Election Notes Part 1 - Lmo

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together and they elect the federation officers. That is the federation
officers election.
 In this case it was not about the SK but about the ABC. But there is no
ELECTION, GENERALLY such term as Barangay Captain as in law we call them Punong Barangay,
ELECTION, DEFINED not Kapitan..not Kap.

 Because of irregularities, the DILG nullified the election. They argued

How do you define election? that you have no right to nullify because election gani, comelec jud na.
 It is a means by which people choose their officials for a definite and fixed
period and to whom they entrust for the time being the exercise of the  In other words, if its federation officials gani and wala nag directly vote
powers of government. ang mga botante, that is not under the jurisdiction of COMELEC;

COMMENT:  What is the role of the COMELEC when we elect ABC Officers? The
 I describe this definition as the classic definition. It captures every essence comelec is only there to supervise, to observe but it has no jurisdiction.
of the election. The jurisdiction belongs to the DILG.

What are the “means” to choose officials?

 Either manual or automated system ELECTION, DEFINED WITHIN THE
What is the basis for the phrase “people choose their officials”?
 It is based on the sovereign will or power of the people. JAVIER VS COMELEC
What does the phrase “for the time being” mean? Facts: Javier challenged the proclamation of Pacificador by the COMELEC
 It is only temporary. Second Division on the ground that it should be done by the en banc
pursuant to the Constitution. Pacificador argued that at the time the
What does the phrase “definite and fixed period” mean? complaint was filed, it was still in the nature of a pre-proclamation
 It refers to the term of office, which means a fixed period of time which the controversy hence may be resolved by a division in the exercise of its
law describes that an officer may hold an office. administrative power to enforce election laws relative to election,
 It is the time during which an officer may claim to hold an office as a return and qualifications.
matter of right, and fixes the interval after which the several incumbents
shall succeed one another. Held: Under the Constitution, the term “election” should be interpreted in
its totality that it refers to the conduct of polls, registration of voters,
campaign, and the casting and counting of votes.
 If you are elected, you are time bound. There is a contract that your term In making the COMELEC the sole judge of all contests involving
of office is until that period of time the election, returns and qualifications of Members of Congress, the
Constitution intended to give it full authority to hear and decide these
How is election defined in its ordinary and common use? cases from the beginning to end and on all related matters, including
 It is voting which includes the act of receiving and casting the ballots, those arising before the proclamation of winners.
counting them and making the return.

How is election defined in the context of the Constitution? ELECTION, PURPOSE

 It refers to the conduct of polls including the registration, campaign,
casting, counting, and canvassing of votes. LINO LUNA VS RODRIGUEZ
COMMENT: The purpose of elections in a democratic society is to give the
 Election is comprehensive voters a direct participation in the affairs of their government, either in
determining who shall be their public officials or in deciding some
question of public interest; and for that purpose all of the legal voters
ELECTION, DEFINED UNDER should be permitted, unhampered and unmolested, to cast their ballot.

