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J. A.

Saglia1 A High-performance
N. G. Tsagarakis
J. S. Dai1 Redundantly Actuated
D. G. Caldwell
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Parallel Mechanism for
via Morego 30,
16163 Genoa, Ankle Rehabilitation

Abstract been indicated that there are three ways to improve the health-
care quality and clinical rehabilitation process:
In this paper we present a redundantly actuated parallel mecha-
(i) to develop evidence-based therapy (for example, deliver
nism for ankle rehabilitation. The proposed device has the advan-
the optimal therapy to a particular patient’s need),
tage of mechanical and kinematic simplicity when compared with
the state-of-the-art multi-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism pro- (ii) to re-allocate personnel and tasks (for example, min-
totypes while at the same time it is fully capable of carrying out the imize paperwork and free more personnel to deliver
exercises required by the ankle rehabilitation protocols. Optimization care)1 and
of the device workspace, dexterity, torque output and size was carried
out during the design phase of the device. The development of the
(iii) to increase the productivity of each caregiver (for exam-
ple, provide therapists with appropriate tools).
system involved the realization of a new customized linear actuator
able to meet the speed and force requirements of the device function- In rehabilitation, robotic aids can have an impact on all of
ality. We also discuss the impedance-based control scheme used for these modes and increase the healthcare quality and produc-
the redundantly actuated device, which allows the execution of both tivity not only by introducing new efficiency into certain rou-
assistive and resistive strengthening rehabilitation regimes. Results tine physical and occupational therapy activities, but also by
from the control of a single linear actuator and further experimental providing a rich stream of objective data to assist in patient
tests including the position tracking of the fully actuated platform are diagnosis, prognosis, customization of therapy, assurance of
presented. It is believed that the performance and the simplicity of the patient compliance with treatment regimens and maintenance
proposed mechanism will allow the widespread use of the system as a of patient records (Krebs et al. 1998).
new aid tool for ankle rehabilitation. Moreover, robotic rehabilitation systems help in the assess-
ment of injuries and choosing the most appropriate rehabil-
KEY WORDS—parallel mechanism, redundant actuation, an-
itation protocol. In combination with virtual reality environ-
kle rehabilitation
ments, such systems allow qualification of and, in particular,
the quantification of the level of recovery an injury, therefore
improving actual rehabilitation protocols and helping to define
1. Introduction more effective protocols.
More specifically, robotic rehabilitation systems allow pa-
Healthcare is a dominant issue in the 21st century. Efforts have tients to perform a wide range of self-administered tasks from
been made to improve healthcare and new devices have been passive repetitive actions to functional activities and from as-
developed to contribute to the societal living standards. It has sistive tasks to those providing opposition. These systems al-
low patients to train repetitively and intensively and provide
The International Journal of Robotics Research the physiotherapists with tools that allow them to treat pa-
Vol. 28, No. 9, September 2009, pp. 1216–1227 tients with minimal supervision. Further, physiotherapists can
DOI: 10.1177/0278364909104221
c The Author(s), 2009. Reprints and permissions: 1 Also at King’s College London, University of London, Strand, London

Figures 3, 7–12, 15–18 appear in color online: WC2R 2LS, UK.

Saglia et al. / A High-performance Redundantly Actuated Parallel Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation 1217

