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My timeline is assuming that Beyond the Supernatural and Ninjas & Superspies are,

combined, the pre-rifts earth of history until present day. To me this would help
explain why in the time immediately following the cataclysm that so many survived
seeing as you would need more than just technological might to survive against any
number of magic wielding monsters and demons. People with the knowledge to counter
magic or powers of their own, in my opinion, is the only way as much of humanitiy
survives as it does. That and I play Rifts with a 10-1 SDC to MDC ratio as to me
100-1 means the only thing left would be heavily forified fortress cities, we know
is not the case. No village or town as we know them to exist would.

Anyway here we go:


1.5 million years ago - fire is "discovered"

primordium age - the first slayer is created

pre 250 000 BC - spears and stone based "blades" are used

pre 62 000 BC - the bow and arrow is invented

16000bc - lumerian atlantean and nazca societies develop

13100bc - Atlantis disappears

13000bc - contact with the lumerians is lost

12000 - 9000 bc - the last ice age effectively comes to an end

4500 BC - sumerian empire founded

3500 BC - the wheel is invented

3100-2300 BC - stonehenge built

3100 BC - ancient eqypt is recognized as a dominant power until it is defeated by

the romans in 30 BC

2580-2560 - pyramids of giza built

2300-1500 BC - Hinduism founded

2070 BC - The chinese empire is established and lasts thru various dynasties until
replaced by the founding of the republic of china in 1912

2000s BC - the "modern" knife is invented

2000-500bc - nazcan society fades into history as Mayan society rises to prominence
disappearing shortly after creating many "nazcan lines" in what was to become known
as south america

2000 BC - Maya civilization established and continued until the spanish conquests
of the mid 16th century

1894 BC - Babylonian empire founded

1812 BC - Judaism founded

1600 BC - the "modern" sword is invented

800 BC - beginning of the influence of ancient greece lasting until approximately


647 bc - magic is "discovered"

551-479 BC - Confucianism founded

550 BC - Persian Empire established and lasts thru various dynasties untilt eh
early 20th century

509 BD - Roman republic founded and would reign until replcaed by the Roman Empire

400-300 BC - Taoism founded

320 BC - Indian empire established by Mauryan dynasty and lasted up until the mid
20th century atteh end of british rule

27 BC - Roman Empire founded, replacing the Roman Republic, and would last until
it's final remnants are dissolved in 1453


0-100 - First reported ghost sightings, Christianity founded

79 - Mt vesuvius eruption that almost instantly buries the city of pompei and it's

330 - Bizantine empire established, which was the continuation of the roman empire
in it's eastern provinces

550-600 - Buddhism founded, Shintoism founded

600 - chichen itzu mayan temple pyramid built

600-700 - Islam founded

800 - Carolingian Empire founded, holy roman empire is founded and was a revival of
sorts of the roman empire, through the roman catholic church, in western europe,
lasting until it dissolved in 1806

840 - West Francia empire founded

856 - First reported poltergeist incident

905 - gunpowder is invented

985 - society of supernatural hunters first established in europe. not a true

organization but loose associations through the world by the 21st century

1054 - the men of letters society is established, like the society of supernatural
hunters but much more organized, networked, and formal with chapters all over the
1095 - The crusades begin with various crusades occuring right up until the late

1119 - Knights Templar Founded but supposedly disbanded in 1312

1200s - the cannon is invented

1200 - easter island colonized

1215 - Magna carta, the first "charter of rights" agreed to and signed in england

1299 - ottoman empire founded

1347-1351 - Black plague hits it's peak with millions dead

1364 - the gun is invented

1390 - Earliest known existence of the Free Masons

1427 - Aztec empire estalished and lasted until teh spanish conquests of the mide
16th century

1438 - Incan empire established and lasted untilt eh spanish conquests of the mid
16th century

1440-1450 - the printing press is invented

1452 - Davinci, artists and inventor who inspired many later inventor and
scientists, was born

1455 - first War of the Rose's occurs

1478 - spanish inquisition

1492 - Spanish empire founded and lasted until 1975 when it was dissolved,
Christopher Columbus "Discovers" America

1495 - The stonecutter society is founded

1527 - john dee, later considered the einstein of his era, was born

1534 - Jaques Cartier "Discovers" Canada

1535 - the united kingdom is first established

1600s - Early century first reported "werewolf" attacks. Mid century first reported
human possessions.

