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Project title: Building a stronger MUHAS in supporting research and innovation

Contact information

Cooperating Institution: Swedish Institution:

Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences DSV/SPIDER, Stockholm University,
Address: Stockholm, Sweden
P. O. Box 65001, Dar es salaam, Tanzania Address:
Contact persons:
Contact person:
Prof. Edda Tandi Lwoga Dr. Caroline Wamala Larsson, (PhD)
Tel : +255766279686 DSV/SPIDER´s co-coordinator for this
e-mail :, partnership programme
Project coordinator at SPIDER
Dr. Felix Sukums Tel: :+46 700241044
Tel : +255713238473 e-mail:
e-mail :,

1. Executive summary of sub-programme/project

This is a subprogram for collaborative engagement between Muhimbili University of Health and
Allied Sciences (MUHAS) within its directorate of library services and ICT and Stockholm
University (SU), through its Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) and the
Swedish Programme for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER). The subprogram is a response to
Sida´s call for Research Training Partnership with Tanzania 2015-2020. MUHAS is one of the
four institutions identified by Sida in this call for capacity strengthening collaborations whereas
DSV brings into this partnership an extensive experience, knowledge and skills base that will
support the capacity building needs of MUHAS. There is no doubt that DSV will also enhance
its own capacity through the proposed collaboration.
This subprogram aims to improve the teaching, learning and research at MUHAS by
strengthening the human and infrastructure capacity. The aim is to train MUHAS staff and
students, and upgrade the existing ICT infrastructure, systems and services. A strengthened
MUHAS ICT infrastructure will enable the University to enrol more students and offer quality
learning and research through Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), thus enable MUHAS to


respond to the national crisis of Human Resource for Health (HHR) 1and to contribute towards
evidence based practice and policies related to healthcare through expanded research capacity.
In line with improving MUHAS’ research capacity, it is hoped that the proposed program will
also facilitate wider dissemination of research findings to all stakeholders, through on job
training workshops and seminars and peer mentoring to MUHAS faculty and students on the use
of e-learning system, instructional design, access and use of e-resources and publishing in peer
reviewed journals. The envisaged ultimate outcome of the proposed collaboration will be to
improve quality of training and research at MUHAS.
2. General objectives and expected results 2015-2020
Listed below are the specific objectives of the project
1. To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure in collaboration with DSV/SPIDER
to support teaching, learning, research and other functions of the university by improving
intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television
System (CCTV) by 2020.
2. To integrate the management information systems (MISs), including a centralized user
management system (LDAP), Students’ Academic Record Information System (SARIS),
Library Systems i.e. Federated Search Systems and E-learning Management Systems
along with cloud applications, subscription to e-resources and associated hardware and
capacity building by 2020 in collaboration with DSV/SPIDER.
3. To build the capacity of MUHAS staff members and postgraduate students on the basic
ICT skills, usage of MISs, cloud computing applications, e-learning systems,
instructional design and access to and use of e-resources.
4. To build the capacity of MUHAS ICT staff on design, development, implementation,
management, support and maintenance of ICT infrastructure, systems and services by
2020 in collaboration with SPIDER.

3. Plans and expected outcome

The proposed capacity-building programme is expected to positively affect both the capacity of
the institution (MUHAS) and the surrounding society by creating a sustainable academic system
for societal development. The table below outlines a time plan indicating the proposed activities.
The outcomes of these activities are outlined in time plan (see enclosure 1) and RBM matrix (see
enclosure 2).
4. Plans and expected outcome

The proposed capacity building programme is expected to positively affect both the capacity of
the institution (MUHAS) and the surrounding society by creating a sustainable academic system
for societal development. The table below outlines a time plan indicating the proposed activities.
The outcomes of these activities are outlined in time plan (see enclosure 1) and RBM matrix (see
enclosure 2).

Nathanael Sirili et al., ‘Addressing the Human Resource for Health Crisis in Tanzania: The Lost in Transition
Syndrome’, Tanzania Journal of Health Research 16, no. 2 (2014).


Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching,

learning, research and other functions of the university by improving intranet, Local Area
Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) by 2020.

