Reflection Paper Week

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I enjoyed this week because it was relaxing from the previous week of
exams À my most stressful moment of the week was when Miss Adriana
called me to her office with Elliot because I·m his tutor and we had an
evaluation, and Elliot can·t pass his subjects:S it doesn·t matter how much
he studies and that he does his homework.

I think that what I can do better in order to improve is organize my time

better and help him studying as well so I can be less stressed out.

The moment I enjoyed the most of the week was Tuesday when we got out
of the school, I taped a video about Tania when she gets mad, it was really
funny, at first she got mad but then she laughed at it and thought it was
This week I learned a lot about all my assignatures, I·m worried because
there were things I didn·t understood all week long, especially in biology, its
really hard for me to understand it actually, but I think I just have to read a
little bit more about the topics we are learning, and that is all.

My most stressful moment of the week was when I got late in one class and
the teacher won·t sign my homework, I get really worried when I get
something wrong at school :S but there was nothing I could do so I decided
to let it go for then.

My happiest moment in the week was when I got in teamwork with my

friends and we went to another friend·s house, we talked about a really sick
movie and I laughed a lot, which was a little de-stressing.

I think that what I can do better is definitely take notes in class, because i
get so messed up in some assignatures, because of the fact that I don·t
take them, but ill probably can make that better.
This week I feel really proud of myself, there was this topic in an economic
assignature, that I just couldn·t understand, and I·ve been trying for 2
months it was really hard for me to understand, but I finally got it right this
time, and that made me happy.

My most stressful moment of the week was definitely when I arrived in the
morning on Wednesday and I went downstairs to buy a cardboard, so
Trinchis saw me and sent me to the place where people who come late go.
That was so unfair but, anyway, I guess it had to happen.

My happiest moment of the week was when Tania helped me with the
subject I mentioned before and I finally got it after a while.
This week has been really hard, all week have been just exams and
homework, HUGE homework: S I had a little time for studying but I guess I
got my exams right after all (:

I have to say the most stressful moment of my week was the WHOLE WEEK I
definitely was trapped around such a lot of homework :S

And my happiest moment was Tania·s birthday (:

I think I have to make things better, getting my time a little bit more
organized and my stuff too, so I can be less stressed, because is really
causing physical consequences on me, such as I·m losing weight for not
eating at my hours, and I·m not sleeping at all, that made me week :S

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