1639 - First reported UFO sighting

1690 - first reports of "witchcraft", though reports of "magic" and "sorcery" go

back millennia

1693 - Salem witch trials take place

1698 - the Steam engine is invented

1700s - early century, first reported "vampire" attacks

1725 - watcher's council established in romania amidst reports of vampire attacks.

1752 - Electricity discovered

1760 - beginning of the industrial revolution

1775 - American Revolution

1776 - the illuminati, known as the Bavarian illuminati at the time, was found
lasting it apparent demise in 1785 though rumours and conspiracies have them
existing throughout the following centuries

1789 - the french revolution occurs

1796 - the first vaccine is invented


1800s - early century reports of "psychic" activity begin to be made. Paranormal

activity reports are on the rise and continue into the next century when many were
debunked and proven false leaving further reports labelled hoaxes or silliness at
best except by those who studied the possibility of real paranormal events. Reality
however would later prove at least some reports were in fact likely true.

1800's - early to mid century the atom is proven to exist after nearly 2 millennia
of denying the theories of greek scientist Democritus created in teh 5th century
BC, mid century modern occultism begins to take form

1800's - Tebuqulosis or the white plague is at it's peak with millions dead by the
end of the century

1803 - beginning of the napoleonic wars

1804 - The first train is invented, French empire established

1807 - the begining of slavery abolition

1811 - First reported sighitng of a sasquatch

1812 - War of 1812 between US and Britain resulting in essentially the borders
recognized as the United States and Canada

1837 - The Telegraph is invented with the morse code to go with it for long
distance commmunications

1842 - chromosomes first discovered

1844 - S.A.V.E. (Societas Argenti Viae Eternitata, or, The Eternal Society of the
Silver Way), a secret society that is dedicated to protecting innocents from the
creatures of the Unknown, is established in Ireland and has grown over the workld
since then

1848 - the women's rights movement begins, Modern Spiritualist movement begins

1853 - parapsychology is first studied, known then as psychical research

1858 - first true prosthetic limb invented

1861 - US Civial War

1864 - Bureau 13, a government organization dealing with the supernatural, is first
established in the US as a "secret" branch off the department of justice

1868 - empire of japan is established lasting until 1947 when it was dissolved

1875 - aleister crowley, the world's first reknown occultist, was born

1876 - The Telephone is invented

1878 - First true submarine launched

1879 - The automobile is invented

1888 - Wind turbine invented

1890 - Roanoke Disappearances

1893 - National Spiritualist Association of Churches, also known as the National

SPiratualist Associationg of the United States of a America, founded

1895 - The Radio is invented, the first Xray machine is invented

1899 - The Boar War and the Boxer Rebellion


1903 - The airplane is invented, the first coilgun is invented

1905 - theory of relativity published by albert einstein

1909 - UK establishes MI-6

1911 - IBM founded

1912 - The Titanic sinks

1914 - World War 1, First aircraft carrier launched

1916 - The Combat Tank is invented, Assassination of Rasputin in Russia

1917 - Russian Revolution, aberdeen proving grounds built in the US

1918 - the first railgun is invented

1920 - League of Nations founded

1921 - Insulin discovered

1922 - Soviet Union formed

1924 - The first helicopter is invented

1927 - The Television is invented. The Iron Lung is invented and is the worlds
first "respirator"
1928 - penicillin the first anti-biotic is invented

1929 - The Great Depression, the particel accelerator is invented

1935 - The Radar is invented

1936 - The first computer as we would come to recognize them was invented

1937 - the Hindenburg tragedy occurs

1939 - World War 2, First jet plane

1942 - the first nuclear reactor is made operational

1943 - the kidney dialysis machine is invented....the worlds first "artificial


1945 - first nuclear detonation test made, first offensive uses of nuclear weapons
in war, United Nations founded

1947 - Roswell New mexico incident, First supersonic flight, US establishes the CIA

1948 - Concept of Cybernetics is invented

1949 - NATO founded

1950 - Korean War, first reports of unusual activity in the bermuda triangle but
many ocurences had occurred there over the centuries prior to this report. Rcmp
security service established in Canada which is eventually replaced by csis, the
Canadian security intelligence service in 1984

1954 - first organ transplant, a kidney, performed, First nuclear powered submarine
launched, Solar panel invented. USSR establishes the KGB which is replaced by the
Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service in 1991

1955 - Artificial Intelligence as we would come to later recognize it is invented,

Vietnam War begins, area 51 is built

1957 - Sputnik 1 is the first man made object to achieve orbit in space around
earth, norad established by Canada and the US

1958 - European Commission founded, Pioneer program begins. American chapter of the
men of letters is eliminated