1. Annual Result 1: Agreement in ICT priorities to fill in gaps and needs in terms of
infrastructure, systems and services by students and academic staff
a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop an action plan for upgrading ICT infrastructure and
systems in collaboration with DSV/SPIDER

2. Annual Result 2: Increase usage of the Intranet resources by 70% students and 80% academic
staff by the end of June, 2019 (DSV’s facilitative role here will entail identifying and procuring
the services of systems developer(s) who will work with MUHAS DICT to develop the Intranet
system. The development of the Intranet will draw on the ICT audit undertaken by
DSV/SPIDER together with DICT.
a) Annual Activity 1– Develop technical specifications for Intranet system
b) Annual Activity 2– Acquire the intranet system and adapted to MUHAS settings
c) Annual Activity 3– Create awareness of intranet system among MUHAS users
d) Annual Activity 4– Manage and maintain intranet system
e) Annual Activity 5 - Gather Intranet system usage reports on monthly basis

3. Annual Result 3: An increase of 80% students and 80% academic staff using e-resources
through wireless network by the students and academic staff at MUHAS campus by June 2019
a) Annual Activity 1 – Manage and maintain wireless access points
b) Annual Activity 2 – Gather Wireless access points usage reports on monthly basis

4. Annual Result 4: An increase of 80% students and 90% academic staff using the maintained
and repaired ICT services by the students and academic staff at MUHAS campus by June 2019
a) Annual Activity 1 – Procure fiber cables
b) Annual Activity 2 – Gather usage reports of the repaired ICT equipment
(photocopier) on monthly basis

5. Annual Result 5: Increased security of library resources by June 2020

a) Annual Activity 1 – Manage and maintain Library CCTV system
b) Annual Activity 2 – Gather usage reports of the CCTV on monthly basis

4. Annual Result 6: An increase of 50% library users with physical challenges (students and
academic staff) are using ICTs at MUHAS Library by June 2020.
a) Annual Activity 1 – Manage and maintain equipment and software for people with
physical challenges
b) Annual Activity 2 – Identify users with physical challenges in consultation with
respective offices e.g. Admission office for students and DHRM for staff.
c) Annual Activity 3 – Create awareness on availability of the service for users with
physical challenges
d) Annual Activity 3 – Gather usage reports of service for people with physical
challenges on monthly basis


Objective 2: To integrate the management information systems (MISs), including a

centralized user management system (LDAP), Students’ Academic Record Information
System (SARIS), Library Systems i.e. Federated Search Systems and E-learning
Management Systems along with cloud applications, subscribed e-resources, associated
hardware, and capacity building by 2020.
Annual Result 1: Increased usage of integrated management information system by 20%
students and 40% staff by June, 2020
a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop terms of References and technical specifications
together with DSV/SPIDER for integrating the six management information systems.
This activity will be done after the ICT audit and the after a work plan has been
b) Annual Activity 2 – SPIDER/DSV to procure a consultant to undertake integration
c) Annual Activity 3 – DSV/SPIDER to carry out MISs integration assignment together
with DICT
d) Annual Activity 4 – Gather MISs usage reports on monthly basis
e) Annual Activity 5 – Gather MISs usage reports on monthly basis

Annual Result 2: Increase utilization of the subscribed e-journals and e-books by 60% students
and 60% academic staff, by June 2020

a) Annual Activity 1 – Subscribe to the selected databases according to the user needs
b) Annual Activity 2 – Increase users’ interaction with the library resources through use
of Web 2.0 technology such as RSS alert service, Blogs, Wikis and Facebook
c) Annual Activity 3 – Gather databases usage reports on monthly basis for monitoring
and user feedback
d) Annual Activity 4 - Increase licensing fee for e-journals through the Consortia

Annual Result 3: Increase utilization of the integrated library e-resource through federated
search system by 50 40% students and 50 40% academic staff by June, 2020
a) Annual Activity 1 – Upgrade existing federated search system
b) Annual Activity 2- Increase users’ interaction with the library resources through use
of Web 2.0 technology such as RSS alert service, Blogs, Wikis and Facebook
c) Annual Activity 3- Subscribe to the Federated search system through procurement
d) Annual Activity 4 – Gather federated search system usage reports on monthly basis

