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Cresent jewellers

We are hiring a place at I-8 Markaz Islamabad and starting a jewlery shop,
with an investment of 30 million(Rs 3 crore). 2008

During our brain session, we came up with several ideas regarding starting a
business i.e fast food, restaurant, departmental store, chemist shop, petrol
pump etc. All these businesses cost the same.

For example:
If you want to start a fast food, for that you need a place, then highly
trained staff including your cooks, waiters, sweepers etc. You also needs
latest machinery for backing, cooking, deep frying, which is imported and
costly. After all these things you have to look towards your inputs, which are
highly preshiable.

“According our approach preshiability and risks are brother and sister”.

Then your have to look towards your suppliers, and so many other things. So
all these above said businesses are costly and risky to start including a
business of jewlery.

Now question arrises that why we have selected a gold business form all the
risk taking businesses.

We have selected a gold business because it is highly profitable, with few

competitors , offering compulsory items regarding our culture, with same

For example:
In country like Pakistan, women love to wear
jewellery i.e ear rings, bangles, bracelets,
necklace, rings etc. And men love to see women
wearing all these things. In Pakistan marriages are
incomplete without gold jewellery, no matter if you
are rich or poor. Not only marriages but also so
many other occasions for example first marriage
inversory , engagemnets, birthdays, and
sometimes without any occasions because if you
are purchasing a gold items you are not wasting
your money, you are not just spending your money, your are actually

Cresent jewellers

investing your money because these items are like cash deposits. Anytime
you can convert these items into cash. So on the bases of all these things
people invest their money in gold.

Another reason is that these are such items you can recycle them. 2008

For example:
You made a complete gold set and placed it in your showroom for sale.
If customer don’t like it, no matter it’s not a burger which get expire, and no
matter its not a T-shirt which you can’t recycle. If your goldset is not noticed
by customer simply take it and put it into a fire., get your gold back, then
made another design of it.

“In other words less risk involve in it as compare to other businesses”.

Another reason for selecting a gold business is its increasing trend, over last
twenty years. What ever the price is demand doesn’t fall in Pakistan.

Then another reason for selecting a gold business is our knowledge regarding
this business, if you have suffecient knowledge in certain commodity you can
deal well in it.

So on the basis of all the obove said reasons we are selecting to start a gold

Another thing in our plan was our place. The place where we want to start our
business. For that we have selected I-8 Markaz Islamabad due to so many
reasons. i.e

I-8 Markaz is the newly developed Markaz, and have cheaper rents as
compare to other sectors.

I-8 sector is consider as the sector of berucrates, thats why you will find so
many investors around you. In hte whole sector we can’t find even a single
jewellery shop and we think that it’s a right time and right place to start a
business there. Another reason regarding our location is that I-8 Markaz lies
on the border of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. So we are expecting a huge
number of customer from Rawalpindi too.

Not only from business point of view but also from the security point of view I-
8 Markaz is suitable due to I-9 Police station and Faizabad Police station.

Cresent jewellers

Bank factor also involved in it because you have branch of bank Alfalah in I-8
Markaz as we have some good terms with

Not only bank Alfalah but also MCB, Habib 2008

Bank have there branches there., as in our
business we need sufficient cash on daily
bases, so we can easily excess to these banks
having fewer risks. This was our plan now let
us see in detail towards our expenditure.

As we told you that we are starting our business with 30 million so we will
spend 10.5 million in purchasing 8500 gram of gold, 5 million regarding
security which include our safes, security cameras, insurance policy, security
alarms, gunmen etc. Which shows that no compromise regarding security.

Rest of 9.5 million regarding designing jewellery, hiring place, designing our
showroom including all the interior.

So in this way we are spending 30 million in starting a gold business.

Serial# Amount Sector

1- 10.5 million Purchasing gold

2- 5.0 million Security

3- 9.5 million Designing, hiring and


4- 5.0 million Bank account,


How would we start our business:

First of all i would like to tell you that we are five partners, and we are
starting a business as a partnership. Each of us are investing 6 millions from
our personel savings, no one is getting loan from any where. We have
prepared and fill a partnership deed in the name of our business in which all
of us are suppose to be active partners, and all of us are liableof getting

Cresent jewellers

equal percentage from the profit generated by our business. All of us has a
backup of 2 million in case of loss.