Facts: The Secretary of the Local Government nullified the election of
federation officers on the ground of irregularity. It was argued that Facts: A widow substituted her deceased husband as candidate for
jurisdiction over election contests involving election of federation officers punong barangay and obtained the highest number of votes. But it was
belongs to COMELEC. voided because substitution is not allowed in barangay elections, it
Held: The jurisdiction of the COMELEC is limited to popular election only, being non-partisan. As such, there is no political party from which a
which is the embodiment of the popular will, the expression of the substitute is designated.
sovereign power of the people.
It involves the choice or selection of candidates to public office by Held: The absence of the provision for substitution in barangay elections
popular vote as opposed to election of federation officers. does not mean it is prohibited. Such interpretation ignores the purpose
In Constitutional context, it is the conduct of polls. Including of election laws which is to give effect to, rather than frustrate, the will
registration, campaign, casting, counting, and canvassing of votes. of the voters.
None of these characterizes the federation election.
 The widow did not file a COC, but she merely wrote the COMELEC law
COMMENTS: department that she will replace her husband. So election…nidaog sya.
 What happened here was there was a federation officers election (SK). So the losing party questioned it contending that she is not a legitimate
Every barangay there is an SK Chair, and all Sk Chair from all barangay come
party because she did not file a COC. Is the Sangguniang Kabataan election regular or special?
 Technicalities aside, somebody won, the people have spoken respect that.  Neither, based on the definition of a regular and special election.
 It treated the letter to the law department as the COC. In other words, it
liberalize the rules. COMMENTS:
 Caveat: please do not use this as precedent because today COMELEC is There was a protest but the RTC nullified the proclamation on the basis
very strict. The moment you file your COC, that’s the only time you are that his victory was done through badges of fraud such as:
considered as a candidate. Without a COC you can never be a candidate.
 the keys to the ballot box were mismatched: the fact that you cannot
open that meaning it is so safe and secured
ELECTION LAWS, HOW CONSTRUED  there were empty ballot boxes: what of it? We are not going to count
CARLOS VS ANGELES an empty ballot box.
 Boxes without election returns: if there is no election returns, no
Facts: The proclamation of a mayor was nullified by the lower court on the problem. In the same way that if you see a PCOS machine somewhere
account that he won through significant badges of fraud like mismatch of else, don't be alarmed. It's useless. A PCOS machine without a memory
keys to the padlocks, empty ballot boxes, boxes with election returns, delay card is like a cellphone without a sim card. But people speculate.
in counting due to brownouts, absence of watchers during counting.  Delay in counting due to brownout: if there is a brownout or power
interruption, the best thing to do is stop the counting. If there is power
Held: These did not affect the integrity of the ballots. again, resume the counting.
Election contests involve public interest and technicalities should not  Absence of watchers during counting: it is not the fault of the COMELEC
impede the determination of the true will of the people. if the watchers disappeared during the counting because the
proceedings inside the polling place continue with or without the
The Supreme court said: These did not affect the integrity of the ballots.
Facts: A candidate for governor was disqualified because he did not reacquire  If the watchers believe that there are irregularities inside the polling
his Filipino citizenship at the time he filed his CoC and at the time of place, the proper thing to do is file a written protest and must be
election. received by the BEI (teachers). Once received, give to the lawyer for the
election protest later on.
Held: Citizenship need not be possessed at the time of filing of CoC or
election, but must be at the start of the term.  The watchers are actually the lawyers inside the polling place. Election
In case of doubt, election laws are liberally construed and equitably contests involve public interest and technicalities should not defeat the
construed in favor of sovereign will. determination of the true will of the people. The Supreme court said
In applying election laws, it would be far better to err in favor of the the RTC is without jurisdiction to nullify the proclamation.
popular sovereignty than to be right in complex but little understood
legalisms. Kinds of election

COMMENTS:  How do you classify elections?

Regular – regular intervals like president, vice president down to
This was the time of Marcos, and he was anti- Marcos. As he could no
municipal councilors elected 2nd Monday of May every 3 years.
longer stand the dictatorship, he went to the US, renounced his Philippine
Special – if there is vacancy in the office (eg. Congressman has
citizenship. He became a US citizen. However, when Cory Aquino came to
permanent disability, death), we fill it out by special election. What if
power, he came back, ran for governor once or twice, and won twice. On the
the vacancy occurs in the office of the governor/mayor, there is no
third time, there was a disqualification case filed against him contending that
election because the remedy is succession. There is also another
at the time he filed his COC, he was not yet a Filipino Citizen, he did not
kind of special election if there is failure of election. If election fails
reacquire his Philippine citizenship.
in a municipality for example, then that has to be postponed and
reset to another date and that another date is now the special
At the start of term lang niya na reacquire iyang Philippine citizenship;
and again, the SC liberalized.
SK is neither regular nor special. Then what it is then? They say it is
Caveat: Do not use this as precedent because today, comelec’s very strict. irregular.
You will be disqualified when you lack the necessary qualifications at the
time of the filing of the COC. How is this answered in the case of Paras v Comelec?

