Hotel Management: A Case Study of Mathura Paradise', Shivamogga

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A case study of ‘Mathura Paradise’, Shivamogga

Chapter 1
 Introduction
 Need or relevance of the study
 Methodology
 Limitation of the study

 Introduction
 Historic evolution of Hotel
 Growth of the Hotel Industry
 Scope of the Industry
 Hotel Industries in India
 An Indian Scenario of Modern Hotel
 Classification of Hotels
 Types of establishments
 Provisions of amenities in India
 Marketing Hotel services

 Meaning and definitions of Management
 Nature of Management
 Levels of Management
 Functions of Management
 Evolutions of Management thought

Chapter 4
 History
 Capital structure
 Means of Finance
 Management structure
 Facilities available
 Total turnover of the Sales
 Menu available chat

Chapter 5
 Management of Establishment
 Management of Staff
 Service Management
 Menu Planning

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

 Questionnaire
 Bibliography

Chapter 1

 Introduction
 Need or relevance of the study
 Methodology
 Limitation of the study


The main aim of modern market should be generally towards the satisfaction of
consumers the traditional marketer was profit oriented but now it is consumer
oriented this requires through understanding of consumer behavior, the
business management must take more action role in anticipating consumer
needs and wants, their desires and aspirations.

Hotel is an important aspect of the economic development of India. They play

big role in this country. This report is an analytical study of the management of
hotel for this hotel Mathura has been studied as a model, which is situated in

This project report has been classified into seven chapter throws light of
Introduction. The project report to the reader, explaining need or relevance,
methodology and limitations for the study the Second chapter explains about
the growth, origin, importance and scope of the hotels, are definitions and
historical evolutions of hotel growth of the hotel industry. Size and scope
marketing hotel service, classification of hotel and Indian scenario of modern

The third chapter explains about the introduction to management, meaning and
definitions of management, nature, levels functions and evolution of
management thought. The fourth chapter narrates the profile of hotel Mathura
and the reader is introduced to hotel Mathura. Further is the fifth chapter
narrates the terms management of hotel to the reader in detail. The reader can

have the analysis of the survey findings in the chapter six. In the chapter
seventh we can find the suggestions and conclusions to the problems, in the
annexure, a questionnaire is used for the survey and lists of selected
bibliography are giving.


 To know about hotel Mathura
 To know the likes and dislikes of different customer of Shivamogga
 To know about the positions of different hotels
 To analysis the habit of visiting hotel
 A list out various purposes that influences their vesting.
 To know about the various problems faced by the staff of this hotel and its

In order to write this report both primary and secondary data has been
collected. Primary data has been collected through newspapers; report of hotel,
orientation handbooks, and magazine and from websites of hotels, information
on the social aspects was collected from text books and periodicals.

Considering the constraints, it was decided to conduct the study based on
sample size of 50 respondents. The selection was made through combined
approach of random sampling and convenient sampling. Scientific method was
not adopted in this study because of financial constraints and also because of

lack of time, also the basic aim of doing the research was academic, hence
most convenient way was selected.


While understanding a study if their nature it is necessary that the required
information to be collected through the sampling survey.

The primary data refers to data that is collected a fresh and recorded for the
first time. Primary data are those data that is collected by researcher. It thus
happens to be original in its nature. The various methods of collecting primary
data are through performing interview, through questionnaire, observation and
through direct communication with the respondents but the basic manner of
primary data collection is survey method.

One of the tools to collect primary data is questionnaire. 23 questions were
prepared to collect the data. The questions were framed carefully and logically
taking into the consideration of all the factors in the interest of the
subscribers. Effectors were made through questionnaire to know the present
market mobile users. The essence of their questionnaire is explained to the
respondents and sufficient time is given to reach respondents to answer the

Secondary data refers to those data that has been collected and analyzed by
someone else. In other words secondary data is the information that already
exists some where having been collected for another purpose. In this study
secondary data was collected for another purpose. In this study secondary data
was collected from various sources, such as
 Internet
 References from libraries
 Company brochures
 Business magazines
 Business dailies
 Company's annual report

The filed work has been carried out in Shivamogga town, only to collect
primary data. The response was encouraging as far as the customers were
concerned. The respondents were selected from different types of occupation.


There was a wholehearted, kind and polite co- operation from the entire unite
of Mathura Paradise hotel during the preparation of this report, the manager
and the staff provided all the information.
However, the study was fully planned there may be minor error due to
improper distribution of questionnaires to all sectors in Shivamogga.
However, I feel that may suggestions and conclusion are realistic and practice.
There suggestions and recommendations have been made to improve
management and marketing pattern of the hotel and do not mean that currently
the hotel is not being managed properly.

Chapter 2

 Introduction
 Historic evolution of Hotel
 Growth of the Hotel Industry
 Scope of the Industry
 Hotel Industries in India
 An Indian Scenario of Modern Hotel
 Classification of Hotels
 Types of establishments
 Provisions of amenities in India
 Marketing Hotel services


Currently at number three positions proceedings only to auto sales and food
retail sales, the tourism numbers two globally, travel and tourism is the world’s
largest industry and the world’s largest generation of jobs, in the U.S.A. The
tourism industry is in terms of employment behind only health services the
tourism industry includes 15 of more inter related business from lodging,
establishing, airlines, restaurants to cruise lines, car rentals, travel agents and
operators in 6-10 of this series of the term.” Hospitality management” has
been used interchanger ably with “Hotel Management” the former being the
broader sense of letter.