Annual Result 4: Increase utilization of the local library e-resources through the upgraded library
information systems (KOHA & IR) by 90% students and 80% academic staff, in June 2020
a) Annual Activity 1– Upgrade the library information systems
b) Annual Activity 2 - Increase users’ interaction with the library resources through use
of Web 2.0 technology such as RSS alert service, Blogs, Wikis and Facebook
c) Annual Activity 3 – Gather library information system usage reports on monthly

Annual Result 5: Increased access and sharing of local ICT services and resources through
established centralized authentication system by 20% students and 30% academic staff in June


a) Annual Activity 1 – Prepare technical specification for the user management system
b) Annual Activity 2 – Prepare terms of References together with DSV/SPIDER
c) Annual Activity 3 – SPIDER/DSV to procure a consultant to undertake assignment
d) Annual Activity 4 – DSV/SPIDER to develop the user management system together with
e) Annual Activity 5 – Gather usage report of the user management system on monthly

Objective 3: To build the capacity of MUHAS staff members and postgraduate students on
the basic ICT skills, usage of MISs, cloud computing applications, e-learning systems,
instructional design and access to and use of e-resources.
Annual Result 1: Trained 50 MUHAS researchers/faculty (25 female: 25 male) and 300
undergraduate and postgraduate students (female 100: 100 male) on the use of e-resources by
June 2020.

a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop a schedule of the training workshops to be conducted to

undergraduates (5 workshops) and postgraduates (5 workshops); and 2 workshops for
MUHAS researchers/faculty). Each workshop for postgraduate students will have 30
participants, while workshop for researchers will have 20 participants.
b) Annual Activity 2 – Organize the training workshops to be conducted.
c) Annual Activity 3 – Develop a list of faculty members and postgraduate students to
be trained.
d) Annual Activity 4 – Conduct pre and post assessment of the training workshops

Objective 4: To build the capacity of MUHAS ICT staff on design, development,

implementation, management, support and maintenance of ICT infrastructure, systems
and services by 2020
Annual result 1: An increase of two in-house trainings for 40 Library ICT staff (20 Female: 20
Male) on e-resources, management of ICT infrastructure and systems by June 2020.

a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop training materials for the workshops to be conducted

b) Annual Activity 2 – Develop a schedule of the 2 training workshops to be conducted
c) Annual Activity 3 – Organize the training workshops to be conducted
d) Annual Activity 4 – Develop a list of a Library and ICT staff to be trained
e) Annual Activity 5 – Conduct pre and post assessment of the training workshops

4. Annual target 2017 - 2018

The results described below are based on the logical framework of the program, as well as the
state of art of the activities. The planning has been organized in four main objectives as shown in
the following subsections.

Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching,

learning, research and other functions of the university by improving intranet, Local Area
Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) by 2020.

The core functions of MUHAS are to enhance teaching, research and consultancy. In order to
ensure smooth implementation of these core functions, there is a need for having reliable intranet


infrastructure. The current project will upgrade and maintain the ICT infrastructure including
ICT equipment for people with physical challenge, repair and replacement of ICT equipment
such as photocopiers, printers, and computers. This will facilitate easy accessibility of external
electronic teaching and research resources as well as resources within MUHAS´ intranet. The
creation of awareness of the intranet is expected to increase usage of Intranet resources by 20%
of students and 40% of academic staff by the end June, 2018. Further, the maintenance of ICT
equipment such as photocopiers will increase utilization of ICT services to 80% students and
90% academic staff at MUHAS campus by June, 2018. The project also expects an increase to
40% students and 30% academic staff using e-resources through wireless network at MUHAS
campus by June, 2018. The procurement of ICT equipment for people with physical challenges
will increase use of library ICT services by 50% of library users with physical challenges
(students and academic staff) by June, 2018

Objective 2: To integrate the management information systems (MISs), including a

centralized user management system (LDAP), Students’ Academic Record Information
System (SARIS), Library Systems i.e. Federated Search Systems and E-learning
Management Systems along with cloud applications, subscription to e-resources and
associated hardware and capacity building by 2020.

