6+Steps+to+10K Month+Affiliate+Marketing

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Copyright 2018
About Me
Hi, my name is Hogan Chua. For the past two years, I’ve been able to generate over six
figures per year in profits, on a very consistent basis, without any paid advertising!

This is one of affiliate dashboards. Payouts from Aug 2016 – Aug 2018. Amounts in USD.

It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally created the life I always dreamed of (minus a
few things haha). This year I’ve done a lot of reflecting and I’ve decided I want to share
with you guys everything I did to get to where I am now.

I started in a tiny study space at my parents’ house in 2015, using a Samson Go Mic by
creating tutorials and using affiliate marketing as a way to generate income.

Later, I upgraded to a Blue Yeti mic but I had to use a mattress to block off noise as I was
recording but I kept on going. It wasn’t easy, but by the end of 2016 – I had hit
$10,000+/month profit.

Copyright 2018
This allowed me to do all the things I couldn’t do when I was younger.

During my childhood, my parents (who run a restaurant) were always working tirelessly to
create a better future for us. We barely did the usual things that families do because they
were always busy with work. Through them, I saw the many ups and downs of running a
brick and mortar business.

When I was a kid, I’d normally be at home taking care of my younger brother and sister
while all the other kids were out. During holidays, my parents would need to work so we
rarely travelled.

So, I was always dreaming, that one day I could make it and perhaps go on a family
holiday together (which we did by going to Japan last year).

This journey hasn’t been easy, but if I look back I wouldn’t change a thing– as I’ve learnt a
lot and feel as though I have grown into a better person.

Copyright 2018
I’ve always wanted to share my story, but I was scared. Scared what my friends and family
would think.

But I asked myself, if I had one day left to live –

what would I want to do?
And the answer was simple.

I want to show people that it is possible to succeed even if don’t follow the normal path of
getting a 9-5 job.

I want to show you what schools don’t teach, parents don’t understand, friends
think is a scam and what you think is not possible.

There are many people I know who are doing something they hate. They are working day
and night, with little to no free time. They feel confined as if what they are currently doing is
the only option and in turn, they feel hopeless. So maybe my story can help!

I have gone through a lot, learnt a lot, had my fair share of doubters who said “he’s at
home doing nothing…”. Parents were constantly worried I would not be successful. I’ve
been told I should go get a “real” job, basically everything you can think of.

All the criticism I’ve received doing what I do, only made me more determined to prove to
people that working from home, on my own terms is not just some silly, short-term project,
where you only make a few bucks here and there.

Copyright 2018
With Love,

Hogan Chua

Read my Full Story Here.

What is Affiliate Marketing? & Is it for me?

Simply put, affiliate marketing is the recommendation/referral of a product to a customer. If

they purchase through your affiliate link (a special tracking id link) – you will make a

Kind of like a real estate agent. If you sell a house, the owner will pay you a 2-5%

This is applying the exact same concept, but it’s online.

One of, if not the biggest companies which have affiliate programs is Amazon. Some other
companies such as Airbnb, Booking.com, many top eCommerce stores utilise it too.

Many companies have affiliate programs because it’s free marketing. They let individuals
like you and I, promote their products and in turn we get paid commissions.

I love affiliate marketing because it’s probably the most passive of all the income models
online (especially for beginners)
Copyright 2018
Passive income: means you can make money in your sleep. So, you are NOT paid by the

You don’t need any capital to start. It’s completely free to begin. No inventory, Nada.

And because of the internet, we are able to reach thousands of people, 24/7 – the internet
never sleeps. So, it can scale infinitely without hiring any staff.

Isn’t that too good to be true?

Nope, this is true. But you DO need to put in the work!

You need to learn how to create content whether that be text, video or audio.

You may be thinking what type of content can I produce?

Pretty much anything that you are interested in.

But of course, depending on the type of content you choose to produce, some will
generate more or less commission than the other– which I’ll be revealing in this eBook!

So how much can you earn?

Honestly, this is up to you and how much work you are willing to put in.

There are many examples of people earning 6 or even 7 figures online.

For example. Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income who consistently earns 7 figures a year.

Let’s say you promote Website Hosting (the commissions range from $50-$125+ per

If you just make 1 sale per day, that’s around 30 x $125 = $3750/Month USD.