When we of Hotel Industry it is much broader meaning.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary:- “Hotel means the reception and
entertainment guests, visitors of strangers with liberality and good will” the
hotels and restaurants but is also refers kinds of institutions that offer shelter or
food or booth to people away from their homes. Moreover there institutions
have more than common historical heritage they also share the managed
problems of providing food and shelter problems that include erecting a
building, providing heat, light and power, cleaning and maintaining the
premises and preparing serving food in a way that pleases the guests. We
expect all of the to be alone with liberality and Goodwill”

The term “Hotel’ is derived from the old French “OSTEL” and was originally
used to denote only extremely large and prestigious. The most ancient example
that was still preserved perfectly in modern times was at Saint Antonio name
torn-et- georama dating from the middle 12th century. Thus Hotel may be
defined as “Building of Institutions providing boarding and lodging services
for the usage of the word to the institutions operated for the profit.

However in keeping was not possible until same standardized medium of

exchange come into existence. As the travel increased, the need for the lodging
by the travelers also increased the inns of those days was small porting of a
private dwelling.

In those days the magistrates were ordered to take securities from the landlords
or the keepers for the maintenance of good conditions in the inns, there
conditions prevailed for thousands of years. But after the industrial revolution
there were signs of progress in business of inn keeping. During this era from
1750 to 1850, English inns gained the reputations of using the leadership is the
development of the modern hotels.

Many factors like pioneering sprit of the American inn keepers, for luxury and
comforts, for universal enjoyment. Because of the American habit of per
manner of hotel, the winter resole was or later development by it did not attract
to public later was develop in California in 1815.

In 1920 to the present along with resorts the hotels and motels industry has also
developed to a greater extent.


The economic, demographic and social changes have been largely responsible
for the rapid growth of hotels Industry over the last decade the 1980’s
represented for the hospitality industry one of the most tumultuous decades in
its history the free wheeling development days of this decades we driven by the
creative investment package put together by all the constitutions of the global
capital market community. There packages were based upon a mistaken belief
lat inflation will continue unabated thus making real estate development one of
the most attractive investment opportunities available to those with capital to
loan or invest.

During those cavalier days of the 1980’s hotels engaged in expression beyond
their national boundaries as tried to take advantage of what they believed to the
investment bonanza awaiting them. They engaged in many forms of growth
such as jo9int ventures, masters, franchising agreements and strategic alliances,
it summed that there was almost a corporate footrace to see who could join
forces with whom infect most expansion of this nature took place without
changing much of the organization structures.


India, the ancient land of civilization, cultural dance, drama, music and hospital
has been visitor through the centuries by the travelers from many countries.
Fa’Haien’ Hieun Tasang Marcopolo and Ibn Batuta have left interesting

accounts of travelling in India for facilitating the braw the kings and rule, built
the Dharmashalas, constructed roads, planted trees, dug well and tanks with
the advent of Muslims of series were introduced

Projection improvements in the means of transport and communications

resulted in the establishment of inns and travels. Later with the advent of
British form of western style. It seems that with regard to modern hotels, it
were the British who introduced hotels ink India mainly for their own are or for
foreign visitor’s. Dr. Negi writers that “ The credit for opening the first western
style hotel under the name of British hotel in Bombay in 1840, goes to
Pallangee pesto gee, He is called the pioneer of the western style hotel in India.

The twentieth century was a during point in the history of hotel Industry in
India, in this century there was areal growth a development of the hotel

Following are the main types of hotels:
 International Hotel
 Resort Hotel
 Commercial Hotel
 Residential hotel
 Floating Hotel

International Hotels
International hotels are the modern western styles hotels in almost all
metropolitans and other large cities as well as principal tourist centers.

Resort Hotel
Resort hotels cater to needs of holiday- marker to tourist and those who by
reasons of health desire a change of atmosphere. Resort hotels are located near
the sea, mountain and other area a rounding in natural beauty.

Commercial Hotels
The commercial hotels direct their appeal primarily to the individual traveler as
compound to international of resort hotels where the focus is on the group

Residential Hotels
There hotels can be described as apartment house complete with hotel service
there are often referred to as apartment hotels.

Floating Hotels
As the name suggest, there hotels are located on the surface of the water, it
may be seawater, river water or on a lake. All the facilities and services of
hotels are provided in there hotels.

Hotels are also classified in another and major categories they are:-
 Five star Hotels *****
 Four star Hotels ****
 Three star Hotels ***
 Two star Hotels **

An Indian scenario of modern hotels

In every nook and corner of the world we can find hotels and Indians is not
specially to this while analysis the Indian Scenario of modern hotels several
fact and figures have been discovered.

Hotel business has been service industries of India, there are than 1000 ultra
modern and more than 10,000 modern hotels serving to the needs of the public
other this there is a lot of hotels serving to the needs of the students travelers,
professionals, etc. There price also differs from hotel the out of the hotel some
way provide the oral menu. But oral menu is very rare, as the people the
printed menu a lot.

Another event pertaining to the modern hotels is the hotel that provides both
boarding and lodging facilities. Hotels of this kind are growing field of tourism
there hotels provide both food and shelter to customer some of the hotels
maintain a homely atmosphere and are striving to provide the best service.
Which is provides a greater satisfaction to the customer. In this type of hotel
along with cuisiness the rent per room varies from hotel to hotel majorities
maintain the well equipped rooms, which suits different kinds of consumers.

The Indian modern hotel was started a different kind of services in the recent
years there services includes imparting the different international cuisines
serving of different foods and drink apart from the usual menus etc. This has
become the backbone of the modern industry in India.

The different branches of the hotel industry are shown in figure, establishment
are grouped according to their style of service and type of menus.
 Hotels and Motels[Five star restaurants]
 Restaurants [classical, Internationalization specialist cuisines]
 Reception/ conference centers
 Self service outlets [canteens]
 Clubs [service and sports clubs]
 Fast food outlets [chicken, fish, pizza]
 Snack bars [coffee shops, cafes]
 Private catering firms [diner parties]
 Institutions[live –in- college, hostels]
 Transport catering [train, ship]
 Armed forced [ Army, navy]

Provisions of Amenities in Hotels :

Many hotels spend a considerable amount of their annual expenditure budget
on providing amenities, or guest’s supplies. Amenities are normally personal

care product of services available in the hotel room to enhance the guest’s
comfort, specific amenities may includes.