1960 - the laser is invented, first pacemaker implanted which is perhaps the first
true man-machine interfaced cybernetic system, First nuclear powered carrier
launched, Apollo program begins

1961 - First manned space flight, first reported alien abduction, Gemini program

1963 - First lung transplant

1964 - First icbm developed. US establishes the IMF, Impossible Missions Force, a
branch organization of the CIA

1966 - Star trek first airs on tv inspiring innumerable people and influencing some
technological advancement for decades to come. It also tries to address a number of
social issues of the time via the storytelling of the various episodes created. It
would go on to be a cultural icon with movies and spin off tv shows for the next 60

1969 - Humankind lands on the moon and walks its surface for the first time

1971 - First personal home computer goes on sale

1972 - Hockey summit series between Canada and the Soviet Union is played with
Canada winning the 8 game series 4-3-1

1973 - The first mobile cellular phone is invented by Motorola

1975 - Microsoft founded

1976 - Apple computers founded. Unexplained mass sponge migration in the Caribbean
in which a large sponge group moved a distance 45cm/36 inches in 1/10th the time
the should have. No explanation was ever determined as to why. Doctor Ray Stanz, of
later "ghostbusters" fame was on the team investigating the incident.

1977 - First Voyager deep space probe launched, Star wars plays in theatres. Like
star trek, it will inspire untold numbers of people as well as also becoming a
cultural icon for decades. Later, along with star trek starting the 1990s, it will
also have religious influencences (jedi and Sith codes, Klingon honour, bajoran

1978 - first test tube baby successfully born

1980 - major Mt st Helen's eruption causing a number of issue globally

1981 - First successful, mission, and return of the Soae Shuttle.

1982 - first artificial organ implanted, a heart.

1983 - The Internet is invented with the World Wide Web to follow in 1990

1984 - the Ghostbusters, a paranormal investigation and elimination service is

founded by doctors say stanz, egon Spengler, and peter venkman. They claimed to and
seemed to in fact catch ghosts using custom but highly volatile equipment. They are
later charged with several counts of epa violations as well as inducing mass
hallucinations throughout new York city. All three men are found guilty on all
charges and sentenced to life in prison as frauds. After the trial much of their
computer and ghost catching equipment goes missing unnoticed.

1985 - lazlo agency formed by Dr Victor lazlo, it's goal to study and
investigate paranormal and supernatural reports and activity

1986 - First manned semi permanent space station is put into orbit. Muir Space

1988 - Stephen Hawking publishes the book A Brief Hstory of Time in which he
explains the Big Bang Theory that created the universe

1990 - Desert Storm (War with Iraq)

1991 - Soviet Union dissolved, Berlin wall falls

1992 - major auto manufacturers begin real development of electric cars

1993 - European Union Founded

1994 - The first "smartphone" is invented by IBM

1996 - first ever cloned aninimal, a sheep, created. World trade cetner bombing

1997 - lazlo society website launched by the lazlo agency,  it's purpose
to let people see and learn the "truth" about the paranormal and supernatural

1999 - The first "smartwatch" was invented by Steve Mann


2000 - The first "tablet" is invented by Microsoft, The International Space Station
reaches full operational status. Mars rover program begins launching the mars rover
opportunity in 2003 and he mars rover curiosity in 2011

2001 - 9/11 attacks on the US and the war on terror begins including invasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq by the US and some of it's allies. Mir space station is
powered down and abandoned, left to break up on reentry to earth. First use of
large scale solar panels for power generation

2002 - First common large scale use of wind turbines for power generation, SpaceX
corporation founded

2003 - Tesla corporation founded

2005 - Juno program begins

2006 - First true autonomous humanoid robot unveiled with further development
ongoing going

2008 - Global economic crash.

2011 - major auto manufacturers begin real development of autonomous cars

2014 - First combat laser weapon system deployed

2016 - first true autonomous interactive android "Sophia" unveiled

2017 - UK votes to leave the EU. Saudi Arabia is the first country to give an
autonomous robot citizenship (Sophia)

2021 - triax corporation founded via the merging of 3 separate German corporations

2020 - First railgun deployed, KLS corporation founded

2022 - First true cyber limb, an arm, successfully attached and fully usable. First
fully articulated full body hard shell anti-ballistic body armour deployed

2023 - First large scale atmospheric scrubber put into operation in northern
California of the US with near immediate results on the atmosphere and environment
surrounding it. More go online across north America and eventually the world over
the next decade. It is heralded as a "cure" to the environmental crisis the world
had been facing. First particle beam weapon system deployed, First fully functional
artificial eye and artificial ear implanted.
2024 - First fully functional artificial lung implanted, with almost every other
orgna seeing artifial ones becoming viable shortly thereafter, first ever cloned
organ, a pancreas, created, with many of the other organs to follow shortly