The project will integrate the management information systems (MISs), including a centralized
user management system (LDAP), Students’ Academic Record Information System (SARIS),
and library Systems. Through this activity, the project expects to increased usage of integrated
management information system by 20% students and 40% staff by June 2018. The project will
also install and configure VPN system to allow remote access, and upgrade the existing library
management integrated systems, repository, e-journal system, and federated search system. This
activity will increase remote access to e-resources using virtual private network (VPN) by 40%
students and 40% academic staff in June 2018. The subscription to academic databases will
enhance access to e-resources by the 60% of students and 60% of academic staff at MUHAS by
June 2018. The upgrade and subscription to federated search system will also allow library users
to access multiple databases through a single search system. Such subscription of federated
search system will increase utilization of the library resources by the 40% of students and 40%
of academic staff at MUHAS by June 2018. The upgrade of library information system will also
increase utilization of the local library e-resources through the upgraded library information
system by 30% students and 30% academic staff, in June 2018.

Objective 3: To build the capacity of MUHAS staff members and postgraduate students on
the basic ICT skills, usage of MISs, cloud computing applications, e-learning systems,
instructional design and access to and use of e-resources.

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allows faculty members and postgraduate
students to improve teaching, learning, and research activities. The CPD programme enhances
career progression, keep abreast with new technologies and practices. Therefore, the CPD
programme will focus on building the capacity of MUHAS faculty and students on the following
areas: usage of cloud computing applications; e-resources and e-learning systems; and access to
e-resources and evidence based health care practices. The CPD programmes for the year
2017/2018 will be organized as outlined below.

 Two workshops on e-resources and e-learning will be conducted to 60 MUHAS faculty (30
Female: 30 Male). The workshops will be conducted by June, 2018.


 A total of five (5) workshops will be offered to postgraduate students at MUHAS to build
the capacity on basic ICT skills, access and use of e-resources, e-learning and use of
management information systems. Each workshop will be conducted to 25 postgraduate
students, making a total of 125 postgraduate students (50 female: 75 Male)

Objective 4: To build the capacity of MUHAS library and ICT staff on design,
development, implementation, management, support and maintenance of ICT
infrastructure, systems and services by 2020
The project will build the capacity of Library-ICT staff to improve their skills on design,
development, implementation, management and maintenance of ICT infrastructure, systems and
services by conducting two workshops. In this year, two in-house training workshops will be
conducted to 40 Library- ICT staff (20 Female: 20 Male) by June 2019.

5. Analysis
The project was implemented successfully, although there are some activities, which will be
carried forward to the next year 2017/18:
a) Five activities will be carried forward because the ICT technical audit took a longer
time than it was expected. The delay in completing the ICT audit affected timely
implementation of the activities as outlined below. Therefore, all these project activities
will be carried over to the third year of the project. It is therefore expected that all these
project activities will be completed by June, 2018. These project activities include the
 Development, Training, management and maintenance of MUHAS intranet
 Integration of Management Information Systems (MISs)
 Installation and configuration of Virtual Private Network (VPN) and
centralized user management system
 Building capacity for MUHAS faculty staff on use of MISs and e-learning
system delayed because of systems improvements. 2 workshops will be
conducted for MUHAS faculty during 2017/18 project activities
 Building capacity for technical ICT staff the management of MISs and
intranet system delayed because of the ICT audit. 2 workshops to ICT
technical staff will be conducted during 2017/18 project activities


6. Enclosures

Results Activity Responsible Expected Expected

person Commencement finalisation
Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching, learning, research and other functions of the university by
improving intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) by 2020.
Annual Result 1: a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop an action plan for
DICT, DSV July, 2018 December, 2018
Agreement in ICT priorities upgrading ICT infrastructure and systems in
to fill in gaps and needs in collaboration with DSV/SPIDER
terms of infrastructure,
systems and services by
students and academic staff
Annual Result 2: Increase a) Annual Activity 1– Develop technical DICT, DSV July, 2018 December, 2018
usage of the Intranet specifications for Intranet developed
resources by 20% students b) Annual Activity 2– Acquire the intranet system
and 40% academic staff by and adapted to MUHAS settings
the end of June, 2017 c) Annual Activity 3– Create awareness of intranet
system among MUHAS users
d) Annual Activity 4– Manage and maintain intranet
e) Annual Activity 5 - Gather Intranet system usage
reports on monthly basis
Annual Result 3: An a) Annual Activity 1 – Manage and maintain DICT July, 2018 June, 2019
increase of 40% students wireless access points
and 30% academic staff b) Annual Activity 2 – Gather Wireless access
using e-resources through points usage reports on monthly basis
wireless network by the
students and academic staff
at MUHAS campus by
June, 2019


