Advanced Electronic Vaulting Solutions

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Conquering the final frontier of the eMortgage

Though we specifically discuss the requirements and nuances of the mortgage industry in this
white paper, the need for secure management of electronically signed contracts and other
electronic documents exists across many industries. Advanced electronic vaulting is a technology
designed to protect and mange these documents in the most robust, compliant and secure
manner. An advanced electronic vault may be used in any industry for any electronic document
where legal admissibility, enforceability, and/or negotiability are a critical business requirement.

I Executive Summary

Legally enforceable electronic mortgage documents must be maintained and able to be

Executive Summary ......................1 transitioned throughout the life of the loan. Controls and security around post-closing
The Burden of Proof is Yours......2
A Brief Background .......................2 processes, in particular, therefore assume much greater importance. These and other
Electronic Vaulting –
The Final Frontier ..........................3 concerns must be addressed by those forward-looking mortgage companies who have
Advanced Electronic Vaulting made the strategic decision to incorporate eMortgages into their operations
for eMortgage ............................4
What is it?...................................4
eVault Access and
Connectivity.................................5 As adoption of eMortgage processes becomes more prevalent, the requirement that
Why do I need it? ........................5 electronically closed loan packages remain protected yet accessible to many parties
Success In Action ...........................6
Finding the Best Solution .............7 throughout the extended life of the mortgage becomes more critical. This requirement
What to look for........................7
Standard vs. Advanced has resulted in infrastructure conflict, risk management issues and process complexity
Electronic Vault Features.........8 for many organizations. Original documents must remain transferable, with copies
Make sure it plays well
with others ..................................9 forwarded to multiple downstream participants after closing and throughout the
Which model is best? ...............10
eOriginal Vaulting Solutions ........10 lifecycle of the loan, which can potentially stretch over decades.
Conclusion .......................................11
About eOriginal ..............................12
Strict controls must be in place every step of the way to track an original document and
prove its unaltered authenticity and uniqueness. It is essential for lenders to manage
discreet documents and their access rights, as well as to perform ongoing audits and
establish legally recognized controls. These critical requirements in the eMortgage chain
can only be bridged through the use of electronic vaulting. “Advanced” electronic
vaulting capabilities – such as transfer of ownership and the ability to provide legally
admissible copies of electronic original documents – provide added protection for

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electronic mortgage and other financial documents (See Standard vs. Advanced Electronic
Vault Features, page 8).

In the following pages, this paper will explore the need for, and the benefits of, such
The Burden of Proof
electronic vaulting solutions. While we’ll be focusing specifically on electronic vaulting in
is Yours
relation to mortgage banking, the real solution for financial institutions is truly a single
A high-profile 2005 legal decision involving
horizontal electronic vaulting infrastructure that can provide substantial benefits across
American Express points to the risks lenders
assume when they fail to properly maintain the market segments and products of the entire financial institution enterprise, meeting
electronic documents in a protected closed
system. In a bankruptcy proceeding involving the needs of multiple business segments such as mortgage, automotive finance, leasing,
a cardholder and the company, American
student loans, commercial lending, etc.
Express attempted to collect a debt outside
of the defendant’s bankruptcy filing. There
were also two different sets of documents –
one the company’s, the other the debtor’s –
each alleging different amounts in dispute.