It’s only here that when we construe election laws, the purpose is only to SK ELECTION IS NOT A REGULAR
give life to the sovereign will or choice of the people. Technicalities aside.
I AM SO INLoVE WITH THIS STATEMENT. So well written. That’s my one liner PARAS VS COMELEC
for this case.
Facts: A punong barangay was subject of a recall election that was
scheduled within a year prior to the SK election, which also falls on the
ELECTION, CLASSIFIED second year of the term of office of local elective officials.
Section 74 of the Local Government Code prohibits recall election within a
What are the kinds of election? year from assumption of office and within a year immediately
 Regular election – refers to one provided by law on such dates at regular preceding the next regular local election.
intervals for the election officers either nationwide or in certain
Held: If the SK election was a regular election, there would be no more
recall election because it always falls within the second year of term of
 Special election – refers to one held to fill vacancy before the expiration of office, the only time when a recall election is allowed. Thus, the next
the full term for which the incumbent was elected. regular election must refer to one where the office of the official
- it is also held when there is failure of election sought to be recalled is contested.
The SK election is not a regular election because its members do not even
possess suffrage under the Constitution. The SK is nothing more than a
 Second, the failure affects the results of the election. In other words,
even if we give everything to the 2nd placer, does it affect the results? Is
youth organization. Its elected officer are not one of those enumerated as
it still statistically probable?
elective local officials under the law.
 In this case, these 2 conditions were met. So the court granted the
COMMENTS: special election. Another argument was it's too late of the day – it's
 In this case, there was a punong barangay subject of a recall election. On been 2 years. The law says reasonably close. The supreme court said it
the year na ma recall unta sya, there was also an SK election. Sec 74 of the is your fault. Your lawyers had legal maneuvers that delayed the
LGC says, yes there can be a recall election. However, you cannot do that proceedings.
within the year from the assumption of office and within the year following
the next regular election.

 In this case, the SK election was held on the 2 nd nd

year. And that 2 year was
Manual system of election.
B.P 881 or the Omnibus Election Code
supposedly the only time he can recall an elective official. The result is you
can never recall an elective official. How did the supreme court rule? If the
Automated Election System (AES)
SK election is a regular election, there will be no recall election because it
R.A 8436 as amended by R.A. 9369
always falls on the 2nd year of the term of office.
Manual count during automated election.
 The SK officials is not one of those enumerated as public officials. In this
R.A. 8436, Section 9
case, Justice Davide said that the SK is nothing but a mere youth
R.A 9369, Section 11
organization which jurisdiction falls under the DILG and not the COMELEC.

What are the requisites of special election after failure of election in Lucero COMMENTS:
v COMELEC? Even though we are automated nationwide, still the barangay elections
remain manual. The reason is there is no need for transmission. Why? In
SPECIAL ELECTION AFTER FAILURE barangay elections, including SK, the winners are proclaimed within the
barangay only.
How did Loong v COMELEC answer whether there can be manual count
Facts: Two candidates for district representative were separated by a mere during automated election?
175 votes. But no election as done in one polling place with 213 voters due
to ballot snatching. But the leading candidate questioned the authority of MANUAL COUNT DURING
the COMELEC to call for special election after almost two years.
Held: There are two requisites for holding a special election: One, there is a
failure of election. Two, such failure affects the results of the election. Facts: During the first automated election in ARMM the counting
Since only 175 votes separate them, the 213 votes in the polling place machines in the Province of Sulu could not accurately read the official
where election failed could still affect the results of the election. ballots because the ovals opposite the names of candidates were
The delay was not attributable to the voters of the polling place where misaligned. In 5 municipalities, the official ballots were rejected
election failed but to the legal maneuvers of parties. Thus, the holding of because of incorrect sequence codes. Thus, the COMELEC ordered a
special election almost two years after the regular election is still manual count which was opposed on the ground that under the
‘reasonably close to the date of election not held.’ automation law, automated counting is mandatory. The remedy is not
manual count but replacement of defective counting machines.
 The problem is nagdaog na. But the difference is only 175 votes. Held: Manual counting during automated election is not prohibited by
law. The Constitutional grant of power to ‘enforce and administer all
 Precinct – that is your territory. That is your address, your sitio, your laws and regulations relative to the conduct of election’ is so broad as
barangay, your neighborhood. to cover all the necessary and incidental powers for it to achieve the
 Voting Center – the school objective of holding a free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible
 Polling place – the classroom where you actually vote elections.

 In this case, there is a polling place which results were snatched. That is a
ground where you can say there is failure of election. But in that polling  There are glitches and the system can detect it. In this case, because of
place, there were a maximum of 213 votes. There is still a possibility where the misalignment of the ovals, if you vote for candidate A, the vote
you can still overcome the first placer. What if the 2 nd placer got 213 votes goes to candidate B. In 5 municipalities, the ballots were rejected
then he can still overcome the first placer. Keyword: statistically probable. because in automation, dili jud masaag ang ballots. The COMELEC said
okay, dili man ta ka count accurately, manual count nalang ta. It was
 The COMELEC now reset the election and had a special election for that opposed. How can there be manual count in automated elections? The
polling place. The winner said the COMELEC has no authority because the supreme court said manual count in automated elections is not
law says if you want to reset the election, it must be reasonably close to prohibited by law. In the first place, automated elections is not
the election upheld. What happened in this case is it is only after 2 years mandatory. If you read the law, it says “Congress authorizes COMELEC
that had the special election. The supreme court answered that there are 2 to automate the elections”. It did not say mandates but merely
requisites for holding a special election. authorizes. Manual elections is the last resort. It is always possible.