In Australia – that would be about the same as an average job you get out of University.

But you can earn a lot more than that, simply because of the internet and your
ability to create content and anyone in the world can see it!

Not to mention the location and time freedom!

Copyright 2018
3 Top Examples of Affiliate Marketing

One of my favourite tech YouTubers. MKBHD.

Copyright 2018
They have a referral program to recruit new drivers.

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Booking.com – One of the largest websites that help
you find hotels and more.

Understand this is a real opportunity

Do you want to work for yourself and work from anywhere in the world? It is 100% possible
to do something that you love and are truly passionate about AND get paid for it.

This is NOT a get rich quick scheme, so if you are looking for that push button secret
that prints your money for ZERO work, please just close this eBook.

But if you want to change your life, then keep on reading and I’ll show you the 6-steps that
you can take to achieve $10,000/month or more.

You don’t need any prior experience.

You can be 15, 30 or 50 (whatever your age may be) and have never had any experience
in affiliate marketing - there are ZERO limits in the world of internet these days.

I didn’t have any skills in writing, no skill in making videos, introvert, having people say
“he’s at home, doing nothing” – but yet I made it happen.

There is no reason why you can’t make this your reality too.
Copyright 2018
Step 1: Choosing a Niche
The first step is to choose your Niche.

Now what is a niche?

The definition of a Niche as defined in the Oxford Dictionary is

“A specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.”

In other words, it’s your specific part of a market. It’s your topic. Your category.

For example, my niche is…

“Website Tutorials” – So I show people how to build websites without code.

Now, it’s also “How to Make Money Online” – So I’m showing you how to make money
online utilizing affiliate marketing.

Before you ask, here are the 3 Most Profitable Niches for Affiliate Marketing

1) Health

- Fairly simple to understand, who doesn’t want to look good? And be healthy?

People are willing to pay big dollar for these types of things

2) Wealth

People need money to survive, to be healthy, for rent, for mortgages, to buy a nice car and
to go on that holiday.

3) Relationships/Love

One of the core human needs is to find love, however finding love can be a struggle and
hence, a lot of people would appreciate advice.

These can be broken down into smaller sub-niches


- Weight Loss
o For Men Over 30
o For Women Over 30
o Kids/Teens
o Lose Belly Fat
- Diets
o Paleo Diets
- Anti-Aging
- Skin Care
Copyright 2018
- Back & Neck Pain
- Hair Loss
- Diabetes
- Nutrition
- Yoga
- Quit Smoking
- Male enhancement
- Teeth Whitening
- Pregnancy
- Acne
- Bodybuilding
- Natural Remedies
- Healthy Cooking

This is honestly a very big umbrella and something that beginners can get into –
because you can just share your experiences.


- Online Jobs
- Amazon FBA
- eCommerce
- Dropshipping
- Crypto
- Forex
- Blogging
- Social Media Marketing
- Gambling/Sports Betting
- Any Sort of Marketing
- Tools/Software which help build/start a business
- Business Opportunities


- Dating Advice for Men/Women

- Online Dating
- Dating for Specific Age Group
- Marriage
- Improve Sex

Some other profitable niches are Hobbies.

People who are passionate about certain hobbies are also very great niches. For example,
activities such as travel, golf, sailing, fishing, hunting and gardening.

Copyright 2018
Many people spend hundreds, if not thousands on different equipment, tools and
information to help them improve whatever it is they are doing.

Remember each one can be broken down to sub-sub-sub niches – which will make it
easier for you to stand out and market.

And also note – there are many ways to strategize and monetize.

For example. A popular method is to Create a website/blog about any topic you are
passionate about and then transition to show people how you are making money from the

From there you are essentially moving into the “Make money niche” naturally and can
promote products in that niche! A good example of this is a popular food blog, pinch of

But you might be like, Hogan… I don’t have any experience in any of these.

Well, neither did I – until I learnt it. There are ways where you can approach it – not from
the view of an expert but from your own opinion and experiences (This is something
ANYONE can do).

I actually had an accounting and finance degree but now I’m teaching people how to make
websites and how to make money with affiliate marketing. This comes from learning all
these things for the past 8 years and experiencing it.

Remember one thing. Roger Federer (Top Tennis Player of Our Era) – started out not
knowing how to play. You learn these skills over time and hopefully I can guide you in the
right direction.