The judge asked American Express to II A Brief Background

provide evidence of the integrity of their
electronic records, and held the proof of
accuracy and authentication of the electronic
When President Clinton signed the E-SIGN (Electronic Signatures in Global and
documents in question to a decidedly higher
standard than traditional paper documents. National Commerce) Act into law in June of 2000, the legislation established the federal
When asked, American Express was unable
to provide sufficient evidence to convince the validity of using electronic signatures (and therefore electronic contracts as well) in
court of the documents’ integrity.
financial transactions. To underscore the point, the President electronically signed the
Ultimately, the judge refused to award legislation. Basically, E-SIGN enacted on a federal level many of the core concepts of the
judgment to American Express and dismissed
the case. What’s interesting is that the case Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), which had already been adopted in some
never needed to turn out the way it did. The
form or another by various state governments across much of the country.
case came down to the witnesses for
American Express and their inability to
properly demonstrate what happens to a
document held in their electronic The intent of the legislation was to establish that electronic signatures and records carry
recordkeeping system. Had American
the same legal weight as their paper counterparts. The first section of E-SIGN (101.a)
Express presented proof of controlled access
to their database, as well as an audit trail states that a contract or signature “may not be denied legal effect, validity, or
with a secure log of activity, the case might
have had a different outcome. enforceability solely because it is in electronic form.” However, as evidenced by the
ruling against the credit card company mentioned in the sidebar, in practice this is not
This case stands as a stark reminder of the
need for electronic contracts and other always the case. The fact is, legal challenges to electronically originated loans have –
financial services documents to be managed
and maintained effectively, no matter the fortunately – thus far been exceedingly rare, leaving the financial services industry
industry segment. Today’s financial
waiting anxiously for precedents to be set.
institutions should be actively pursuing the
technologies and solutions necessary to
protect themselves.
Financial institutions need to both take advantage of the benefits afforded by electronic
Advanced electronic vaulting solutions exist
signatures and documents (including, of course, eMortgage documents and eNotes)
today that build in such protection in a legally
admissible format while increasing overall while still protecting themselves against any potential litigation. They must establish iron-
operational efficiency. In mortgage lending –
with significantly larger dollar amounts at
stake and document lifecycles that can span The Warehouse at Camden Yards, South
as much as 40 years – the matter assumes 351 West Camden Street, Suite 800 • Baltimore, Maryland 21201
even greater importance.   P. 410.895.7699 • F. 410.659.9799 • 2
clad protection and maintenance of these documents and have the proper procedures in
place to meet any and all legal requirements or challenges. Advanced electronic
vaulting solutions, on their own or as part of a third party registry system,
Authoritative Copy provide the only proven and accepted manner of doing so.
The copy of an electronic record
that is designated by agreement of
the parties to the transaction,
system rule, or system design as Already widely used in other industries with similar business needs (including
the controlling reference copy. In
automotive finance and equipment leasing – see Success in Action sidebar for more),
the case of a promissory note, the
Authoritative Copy is the electronic electronic vaulting affords the financial institution the necessary protections to securely
equivalent to the original negotiable
paper promissory note. (Source: manage eMortgages. The very same legal counsels and ratings agencies that support
MISMO, 10/05/01)
mortgage backed securities have already established and accepted advanced electronic
vaulting solutions as meeting all of their requirements for securitization purposes.

III Electronic Vaulting – The Final Frontier

Having established the necessity for financial institutions to manage, maintain, and
protect electronically signed documents and that advanced electronic vaulting is the
means to that end, it’s important to understand the concept behind the solution. In
Mortgage Electronic Registration order for the validity of any electronic document to be upheld in a court of law, or for
System. MERS was created by the
mortgage banking industry to any electronic document to be sold or transferred to a new secured party, the financial
streamline the mortgage process by institution must be able to show the documents under its control to be the legally
using electronic commerce to
eliminate paper. binding Authoritative Copies. For example, there must be a unique copy of the eNote,
which can be proven to be unaltered since the time of signing.

Once an electronic mortgage has been closed and the eNote electronically signed, a
percentage of lenders will then register the ownership of that loan with MERS. While
MERS does an outstanding job of enabling and maintaining the industry registry of
eNotes (and the other functions MERS has traditionally served) for the financial
institution, there is still more work to be done to both ensure compliance and legal
protection as well as meeting the often more stringent requirements for resale within
the secondary market. In fact, even MERS itself requires the lender have the ability to
store eNotes and transfer them to investors. This is where the electronic vault comes
into play.