 One there is failure of election. In this case, ni fail man jud ang election – gi  If you insist on automated counting, the result is inaccurate – does not
snatch ang ballot. Even though there was voting in the polling place, but reflect the true will of the people.
the results which embody the proceedings in the voting can no longer be
Article II, Section 1, 1987 Constitution:
The Philippines is a democratic and Republican State. Sovereignty resides in
the people and all government authority emanate from them.


Who are elective officials?
 1 President
 1 Vice-President
 12 Senators
 1 House Representative per legislative district
 1 Governor per province
 1 ARMM Governor
 1 ARMM Vice-Governor
 3 ARMM Assemblymen per assembly district
 1 Mayor per city and municipality
 1 Vice-Mayor per city and municipality
 12/10/8 SP Members per city
 8(?) Members per municipality

For May 9, 2016 elections:

 1 President
 1 Vice-President
 12 Senators
 238 House Representatives
 81 Governors
 81 Vice-Governors
 776 SP Members
 145 City Mayors
 1,624 SP Members
 1, 489 Municipal Mayors
 1, 489 Municipal Vice-Mayors
 11, 916 SB Members
 1 ARMM Regional Governor
 1 ARMM Regional Vice-Governor
 24 ARMM Regional Assembly
 18, 083 contested seats

Is there a Cordillera Autonomous Region according to Ordillo v COMELEC?

Facts: In a plebiscite, the people in the Cordillera region rejected autonomy,
except the Province of Ifugao. Thus, the COMELEC resolved that it now
compose the Cordillera Autonomous Region.
Held: A sole province cannot constitute an autonomous region which should
be interpreted in its common use and ordinary meaning, which
presupposes two or more provinces as shown in the 13 regions composed
of contiguous provinces into which the country is divided for administrative