We will purchase our 24 cerit gold from ARY(Lahore franchise), they are not
jsut selling their gold to us but also supplying it to us in Islamabad. 2008

“So risk during transportation of gold is reduced”.

In basement under our showroom we have ten

goldsmiths who are highly trained. They will
convert this gold into a jewellery as stated by us
are as ordered by our customers.

After finishing in the basement we will display

these items in our showroom for sale.

We have several departments e.g we have a
department in which we design our jewellery, further we ahve divided our
jewellery items into different departments like departments of bangles,
department of ear rings, department of bracelet etc. To reduce the burden of
customers on a single point as it is risk taking.

Further we have human resource department in which we look after our

employees, furniture, and all the interior in the shop. Machinery in the
basement jewellery cases etc.

Then we have a security department in which we look after our gunmen,

guns, cameras, security alarms etc.

But interesting thing in our business is that we all the

five partners are equally liable and responsible for
each department because we don’t want any partner
to concerntrate on a single department as it is risk
taking, because all of us believe that in busines not
only trust on your own father.

Who will be our clients:

We are segmenting our business into two groups, male and female. 90% we
are concerntrating on female and 10% on male. As this business is totally
associated with females.

Cresent jewellers

Though there is jewellery regarding men but in

our religion wearing gold for men is an unlawful
thing that’s why we are concerntrating mostly on
So women from any class will by entertained in
our shop because we are not only concerntrating
on fency or latest jewellery, but we are also
designing local, tipical jewellery like jhoomer,
tikka, katmala etc.

People who are interesting in white gold(platenium) will also be entertained

because we will also design diamong style jewellery for which we need
diamonds adn white gold.

We are also targeting teenagers, because now adays they are offering gold
rings, necklaces, bracelets to their feuncies and girlfriends. We will not only
concerntrate on them but we will also appreciate them to offer such things to
their girlfriends and feuncies because in case of break up they will return
such things to you, and you can again convert them into cash or offer to
another one.

Men who are interested in stone will also be entertained. We will offer
daimonds and all other stones within platenium and gold, and women who
are interested in black gold will also be entertained.

How will our business operate:

We are going to open a current account of 3 million in Bank Alfalah. Friday
will be off. In the morning 10 am we will open our showroom, then will draw a
check of one million to Bank Alfalah, and start our business with that. When a
customer will enter our showroom he or she will get curtious protocolenot
only from a doorkeeper but also from us. Customer will find all the five
partners and interpreneur behind the counter. We will offer him or her a cash
payment, credit dard payment, or replacement through his or her old
jewellery item. First of all we will listen to him or her carefully that what
actually he or she wants.

For example:
If customer wants bangles, first of all we will listen to him or her that what
kind of bangles he of she actually wants because we would have plenty of
design with us and in the beginning we don’t want to indiffer him of her

Cresent jewellers

between such things. We will ask from her what actually she want i.e plane
bangles, with black polish, her offordable weight, size then we will display
that particular bangels infront of her. If she don’t seems to be satisfied then
we will display variety of bangels in front of her. And if she don’t seems to be
satisfied from all the design in our showroom then we will display our booklet

infront of her having plenty of latest design. If she select the one from booklet
then we will ask for her size and her offordable weight. Then we will ask for
the time of order. Normally we will offer the time of ten days but if someone
want urgent then we will offer a seven day offer time period for the offer. We
will only ask for the 30% advance payment, because we don’t want to put
burden on our customer. Then we will cut a reciept for them which will show
the exact weight, quality of gold(which will be 22 cerit), date and the market
value of gold per 10 gram at that date, also making, and polish expenditure.

This receipt will satisfied our customer that they are purchasing the right
thing, because later if they find that the gold they have purchased is less
than 22 caret or less then the weight displaces on the receipt, they can clam
on the basis on such receipts.

During our transaction we will offer a tea, coffee of juices to our customers.

Normly it is a trend, we often noticed that before entering any shop it is

written that “kids less than 10 are not allowed”, but in our business woman
need a plenty of time, normly two to three hours to select a jewellery, so we
have sufficient space in our showroom and we will made a small play room
for kids so that they might not disturb their mothers while shopping.

“Normly kids are the big factor in breaking deals”.

That’s why if we spend 50 thousand for building a play room, it doesn’t

matter, though it’s a smart investment.

We will offer our jewellery in sufisticated and descent jewellery cases. We will
display all the jewellery cases infront our customers to select the best one for
their jewellery.