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For an eMortgage to remain enforceable, admissible and negotiable, specific processes must be followed.
Pre-settlement services generate PDF documents which are prepared for an electronic closing. Parties to the
transaction sign electronically, either at a settlement office using an electronic signature device or software, or via
their computer by logging into a secure portal and applying their electronic signatures to the mortgage documents. Either way, once the
signatures are applied, an Authoritative Copy or “Electronic Original®” is created and is instantly deposited into an electronic vault, where it is
held and managed via controlled access by the vault administrator throughout its lifecycle. All activities and functions affecting the documents
are controlled via and logged by the vault. This includes any Print, Copy or View requests, the pooling and securitization of the eNote for sale
on the secondary market, generating legally admissible copies for use in a court of law, transferring the eNotes to another vault, and the
ability to export the Electronic Original documents to paper permanently.

What is it?

Before defining exactly what an electronic vault is, it’s important to know what it isn’t.
File systems and e-mailed copies of documents most definitely do not meet the criteria
of an electronic vault, or the requirements of the secondary market. Copies created by

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or stored in such systems are vulnerable to tampering and hacking and hold no verifiable
proof of their point of origination, legal validity, uniqueness or authenticity.

The mortgage industry’s understanding of what constitutes an electronic vault has

eVault Access and evolved over the years. Today’s advanced electronic vaulting solutions have developed
Connectivity far beyond the traditional means for securely storing or working with electronic

Reprinted from MERS “Integration documents. Document and content management systems, for example, while facilitating
Series: Business Overview”, Dec. 18, the ease of access and sharing of electronic documents, are not vaults. There is a world
of functionality electronic vaults possess which eclipse the abilities of even the most
If you close loans using eNotes, buy
eNotes, or offer custodial services for robust of these systems.
eNotes, you must have an eVault in
which to store them. You must also
have a process for moving eNotes So what then is an electronic vault? An electronic vault manages the legally
between your eVault and others.
binding, Authoritative Copy of an electronically signed contract or other
Physically moving eNotes happens document, and possibly its related transaction documents, in a secure
outside the MERS® eRegistry process,
but when an eNote changes location location where it is held and transitioned during the entirety of its lifecycle.
that change must be reported to the
MERS® eRegistry (as a Transfer of To ensure that an electronic contract remains negotiable and legally enforceable, the
Location). Some investors will only electronic vault permanently binds electronic signatures to the document and creates a
accept a transfer of Control for an
eNote after they have received the tamper-evident audit trail demonstrating ownership (control) and compliance. As
eNote in their eVault.
document interaction occurs throughout multiple stages along the mortgage lifecycle,
While the eVault itself does not the vault controls access and tracks all document activity from closing, through
communicate with the MERS®
eRegistry, the Location of the eNote is servicing, and finally to sale or payoff.
a required field on the system.
Therefore, the owner/operator of the
eVault will be reflected in this field,
and is required to respond to transfer
Why do I need it?
requests and receive notification
messages sent from the MERS® Holding eNotes and other loan documents in an electronic vault bolsters legal
enforceability – of both the electronic original and properly certified paper copies of the
Your MERS Business Integration electronic original. It also ensures compliance with the various legislative requirements.
Resource will work with your eVault
provider to ensure it is compliant with A true electronic vault should provide irrefutable proof that the document in the
the MERS® eRegistry.
institution’s possession is the original, unaltered document. The electronic vault should also allow privileged access to the documents without compromising the integrity of the
Copyright © MERS, 2006

Additionally, secondary market requirements dictate that such documents reside within
a secure, closed system, and the leading ratings agencies have determined – along with
their legal counterparts – that electronic vaulting meets this requirement. A robust

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Success in Action
While its use is just beginning to
penetrate mortgage finance, electronic electronic vault also meets secondary market needs by providing the ability to indicate
vaulting has been in place and working the new owner of a loan post-sale. Advanced electronic vaulting technology can perform
successfully for years – to say the least
– in other industries with similar needs transfers of ownership and location without altering the original or invalidating its
and business requirements, most notably
in automotive finance and equipment tamper seal.

