Tong Kho Song has curly hair. ____________________
7. My mom has a nice smile. ____________________
8. My car doesn’t have headlamps. ____________________
B. Ubahlah ke versi have.
1. They have got a hotel. ____________________
2. We haven’t got much money. ____________________
3. I’ve got much debt now. ____________________
4. Wow! You’ve got a cool haircut. ____________________
5. My dad hasn’t got a pet. ____________________
6. Michele has short wavy hair. ____________________
7. My phone hasn’t got a bluetooth.____________________
C. Ubahlah ke versi have got.
1. Do you have a comic? Have you got a comic? .
2. Do they have a business? ____________________
3. Do we have any cash now? ____________________
4. Do I have a small nose? ____________________
5. Do you have an online shop? ____________________
6. Does Ely have a sister? ____________________
7. Does your dad have a fat belly? ____________________
8. Does your house have a garden? ____________________
D. What have you got? What has your parents got?
a car / a long beard / a cell phone / a bicycle / much free time /
a lot of friends / a big house / a passport / sunglasses / a garden
/ a laptop computer / a mustache / blue eyes / a headache /
1. I haven’t got a car. My dad has got a car.
2. I’ve got a long beard. My mom has got a beard, too .

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17. Have dan have got - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.
Bob: I see you’ve got a new cell phone, Tim.
Tim: Yeah. I bought it yesterday.
Bob: Great. Can I have a look?
Tim: Sure, here it is.
Bob: Is it brand new or secondhand?
Tim: Of course brand new! I’ve got much money, you know.
Bob: Sorry, I’m just kidding. Has it got Bluetooth?
Tim: Well, yes. It’s a standard feature in any phone, right?
Bob: Right. Has it got a good front camera?
Tim: Guess what! It has 250 MP front camera!
Bob: Wow! I’ve never heard of any cell phone with such camera.
Tim: Yeah, it’s a new product. Have you got a good cell phone,
Bob: Yes, I have. I’ve got two cell phones.
Tim: Have they got good cameras?
Bob: Well, one has got a good camera, while the other hasn’t. It’s
a feature phone.
Tim: O, I see. Anyway, do you have data plan (internet package)?
Bob: Of course I do. Why?
Tim: Would you share it with me? I don’t have data plan.
Bob: No kidding. You’ve got a new cell phone, but you haven’t
got internet data?!
Tim: No, I haven’t. I’ve used all my data.
Bob: Why don’t you top it up? You’ve got much money, right?
Tim: Well, I had much money yesterday. I mean before I bought
this phone. But, I’ve got no money at all now.
Bob: Oh, Ok then. I’ll turn on the hotspot.
Tim: Thanks.

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Bob: Have you got a cell phone?

You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What brand have you got? What size is it?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Does your cell phone have Bluetooth?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What apps does it have? Which ones do you use the most
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Have you got data plan (internet package)? call credit?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: How much data have you got?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Anyway, how many brothers and sisters do you have? What
are their names? How old are they? Where are they now?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Has your father got a car? What vehicles has he got?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Have you got any pets? What? How many?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Have you got a wallet/purse? What have you got in it? How
much money have you got in it?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Do you have any health problems? What do you have?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Have you got any homework now? What subjects?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Have you got any bad habits? Good habits? What?
You: _____________________________________________

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanmu (atau bacalah
sendiri secara lantang).

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18. There is, there are, some, any

There is / are ... menyatakan keberadaan sesuatu/seseorang.

There is a mouse in the soup! (Ada seekor tikus di sup!)
There are six cats in the house. (Ada enam kucing di rumah.)
There is diikuti benda tunggal atau benda yang tak bisa dihitung.
Sedangkan there are diikuti benda jamak (lebih dari satu):
There is a banana in the basket. => benda tunggal.
There is some milk in the fridge. => benda tak bisa dihitung.
There are two pens on the table. => benda jamak.
Untuk membuat kalimat negatif, letakkan ‘not’/‘no’ setelah ‘is/are’:
There is not a papaya here. = There is no papaya here.
There are not any pencils here. = There are no pencils here.
Untuk membuat kalimat interogatif, letakkan ‘is/are’ di depan there:
Is there a toilet in this bus? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Are there any fruits? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
Dalam kalimat positif, kita bisa menggunakan ‘some (beberapa)’
dengan benda jamak dan benda tak bisa dihitung:
There are some people in the class. = benda jamak
There is some water in the bottle. = benda tak bisa dihitung
Kita bisa menggunakan ‘any (beberapa)’ dalam kalimat negatif dan
interogatif, baik bersama benda jamak maupun benda tak bisa
There aren’t any pens in my bag. = benda jamak
There isn’t any sugar in the jar. = benda tak bisa dihitung
Are there any people in the room?
Is there any salt in the cupboard?
There is = there’s
There are = tak bisa disingkat.
EXERCISE (latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

A. Lengkapilah dengan there is atau there are.

1. _______ a cinema near my house.
2. _______ three posters in my bedroom.
3. _______ a big mirror in the bathroom
4. _______ four shopping malls in my hometown.
5. _______ some sport facilities in my neighborhood.
B. Lengkapilah dengan is, isn’t, are atau aren’t.
1. There ____ a lot of frying oil in the bottle. It’s full.
2. There ____ any mangoes in the fridge, only some apples.
3. ____ there any good restaurants near your house?
4. ____ there any coffee in cupboard? I want to make a cup.
5. There ____ some ants in my shoes. They bite me.
6. There ____ any salt in my food. It’s tasteless.
C. Lengkapilah dengan some atau any.
1. There is _____ soup in the pan. Enjoy it.
2. There isn’t _____ syrup in this bottle.
3. There aren’t _____ papers in the printer.
4. There are _____ old newspapers in the drawer.
5. Is there _____ coffee in the kitchen?
6. Is there _____ sugar? I want to make a cup of coffee?
7. Is there _____ homework today? Yes, there is.
8. Are there _____ difficult questions in the exercises?
D. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisi Anda.
1. Is there a museum near your house?
2. Are there any shopping malls in your hometown?
3. Are there any posters in your bedroom?
4. Are there any educational apps in your smartphones?
5. Are there any new messages in your chatting apps now?
6. Is there any drinking water near you now?
7. Are there any tourist destinations in your town?
8. What sport facilities are there in your school?
9. What public facilities are there around your house?
E. SPEAKING. Praktikkan secara lisan tanya jawab di atas
(dengan temanmu atau bacalah sendiri dengan lantang).

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19. There is, there are, some, any - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.

Johny: It’s my house, Wong. Come in.

Wong: Thanks. Anyway, I hear a snore. Is there anyone at home?
Johny: No, there isn’t. Everybody is going out.
Wong: Listen! That’s a sound of someone sleeping, right?
Johny: Oh, that’s a sound of my pets.
Wong: Pets? Are there any dogs in your house? I’m afraid of
dogs, you know.
Johny: No, there aren’t any dogs. There are just two tigers.
Wong: Tigers?! Are you kidding me?
Johny: No, I’m not kidding. I truly have two tigers.
Wong: Oh my God. Are you crazy?
Johny: No, I’m not. I love them. They’re very lovely.
Wong: I can’t believe it! Are there any stores around here?
Johny: Yes, there are some around the corner. What’s the matter?
Wong: I want to get some medicine. I’m getting a cold.
Johny: Well, there’s some cold medicine in my first aid kit, I
guess. Let me take you some.
Wong: Thanks. And is there a toilet in your house?
Johny: Yes, of course! That’s a silly question.
Wong: Yeah, I mean, I’d like to go to toilet.
Johny: Be my guess. This way, please.
Wong: Thanks. Are there any soaps in the toilet?
Johny: Sure. There are some.
Wong: I’m nervous about your tigers. Is there any tissue, too?
Johny: Yes, there is some. Don’t worry about my tigers. They’re
Wong: Thanks a lot.

Be my guess. = saya persilakan / Silakan saja.

This way, please. = Silakan lewat sini.

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Johny: So, what’s your hometown like?

You: Oh, it’s really beautiful/peaceful/boring/quiet.
Johny: Oh, are there any paddy fields?
You: ____________________________________________
Johny: Are there any mountains, rivers, or dams?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Is there a good spot for selfies?
You: ____________________________________________
Johny: Is there a garden?
You: ____________________________________________
Johny: Is there much pollution ?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Is there much crime?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Are there any good restaurants?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Are there any interesting places to visit?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: What public facilities are there near your house?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Are there any play grounds or parks?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Are there any historical sites?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Is there a bank or an ATM?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: What sports facilities are there in your school?
You: _____________________________________________
Johny: Oh, anyway, are there any animals in your house?
You: _____________________________________________

Praktikkan percakapan di atas secara lisan dengan
temanmu (atau bacalah sendiri secara lantang).

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

20. Was dan Were - positif dan negatif

Was dan were adalah kata kerja be dalam bentuk lampau. Was adalah
bentuk lampau dari is dan am. Were adalah bentuk lampau dari are.
Kata kerja was dan were menyatakan suatu keadaan di waktu lampau,
namun bukan aktivitas kerja. Contoh:
 He was at home yesterday. (Dia di rumah kemarin.)
 I was very thin last year. (Saya sangat kurus tahun lalu.)
Pola kalimatnya adalah Subjek diikuti was/were dan komplemen:
She/He/It/I was komplemen.
They/we/you were komplemen.
 Amazing! Liza is slim now. She was very fat last year.
 Poor Frank! He was a rich actor. Now he’s a beggar.
 The car is only $ 1 million. It was $3 million last week!
 I’m sorry, Sir. I was absent from your class yesterday.
 Why are the kids sad? They were happy 5 minutes ago.
 Dony and Ani? They were very naughty at high school.
 Yesterday you were at Clara beach, right? I saw you there.
Untuk menyatakan ‘tidak/bukan’, tambahkan ‘not’ setelah ‘be’:
 I was at work. I was not at home. (was not= wasn’t)
 Bob & Ben were not naughty. (were not = weren’t)

 Keterangan waktu yang bisa dipakai adalah:
 yesterday, two days ago, a year ago, 5 years ago, dll.
 last night, last week, last year, last holiday, dll.
 when I was a kid, when they were at school, dll.
 Komplemen/pelengkap yang dapat berupa:
 (frasa) kata benda = my classmate, an actor, John, dll.
 (frasa) kata sifat = very thin, too big, diligent, dll.
 frasa preposisi = at home, on sick leave, dll.

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

A. Lengkapilah dengan was, was not, were, dan were not.
1. I’m sorry, sir. I _____ absent from your class yesterday.
2. My mother _____ a doctor, but she’s retired now.
3. You _____ diligent. You ____ so lazy. Sleeping too much.
4. The people _____ very poor last year. They’re rich now.
5. Nico _____ homeless a year ago. He had a big house.
6. The park ____ clean yesterday. Very dirty and disgusting!
7. We _____ at Cwantiq beach on Sunday. We swam there.
8. Smith _____ a gold medalist last year. He won bronze.
9. My dad ____ excited about going to Mecca. Very happy!
10. Sam Pahplastikz _____ very fat. So skinny, right?
B. Lengkapilah dengan was atau were.
Hi, Guys! It’s nice to see you again. In this video, I’ll tell you
about my childhood. Look at this photo. It’s my family photo.
In this photo, we _____ at the beach. We _____ on picnic. We
_____ very happy at that moment. Well, it _____ 15 years ago.
This is my father. He _____ very fat then, but now he is very
thin. He’s a diabetic. And this is my mom. She _____ slim,
smiley, and friendly. She _____ very beautiful, right? Ah, she’s
pretty old now. I love my parents very much.
And these are my brothers, Pete and Bob. In this photo, they
_____ very short and heavy. They _____ very naughty, you
know. They bullied me all the time.
And this is me. At that time, I _____ around 8 years old. I
_____ very skinny and tall. Oh, I _____ very shy and introvert,
but I _____ cute, right? Now, look at me. I’m very muscular
and handsome :-).
C. PRONUNCIATION. Bacalah Latihan B secara lantang
untuk melatih pengucapan dan kelancaran berbicara.
D. SPEAKING. Berceritalah tentang foto keluarga secara lisan.
Rekam dengan ponsel dan cek hasil praktikmu.

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21. Was dan Were - interogatif

Were you …? Was she …? adalah pola kalimat tanya untuk

menanyakan keadaan, tapi tidak menanyakan aktivitas. Contoh:
Were you at home yesterday? (Apa kamu di rumah kemarin?)
Pola kalimatnya adalah was/were diikuti subjek dan komplemen:
Be S Komplemen Jawaban
Was she fat? Yes, she was.
Was she thin? No, she wasn’t.
Was he naughty ? Yes, he was.
Was he friendly? No, he wasn’t.
Was it expensive? Yes, it was.
Was it on sale? No, it wasn’t..
Was I silly? Yes, you were.
Was I funny? No, you weren’t.
Were they clever? Yes, they were.
Were they stupid? No, they weren’t.
Were we too late? Yes, we were.
Were we on time? No, we weren’t.
Were you on vacation? Yes, they were.
Were you on business? No, the weren’t.
Why were you sad yesterday? I was sad because ….
Where were you at 7 last night? I was in XYZ Mall.
 Was Liza your classmate at college? Yes, she was.
 Was John at your home last night? No, he wasn’t.
 The car was only $ 100 last week! Was it on sale?
 Was I charming at the talk show last night?
 Were your brothers naughty at high school?
 Were you at Clara beach yesterday? I thought I saw you.

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EXERCISE (Latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah was atau were? Kerjakan seperti contoh.
1. Was Any very thin last year? Yes, she was.
2. _____ your grandpa in the hospital? Yes,_________
3. _____ we good at dancing last night? Yes,_________
4. _____ your mother slim like you? No,__________
5. _____ I too rude yesterday? Yes,_________
6. _____ he angry with you? No,__________
7. _____ Bobo popular last decade? No,__________
8. _____ you and I in the same class? No,__________
9. _____ he enthusiastic to join me? No,__________
10. _____ your English teacher talkative? No,__________
B. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. Was it rainy? No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t rainy. It was sunny.
2. ___________ No, she wasn’t. Tia wasn’t my math teacher.
3. ___________ Yes, he was. He was in the zoo all day.
4. ___________ No, they weren’t. They weren’t tired.
5. ___________ Yes, she was. Sinti was a gold winner.
6. ___________ No, it wasn’t. The flight was not delayed.
7. ___________ Yes, they were. Pepi and Popi were late.
8. ___________ No, we weren’t. Andy and I weren’t rivals.
9. ___________ Yes, I was. I was with John last night.
10. ___________ No, he wasn’t. My brother wasn’t tired.
C. Tulislah pertanyaan. Gunakan WH Questions.
1. Who was your math teacher? My math teacher was Mr. D.
2. ________? I was 17 in the third grade of high school.
3. ________? At 8 this morning? Oh, I was in the toilet.
4. ________? Suny was absent because she was sick.
5. ________? The concert was in the stadium.
6. ________? When I was a kid, my idol was Tim.
7. ________? John’s presentation was really interesting.
8. ________? My last car was blue.
9. ________? Mery was gloomy because she was stressed.

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22. Was dan Were - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.

Daddy: Be a good student, Son. Don’t be naughty.

