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Title Page/ Introduction
Statement of the Problem
Related Literature


Description of Rating Scale

Title Page
5: Is appropriate in tone and structure to education journals, contain necessary descriptors (subjects,
independent (IV) and dependent variables (DV)), and allows readers to anticipate design
4: Is appropriate in tone and structure to education journal, most descriptors present; identifies problem
and experimentation, suggests design but lacks all descriptors
3: Identifies problem but does not allow the reader to anticipate the design
2: Identifies one descriptor, lacks design information or is misleading
1: Is not relevant to the intended study or is missing

Statement of the Problem

5: The problem statement is concise, includes descriptor variables and informs the reader of the exact
purpose of the study
4: The statement of the problem includes most of the descriptor variables and informs the reader of the
exact purpose of the study
3: The statement of the problem includes 1 descriptor variable and informs the reader of the purpose of
the study
2: The statement of the problem is unclear and does not include any descriptor variables
1: The statement of the problem is missing or is unclear and unable to be interpreted

5: The purpose or objectives of the study is clearly stated.
4: The purpose or objectives of the study can be inferred but are not explicit.
3: The purpose or objectives of the study is somehow related to the study.
2: The purpose or objectives of the study is unclear .
1: The purpose or objective is missing.

Review of Literature
5: The review of literature is appropriate, provides background information and a critique of previous
research that points out weaknesses, conflicts and areas of needed study
4: The review of literature is appropriate, most background information provided, critique points out
some but not all of the areas of needed study.
3: The review of literature provides most of the background information
2: The review of literature provides some of the background information
1: The review of literature is provides little of the background information

5: The Method specifies who the subjects will be, how they will be chosen, how many will participate
and any special characteristics of importance; a description of how the subject’s rights will be
protected is included.
4: The Method specifies most of the descriptors regarding subjects and how subject rights will be
3: The Method specifies most of the descriptors regarding subjects
2: The Method section specifies a few of the descriptors regarding subject
1: The Method section does not identify subject characteristics

5: Reference list is relevant, complete and broad enough to support the Introduction and is in correct
APA format.
4: Reference list is limited and is in correct APA format
3: Reference list includes non-relevant articles and is not in APA format
2: Reference list is incomplete and format is incorrect
1: No Reference list is included

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