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Fellipe Lobo

Taboo is a word, guessing, and party game. The objective
of the game is for a player to have their partners guess the
word on the player's card without using the word itself or
five additional words listed on the card.


Are there litter laws where you live? If so, what is the penalty for
Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?
Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature?
How has the world changed since you were a child? (technology, values,
environment, health)
How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?
What are some things that can be recycled?
What are some things that your community is doing to help the environment?
What are some things which you recycle?
What are some types of pollution?
What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?
What can you do to help prevent pollution?
What do you think of people who smoke cigarettes indoors?
Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or protecting
the environment?
Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people
or the government? Explain.
Are companies more or less environmentally responsible now than they were
in the past? Why do you think that is?

Banning plastic straws

Straws have become the flashpoint in a global crusade against plastic waste.
Several cities, businesses and world leaders have pledged to ban the plastic
products in an effort to rid the world’s bodies of water of waste.
But does it really make sense to zero in on this one product?
Chelsea Rochman, an assistant professor who studies
pollutants in freshwater, explained that straws are just W
one piece of a much larger problem.

“Straws are kind of low-hanging fruit, they’re an easy

win and that’s fantastic, I just hope that everyone
realizes that’s one step of many and there is no
silver-bullet solution to plastic pollution.”, she said.
Plastic Pollution crisis:
How waste ends up in
Plastic waste in oceans by the numbers our oceans
United Nations figures show nearly 9 million tonnes of
plastic — bottles, packaging and other waste — enter the ocean each year,
killing marine life and entering the human food chain. Straws add up to about
2,000 tonnes.

They also only account for about 4% of the plastic trash by number of pieces.
That doesn’t mean they’re not significant. Rochman explained that they are
typically “one of the top 10 items” found in beach cleanups.
Overall, about 80% of all litter in oceans is made up of plastic.
The UN has launched a campaign to eliminate major sources of marine litter,
such as single-use plastic products, by 2022.
Why plastic straws then?
The United Nations and individual politicians didn’t specifically target straws.
Much of the movement began with the European Union’s and the United
Kingdom’s bid to reduce plastic waste from oceans.

In April, British Prime Minister Theresa May pledged to eradicate plastic waste by
2042 as part of a “national plan of action.” But their directive highlighted several
types of single-use plastics, which included straws, but also cotton buds, wet
wipes, stir sticks, and more.

Part of the reason straws became such a hot-button issue is because of a viral
video, which showed marine biologists removing a straw from a sea turtle’s
nostril. Rochman said the video accurately shed light on how straws can hurt
“There’s evidence of straws being the culprit, causing death in animals when they
eat them or causing injury when they get stuck in organs,” she said.
Not all straw replacements are equal
It’s up to businesses how they choose to replace plastic straws.
Some have opted for paper or compostable plastic straws, while others are
planning on buying reusable metal ones.

Starbucks, which is the largest food and beverage company to pledge a

plastic straw ban globally, will have strawless lids.
Rochman said businesses should choose the replacement wisely. If they
don’t, the whole process can be a waste of time and money.

“If you’re going to replace something with compostable plastic, you absolutely
have to have a mechanism for it to be composted. In most cities around the
world there is no magic green bin that we can put those materials in,” she
explained, suggesting paper replacements may end up being more
environmentally friendly.

Who will replacing plastic straws hurt?

Those cutting out straws or thinking of replacements should
also consider the unintended difficulties they could cause
those with disabilities.

Several advocates have spoken out saying that

people with mobility limitations need straws to drink.
James Hicks of the Council of Canadians with
Disabilities told The Canadian Press that those with
disabilities are being treated as an afterthought in the
Starbucks to ban plastic
discussions. straws, but can't recicle all

“One need should not trump another. The need for good
environmental products should not trump what’s needed for people with
disabilities, and vice versa,” Hicks said.

He added "Any law about straw use would have to include assurances that
straws remain accessible and affordable for those who still need them. Paper
and biodegradable straws break down faster than many of us can use them.
Also, metal straws can become too hot and cause injury. And those with
mobility limitations may not be able to wash reusable straws."

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