Each of these two segments has, like If a mortgage loan has been registered with MERS, the financial institution would benefit
mortgage, electronic document
legislation in place (in this case, UCC from locally mirroring the control activities as they occur within MERS. This serves the
Revised Article 9-105). Unlike mortgage, institution’s own record-keeping purposes as well as providing a safeguard against
neither segment has the sort of
recognized safe harbor of MERS,, but unforeseen events that may require proof of such controls outside the auspices of
that hasn’t stopped the pervasive
adoption of eContracts and electronic MERS. Such information should obviously be tied to the eNote and other loan
vaulting solutions for their maintenance documents, and become part of an ongoing document-specific audit trail.
and management.

Equipment leases and auto loans are

originated and then bought and sold, Regardless of whether the loan is registered with MERS or not – and there will be many
securitized and sold in pools, as are loans which will never touch the registry – the institution must ensure several needs are
tangible-property backed assets. All of
the same post-closing requirements met:
found in mortgage apply equally to
these industries – if not more so due to
the lack of a centralized registry. 1. Document(s) should be protected, encrypted, and time-date stamped
The eOriginal eCore® platform is the a. The documents should be wrapped in a tamper-evident seal that will
advanced electronic vaulting standard
for these industries, having done some instantly identify and reject any changes to the document since signing
300,000 eContracts, $10 billion in 2. Privileged access rights to documents must be granted and maintained
originations, and more than $1 billion in
pooled securitizations. eCore™ auto 3. An extensive audit trail must be kept on each document, tracking several
finance customers electronically originate
more car loans in a single week than factors:
there have been eMortgages to date. It’s a. Any and all access to the document
a proven management and protection
method, as testified to by the mass b. Any copies made, by whom and for what purposes
adoption of eCore™ in automotive
finance, as well as eOriginal’s record of c. Any transfer of ownership or custody of the document
providing its vaulting services to these d. Any transfer of location of the document
players for years without a single system
error or legal challenge. e. MERS registration activities (if registered)
The major ratings agencies and legal 4. Regular integrity checks of the documents must be performed, ensuring that,
counsels – the same who evaluate byte-for-byte, there has been no alteration or degradation since signing
mortgage-backed securities – have
acknowledged and asserted the validity 5. There must be some manner to destroy an electronic original while creating a
of the eOriginal eCore® electronic
vaulting solution.. Many of the post- paper document which will thereafter be recognized as the Authoritative Copy
closing processes in these industries are 6. Likewise, destruction of the electronic document after predetermined periods
very similar to those in mortgage:: the
same lenders, the same ratings agencies of time or status changes must be addressed as well
and the same law firms, with loans sold
through the same brokers on Wall
Street. The model translates very easily
from one market to another.

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In the next section, we’ll examine these and other specific criteria financial institutions
should be looking at when evaluating an electronic vaulting solution.

IV Finding the Best Solution

Given the pressing need to secure, manage, maintain and track privileged financial
documents, particularly those signed with electronic signatures, institutions should be
actively seeking out an electronic vaulting solution. But the fact is that all vaulting
solutions are not created equal. In fact, many solutions which purport to serve
electronic vaulting needs are not vaults at all.

As already stated, document and content management systems, while not without their
benefits to certain tasks, are not vaulting solutions. Much of the high level functionality
vaults offer is simply not available in such systems, and would have to be designed,
developed and integrated at a greater expense of time, effort and money. It makes much
more fiscal and operational sense to look to established, true vaulting solutions instead.

What to look for

Having established what does not constitute an electronic vaulting solution, what then
should an institution expect from an actual electronic vault?

Secondary market investors require those loan documents which are

transferable records to reside in a closed system, with no non-differentiated
copies existing anywhere outside of the secure environment. Copies of loan
documents must be clearly marked as a copy of an authoritative original. A tamper-
evident audit trail should track any and all access or copying. Lastly, the investors
require the capability of electronic pooling and securitization of loans and their
documentation, something a true electronic vault should perform as a matter of course.

An electronic vault should provide a secure environment that will ensure that a
document remains negotiable, transferable and legally enforceable.

