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MINUTES OF 9TH EXECUTIVE MEETING OF CSG AY 2010-2011, dated October 8,


Present: Mr. E. Neri (EN) – President

Mr. V. R. Cabasan (VC) – Executive Secretary
Ms. S. Lim (SL) – Department of Mission and Social Action (DMSA)
Mr. E. del Rosario (ED) – Department of Interior and Networking (DIN)
Mr. E. J. Salilig (ES) – Office of Research and Constituent Insights (ORCI)

Absent: Mr. L. J. Jarales (LJ) – Vice-President

Ms. J. Tano (JT) – Office of Budget and Finance (OBF)
Mr. K. I. Salazar (KS) – Department of Academic Affairs (DAA)
Mr. C. A. Gabor (CG) – Office of Information and Promotions (OIP)
Ms. M. Lucagbo (ML) – Office of Administrative Affairs (OAA)
Ms. G. Asentista (GA) – Department of Student Support and Welfare
*represented by Ms. K. F. Maglacion (KM)

1. Opening

EN opened the meeting at 1706 hours.

2. Mid-year Evaluation Schedule

In preparation for the conventional mid-year evaluation, EN told the board to

start identify the dates on which it would befall. October 23 to 26 would not
be possible since EN and VC would be out of the country for an educational
tour. EN asked for its extent as to whether it would be a one-day meeting or
an overnight activity. VC informed the board that originally, the mid-year was
slated on October 18. ES asked who would be the target audience. EN replied
that all CSG officers will be involved, and suggested to have it by 18. SL
disagreed telling that she is in retreat for that day. EN conveyed that it’s not
necessary that all will attend the mid-year evaluation, but it’s important that
key players are there. KM also differed EN’s suggested date since it would be
the start of the SK campaign period. SL and ED suggested moving it to 16,
Saturday, since most of the officers would end their finals period on
Wednesday. EN’s concern was that its project proposal has not been
prepared. ED told EN that it’s still possible to pass project proposal 2 days
before implementation date, and still get a budget for it. EN emphasized the
point of evaluation as the activity’s primary objective. He advised not to
spend so much in mid-year so as to allocate more on year-end. Furthermore,
he informed the board that the organization still has a considerable amount
of funds left, that it may have a hundred-thousand excess from the semester,
and that Php 400,000.00 will still be added next semester.

3. Directions for 2nd Semester

A Solid Waste Management System will be implemented in the office

effective second semester. The DSSW will be implementing a food incentive
program for all officers-in-duty at the CSG service centre. Also for next
semester, scholars will be integrated to the tutorials program of DAA as

4. Major Projects Set for 2nd Semester

Xavier School of Sorts:

ED reported that more than 100 application forms have already been given.
Out of it, 20 have been accomplished and returned by the enrolees. ED
added that the department would produce additional 100 application forms
next week and that sometime in the next semester the enrolment proper
would befall.

House building and Xavier PolitiKa:

CSG targets to build at least one house which is worth Php 60,000.00. A
marketing scheme is planned to effectively promote the initiation and gather
resources in order to build a house before the end of the term. The Xavier
PolitiKa project also aims to target a 40% turn out of votes in the Barangay

Stands on Issues:
Standpoints on critical national and local issues are also expected to be
formed and lobbied by the CSG. Issues include the K-12, RH Bill, and the
proliferation of beer houses near the school’s vicinity.

Fr. Jose Ramon T. Villarin’s Reporting:

A confab will be organized to facilitate reporting by the outgoing president of
the University.

Student Assistant Policy:

It is now under finalization, and target is to make the constitution this year.

Revision of Magna Carta

5. Others

EN urged the board to suggest CSG’s facebook fan page. The target was to
reach 3,000 fans at the end of the year. He also informed the board that he
gave a talk recently in Capitol University regarding the use of social media
and how CSG of Xavier University have used it to promote its activities,
mobilize people, and create social impact and awareness. Furthermore, EN
conveyed to the board that some two nights ago, students were held up
inside the campus. Aside from that, he said that 68% in the survey he
conducted using online poll have already approved the K-12 program. A
resolution was made (09-10-2010) mandating every executive board member
to suggest fan page of CSG in facebook.

6. Adjournment

EN thanked all the participants for their presence and concluded the meeting
at 1750 hours.

Prepared by:

Van Rudolph R. Cabasan

Executive Secretary

Noted by:

Ernesto B. Neri (sgd)


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