Verb Have Gotand Physical Features

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Verb have got

Physical features

O verbo have got significa “ter” e indica posse. Nunca te esqueças de colocar os pronomes
pessoais (I, you, he, …) antes do verbo.
Para fazeres a forma negativa, só tens que
colocar not depois da primeira parte do verbo (ex.: Verb have got
She has not got long hair. / She hasn’t got long hair.) Short
Full forms
Para a forma interrogativa, deves “trocar” de sítio o forms
pronome pessoal (ou o nome) com has ou have (ex.: A. I have I ve
Has she got long hair?). got got
Este verbo usa-se frequentemente com a
you you
descrição física (ex.: I’ve got green eyes.).
she has
she ’s got
we we
you have you ve
got got
Write sentences in the negative and interrogative they they
forms. (Escreve frases na negativa e na interrogativa.)

1. Tom and Kate have got green eyes.

Negative: __________________________________________________________
Interrogative: ______________________________________________________

2. He has got a blue cap.

Negative: __________________________________________________________
Interrogative: ______________________________________________________
.Int: Has he got a blue cap? Neg: She hasn’t got a blue cap 2.
Int: Have Tom and Kate got green eyes? Neg: Tom and Kate haven’t got green eyes. 1.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have got (affirmative,
negative, interrogative.) (Completa as frases com a forma correta do verbo have got.)

1. The boy _________________ short hair.

2. We_________________ (not) red T-shirts.
3. The girl _________________ freckles.
4. The nice man _________________ a big nose.
5. I _________________ long straight black hair.
6. _________________ he _________________ brown eyes?

6. Has … got 5. Have got 4. Has got 3. Has got 2. Haven’t got 1. Has got

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