Child: Were you a good student in elementary school, Dad?
Daddy: Well, I wasn’t. I mean, yes I was. I was a good student.
Child: Were you always on time?
Daddy: Umm… yes, I was. I was almost always on time.
Child: Were you diligent, too?
Daddy: I guess so. I was fairly diligent.
Child: Were all your classmates friendly?
Daddy: No, they weren’t. Some were naughty, and some were
Child: O, I see. Who were your naughty classmates?
Daddy: Well, let me think. Oh, I remember. They were Ateng,
Bendol, Bondet, and some others.
Child: And who were your good classmates?
Daddy: Oh, there were many. They were Andy, Mack, and others.
Child: And who were your best friends?
Daddy: They were Cici, Mike, and your mom?
Child: Mommy was your best friend?!
Daddy: Yes, she was. She was very friendly and nice.
Child: No kidding, Dad! She’s a nag. She scolds me every day.
Daddy: Well, that’s a mom, Son. All moms are nags.
Child: But, she’s very annoying.
Daddy: No, Son. She’s lovely. She just wants you to be a good
kid, you know.
Child: Yeah. Maybe you’re right, Dad.
Daddy: And remember. All moms are good and lovely.

Be a good kid. = Jadilah anak yang baik.

No kidding = Jangan bercanda.
Well = Penanda wacana seperti Umm.. Errr..

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Child: Were you a good student in elementary school?

You: ______________________________________________
Child: Were you always on time?
You: ______________________________________________
Child: Were you diligent, too?
You: ______________________________________________
Child: Were all your classmates friendly?
You: ______________________________________________
Child: O, I see. Who were your naughty classmates?
You: ______________________________________________
Child: And who were your good classmates?
You: ______________________________________________
Child: And who were your best friends?
You: ______________________________________________
Child: Who was your math teacher?
You: _____________________________________________
Child: What was your favorite subject?
You: _____________________________________________
Child: Were all your teachers patient or short-tempered?
You: _____________________________________________
Child: What was your favorite snack? Favorite game?
You: _____________________________________________
Child: How old were when you were in the first grade?
You: _____________________________________________
Child: Anyway, what was your favorite hobby?
Child: Who was your favorite actor when you were a child?
Child: What was your favorite movie when you were a child?
Child: Who was your favorite hero when you were a child?
Child: How old were you when you were in the first grade?
Child: What was your favorite color when you were a child?

Praktikkan percakapan di atas secara lisan dengan temanmu
(atau bacalah sendiri secara lantang).

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23. Past Continuous

Past continuous menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung

pada saat tertentu di waktu lampau:
Saya sedang berenang pada pukul 8 kemarin.
I was swimming at 8 yesterday.
Artinya, aktivitas berenang sedang berlangsung pada saat tertentu
(jam 8), tetapi terjadinya pada waktu lampau (kemarin), bukan
waktu sekarang.
Pola kalimatnya adalah subjek diikuti was/were dan kata
kerja ’-ing’:
She/He/It/I was KK-ing.
They/We/You were KK-ing.
 At 9 this morning, she was reading a novel.
 Mike? Oh, He was playing games on his phone.
 A cat killed my bird. It was singing cheerfully. I’m so sad.
 At lunch time last Sunday, I was sleeping.
 They were sleeping, and we were watching TV.
Untuk menyatakan ‘tidak sedang’, tambahkan ‘not’ setelah
I was not playing, Mom. I was studying.
She wasn’t sleeping. She was cooking. (wasn’t = was not)
My kids? They were not doing anything.
We weren’t chatting. We were browsing. (weren’t = were not)
Untuk membuat kalimat tanya, letakkan ‘was/were’ di depan
Was she studying? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.
Was Jim reading comics? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
Were you watching TV? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
Were Bob & Joe reading? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
What were you reading? I was reading a comic.

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EXERCISE (latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah was/were dan kata kerja -ing.
study / sit / swim / eat / read / do / drink / watch
1. I saw Dedy this morning. He ___ ________ on that chair.
2. Sam & I? We ___ ________ donuts here few minutes ago.
3. Ban Cho Longan ____ _______novel at home this morning.
4. My son was busy. He___ _______ biology for exam.
5. An hour ago, Ben ___ _______ his homework in the class.
6. Around 5 o’clock, we ___ ______ soccer match on TV.
7. Oh, I ___ ______ coffee when a thief broke into my house.
B. Isilah was, were, wasn’t atau weren’t dan kata kerja -ing.
work / talk / do / listen / play / walk / repair / swim
1. Sorry, I didn’t answer your call. I ___ _______ in the pool.
2. Visited my office? I ___ _______ yesterday. It was holiday.
3. At 8 last night, my mom ___ _______ to my neighbor.
4. You ___ _______ anything, right? Why didn’t you cook?
5. I ___ _______ to music on my phone. It was broken.
6. The kid ___ _______ the toy car. Suddenly, it exploded.
7. My mom ___ _______ cassava when the pan caught fire.
C. Lengkapilah pertanyaan dan jawaban berikut.
1. Were you and John going on picnic ? No, we weren’t.
2. _____ you drinking beer? Yes,_________
3. _____ they cooking rendang? Yes,_________
4. _____ your neighbors going on hajj? No,__________
5. _____ your sister studying at school? Yes,_________
6. _____ your father working overtime? No,__________
D. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. ______? Yes, it was. It was raining in the morning.
2. ______? No, she wasn’t. Tini wasn’t eating crackers.
3. ______? Yes, he was. Ben was teaching history at 9.
4. ______? No, they weren’t reading when their dad arrived.
5. ______? Yes, she was. Santi was having dinner with me.
6. ______? No, the phone wasn’t charging when it exploded.
7. ______? Yes, I guess so. He was snoring when Mr. Jo came.

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24. Past Continuous - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.

Bob: Hi, Ben! How are you doing?

Tim: I’m doing fine. How are you?
Bob: Very well. Anyway, you were absent from the biology class
this morning. Where were you?
Tim: I was at home.
Bob: At home? What were you doing?
Tim: I was just enjoying my life.
Bob: What do you mean? Were you sleeping all morning?
Tim: No, I wasn’t. I was just playing online games.
Bob: What? You weren’t going to school just to play games?
Tim: Yes, I was. I was lazy to go.
Bob: Wasn’t your mother getting angry at you?
Tim: No, she wasn’t. She wasn’t staying at home.
Bob: Where was she? Was she going out?
Tim: Yes, she was. She was vising my grandparents.
Bob: How about your father? Was he going with your mom?
Tim: No, he wasn’t. He was working.
Bob: O, I see. No wonder you were feeling free.
Tim: Yeah. So, what were you studying?
Bob: We were studying brain cells.
Tim: Brain cells? Oh, my God! How did I forget that?
Bob: What’s the matter?
Tim: I love that topic very much! And, I skipped it.
Bob: Oh, you like the topic? I didn’t know that!
Tim: Yeah, nobody knows.
Bob: So, you always get good mark, then?
Tim: Well, yes. I always take a remedial test :-).

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Bob: Hi,! How are you doing?

You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Very well. Where were you on Sunday?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Were you going jogging at 6? If no, what were you doing?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Were you cooking breakfast at 7?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Were you going out or staying at home?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Were your father drinking coffee at 6?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Was your mother doing the house chores at 7?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Was your mom cooking? What was she cooking?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Were your sisters helping your mom in the kitchen?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Was your mother going grocery shopping at 8? where?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Was your father going to work at 9? What was he doing?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Oh, anyway, were you doing anything fun in the afternoon?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Were you doing any homework at 8 in the evening?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Was your brother playing online games in the afternoon?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Were you having lunch at midday? Where? Who with?
You: _____________________________________________

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanmu (atau bacalah
sendiri secara lantang).

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25. Past Simple - kalimat positif

Past simple menyatakan aktivitas di masa lampau yang waktunya

jelas/spesifik. Contoh:
Kate bought a car last week. (Kate membeli mobil pekan lalu.)
Pada kalimat di atas, aktivitas ‘membeli’ dilakukan di masa lampau,
yakni ‘pekan lalu’.
Pola kalimat past simple adalah subyek diikuti kata kerja lampau
(verb 2). Apapun subjeknya, kata kerjanya sama, yakni KK lampau:
They/We/I/You/He/She/It KK lampau
 They cleaned my room yesterday morning.
 We washed my bike last week.
 I met John last night.
 You kicked me two days ago
 He went to Bali last year.
 She climbed Bromo last month.
 It rang loudly few minutes ago.
Kata yang ditebalkan di atas adalah kata kerja lampau:
1. Umumnya KK lampau adalah kata kerja dasar diimbuhi ‘ed’:
clean - cleaned
wash - washed
watch - watched
2. Sebagian kecil kata kerja tidak bisa diimbuhi ‘ed’ (tak beraturan,
lihat lampiran):
buy - bought
meet - met
cut - cut
(Hadooooh. Berarti harus ngapalin dong?!) Ya, memang. Tapi tak
perlu fokus menghapalkan kata kerja yang tak beraturan itu.
Sering-sering saja latihan. Lama-lama hapal dengan sendirinya kok.

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EXERCISE (latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan KK lampau berikut.
lose / find / meet / send / swim / buy / go / catch / give / get up
1. I _____ your grandpa in Mwahal Mall last night.
2. Mark _____ in Musi river with his family yesterday.
3. Dany _____ to Bali last week. He’s on the way home now.
4. The cat _____ a mouse an hour ago. It’s sleeping now.
5. Steve was stressed. He_____ his cell phone last night.
6. Ben Roosack and I _____ Rp. 1 million in the park.
7. Katie, I _____ you an email yesterday. Please check it.
8. My dad _____ this car only last week. It’s broken already.
9. Sorry Sir, I’m late. I _____ late this morning.
10. My mom only _____ me $5 for shopping. What can I buy?
B. Lengkapilah dengan KK lampau berikut.
stay / get up / pray / play / feel / do / sweat / sweep / mop / wash
drink / sit / cook / eat / buy / listen / took / update
Hi, Guys! It’s nice to see you again. This time, I’ll tell you
about my activities on the weekend.
Last Sunday, I just _____ home all morning. I ____ early,
around 4 o’clock. Then, I _____ in the mosque. After praying, I
_____ badminton with my dad for about 1 hour. My clothes got
very wet because I _____ heavily. I _____ happy and energetic.
After 30 minutes break, I _____ the house chores with my
sister. I _____ and _____ the floor. It was very dirty. I also
_____ the dishes and _____ breakfast.
Around 10, I _____ on the sofa with my mom. We _____
some coffee and ____ some cakes. The cakes were very yummy.
I _____ them from a shop near my house. While eating cakes,
we ____ to music on radio.
At 11 o’clock, I _____ a bath. Well, it was pretty late, right?
Then, I _____ my status my social media.
C. SPEAKING. Berceritalah tentangmu seperti Latihan B.
Rekam dengan ponsel dan lihat hasil praktik speakingmu.

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26. Past Simple - kalimat negatif dan interogatif

Pola kalimat negatif past simple tense adalah subjek diikuti did not
(didn’t) dan kata kerja dasar. Pola ini berlaku untuk semua jenis
They/We/I/You/He/She/It did not (didn’t) KK dasar
 Sorry sir, I did not come to your class yesterday.
 The players didn’t play well in the friendly match.
 Sorry mom, we did not wash the car.
 You didn’t finish your work yesterday. Now finish it!
 Tono didn’t make his bedroom today.
 Elisabeth didn’t cook dinner last night.
 The plane didn’t take off smoothly.
Untuk membuat kalimat interogatif, letakkan did di depan subjek
dan kata kerja dasar.
 Did I bother him? Yes, you did. / No, you didn’t.
 Did they go to the mall? Yes, they did./No, they didn’t.
 Did we come too late? Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
 Did you get home late? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
 Did he buy the book? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
 Did she try the skirt? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
 Did it ring loudly? Yes, it did. / No, it didn’t.
Untuk membuat kalimat interogatif dengan kata tanya WH, letakkan
kata tanya tersebut di depan ‘did’.
 What did you do last weekend? I went to Mwahal Mall.
 How did you go there? I went there by truck.
 What did you buy? I bought a T-shirt.
 Who did you go with? I went there alone.
 Why did you go alone? Nobody wanted to go.

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EXERCISE (Latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah did not (didn’t), kk dasar, atau KK past.
play / write / work / invite / eat / fry / go / stop / see / buy
1. We didn’t write a poem. We wrote a story.
2. Mark ____ ______ to work yesterday. He ______ to beach.
3. The men ____ _______ milk in my shop. They _______ tea.
4. You _______ apples. I ___ _______ anything. I’m hungry.
5. Dicky ____ _______ tempeh & tofu. He _______ cassava.
6. I _______ on Monday, but I ____ _______ on Tuesday.
7. We ____ _______ Jim, but we _______ Ben to the party.
8. Sue ____ _______ at the traffic light. So, police _____ her.
9. Yes, ______ Meg, but I ___ ______ Mary in the park. Why?
B. Isilah did dan kata kerja berikut. Kerjakan seperti contoh.
kill / fight / do / cook / go / borrow / watch / feed / wash
1. Did Tim do his homework? Yes, he did.
2. _____ your son _______ the snake? Yes,________
3. _____ you and Sue ______ the movie? No,_________
4. _____ your mother _______ dinner? Yes,________
5. _____ I ________ your notebook? Yes,________
6. _____ Tom & Jerry ______ each other? No,_________
7. _____ Bobby ______ your cat? Yes,_________
8. _____ you _______ your bike? No,_________
9. _____ your parents _______ on hajj? Yes,_________
C. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. Did you lose your bike? Yes, I did. I lost my bike.
2. _______? No, she didn’t. Tri didn’t eat the cake.
3. _______? Yes, he did. Deny came to my house last night.
4. _______? No, they didn’t. They didn’t send me a message.
5. _______? Yes, Sizuka Makimaki lent me a pen yesterday.
6. _______? Yes, they did. Po and Pi stayed overnight here.
7. _______? I just bought a t-shirt in the mall.
8. _______? I just did the house chores last weekend. You?
9. _______? Kim went to Cip Mall by taxi last night.
10. _______? Last holiday? We visited our grandparents.

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27. Past Simple - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.
Bob: What did you do last weekend, Tim?
Tim: I went to Mwahall Mall.
Bob: What time did you go?
Tim: I went there around 9 in the morning.
Bob: How long were you there?
Tim: I was there for around 4 hours.
Bob: That’s quite long. Who did you go with?
Tim: I went with my neighbor Andy.
Bob: How did you go there?
Tim: I went there by motorbike.
Bob: What did you buy in the mall?
Tim: I didn’t buy anything. I didn’t have much money.
Bob: So, what did you do there?
Tim: I just went window shopping. You know, I spent my time
walking around to see things on display.
Bob: Oh, poor you. What time did you leave the mall?
Tim: I left the mall around 1 in the afternoon.
Bob: And what did you do after that?
Tim: I went fishing.
Bob: Oh, where did you go?
Tim: I went to Atlantic Ocean.
Bob: That sounds great! Why didn’t you take me?
Tim: Well, I wanted to, but I didn’t have call plan (call credit).
Bob: Poor you. Why didn’t you contact me through Whatsapp?
Tim: Well, I didn’t have a data plan (internet package), either.

call plan : paket nelpon
call credit : pulsa
window shopping : melihat-lihat tanpa membeli
data plan : kuota internet

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Bob: What did you do last weekend (Saturday & Sunday)?