Things to consider when choosing a niche

1. Do you like it or have interest in it personally?

I could go into the fishing niche or dog training niche - But I’ve never really fished before
nor have I ever had a pet besides gold fish.

If you are unsure, ask yourself, what is currently a problem you are facing or have faced

For example, in 2015 – I was looking for a way to build a website without spending
thousands of dollars. There was no good solution.

So, I decided I would learn how to build it without code and then teach it to others.

And Now?

I realised that people are not teaching this (make money online) at school, parents don’t
really understand, and friends believe this a scam and you don’t think it’s possible.
Copyright 2018
So that’s why I want to show you the possibilities of how anyone can make money online
by doing something they are passionate about and living life on your own terms.

2. Next Question, Is it profitable?

Can you make money from it?

There’s no point going into a niche if there are no products to promote…

Sure, you can probably make money from most niches – with some other monetization
methods but for affiliate marketing (we are promoting someone else’s product) and if there
is none, then you will be stuck.

This leads us into the next step.

Step 2: Choosing your Products.

The most profitable products to promote as an affiliate are normally digital products.


Because a digital product usually has very high profit margin as they cost nearly
nothing to reproduce.

What are some examples of digital products?

- eBooks
- Courses
- Website Hosting Services
- Software

Many digital products also have free trials – so you can easily test it out for free before
promoting it.

They are also easier to refund & quicker to be delivered to you.

And many have recurring commission structures.

Physical products like clothing or toys have lower profit margins – because of the cost to
reproduce. But it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t promote it – It might require you to have
a bigger audience and you can certainly monetize using other methods.

But I want you guys to start making money as soon as possible and once you know you
can make money from the comfort of your home – your whole world changes and the
possibilities are endless.

Copyright 2018
Where to Find Digital Products
Clickbank - https://www.clickbank.com/

1. Click on the “Affiliate Marketplace” – Top menu.

2. Browse using the left-hand side menu

3. Sort by Gravity

4. The higher the gravity score the better.

5. Minimum of 10 & Minimum of $15 Average Sale (Normally the top ones are much higher
and good to promote)

2. Others such as:




3. You can also try to find affiliates by researching top blogs in your niche.

Google search:

Passive income + Blog

Personal Finance + Blog

Then you can check their resources page (normally on their top navigational menu) and
normally – you can see what they are promoting.

See an example of one of my favourite food bloggers, Mark Weins -


4. Look around your favourite websites that you use, normally in the footer section – you
can find “partner program” or “affiliates”.

Copyright 2018
Finding Physical Products
One of the best physical product affiliate programs is Amazon Associates

Don’t promote things like socks.

That gives you about $10 x 10% commission = $1 if someone purchases through your link.

Promote higher ticket items.

I’d go with things above $100 and that have great reviews (no point in promoting
something rated 3/5 – people aren’t going to buy anyways!)

For example: Bose Headphones = $300 x 6% = $18

But a cool thing is that, you also get commission if they don’t buy the stuff you are pitching.

You get commission from the items they purchase within the next 24 hours.

You can sign up for Amazon Associates here.

Copyright 2018
A missed opportunity, in my opinion.

Many people primarily use this website for their Dropshipping website.

There are many high-quality products on their website which you can also promote as an
affiliate. You can even compare Amazon Products vs AliExpress Products.

This is a good value proposition. And people will come back to your website to find great

Sign up for Ali Express Affiliate here.

Ultimately, there are no limits, you can certainly do a

combination of both.
Don’t get stuck in choosing – you can always change. My best advice is to choose
something that you are interested (at least a little) and not just for the money.

FYI: I started out promoting dating products back in 2011. But honestly, I didn’t know much
about it and stopped.

Check whether or not people are searching for it.

1) Go to Uber Suggest

2) Type in the Product Name + Review (Select Web or YouTube)

3) That will give you the number of searches and also keyword ideas which you can
possible target.

Copyright 2018
4) I would recommend anything above 100 searches/month is okay for digital product
reviews. As you can target several keywords for each review article you do and it can get
over 300 searches per month (total for that page)

If you are ranking 1, that’s about 150 clicks/per month and at 2% conversion rate.

If each item you promote is $50. And you sell 3 items. 3 x $50 = $150 for just one product.

That’s being quite conservative. If you select a more popular product – it can be over 3000
searches or more.