Q: Is there a cordillera autonomous region?
A: None. There was a plebiscite but out of the provinces, only Ifugao voted to
be part. The SC said the sole province cannot constitute an autonomous
region. There should be at least 2 provinces to constitute a region. This is a
statutory construction case. It would result to absurdity. We have regional
and provincial officials governing same territory and constituency.
reelected either immediately after his term of office or after an interval
of two or more terms.
But why was Joseph Estrada allowed to run in 2010 after having been
Article VII, Section 4(1), 1987 Constitution: elected in 1998?
The President and the Vice-President shall be elected by direct vote of the  The COMELEC said that the provision applies to incumbent presidents
people for a term of six years which shall begin at noon on the thirtieth day of only.
June next following the day of the election and shall end at noon of the same  It is said the better policy approach is to let the people decide who the
date, six years thereafter. The President shall not be eligible for any re- next president is.
election. No person who has succeeded as President and has served as such  For on political questions, this court may err but the sovereign people
for more than four years shall be qualified for election to the same office at will not.
any time.
What did the Supreme Court say in Pormento v Estrada?
COMMENTS:  It declined to exercise its power of judicial review. Since Estrada already
 What does the phrase “direct vote” mean? lost in the elections, the issue whether he can still run has become
It means the president is elected by popular vote of the people for a term moot and academic. It is no longer justiciable.
of six years.
 The president is elected through popular vote. Compare with the US
system of elections. Americans do not directly elect their president and
vice president. They vote through electoral college. Principle: Winner takes
all. Each state has a minimum of 3 electoral votes. Advantage: avoids PORMENTO VS ESTRADA
concentration of power; disadvantage: does not reflect popular will FACTS:
 The presidency is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Estrada was elected President of the RP in the May 1998 elections
 In Pormento v Estrada: How did COMELEC resolved the issue regarding  He sought the presidency again in the May 2010 elections
Estrada's candidacy as president? That provision only applies to incumbent  Pormento opposed Estrada’s candidacy and filed a petition for
presidents. disqualification. His petition was denied by the COMELEC (Division), as
 Furtheremore, there was no TRO. The SC rendered it moot and academic well as his subsequent Motion for Reconsideration (En Banc)
since Erap already lost to Nonoy.  He filed the present petition for certiorari before the Court; however,
since such filing does not stay the execution of judgment or order of
How is it different from the election of President and Vice-President in the the COMELEC under the Rules of Court, Estrada was able to participate
United States? as a candidate for President in the May 10, 2010 elections where he
garnered the second highest number of votes
 Americans do not directly elect their president and vice-president.
 Technically, they pick “electors” in an Electoral College. ISSUE:
 538 Electoral College votes are distributed among the 50 states and the  Whether Joseph Ejercito Estrada is covered by the ban on the President
District of Columbia. from any reelection
 Each State along with the DC has a minimum of Electoral College votes.
 It increments depending on the population according to the Census. HELD: The petition was rendered moot by the failure of Estrada to be
elected as President in the 2010 elections
 Based on 2010 Census, effective for the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential
elections, the electoral votes are distributed as follows:  One of the essential requisites for the exercise of the power of judicial
review, the existence of an actual case or controversy, is sorely lacking
o California - 55 in this case.
o Texas - 38  Since the issue on the proper interpretation of the phrase “any
o Florida - 29 reelection” will be premised on a person’s second election as President,
there is no case or controversy to be resolved in this case.
o New York - 29  There is no definite, concrete, real or substantial controversy that
o Illinois - 20 touches on the legal relations of parties having adverse legal interests.
No specific relief may conclusively be decreed upon by this Court in this
o Pennsylvania - 20
case that will benefit any of the parties herein
o Ohio - 18  As a rule, this Court may only adjudicate actual, ongoing controversies.
o Georgia - 16 When a case is moot, it becomes non-justiciable.
 Assuming an actual case or controversy existed prior to the
o Michigan - 16 proclamation of a President who has been duly elected in the May 10,
o North Carolina - 15 2010 election, the same is no longer true today. Estada was not elected
 The candidate who gets the popular vote in each state, wins all its the President for the second time. Thus, any discussion of his “reelection”
Electoral College votes. will simply be hypothetical and speculative. It will serve no useful or
 Except in Maine and Nebraska, which use a tiered system. practical purpose.
 To win, the candidate needs at least 270 Electoral College votes.
What is the difference of effects of succession on term limit between the
vice president and the vice mayor enunciated in Borja vs Comelec?
 Argument for Electoral College system: it avoids concentration of power
under the hands of urban populations. DIFF. OF EFFECTS OF SUCCESSION ON TERM LIMIT BETWEEN
 Argument against – does not reflect the national will. In 2000, Gore won
the popular vote but Bush won 271 after he was deemed to have taken in
 A vice mayor succeeded the mayor who died. He was elected mayor
What does the sentence “The President shall not be eligible for any
twice in a row. He ran again as a mayor but was opposed on the ground
reelection.” mean?
that he already served 3 consecutive terms as mayor.
 It means that the presidency is once in a lifetime opportunity. He cannot be
 Article VIII, Section 4 provides for succession of Vice President as President birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their
in the event of vacancy where it says the President shall not be eligible for Philippine citizenship.
any reelection.
Is this rule absolute?
 Then it says that “No person who has succeeded as President and has
 No because it may be done through election. Article IV, Section 2, 1987
served as such for more than four years shall be qualified for election to
Constitution: Those who elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with
the same office at any time
paragraph (3) , Section1 hereof shall be deemed natural born citizens
 By analogy the vice mayor shall likewise be considered to have served a full
 Article IV Section 1 (3), 1987 Constitution: Those born before January
term as mayor if he succeeds to the latter’s office and serves for the
17 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
remainder of the term
reaching the age of majority
 The framers of the Constitution included such a provision because, without
it, the Vice President, who simply steps into the Presidency by succession
would be qualified to run for President even if he has occupied that office
for more than four years.  Remember CARRL
 The absence of a similar provision in Article 10 Section 8 on elective local 1. Citizenship,
officials throws in bold relief the difference between the two cases. It 2. Age
underscored the constitutional intent to cover only the terms of office to 3. Residency
which one may have been elected for purpose of 3 term limit on local 4. Registration
elective officials, disregarding for this purpose service by automatic 5. Literacy
 The Vice President is elected primarily to succeed the President in the How do we define natural born Filipino?
event of the latter’s death, permanent disability, removal or resignation.  Also in the 1987 Constitution, it said there that, those born before Jan
While he may be appointed to the cabinet, his becoming so is entirely 17, 1973, who upon age of majority elects Philippine Citizenship are
dependent on the good graces of the President also considered natural born citizens.
 In running for Vice President, he may thus be said to also seek the  Question there is, because the first premise is this: you are considered
Presidency. For their part, the electors likewise choose as Vice President natural born if you don’t need to do anything to acquire or perfect
the candidate who they think can fill the Presidency in the event it Philippine citizenship. But here it says that once you reach majority,
becomes vacant. Hence, service in the presidency for more than four years and you elect Philippine citizenship, you are still considered natural
may rightly be considered as service for a full term. born. Why? Is election not a positive act to perfect your Philippine
 This is not so in the case of the vice mayor under the LGC, he is the citizenship?
presiding officer of the sanggunian and he appoints all officials and  If the former (do not need to do anything to perfect etc.) is the general
employees of such local assembly. He has distinct powers and functions, rule, then the latter (Filipino mothers, elect at age of majority) is the
succession to mayorship in the event of vacancy therein being only one of exception.
them  1987 Consti Art 4 , Sec 1, par 3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of
 It cannot be said of him, as much as of the Vice President in the event of a
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine Citizenship upon reaching the
vacancy in the Presidency, that in running for vice mayor, he also seeks the age of majority.
mayorship. His assumption of the mayorship in the event of vacancy is
more a matter of chance than of design. Hence, his service in that office How is this illustrated in Fornier vs Comelec?
should not be counted in the application of any term limit.
 Succession of the vice president to the presidency for more than 4 years
is counted as one term whereas succession of the vice mayor to the
mayorship is not counted as one term for the purpose of determining FORNIER VS COMELEC
term limit. Facts:
 FPJ ran for president but he was sought to be disqualified because he is
not a natural born Filipino, his parents are both foreigners.
PRESIDENT, QUALIFICATIONS  His father could not be Filipino because his grandfather was a Spanish
Art VII, Sec 2, 1987 Constitution  Even if his father was a Filipino, he could not have transmitted his
No person may be elected President unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Filipino citizenship to his son FPJ because the latter is illegitimate.
Philippines, a registered voter, able to read and write, at least 40 years of age Held: The grandfather would have benefited from the en masse
on the day of the election, and a resident of the Philippines for at least 10 Filipinization that the Philippine Bill had effected in 1902. Having
years immediately preceding such election. acquired Filipino citizenship, the grandfather extended it to his son,
who is the father of FPJ. Article IV Section 1(3) of the 1935 Constitution:
The following are citizens of the Philippines:
Art IV, Sec 1 (3), 1987 Constitution (3) Those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines
The ff are citizens of the Philippines: Since FPJ has first seen light under the 1935 Constitution which confers
xxx citizens regardless of whether such children are legitimate or
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of Flipino mothers, who elect illegitimate, he is a natural born Filipino because he did not need to
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. perform any act to acquire or perfect his Filipino citizenship.