You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Did you do anything fun? What did you do?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Anyway, what time did you get up last weekend?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What did you do after you got up?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Did you go jogging? / Did you do any exercise?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Did you do the house chores? Did you cook?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Did you go anywhere? Where and how did you go?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Did you eat lunch at a restaurant? What did you eat?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Did you take a nap? How long did you sleep?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What did you do in the evening? Did you hang out with
your friends?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Where did you have dinner? Who did you eat with?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Did you watch TV? What program did you watch?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What time did you go to bed?
You: _____________________________________________

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanmu (atau bacalah
sendiri secara lantang).

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28. Past Continuous and Past Simple

Past continuous tense dan past simple tense seringkali dipakai secara
bersamaan dalam satu kalimat dengan kata hubung ‘when’:
Tom was cooking when the stove exploded.
Tom sedang memasak ketika kompor meledak.
Aktivitas past simple menyela (menginterupsi) aktivitas past
continuous. Dengan kata lain, aktivitas past simple terjadi di
tengah-tengah aktivitas past continuous:
Jeny was watching TV when her father got home.
Jeny sedang menonton TV ketika ayahnya tiba di rumah.
Pada contoh kalimat di atas, aktivitas ‘sedang menonton TV’ sudah
dimulai sebelum aktivitas ‘tiba di rumah’ dan masih akan
berlangsung setelahnya. Pendek kata, aktivitas ‘tiba di rumah’
terjadi hanya sebentar di tengah aktivitas ‘sedang menonton TV’.
Biar mudah, ingat saja. Untuk aktivitas yang berlangsung lebih lama,
gunakan past continuous, sedangkan untuk aktivitas yang
berlangsung dalam waktu lebih singkat, gunakan past simple.
Gampang, kan? Nih, contoh lain yang lebih simpel:
The thief was trying to steal a motorbike when a cop shot him.
(Alamak… kalimat panjang gitu kok dibilang simpel. Simpel apanya?
Hhhh… Tambah pussyying aku.)

Informasi tambahan:
Terdapat perbedaan antara kalimat past continous vs past simple dan
past simple vs past simple:
When her father got home, Jeny was cooking.
(Jeny sudah mulai memasak sebelum ayahnya tiba)
When her father got home, Jeny cooked dinner.
(Jeny baru mulai memasak setelah ayahnya tiba.)

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Politeknik Negeri Lampung

EXERCISE (latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan past continuous dan simple past.
shop / fry / collapse / wear / see / stand / sleep / work / arrive /
get / steal / hear / knock/ watch
1. At 8 last Sunday, I ____ ________ in Ga’laku Mall when a
pickpocket _________ my wallet.
2. My mom _____ __________ tempeh and tofu. So, she
didn’t _________ your phone call.
3. ______ the cats _________ fish when you ______ home?
Why didn’t you stop them? We don’t have food now.
4. When the teacher _______ , the boys ______ __________
on the table. Look at their footprints on the table.
5. The people _____ _________ in the office when building
_______ . They’re dead. Poor employees!
6. I _______ Fredy in the mall last night. He ______
_________ pink jeans. He looked feminine!
7. Around midnight, I ____ ________ TV when someone
__________ on the door.
B. Tulislah menjadi kalimat past continuous dan past simple.
Tony drive very fast - a police stop him.
Tony was driving very fast when a police stopped him.
1. We have breakfast - you call.
2. Jack and Pete print documents - the printer catch fire.
3. I see Jill and Ety - they push their car.
4. Dave pick up his son - his son cry loudly.
5. My grandma enter the room - the kids fight for toys.
6. I arrive at the gate - the people beat the motorbike thief.
7. Romy swim in the beach - a shark bite him.
8. My dad wash his car - it spark fire.
9. My mom ride her motorbike - a man throw her a stone.
10. A woman hoe her land - she find a grenade.

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29. Past Continuous dan Past Simple - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.

Bob: Hi, Tim! How’s life?

Tim: Fine. How are you?
Bob: Very well. Anyway, I went to your house last night, but you
weren’t at home. Where were you?
Tim: I was at the stadium.
Bob: I called you before I came, but you didn’t pick up the phone.
What were you doing?
Tim: Sorry, I was playing badminton when you called.
Bob: Oh, I see. I called you again an hour later. Why didn’t you
pick it up?
Tim: Well, I was taking a bath.
Bob: Then, a few minutes later, I called you again.
Tim: Sorry, I was driving. I didn’t hear your call.
Bob: So, why didn’t you call me back.
Tim: Sorry, I didn’t have call plan (call credit).
Bob: Ah, poor you!
Tim: So, why did you come to my house?
Bob: I wanted to play badminton with you.
Tim: Hmm… why didn’t you go straight to the stadium.
Bob: Umm… my motorbike was broken.
Tim: Why didn’t you take online taxi.
Bob: I didn’t have money at all. I wanted to go with you.
Tim: Ah, poor you. Did you meet anyone at my home?
Bob: Yes, I did. I met your grandpa.
Tim: Oh, what was he doing when you came?
Bob: He was reading a comic.

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Bob: Where were you on Saturday? What were you doing?

You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Anyway, when your father went to bed last night, what
were you doing?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: When your mother got up this morning, what were you
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: When you left the house yesterday, what were your parents
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: When you got home yesterday, what was everybody doing?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: When your parents ate dinner, what were you doing?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What were you doing at 8 yesterday evening?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What were you wearing when you went out yesterday?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Anyway, did you run the red light when you were driving
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: While you were sleeping last night, did you have a nice
dream or nightmare?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: When you were taking a bath this morning, did you wash
your hair? And did you brush your teeth?
You: _____________________________________________

run the red light = menerobos lampu merah

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanmu (atau bacalah
sendiri secara lantang).

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30. Present Perfect - positif dan negatif

Present perfect digunakan untuk menyatakan ‘sudah melakukan’:

I have washed my car. (Saya sudah mencuci mobil saya.)
Sam has seen the movie. (Sam sudah menonton film itu.)
Pola kalimat present perfect adalah subjek diikuti have/has dan past
participle (verb 3):
They/We/I/You have past participle (verb 3).
She/He/It has past participle (verb 3).

Past participle (pp):

Umumnya, pp adalah kata kerja dasar diimbuhi ‘-ed’:
KK dasar KK past KK pp
wash washed washed
clean cleaned cleaned
Namun, sebagian kata kerja dasar memiliki bentuk pp tersendiri:
KK dasar KK past KK pp
go went gone
buy bought bought
Lebih lengkapnya, lihat lampiran (KK Tak Beraturan).
 Kim & Joe aren’t here. They have gone home.
 We have cleaned the house. It’s comfortable now.
 I have bought a new cell phone. I’m happy now.
 Riny has washed the dishes. She’s sleeping now.
Untuk menyatakan ‘belum/tidak’ (kalimat negatif), tambahkan ‘not’
setelah ‘have/has’:
 I have not eaten anything. I’m hungry. (= I haven’t)
 Ely has not cooked dinner. She’s still lazy.(= Ely hasn’t)

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EXERCISE (Latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah has/hasn’t/have/haven’t dan past participle (V3).
wash / take / buy / try / cook / make / take off / fry / see / clean
1. I ____ _______ my shoes. They’re clean now.
2. Leo ____ _______ a new house. He’s still looking for one.
3. Mommy ____ ______ Nasi Goreng for breakfast. Let’s eat.
4. Thanks God! The plane ____ _______ . We’re not late.
5. Walsh and Paul ____ _______ the doctor. They’re OK now.
6. Sue ____ _______ breakfast actually, but she’s still hungry.
7. John and I ____ _______ the new menu. Is it delicious?
8. Jim, you ____ ________ wrong sandals. They’re not yours.
9. Sorry, Mom. We ____ _______ the house.
10. Jim doesn’t have a car now. He ____ _______ his old car.
11. Don’t be afraid. The dog ____ _______ away.
B. Tulislah menjadi kalimat present perfect.
1. The rain / stop. Let’s go. => The rain has stopped. Let’s go.
2. I / make / a unique present for him.
3. My sister / talk / to him about the problem.
4. Plato / learn / to drive a bus.
5. Jue Leck Bingitz / close / the door.
6. Tommy and Ben / submit / their assignment.
7. Tini / sell / his old cell phone.
8. Sandy / invite / me / to her party.
9. I / send / you / a short message.
10. The picture / fall off/ the wall.
C. Mana yang sudah/belum Anda lakukan hari ini?
_√_ take a bath ___ brush my teeth ___ eat lunch
___ call someone ___ send messages ___ take a selfie pic
___ update status ___ browse internet ___ wash dishes
___ drink coffee ___ cook dinner ___ see a dentist
___ watch news ___ charge your phone ___ visit anyone
1. I’ve taken a bath.

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31. Present Perfect - interogatif

Kalimat interogatif present perfect digunakan untuk bertanya

‘Sudahkah …..?’. Misalnya:
Sudahkah kamu sarapan? - Have you eaten breakfast?
Polanya adalah have/has diikuti subjek dan past participle:
Have they/we/you/I past participle?
Has she/he/it Past participle?
Have they eaten lunch? Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
Have we met him before? Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
Have you bought a car? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Have I paid my debt? Yes, you have. / No, you haven’t.
Has she called you? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
Has he returned your pen? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
Has the cat eaten my fish? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
Untuk menanyakan suatu pengalaman, ‘Present perfect’ bisa diselipi
kata keterangan ‘ever’ dalam kalimat tanya dan kata ‘never’ dalam
kalimat negatif:
Have you ever been to USA?
Yes, I have, but I’ve never been to New York.
No, I haven’t. I’ve never been to USA.
Have you ever seen a ghost?
Yes, I have. I’ve seen ghosts many times.
No, I’ve never seen one.
Perbedaan kata kerja ‘gone’ dan ‘been’:
(on the phone) Hello, Daddy. Where are you?
I’ve gone to the farm, Honey.
(sudah pergi namun belum kembali dari ladang)
Where have you been, Daddy?
I’ve been to the farm, Honey.
(sudah pergi namun sudah kembali dari ladang.)

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EXERCISE (Latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah have/has dan past participle yang tepat.
finish / fight / watch / fry / cook / return / be / learn
1. Has _ Tim finished his homework? Yes, he has.
2. _____ your son _______ to swim? Yes,_________
3. _____ you & Sue _______ the movie? No,_________
4. _____ your mom _______ dinner? Yes,_________
5. _____ I _______ your book? I forget. Yes,_________
6. _____ Tom & Jerry _______ hard? No,_________
7. _____ your sister _______ the potatoes? Yes, ________
8. _____ you ever _______ to China? Yes, ________
B. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. Have you met Ji? Yes, I’ve met Ji.
2. _____________? No, Timy hasn’t eaten the cake.
3. _____________? Yes, Deny has come to my house.
4. _____________? Yes, she has. Li has borrowed my book.
5. _____________? No, the plane hasn’t taken off.
6. _____________? Yes, I have topped up my internet data.
7. _____________? No, I’ve never met Donald Trump.
C. Buatlah pertanyaan (Have you …. this week?).
_√_ wash car ___ cook special food ___ visit someone
___ cut hair ___ do homework ___ read a book
___ clean toilet ___ wash your socks ___ record a video
___ call someone ___ take a selfie ___ scold anyone.
Have you washed your car this week?
D. Buatlah pertanyaan (Have you ever …. ?).
___ eat fried frog ___ eat fried cow’s brain
___ meet a popular person ___ be to a foreign country
___ get an accident ___ lose a cell phone / a motorbike
___ see a live concert ___ sing on stage
E. Praktikkan secara lisan Latihan C dan D dengan temnmu.
Berikan pertanyaan tambahan sendiri jika perlu.

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32. Present perfect - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.

Mother: (on the phone) Hello, Honey.

Son: Hello, Mom. Have you gone to work?
Mother: Yes, Honey. I left the house when you were still sleeping.
Son: Oh, have you eaten breakfast?
Mother: No, I haven’t. How about you? Have you had breakfast?
Son: Yes, I have. I have eaten some bread and fried bananas.
Mother: Good. Have you taken a bath?
Son: Yes, I have. I have brushed my teeth, too.
Mother: That’s good. Have you made your bed?
Son: Yes, I have. It’s clean and tidy now.
Mother: Good kid! Have you done any exercises?
Son: Yes, I have. I have gone jogging.
Mother: Great. How far did you go?
Son: I went for about 2 km.
Mother: Fantastic. What else have you done?
Son: I’ve done push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups.
Mother: Excellent. How many push-ups and sit-ups have you
done this morning?
Son: I have done 50 repetitions each.
Mother: Amazing. Have you told your father about your activities
this morning?
Son: No, I haven’t. He has gone to work, too.
Mother: Ok, you can call him later. I think I have to start work,
Son. See you later, Honey. Bye!
Son: Bye. See you Mom.

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Partner: Have you had breakfast today?

You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Good/Fine. Have you taken a bath? Brushed your teeth?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: That’s good/too bad. Have you made your bed?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Have you done any exercises?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Have you cooked breakfast?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Have you swept & mopped your house this week?
You: ______________________________________________
Partner: ______many times have you cleaned your house this
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Have you washed & ironed your clothes this week?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Have you gotten any homework this week?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: And have you taken a nap today?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Well, anyway, have you ever fallen asleep in the class?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Have you ever got punishment from your teachers?
You: _____________________________________________
Partner: Have you ever made your teachers very angry?
You: _____________________________________________

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanmu (atau bacalah
sendiri secara lantang).

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33. For, since, dan ago

for (selama) dan since (sejak)

Kata for dan since digunakan bersama perfect tense untuk
menunjukkan berapa lama waktu yang dilalui/dihabiskan. Kata
for diikuti ‘jumlah waktu’, sedangkan since diikuti ‘waktu lampau
Jill works in hotel X . She has worked there for 3 years.
Jill works in hotel X. She has worked there since 2017.
Kedua kata tersebut umumnya digunakan untuk menjawab
pertanyaan semacam ‘Berapa lama dia sudah …? - How long has
How long has Jane been in the hospital?
She has been there for a week.
She has been there since Monday.
Waktu yang umum dipakai adalah semisal:
for an hour. since Sunday.
for two hours. since 8 o’clock.
for a day. since 25 October.
for a week. since February.
for 5 years. since I graduated from high school.
for a long time. since I was 5 years old.

‘ago’ (yang lalu)

Kata ini dipakai bersama ‘past simple’ untuk menunjukkan kapan
suatu aktivitas dilakukan:
I came here three days ago.x
I moved to this city 5 years ago.
Bandingkan ‘for’, ‘since’, ago:
I have lived in this house for 5 years.
I have lived in this house since 2015.
I moved to this house 5 years ago.

