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5 Reasons to Redesign

Your Ecommerce Store

Ecommerce is constantly evolving

The ecommerce landscape is constantly evolving. With more and more

brick-and-mortar stores closing down, due to the increasing popularity of
online shopping, even some of the leading retailers are starting to double
down their efforts in making their ecommerce platform more prominent.

While ecommerce is already changing at a rapid pace, it is “expected to

change at an even faster rate”. As a result, in order to keep up with the
rapidly changing ecommerce scenario, as an online store owner, you need
to make sure that your online store ticks all the right boxes to attract and
retain customers, and of course to make profits.

So, if it has been too long since you redesigned your ecommerce store, or
you just don’t want to lose the new opportunities that are about to come
your way, now would be the best time to consider redesigning your site.
Ecommerce Website Redesign

Redesigning your ecommerce website is one of the most challenging and

complex projects you will come across in your online business venture,
because it obviously involves a lot of work. It is one of those projects that
requires proper planning and predetermined goals, and while it is good to
have expectations, you should also make sure that your expectations are
real enough to be met.

As mentioned before, with online shopping growing in popularity and the

introduction of numerous new online stores and established brands
revamping their online presence, in order to be able to succeed in this
highly competitive market, investing in your ecommerce store redesign is
one of the best and wise investments you make.
Questions to Ask Yourself

Before beginning with the process of redesigning your ecommerce site,

you need to understand the website redesign scope. ask yourself the
following questions just to make sure that this is the right time for the same:

• Do you really like how your ecommerce platform looks right now?

• How are your customers rating your website?

• Have you come across any negative reviews?

• How many of those are website related?

• Are you unable to include certain advanced functions and features on your

• Is your ecommerce store’s Google ranking poor? Would you like to

improve your site’s standing?

• Does your website content require proper coordination?

• Are the maintenance costs too high for your liking?

• Is there more than one way your website’s user interface could use some
tweaking to improve customer experience?

• Do you think your revenues could be higher and your site could exceed
that of your competitors?
Reasons to Redesign Your Ecommerce Store

Following are 5 valid reasons that tell you if your ecommerce store needs to
be redesigned

1. No or Low Conversions

2. Obsolete Technology

3. No Omnichannel or Omni-device Support

4. Too Many Steps

5. Your Competitors Have Redesigned

No or Low Conversions

When you find that there is no or low conversions on your ecommerce

platform, it is definitely time to redesign your website. Even if the traffic to
your website is great, what really matters is how many of those visitors
actually buy from you. The reasons behind people not shopping at your
online store could be many, some of which are:

• Lack of new and interesting features

• Outdated content

• Boring features on pages

• No offers and/or discounts

• Very slow website loading time

With so many options available out there, you can improve your conversion
rate only by making sure that your website is everything your visitors expect
it to be. For this, you should start analyzing your site from a user’s
perspective. Gather visitor and customer feedback, analyze people’s
behavior on your site, see what’s trending in your industry, and add
information and features to your website that users will find handy.
Obsolete Technology

echnology is something that changes really fast and this applies to the
online world as well. In order to cope with the changing technologies, you
need to update your ecommerce site with the latest in technology to
enhance its overall functioning and also user experience.

So, if you know that your website has been using inefficient or outdated
software, redesign your store with state-of-the-art design tools and software.
No Omnichannel or Omni-device Support

It is vital for ecommerce platforms to embrace the power of omni-device

and omnichannel support, because it is an undeniable fact that more and
more customers will start using digital devices for shopping.

Therefore, if your current website design isn’t responsive, i.e., doesn’t open
efficiently on different platforms and devices, then you are most likely
missing out on a big chunk of buyers. Be sure to optimize the user
experience of your online store for mobile devices as well.
Too Many Steps

Regardless of the product(s) you sell, what’s key to your ecommerce

platform is its front end, which is the area that visitors see. One way to add
an advantage to your online store is, obviously, by making your ordering
system the best, which typically comes down to reducing the number of
steps involved in placing an order.

To do this, your website should include features like multiple payment

options support and instant checkout, both of which will be highly
appreciated by your customers.
Your Competitors Have Redesigned

Your reason for redesigning your ecommerce site doesn’t necessarily have
to be one of the above; it could just be because your competitors are already
ahead of you and have redesigned theirs.

As you would know, people always like things that are new, unique, fresh,
and exciting, and when you have an older outdated website compared to
the newly revamped site of your competitors, you will lose potential as well
as existing customers and thus lose sales as well.

It could be one or more of these reasons that have been hindering your
online business and sales for long. Understand the importance of website
redesign, know that the right time is now, and seek professional help to
achieve success in your ecommerce store redesigning process.

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