Annual Result 4: An a) Annual Activity 1 – Procure fiber cables DICT, DLS July, 2018 June, 2019
increase of 80% students b) Annual Activity 2 – Gather usage reports of the
and 90% academic staff repaired ICT equipment (network) on monthly
using the maintained and basis
repaired ICT services by the
students and academic staff
at MUHAS campus by
Annual Result 5: Increased c) Annual Activity 1 – Manage and maintain DLS, DICT, July, 2018 June, 2019
security of library resources Library CCTV system
by June 2019 d) Annual Activity 2 – Gather usage reports of the
CCTV on monthly basis
Annual Result 6: An a) Annual Activity 1 – Manage and maintain DLS, DICT, July, 2019 June, 2020
increase of 50% library equipment and software for people with physical
users with physical challenges
challenges (students and b) Annual Activity 2 – Identify users with physical
academic staff) are using challenges in consultation with respective offices
ICTs at MUHAS Library by e.g. Admission office for students and DHRM for
June, 2020 staff.
c) Annual Activity 3 – Create awareness on
availability of the service for users with physical
d) Annual Activity 3 – Gather usage reports of
service for people with physical challenges on
monthly basis
Objective 2: To integrate the management information systems (MISs), including a centralized user management system (LDAP), Students’
Academic Record Information System (SARIS), Library Systems i.e. Federated Search Systems and E-learning Management Systems along
with cloud applications, subscription to e-resources and associated hardware and capacity building by 2020.
Annual Result 1: Increased a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop terms of References , DICT, DSV, July, 2018 June, 2019
usage of integrated DLS
and technical specifications together with
management information DSV/SPIDER for integrating the six management
system by 20% students and information systems. This activity will be done
40% staff by June, 2019.


after the ICT audit and the after a work plan has
been developed.
b) Annual Activity 2 – SPIDER/DSV to procure a
consultant to undertake integration assignment
c) Annual Activity 3 – DSV/SPIDER to carry out
MISs integration assignment together with DICT
d) Annual Activity 4 – Gather MISs usage reports
on monthly basis
e) Annual Activity 5 – Gather MISs usage reports
on monthly basis
Annual Result 2: Increase a) Annual Activity 1 – Subscribe to the selected DLS, DICT, July, 2019 June, 2020
utilization of the subscribed databases according to the user needs
e-journals and e-books by b) Annual Activity 2 – Increase users’ interaction
40% students and 40% with the library resources through use of Web 2.0
academic staff, by June technology such as RSS alert service, Blogs,
2020. Wikis and Facebook
c) Annual Activity 3 – Gather databases usage
reports on monthly basis for monitoring and user
d) Annual Activity 4 - Increase licensing fee for e-
journals through the Consortia

Annual Result 3: Increase a) Annual Activity 1 – Upgrade existing federated DLS, DICT, July, 2019 June, 2020
utilization of the integrated search system
library e-resource through b) Annual Activity 2- Increase users’ interaction
federated search system by with the library resources through use of Web 2.0
40% students and 40% technology such as RSS alert service, Blogs,
academic staff by June, Wikis and Facebook
2019 c) Annual Activity 3- Subscribe to the Federated
search system through procurement process
d) Annual Activity 4 – Gather federated search
system usage reports on monthly basis


Annual Result 4: Increase a) Annual Activity 1– Upgrade the library DLS, DICT, July, 2018 June, 2019
utilization of the local information systems
library e-resources through b) Annual Activity 2 - Increase users’ interaction
the upgraded library with the library resources through use of Web 2.0
information system by 60% technology such as RSS alert service, Blogs,
students and 60% academic Wikis and Facebook
staff, in June 2019 c) Annual Activity 3 – Gather library information
system usage reports on monthly basis
Annual Result 6: Increased a) Annual Activity 1 – Procure a consultant to DLS, DICT, July, 2018 June, 2019
access and sharing of local DSV
undertake assignment
ICT services and resources b) Annual Activity 2 – Develop the centralized user
through established management system
centralized authentication c) Annual Activity 3 – Manage and maintain the
system by 20% students and centralized user management system
30% academic staff in June d) Annual Activity 4 – Gather usage report of the
2019 user management system on monthly basis
Objective 3: To build the capacity of MUHAS faculty members and postgraduate students on the basic ICT skills, usage of MISs, e-learning
systems, instructional design and access to and use of e-resources.

