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As the night falls in, instead of stars glazing over the night sky, it was raining cats and

dogs. Thunder
stormed at every second. People quickly head in for shelter. Cars filled the streets, rushing to get back
to their comfortable homes. Sooner or later, it all went quiet. Pin. Drop. Silence. Only droplets from
the drizzle of the rains as it hits the ground.
The street lights were dimly lit. The traffic light blinked in yellow continuously. The harsh cold night
where the wind shows no mercy. A figure wearing skinny jeans with a grey hoodie. Black converse on
her footsteps. Silky black hair covering her face and hands unswaying. She approaches a dark alley
way and stops right on her track in front of a mirror…….and that she……was…….me………
Here I am drenched wet with no place to go and no thought to wonder. I brushed my hair along my
fingers and paused. My hand……...covered in blood……from my wrist. I couldn’t feel any pain as if I
was already dead. I was dead to them. I couldn’t be bother more but it all happened so fast. Neither
did it know where it begun.
I continued to walk on this endless road as I looked at the cut on my palm. That’s when a vision
smacked me right on the face which sent a shiver down my spine. My hands were grabbing the sink
while the tap was on. A bottle filled with an unknown pill was left opened……. It felt as if someone
forced me to take it. My heart was filled with rage till I was sick of looking at myself which made me
smashed my hand on the mirror causing it to shatter into pieces. Just like my life.
It all happened so fast n the speed of light. Losing everything made depression ruled over my mind. I
was unable to be myself because of you. You made me into a puppet to play with and yet I didn’t utter
a single which was my biggest mistake. I was supposed to be executed at an age where everything
couldn’t be understood but you were desperate to see me suffer. So tell me now……...are you happy?
I am willing to burn myself to keep everyone warm but after all that…... I’m not buying it any longer.
My vision began to get blur, my whole body felt heavy and…. I gave up. I lay there, looking over the
night sky for the very last time…………….and there were stars! I could hear waves crashing. The familiar
scent of a place I know. This is life I suppose……harsh yet beautiful. I know lay motionless as the last
tear drop fell over my saddened eyes. Destined to return back to a place of precious memories. A
place where hearts where made. A place where my heart was the only heart broken.


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