Soaps: Air conditions
Shampoo : Sewing kit
Tooth past / Tooth brush: Make –up tissues
Hand/ Body lotion : Washing line
Shower cap: Suntan lotion
Mouthwash: Scent / after shave
Bath/ Shower gel: Hair dryer.

Shoe shine kit : Am/Fm radio
Shoehorn : clothes hangers
Stationary :Direct company bill
In room safe: Morning newspapers
Remote control : Selection of books and journals

Food And Beverage Amenities

Mini bar : Complimentary wine
Fruit basket : Water boiling facilities
Chocolates : Hot beverages supplies

Desk Area
Fax machines: Desk light
Personal computer : House Directory
International Direct dialing : Mobile telephones
Telephone : Desk pad

Marketing Hotels Services

For many marketing conjures up images of selling and advertising. Today
lodging marketing executives, hotel manager should understand that their
properties run as a system. Demand is balanced with the ability to produce.
Marketing plans and strategies strike a balance b/w the needs of the marketing
mix [product, price, distribution, communication] and the external needs, wants
and willingness to pay of the target markets the two fold purpose of marketing
the only valid definition of business purpose is to create a customer.

According to Drucker
“It is the customer who determines what a business is for it is the
customer and be alone; who through being willing to pay for a good for service
converts economic resources into wealth, things into goods”.
Creating a customer does not mean simply making a sale, it means creating a
relationship where is a buyer wants you product before that of the competition,
it should clear then why marketing is defined as.

Chapter 3

 Meaning and definitions of Management
 Nature of Management
 Levels of Management
 Functions of Management
 Evolutions of Management thought


Meaning and Definition of Management

Human beings are surrounded by organization its, organization are deprival to
achieve common goals. An organization has been defined a group of people
trying to achieve given objectives through an activity called
“MANAGEMENT”. In this sense management means –“ A process to direct”,
to co- ordinate and to integrate the activities of an organization.

Management is one sense is a social function that sets goals of an organization

and integrates human activities and material resources in such a manner as to
realize the common goals of organization. Therefore, management refers to
guidance, leadership, direction and control of efforts of a group of people
leading to achievement of common objectives, further is terms of function”
management is an activity comprising functions of planning all there facts and
concept throw light on the fact that management is a function of getting the

One widely quoted definition of management is “Management is art of getting

things alone through other”

Definitions:- Some of the views and definitions given by different experts on

the teem management are as follows
According to William Spriegel “ Management is that functions of an
enterprise which concerns it self with the direction and control of the various
activities to attain the business objectives”.

According to George R. Terry
“Management is a distinct process converting of planning, organizing,
actuating and controlling performed to determine and accomplish the
objectives be the use of people and resource.”
 According to D.J. Clough: “ Management is knowing exactly what you
want do and then seeing that they do it in the best and idle was.
 According to Henry.F :- “ To manage is to forecast, to man to organize,
to command to of ordinate and control”.
 According to Peter .F. Drucker:- “ Management is a multipurpose
organization that managers that business, manager the business, manages
the manager and manager worker and the work”.

Nature of Management:
The nature of Management is they are as follows
 Management is an organized and purposeful activity it exists for
achievement of specific objectives.
 It is concerned with efforts of group of people whether it is an activity of
a family, a club, a government, an army of a business enterprise.
 It is getting the things done through others.
 It apples eco principles for the attainment of goals.
 Management is universally accepted activity concerned with co-
ordination and integration of human and eco- resources.
 Management interdisciplinary approach to obtain facts from different
like science, sociology, mathematics, statistics.
 Management is dynamic in nature this evince of management lies in the
co- ordination of individual efforts in to leam.

 It is a system of authority where in the work a delegation process
 Management is people, through people and for the peoples does a social
process management, it is concerned with interpersonal relationship.
 Management is continuous the cycle of management .
 Continues to operate so long as there is organized action for the
achievement of group goals.
 Force it cannot be seen but its presence can felt every where in the form
of results.
 Management is essentially as executives function it deals with the action
and control of the activities of people to attain predetermined objectives.
 Management is situation; efficient management is always national of
contingency management because there is no one best way of doing
 Management is an art as well as science; management contains a
systematic study of theoretical knowledge as well as the practical
application of such knowledge

Levels of Management:
In every organization, there is a management hierarchy or a chain of commode
from ultimate authority to the lowest rank. This chain is made up of
supervision subordinate relationship the chain of the hierarchy of management
consists of series of manager’s position called levels of management”. The
number of management levels may differ from company to company the levels
of management there is no fixed number of management position of levels. The

number of management levels depends upon the size of the complexity of the
organization in a big company
 Top Management
 Middle Management
 Supervisory or operating management
The levels of management they will be following chart as

Consisting of owner or
shareholder, board of
director and its Chairman
and managing director or
general manager or
Consisting department
and section such as
production, finance,
marketing, accounts,
Consisting ofetc
superintendents formers,
first line super etc

1. Top Management:-It usually consists of board of dire to and chief

executive it is accountable for over all management to the owner of
organization. It has to deal with the external and internal environment
course it has to establish long term objectives and strategies therefore it
is the company’s policy making group

Functions: To determine the objectives of business

To assemble the resources required to put the plans into effect
To control the operations through the organization.