Annual Result 1: Annual a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop a schedule of the DLS, DICT, July, 2019 June, 2020
Result 1: Trained 50 training workshops to be conducted to
MUHAS undergraduates (5 workshops) and postgraduates
researchers/faculty (25 (5 workshops); and 2 workshops for MUHAS
female: 25 male) and 300 researchers/faculty). Each workshop for
postgraduate students will have 30 participants,
undergraduate and
while workshop for researchers will have 20
postgraduate students participants.
(female 100: 100 male) on b) Annual Activity 2 – Organize the training
the use of e-resources by workshops to be conducted.


June 2020. c) Annual Activity 3 – Develop a list of faculty

members and postgraduate students to be trained.
d) Annual Activity 4 – Conduct pre and post
assessment of the training workshops

Objective 4: To build the capacity of MUHAS Library staff on the use of emerging technologies and e-resources and ICT staff on design,
development, implementation, management, support and maintenance of ICT infrastructure, systems and services by 2020

Annual result 1: An a) Annual Activity 1 – Develop training materials DICT, DSV July, 2019 June, 2020
increase of one in-house for the workshops to be conducted
training for 20 ICT staff (6 b) Annual Activity 2 – Develop a schedule of the 2
Female: 14 Male) on training workshops to be conducted
management of ICT c) Annual Activity 3 – Organize the training
workshops to be conducted
infrastructure and systems
d) Annual Activity 4 – Develop a list of library and
by June, 2019 ICT staff to be trained
e) Annual Activity 5 – Conduct pre and post
Annual result 2: An
assessment of the training workshops
increase of one in-house
training for 20 library staff
(14 Female: 6 Male) on the
use of emerging
technologies and e-resource
by June, 2019







Justification of the budget

ICT infrastructure development - Sweden

a) Salary for providing technical support in conducting ICT needs assessment/Audit,
integration of MIS, Intranet setup, training of ICT staff and coordination will be
147,134 SEK
b) Travel: for five years a total amount budgeted for travel is 50,000/= (budget includes
travel and accommodation expenses for consultants/experts from Sweden)

c) Salary costs related to process advisory and activity management support will cost
21,000/= SEK

ICT infrastructure development – Tanzania

1. ICT infrastructure
a) Detailed LAN review will cost 10,417 SEK

b) Develop action plan to upgrade the infrastructure and audit report awareness will cost
8,546 SEK
c) Fiber Cables Maintenance - one package will be purchased @5,500 SEK
d) Antivirus for MS Windows Server will cost 4,000 SEK
e) MUHAS Intranet site development will cost 27,500 SEK

2. Integrated MISs, including a centralized user management system

a) Configuration & integration of MIS (SARIS, LDAP, KOHA, Moodle, Mail) and VPN
will cost 50,000 SEK
b) Upgrade of library management integrated systems, repository will cost 2,000 SEK

3. Subscription of federated search system

a) Annual subscription of federated search system, will cost 9,200 SEK annually

a) One training workshops on e-resources and eLearning will be conducted to 20 MUHAS
researchers, which will cost 5400/=, and each workshop will have the following cost
i. 3 facilitators for 2 days @ 250 SEK half per diem allowances as per
government rates,
ii. stationery lumpsum @300 SEK,
iii. refreshments for 20 people for 2 days @80 SEK
b) 5 training workshops on e-resources and e-learning will be conducted to 225
postgraduates, whereby each 45 postgraduate students will attend each workshop. Each
workshop will cost 250, and each workshop will have the following costs: 2 facilitators
for each workshops @ 120 SEK as extra duty allowances according to government


c) Two in-house training for Library-ICT staff. Each workshop will cost 5400, and each
workshop will have the following cost: 3 facilitators for 2 days @ 500 SEK, stationery
lump sum @400 SEK, refreshments for 20 people for three days @80 SEK



