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Chapter 1 – Nature of Sale by law its nature and consequence is

governed by laws on sales.

* Article 1458 – “Sale” as a contract - It is principal because it can stand alone,
whereby one of the contracting does not depend on another contract.
parties(Seller) obligates himself to transfer
the ownership and to deliver the possession 2. Consensual – it is perfected by mere
consent at the moment there is meeting of
of a determinate thing and the other
the minds upon the thing which is the object
party(Buyer) obligates himself to pay of the contract and upon the price.
therefore a price certain in money or its - Art 1475 – from the moment of perfection
equivalent. of the sale, the parties may reciprocally
demand performance.
* Nature of Obligations created in sales
* Modalities that affect the
1. Seller - Transfer the ownership characteristic of consensuality
- Suspensive term or condition
- Deliver the possession - Not all contracts of sale become
automatically and immediately effective even
2. Buyer – Pay the price
if consensual.
Ex. In Sales with assumption of
@ These are real obligation
mortgage, it is a condition precedent to the
@ Cannot be obligations to do and not to
seller’s consent, without approval of the
do, because of the public policy against
mortgage the sale is not perfected.
involuntary servitude, we cannot impose
specific performance
* Bilateral and Reciprocal
@ What is to be delivered is a
- Sale is bilateral contract embodying
determinate thing
reciprocal obligations, because it imposes
obligations on both parties to the
relationship, obligation or promise of each
* Subject matter: party is the cause or consideration for the
* It should be determinate* obligation or promise of the other.
@ Art 1460 – states that the “requisite - Reciprocal obligation, those which arise
that the thing be determinate is satisfied if at from the same cause and which each party is
the time the contract entered into, the thing a debtor and creditor of the other.
is capable of being made determinate
without the necessity of a new and further @ Legal Effects:
agreement between the parties. - The power to rescind is implied, need
@ If generic, the performance of the not be
seller would require necessarily its physical stipulated
segregation or particular designation making - Neither party incurs delay if the other
it determinate at the point of performance. party
does not comply.
* Elements of contract of sale - if one party already fulfilled his
1. Politacion – negotiation or preparation obligations, the
2. Perfection – conception or birth default begins without prior demand
3. Consummation – Death to the
other party.
*Essential characteristic of sales
1. Nominate and Principal – Nominate * Onerous
because it has been given a particular name
- Sale is an onerous contract because it 2. Principal
2. Buyer
imposes a valuable consideration as a remains owner
prestation which is ideally a price even if object
owner of thing
* Commutative delivered to
in agency
- it is a commutative contract because a agent
thing of value is exchange for equal value. 3. Agent
* Sale is a title not mode assumes no
- Sale is merely title that creates the risk/liabilities 3. Seller
obligation on the part of the seller to transfer as long as warrants
ownership and deliver possession, but on its within
own sale is not a mode that transfer authority given
ownership, it would be delivery or tradition 4. Agent not
that is the mode to transfer ownership. 4. Seller
allowed to
recieves profits
Donation Sale profit
1. Gratitious or 5. Personal
1. Onerous contract, 5. Real
rescission is Contract
2. Formal not available
3. Governed
3. Law on
by law on
Sales Contract for a
donation Sale
piece of work
Barter Sale 1. Contract
for delivery
of an article
1. Consideration: 1. Goods are
which the
Consideration : giving of to be
verndor in
Giving of a thing money as manufactured
the ordinary
payment specially for a
course of
2. Governed by the law on sales customer and
3. If consideration is partly money upon special
and partly in a thing, look at the order and not
s or procures
intention for the general
for general
4. If intention is public
not clear, value 4. Thing is her on hand
of the thing is equal or lesser or not)
greater that the than the
2. Essence is 2. Essence is
amount of amount of
Service Object
money its money its SALE
A.) Timing Test
Agency to Sell Sale
- whether the
1. Agent not thing
obliged to pay transfered
for price,
1. Buyers pays would have
merely obliged
for the price never existed
to deliver price but for the
received from order.