2. Middle Management:- It comprises of department or divisional heads
like works manager, personal manager, finance manager etc each depart
head it responsible for efficient functioning of concerned department
middle management is however be divided into two divisions.
a) Upper middle management or intermeddle management
b) Lower middle Management or subsequent management

 To interprets the plans and policies of the top management
 To since instructions of the subordinates and guides them in their operations

3. Operation Management: If consists of superintendents and forement

and frontline supervision they are concerned with technical routine and
day to day problems, they maintain personal contacts with operations
this management forms the link b/w top level management and the
workers. It has to implement policy organize instruct and guide personal
and control their performance. It has plan day to day operations with in
the goals laid down by higher authorities.

Functions of management:
1 Management functions
2 Operative functions
Lying down of producers and standard of performance, planning is a
continuous or on going process. It is helpful is more effective achievement of

For implementing planes a found organizational structure is required
organizing is the process of allocating. Work among the members of the
group, establishing authority. Responsibility, relationship among them and
integrating their activities towards the common objectives . In this way a
structure of relationship among jobs, personnel’s and physical factor is
developed, organizing is the frame work through which management directs
controls and co- ordinates the efforts of peoples.

“Co- ordination is the evince of management although it is not a direct
function like planning organizing etc. Planners organizer, directors and
controller have to concern themselves with co –ordination function for
effective implementation of there activities.
Co- ordinations is under taken at all levels and is concerned to be all control
problem of energy organization.

1) Managerial Functions:-
Management is the development of the people managing people in the hard art
and the essence being a manager thus a personnel manager is a manager and as
such he much perform the basic functions of management it functions
 Planning
 Organizing
 Coordinating
 Staffing

 Directing
1. Planning:- Planning is the first and the most primary function of
management manager plans before, the acts plan involves determine the
objectives and resulting a course of action to active them. It implies what is
to be done.
2. Determination of objectives
3. Forecasting and choice of a course of action
4. Formulating of policies
5. Staffing:-Staffing is the process of filling all position in the organization
with adequate and qualified personnel. It consists of manager planning,
recruitment selection, training compensation, and integration and
maintenance of employees staffing function has become important with
growing size of organization, technological advancement and reorganization
of the human factor in industry.
6. Directing: Directing is the managerial functional of guiding, supervising
motivating and leading people to words the attainment of planned target of
performance is the process of directing his sub-ordinates, manager takes
active step to ensure that the employees accomplish their take according to
the established plans. It is concerned with the execution of plans and
policies directing functions of management embraces the following
 Supervising people at work
 Motivation i.e. Creating the willingness to world for certain objectives
 Issuing orders and instructions
 Communication i.e. establishing understanding with employers regarding
plans and their implementation.

 Leadership or influencing the behavior of employers
7. Controlling:- Controlling is the process ensuring that the organization is
moving in the desire direction and that process is being made towards the
achievement of goal.

Evaluation of Management thought:

Management has been practices in some for or other since the down of
civilization. Every since human beings started livings together in groups,
technique of organization and management work evolved the sundries
civilization duting back to 300b.c had efficient system of tax collection the
pyramids of Egypt, the chines civil services the Roman catholic church the
military organization also after good examples of early obligation of
management . Despite ancient organize, very little conceptual organization
body of knowledge was developed in management till the end of 19 th century,
A systematic study and analysis of management as a sciences began in 20the
century after the industrial evolution. Since then management has development
as a district disciplined social science.

Chapter 4


 History
 Capital structure
 Means of Finance
 Management structure
 Facilities available
 Total turnover of the Sales
 Menu available chat


Mathura hotel situated in BALRAJ Urs Road Shivamogga was started in 1990.
This is partnership firm the proprietor of this hotel SRI. GOPINATH this is
incorporated under companies Act 1956 on 10 th May 1999, with company
number 19/ 10/ 99. 00.This is belongs to up coming and priming Mathura
Residency this hotel is partnership firm. The initial capital investment was Rs 1
crore 5 Lakhs. There amounts is lumsum one and include all the additional
carts i.e cart furniture decoration materials, lighting equipments and the initial
advancement for building this amount also includes the looking utensils
working ranges and salary paid in advance to the staff members.

A present the hotel is having an investment 1 crore 86 lakhs which includes the
cost of equipments; cost of furniture’s and decoration, cost of different
instruments by this amount covers the instrument of entire hotel
 Mathura residency
 Mathura Lodge
At the stage initial stage, hotel was consisting of 20 staff members now it has
given employment to 34 staff members they are as given below
 Manager- 1
 Supervisor -5
 Cook -3
 Assistant cook -4
 Waiter -8
 Cleaners -13

This hotel at Balraj Urs Road the hotel is situated in the heart of the city so
there is an advantage of being more attractive and it acts as a silent salesman
in marketing.

This hotel maintains the quality of food, financial turn over, service and has a
comfortable seating capacity, air conditioner to the customers.

Consumer behavior is greatly affected by the locality of the hotel, taste and
prices of the foods items majority of the respondents like the tastes of the food
in Mathura hotel. So Mathura hotel is graded as “A” category.

The wage salaries paid to the staff members according to the Karnataka
Pradesh hotel and restaurant association (K. P. H. R. A) and the provident fund
is only covered by the “ Employee State Insurance Act”.

The monthly wages of the members is given below
 Manager
 Supervisor
 Cook
 Assistant cook
 Waiter
 Cleaners
 Wages at the staff members may very from time to time.

The additional cost of hotels is electricity bills, water charges and cooking
items, which may very from month to month. However the capital instrument
is hared only on the fixed cost and not the variable cost.

Performance Analysis
Interpreted hotels in Shivamogga to be accurate the hotel incurred losses in the
beginning , but gradually it began to attract consumers and it began to work
according to the tastes of the modern consumers providing the best services to
the consumers of Shivamogga as well as the outsides.