Types of Outputs Outcomes Performance Baseline Actual Outcomes [Key] Outputs

Indicator Annual Outcome Achieved: Results produced in year to
(including targets) (if Targets for 2017/ obtain Outcome
of Outcome established 2018 Observed in year
) (2017/2018) in 2017/2018
Specific Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching, learning, research and other functions
of the university by improving intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
by 2020.
Awareness of 1.2. Increased usage of Number of MUHAS Increased usage of
MUHAS Intranet Intranet resources by 70% of students and staff intranet intranet system by
created students and 80% of utilizing the system 70% of students and
academic staff by the end intranet established 80% of academic
June, 2019
ICT equipment for 1.3. At least 50% of MUHAS Number of ICT At least 50% of
people with physical library users (students and students and staff equipment MUHAS library users
challenges used staff) with physical utilizing the ICT for people (students and staff)
challenges will be able to use assisted equipment with with physical
ICT equipment (2) by June for visual aid
physical challenges will be
challenges able to use ICT
procured equipment
ICT equipment (fiber 1.4 An increase to 100% of Number of 70% of An increase to 100%
cables, and students and 100% staff students and staff students and of students and 100%
photocopiers) using ICT services at utilizing the 80% of staff staff using ICT
maintained MUHAS campus by June, repaired ICT are utilizing
2019 equipment the e-
(photocopiers) resources
through fiber
Number of fiber network
cables replaced


Types of Outputs Outcomes Performance Baseline Actual Outcomes [Key] Outputs

Indicator Annual Outcome Achieved: Results produced in year to
(including targets) (if Targets for 2017/ obtain Outcome
of Outcome established 2018 Observed in year
) (2017/2018) in 2017/2018
Specific Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching, learning, research and other functions
of the university by improving intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
by 2020.

 We have adequate financial support from the government to maintain ICT services
 We have skilled staff to manage and maintain the ICT infrastructure and systems
Specific Objective 2: To integrate the management information systems (MISs), including a centralized user management system
(LDAP), Students’ Academic Record Information System (SARIS), Library Systems i.e. Federated Search Systems and E-learning
Management Systems along with cloud applications, subscription to e-resources, associated hardware, and capacity building by 2020.
Six management 2.1. Increased of integrated Number of users ICT Increased of
information system management information of integrated MISs Technical integrated
integrated system by staff and audit report management
students by 70% students in place information system
and 80% academic staff by by staff and students
June 2019 by 70% students and
80% academic staff
Established a system to 2.2. Increased usage of Number of Open access Increased usage of
allow remote access to remote access to e-resources students and e-resources remote access to e-
e-resources using virtual private network academic staff accessible resources using
(VPN) by 40% students and remotely utilizing for all staff virtual private
40% academic staff by June, e- resources at and students network (VPN) by


Types of Outputs Outcomes Performance Baseline Actual Outcomes [Key] Outputs

Indicator Annual Outcome Achieved: Results produced in year to
(including targets) (if Targets for 2017/ obtain Outcome
of Outcome established 2018 Observed in year
) (2017/2018) in 2017/2018
Specific Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching, learning, research and other functions
of the university by improving intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
by 2020.
2018 MUHAS 40% students and
40% academic staff

Subscribed to 35 2.3. Increased utilization of Number of 20% of Increased utilization

academic databases the library resources by the students and students of the library
90% of students and 80% of academic staff 30% of resources by 90% of
academic staff at MUHAS by utilizing library academic students and 80% of
June, 2019 resources from
staff academic staff
databases at
resources at
during the
past year
Upgraded and 2.4 Increased utilization of Number of None Increased utilization
subscribed federated the integrated library e- students and staff of the integrated
search system to resource through federated utilizing library library e-resource
increase access to local search system by 90% of information through federated
and international students and 80% of systems
databases from 40 to academic staff at MUHAS by search system by the
80 June, 2019 90% of students and
80% of academic staff