B.) Habitual
Test - if Lease Sale
Manufacturer 1. Use if thing
engages in 1. Obligation
is for specified
activity with to absolutely
period only
need to transfer
with an
employ ownership of
obligation to
extraordinary thing
skills and 2. 2.
equipment Consideration Consideration
(Celestino) is rent is price
C.) Nature of 3. Seller needs
the object test. to be owner of
(EEI Vs CIR) 3. Lessor need
thing to
Each product not be owner
and nature of ownership
differs from Note: Lease with option to buy us a contract
the other of sale.
products are
not ordinary * Subscription Contract:
products of the - Any contract for the acquisition of unissued
manufacturer stock in an existing corporation or a
corporation still to be formed.
Dation in
1. pre- existing 1. No pre-
credit existing credit
2. Debtor's
t of the debt.
of the seller is
Acquisition of
of the buyer is
the object
acquisition opf
offered in lieu
the object
of the original
3. Less 3. Greater
freedom in freedom
determining determining
the price the price
4. Payment
received by 4. Buyer still
debtor before has to pay the
the contract is price
Chapter 2 – Parties of a Sale - Voluntary emancipation by recording in the
civil registry of an agreement in a public
* Gen Rule: any person who has “capacity instrument executed by the parent.
to act” or “to power to do acts with legal - By marriage of the minor.
effects” or more specifically with the power - He then shall be qualified to validity enter
to obligate himself, may enter into a contract into contract of sale.
of sale as a Seller or Buyer. * Sale by and between spouses
1. Sales with third parties.
* Minors, insane or demented persons and Old Civil code – VOID
deaf mutes. Under laws on sales:
* The following are disqualified to enter to a - without acceptance of the other
contract of sale. (No Legal capacity) spouse, the transaction entered by the other
1. Minors spouse shall be construed as a continuing
2. Insane offer.
3. Demented Persons - sale by the husband without the
4. Deaf Mutes who do not know how to consent of wife is VOID (No full Consent).
read - Valid if disposal is necessary to
and write answer for conjugal liabilities.
- Legal contracts entered by the persons 2. Sales between spouses:
mentioned above are not void but voidable. Art 1490 – Spouses cannot sell
- Capacitated persons disqualified from property to each other except:
alleging the incapacity of the other person. a. With Marriage settlement
- Incapacitated persons is not obliged to b. With Judicial decree for the
make any restitution, except what has been separation of property.
benefited by the thing or price he received. Contracts entered between them are
* Necessaries VOID.
- A minor is without legal capacity to give * Applicability to common law spouses
consent. - Art 1490 – prohibition that a husband and
Consent is an essential requisite of a wife cannot sell property to each other also
contract. applies to common law spouses.
- Defective consent give rise to a voidable * Specific Incapacity mandated by Law
sale. a.) Agent, with respect to the property
- But if necessaries are delivered he must pay whose administration or sale may have been
a reasonable price. entrusted to him, unless consent is given.
* Necessaries – its everything indispensible b.) Guardian, with respect to the property of
for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical the person under his guardianship.
attendance, education and transportation. c.) Executor or Administrator, with
respect to the property of the estate under
In order sale to a minor is valid his administration.
1. Perfection of the sale d.) Public officers and Employees, with
2. Delivery of the subject necessaries. respect to the property of the state or any
subdivision or any government owned or
If only perfection at the time the case controlled corporation or institution, which
reaches litigation, the sales not void but administration has been entrusted to him.
voidable for vice in consent. e.) Justices, judges, prosecuting atty’s,
* Emancipation clerk of courts, and other employees or
- Emancipation take place by the attainment officers connected with the
of marjority. administration of justice with respect to
the property and rights in litigation or levied
upon an execution before the court within
whose jurisdiction or territory they exercise ________________________
their respective functions.
f.) Lawyers, with respect to the property Chapter 3 – Subject Matter
and rights which may be the object of any
litigation in which they may take part by * Requisites of valid subject matter.
virtue of their profession. a.) Must be Existing, having Potential
g.) Sales to a foreigner Existence, a Pure Thing or even
Contingent or subject to a Resolutory
____________________ condition it must be possible.
b.) Must be Licit.
* Legal status of contracts entered into c.) Must be determinate or at least
in violation of ART 1491 and 1492 determinable.
- Agent with Consent = Valid
Without consent = Voidable - Lack of requisites results to non-existent
- Guardian/Executor/Public officer/ Officers of sale
the court= VOID

* Proper Party to raise issue of nullity If Cause or Object is Illegal.