Particulars Rs ( In Lakhs) Rs
Land `
Land cost deposit for leases 5.00
Rights 3.00
Land development cost
Civil 130-00
Electrical 16-00
Air conditioner 2-00
Plumbing sanitary, boilers 16-00
Kitchen equipments 50,000
Fire protection system 26-00
Interiors Total 190-50
Consulted fee an 2-00
Prelim Expenditure 5-00
Deposits 5-00
Miscellaneous fixed assets 5-00
Interest during Construction 30-00
Working capital 10-00
Total 258-00

Means of Finance as under

Particulars Rs Lakhs Rs
Promoters 50-00
Tern Loan 116-00
Private Loan 92-50
Total 258-50

Purchase : Owner or Co Member

Accounts : Owner Cashier
Marketing : Owner I. G. M

Facilities Available:
There will be totally 50 rooms of which 30 will be double deluxe air
conditioner rooms. There will be each in first and mezzanine flour and third
and fourth flour each of the rooms have been given enough attentions by the
architects to provide expected comforts and convenience to the customers and
proved most modern finishers in interiors to meet taste of the tourist and other

Each of double deluxe air conditioner and double air conditioner and single a/c
will have attached bathroom of 20 staff are and the bath room will have
running hot water modern sanitary fillings with testy shower, it suits bath as
will as toilet will be provided.

Such of the rooms will have twin cost from beds and pillows , one writing tale
and chair. One dressing table, mirror and stool, 2 single sofas, one tea pay 1
bed side stools 1 luggage rack, wall carpet, curtains, each of the rooms will
also be provided with the rooms flask sterilized glass hotel, bottle opener. All
guest bottle opener, All guest rooms will be tastefully decorated.
Each room will have linen blankets, towels etc, room will have a general light,
bed side lamps, fan night lamp calling bell, dressing mirror, lamp, at tube lights
in the bath room 2 plug points in room for vacuum cleaner, 2 points in the bath
room. Each room will have a master electrical switch to be operated by using a
room key to save the energy.

Rates charged by the Hotel for Rooms by Mathura Residency Shivamogga

Category Single Double
Standard 300 495
Regular Suite 500 600
Deluxe Suite 600 900
Service charge
Taxes 4%

Food Beverage Facilities

 The hotel will have one vegetarian providing south Indian dishes and
North’s Indian will be opened for burger snacks around the clock
 The hotel will have providing Ice creams and spices Ice creams snacks
 The hotel will also have a roof garden restaurant on the terrace proposed
to have vegetarian restaurant.


Management Structure


General Manager

Asst. Manager

Front office manager Conference hall Restaurant Kitchen

Public Relation Officer Banquet manager Manager Chief

Receptionist Asst. Manager Asst. Manager Asst.Chief

Supervisor Cashier Waiters Supervisor Cashier Asst. Cook

1 2 1 2 Utility worker Waiter Stores Banquet

Day Night

Floor Supervisor Apprnticious Restaurant

Room Boy

Utility worker

Total turnover of the Mathura Hotel

Year Total Turn over in Restaurant ( Lakhs) In Lodge

2011- 12 36,42, 615 43, 78, 781
2012-13 40, 38, 163 46, 78, 600
2013-14 45, 28, 173 52, 766, 666

From the figures, it is clear that this hotel is increasing their business and good
profits in increasing trend the research may be because of the quality of
service provide to the customer and facilities also and intelligence their
business has gained reputation in Shivamogga.

The main competetors of this hotel are “ Hotel Pavan, Hotel Surya comfort,
Hotel Jewell Rack Hotel Meenakshi Bhavan”
 Menu Available
 South Indian Dishes
 North Indian Dishes
 Special Ice creams
 Vegetarian and creams
 Seasonal fruit juice
 Chinese dishes.


Chapter 5

 Management of Establishment
 Management of Staff
 Service Management
 Menu Planning


Management of Establishment
As the tourism is growing in a very speedy way. Lakhs of people everyday
are lodging and boarding services all over the world hotels as well as hotel are
rising every year, growing mobility of the human resources particularly to
utilize the time has avenues for the development of hotels especially is an
urban area.

Modern hotels provide various amenities, comfort and systematic source craves
and crores of people have getting boarding and lodging facilities, hence in big
cities we find establishment of three star and five star hotels. There star h0tels
are fully air condition, with different channel in T.V, music, cool drinks
facilities, refrigerators, telephones, luxurious and comfortable beds, Swimming
pool, health club, parking facility and so an. All most in all hotels personnel are
trained. Hotel industry is striving only on the customer’s services and
satisfaction. Each customer is regarded as ‘VIP’.

The production of services is the hotel industry need a careful study of a

market situation inflow and outflow of travels, the potentialities for tourism,
The availability of hill nations, the incoming development in trade and
commerce the invention and innovation in the field of transport and
communication the import constituents that the management is considered are
the state participants, the government regulation and trend in urbanization,
industrializations and the standard of education, disposable income of the
society the availability of marketing management of hotel industries.

Generally in the star hotels are find scientific and methodical of services almost
all the persons engaged in distribution the services need a special training after

After planning and distribution of services, the marketing manager should also
consider the pricing aspect in big hotels customers pay for services. Because
of the importance of hotels management lowers are offend in different
institution to specialize the personnel of hotel management and to solve
problems in the management of hotels.