gather objective measures regarding a patient’s performance anism that allows plantar/dorsiflexion, inversion/eversion and
and progress using the robotic aid systems. vertical translation of the patient’s foot with the addition of
As a result of the above, in the last decade there has been a fourth DOF that allows the person to perform toe motions.
a lot of work towards robotic-based physiotherapy and reha- This system also employs pneumatic actuators, to drive the
bilitation. Within this research, an increasingly wide and di- moving platform. The second device is a direct-drive three-
verse range of systems have been developed. These systems DOF 3RSS/S parallel mechanism. This rehabilitation robot
range from simple powered two-link orthoses to commercial uses electric motors and it has a compact design. However,
products. They use a variety of actuation methods and control the rehabilitation device allows the rotation of the foot in the
strategies and they are targeted at different disabilities. transverse plane, which is not very relevant in ankle rehabili-
Among these systems there are a number of devices devel- tation.
oped to aid in the execution of ankle physiotherapy and re- Exoskeleton mechanisms for lower-limb and, in particular,
habilitation regimes. Ankle sprains are very common injuries ankle rehabilitation have also been proposed. A wearable, low-
that can take a few weeks up to several months to fully re- cost mechanism using spring over muscle-based pneumatic ac-
cover. In the majority of the cases, ankle rehabilitation is per- tuators, which allows plantar and dorsiflexion of the human
formed directly by the physiotherapist or with the aid of ded- ankle was introduced for post-stroke rehabilitation by Bharad-
icated tools, each of which is used for a specific exercise. For waj et al. (2004). At the same time, an ankle robot with three
instance, strength training is performed using elastic bands or DOFs was designed and built at MIT and used for modular
applying weights to the foot and proprioceptive training is per- gait rehabilitation (Wheeler et al. 2004). The system uses two
formed with wooden wobble boards or foam rollers. electric motors to actively drive two of the three DOFs, namely
More recently, physiotherapists have started to make use plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion/eversion and leaves the third
of automatic systems such as Fisiotek 2000 (available at DOF passive allowing free internal and external rotation of the and the Biodex Balance System foot. Another robotic device that could be used for ankle reha-
(available at, while re- bilitation was presented by Dong et al. (2006). A single DOF
search efforts in this area have resulted in the development of mechanism provides resistance while the patient is moving
a number of ankle rehabilitation robotic devices. In the past, the hip, knee or ankle, using a magneto-rheological damper.
an ankle rehabilitation robot based on a Stewart–Gough plat- The device is reconfigurable for various body joints. Never-
form with six degrees of freedom (DOFs) powered by pneu- theless, exoskeleton devices cannot allow balance exercises,
matic linear actuators (The “Rutgers Ankle” Rehabilitation In- therefore this study focused on a platform-type rehabilitation
terface) was proposed (Girone et al. 1999, 2000, 2001). The device.
system was designed to assist the patient in participating in The parallel mechanism introduced in this paper has the ad-
interactive computer games during the rehabilitation of the an- vantage of mechanical and kinematic simplicity when com-
kle and later trials were performed on post-stroke patients and pared with existing multi-DOF parallel mechanism proto-
people with musculoskeletal injuries in order to verify the ef- types, while at the same time it is fully capable of carrying
fectiveness of the robotic device (Deutsch et al. 2001a,b). The out the exercises required in ankle rehabilitation protocols.
experiments provided some hints to improve the effectiveness The proposed device allows plantar/dorsiflexion and inver-
of such devices. Further, the “Rutgers Ankle” rehabilitation in- sion/eversion using an improved performance parallel mech-
terface was used to develop a virtual walking simulator based anism that makes use of actuation redundancy to eliminate
on a dual Stewart platform (Boian et al. 2005). However, such singularity and greatly improve the workspace dexterity. This
a device has more DOFs than those of the ankle complex and assures smooth motion of the platform during clinical rehabili-
it makes use of pneumatic actuators which affects the porta- tation since the mechanism workspace does not contain singu-
bility of the robotic device and impedes their use in a medical larities. In addition, the requirements for high torque capacity
environment. and backdrivability are further satisfied with the employment
An equilateral parallel mechanism for ankle rehabilitation of a customized cable-driven linear electric actuator that com-
was introduced by Dai and Massicks (1999) and later the mo- bines high force capacity with low friction and high backdriv-
bility and stiffness of three- and four-DOF parallel mecha- ability. The simplicity and compactness of the device together
nisms with a central strut (Dai et al. 1994) were analyzed by with its redundant characteristic, which allows simultaneous
Dai et al. (2004). Subsequently, a two-DOF, 3UPS/U parallel control of position and stiffness, will improve the quality and
mechanism was proposed and studied (Saglia and Dai 2007). increase the productivity of ankle physiotherapy delivered by
This last device also uses pneumatic cylinders, which have the the clinicians.
advantage of inherent compliance, but also prevent the use of The presentation of this work is structured as follows. Sec-
the device within clinics. tion 2 introduces the device specifications in terms of the range
Two other platform-type ankle rehabilitation mechanisms of motion, torque capacity and degrees of freedom derived by
were also introduced by Yoon and Ryu (2005) and Liu et the needs of the human ankle anatomy and the ankle rehabil-
al. (2006). The first is based on a three-DOF parallel mech- itation protocol prerequisites. Section 3 introduces the kine-

Table 1. Range of Motion of the Human Ankle.