- Any person may invoke the inexistence of - Both parties being in Pari Delicto, both
the contract whenever juridical effects found parties have no cause of action against each
thereon are asserted against him. other, otherwise the innocent may claim what
he has given and shall not be bound to
*Rationale for the Absolute comply with his promise.
disqualification - if both parties – neither may recover what
* Trust of the highest order, and the trustee he has given.
cannot be allowed to have any inducement to - Only one is fault, innocent may claim
neglect his ward’s interest and therefore to what he has given and not to be bound from
avoid the temptation. his promise.
- Not Innocent – cannot recover.
* Agents – not come within the coverage of
prohibition. * if the contract is not illegal per se but
*guardians, administrators and merely prohibited, the legal prohibition is
executors – rescission designed to protect the plaintiff, he may if
*Judges, Justices and those involved in public policy is enhanced, recover what he
administration of justice. has paid or delivered. “Unjust Enrichment”.
- applicable only during the period of
litigation, the judge will be liable for violating * Legal Requisites of subject matter
the cannons of effects if within the period of intended to govern underlying
litigation. obligation of seller.
* Atty’s- will constitute malpractice ground - it must be a valid subject matter.
is suspension. _____________
-Contract null cannot be ratified * It must be possible thing.
- contingent fee is allowed but payment must - it must be existing on the time of delivery, it
be after the finality of the case. can be made possible at the time of the
perfection of the contract.
1491 – entirely shut the door to such person * It must be existing.
occupying fiduciary positions, to even desire Art1409 – Void if cause or object did not
to acquire, direct or indirectly properties of exist at the time of the transaction.
their ward, estate or principal
Art 1461 – even the subject matter is of 1.) If at perfection of the sale, the
such nature that it cannot come to existence subject matter is capable of being
– an impossible thing, the contract is VOID. made determinate.
2.) Without the necessity of a new or
- It should not be outside the commerce of further agreement between the
men. parties.
- Art 1459 – only required that the seller ____________
“must have right to transfer the ownership at * Determinable Subject Matter is a
the time is delivered”. generic object, because it has neither been
- If subject matter is an impossible thing its physically segregated nor particularly
VOID. designated at the point of perfection from the
rest of its kind. (Atiliano vs Atiliano)
*Emptio Rei Speratae ____________
- Contract covering future things. *When quantity of subject matter not
- Sale is subject to a condition that the thing essential for perfection.
will come into existence. - Logically, actual quantity of goods as
subject matter of sale would also be essential
* Emptio Spei. ingredient to achieve the requisites of the
- Mere hope or expectancy is deemed subject goods being determinate or determinable.
to the condition that the thing will come to Based on Art 1349, the fact that the
existence. quantity is not determinate as to its kind,
Ex. Vain Hope – Void shall not be an obstacle to the existence of
Sweepstakes.. the contract between the parties. (Nat’l
grains V IAC) Doctrine: Specific quantity of
* Sale of things subject to resolutory the subject matter is not important when it is
condition. still possible to determine the quantity
- If Resolutory condition happens it extinguish without the need of a new contract between
the obligation. the parties
@ Conditional – retroacts to the day the
constitution of the obligation. (Johannes Schuback v CA)
@ Subject matter is nexus of sale - Quantity is immaterial, what is important is
- The Subject Matter must be existing or must the meeting of the minds as to the object and
come to existence to be delivered to the cause.
buyer, otherwise the contract is void. _______________
______________ * Generic Non-Determinable Objects
* Subject Matter must be Licit - Determinable objects may be the valid
- Not outside the commerce of men. subject matter of sale, then even generic
- Not Sale of future inheritance. things fall within said definition can validly
- Not the sale of sick animals, unfit for use. support a contract of sale.
- Not illegal - Sale is determinable generic thing is valid.
-----Otherwise its VOID----- The obligation to deliver the subject matter
________________ can only be complied with the subject matter
* Subject Matter must be determinate or has been determinate by:
at least determinable. 1. Physical Segregation
a.) Determinate subject matter 2. Particular Designation
- When it is particularly designated or
physically segregated from all others of the (Yu Tek V Gonzales)
same class. - If obligation consist in the delivery of an
b.) Determinable Subject Matter. indeterminate or generic thing, which quality
Requisites: is not stated.