Management of Establishment
In order to quality the establishment any hotel we have to pass in all items
which are short listed below.
 The locality approach should be suitable
 The building of the hotel must be good
 Maintenance of the hotel assesses like build furniture and fixtures must be
reasonable standard
 There should be proper arrangement of lighting ventilations and fans
 There should be reception counter with computer, Telephone connection to
it and a public call telephone
 There should be clean and well equipped dining hall.
 There should be crockery cutlery and glassware of good quality
 There should be a hygienic, well equipped, well maintained kitchen.
 There should be arrangements of hygienic wasting for utensils crockery,
cutlery and glassware
 There staff of the hotels should be experienced couterous

 Efficient and well dressed
 Staff should be well versed with regional language along with English

Management of Staff
The staff members who are required to manage the hotel must include
receptionist, cashier, servicing staff, cooking staff managing staff, and
doorman. The following are certain functions conducted by the staff that are
expended by the visitors.
1. Receptionist
He should be well dressed mannered, well behave and courteous towards
the visitors he should attend to the customers requirement and should see
that every customers is satisfied.
2. Cashier
He responsible for the over all transaction of each flow in the hotel. He
must maintain sales register and makes pertly each payments when ever
3. Door Man
He should receive the guest or the customer the entrance and must create a
good impression of the hotel by refusing the tips offered by the visitors. He
show behave properly with the visitors.
4. Room Attendants
He should clean the room and replace the things like soaps, beds and
bedspread etc before allotment of the room to the customers.

5. Waiters
He should be uniformly dressed and well mannered, as is required to wait
menu card to the customers and should be in a position to clarify any doubt
regarding the foods to the customers.

Apart from above staffs others like managerial staff, commercial staffs, are
required to behave and function in such a way that develops the image of the
hotel in the society.

Service Management
In order to gain the name and fame in society any type of hotel should follow
the following schedule.
 Welcome the guest with friendly smile
 Seat him at the table and remove the extra covers
 Serve a glass of water
 Play a soft music.
 Present the menu card
 Allow some time for the guest to decide on the menu
 Receive the food order and get the foods and dishes alone in kitchen.
 Get the table ready with accompaniment
 Place the dinner plates on the tables.
 Serve the find and be in an exception of future order.
 Remove the dinner plates at the end of the meal and pars the finger bowl
 Remove t6he finger bowl
 Leave the toothpicks on the table keep the bills

 Keep the guest while he is leaving the table
 Thank the guest for patronizing the restaurant.

Servicing Schedule
The following points explain how different items should be served to the
customers they are as below
 All the burgers (water,, soft drinks and juices) should be served form the
right hand side of the guest.
 All the pre plated food (Sand witches) should be served from the right hand
side of the guest
 Food served in bowls must also serve from the right hand side of the guest
 Spoon and forks must be offered from right side
 Before cleaning, wait for the enter guest at the table to fresh the meals.
 Clearance of solid dishes form the table after the meat done form the right.
 A steward must carry waiter’s cloth nearly folded on his left arm
 Rules are made for the guest and not the guest for rules hence for his
convenience do not hesitate to break them.

Menu Planning
Menu making is not a more listing of dishes, which the chief prepares with
hope that it might satisfy the guest fulfilling the culinary desires of the guests
differs from hotels menu attracts the customers interest and stimulates his
appetite and imagination, however while preparing the menu some points must
be considered.
 The available kitchen facilities

 The service of the food type.
 Type of meals that are served
 Type of service expected by the customers.
 Type of guests who frequently visit the hotels.
 According to the served the type of ingredients available in the local
 The food cost goal.
 The availability of dinning room and service equipments.
 Budget for menu expenses
 Type of menu.
After the above points have been decide in some instances menu shals is
designed in some instances menu shall may be done locally while designing the
menu shall some points must be considered.

1) Limited Menu
It consists of 30-40 it is used in coffee shops, main dinning room service
for lunch and dinner.
2) Fixed Menu
The hotel members of items on this menu can a dinning i.e., for
breakfast it could be a place not in a dinning room it can be standard
supper menu used throughout the hotel, it can be desert menu on supper
club and specialist restaurant.
3) Children’s Menu
Now- a- days it is also available in many of the hotels it aims in
attracting the children’s according to their tastes and desire. It is fixed

and should be ideally be in the form of a “gig milk” which motivate the
children to take what he want job.
4) Special Event Menu
This menu is for special occasions such as national holidays, festivals
and promotions it is one time menu and generally should be a
conversation pieces that guest
5) Paper Quality
The quality of stock used will depend on local printing facilities and
where is menu is to be used whatever paper selected for preparing men
shall, it must be able to take and hold links, and must be light in color so
that can be early read.
6) Size and Shape
Menu should be easy for the guest to handle and must fit into existing
storage facilities the shape and size must be in such a way that it should
attract the customers at a glance itself.
Menu network supplements and accounts the hotel decoration often menu costs
are reduced by using are works ready available or through photographs and
paintings owned by the hotel. Yet, tastes fully designed menu will justify their
cost by being used as sales promotion pieces for the hotel by winning.
“According art directors contests” etc , type selection is an important as art
work and food selection. Will want to take with them.
Finally the hotel name and location must appear on the menu. In some
operations it may be desirable to print the hours of services. All menus are to
be written in both English and the language of the country and stab where they
are being used.

Chapter 6



Survey means deep study of any subject. Survey includes collecting inner
expression of respondents for the purpose of knowing for the purpose of
knowing their attitude towards particular as parts of subjects.

Here survey has been conducted to know the efficiency and effectiveness of
customer services to study their problems questionnaire have been prepared has
given to the customers, the entire concerned by survey in classified into
different part and customers from different parts and customers from different
areas are selected on random basis.

The survey has been successfully carried out and survey covers 100 customers
of the hotel the data collected during survey has been analyzed using statistical
tools like, averaging, percentages, graphs etc.,

Primary data is first hand data it is collected directly from hotel owners.

Secondary data is data that which is already collected by somebody which is

got from News papers, magazines, booklets, internets etc., Table is showing the
many distribution in survey conducting on the showing the following diagram.


Distribution of respondents as per their resident

Area No. of Respondents Percentage

Localities 60 60
Outers 40 40
Total 100 100 %

The above table clearly reveals that out of 100 respondents, 60 customers are
from Shivamogga, and the rent 40 customers are from outside and they are that
out of 100 respondents 60% are from localities and the 40% are from outers.