Type of motion Range Torques (Nm)

3 3
Plantar/dorsiflexion –60 , 30 –80, 80
3 3
Inversion/eversion –30 , 15 –40, 40

(Mattacola and Dwyer 2004). Therefore, these degrees of mo-

bility (Dai et al. 2006) formed the basis for the design of the
rehabilitation device.
Hence, the robotic device needs to have two rotational
DOFs. The ranges of motion and torques for the human’s ankle
are reported in Table 1 (Parenteau et al. 1998).
Referring to clinical guidelines, and in particular to Matta-
Fig. 1. Human ankle and its corresponding movements (Det- cola and Dwyer (2004), a series of exercises that an ankle re-
twylera et al. 2004). habilitation robotic device should be able to perform in order
to accomplish the rehabilitation process has been elaborated.
According to Table 2, the rehabilitation process is divided
into three stages, namely the preliminary, intermediate and ad-
matic geometry of the proposed mechanism and reports on
vanced stages, during which the patient gradually regains the
the inverse kinematics of the device. Section 4 presents the
range of motion and strength at the injured ankle. The patient
workspace and dexterity analysis followed by the presenta-
needs to perform passive and active exercises, hence the device
tion of the mechanism and particularly the presentation of the
has to provide assistive and resistive operational modes. This
mechanical design of the custom-made linear actuator used to
indicates that for active mode exercises, the patient applies a
power the system limbs.
force/torque to the platform and the robotic device should pro-
Section 5 reports the overall ankle rehabilitation system
vide a certain level of assistance or resistance to the movement
control and architecture, while Section 6 presents experimen-
of the patient. This requires the backdrivability of the linear
tal tracking performance measures of the overall system and
the customized actuator. Finally Section 7 presents the conclu-
Proprioceptive exercises require the patient to stand on the
sions and aspects of the future developments.
robotic device, in both a unilateral and bilateral stance, and
to try to maintain the balance and not to exceed a maximum
inclination of the platform. This type of rehabilitation exercise
2. Device Specifications requires the robotic device to fully support the patient’s body
weight. Thus, the actuator must be powerful enough to keep
To derive a technical specification for an ankle rehabilitation
the platform in a stall position, when the patient reaches the
mechanism the anatomical data of the human ankle as well as
maximum permitted inclination level.
data derived from the analysis of rehabilitation protocols are
In addition to the above specifications, as with most de-
considered. The human ankle is composed of two articulations
signs, options that keep complexity to a minimum will tend
and their kinematics can be represented with two hinge joints1
to improve reliability and reduce cost, and these were always
see Fig. 1 (Dettwylera et al. 2004). However, the axes of ro-
under consideration during the mechanism design process.
tation are skewed and angular displacements in the two ankle
joints produce rotations of the foot in all three planes (sagittal,
frontal and transverse planes). Therefore, the foot is capable 3. Parallel Mechanism Description
of three kinds of movement referred to as plantar/dorsiflexion,
inversion/eversion and adduction/abduction. 3.1. Geometry
Nevertheless, when considering gross motion, especially in
rehabilitation, only the first and second motions of the foot are The kinematic geometry of the proposed ankle rehabilitation
considered important. It has been clinically shown by Payne et device is presented in Fig. 2. The parallel mechanism consists
al. (1997) and Mattacola and Dwyer (2004) that the first two of a base, a moving platform, three identical active limbs and
motions are the dominant actions in proprioceptive training a passive central strut.
and ankle rehabilitation. Although exercises which involve the The limbs are attached with universal and spherical joints to
abduction/adduction of the foot, such as drawing the alphabet the base and the moving platform, respectively. The points of
letters, are still included in rehabilitation protocols, most exer- attachment lie at equal distances along the two circumferences
cises require only plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion/eversion of radius ra for the base and rb for the platform.
Saglia et al. / A High-performance Redundantly Actuated Parallel Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation 1219

Table 2. Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises.