-Buyer cannot ask for superior thing - Sale is still valid when it has for its cause or
- seller cannot deliver inferior quality. consideration an item other than price. (PUP
___________ vs CA)
* Status of sale not complying with third - A seller cannot unilaterally increase the
requisites. price previously agreed upon with the buyer,
- When the minds of the parties have met even when the need to adjust the price is due
upon a subject matter which is neither to increased construction cost.
determinate or determinable the contract is - A buyer cannot withdraw from a sale on the
still VOID for lacking 3rd requisites. ground that the interest rate of 24% set on
______________ the payment.
* Sale of Undivided Interest ______________
- Co-Ownership over the subject matter. * Requisites for valid price.
______________ a. It must be Real
* Sale of undivided share in Mass. b. It must be in money or its equivalent.
= if Mass is > than the mass you intended to It must be valuable consideration.
buy you will get a proportionate part of the c. It must be certain or ascertainable.
* Price is Real – when at the perfection of the
= if Mass is < than the mass you intended to sale, there is legal intention on the part of the
buy, you will be the owner of the whole mass buyer to pay the price and legal expectation
+ the seller is bound to make good the on the part of the seller to receive such price
deficiency from goods of the same kind and as the value of the subject matter he
quality. obligates himself to deliver.
(Gaite v Fonacier)
____________ * When Price is Simulated.
* Sale of Mortgage Property. - Neither party to the deed of sale had any
- Mortgagor is not prevented to sell the intention whatsoever that the amount will be
mortgage property. paid – the sale is void.
- If Stipulation forbidding the sale, it is * Object can be simulated
considered VOID. *Price can be simulated
____________ If both simulated its Absolute Simulation –
* Seller’s Obligation to transfer ownership. VOID
- He might not be the owner of the thing at If only one its relatively Simulated –
the time of perfection but he should be the Reformation
owner at the time of the delivery, otherwise * (Intent perfects the contract)
he may held liable for breach of warranty (Inadequacy cannot come with simulation)
against Eviction. (Contract is not the primary factor, look for
the intent which is the primary factor.
Exception: ______
When the seller must be the owner at time of
sale * When Price is False.
Ex. Foreclosure sale. - When there is a real price upon which the
minds of the parties had met but not
_________________________________ declared and what is stated in the covering
deed is not the one intended to be paid.
Chapter 4 – Price and Other Consideration - If price is false, contract is valid but subject
* Art 1458 defines price is the ideal to reformation to indicate the real price.
consideration for a contract of sale as a sum
certain in money or its equivalent. * Parties may be held bound by the false
price indicated in the instrument under
estoppels principle, especially when the - When he contracted with the bureau of
interest of the government or third parties prison 100 tons of logs, when he cannot pay
would be adversely affected by the he substituted other items in consideration of
reformation of the instruments. his debts. “small payment + other items”
* Adequacy of price to make it “real” concept
* Meeting of minds as to price. (Mapalo v of valuable consideration. “ Ong v Ong”
Mapalo) P1.00 and other valuable consideration, the
- There was no real Consideration and not court held that since no evidence was given
one that merely states false consideration, it that the consideration stated in the deed was
was VOID. not paid or was simulated it was considered
______________ valid, although the price is nominal but there
* Effect of non-payment of price. is a more valuable consideration given.
- the failure to pay a real price goes not into
perfection of the sale but into its Ex. P1.00 and other services – VOID , false
consummation. fictitious consideration. (Bagnas v CA) –
- The failure to pay the price or the balance because there was no service rendered.
does not render the sale inexistence or _______________
invalid but merely gives rise to a right in *Price must be certain or ascertainable at
favour of the seller to either demand specific perfection.
performance or rescission of the contract of - Price is certain when it has been expressed
sale. and agreed in terms of specific pesos and or
_____________ centavos.
- But given deed of sale declares that the ________________
price has been paid, when in fact it has never *Price is ascertainable ; it shall be sufficient
been paid, that would be considered a badge that it be so with reference to another thing
of simulation of price, would render the certain or the determination be left to the
contract VOID. judgment of a specified person or persons.
