Ending Violence - Creating Model For Peace

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“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” Victor Hugo

W e are on a pilgrimage for a future without

war. We do not come in the name of a reli-
gion or an ideology, but in the name of GRACE –
bases on all continents in which the basis for a
global peace culture is researched, learned and
in service of reconciliation, opening and sup-
port. We are part of a global movement for a Today, we set examples of solidarity with all
free earth, which bears no flag nor does it be- courageous human beings, whose lives are
long to any organisation. Instead it grows from threatened daily, who are persecuted and im-
the international solidarity and cooperation of prisoned, because they speak the truth and
all those who are today determined to leave the work for peace. In particular, we dedicate this
system of violence and to create models for a day to the Colombian peace community San
new culture of peace. José de Apartadó, a rural community of 1500
inhabitants living in the North of the country,
The current economic system of globalisation who are severely threatened. The community
uproots the whole humanity from its anchor. came together 13 years ago in order to create
The ecological and military destruction in the an alternative of peace. Since then they have
outside corresponds to a boundless misery not cooperated with any of the armed groups,
inside the human being. Humans develop in they do not tolerate any weapons and they are
a way which separates them from their home connected in an unswerving ethics of peace.
and original embedding in the world. Values of However, the peace community is subjected to
truth, trust and mutual support are destroyed. massive persecution. In the last 13 years they
The destruction of community caused a deep lost almost 200 members who were killed by the
wound in the human civilisation. This results in military, paramilitary and guerilla. In the mass
the wars of our time, which are waged in a fe- media, they are accused of cooperating with
verish frenzy of killing and destruction. the guerrillas and are depicted as terrorists. The
international community, on the contrary, ap-
We can no longer overcome the globalisation preciates the commitment of the peace com-
of violence by moral appeals or political pro- munity very much. In 2007 they were awarded
tests. We need places where the original wound the Aachen Peace Price and nominated for the
of humanity is healed utilizing a model where Nobel Peace Price. We know that the slanders
living systems are developed which reconnect are not justified. Colombia should be proud of
with the original values and the universal source such a courageous and internationally acknow-
of community on a new level. ledged initiative. By now the peace community
has become a symbol of hope for the nume-
The Peace Research Village Tamera in Portu- rous suppressed and threatened forces in the
gal is such a place. Here social, ecological and country – and far beyond its borders. In order
technological research compiles into a con- to support them, an international peace pilgri-
crete vision for a future life. To carry the results mage in the name of Grace is taking place at
of this research into the world and to connect the moment in the Colombian capital Bogotá,
it with other initiatives, the “Global Campus“ led by Sabine Lichtenfels (Tamera, Portugal)
was created. It is a kind of world university with and Padre Javier Giraldo (Bogotá).
The power of community that we have seen We invite you: Support these models, so that
and experienced in San José not only gives an they become known and therefore get the pro-
answer to the situation in suppressed coun- tection they need. Support them, so that the
tries, but it concerns all of us, because we have truth about San José becomes known. Help
all forgotten what it means to live in community, to save lives. On the 9th of November we are
solidarity and charity. In addition to the open coming together for the “Global Grace Day”:
violence in the crisis areas of the world there People from all over the world will connect in
is the – mostly hidden – human misery in the solidarity with this growing movement in South
Western societies which all live on the exploita- America and in other parts of this planet. We
tion and suppression of the poor countries. We thank everyone who takes part in it.
are all equally challenged to again understand
and embrace the power of community in its es- The sacred matrix, the universal order of love
sence as a global source of healing. and union of all beings, still shines behind all
the pain. The goal of our work is to connect
Today all over Latin America and in other parts worldwide with the powers of the sacred matrix
of the world the forces of a profound change and to make a new human civilization possible.
are sprouting. The creation of models for peace May the blessings of God rest upon our work!
could now become the trigger of a powerful, In the name of our children and in the name of
non-violent revolution – a revolution without all creatures.
GRACE – Movement for a Free Earth

More information:
Movement for a Free Earth • Tamera
Monte do Cerro • P-7630 Colos, Portugal
Ph: +351-283 635 484 • Fax: +351-283 635 374
Email: igp@tamera.org • www.global-grace-day.com

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