Which will get you about 1500 clicks/per month and at 2%.

It would be $50 x 30 Items = $1500/month.

Note: These are just estimates. And it depends on your actual ranking.

Step 3: Choose Primary Vehicle.

Once you have found a niche and some products, we need our own virtual real estate or
place for people to find us.

This can be your website or YouTube channel.

My preference is YouTube (Primary) and Website (Secondary).

5 Reasons Why I Prefer YouTube

1) Less Competition – people don’t want to be on camera or record their voice. This is a
business, so less competition means more money and opportunities for you.

2) Easier to Build Trust – People can hear and see you, you are a real human being and
people normally buy from people they like and trust.

3) It’s free and easy to consume – Super easy to upload a video and it’s much easier to
watch a review/tutorial than to read one.

4) YouTube is faster to rank and get traffic as the algorithm is primarily based on watch
time – Whereas websites/blogs are based primarily on the number of websites linking to

5) A study by Cisco states that 80% of all internet traffic will be video by 2021 (Get your
virtual real estate now!)

Copyright 2018
But websites do have some great advantages – for example, once you start ranking
(which takes longer) your position is more stable and easier to maintain. You can also
easily edit the content so that it’s always relevant.

For me, YouTube is my primary focus and my Website plays a supporting role.

Important: If you prefer writing – then go with that because if you love it – you are more
likely to work harder and that will get you better results. So, you can upload videos as a
supporting role.

What about other social media platforms?

Those are important too, but personally I recommend YouTube and a Website because
they are both searched based which is ideal for Affiliate marketing (passive income).

Every month, there is a very consistent amount of people searching for things – that
means if we get our video or website ranked highly – we get consistent amount of traffic
and consistent $$$.

And as beginners in affiliate marketing, focusing on too much is going to hurt your
success. Focus on ONE thing and then work on the others later.

Creating a YouTube Channel

This is very easy – If you found me through my YouTube Video, chances are you already
have one. If not, create a Free Gmail account.

To upload videos, all you need to do is to click on the upload icon and you are good to go.

Learn how to build a website – step by step here or follow the guide below.

Step 1: Choose a domain & hosting

A domain is your web address.

For example - HoganChua.com is my domain name.

Yours would be something like Yourname.com

Choose one which doesn’t put restrictions to what type of content you produce.

Copyright 2018
Instead of Dogtraining2018.com choose something like: EliteDogTrainingSchool.com

- Because next year – it’s not going to be relevant.

- I also don’t recommend choosing a specific product name as your domain name.
Because that means you are stuck and can’t write about anything else.
- If you can’t think of any – Your own name is definitely a great choice.

Hosting is where you store your website files, such as images and text so people all
around the world can access it 24/7.

1) Get your discount domain & hosting here (affiliate link)

2) Select “Web Hosting”

3) Select Plan – I recommend “Baby” because you can host unlimited domains.

Copyright 2018
4) Enter your domain and choose your billing cycle – I recommend 12 months or longer as
you can save more money.

Note: Domain privacy is optional – But I do recommend it. It will keep your personal
information private. This prevents you from receiving many unsolicited emails from people
who get their hands on your details on websites like https://www.whois.com/whois/ and
contact you.

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5) Fill in your info and payment details

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6) Uncheck all services except https://

7) Enter Coupon code: HOGANCHUA, Check Terms of Service & Checkout.

Copyright 2018
8) You’ll receive a confirmation email, click on the Cpanel URL & Login with the
username/password provided.

Copyright 2018
Step 2: Install WordPress
WordPress is a content management system – that allows people to build websites without
learning code. Over 30% of the web is powered by WordPress. Best thing? It’s Free!

1) Click on “Build a New WordPress Website”

2) Select your domain and leave the “directory” empty, then click Next.

Copyright 2018
3) Fill in your information and check the terms of service, then click in Install.

4) After Installation, you can login via yourwebsite.com/wp-admin and enter in your
username and password.

Copyright 2018
5) Once you’ve logged into your WordPress dashboard – your website is live & it should
look something like this:

Note: Click on the little house icon on top left to view your homepage.

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Step 3: Install Theme
1) Download Theme

This theme allows you to build a website – using an amazing drag n drop builder.

2) To Install, go back to your Dashboard. Hover over “Appearance” and Select “Themes”.