__________ A. Third Party (Price) = Valid
* Accommodation does not make sale void B. Subject = VOID
for lack of price. (MATE Case) ______________
The check issued to him which bounced and C. Price ascertainable in reference to other
his lot was foreclose. (Tangang abogado) things certain.
______________ - Exchange rate.
* Simulation of price affects delivery of - Involves which identity the existence of the
subject matter. agreement.
- When contract is fictitious, which is VOID __________
and inexistence, as there was no D. Effects of unascertainability.
consideration for the same, no title over the - cannot be determined, the contract of sale
subject matter of the sale can be conveyed. is inefficacious.
- No man can do anything except what he __________
can do lawfully. * Manner of payment of Price must be agreed
______________ upon.
*Price must be in money or it’s equivalent: - Manner of payment of the price is an
Valuable consideration. integral part of the concept of “Price”
- cannot be service because of the time value of money.
- when the intention of the parties are partly - It is what makes price certain or
money and partly another thing.(Price and ascertainable.
other additional consideration). “Republic V - Terms of payment being an integral part of
Phil Resources Dev’t” the price, could have the same requisites
that the law imposes on price to support valid
contract of sale: Certain or at least _____________
ascertainable. *Judicial Sale.
- If no manner of payment of the price, would - Judicial sale to be set aside on the ground of
support that the agreement was really a inadequacy of price, it should be such as to
contract to sell. be shocking to the conscience of man.
- When there is sale even when no price has - But will not be set aside if there is right of
been agreed upon. redemption.
- When price cannot be determined in any ________
other manner, the contract is inefficacious. * Sales with right to repurchase
However if the thing has been delivered to *remedy not rescission but reformation.
the buyer, he must pay reasonable price, *When Motive Nullify sale= VOID because of
what is reasonable price is a question of fact illegal motive.
dependent on the circumstances of each _____________________
particular case, but the courts have authority Chapter 5 – Formation of sale
to fix reasonable price. * Stages in the life of sale
__________ 1. Politacion – Negotiation, preparation,
* Rulings on receipts and other documents conception or generation stage; period of
embodying price. bargaining and negotiation ending at the
- Invoices are not evidence of payment since moment of perfection.
they are only evidence of the receipts of 2. Perfection- Birth of contract parties come
goods. to agree the terms of the sale.
- The best evidence of payment is receipts 3. Consumation – death of the contract
(Xentrex V CA). fulfilment or performance of the terms
___________ agreed upon in the contract.
*Inadequacy of Price. ____________
- Mere inadequacy of the price does not *Politacion Stage:
affect the validity of the sale, except: - Deals with matters arising prior to the
1. When there is fraud, mistake or undue perfection of sale, dealing with concepts of
influence indicative of a defect in consent is invitation to make offer, acceptance, right of
present. first refusal, option contract... others.
2. When it shows that the parties really - In this stage there is freedom to contract,
intended a donation or some other act or right to choose with whom to contract and
contract. what to contract.
* Simulated VS Gross Inadequacy * Advertisement and invitations.
SIMULATED = VOID - not definite offers but mere invitations to
Gross inadequacy = does not affect validity make an offer not unless it appears
of a contract of sale, unless it signifies a otherwise.
defect in the consent or that the parties
actually intended a donation or other. * Offers:
____________ - An offer, prior to its acceptance is subject to
* Rescissible Contracts of sale. the complete will of the offeror. It may be
- Inadequacy of price is a ground for destroyed or withdrawn by the offeror prior to
rescission of conventional sale. its acceptance, even without his consent.