2025 - first ion beam weapon system deployed. First powered full exoskeletal armour
deployed. Cyberworks corporation founded. OSI, the Office of Scientific
Intelligence, is established by the US

2026 - Practical fusion technology (ie first fusion reactor made operational etc),
First laser rifle deployed. Electric cars outnumber combustion engine cars

2027 - astronaut Steve Austin becomes the worlds first partial cyborg having
multiple organs and limbs replaced. About a year later, tennis star Jaime Summers
becomes the second.

2028 - First manned mission to mars launched arriving at the red planet 2 years
later. Autonomous self-driving cars considered commonplace

2029 - first plasma beam weapon system deployed, First ion rifle deployed. The
next manneD mission to mars launches with subsequent launches starting every 1 year
thereafter. These missions will also deploy comm relays enroute to enhance and
speed up communications to near real time by 2037.

2030 - ocp unveils the worlds first full cyborg "robocop", First particle beam
rifle deployed. Hover technology is finally perfected and sold to the public

2031 - First rifle "rifle" deployed

2032 - UK let back into the EU after giving Scotland it's independence and ceding
Northern Ireland to the Repulic of Ireland, First plasma rifle deployed

2034 - Japanese/Chinese sponsored permanent space station begins construction

2035 - North American Alliance pact is signed by Canada, Mexico and the US. NEMA
put into full effect. Mankind returns to the moon with Syberworks begining
construction of a permanent facility there

2036 - Russian sponsored permanent space station begins construction

2037 - NAA sponsored permanent space station begins construction

2038 - EU sponsored permanent space station begins construction

2039 - construction of a permanent moon colony is begun and s headed by Cyberworks

2042 - construction of a permanent mars colony begins sponsored in a joint effort

by the NAA and the EU

2050 - MDC materials unveiled by Triax Corporation. Minderwerks corporation


2051 - NAA sponsored permanent space station goes operational

2052 - Japanese/Chinese sponsored permanent space station goes operational

2053 - EU sponsored permanent space station goes operational

2054 - Russian sponsored permanent space station goes operational

2055 - Cyberworks moon colony is considered complete and fully operation while
still exapanding

2061 - mars colony sol considered finished and full operational

2064 - triax unveils lightweight mdc body armour along with uni-max 003 mdc
exoskeletal power armour. Other nations unveil there own creations....chromium
armour by kls corporation and ai advancements by cyberworks corporation in the US,
cyborg technologies in Russia, and mental tapping by mindwerks corporation in Peru.

2066 - m.o.m. technology developed by mindwerks

2067 - The second russian revolution and founding of the New Soviet Union takes
place by early 2068. Juicer technology developed by Biogen-Pfizermerk

2072 - new Soviet complexes Red bear begins construction near Kiev. It is to be a
facility working on genetic research and implementationas well as to develop better
and more effective cybernetics and bionics.

2075 - construction of Medvedev Prospect Red Army facility begins near Moscow

2078 - First true neural AI, ARCHIE is developed by Cyberworks.....but is deemed a

failure though still considered a powerful ai but is a flawed and malfunctioning
system. It is shut down late 2079

2080 - Archie two is too is deemed a failure as a neural based ai

but was still an effective and well functioning system. It is later installed at
the headquarters of norad.

2081 - development on Archie three begins. He becomes the first fully functioning
neural ai operational going in early 2082.

2082 - human and animal genetics are fully mapped and considered conquered

2084 - Red Bear complex goes operational.

2086 - development of Archie four is begun, building on the success of Archie

three, on the moon at the cyberworks run colony. He goes operational late 2087.
Medvedev Prospect Red Army facility goes oepration

2088 - Lonestar complex begins construction in northern Texas of the US

2089 - Northstar complex begins construction in northern Canada

2090 - Estrella Del Sur, "Southern Star", complex begins construction in central

2092 - Lonestar complex goes operational

2093 - Northstar complex goes operational

2094 - Estrella Del Sur complex goes operational

2095 - first successful "mutant" humanoid dog created at the lone star complex in
the US featuring human-like intelligence and speech capabilities as well as human
like hands and feet.

2096 - Guarta Marta incident occurs. Uss ticonderoga construction begins

2098 - uss ticonderoga is launched

Decemebr 22, 2098 - The Great cataclysm occurs

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