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Above all else, the vault should:

1. Facilitate the identification, handling and holding of legally admissible

Authoritative Copy/Electronic Original® documents.
2. Allow the documents to be transitioned as necessary throughout each
document’s lifecycle.
3. Protect documents using robust encryption, with documents time-stamped and
wrapped within a tamper-evident seal.
4. Keep audit trails on every document, providing thorough access and
transaction histories.

Though securing and tracking the documents is of primary importance, the vaulting
solution can ensure the negotiability and transferability of eMortgages and strengthen
lenders’ ability to sell them in the secondary market.

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An advanced electronic vault also:
5. Gives the institution the ability to produce legally admissible print copies of
electronic original documents
6. Allows for the transition of documents based upon status changes,
cancellations, sales, foreclosures and other events
7. Allows the institution to permanently destroy or remove the Authoritative
Copy from the vault while creating an enforceable paper version
8. Integrates retention policies into the solution, with documents held,
transitioned or destroyed as is called for by status
9. Allows the pooling and securitization of eNotes for resale

Make sure it plays well with others

To prepare for the widespread transition to eNotes, any vault under consideration
should include vault-to-vault transfer capability. Vault-to-vault transfers facilitate the
transfer of ownership upon sale of the loan. This transfers not only the Authoritative
Copy itself, but also may register the new legal control of the eNote with MERS.

An electronic vault should also support the new TOLEC (Transfer of Location of
Electronic Contracts) ANSI X-9 standard for moving the electronic original
Authoritative Copy of non-real-estate items of property from one vault to another.

It’s also in the institution’s best interest to choose a vaulting solution that can easily
interface and/or adapt to existing systems already in use. The provider should make
available developer toolkits and the necessary application programming interface (API)
calls that will allow for interfacing or integration with existing systems.

A single vaulting solution should meet compliance and security needs in a cross section
of industries. Since the electronic signature is the key to a completely electronic
process, the electronic vault must support integration with available e-signature vendors
and their technologies. The solution also needs to work with all the various front-end e-
signing approaches at use in the industry today, including:

• Electronic signature pads

• Online click-thru – “I Agree”

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• Online e-signature services
eOriginal® Vaulting
Solutions • Digital signatures (PKI)
• Tablet PC signature support
eOriginal eCore® advanced
vaulting technology is offered
through a trio of platform
options, all of which integrate As discussed above, the electronic vaulting solution should be able to incorporate MERS
with the most popular front-end submission for those loans the institution wishes to register, but should also handle
signing services and technologies:
those which will not be registered with equal ease. Documents stored within the vault
eCore™ Enterprise – provides
the most complete advanced should meet E-Sign, UETA, AFSA/ANSI, MISMO, MERS, UCC Revised Article 9-105 and
electronic vaulting functionality other requirements as applicable to the individual document/package.
on the market for all lines of
business. This infrastructure
software resides behind a finance
source’s firewall and includes Lastly, but of extreme importance, the electronic vaulting solution vendor should be
electronic signature integration able to show documented credit rating agency acceptance of validity as well as similarly
for eClosings and complete post
closing management including documented third-party legal opinions supporting secondary market sales. Electronic
pooling, securitization and vault-
to-vault transfers. mortgages are still in their infancy but criteria to ensure the validity and enforceability of
eNotes has been established in other industries and put into use in mass volume.
eCore™ Vault-in-a-Box® – is a
pre-configured eCore advanced
electronic vault that resides at a The same rating agencies and legal counsels that have signed off on electronic vaulting in
finance source’s data center to
accept and manage in-bound automotive finance and equipment leasing (see “Success in Action” sidebar) – both of
electronic original documents
which have similar secondary market needs and business requirements – have come to
transferred from various internet
origination channels. Includes the same conclusion with regard to mortgage as well. Therefore, the groundwork is
hardware and software delivered
in one system. already laid for transitioning electronic mortgages into the secondary market and
throughout the mortgage lifecycle.
eCore™ On Demand – is an
On-Demand web service with
eCore™ Enterprise advanced
electronic vaulting functions
Which model is best?
available on a pay-per-use
transaction basis. This on- Electronic vaulting solutions are available in several different implementation models
demand vault is accessed via the
web and documents are securely depending upon individual client needs. These generally fall into two broad categories:
controlled. eCore™ On Demand company-hosted vaults and on-demand, web-hosted electronic vaults. Depending upon
has low implementation costs
and the ability to upgrade to the size of an organization and the scope of its activities, it may make more sense to go
eCore™ Vault-in-a-Box® or
eCore™ Enterprise. with one over another.