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A. Pilihlah since atau for.
1. I’ve stayed in this hotel _______ 15 February .
2. Cui Lan Seng has been in Lampung ______ 3 weeks.
3. He has been in the hospital ______ Sunday.
4. My aunt has lived in USA _______ she was 7 years old.
5. Indonesia has been an independent country _______ 1945.
6. Jim has been unemployed _______ a long time.
7. The has been in the parking lot _______ 2 months.
8. My grandpa has been retired ________ 2 decades.
9. My parents have been married ________ 30 years.
10. I’ve played the guitar _______ I was at high school.
B. Gunakan ‘for’ atau ‘ago’.
1. (2 hours) I ate lunch 2 hours ago.
2. (2 years) I’ve joined the band _______________
3. (10 minutes) I arrived here ____________________
4. (2 weeks) I bought this phone________________
5. (5 days) She’s been in India________________
6. (2 months) She went to India_________________
C. Jawab sesuai kondisimu. Gunakan ‘since, for, ago’.
1. When did you last went to beach?
I went to beach 2 days ago.
2. When was your last holiday trip?
3. When did you last go to your hometown?
4. When did you last visit your grannies?
5. When was the last time you were sick?
6. When did you last washed your socks?
7. How long have studied English?
8. When was the last time you cried?
9. How long have you known your best friend?
10. When did you last cleaned your toilet?
11. How long have you been in this place?
12. When did you last got angry? Why?
D. SPEAKING. Praktikkan secara lisan tanya-jawab di atas
(dengan temanmu atau bacalah sendiri secara lantang)

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34. Future simple - will

Kalimat future simple dipakai untuk menyatakan aktivitas spontan.

Artinya, kegiatan tersebut tidak direncanakan sebelumnya:
Oh, you’re thirsty? Stay here. I will get you a drink.
Future simple juga dipakai untuk memprediksi suatu kejadian:
Roy is enthusiastic. I think he will win the game.
Maybe it will rain tomorrow.
Pola future simple adalah subjek diikuti will dan kata kerja dasar:
They/We/I/You/He/She/It will KK dasar.
They/We/I/You/He/She/It will be Non KK.
Maybe we will go out this evening.
I think you will be late.
Untuk menyatakan ‘tidak akan’, gunakan ‘will not (= won’t)’:
Jin & Bill are in Jakarta. They will not be here tomorrow.
I’m a bit tired. I won’t see the concert this evening.
Untuk bertanya ‘Akankah…?’, letakkan will di depan subjek:
Will you be at home next Friday? Yes, I will.
No, I won’t.
We don’t get a taxi. What will we do? We’ll walk.
Seringkali, future simple digunakan bersama I think menjadi:
‘I think… will…’ dan ‘I don’t think … will …’
 I think Jack will lose the game.
 I don’t think he will come on time. (= He won’t come.)
 Do you think the exam will be easy?
Bentuk singkat:
 will =’ll Misal: (they will = they’ll); (I will = I’ll)
 will not = won’t

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A. Gunakan will / won’t dan kata kerja berikut.
buy / like / go / see / report / be /
1. There’s store over there. I’ll buy a bottle of tea.
2. Mark is feeling rather sick. _________ a doctor.
3. Wong Shin Ting is a bit sleepy. _________ to bed.
4. Bob has just lost his car. ________ it to the police.
5. This sea food is really yummy. Try some. ________ it.
6. Give your son this unique present. ________very happy.
get / go / join / rain / swim / finish / take off
1. Ah, the waves are high. ____________ then.
2. The sky isn’t cloudy. ____________ anytime soon.
3. My brother is broke. ____________ on holiday this year.
4. We’re bit late. ____________ a good seat in the stadium.
5. Josh isn’t really healthy. ____________ the team.
6. The plane needs a repair. ____________ soon.
B. I think I’ll… atau I don’t think I’ll…?
1. It’s raining heavily. _______________ stay home.
2. ______________ lend you more money. I’m also broke.
3. It’s not profitable. ____________ continue this business.
4. _____________ invest in your company. I like your ideas.
C. Jawablah sesuai kondisimu.
1. Will you stay here until 6? If no, what time will you go?
2. Will you hang out with your friends this afternoon?
3. What will you do this evening ?Will you go shopping?
4. Will you get married next month? If no, when?
5. Will you have dinner at a restaurant today? If no, where?
6. What will you eat for dinner tonight?
7. What will you do next weekend? Will you go anywhere?
8. Will you watch TV before bed? What will you watch?
9. Will you do any homework? What homework?
10. What time will you go to bed?
D. SPEAKING. Praktikkan Latihan C secara lisan (dengan
temanmu atau bacalah sendiri secara lantang).

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35. Be going to

be going to menyatakan kegiatan di masa datang yang telah

diniatkan, direncanakan, atau diputuskan :
My birthday is next Sunday. I’m going to invite 1000 people.
be going to juga menyatakan / meramalkan terjadinya sesuatu
berdasarkan tanda-tanda, situasi, atau bukti yang kita lihat.
Don’t go out. It’s going to rain. Look at the black clouds.
The class starts at 8 and it’s 7.59. We’re going to be late.
Pola kalimatnya adalah subyek diikuti be going to dan kata kerja
Subjek be (is, am, are) going to KK dasar.
They ’re going to get married on 23 May.
We have 5 minutes only. We’re going to miss the train.
I’m going to sell my car.I want to get a new one.
Untuk menyatakan tidak, tambahkan not setelah be:
Subjek be not going to KK dasar.
The clouds are gone. It’s not going to rain.
The road isn’t crowded. We’re not going to come late.
Untuk bertanya, letakkan be di depan subjek:
Be subjek going to KK dasar.
Are you going to get married soon? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is he going to come to my party? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
What are you going to do this evening?
I’m going to hangout with my friends.
Where are you going to go?
We’re going to go to Mwahall Mall.
going to = gonna (informal)
We’re gonna have dinner at Uwenack Resto.

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EXERCISE (latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Isilah be (not) going to dan kata kerja yang sesuai.
collapse / watch / buy / win / drink / sell / go / get / be
1. I haven’t got enough money. I ____________ a new car.
2. Mark _____________ his car. He wants to get a new one.
3. Jeny ____________ on vacation. She’s broke now.
4. The building is shaking! It ______________ . Get out..!!!
5. Evy and Jim _____________ married. They’ve split up.
6. I’m sure you _____________ sick. You’re sneezing all day.
7. Dedy has bought a ticket. He ___________ a movie.
8. Hello, yes. I’m in a cafe. I __________ a cup of coffee.
9. Are you sure we ___________ win this game?
B. Lengkapilah dengan kalimat yang sesuai situasi.
1. The car is still clean. (wash) I’m not going to wash it.
2. Rany is very hungry. (lunch)
3. John is holding a towel. (bath)
4. They’re at YY cinema. (a movie)
5. Tony has bought some tempeh. (fry)
6. My mom has a toothache. (dentist)
7. My motorbike is not broken. (repair)
8. Mary is wearing a helmet. (ride)
9. The plane is running in the runway. (take off)
C. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat tanya be going to.
I / get / punishment.
Am I going to get punishment?
1. Your mom / cook / special food for you.
2. Your grandma / stay overnight / in your house tonight.
3. The worker / paint / the house
4. His grandpa / stay long in hospital
5. You / renovate your house.
6. Your parents / go abroad next year.
7. I / get a big bonus for a excellent sales.
8. We / visit Grandma, Mom.
9. The presidential candidate / win the election.

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36. Be going to - CONVERSATION

Bacalah percakapan berikut secara lantang untuk melatih
pengucapan dan melancarkan bicara.

Bob: Hi, Tim! Are you going to do anything this evening?

Tim: Well, yes I am. I’m going to go shopping. Why?
Bob: Well, actually I’m going to ask you to go with me.
Tim: Where are you going to go?
Bob: I’m going to play basketball.
Tim: Oh, that sounds great. Where are you going to play?
Bob: In Bowla Stadium. Would you like to go?
Tim: I’d like to. Who are going with us?
Bob: Our classmates; John, Jin, Jack, Joe, James, Jimy, and Jony.
Tim: Ok. I’ll go with you.
Bob: So, you’re not going to go shopping?
Tim: Umm… I can go anytime later.
Bob: What are you going to buy actually?
Tim: A pair of shoes and shorts.
Bob: O, I see. Are you going to go with anyone?
Tim: No, I’m going to go alone.
Bob: Great! I’m happy you can join us.
Tim: Yeah. Me, too. So, what time are we going to go?
Bob: Around 7 o’clock. What do you think?
Tim: 7 is fine. Are you going to drive or take online taxi?
Bob: I am going to drive. Will you join me or ride your own
Tim: I think I’ll go with you.
Bob: Alright. I’l pick you up at home.
Tim: Great. Thanks.

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai kondisimu.

Bob: Hi ! Are you going to do anything tomorrow morning?

You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Are you going to go anywhere on Saturday? Where? How?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Are you going to play any sports? What? Where?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Are you going to do the house chores in the morning?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Are you going to cook anything special? What?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Where are you going to eat lunch? What are you going to
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: And what are you going to do in the evening?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: How about Sunday? Are you going to go to a wedding
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: And what are you going to do for fun? Are you going to go
to beach or some other interesting places?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: What are you going to eat for lunch? Where?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: And in the evening? Are you going to do anything to relax?
You: _____________________________________________
Bob: Are you going to visit anyone?
You: _____________________________________________

Praktikkan percakapan di atas dengan temanmu (atau bacalah
sendiri secara lantang).

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37. Can dan could

‘Can’ adalah kata kerja ‘modal’ yang bermakna ‘bisa/dapat’:

I can drive a car, but I can’t ride a motorbike.
Saya bisa mengemudi mobil, tapi tidak bisa menyetir motor.
‘Can’ dapat digunakan bersama subyek apapun. Kata kerja yang
dipakai adalah kata kerja dasar.
He/she/it/they/we/I/you can speak Arabic.
Untuk menyatakan ‘tidak’, tambahkan ‘not’ setelah ‘can/could’:
He/she/it/they/we/I/you can not speak Mandarin.
Untuk membuat kalimat interogatif, letakkan ‘can/could’ di awal.
Can he speak Arabic? Yes, he can./ No, he can’t.
‘could’ adalah bentuk lampau dari ‘can’:
Last year, I could run 10 km. Now, I can only run 5 km.
Kita menggunakan ‘can/could’ untuk :
 menyatakan kemampuan/kecakapan melakukan sesuatu:
I can speak English, but I can’t speak Arabic.
 menyatakan ketidakmungkinan:
That can’t be true.
You can’t be serious.
 meminta dan memberi ‘izin’:
Can/Could I ask a question? You can ask any question.
Can/Could I go home now? You can go home now.
 meminta seeorang melakukan sesuatu:
Can/Could you open the door, please?
Can/Could you lend me $100, please?
 meminta sesuatu:
Can/Could I have a glass of orange juice, please?
Can/Could I have a bottle of syrup, please?

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EXERCISE (Latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Lengkapilah dengan can atau can’t dan kata kerja berikut.
1. A butterfly _______ fly, but it _______ swim.
2. A parrot _______ talk, but it _______ bark.
3. I ______ play piano. I never learn. But, I _____ play drums.
4. My sons ________ speak English well. They’re in US now.
5. Sorry. I________ come to your birthday party next week.
6. Dona ________ repair a truck. She’s a good mechanic.
7. My grandpa is a good swimmer. He ________ swim 10 km.
8. My mom isn’t a good cook. She _______ cook very well.
B. Lengkapilah dengan can, can’t, could atau couldn’t.
1. I _______ drive a car last year. Now, I _______ . It’s easy.
2. John _______ run 10 km when he was young. Now, he
_________ run around 1 km only.
3. Yesterday I _______ open this door. Now I _______. What
was wrong?
4. Jeni _______ enter her house yesterday. She lost her keys.
5. My grandma _______ cook rendang. She’s awesome.
6. When I was a child, I ________ make many kites. I sold
them. Now, I ________. I forget.
C. ‘Can/Could…?’ Mintalah izin untuk:
1. go home earlier. Could I go home earlier, Sir? I’m sick.
2. stay overnight in your friend’s house.
3. use your father’s phone.
4. borrow your classmate’s book.
5. park your car in someone’s yard.
6. sit next to someone.
7. put your bag on the table.
D. Mintalah orang melakukan sesuatu ‘Can/Could …?’
1. I need a pen. Can I borrow your pen ? (borrow pen)
2. It’s very hot here. Andi, __________? (open windows)
3. The music is too loud. Bob, _______? (turn it down)
4. The floor is very dirty. Desy, ______? (sweep)
5. Excuse me, waiter. ______________? (have orange juice)
6. ______________________________? (pick me up)

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38. Must dan have to

must menyatakan keharusan menurut pendapat pribadi:

You must drive very slowly. The road looks slippery.
have to menyatakan keharusan menurut peraturan:
We have to wear helmet when we ride a motorbike.
must dan have to bisa dipakai dengan subjek apapun dengan pola
kalimat subjek diikuti must/have to dan kata kerja dasar:
They/We/I/You/ must/have to KK dasar.
He/She/It must/has to KK dasar.
You have to wear uniform at school.
Joe is sick. He has to stay in bed. I must visit him.
Bentuk negatifnya adalah ‘must not’ dan ‘don’t have to’, tetapi
keduanya memiliki makna yang berbeda.
must not bermakna harus tidak (larangan).
You mustn’t smoke in the room. (musn’t = must not)
don’t have to bermakna tidak harus (pilihan):
We don’t have to wear shoes at work. We can wear sandals.
Untuk larangan berdasar aturan, gunakan can’t:
You can’t park your car here, Sir. It’s only for bikes.
Dalam kalimat tanya, ‘must’ diletakkan di depan subjek,
sedangkan ‘have to’ menggunakan pola present simple:
Must I come to your house? Yes, you must.
No, you mustn’t.
Do you have to wear uniform? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
Does Joe have to wear glasses? Yes, he does.
Bentuk lampau must/have to adalah had to:
 I had to attend the class, but I couldn’t. I was sick.

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A. Lengkapi dengan must, have to, atau has to.
1. I have a headache. I _______ go home early.
2. It’s raining. You _______ take your umbrella.
3. Hey…slow down! You _______ stop at the red light!
4. Our class starts at 7 tomorrow. We ______ get up early.
5. Mr. Joe can’t see clearly. He _______ wear glasses.
6. To go abroad, Ms. Jeny _______ get a passport.
7. All students _______ obey school rules.
8. We _______ submit the homework before the due date.
9. Everyone _______ turn their phone off on the plane.
B. Isilah musn’t, can’t, atau doesn’t/don’t have to.
1. You _______ speak loudly. The baby is sleeping.
2. Susy got 90 in biology. She _______ retake the test.
3. It’s an air-conditioned room. We _______ smoke here.
4. Tomorrow is a day off. We _______ go to work.
5. Tim and Joe go to Bali. They _______ bring a passport.
6. I’ve finished my assignment. I _______ stay up late.
7. John _______ enter password. The internet is free.
8. Everybody _______ drive without driver’s licence.
9. You _______ wear shorts or bikini at school.
C. Jawablah pertanyaan sesuai kondisimu.
1. Do you have to get up before 6? Why or why not?
2. Do you have to do the house chores before school?
3. What must you do before you go to school?
4. What time do you have to arrive at school?
5. Do you have to wear uniform at school/work?
6. What do you have to bring to school?
7. What do you have to do after school?
8. What must you do to keep yourself fit?
9. What mustn’t you do at school? Can you smoke?
10. What do you have to do before you go to bed?
11. What do you think you must do to be successful?
D. SPEAKING. Praktikkan latihan di atas secara lisan.