Stage Class of exercise Exercise mode (patient) Type of exercise
Preliminary ROM (Range of Passive Pain-free passive motion
rehabilitation Motion)
Pain-free, non-weight bearing Achilles tendon
(ACT) stretching
Active Pain-free, weight bearing ACT stretching
Strength training Active Isometric Plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion and ever-
Isotonic (full ROM)
Intermediate Proprioceptive Active Clockwise and counter clockwise rotation with
rehabilitation training wobble board
Move the foot through functional patterns experi-
encing perturbations and resistance
Advanced Balance exercises experiencing external perturba-
rehabilitation tions

The parallel mechanism presents two DOFs, due to the

universal joint connecting the central strut and the platform.
Therefore, the presence of three actuators makes the parallel
mechanism redundantly actuated (Saglia et al. 2008).

3.2. Inverse Kinematics

Let ai and bi be the position vector of the ith universal and

spherical joint on the base and on the platform, respectively.
Let p be the vector describing the distance between the points
O and P0 , where the only non-zero entry is the z-component
that is equal to h (the height of the parallel mechanism). Hence,
it is possible to define the limb vector as

di 4 di si 4 p 5 bi 6 ai 1 (1)
Fig. 2. Geometry of the two-DOF over-actuated parallel mech-
anism. where di is the limb length and si as a unit vector along the
longitudinal axis of the ith limb.
The inverse kinematics of the parallel mechanism can be
obtained as the square root of the expression given by the dot
product of (1) with itself as
Each limb consists of a spherical joint, a prismatic joint
and a universal joint. The central strut is attached to the plat-
di 4 7 bi2 5 ci2 5 2bi ci 1 (2)
form with a universal joint. The prismatic joints are actuated
by means of linear actuation drives. with
Let O(x1 y1 z) and P0 (u 0 1 2 0 1 30 ) be two fixed reference ci 4 p 6 ai 6
frames attached to the base and the end of the central strut re-
spectively and, P(u1 21 3) be the reference frame of the moving Differentiating the expression in (1) yields the velocity re-
platform. The distance h between the points O and P0 , as well lation as
as P, is fixed and represents the height of the parallel mech- di 7 i 8 si 5 d9i si 4 7 P 8 bi 1 (3)
anism. The orientation of the moving platform with respect where 7 i is the angular velocity of the ith limb and
to the base can then be expressed with two rotations 4 and 5 2 3
about the fixed axes u0 and v0 . 7 P 4 49 59 0 (4)

is the angular velocity of the moving platform. It contains the

time derivatives of the orientation angles.
Dot multiplying both sides of the expression in (3) with the
vector si gives the relation between a single limb velocity and
the angular velocity of the moving platform as

d9i 4 8bi 8 si 9 7 P 6 (5)

Consequently, writing (5) for i 4 11 2 and 3, and rearranging

in a matrix form gives

d9 4 J617 P 1 (6)

where2 J is the Jacobian

3 matrix of the parallel mechanism and
d9 4 d91 d92 d93 is the vector that contains the limb linear