Customer services:
We will offer custmer survices on large basis. Normly jewellers don’t offer
such things.

Cresent jewellers

For example:
As we are thinking to build a playroom for kids, we will also offer our
customer a free polish to their old faded jewellery items. We will made their
old faded jewellery a new one. 2008
We will also calculate a zakat for our customers on the jewellery possessed by

For teenagers we will design special ring cases, chain cases and all other
cases in the form of heart, hut, hat and barbidoll etc.

“Normly these services are not offered by any other jewellers”.

We will also provide a secure home delivery of jewellery. i.e. if you purchase a
jewellery set from our shop and you are a local customer, suppose you are
not feeling secure in taking a jewellery set alone, then we will provide a
facility of home delivery.

In our system we will take a record of our customer purchases along with the
images of items purchased by them, for security purposes in the case when
the jewellery is snashed of stolen by bluddy theifs.

Beside jewellery we will also offer gold biscuits to our customers who are
interested in investing in gold. We will provide such investors with our
experienced that what is the right time to purchase a gold or sale a gold.

On the other hand if some investor wants to play weekly with us, then we will
play weekly on behalf of them.

We will close our cash on 5 p.m daily. On the end of each month, we will
analyse of financial position. From the profit generated by our business, firstly
we will clear our rent, then utility bills, then we will pay commission and pay
salary to our workers, then we will deduct 30% of our profit ofr our business
and rest 70% will be divided equally among the five partners.

Total profit

(Utility bills)
(Commissions and salaries)

(30% for business) = net profit

Cresent jewellers

As we told you that we will purchase our gold from ARY. Except ARY we will
also purchase some extra quantity from D-Bears, and from Lahore gold
market. We will made jewellery cases in our basement. Then will purchase
daimonds and artificial stones used in our jewellery from MOTI Bazar Lahore.
We will purchase latest weapons for our gunmen and for our selves from
Royal weapons house Lahore. All the other things are purchased from the
local market. Our workers the goldsmiths will be provided by our supporters
jewellers, “ S.S jewellers”.

Salary packages:
Employee type No. of employees Salary

Goldsmiths 10 10×10,000

Gunmen 2 2×6,000

Sweeper 2 2×3,000

Teaboy 1 1×3,000

Total 15 121,000

As we told you to that we have 10 goldsmiths, so

will give 10,000 to each as salary., we will also
give 2% commission on each set prepared by
them to appreciate them. Then we have two
gunmen, we will give 6 thousand each. Then
when have two sweeper, we will give them on daily basis Rs 100 each.
Besides that we have a teaboy, we will pay him Rs 100 daily. No salary will be
given to any partner. Each partner will be liable for the percentage of his
profit only. Only the partner who will made business tours will be given free
transport, hotel faciliy or restaurant facility.

Cresent jewellers

Now question arises that how would we promote our business. For that we
will made shopping bags having the name of our business. Then we will made
wall clocks for our customers having the name of our business. We will also
made an advertisement and offer it to well known channels of the country, we
will also took advantages from radio and newspapers. So in this way we will
try to promote our business.

Before all these things at the time our opening ceremony, we will offer a large
refreshment to our neighbors and to the well known personality of the city,
and at that time we will distribute our wall clock, dairies, calenders and ball
points having the name of our business.

Future plan:
It is our passion to see our business top of the world in its respective field. In
the beginning we are starting our business as a retailer but in future we want
to be whole salers. For that we are hiring well trend staff of goldsmith. We will
also offer the rest of the jewellers in the city deals with us for preparing
jewellery, because according to our survey more than 90% jewellers of
Rawalpindi and Islamabad are depending on the services of jewellers in
Lahore. That means they don’t find birilliant designers at cheaper rate locally.

So we will provide them this facility, because in future we don’t want our
showroom, simply a showroom but we want cresent jewellers as a cresent
gold mall.

“May Allah bless us with success in our plan”.

Cresent jewellers



Inputs: items used in finalizing the product.

Preshiable: things who easily get expired

Jewellery case: cases for placing the jewellery

Safes: use to safe Gold, Cash, and other valueable things

Goldsmith: the one who convert Gold into jewellery

24 carret Gold: pure Gold

White Gold:Platenium

Precious Stone: Diamonds

Cresent jewellers






• D-Bears

• S.S Jewellers

• Sitara Jewellers

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