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39. Kata keterangan frekuensi

Kata keterangan frekuensi (kkf) menyatakan seberapa sering kita

melakukan sesuatu. Kkf yang umum dipakai adalah:
Always Selalu
Almost always Hampir selalu
Usually Biasanya
Often Sering
Sometimes Kadang-kadang
Rarely Jarang-jarang
Seldom Jarang
Occasionally Sesekali
Hardly ever Hampir tak pernah
Never Tidak pernah
Dalam sebuah kalimat, kkf ditempatkan pada posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Secara umum, kkf ditempatkan di antara subjek dan kata kerja.
Contoh: Tom Block Pcah always goes to school on foot.
2. Dalam kalimat dengan kata kerja bantu (be, do, does, must, will,
dll), kkf ditempatkan setelah kata kerja bantu.
Contoh: He is often sick.
3. Often, usually, sometimes, dan occasionally bisa ditempatkan di
awal kalimat.
Contoh: Sometimes, I go to school by bus.
Selain itu, terdapat pula kkf dalam bentuk lain, yakni every day
(setiap hari), once a day (sekali sehari), twice a week (dua kali
sepekan), three times a month (tiga kali sebulan), four times a year
(empat kali setahun), de el el. Posisi kkf ini adalah di akhir kalimat:
- Bob cleans his house once a week. I do it twice a year.
- My grandma runs marathon five times a week. I never go.
Untuk bertanya ‘seberapa sering’, gunakan ‘how often’:
How often do you clean your house? I clean it twice a year.
(Aduuuh, pusing deh…) Membaca teori saja memang membuat
pusing. Makanya kerjakan latihan, supaya pemahaman tertanam.

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EXERCISES (latihan tambahan tersedia di lampiran)

A. Pilihlah kkf yang tepat. Lihat contoh.
1. John __ comes on time. He’s very lazy!
(always, almost never, often, almost always)
2. I get up early __, around 4 o’clock. I’m a morning person.
(every day, seldom, always, hardly ever)
3. Bob __ goes jogging at night. He’s a fitness freak.
(always, never, hardly ever, rarely)
4. This car __ breaks down. I really want to sell it!
(hardly ever, often, never, occasionally)
B. Tulislah tentang dirimu. Gunakan kkf. Lihat contoh.
get up – at 4 o’clock take a bus to school play soccer
eat bread for lunch go to bed after 11. watch TV
read comics arrive late at school drink tea.
eat chocolate stay up until midnight go jogging
I never get up at 4. I almost always get up at 5.
C. PRONUNCIATION. Bacalah teks berikut secara lantang.
Hi, Guys! Welcome back to my Youtube channel. In this
video, I’ll tell you about my routine activities. I often get up
around 5 in the morning. I never get up late. I’m diligent, right?
Then, I sometimes do some exercises, like, umm.. going jogging,
or doing push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups. After exercises, I
always take a bath. Well, then, I almost always eat breakfast,
but I almost never cook. I usually buy it from a small stall near
my house. I usually eat nasi uduk. After breakfast, I go to
school. Sometimes, I go on foot or go by bike. Guess what! I
hardly ever come on time! You know, I’m almost always late.
At noon, I usually eat bread and vegetables for lunch. I
seldom eat rice. Oh, I often drink coffee to keep me awake. I
rarely drink tea. I almost always finish my study around 4 and I
directly go home. I usually get home around 5.
D. SPEAKING. Berceritalah tentangmu seperti Latihan C.
Rekam dengan ponsel dan lihat hasil praktik speakingmu.

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1. Extra Exercise - is, am, are - positif

A. Subjek berikut perlu am, is, atau are? Lihat contoh.

1. Tony is (Tony = He) 6. Bob & I _____
2. Susan _____ 7. The car _____
3. I _____ 8. My brother_____
4. Bob & Tom _____ 9. My parents _____
5. Bob & Susy_____ 10. My sister _____
B. Lengkapilah dengan am, is, atau are.
1. Hi, Guys. I ____ Tom. I ____ from London.
2. Yes, Caroline ____ my niece. She ____ only 15.
3. I think Ben ____ a nice person. He ____ very friendly
4. My cell phone? Oh, it ____ Uppo Sgo. It ____ 5 inch big.
5. Well, my grandparents ____sick. They ____ very old.
6. Bob and me? We ____ friends. We ____ like brothers.
7. Jack, you ____ sick I guess. You ____ so pale.
C. Lengkapilah dengan be atau subjek dan be.
9. Hello, my name is Ban Bow Chor. I’m from Korea.
I’m a teacher. I’m 33 years old. That’s all about me.
10. Frank ____ my father. ____ a pilot. ____ from Canada.
____ 55 years old now.
11. Jeny ____ my mother. ____ a nurse. ____ from India. ____
53 years old. ____ very lovely.
12. My computer ____ a Korean product. ____ LGbt (brand).
____ 5 years old. ____ very expensive.
13. Tom & Elly ____ my grandparents. ____ singers. ____ 94.
14. Tim & I ____ classmates. ____ handsome, right? ____
elementary school students.
15. I think ___ in great shape, Bob. You ____ muscular.
____ like a bodybuilder.
16. Hi, I ____ Anton and he ____ Jack. ____ from Lampung.
17. ____ very intelligent and diligent, Tom, but ____ so
stubborn and selfish.
18. Today ____ Sunday, but ____ cloudy and windy. ____
really dark. ____ a really gloomy day for me!

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2. Extra Exercise - is, am, are - negatif

A. Lengkapilah dengan I’m not, she’s not, … dll.

1. Me? _I’m not_ stupid, you know! Only very stupid .
2. My sister Jane is a first grader. _____ a third grader.
3. Johny is good at soccer, but _____ very good at basketball.
4. This cellphone is cheap. _____ very expensive.
5. My parents are doctors. _____ nurses.
6. Bob and I are in the laboratory. _____ in the library.
7. I think you’re really thin now, Liz. _____ fat anymore.
B. Lengkapilah dengan be, dengan atau tanpa ‘not’.
1. Mukakurata _____ a Korean. He ______ from Korea.
From Japan, I guess. So, he _____ a Japanese.
2. Sorry, sir. We _____ready for this presentation, because
my computer is broken.
3. Daddy, the car keys _______ on the table. They _____
gone. Where are they?
4. It _______ sunny, but it’s very hot. It _____ so steamy.
What a strange weather! My head is burning!
5. My parents _______ good singers. Their voices_______
nice to listen to. They’re awful.
6. I ______ hungry and sleepy. I _______in the mood for the
class, though. It's boring.
7. These gowns _______ cheap, and they _______ beautiful.
They’re ridiculous!
8. Loe Ping San _______ rich, but she _______ humble,
either. She _______ nice at all. She’s a bad girl.
9. My grandma_______too old, yet forgetful. She _____ only
58 years old. Still young, right?
10. My grandpa_______ very tall. He _______ just around 165
or 168 cm tall. Not more than 170.

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C. Tulislah menjadi kalimat lengkap. Kerjakan seperti contoh.

1. Your clothes – clean. (very dirty)
Your clothes aren’t clean. They’re very dirty.
2. My sister – a dentist. (a farmer)
3. I – interested in politics. (in sports)
4. My car – luxurious. (ordinary)
5. My car keys – in my bag. (in my pocket)
6. My father – bald. (a man with no hair )
7. My mother – thin. (fat)
8. My brother – tall. (fairly short)
9. I – very good at soccer. (at volleyball)
10. I – at home now. (in Swepi Mall)
D. Manakah yang sesuai dan tidak sesuai dengan diri dan
keluargamu? Tulislah kalimat seperti contoh.
1. a pilot I am not a pilot. I’m a student.
2. rich My parents aren’t poor. They’re rich.
3. a pensioner My father__________________
4. an Australian My mother_________________
5. very old __________________________
6. good at sports __________________________
7. lazy __________________________
8. forgetful __________________________
9. a singer __________________________
10. a chef/cook __________________________
11. from England __________________________
E. SPEAKING PRACTICE. Ceritakan informasi di latihan D
kepada temanmu. Usahakan tidak membaca catatanmu.

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3. Extra Exercise - am, is, are - interogatif

A. Isilah is, am, atau are. Kerjakan seperti contoh.

1. __Is__ Jil your sister? Yes, she is.
2. _____ your grandpa sick? Yes, _______
3. _____ we too late for the concert? Yes, _______
4. _____ your mother a good cook? Yes, _______
5. _____ I good enough for the job? Yes, _______
6. _____ motorbike a Honda? Yes, _______
7. _____ he a good swimmer? No, ________
8. _____ Bobby your cousin? No, ________
9. _____ you and I in the same team? No,_________
10. _____ I beautiful in this dress? No,_________
11. _____ your English teacher a British? No,_________
12. _____ your cell phone new? No, ________
B. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
1. _Are you Jason? Yes, I am. I’m Jason.
2. _____________ No, I’m not. I’m not Bob’s sister.
3. _____________ No, he isn’t. Josh isn’t a police.
4. _____________ No, they aren’t. Jin & Jon aren’t twins.
5. _____________ Yes, you are. You’re right this time.
6. _____________ Yes, I am. I’m Tom Block Pcah.
7. _____________ Yes, he is. He’s quite thin.
8. _____________ Yes, she is. She’s my mother.
9. _____________ No, He isn’t. Jack isn’t a my classmate.
10. _____________ Yes, it is. This bike is electric-powered.
11. _____________ No, they aren’t.The shoes aren’t dirty.
12. _____________ Yes, he is. He’s a security guard.

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4. Extra Exercise - is, am, are - kata tanya WH

A. Lengkapilah dengan what, where, when, why, who, dan how.

1. _____ is your address? It’s on Jl. Boon 2, Rajabasa.

2. _____ old is Sinta? She’s 25, I guess.
3. _____ is your birthday? It’s on July 23.
4. _____ is the drugstore? It’s on Jl. Owbatt Lowro 23.
5. _____ are you sweaty? I’m afraid of the thugs there.
6. _____ is your son’s name? His name is Ben Roosack.
7. _____ are these, Tom? They’re toy grenades.
8. _____ is the talk show? It’s at 8.
9. _____ are you sad? (because) my mom is sick.
10. _____ students are there? There are only 10.

B. Lengkapilah dengan pertanyaan WH dan kata kerja ‘be’.

1. ______ ___ I in the clinic? (because) You’re sick.

2. ______ ___ he? He’s 27 years old.
3. ______ ___ your mother? She’s fine. Thanks for asking.
4. ______ ___ the keys? They’re in the drawer.
5. ______ ___ it, Mom? It’s a blender, Honey.
6. ______ ___ the people? They’re my neighbors.
7. ______ ___ the concert? It’s on 24 December.
8. ______ ___ Michel? She’s 173 cm tall, I guess.
9. ______ ___ your school? It’s only 100 km away .
10. ______ ___ this shirt? It’s $ 55.23.
11. ______ ___ it? It’s 7 o’clock.

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C. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.

1. _____________? Jony is 167 cm tall.
2. _____________? She’s my aunt, Siti Kus Nari.
3. _____________? Bob is in the classroom.
4. _____________? Her hair is shoulder-length.
5. _____________? My bike? It’s purple with black stripes.
6. _____________? The blue skirt? It’s only $ 30.
7. _____________? The assignment is due on May 27.
8. _____________? My favorite subject is geography.
9. _____________? My house is just 500 km from here.
10. _____________? The movie is only 95 minutes long.

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5. Extra Exercise - Present Continuous - negatif

A. Lengkapilah dengan ‘be / be not’, dan kata kerja‘ing’.

drive / swim / build / work / clean / sleep / rain / go / print /

fight / drink / fry / repair / shine / play / check / boil

1. I __ _______ a photo. He has a new cell phone.

2. My dad __ _______ his car today. It’s broken. He ___
_____ to work by bus.
3. It __ _______ today. The sun __ _________. It’s sunny and
humid, no cloud at all.
4. My son __ __________ in the bedroom. He’s in the yard.
He ___ ______ hide and seek.
5. Romy ____ __________ in the pool. He ___ _____ it with
some detergent. He’s a worker in the pool.
6. Tim and Bob ____ __________. They ___ _____
Dangdut crazily. Look, they’re jumping around.
7. The workers ____ __________ a new school. They’re
renovating the old building.
8. Park & Sam __ _________ beer. They’re making iced tea.
9. Tony and I ____ _________ a chicken. No oil available.
We ___ _____ cassavas and sweet potatoes.
10. Jack ___ ________ his car. It’s not broken. He ___ just
______ the lights.
11. Michele __ _______ documents. There’s no electricity.

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B. Tulislah kalimat negatif / positif present continuous.

Example: Jon - clean - the bathroom. He’s at the garage.

Jon isn’t cleaning the bathroom. He’s at the garage.

1. My sister - sing - a song. Look at her on the stage.

2. This DVD player - work. It’s broken, I guess.
3. My friends - laugh - loudly. They look so happy.
4. Jenk Cold - joke - about Pete . They - tease - each other.
5. I - learn - to drive - a truck. It’s very difficult, you know.
6. My uncle - repair - the TV. He - just - clean - it.
7. Shelly - visit - her sick friend. She wants to see a dentist.
8. He - make - a cup of coffee. There’s no coffee at all.
9. Tim - type - with the old computer. It’s still working.
10. Tim cry loudly. He - actually - sing. Listen. It’s a love

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6. Extra Exercise - Present Continuous - interogatif

A. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.

1. _________ ? Yes, we’re travelling to Himalaya this week.
2. _________ ? Yes, you’re speaking English fluently.
3. _________ ? Yes, he is. David is washing the dishes.
4. _________ ? My parents are going on hajj this month.

B. Lengkapilah dengan ‘be’ dan kata kerja ‘ing’ berikut ini.

hang do ring talk wait sing wear come
1. A: Am I singing nicely?
B: Yes, you are. But, your voice hurts my ears :-).
2. A: ___ your brother Sam ______ out with you?
B: No, he isn’t. He’s staying at home.
3. A: ___ your grandmother ______ a hat?
B: Yes, she is. She’s wearing a pink hat.
4. A: ___ your cell phone ____? Turn it off!
B: No, it isn’t. I guess it’s yours, sir.
5. A: ___ they ______ the assignment?
B: Yes, they are. They’re doing the physics.
6. A: ___ you and Mimi ______ for me?
B: No, we’re not. We’re waiting for Jackie.
7. A: ___ you ______ to me?
B: No, I’m not. I’m just singing quietly.
8. A: ___ I ______ too late?
B: No, you aren’t. You’re coming on time.

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C. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat tanya present continuous.

1. (I / disturb / you) Am I disturbing you?