4. Mechanism Design Fig. 3. Reachable workspace of the parallel mechanism with

different radii ratios.
4.1. Selection of Geometric Parameters
Table 3. Geometric Parameters for Workspace Analysis.
The selection of the geometric parameters was based on a
study of the reachable workspace, dexterity, torque output and Platform radii Base radius, Platform
compactness of the robotic device. ratio, ra
ra ra (m) radius, rb (m)
The geometric parameters to consider for the design of the =1 0.125 0.125
parallel mechanism are the mechanism height h, the base and
1 0.125 0.085
platform radii ra and rb and the actuators’ stroke. It is obvious
that, given the radius of the base ra , the greater the platform ra- 1 0.085 0.125
dius rb the higher the torque output of the mechanism is, while
the lower the workspace will be. Moreover, the higher the par-
cases, the stroke should be equal to ds 4 06143 m and ds 4
allel mechanism, the greater the actuator stroke needs to be in
06139 m, respectively, with the radii ratio equal to and lower
order to obtain a certain range of motion and the less compact
than one. For the sake of compactness the configuration with
the device will be. As a first step, the mechanism height h has
radii ratio greater than one was chosen for the design of the
been set to
h 4 063 m1
In addition to the workspace analysis, a study of the device
in order to allow the patient to place the foot on the moving dexterity was carried out in order to evaluate the mechanism’s
platform while sitting on a normal chair. kinematic performance for the different sets of geometric pa-
Consequently, the actuator stroke was set to ds 4 061 m rameters. The reason why the over-actuation had been chosen
(see Section 4.2 for details), resulting in a limb length of 0.277 for this rehabilitation robot is that the singularities are com-
to 0.377 m with a mid value of dm 4 06327 m. A computer pletely removed and the dexterity of the parallel mechanism is
simulation was performed to calculate the limits of the reach- greatly improved (Saglia et al. 2008).
able workspace for different ratios of the base and platform The Jacobian matrix in (6) can be used to analyze the mech-
radii. Figure 3 depicts the results for three different values of anism dexterity. Considering the condition number of the ma-
radii ratio presented in Table 3. The values of the two radii in trix as the ratio between the maximum max and the minimum
Table 3 were selected to satisfy the range of motion and torque min singular values of the matrix,
requirements of the ankle joint. Other combinations are pos- max
sible, however this was selected to satisfy both requirements 4 1 (7)
while at the same time to keep the device as compact as possi-
ble. a local dexterity index (LDI) can be defined as
It is possible to see that the largest workspace is given
1 min
by the radii ratio greater than one, meaning that the plat- L DI 4 4 1 (8)
form is smaller than the base. The same reachable workspace  max
could of course be achieved with the other two geomet- which varies in the range [0 1], where 0 represents singularity
ric configurations by increasing the actuator stroke. In those and 1 represents isotropy.
Saglia et al. / A High-performance Redundantly Actuated Parallel Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation 1221

Fig. 4. Local dexterity of the parallel mechanism with ra 4 rb . Fig. 6. Local dexterity of the parallel mechanism with ra rb .

dexterity any of the three sets of geometric parameters could

be selected, giving roughly the same mechanism performance.
Hence, the values

ra 4 06125 m1

rb 4 06085 m1

were chosen for the design together with those of the actua-
tor stroke and the length of the strut mentioned above, since
those are the geometric parameters that guarantee the largest

Fig. 5. Local dexterity of the parallel mechanism with ra rb . 4.2. Linear Actuator Mechanical Design

The prerequisites for an ankle robotic aid system but also in

general for any rehabilitation robot are significantly different
The local dexterity characteristic (Dai and Shah 2003) of from those of a typical industrial robot. A robotic aid device
the parallel mechanism changes when choosing different geo- that is used for movement regimes for the treatment of ankle
metric parameters. The greatest change can be seen when the injuries or other neurological impairments should exhibit the
ratio between the base radius ra and platform radius rb varies. following characteristics.
Simulations were performed to calculate the mechanism LDI
(i) High force and speed capacity (particularly required for
for a certain range of motion of the platform and three ex-
the execution of the balance exercises).
amples of different mechanism local dexterity characteristics,
with different platforms radii ratios are given in Figures 4–6. (ii) High backdrivability and low apparent inertia (allowing
The geometric parameters used for the simulations are those the subjects to see the effect of their effort).
reported in Table 3.
It should be noted that with ra
rb 4 1, the local dexterity As the role of the actuation system is vital in obtaining the
surface assumes a bell shape, having a single isotropic point above characteristics, various types of actuation were consid-
that corresponds to 4 4 03 and 5 4 03 . In the cases of ra
rb ered during the design process varying from fluidic actuator
1 and ra
rb 1, the surface presents more than one isotropic (pneumatics and hydraulics) to electrical drives.
point even though the smoothness of the surfaces worsens. Fluidic actuators were excluded, mainly because of the re-
A highly dexterous workspace is needed since the device quirement of an external fluidic source which is not commonly
should support the patient’s body weight during balance exer- available in medical environments. In addition to this, fluidic
cises. Therefore, the higher the dexterity, the smaller the ac- actuators exhibit non-linearities in both force and flow dynam-
tuator size, which reduces the device size. In fact, in terms of ics.

Fig. 7. Transmission system for the linear actuator.