Localities Outers

Table -2

Table showing education background of respondents

Education No. of Respondents Percentage

Below higher secondary 15 15
PUC 23 23
Graduates 35 35
Post Graduate 27 27
Total 100 100 %

As, for the education background for respondents is considered that out of
100% respondents 15 customers are from below higher secondary, 23
customers are from PUC, 35 customers are graduates and 27 customers are
from post graduates and percentage is considered ,15% of the respondents are
from below higher secondary background, 23% of the respondents are from
PUC, background while 35% are graduates where as remaining 27% are from
the post graduates background.

Below higher
27% PUC



Table showing the monthly income of Respondents

Monthly Income No. of Respondents Percentage

Below Rs 5000 40 40
5000-10000 20 20
10000 -15000 22 22
More than 15000 18 18
Total 100 100 %

The above table contains respondents monthly income out of 100 respondents
40 belongs to the group below 5,000 (40%) ,20 belongs to income group to
between 5,000- 10,000 (20%) ,22 belongs to income group between 10,000 -
15,000 (22%). And the remaining 18 respondents come under the income
group of more than 15,000 (18%).



Below Rs 5000 5000-10000 10000 -15000 More than 15000

Table -4

Table showing the respondents preference towards hotel

Hotels No. of Respondents Percentage

Hotel Mathura 60 60
Hotel Pawan 15 15
Hotel Surya comfort 7 7
Hotel Meenakshi Bhavan 18 18
Total 100 100%

From the above table it is relevant that 60% of the respondents Mathura
paradise due to good taste of food, cleanliness and it is economic, while 18% of
the respondents prefer meenakhi Bhavan, where as 15% of respondents prefer
Hotel Pawan and remaining 7% of the customer prefer Hotel Surya hotel.



Hotel Mathura Hotel Pawan Hotel Surya Hotel

comfort Meenakshi

Table -5

Table showing the source of knowledge about the Hotel Mathura

Media No. of Respondents Percentage

Friends 40 40
Relatives 20 20
Advertisement 15 15
Others 25 25
Total 100 100%

Through the above table it is evident that out of 100 respondents 40% come to
know about this hotel through their friends, while 20% of then cane to know.



Friends Relatives Advertisement Others


Table showing the preference of customers towards different “Cuisiones”

Cuisines No. of Respondents Percentage

South Indian 40 40
North Indian 25 25
Ice cream 20 20
Juice 15 15
Total 100 100 %

From the above take it is relevant that 40% South Indian cuisines (40), while
25% of the respondents prefer North Indian cuisines where as 16% of the
respondents prefer is Ice creams 20% and remaining 15% of the respondents
prefer juice in summer of the respondents percentages may very in Ice cream
and juice items.



South Indian North Indian Ice cream Juice

Table -7

Table showing respondents opinion to the price of food items of Hotel


Price No. of Respondents Percentage

Very High 15 15
High 30 30
Reasonable 45 45
Low 10 10
Total 100 100%

As for as prices as takes to consideration, 15% of the respondents say that the
prices are very high, 30% of the respondents say that the prices are high, where
as 45% of the respondents say that prices are reasonable that the remaining
10% of the respondents say that the prices of the food items are low.




Very High High Reasonable Low


Table showing the distribution of respondents based on the quality of

service of the Hotel Mathura.

Quality Service No. of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 15 15
Good 45 45
Fair 20 20
Average 20 20
Total 100 100%

Here, 15% of the respondents quality of the service of the hotel as excellent,
while 45% of the respondents quality of the service of the hotel as Good, while
20% of the respondents quality of the service of the hotel as fair, while 20% of
the respondents quality of the service of the hotel as Average.

Excellent Good Fair Average

20% 15%




Table showing the respondents opinion about the approach of the staff

Approach of Staff No. of Respondents Percentage

Friendly 48 48
Rough 12 12
Moodily 15 15
Co- minded 25 25
Total 100 100%

This table tells us that 48% of the total respondents a friendly approach with
the staff of the hotel, while 12% the total respondents feels a rough approach
with the staff of the hotel, while 15% of the total respondents feel a moodily
approach with the staff of the hotel, while 25% of the total respondents feel a
co- minded.




Friendly Rough Moodily Co- minded


Table showing the occupation of the respondents

Occupation No. of Respondents Percentage

Employee 10 10
Businessman 40 40
Students 30 30
Other 20 20
Total 100 100%

The above table indicate that out of 100 respondents 10% of employees, 40%
of Business man, 30% of Students and 20% of others.


Employee Businessman Students Other

Table -11

Table showing the distribution of respondents as per their visit to hotel

Visiting Hotels No. of Respondents Percentage

Customer who visit hotel 80 80
Customer who doesn’t 20 20
Total 100 100 %

The above table reveals that out of 100 respondents 80 persons of the habit to
visiting hotel Mathura and remaining 20 doesn’t visiting to hotel Mathura.



Customer who visit hotel Customer who doesn’t

Chapter 7


Major Findings
The survey, which stands as the back bone of this project has resulted in the
discovery of various facts. The list below presents an overall view of the
survey finding, discussion, held with the staff, personnel interview held with
the customers in the form of questionnaire and staff of hotel Mathura.

 Consumer behavior is growth effected by the locality as it is situated in

the heart of the city.
 Majority of the respondent like the taste and the reason able prices of the
 Among different cuisines available her majority of the respondents
prefer with Indian.
 Among the visitors, respondents are from various occupation such as
businessman, trader employees doctors, students, lawyers others etc.
 Of the respondents visit hotel because of necessity while of the
respondents visit hotel as a remaining of the respondents visit hotel
announcement. Many of the respondents visit hotel more frequency than
they visit there.
 In the group of 100 respondents majority have satisfied with the service
of the hotels.
 The staff agreed that the management should increase the pay along with
other amenities.