a. Those entered by guardians the ward _____________
suffered lesion more than ¼ of the value of * Option Contract:
the object. a.) Determining the “location” of option:
b. Those agreed upon in representation of - An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to
absentees, if the latter should suffer lesion by sell a determinate thing for a price certain is
more than ¼ of the value of the object. binding upon the promisor if the promise is
supported by a consideration distinct from 1. Principal 1. Accesory;
the price. contract; stand cannot stand
- It is privileged existing in one person, for on its own on its own
which he had paid a consideration and which
gives him the right to buy certain 2. need 2. does not
merchandizing or property from another separate need separate
person if he chooses, at anytime within the consideration consideration
agreed period at a fixed Price. 3. there must
3. subject
-“An option is a contract granting a privilege be subject
matter and
to buy or sell within an agreed time and at a matter but
price must be
determined price, it is a separate and distinct price not
contract from that which the parties may important
enter into upon the consummation of the 4. not
option. It must be supported by 4. conditional
consideration. 5. not subject 5. Subject to a
- It is a preparatory contract in which one to a specific specific
party grants to the other, for a fixed period performance performance
and under specified conditions, the power to
decide, wether or not to enter into a principal (Equitorial Case)
contract, it binds the party who has given the * Right of First Refusal
option. - A promise on the part of the owner that if
- It should have a separate consideration to he decides to sell the property in the future,
be valid. he would first negotiate its sale to the
___________________ promise.
* Elements of Valid option contract. *Same Price should be offered to the party
1. Consent exercising the right, what was offered to the
2. Subject matter: an option right to an other part shall be the same offered to him.
unaccepted unilateral offer to sell/ accepted ______________________
promise to sell or unaccepted promise to * Perfection Stage: Offer and acceptance
buy: - A contract is born from the moment there is
a.) Determinate/Determinable object. a meeting of minds upon the thing which is
b.) for a price certain, including the manner the object of the contract and upon the price;
of payment. consensual contract.
3. Prestation: A consideration separate and Exception: when the sale is subject to a
distinct from the purchase price for the suspensive condition.
option given. * Acceptance must be “Absolute”
- If without separate consideration option _______________
contract is VOID as a contract. * When Deviation is allowed.
- But would still constitute a valid offer, so - When changes were not substantial, but
that if the option is exercised prior to its merely clarificatory.
withdrawal, that is equivalent to an offer _____________
being accepted and would give rise to a valid * Sale by Auction:
and binding sale. a.) Sales of separate lots by auction are
separate contract of sales, auction are
separate contract of sale.
Option Right of first
b.) Sale is perfected by the fall of the
Contract refusal
c.) Seller has the right to bid at the auction *When form is important for enforceability
provided such right was reversed and notice (Statutes of fraud)
was given to that effect. a.) A sale agreement which by its term is not
________________ to be performed within a year from the
* Earnest Money: making.
- Need to know that the money given is b.) An agreement for the sale of goods,
earnest money. chattels or things in action, at a price not less
- Money given as part of purchase price. than P500.
- Acceptance is the proof that contract of sale c.) A Sale of real property or of an interest.
- Cannot be forfeited, part of the purchase *Exceptions to coverage of statute in sales
price; must be returned. contracts.
-Art 1482 – whenever earnest money is given 1.) When there is a note or memorandum in
in a sale. It shall be considered as part of the writing and subscribed to by party or his
purchase price and as proof of the perfection agent.
of the contract. 2.) When there has been partial
_____________ performance/Execution
* Place of Perfection: 3.) When there has been failure to object to
- The sale’s place of perfection is where there presentation of evidence.
is a meeting of the offer and the acceptance 4.) When sales are affected through
upon the thing and the cause which are to electronic commerce.
constitute the contract. Option Money Earnest Money
- it is presumed that the contract was
1. Money given 1. Part of the
entered into in the place where the offer was
as distinct purchased
consideration price
* Form of Sales. 2. Applies to a 2. Given only
*Form not important in validity of sale; sale not when there is
a.) Sale being consensual, may be oral or perfected already a sale
written, perfected by mere consent as to 3. When given,
price and subject matter. 3. not required Buyer is bound
b.) if particular form is required under the to Buy to pay the
statutes of fraud: balance
- valid and binding between parties but not * E-Docs
binding to 3rd persons. - Electronic Commerce Act.
c.) Purpose of convenience only and not for - Information shall not be denied validity or
validity and enforceability cause of action is enforceability solely on the ground that it is
granted to sue and compel other party to in the form on the ground that it is in the
execute the document. form of an electronic data message
- Proof of delivery. purporting to give rise to such legal effect.
* Form is important for validity: **Not allowed – FAX and Photocopy***
a.) Power to sell a piece of land granted to an
agent-otherwise void.
b.) Sale of large cattle: must be also
registered with municipal treasurer-
otherwise void.
c.) Sale of land by non-christian if not
approved by governor – void.

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