Fig. 8. Platform position, velocity and torques for an isotonic
exercise involving plantar and dorsiflexion.
On the other hand, commercial electric linear actuators sel-
dom fulfill all of the requirements of the ankle rehabilita-
tion system, particularly the requirement of backdrivability.
Usually commercial linear actuators make use of ball–screw
transmission systems making them either high-force/low-
backdrivability or low-force/high-backdrivability actuators. In
this study, high-force and high-backdrivability actuators are re-
quired. Hence, a customized linear actuator which can provide
both was developed.
The linear actuator is based on a cable-driven (capstan
drive) system of pulleys that transforms the rotatory motion
of a brushed DC motor to the linear motion of a piston sliding
in and out the actuator cylinder. As a result of the use of the
capstan drive, the overall actuator unit has low friction and ex-
hibits high backdrivability while at the same time it can main-
tain a high-force capacity. The transmission system and a cross
section of the actuator overall assembly are shown in Fig. 7.
Note that the capstan mechanism works only with a limited
number of turns of the cable around the motor pulley, namely Fig. 9. Actuators trajectories, velocities and forces for an iso-
1.5 turns. The stroke of the linear actuator can be increased by tonic exercise.
extending the radius of the motor pulley. On the other hand,
the greater the pulley radius, the lower the output force of the
linear actuator is. Thus, to keep the design compact and limit be performed under such conditions1 however, this can be con-
the size of the DC motor the stroke of the linear actuator has sidered as the worst case for the dimensioning of the motor
been set to 0.1 m. specifications.
To derive the specifications of the DC motor, rehabilita- From the simulation, it has been concluded that the reha-
tion regimes are simulated using the selected device geome- bilitation device needs a maximum actuator force of f max 4
try. Looking at Table 1, a worse case for an isotonic exercise 63665 Nm (Fig. 10). The radius of the motor pulley was set to
can be set, considering the maximum torque that the ankle r p 4 0601 m to provide 0.1 m of displacement with 1.5 turns
can generate. It is assumed that the patient plantar and dorsi of the motor pulley, thus the required torque for the motor is
flexes the foot in a range of 4 4 7253 with a sinusoidal mo-
tion and experiences a resistive torque whose absolute value is  max 4 f maxr p 4 66365 Nm6 (9)

4 80 Nm. Trajectories, torques and forces of the platform
and actuators are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. The period of This torque is delivered by a combination of a Maxon DC
sinusoidal motion is 2 s. In fact, a real exercise would hardly brushed motor RE40 and a planetary gearbox unit with a low
Saglia et al. / A High-performance Redundantly Actuated Parallel Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation 1223

Table 4. Speed and Torque/Force Specifications of the DC Motor and the Linear Actuator.

Operating mode (gearbox/motor) DC motor Linear actuator

Max speed (rpm) Max torque (mNm) Max speed (m s61 ) Max force (N)
Continuous/Continuous 8,000 184 0.7 220.8
Continuous/Intermittent 6,660 625 0.58 750
Intermittent/Intermittent 5,697 941.6 0.5 1130

Fig. 10. Force/speed curves for the isotonic exercise in the Fig. 11. Maximum speed and torque isokinetic exercise.
worst case.

gear ratio of 12:1. The low-inertia motor combined with com-

paratively low gear ratio and the low-friction capstan trans-
mission system ensure the high backdrivability of the linear
actuator. The specifications of the motor unit together with the
performance of the linear actuator are shown in Table 4.
For the prototype actuator a highly flexible multi strand
(7 8 7) steel cable 1.2 mm in diameter was used. This cable
is capable of withstanding a maximum load of 1,500 N. This
is well above the instantaneous peak force of 1,200 N that can
be delivered by the actuator. Note that in case of mechanical
failures in the proposed capstan transmission system, the actu-
ation redundancy allows the full control of the output position
Fig. 12. Prototype of the ankle rehabilitation robot.
and torque of the footplate. This increases the safety of the
proposed rehabilitation device.
The designed system allows the execution of an isoki-
netic exercise in continuous mode for a displacement of at
4 4 7253 a constant speed of 49 4 5003 s61 , with a max- As it can be seen in Figure 12 the foot of the user is fixed
imum resistant torque of  4 4 28 Nm1 see Fig. 11. Again, on the moving platform by means of Velcro stripes allowing
such conditions are very unlikely to occur in a rehabilitation easy doming and removal.
exercise1 however, the example has been reported in order to The static friction torque of the rehabilitation device is
present the robotic device performance. 1.2 Nm while the maximum apparent inertia that a patient
Using three actuator groups, a prototype of the ankle reha- can perceive when the actuators are not powered is equal to
bilitation robotic device was fabricated and is shown in Fig. 12. 0.2 kgm2 .