3) Click on “Upload”

Copyright 2018
4) Click on “Upload Theme”

5) Choose file and find “themify-ultra.zip” and Install Now.

6) Activate

7) Click on “X” for the demo’s – you don’t want to upload the demo content.

I’ll show you how to set it up here.

Copyright 2018
Step 4: Content Creation
Okay, I was stuck here too when I first started.

I didn’t know how to write, make videos etc. But I learnt how to because I had no choice. It
was either I figure it out or I need to get a job.

Creating content is not the easiest and it does take time but it’s worth it.

When you create content, it’s done. If it’s great content and starts ranking, it will bring you
traffic 24/7 and if it converts – then it’s passive income. This means it’s virtually making
you money while you are sleeping. This allows you to scale infinitely.

The best types of content to create as a beginner is a “Review” or “Tutorials/Step by

Step Guides”

Reviews are great for affiliate marketing for 2 main reasons.

1) You don’t need to be an expert at anything. You just need to talk about the pros & cons
and what you recommend.

2) People are at the end of their “buying cycle” (Important!)

What that means is, they have already done the initial research and have narrowed down
their choice – they just need the final confirmation that they are making the right decision.

Here is a buyer cycle explained.

Example 1: Let’s say someone wants to purchase new laptop for university.

There first search query may be:

1. Best Laptops 2018 (not really sure what brands)

2. Best Laptops for Students 2018 (Too much selection, want to select something more
suitable for type of use)

3. Apple MacBook (Found out most people recommend MacBook)

4. Apple MacBook Pro (Decided MacBook Pro is better than the other models)

5. Apple MacBook Pro 15-inch Touch Bar Review (About to make the purchase, just
need to read/watch a more specific review before spending $3000)

Example 2: Digital Product for Better Skin/Health/Reduce Stress

1. How to Reduce Stress

2. How to Reduce Stress Quickly

3. Green Juice
Copyright 2018
4. What is Organifi?

5. Organifi Review (Final Decision Stage)

Earn Up to $908 in the first 6 months: http://www.organifi.com/affiliate/

Note: You can also do comparisons.


Showing people how to do something is really powerful. They are grateful because in most
cases, you helped them save a lot of money/time. And you can easily recommend a
product which helps in the process of solving that problem.

Example 1: How to Create a Logo

To create a logo – people can either hire someone or perhaps try to make it themselves.

That’s where you come in – You can create a tutorial (text/video) showing how to create
one using software such as Adobe Photoshop.

Earn up to $72 with Adobe - https://www.adobe.com/affiliates.html

Example 2: The Ultimate Top 3 Resorts in Bali

This is essentially a list telling people your opinion on the top 3 resorts in Bali.

Similar to a review. But at this stage, people also are very close to making that decision
and you can include your affiliate link for perhaps a booking website – such as

TIP: Whatever content you are producing, make it the best that you possibly can. At first, it
might not be the best, but as you get more experience it will become better.

Content is Affiliate Marketing’s number #1 asset just like Food is a Restaurant’s number #1

80% of your time should be spent here.

Sign up for booking.com affiliate here

In essence, produce content that is honest, informative and

something you believe your viewers would find beneficial as
that is the core of affiliate marketing.

Copyright 2018
Step 5: Getting Traffic to your Content
Now, we will need to get traffic or people to read/watch us.

1. Ensure you have your main keywords in your title – you can make it catchy too.

Instead of just “Product Name + Review”

It can be “Product Name + Review – Is it Really Worth the Money?”

2. Ensure you have the keyword within your description and tags

3. Ensure you have a good thumbnail which attract people’s attention and clicks

4. Next, I would start promoting everywhere I can. On Quora, Forums related to the video,
Blog Comments and Sharing it where ever possible.

5. If it’s good, it will automatically start getting organic traffic fairly quickly – within a few

6) You should have your affiliate link in your description (preferably before they need to
click on “show more”

7) Make sure to engage. If anyone asks you questions – answer them asap. Why? People
don’t expect you to. And when you do it quickly – it exceeds their expectation and they
might just subscribe, like and share your video.

Note, for the next step: It’s important that your video is getting some views first – which
generally means it’s a good one but needs a boost.

8) Next, I would try running Google Ads. These are pre-roll ads on other videos.