2. (Jack / drive / a tractor) ____________________
3. (Ely / sweep / the floor) ____________________
4. (John / swim / in the river) ____________________
5. (the babies / cry loudly) ____________________
6. (the worker / paint / the wall) ____________________
7. (you / fry / bananas) ____________________
8. (he / repair / a TV) ____________________
9. (Eddy / print / the photos) ____________________
10. (the child / smoke / a cigarette) ____________________

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7. Extra Exercise - Present Continuous - k. tanya WH

A. Lengkapilah dengan pertanyaan WH dan kata kerja be.

1. A: _what are you looking at, Mack?

B: I’m looking at the rice field. It’s very beautiful.
2. A: ______ ___ he listening to?
B: He’s listening to pop music.
3. A: ______ ___ that car catching fire?!
B: Because it’s engine is sparking fire. Look!
4. A: ______ ___ your classmates going?
B: They’re going to Klara Beach.
5. A: ______ ___ the people watching?
B: They’re watching soccer game on big screen.
6. A: ______ ___ Bob coming?
B: He’s coming in few minutes.
7. A: ______ ___ Jacky speaking angrily?
B: He’s just learning to play drama.
8. A: ______ ___ the kids fighting?
B: They’re fighting for the new toy.
9. A: ______ ___ your parents travelling?
B: They’re travelling to France.
10. A: ______ ___ this plane shaking..?!
B: It’s flying through storm! Please sit down, sir!

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B. Tulislah pertanyaan. Hindari kata kerja ‘doing’.

1. __________ My father is washing his magic keris now.

2. __________ My mommy is going to Deedee Mall. .
3. __________ Prof. Jack is doing a research about HIV.
4. __________ Well, my Dad is growing corns this season.
5. __________ Jon & Jin are watching cartoon.
6. __________ He’s going to Jakarta by motorcycle.
7. __________ Mommy is cooking spinach soup.
8. __________ We’re trying the new recipe.
9. __________ I’m coming late because of traffic jams, Sir.
10. __________ The salesperson is selling magazines.

C. PRONUNCIATION. Bacalah kalimat-kalimat di atas dengan

lantang untuk melatih pengucapan dan bicara.

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8. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - positif

A. Lengkapi dengan kata kerja berikut. Pakai s/es atau tidak?

drive play listen wash watch crash
flush kiss mix fry do
1. My father plays soccer 3 times a week. (pakai)
2. Riki & Riko __________ cars very carelessly and fast.
3. Hana __________ the dishes every day before school.
4. My parents __________ me on the cheeks every day.
5. My sisters __________ drama on TV 5 hours a day.
6. My brother and I __________ homework in the evening.
7. I always __________ toilet with a lot of water, Mom.
8. You __________ to music on the small earphones, right?
9. Tomy usually __________ coffee with soda and cendol .
10. Shinta __________ eggs and tofu in the morning.
11. My computer usually __________ after 5 hours operation.
B. Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan kata kerja yang benar.
wash reading going selling carry like flying
walk works update eating drink swim
1. Susy __goes___ to work by truck.
2. My online shop __________ electronic devices.
3. Ben Jowl Jeedate __________ at least 10000 steps a day.
4. Ani & Sue __________ in a supermarket. They’re cashiers.
5. Cyntia __________ her socks twice a year.
6. You __________ news every morning, right?
7. Tim __________ a lot of chocolate. No wonder he’s fat.
8. Tom __________ status on Fb 100 times a day.
9. I __________ fried banana very much.
10. Sherly __________ green tea in the morning.
11. She __________ once a week in Polinela’s river.
12. This plane __________ to many countries.
13. The bus __________ up to 60 passengers at a time.
C. PRONUNCIATION. Bacalah kalimat-kalimat di atas
dengan lantang untuk melatih pengucapan dan bicara.

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9. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - negatif

A. Isilah dengan don’t atau doesn’t dan kata kerja berikut.

work / grow / sound / sing / go / fly / study / do / play / talk / eat
make / sell
1. Mark ________ in any company. He’s a house husband!
2. Sonnia ________ pop songs. She’s a rock singer.
3. All pilots are on strike. So, Emprit Air ________ today.
4. We ________ eggplants this year. The price is not good.
5. Nia and Sam ________ the guitars. They’re singers.
6. You ________ a lot of food, but you’re fat. It’s strange.
7. My online shop ________ clothes. We only provide shoes.
8. Rina and Dick ________ hard, so they have bad grade.
9. The music ________ nice to my ears. It’s too loud.
10. My brothers ________ to me. They’re angry.

B. Perlu imbuhan s/es atau tidak? Lihat contoh.

mop / wash / teach / like / run / cook / live / go
1. David doesn’t _teach_ English. He teaches math.
2. My parents don’t ____ spicy food. They _____ salty food.
3. We don’t ______ in an apartment. We ______ in a house.
4. I don’t _______ to school by car. I _______ by bus.
5. I’m sure you don’t ______ the floor! It’s still dirty.
6. Tom doesn’t ____ his car on Sunday. He ___ it on Friday.
7. Sue doesn’t _____ lunch every day. She _____ once a year.
8. The car doesn’t _____ smoothly. It ____ jerkily.

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C. Tulislah tentang diri dan orang dekatmu. Gunakan

don’t/doesn’t jika perlu saja.

_____ sleep 10 hours a day

_____ drink bitter coffee
_____ swim very well
__X__ drive a car to school.
_____ like basketball
_____ study very hard
_____ eat rice for breakfast.
_____ play the guitar
_____ look after a pet
_____ go jogging regularly
_____ watch TV a lot.
_____ eat spicy food

1. I play the drum. I don’t play the guitar.

2. My sister doesn’t drive a car to work. She drives a tractor.

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10. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - interogatif

A. Isilah do, does, don’t, atau doesn’t. Lihat contoh.

1. A: Do Ani & Ina work in Sakittroos Hospital?

B: Yes, They do. They work in the ICU.
2. A: ____ employees get bonus for extra sale?
B: Yes, _____________. _____________ 50% of salary.
3. A: ____ you wash your car everyday?
B: No, _____________. _____________ it twice a year.
4. A: ____ I speak loudly?
B: Yes, _____________. _____________ very loudly.
5. A: ____ James play tennis very well?
B: No, _____________. _____________ well.
6. A: ____ Wong Shin Ting like apple?
B: Yes, _____________. _____________ it very much.
7. A: ____ the car consume LPG?
B: No, _____________. _____________ biodiesel.
8. A: ____ your parents work as farmers.
B: Yes, _____________. _____________ as rice growers.
9. A: ____ your sister cook dinner every day?
B: Yes, _____________. _____________ rice and noodle.
10. A: ____ you always get up before 5 am?
B: No, _____________. _____________ after 6.
11. A: ____ your father go to work by train?
B: Yes, _____________. _____________ by train.

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B. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.

1. Do you like tea?Yes, I do. I like tea.

2. ____________ No, she doesn’t. Ely doesn’t work at night.
3. ____________ Yes, he does. He sings beautifully.
4. ____________ No, they don’t. My sons don’t like math.
5. ____________ Yes, she does. Hana wears skirt every day.
6. ____________ No, it doesn’t. The bell doesn’t ring loudly.
7. ____________ Yes, they do. Pete and Tom swim well.
8. ____________ No, we don’t. We don’t drink alcohol.
9. ____________ Yes, I do. I love horror movies.
10. ____________ No, he doesn’t. Jay doesn’t write novel.

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11. Extra Exercise - Present Simple - kata tanya WH

A. Lengkapilah dengan kata tanya WH.

1. _____ washes your clothes? My great grandma.

2. _____ does my son drive? He drives very carefully.
3. _____ do your parents work? They work in a hotel.
4. _____ do you cook for dinner? I usually cook nasi uduk.
5. _____ do you go to school? I go by plane :-).
6. _____ does Mira teach? She teaches math.
7. _____ does Joel cry? She misses her mom.
8. _____ do your sons go to school? They go to Smart School.
9. _____ does Roy go to work? He takes a bus.
10. _____ do you drive? Just 150 km/hour.

B. Lengkapilah dengan pertanyaan WH dan ‘do / does’.

1. _____ __ Bawel Talk Show start? It starts at 7, I suppose.

2. _____ __ Gem Bull live with? He lives with Gen Dhut.
3. _____ __ your mom play soccer? In Jos Stadium.
4. _____ __ you eat for dinner? I always eat NasGor.
5. _____ __ John Torr go to work? He goes to work by bike.
6. _____ __ John sell? He sells sports shoes.
7. _____ __ Mia eat for breakfast? She always eats Nasgor.
8. _____ __ you start work? I start work at 8.
9. _____ __ your sister live? She lives in Bogor.

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C. Jodohkan pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang tepat.

1. Where does Gina come from?

2. Where does your father usually go fishing?
3. Why do you always come late?
4. What does Sam drink before swimming?
5. How does your sister go to school?
6. When do you usually go on holiday?
7. What time do you usually get up?
8. Where does your uncle live?
9. What do you usually on weekend?
10. What time do the classes start?

A. To Atlantic Ocean.
B. They start at 9, I guess.
C. She always drinks Extra Juice.
D. I almost always get up at 4.
E. She comes from Badung, Bali.
F. I usually go fishing.
G. Sorry Sir, I always get up very late.
H. I usually go in Decemeber.
I. He lives on Jl. Roosack Varrah, Rajabasa.
J. She goes by a truck.

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12. Extra Exercise - Have dan have got

A. Isilah has, have, do, does. Lengkapi jawabannya.

1. Have you got new shoes? Yes, I have.

2. _____ your brothers got bicycles? Yes, _________
3. _____ we have much time? No, __________
4. _____ I have chance to win? Yes, _________
5. _____ you have a sports car? Yes, __________.
6. _____ your dad have a nice job? Yes, _________
7. _____ your mom got straight hair? No, __________
8. _____ your car have TV? No, __________
9. _____ Jeny got a livestock farm? Yes, _________
10. _____ the cat have nice fur? No, __________
11. _____ Avinzi car got new design? Yes, _________
12. _____ your school have a big hall? No, __________

B. Ubahlah ke versi have.

1. Have you got a ruler? _______________
2. Have your parents have a business? _______________
3. Have we got any debt now? _______________
4. Have I have a cool suit? _______________
5. Have you got a cloth shop? _______________
6. Has your sister got wavy hair? _______________
7. Has your dad got a tractor? _______________
8. Has your school have a library? _______________

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C. Ubahlah ke versi have got.

1. My kid has blue eyes. _______________

2. Do you have a board marker? _______________
3. Does Lily have a brother? _______________
4. He has a very small house. _______________
5. Nina has a round face. _______________
6. My dad doesn’t have a pet. _______________
7. Do you have a pencil? _______________
8. Does Ely have a sister? _______________
9. He has a very big nose. _______________
10. Dony has an oval face. _______________

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13. Extra Exercise - there is, there are

A. Is atau are?
1. Hi, look! There is an accident. Call the police!
2. Let’s go to the cinema. There ____ a good movie.
3. Unbelievable! There ____ a lot of water in the fuel tank!
4. There _____ many elephants in Way Kambas
5. Look! There _____ a beautiful rainbow in the sky!
6. There ______ dozen thousands of islands in Indonesia.
7. John, there ______ a parcel for you, and there _____ some
for your brothers.
8. There _____ a new recipe in this magazine. Let’s try it.
9. Daddy, help…! There _____ a mouse under my bed..!
10. There _____ 6 players in a volley ball team.

B. There is, there isn’t, there are, atau there aren’t?

1. __________ a lot of coffee but ___________ any sugar.
2. Ancol isn’t a zoo. ___________ any land animals there, but
there __________ a sea world.
3. This bookstore isn’t good. __________ new books.
__________ only old comics and novels.
4. Hello. Yes, we are in the cinema, but ___________ a
romance. ____________ only cartoons.
5. __________ a bus in the bus station. _________ only ojeks.
Let’s take one, instead.

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6. I don’t like eating out. _________ nice restaurants in this

7. Don’t be afraid! ___________ a dog in my house, but
__________ some crocodiles ☺.
8. ____________ a CD player in my house. Please bring
yours. __________ some CDs.
9. Unfortunately, _________ a goalkeeper substitute, but
___________ 10 strikers in our team! It drives me crazy!
10. ______________ teachers at school? Where are they?
What’s wrong?

C. Tulis pertanyaan dan jawaban sesuai informasi di dalam

tabel berikut.

Fasilitas sekolah Yes/No

A library No
Several canteens Yes
A basketball court No
A mosque Yes
Some computers Yes
Several laboratories Yes
A swimming pool No
A hall Yes
Some LCD projectors Yes

1. Is there a library in your school? Yes, there is.

2. ____________________

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D. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.

For example: Is there a flight to Jakarta at 9?

Yes, there is. There’s a flight to Jakarta at 9.

1. _____? No, there isn’t a good hospital in this city.

2. _____? Yes, there are some beautiful beaches in Lampung.
3. _____? No, there aren’t any books in my bedroom.
4. _____? Yes, there is. There is a post office near the campus.
5. _____? No, there aren’t. There aren’t any parks in this town.
6. _____? Yes, there are many cats in my house.
7. _____? No, there aren’t any problems with this car.
8. _____? Yes, there’s a parcel for you today.

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14. Extra Exercise - was dan were - positif dan negatif

A. Tulislah kalimat yang bermakna berlawanan.

1. I’m sick now. (healthy) => I was healthy last night.
2. John is happy. (sad) => ___________yesterday.
3. Mike is old. (young) => _________20 years ago.
4. My sisters are fat. (slim) => ____________last year.
5. Jim is very clever. (stupid) => Last year ___________ .
6. Jason is my foe. (friend) => In high school
7. We are relaxed now. (busy) => Yesterday _________ _
8. The kids are quiet. (noisy) => ____________last night.
9. You are so strong. (weak) => _________a decade ago.
10. They are good boys. (bad) => ________last two year.

B. Lengkapilah dengan is, am, are atau was, were.

1. I ____ nervous last week. I ____confident now.
2. My dad _____ very tired, I think. He ____ in the bed now.
3. Your mom ____ worried when you ____ fainted last night.
4. Mack’s grandparents ____ angry with him yesterday.
5. Oh God! Where ____ my car? It ____ here 5 minutes ago!
6. We _____ very sad yesterday. Now we _____ very happy.
7. It _____very cold last night but it ______ hot today.
8. Do & Di ____ teammates last year. Now they ____ rivals.
9. Ben and I ____30 minutes late yesterday.
10. Bob ___ in the class while Joe ___ in the lab an hour ago.

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C. Lengkapilah dengan was, were, wasn’t atau weren’t.

1. Cindy ________ happy yesterday. He cried all day long.
She _____ very sad and frustrated.
2. I _______ a teenager yet when we moved to Jakarta. I
_____ a young kid, only around 3 years old
3. They _______ very naughty when they _______ kids. Now,
they’re very polite and friendly.
4. An hour ago? We _______ in the hall, but we _____ in the
library. We borrowed books. What’s up?
5. You _______ the best student in college. You _____ just
average. Now you’re a professor. How come?
6. Henky _______ my close friend in high school. I hated him.
We _____ foes. Now he’s my husband.
7. The government offices _______ open yesterday. They
_____ closed, because it _____ holiday.
8. My father and I _______ in hospital. We _____ in the
clinic. We _____ just tired, not sick.
9. My grandparents _______ in very good shape. They _____
fitness freak. They loved bodybuilding.
10. Hey… the park _______ green last week. The trees _____
shady. Why is it dry now?

D. Isilah is, am, are, was, were, was not, atau were not.
1. Peter __wasn’t__ in my house yesterday. He__was__ in
Andy’s house. Now, he _____ still there, I guess.