5. Impedance Control and Rehabilitation

Control algorithms such as impedance/admittance control, as-
sistive control and force control are usually implemented in re-
habilitation robotic systems to allow patients to perform active
exercises, while position tracking control is commonly used to
perform passive exercises.
The control technique presented in this section is an ex-
tended compliance control which provides motion assistance
or resistance in the direction the patient is trying to push the
foot plate. The proposed algorithm allows us to set the stiff-
ness parameter as well as the viscosity.
For this application the rehabilitation device and, in particu-
lar, its control scheme should assist a subject when interacting
with the device, to execute the movement when the person has
a weak ankle complex or resist the user voluntary motion when Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of the human and ankle rehabilita-
a strengthening exercise is carried out. An impedance control tion device.
scheme to achieve these two functionalities is employed.
The following equation describes the dynamic behavior of
the rehabilitation device:
where M E , B E , K E are the inertia, damping
2 and
3 stiffness ma-
79 P 5 C
M 79 P 5 N
5 J6T joint 4  d 1 (10) trices, and  4 [41 5] and  E 4 4 E 1 5 E are the actual
and desired angle of the moving platform. The above equa-
where: tion defines the desired characteristics of the motion of the pair
(Subject, Ankle Rehabilitation Device).
 1 7 P 1 79 P are the platform angular position, velocity
Having specified the desired behavior of the system, the
and acceleration, respectively1 control law can now be derived by eliminating 79 P from (10).
 joint is the actuated joints torque vector1 Solving (11) for 79 P yields

is the Cartesian inertia matrix1

M 79 P 4 M61  s 6 B E 7 P 6 K E 8 6  E 99 6
E 8 (12)
is the Cartesian Coriolis/centripetal vector1
C Combining (10) and (12), 79 P can be eliminated and the
resulting expression is
is the Cartesian gravity vector1
N 4 5
M M61E 8 s 6 B E 7 P 6 K E 8 6  E 99
 d is the torque vector that the device generates at the
platform1 7P 5 N
5 C7 5 J6T joint 4  d 6 (13)
J is the transpose Jacobian of the parallel mechanism
To keep the Cartesian inertia of the rehabilitation device
in (6).
unchanged, the inertia matrix M E can be expressed as
Note that, the dynamic model in (10) is expressed in the
M E 4 M6 (14)
Cartesian space (Saglia et al. 2009).
Consider the scenario described in Fig. 13, where the sub- Considering also slow motions typical in rehabilitation, the as-
ject’s foot is attached to the device platform via a force sensor. sumption  d 4 6 s can be made and the Coriolis term of
Let  s denote the torque that the subject exerts on the device the dynamics C7 7 P can be neglected. Therefore, substituting
platform (which is actually the torque felt by the subject),  d in (13) this yields
is the torque that the device applies to the subject and Z E 8s9
is the system desired mechanical impedance. To make the pair
 joint 4 JT 8B E 7 P 5 K E 8 6  E 99 6 N6 (15)
(device plus subject’s foot) motion to follow the simulated as-
The above equation describes the impedance control law for
sistive/resistive impedance dynamics, the following expression
the rehabilitation device. The damping and the stiffness matri-
must be applied
ces B E and K E are 2 8 2 diagonal matrices and depend on the
Z E 8s9 8 6  E 9 4 M E 79 P 5 B E 7 P 5 K E 8 6  E 9 assistive/resistive dynamics to be modeled.
In the assistive control mode the rehabilitation system ap-
4  s1 (11) plies assistive torque signals dependent on the patient’s desired
Saglia et al. / A High-performance Redundantly Actuated Parallel Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation 1225

Fig. 14. Control scheme for assistive/suppression exercises.