 The respondents have said that during summer seasons variable of the
cream and juice must be include.
 All the categories of staff demand that there must exist mutual under
standing and mutual interaction with the management.
 The survey as revealed a major fact that the labour turnover rate should
be decreased.
 Finally, one of the major extract of the survey of the sources is necessary
of reduction of the prices in the exciting rates of the food up to the
maximum excellent.

In order to have more details of hotel Mathura and attitude of people a survey
of hotel was conducted. This survey yielded branded range of information. A
questionnaire was prepared to consumers in and around Shivamogga.

Following are the some of the important suggestions given against the
drawback absorbed.

Since Hotel Mathura is popular it should maintain good taste of good,

reasonable price structures along with better services.
 It is suggested to charge its advertising campaigns in order to attract more
 The Hotel is suggested to improve the interior decoration
 The Hotel possesses the modern furniture’s.
 The hotel should provide some the borrowers do not make a gas bell for the
customer. So good barriers of barror or a waiter is appointed by the owner.
 Many of the respondents have given suggestions to improve the outlook and
action of the hotel.
 The hotel should provide some additional place for the outlook and location
of the hotel.
 During the summer season, the hotel is suggest to concentrates more Ice
creams , cold drinks and fruit juices.
 The hotel suggested creating pizza hut, coffee shop and nutritional food.
Different commoner food survey hotel ( Italian, Chinese, French etc, and
automatic south Indian food only (Traditional)

 The management of the hotel is further recommended to resources the
prices especially juice, North Indian sections.
 The hotel should increase the pay and other amenities the hard working
staff so that other workers will efficient and effectively.
 The hotel is suggested to create an environment where the workers can get
complete job incentives to create an by providing then required amentias.
 The hotel is suggested to create an environment where the worker can get
complete the job safety and security by providing them required amenities.
 The hotel is suggested to create an environment where the worker can get
complete the bonus providing then reigned amenities.
 The hotel is suggested to creator an environment where the worker can get
complete the job motivation from the owner. The hotel is suggested to
create an environment where the worker can get complete the job training
and many information get from the owner.
 The hotel is finally suggested to create an environment where the worker
can get complete job satisfaction by providing then required amenities.
 Some of the respondents suggest terrace, service doing the summer season,
 Some of the respondents try to reduce the lost of juice items
 Some of the respondent suggest the ventilation, lighting facilities is
improved during the summer season.

An analyzing the surveyed data, it may be concluded that Mathura paradise has
got some problems about location Problems of vehicle parking like in prices
Problems of terrace service, Problems of behavior of the waiter, problems of
outlook of the hotel etc. But still it is very popular localities this hotel they to
improve the better service and quality of food and hotel image will make the
increase so as the main compotators for this hotel are hotel Pavan, Hotel Surya
Comfort, Hotel Jewell rock, Hotel Meenakshi Bhavan etc. This report with the
help of survey of reveals that the hotel Mathura. Along I collect the all
problem in hotel. But still it is very popular in Shivamogga and enjoys a very
good image amongst the localities.

However, the hotel has to coop[e up to the current requirement of modern

consumer and has to maintained better working conditions to the workers
through which the workforce could be properly managed and maintanance
which will totally result in augmentation of popularity of the Hotel.


 Questionnaire
 Bibliography


Sir / Madam

I am student of Final Year BBM in ATNCC Shivamogga I am conducting the

survey of “HOTEL MANAGEMENT” – A case study of “Mathura Paradise”,
Shivamogga. So please help me by filling this questionnaires.

Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
(Pooja H.N)

1. Name :
2. Gender :
a) Male [] b)Female []
3. Residence
a) Locality [ ] b) Outer []
4. Educational Background
a) Below higher secondary []
b) PUC []
c) Graduate []
d) Postgraduate []
5. The age group of the respondents
a) 15 to 21 years [ ]
b) 22 to 28 years [ ]
c) 29 to 35 years [ ]
d) Above 35 years [ ]

6. Occupation
a) Employee []
b) Business men []
c) Student []
d) Others []

7. Monthly Income
a) Below Rs. 5000 []
b) 5000 -10000 []
c) 10000 to 15000 []
d) More than 15,000 []

8. Do you visit Hotel Mathura?

a) Yes [] b) No []

9. If, Yes Why?

a) Necessity []
b) Hobby []
c) Annunsment []

10. How frequently you visit Mathura Hotel ?

a) Regularly []
b) Weekly []
c) Monthly []
d) Occasionally []

11.Which of the following Hotels do you visit more?
a) Hotel Mathura []
b) Hotel Pawan []
c) Hotel Surya comfort []
d) Hotel Meenakshi Bhavan []

12.Why do you like most in Mathura

a) Good taste []
b) Quality of Product []
c) Price []
d) Quality of service []
e) Location []

13. How do you come to know about Hotel Mathura?

a) Friends []
b) Relatives []
c) Advertisements []
d) Good Image []

14. Which convene Do you prefer in Mathura?

a) South Indian []
b) North Indian []
c) Ice Cream []
d) Juice []

15.What do you think about the price of various food items of this hotel
when compared to others?
a) Very high []
b) High []
c) Reasonable []
d) Low []

16.How is the quality service of Hotel Mathura?

a) Excellent []
b) Good []
c) Fair []
d) Average []

17.How is the quality food of Hotel Mathura

a) Excellent []
b) Good []
c) Fair []
d) Average []

18.Do you agree the environment of this hotels clean?

a) Yes [] b) No []

19.Do you think by changing a few things about Mathura Paradise

a) Yes [] b) No []

20.Would you like to continue with same system in the future?
a) Yes [] b) No []

21.Any Suggestions or comments about this Hotel?

Place : Signature

Date :


 Management of Organization - Philip Kottar

 Marketing Management - K.D Basava
 Publicity Management - Britannica Compton
News Papers


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