Types of Outputs Outcomes Performance Baseline Actual Outcomes [Key] Outputs

Indicator Annual Outcome Achieved: Results produced in year to
(including targets) (if Targets for 2017/ obtain Outcome
of Outcome established 2018 Observed in year
) (2017/2018) in 2017/2018
Specific Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching, learning, research and other functions
of the university by improving intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
by 2020.
Upgraded library 2.5 Increased utilization of Number of 20% of Increased utilization
management systems the local library e-resources students and staff students of the local library e-
(KOHA, DSpace) through the upgraded library utilizing library 20% of resources through the
information system by the information academic upgraded library
students and academic staff at systems staff information system
MUHAS by 90% students Utilizing by the students and
and 80% academic staff by library academic staff at
June, 2019 resources at MUHAS by 90%
MUHAS students and 70%
during the academic staff
Established centralized 2.6 Increased access and Number of Zero Increased access
authentication system sharing of local ICT systems centralized and sharing of local
services and resources integrated to the authenticati ICT services and
through established centralized on system resources through
centralized authentication authentication established
system by the students and system centralized
academic staff at MUHAS authentication
by 20% students and 30% system by the
academic staff by June, students and
2018 academic staff at
MUHAS by 20%


Types of Outputs Outcomes Performance Baseline Actual Outcomes [Key] Outputs

Indicator Annual Outcome Achieved: Results produced in year to
(including targets) (if Targets for 2017/ obtain Outcome
of Outcome established 2018 Observed in year
) (2017/2018) in 2017/2018
Specific Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching, learning, research and other functions
of the university by improving intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
by 2020.
students and 30%
academic staff

 We have adequate financial support from the government to maintain ICT services
 We have skilled staff to manage and maintain the ICT infrastructure and systems
 Software vendors readiness to provide required information for integration
Compatibility between the MIS platforms
Types of Outputs Outcomes Performance Baseline Actual Outcomes [Key] Outputs
Indicator Annual Outcome Achieved: Results produced in year to
(including targets) (if Targets for 2017/ obtain Outcome
of Outcome established 2018 Observed in year
) (2017/2018) in 2017/2018
Specific Objective 3: To build the capacity of MUHAS staff members and postgraduate students on the basic ICT skills, usage of
MISs, cloud computing applications, e-learning systems, instructional design and access to and use of e-resources by 2020.
At least 20 MUHAS Trained 20 MUHASNumber of staff 10 Trained 20 MUHAS
faculty and 225 faculty (10 Female and 100 and students workshops faculty (10 Female
postgraduate students were
Male) and 225
trained on the use of e- Training schedule conducted to and 10 Male) and
resources postgraduate students (75and 250 225 postgraduate
female and 159 male) byannouncements of postgraduate students (75 female
June, 2019 through 5the conducted students and and 150 male)
workshops forworkshops 4 workshops
postgraduate students and 1 were
workshop to faculty on theNumber of trainingconducted to


Types of Outputs Outcomes Performance Baseline Actual Outcomes [Key] Outputs

Indicator Annual Outcome Achieved: Results produced in year to
(including targets) (if Targets for 2017/ obtain Outcome
of Outcome established 2018 Observed in year
) (2017/2018) in 2017/2018
Specific Objective 1: To establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure to support teaching, learning, research and other functions
of the university by improving intranet, Local Area Network (LAN), wireless network, and Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
by 2020.
use of e-resources 60 faculty
members) members

 We have adequate financial support from the government to maintain ICT services
 We have adequate and skilled staff to manage and maintain the ICT infrastructure and systems
Specific Objective 4: To build the capacity of MUHAS library and ICT staff on design, development, implementation, management,
support and maintenance of ICT infrastructure, systems and services by 2020.

Skilled ICT staff 4.1. An increase of two newNumber of trained One An increase of two
in-house trainings for 19 ICT staff workshop new in-house
conducted to
ICT staff (5 Female: 14 Number of 19 ICT staff trainings for 19 ICT
Male) on management of trainings in 2016/17 staff (5 Female: 14
ICT infrastructure and Male) on
systems by June, 2018 Training schedule management of ICT
announcements of infrastructure and
the conducted systems
 We have adequate financial support from the government to maintain ICT services
 Increased retention of ICT staff


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