motion. In this mode of operation the direction of motion is

required. To enable detection of the patient’s desired motion a
force/torque sensor is mounted on top of the platform.
Adding the force/torque sensor does not affect the angular
displacement and velocity. It introduces a small offset from the
center of rotation which can be compensated by small motion Fig. 15. Reference trajectory and position error of a single lin-
of the knee joint while a person performs the rehabilitation ear actuator.
This sensor monitors the torque signals applied by the pa-
tient. Based on these torque signals the desired position of the Table 5. Reference Trajectory and Controller Gains.
system  E is updated in (15). The new desired position is de- Variable Value
rived from the sensed torque signal as
Trajectory 640 sin 82065t9 8mm9
 iE 4  iE61 5  if dt1 i 4 11 2 (16) Proportional gain, k P 3
Derivative gain, k D 300
7 4 5
8 ka  is 6 a  is a1
 if 4 0 6a  is a1 (17) and the position error for a period of 10 s. The controller gains

4 5 and the reference trajectory are reported in Table 5.
ka  is 5 a  is a6 Looking at Fig. 15, it is possible to notice that the tracking
error reaches a maximum value of 1.2 mm, which is about 3%
By injecting the desired position vector derived from (16) of the amplitude of the reference trajectory.
into (15), assistive torques governed by the spring constant K E Furthermore, the fully assembled prototype was tested with
of the impedance network are generated to augment the pa- a PD controller in the joint space in order to evaluate the track-
tient desired actions/motions. At the same time, the damping ing performance of the overall platform. Defining a reference
coefficient B E of the impedance filter serves the purpose of sinusoidal trajectory of 0.5 Hz for the orientation of the plat-
damping erratic movements in the direction of motion. The form and using the inverse kinematics in (2), the reference limb
scheme of the proposed controller is shown in Fig. 14. trajectories were computed and used as the reference input for
the joint space PD controllers. The results for a circular motion
of the platform are shown in Fig. 16.
6. System Preliminary Performance Measures Figure 16 depicts a good position tracking performance.
Position control algorithms can be used to perform passive ex-
A preliminary experimental setup has been realized in order to ercise in the early stage of the rehabilitation process when the
verify the performance of a single custom linear actuator but patient is not able to autonomously move the foot.
also the efficacy of the overall platform to accurately generate Figure 17 shows the position tracking error of the platform
motion trajectories. A PCI four-axis motion control board from and it can be noticed that a good position tracking performance
National Instruments was used to run a PD controller for the is achieved by the overall system. The same result can be ob-
DC motor and an experiment with a sinusoidal position refer- served in Figure 18 where the trajectories of the limb actuators
ence was performed. Figure 15 shows the reference trajectory are reported.

Fig. 18. Position tracking of the three limb actuators.

Fig. 16. Platform response to a sinusoidal reference trajectory.

actuator was developed and used for the realization of the pro-
totype rehabilitation device.
The control algorithm based on the theory of impedance
control, which the authors intend to apply to the rehabilita-
tion system for assistive exercises, has been presented and the
preliminary performance of the control of a single linear ac-
tuator and the performance of the fully assembled prototype
have been reported. The experimental position tracking tests
of the system demonstrate the smooth operation of the device.
In particular, the singularity that causes the drivability prob-
lem and mechanism failure in the rehabilitation has been elim-
inated owing to the use of this redundantly actuated parallel
mechanism and the dexterity has been improved for isotropic
force distribution during the physiotherapy. The device also
provides an extra dimension for stiffness control that satisfies
the clinical requirement of different patients.
Fig. 17. Position tracking error of the platform. Future work will include experiments with patients affected
by ankle injuries or other sorts of impairments to fully evaluate
the impedance based assistive/resistive control scheme. Fur-
The final prototype meets the design requirements in terms thermore, the intrinsic compliance of the rehabilitation device
of speed and position tracking and output torque capability. will be improved by inserting springs in series to the linear
actuators of the limbs.

7. Conclusions
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based on a redundantly actuated parallel mechanism. The pro- ogy (IIT) in collaboration with King’s College London, Uni-
posed mechanism has a fairly simple kinematic structure when versity of London.
compared with the state-of-the-art ankle rehabilitation devices.
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torques needed for strengthening and balance exercises. References
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