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2. Johny and Bram _______ in Team A last year. This year

they _____ in Team B.
3. We _______ late yesterday morning. We _______ on time.
We missed the meeting.
4. Sally _______ in the party. I didn’t see her there. Maybe
she _______ sick.
5. It _______ good movie. It _______ really terrible. I hated it.
I _______ very disappointed.
6. You _______ the top scorer. You score 13 goals in 2 games.
Amazing! I _____ proud of you, Bob.
7. My parents got married when they _______ 25 years old.
This year _____ their 25 anniversary.
8. I thought the jackets _______ too expensive for me. So, I
didn’t buy them. Now, they _____ sold out!
9. The concert _______ great, so we didn’t leave early. We
_____ very excited.
10. The weather _______ unpredictable yesterday, so we didn’t
go out. We _____ afraid of rain.

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15. Extra Exercise - was, were - interogatif

A. Pilih was atau were? Kemudian lengkapilah jawabannya.

1. Was Any very thin last year? Yes, she was.
2. _____ you at the beach yesterday? No,__________
3. _____ Jony sick yesterday? No,__________
4. _____ your mom angry with you? No,__________
5. _____ your hair curly at kindergarten? No,__________
6. _____ your classmates friendly? Yes, _________
7. _____ you lazy like now? No, _________
8. _____ wife thin? She’s fat now. Yes, _________
9. _____ your sons at home this morning? Yes, _________
10. _____ you and I classmates at college? No, _________

B. Apakah pertanyaanya?

1. Where were you? I was in my grandma’s home.

2. ______________ Mack was very happy because ….
3. ______________ Yes, Penky was very clever.
4. ______________ No, my brothers were very naughty.
5. ______________ Yes, it was very hot yesterday.
6. ______________ Yes, James was very stingy in college.
7. ______________ We were in Bandung last week.
8. ______________ Yes, my parents were angry with me.
9. ______________ My last birthday was two weeks ago.
10. ______________ My driving test was terrible.

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D. Tulislah pertanyaan.
1. Your shirts – cheap. Were your shirts cheap?
2. My sister – in your house. ____________________
3. Your car – broken yesterday. ____________________
4. Your shoes – expensive. ____________________
5. Dedy – your roommate. ____________________
6. I – annoying yesterday. ____________________
7. My brother – with you. ____________________
8. Riny – good at badminton. ____________________
9. Beny – a good tennis player. ____________________
10. It – rainy last Sunday. ____________________

E. Berlatih bicara. Ceritakan secara lisan.

1. How is your feeling now? How was it an hour ago,
yesterday, and on Sunday last week?
I am cheerful now, I was happy an hour ago. I was sad
yesterday. I was angry with my mom last week.
2. Where are you now? Where were you an hour ago,
yesterday, and on Sunday last week?
3. How are you now? How were you last night, two days ago,
and on Sunday last week?
4. Describe your body shape a month, a year, and a decade
ago. Were you fat, slim, thin, heavy, tall, short?
5. Describe your intelligence level a month, a year, and a
decade ago? Were you clever, stupid, or very stupid?
6. Describe your economic condition a month, a year, and a
decade ago? Were you poor, fairly poor, or rich?

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16. Extra Exercise - past continuous

A. Isilah was, were, wasn’t atau weren’t dan kata kerja -ing.
work / watch / play / walk / repair / rain / shop /wash
1. My kids ___ _______ in the park when they found $ 9000.
2. My dad ___ _______ his car when I came.
3. It __ _______ yesterday. Why didn’t you dry up the shirt?
4. There was a bomb. Luckily, Ben ___ _______ in the mall.
5. Jil & I didn’t go anywhere. We __ ______ TV at home.
6. When someone stole my bike, I ___ _______ my clothes.
7. Sorry, I couldn’t go to your party. I ___ ______ overtime.
8. When you called, we ___ _______ tennis at the stadium.
B. Apa yang sedang dilakukan orang-orang di bawah ini?
Nama At 5.00 am When I left the Now / At the
this morning house moment
Peter Go jogging. Ride his Sweep the floor.
Santi Take a bath. Water the Feed his cats.
Tim & Clean the Watch the news Iron the clothes.
Bill house. on TV.
My Read the Cook breakfast. Browse the
parents newspaper. internet.
Jack Walk to the Talk on the Drink coffee.
park. phone.
Tim’s Eat fish and Chase a mouse Sleep on the
cat pecel . sofa.
You … …

1. At 5 this morning, Peter was going jogging. When I left the

house, he was riding his bike. Now he’s sweeping the floor.

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C. Apa yang Anda dan keluarga sedang lakukan pada jam

berikut kemarin?
1. at 5.00 am At 5 yesterday morning, I was going jogging.
My father was washing the car. My mom …
2. at 7.00 am ___________________________________
3. at 12.00 pm ___________________________________
4. at 6.00 pm ___________________________________
5. at 8.00 pm ___________________________________
6. at midnight ___________________________________
7. at 4.30 am ___________________________________
D. Lengkapilah dengan was dan were.
1. ______ your kids working out in the gym? Yes,________
2. ______ your mother shopping? No,_________
3. ______ your uncle playing football? Yes,________
4. ______ your cat sleeping? No,_________
5. ______ you sleeping at 9 this morning? Yes, ________
6. ______ Joel crying when you arrived? No, _________
7. ______ my sons fighting when you left? Yes, ________
E. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.
Was it raining when you left the house?
Yes, it was. It was raining when I left the house yesterday.
1. ____? No, Tim wasn’t eating crackers in the math class.
2. ____? Yes, Deny was teaching history at 9 last Monday.
3. ____? No, they weren’t reading when their father arrived.
4. ____? Yes, Shi was having dinner when she lost her bike.
5. ____? No, the player wasn’t playing when it exploded.
6. ____? Yes, Po and Pi were drinking tea at 6 this morning.
7. ____? Yes, An and I were smoking when An’s dad came.
8. ____? Yes, I was driving when the earthquake occurred.
9. ____? No, my brother wasn’t sleeping when you called.

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F. Jadikan kalimat tanya present atau past continuous.

I / wear / a nice hat (now) Am I wearing a nice hat?
1. Jack / drive / a tractor (at 8 yesterday)
2. Your mom / sweep (at the moment)
3. Tim / sleep / in the class (now)
4. John / watch / TV (at 9 last night)
5. The baby / cry (when you left home)
6. The workers / paint / the wall (now)
7. Grandma / take a bath (when you came)
8. You / do / the test (at 8 last Monday)
9. He/play / game (when the boss arrived)
10. The child / smoke (when his mom saw him)
H. SPEAKING. Jawab pertanyaan berikut ini secara lisan.
1. Were your family staying at home at 8 yesterday morning?
Were you eating breakfast together? What was everybody
2. Who was cooking at 7 yesterday morning?
3. Were you studying English at 10 yesterday morning?
4. Was your brother doing his homework at 8 last night?
5. Were you studying at 12 last night? If no, what were you
6. Was your father working at 6 this morning? If no, what was
he doing?
7. Was your mother shopping at 5 this morning? If no, what
was she doing?
8. Was your sister cooking at 7 this morning? If no, what was
she doing?

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17. Extra Exercise - past simple

A. Gunakan did not (didn’t), verb 1, dan verb 2 dengan tepat.

play / come / study / pass / eat / finish / do / stay / return / go /
stop / visit / drink / sing / pay / buy

1. He ________ __________ to work yesterday. He

__________ at home. He was sick.
2. We ________ __________ the homework, but we
__________ the presentation slides, Sir. Here are the files.
3. Sandy ________ __________the guitar in the concert, he
__________ beautiful songs.
4. You __________ __________ the apple, but you _________
the milk, right? It’s gone!
5. The people ________ __________ to the wedding party, but
they ________ to the birthday party.
6. Rina & Dicky ________ _________ for the exam. That’s
why they got C.
7. The city car __________ __________ the emission test. It
________ the crash test, though.
8. My friend __________ __________ my book. So, I
_________the new one.
9. Sue ________ _________ at the traffic light. So, police gave
her a ticket. She _________ Rp 100.000 fine.
10. You __________ __________ your sick grandma. Why?

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B. Tulislah menjadi kalimat past simple, positif dan negatif.

Using your cell phone - mine.

I didn’t use your cell phone. I used mine.

1. Drinking coffee this morning - tea.

2. Swimming last week - last 2 weeks.
3. Trying the new recipe - traditional recipe.
4. Eating breakfast yesterday - lunch.
5. Seeing the headmaster - the new staff.
6. Studying for the test - quiz.
7. Watching the movie - circus.
8. Feeding my pet fish - snake.
9. Dreaming about war - doomsday.

C. Apa yang keluarga Anda (tidak) lakukan kemarin?

(go shopping) My mom went shopping to Bwecheck market
1. (wash our vehicles) My father
2. (sweep the floor) My brother
3. (scold me) My mother___________
4. (do my hobby) ____________________
5. (read a motivational book) ____________________
6. (finish the homework) ____________________
7. (see my grandma) ____________________
8. (top up my call credit) ____________________
9. (eat in a restaurant) ____________________
10. (print the assignment) ____________________

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D. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.

Did you lose your cell phone?
Yes, I did. I lost my cell phone .
1. ______? No, she didn’t. Timy didn’t eat the cake.
2. ______? Yes, he did. Deny came to my house last night.
3. ______? No, they didn’t send me a text message.
4. ______? Yes, she did. Sizuka Makimaki lent me a pen.
5. ______? No, it didn’t. The car didn’t break down.
6. ______? Yes, they did. Po and Pi stayed overnight here.
7. ______? No, we didn’t. Andy and I didn’t go out.
8. ______? Yes, I did. I cleaned the toilet last night.
9. ______? No, he didn’t. He didn’t play in the match.

E. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat tanya past simple.

1. (you / wore / new glasses) Did you wear new glasses?
2. (Jack/ drove / the tractor)
3. (your mother / swept / the floor)
4. (Tim / took / a nap)
5. (John / swam / in the dirty river)
6. (the baby / drank / the milk)
7. (the worker / painted / the house)
8. (grandma / cut / the meat)
9. (you /fried / the cassava)
10. (he / sold / his truck)

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18. Extra Exercise - past simple - negatif and interogatif

A. Tulislah menjadi kalimat interogatif past simple .

Using my cell phone.
Did you use my cell phone?
1. Drinking tea this morning.
2. Swimming in Mootoon beach last last 2 weeks.
3. Trying the traditional recipe.
4. Eating breakfast yesterday.
5. Seeing the new staff.
6. Studying for the quiz.
7. Watching the circus.
8. Feeding my pet snake.
9. Dreaming about doomsday.
10. Hurting you.
11. Bothering the people.

B. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif past simple.

(went grocery shopping) I didn’t go shopping yesterday.
1. Joe washed his motorcycle.
2. Mack swept the floor last night.
3. Your mom scolded you.
4. Megy did her hobby.
5. We read a business book.
6. Tom & Block finished their homework.
7. Boy saw his grandma last week.

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8. Cintya topped up her internet data.

9. We ate in Doeloe restaurant.
10. I printed the assignment with your printer.
11. Ben drove his new bulldozer.
12. Bob and Mike made delicious cakes.

C. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.

Did you lose your cell phone?
Yes, I did. I lost my cell phone .
1. ______? No, she didn’t. Sasha didn’t call me.
2. ______? Yes, he did. Dery visited me last night.
3. ______? No, they didn’t deliver the package yesterday.
4. ______? Yes, she did. Nobita borrowed my book.
5. ______? No, it did. The car broke down last week.
6. ______? Yes, they did. They contacted me last Sunday.
7. ______? Yes, I did. I bought a new car yesterday.
8. ______? Yes, I did. I sold my motorbike last month.
9. ______? No, he didn’t. He didn’t give me money.

D. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat tanya past simple.

1. (you / wore / new glasses) Did you wear new glasses?

2. (Jack/ drove / the tractor)
3. (your mother / swept / the floor)
4. (Tim / took / a nap)
5. (John / swam / in the dirty river)
6. (the baby / drank / the milk)

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7. (the worker / painted / the house)

8. (grandma / cut / the meat)
9. (you /fried / the cassava)
10. (he / sold / his truck)

E. Apakah pertanyaannya?

1. ____? Last night? Oh, I bought a T-shirt in the mall.

2. ____? I read a comic yesterday evening.
3. ____? We ate dinner in Josh resto.
4. ____? They washed their car in Jowrock Carwash.
5. ____? Jim fell off his motorbike near Polinela campus.
6. ____? Beny got a stab when he fought a thug last night.
7. ____? Chaca cut her finger when she was cooking.
8. ____? I went to Bogor by bicycle.
9. ____? I lost my cell phone yesterday evening.

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19. Extra Exercise - past continuous vs past simple

A. Lengkapilah dengan past continuous dan simple past.

withdraw / tell / sit / fall / do / explode / explain / drive / get /

leave / do /
1. You ______ ________ under the tree when it _______
down, right?! Lucky you!
2. What _______ _________ when the electricity went out last
night. Were you busy?
3. _____ you _________ attentively when I _________ about
Frank last week?
4. How fast _______ he _________ when he _________
the accident? The car is badly damaged.
5. When you __________ the class for home, what _______
my students __________ ? Were they studying?
6. The teacher _______ ________ gravity theory when the
LCD projector _________. She got skin burn.
7. I _____ ________ some money from the ATM when
someone _________ a gun at my nose.

B. Gabungkan past simple dan past continuous.

Peter come - Jony sweep the floor.
When Peter came, Johny was sweeping the floor.
1. Santi talk with Bob - Beth feed his cats.
2. Daddy leave the house - I boil some water.
3. Mommy fry banana - a mouse fall into the pan.
4. To & Ti arrive at home - Ben & Bon iron the clothes.

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5. Your parents leave the house - Uncle Sam browse the

6. The kid climb the tree - her mom update status on FB.
7. Tim’s cat catch a mouse - Joe’s dog sleep on the sofa.
8. A friend shout for help - Bedul listen to loud music.
9. A man break into my house - I sleep.
10. Your dad go to work - You …..

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20. Extra Exercise - Present Perfect

A. Isilah has / have dan past participle (V3).

move / cut / boil / brush / depart / make / fry / see / try / watch

1. I ____ _______ Jimy, but his phone is inactive.

2. Timy ____ _______ into his new house with his family.
3. Daddy ____ _______ some tofu. Let’s eat before we go.
4. Oh my God! The train ____ ______ . We are too late.
5. We ____ _______ Kopi Luwak. We like it a lot.
6. Cintia _____ _________ the movie twice. She loves it.
7. Susy _____ _________ the potatoes into small pieces.
8. My little son _____ _________ his teeth 5 times today. He
likes the toothpaste.

explain / hit / / lose / eat / take / finish / go

9. I ____ ________ our passport. I’ll report it the police.

10. Yes, sir. We _____ _________ our assignment. Here it is.
11. ‘Dad, where’s Beny?’ ‘He ______ _________ to bed.
Maybe he’s sleeping.’
12. Mr. Clark ______ _________ this math formula to me, but
I forget. Please help!
13. Franco ______ _________ a bath, but he still stinks! Why?
14. Mom, Dick _______ _________ me in the head. Look, it’s
swollen and painful.
15. Mom, I’m hungry. I _____ _________ breakfast. I just
ate 5 eggs & 6 pieces of tofu this morning. 