This is going to give it a boost in views (great social proof) but also increases the watch
time – hence rank higher in YouTube.

I would start off with $5/Day and run it for a few days (at least) and normally I just set it to
USA only. We want to increase the watch time for United States – because that’s where
most affiliate sales come from.

It’s important to target really relevant keywords/topics.

The aim here is not to convert to affiliate sales, but to increase rank in YouTube Search
and then convert the organic/suggested video traffic.

9) You also want to check your YouTube Analytics – to improve your retention, watch time
and also whether or not your paid pre-roll ads are working.

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10) Keep uploading more content, the more videos you do – the better you will get over
time and more chances people can find you.

Imagine that you are planting seeds and watering it every day – that’s how you build a
sustainable business that generates six figures a year.

To drive traffic to your website the main focus would be SEO (Search Engine

This is the process of optimizing a website so that it ranks on the search engines.

I have a whole video on this here.

But the basics of it

1) You need to include your keyword within your Title, H1 Tag, first paragraph (if possible)
and within your content 2-3 times.

2) You will need to build links from relevant websites.

The best way is via Guest Posts – which is writing for someone else’s website/blog.

Other methods are to do blog comments on relevant blogs. Sharing your article on forums
and on places like Quora.

Note: Don’t buy any links. I did this before many years ago and they don’t last. Google
may penalise your site. Build links organically and ethically.

TIP: Focus on really high quality content for your website. This way you will have people
who naturally link to you.

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Step 6: Grow it into a Sustainable Business
- You’ll want to keep on creating content

The more content you have – the more chances people can find you, click and buy
through your affiliate link.

You’ll also get better at it and the more views you will get!

- Build a brand

I recommend building a brand that people know, like and trust. Try to become the go-to
within your niche.

- Build an Email List

You will want to build an email list – so you can easily contact people if you have
something of value to share. E.g. an affiliate product.

1) First you will need to create an ebook (something of value to your audience) in
exchange for their email.

2) You’ll need to sign up to an email service provider – such as Mailchimp (free for 1st
1000 subscribers) or Getresponse (what I am using now)

3) Add and integrate it onto your website. Normally, you will build the form on the providers
website – then they will give you a code which you can paste into your website.

Copyright 2018
Affiliate Marketing is NOT the only way you can monetize.
1. YouTube Ads/Google AdSense

2. Sponsorships

I get emails for sponsored videos almost every single day. When you have an audience
that likes and trust you, many companies will want to approach you – so you can promote
their product.

And they will normally pay you a few hundred or even thousands, depending on your
audience size.

3. Services/Freelancing

I also get many emails every day, about people who want help with a website. The beauty
of creating content is that – you are an authority, you are the brand. You are attracting
customers (something we call inbound marketing).

Providing a service hands down the fastest way to make money online. But It’s more
“active” income rather than “passive”.

Copyright 2018
4. Informational Products/Software

The next step to affiliate marketing (promoting someone else products) is to create your
own products.

This is because you want to have total control over your business.

But for most beginners this requires more skill, time and capital – so it’s something you do

Affiliate marketing is like high school. Creating your own product is like University. It’s the
next step up.

If you are more tech inclined, you can also create software that helps your audience.

5. Merchandise (eCommerce)

Many YouTubers/Bloggers sell their own branded t-shirts and it’s something that is also a
possibility once you have an audience.

Final Words
To be successful you need to know some very basic principles.

1) Treat it like a business

You have competitors, normally if you give more value than they do – you will win.

You should always be on the lookout for opportunities and gaps – Look for problems which
have poor solutions (bad video/bad articles). That’s where you come in with a MUCH
BETTER solution.

2) Be Consistent & Constantly Improve.

Always work on getting better, sharpening your skills – so that you can deliver more value
to people. It’s going to take some time, but if you keep going and don’t stop – you’ll reach
where you want to be eventually.

3) Make other people’s dream a reality your TOP priority.

One thing that I recommend writing down is that if you make other people’s dreams a
reality, yours will become a reality too.

Help them save time and money while also educating and
entertaining them.

Copyright 2018
What I explained in this eBook are the basic concepts of affiliate marketing
and how to do it for a beginner.

In the next few weeks, I will be release more free

training videos to help you guys get started.

Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Talk soon,

Hogan Chua

Copyright 2018

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