1. Enterprise Solutions – a company-wide electronic vaulting solution installed

behind the institution’s firewall and integrated to existing processes. This
solution offers larger institutions the ability to maintain control of the vault in-
house. It provides customizable options for integration into existing business

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processes and is ideal for higher volume eMortgage or eContract processing.

2. Turn-Key Vaulting Solutions – a preconfigured vaulting solution packaged

with the software and hardware necessary for its use. A turn-key solution
establishes an in-house managed electronic vaulting solution for an institution
based upon accepted best practices. It eliminates the need to “build it yourself”
while providing basic key vaulting functionality immediately accessible to the
business. Implementation is significantly less involved than with an enterprise
solution, but does not reach the same level of customization, functionality
and integration.

3. On-Demand Vaulting – a web-based electronic vault with a transaction-

based fee structure. This software as a service is a turn-key solution that can be
“switched on” as a web-service, providing true electronic vaulting capabilities
with a minimum of effort. The transaction-based fee structure means that
institutions pay only according to use, eliminating barriers of cost and
eliminating complex implementation plans entirely. This solution is best for the
smaller organization, or for those that wish to achieve the benefits of
electronic vaulting in an easier, more immediately affordable manner.

Again, depending upon the individual organization’s size, needs and scope of operations,
one model might prove a better fit than the others. The expertise and best practices of
the electronic vaulting provider can be of great assistance to the institution as it decides
from among the options.

V Conclusion

The case for electronic vaulting is abundantly clear in all aspects of financial services,
particularly given the intricacies and demanding requirements of mortgage lending.
Choosing an advanced horizontal electronic vaulting solution can serve every business
segment in which the institution operates.

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By providing irrefutable proof of a document’s originality and systematically tracking any
and all access, copying, or other use of eNotes and other electronic loan documents,
the financial institution ensures its compliance with the various legislative statutes
governing electronic contracts and signatures, while also protecting its electronic
evidence. Tamper-evident seals, robust encryption and detailed audit trails all establish
both compliance and the legal veracity of documents.

Advanced electronic vaulting solutions go far beyond merely managing or even securely
storing electronic documents. The aforementioned controls, in conjunction with the
blessing of ratings agencies and legal counsels and coupled with the ability to produce
legally admissible print copies of documents when necessary, provide the institution
with the greatest possible level of protection. Seamlessly integrated with existing
systems and processes, a true electronic vault brings electronic post-closing processes
and procedures in line with both paper-based and electronic origination functions.

About eOriginal

eOriginal Inc.’s advanced electronic vaulting solutions enable lenders and investors to
eliminate paper while legally protecting their assets as electronic mortgage documents
are managed and transitioned throughout their lifecycle. eOriginal eCore® technology
and processes create electronic finance documents that are tamper-evident, legally
enforceable, admissible and negotiable. eOriginal solutions are compliant with ESIGN
and UETA, and support the MERS registry. eOriginal® technology has managed
approximately 500,000 electronic contracts representing over $10 Billion in originations,
with over $1 Billion pooled and securitized – all without a single error or legal challenge.
For more information about how to turn eOriginal’s experience into your advantage,
visit or call us at 410-895-7699.

Copyright © 2007, eOriginal, Inc. Electronic Original, eOriginal eCore, Vault-in-a-Box, Certified Print and Paper Out are registered trademarks of
eOriginal, Inc.

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