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D. Isilah has/hasn’t/have/haven’t dan past participle (V3).

tidy up / arrive / mop / change / run / go / cook / play

1. I _____ _________ the game, but I think it’s boring.

2. The teachers _____ _________ . They’re still on the way.
3. Yes, mom. I _____ _________ the floor. It’s clean now.
4. You ____ ________ your clothes, right? You smell!
5. Ton _____ ________ his bedroom today. It’s very messy.
6. There is no food. Susan ____ ________ dinner today.
7. Sisy ____ ________ shopping, I guess. She’s not at home.
8. The mechanic is good. My car ____ ________ smoothly.

E. Tulislah kalimat present perfect.

1. Use my new cell phone - drop it.

2. I haven’t used my new cell phone, but I have dropped it.
3. Drink coffee today - buy tea.
4. Swim this week - run twice.
5. Try the new recipe - taste the food.
6. Eat breakfast - drink milk.
7. Meet the headmaster - see the staff.
8. Study for the test - read exam tips.
9. Watch the movie - see its trailer.
10. Feed my pet fish - change the water.
11. Iron the clothes - spray with perfume.

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F. Apa yang belum/sudah Anda lakukan pekan ini?

1. (go shopping) I haven’t gone shopping.
2. (wash his vehicle) My father
3. (sweep the floor) My brother
4. (scold me) My mother
5. (do my hobby)
6. (read a motivational book)
7. (finish the homework)
8. (see my grandma)
9. (top up my call credit)
10. (eat in a restaurant)
11. (print the assignment)
12. (smoke a pack of cigars today)

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21. Extra Exercise - present perfect - interogatif

A. Isilah has/have dan past participle (verb 3) yang tepat.

finish / lend / wash / watch / cook / send / cut / take / sweep / go
1. Has _ Tim finished his homework? Yes, he has.
2. _____ Bob ________ you a message Yes,_________
3. _____ you ________ your socks? No,__________
4. _____ your parents _______ on hajj? Yes,_________
5. _____ David _______ you some money? No,__________
6. _____ you ever ________ frog soup? Yes, _________
7. _____ your dad ever _______ your hair? No, _________
8. _____ you ________a nap today? Yes, _________
9. _____ you ________ the floor? Yes, _________
10. _____ you ________ a movie this week? No, _________

B. Tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban berikut.

1. Have you lost your phone? Yes, I’ve lost my phone.
2. _________? Yes, they have. Pon & Pin have gone out.
3. _________? No, Andy and I haven’t met before.
4. _________? Yes, I have. I have cleaned the toilet.
5. _________? No, he hasn’t. My baby hasn’t slept.
6. _________? No, they haven’t. They haven’t called me.
7. _________? Yes, I’ve been to India once.
8. _________? No, I’ve never met a popular actor.
9. _________? Yes, I’ve met the president in person.
10. _________? No, I haven’t eaten breakfast today.

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C. Jodohkan pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang tepat.

1. Have I paid you my debt?
2. Have your parents gone to work?
3. Have we met before?
4. Have you done your homework?
5. Has she bought a present for me?
6. Has your company run well?
7. Has Mike told you about our trip?
A. Yes, he has. He’s shown me the photos, too.
B. No, I haven’t. I’m still working on it.
C. Yes, it has. It has exported 10.000 cars.
D. No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t bought anything.
E. No, they haven’t. They’re still at home.
F. No, you haven’t. You still owe me $100.
G. Yes, we have. We’ve met twice.

D. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat interogatif present perfect.

1. (you / wear / the new skirt) Have you worn the new skirt?
2. (your father / ever drive / a tractor)
3. (your mom / sweep / the floor today)
4. (Your sister / ever swim / in Musi river)
5. (the cat / drink / the milk)
6. (your father / repaint / your house this year)
7. (you / ever fry / snails)
8. (you / lose / a cell phone)
9. (you / print / your selfie photos this month)
10. (you /ever meet / a popular singer)
11. (your dad / ever slap / you in the face)
12. (you / ever get / an accident)
E. Tentang dirimu. Jawablah Latihan D secara lisan.

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22. Extra Exercise - Future Simpel - Will

A. Lengkapilah dengan will dan kata kerja yang tepat.

return / turn on / sweep / get / go / teach / top up / wash / stay
1. The books are overdue. I ___________ them to the library.
2. This room is very hot. I ____________ the air conditioner.
3. Mom, I’m hungry. I _____________ some fast food.
4. Bob got an accident?! Where? OK, _____________ there.
5. Jim = I don’t know how to buy ticket online.”
Tom = Don’t worry I ____________ you. It’s very easy.
6. Oh, I’ve used all my internet data. I ________it_______.
7. Sorry, I’m very tired. I think I _____________ home.
8. I ______________ the car. It’s really dirty.
9. Sorry, Mom. I ___________ the floor.
B. Isilah will atau will not (won’t) dan kata kerja yang tepat.
play / score / get / come / buy / lose / like / stop / enjoy / drink
1. The food isn’t delicious. You ___won’t like_____ it.
2. This book is very expensive. I ______________ it.
3. You exercise a lot. You_____________ the race.
4. The beach is dirty. You _____________ the view.
5. Josh has diabetes. I don’t think he ________ the sweet tea.
6. Mary doesn’t study very hard. I don’t think she
_______________ a good mark.
7. My knee hurts. I _______________ well in the game.
8. The time is nearly up. I don’t think Persija
______________ another goal.
9. The traffic is slow. Your mother ___________ home early.
10. Although he has a bad cough, I don’t think he__________

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23. Extra Exercise - Be going to

A. Isilah be (not) going to dan kata kerja yang tepat.

visit / charge / sell / play / see / call / watch / swim

1. Carla’s grandma is sick. She is going to visit her.

2. Dave and Jim are wearing jersey. They __________soccer.
3. Ronald ____________ his old motorcycle. He’s tired of it.
4. We haven’t bought tickets. We ____________ the movie.
5. The battery is running low. I ______________ it.
6. My sister _____________ in the pool. She’s still sick.
7. Bob ____________ his mother. His cell phone is broken.
8. Jojo ______________a dentist. He has a bad toothache.

win / sell / take off/ get / see / pass / find / miss

9. My father loves this house. He_is not going to sell it.

10. The exams were very easy. I _______________ them.
11. My son has not trained well! He ____________ the game.
12. The plane is on the runaway. It____________ in a second.
13. We have a test tomorrow. We_____________ the movie.
14. You work very well this year. You ___________ a
15. Brad is bored with his job. He ____________ a new one.
16. The flight is at 9 and it’s 8.50. You __________ the flight.

rain / wash / give / work / swim / fry / sell / lend / sleep / eat

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17. I _am not going to wash_ the car. It looks clean.

18. My dad ___________ overtime. He has lots of jobs to do.
19. It ______________. It’s sunny and hot.
20. Your little son _____________. He’s yawning all time.
21. Joe ____________ in the beach. The waves are too big.
22. We got good mark. The teacher __________ remedial test.
23. Jo & Mark ____________ meatball. They’re vegetarians.
24. Tony and I ___________ the cassava. We’ll boil it instead.
25. Jack ___________ his motorbike. It often breaks down.
26. Maya __________ me any more money. She’s broke, too.

B. Apa yang akan (tidak) Anda lakukan dalam waktu dekat?

learn / wash / buy / play / watch / do / send / visit / play / see /

1. I’m going to wash my shoes tomorrow. They’re very dirty.

C. Jodohkan pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang tepat.

1. Am I going to be sick, Mom?
2. Is your father going to be here?
3. Is your grandma going to retire?
4. Is the plane going to take off soon?
5. Are they going to help me with this homework?
6. Are you and Cici going to go out?

A. No, it isn’t. It’s broken! We’ll get a refund.

B. Yes, we’re. We’re going to go to Moorah mall.
C. Yes, she is. She’s 65 next month.
D. No, you aren’t. You’re going to be OK.
E. Yes, they are. They’re going to help you.
F. No, he isn’t. He’s staying at home.
D. Buatlah pertanyaan be going to dengan frasa-frasa berikut

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___ go hajj- umrah ___ eat dinner in a restaurant

___ sweep the floor ___ go shopping
___ watch a movie ___ paint your house
___ meet someone special ___ attend a wedding reception
___ see a doctor ___ hang out
___ go sightseeing ___ visit your grandparents

Keterangan waktu yang bisa dipakai:

this evening tomorrow on Sunday
on the weekend in the near future tonight
next week next month next year
1. Are you going to travel abroad in the near future?

E. Jawablah sesuai kondisimu. Lalu, praktikkan secara lisan.

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24. Extra Exercise - can dan could

A. Lengkapilah dengan could atau couldn’t.

1. Try this antivirus. I __________ kill the computer virus
with it yesterday.
2. Dave __________ install the new program last week. Now
you can use it.
3. The math problems were very difficult. Jimny __________
solve them.
4. I’m sorry, Sir. I’m very sleepy now because I __________
sleep well last night.
5. Ryan __________ find his car keys. So, he took a bus.
6. Tina __________ start her motorbike. Then, she called a
police. What a move!

B. Manakah yang bisa dan tidak bisa Anda lakukan?

swim / play chess / repair a car / run 10 km / drive a car
make a cake / dance / cook sate / cut hair / sing / write a poem
1. I can swim very well. 3. ___________________
2. I can’t play chess. 4.____________________

C. Manakah yang bisa dan tidak bisa Anda lakukan ketika

berusia 10 tahun?
climb / play piano / repair a bike / make a toy car / draw / sing
ride a horse / fry egg / boil water / iron clothes / use computer
1. I could climb a tree._____ 3. ______________________
2. I couldn’t play marbles. _ 4.______________________

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25. Extra Exercise - Kata Keterangan Frekuensi

A. Pilihlah kkf (kata keterangan frekuensi) yang tepat.

1. We __ do our homework at home. We do it in class.
(usually, rarely, almost always, every day)
2. My father goes to work by bicycle __.
(often, twice a week, seldom, hardly ever)
3. Dan and Don __ go to concert. They aren’t music fans.
(never, sometimes, usually, often)
4. I __ have breakfast. I love eating in the morning.
(seldom, rarely, almost always, almost never)
5. Tigers __ prey other tigers. They prey other animals.
(always, hardly ever, often, usually)
6. My sisters go to Jakarta __, in May and August.
(twice a year, never, twice a week, usually)
7. Rina __ goes to cinema. She thinks movies aren’t fun.
(sometimes, hardly ever, often, always)
8. Maa Cho __walks to work, but this time he takes a bus.
(usually, seldom, rarely, occasionally)
9. We __ go window shopping for fun. We love it. It’s free.
(rarely, occasionally, never, often)

B. Letakkan adverbs di tempat yang tepat. Lihat contoh.

1. (always) Jack √ cleans __ his house at night __.
2. (every day) Bib __ plays ___ the guitar ___.
3. (often) John __ is __ ill __.

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4. (once a week) We __ play __ soccer __.

5. (never) My parents__ go to __ movies __.
6. (twice a year) I __ take __ a bath __.
7. (hardly ever) Ely __ goes __ to school by bus __.
8. (six times a week) My son __ runs 10 km __ marathon __.
9. (sometimes) John __ eats __ cassava for lunch __.
10. (once a year) We __ wash __ our motorcycle __.

G. Gunakan kkf yang tepat.

1. You must ______ work hard if you want to be successful.
2. You can ______ be successful if you’re lazy.
3. Jeny is ______ late. She’s very punctual.

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26. Kata Kerja Tak Beraturan - Irregular Verbs

 V1 / Kata Kerja Dasar / Base Form adalah kata kerja yang tidak
memiliki imbuhan apapun.
 V2 / Past Simple adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menyatakan
aktivitas di masa lalu.
 V3 / Past Participle adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menyatakan
kegiatan yang telah dilakukan. Kelompok kata ini dipakai dalam
kalimat perfect (present perfect, past perfect, future perfect, dan
past future perfect)

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle

abide abode/abided abode/abided/abidden
alight alit/alighted alit/alighted
arise arose arisen
awake awoke awoken
be was/were been
bear bore born/borne
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
behold beheld beheld
bend bent bent
bet bet bet
bid bid bid
bid bade bidden
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten

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bleed bled bled

blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast/broadcasted broadcast/broadcasted
build built built
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
burst burst burst
bust bust bust
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
clap clapped/clapt clapped/clapt
cling clung clung
clothe clad/clothed clad/clothed
come came come
cost cost cost
countersink countersank, countersunk countersunk
creep crept crept
cut cut cut
dare dared/durst dared
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
dive dived/dove dived
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven

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dwell dwelt dwelt

eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fit fit/fitted fit/fitted
flee fled fled
fling flung flung
fly flew flown
forbid forbade/forbad forbidden
forecast forecast/forecasted forecast/forecasted
foresee foresaw foreseen
foretell foretold foretold
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
forsake forsook forsaken
freeze froze frozen
frostbite frostbit frostbitten
get got got/gotten
give gave given
go went gone/been
grind ground ground
grow grew grown
handwrite handwrote handwritten
hang hung/hanged hung/hanged
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit

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hold held held

hurt hurt hurt
inlay inlaid inlaid
input input/inputted input/inputted
interlay interlaid interlaid
keep kept kept
kneel knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
lean leant/leaned leant/leaned
leap leapt/leaped leapt/leaped
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
melt melted molten/melted
mislead misled misled
mistake mistook mistaken
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
miswed miswed/miswedded miswed/miswedded
mow mowed mown
overdraw overdrew overdrawn
overhear overheard overheard

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overtake overtook overtaken

pay paid paid
preset preset preset
prove proved proven/proved
put put put
quit quit quit
re-prove re-proved re-proven/re-proved
read read read
rid rid/ridded rid/ridded
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
rive rived riven/rived
run ran run
saw sawed sawn/sawed
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sew sewed sewn/sewed
shake shook shaken
shave shaved shaven/shaved
shear shore/sheared shorn/sheared
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
shoe shod shod
shoot shot shot
show showed shown
shrink shrank shrunk

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shut shut shut

sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
slay slew slain
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid/slidden
sling slung slung
slink slunk slunk
slit slit slit
smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled
sneak sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck
soothsay soothsaid soothsaid
sow sowed sown
speak spoke spoken
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled
spend spent spent
spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
spin span/spun spun
spit spat/spit spat/spit
split split split
spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled
spread spread spread
spring sprang sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stank stunk
stride strode/strided stridden

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strike struck struck/stricken

string strung strung
strip stript/stripped stript/stripped
strive strove striven
sublet sublet sublet
sunburn sunburned/sunburnt sunburned/sunburnt
swear swore sworn
sweat sweat/sweated sweat/sweated
sweep swept/sweeped swept/sweeped
swell swelled swollen
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
thrive throve/thrived thriven/thrived
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod trodden
undergo underwent undergone
understand understood understood
undertake undertook undertaken
upsell upsold upsold
upset upset upset
vex vext/vexed vext/vexed
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
weave wove woven
wed wed/wedded wed/wedded

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weep wept wept

wend wended/went wended/went
wet wet/wetted wet/wetted
win won won
wind wound wound
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
withhold withheld withheld
withstand withstood withstood
wring wrung wrung
write wrote written
zinc zinced/zincked zinced/zincked

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