Art IV, Sec 2, 1987 Constitution

Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth FORNIER v COMELEC
without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine
citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with par. 3, G.R. No. 161824 March 3, 2004
Section 1 shall be deemed natural-born citizens.
One-liner: Natural-born citizens include those who are
NATURAL-BORN FILIPINO, DEFINED citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to
perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine
Natural Born Filipino, defined
 Natural born citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from
Peninsular Spain, and 3) an inhabitant who obtained
FACTS: Spanish papers on or before 11 April 1899.
 This is a disqualification case filed against Fernando Poe Jr. assailing that
Poe made a material misrepresentation in his certificate of candidacy when
 Status of children born in the Philippines from Apr 11,
he claimed to be a natural born Filipino citizen. This case further raises the 1899 to Jul 1, 1902? Acdg to Jus Soli, Filipinos.
issue of qualifications that a presidential candidate must possess to hold  Through its history, four modes of acquiring citizenship
the highest office of the land. — naturalization, jus soli, res judicata and jus sanguinis –
had been in vogue. But only jus soli and jus sangunis could
qualify a person to being a "natural-born" citizen of the
 Denied the petition.
 Section 2, Article VII, of the 1987 Constitution expresses:
"No person may be elected President unless he is  Jones Law: a native-born inhabitant of the Philippines
a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a registered was deemed to be a citizen of the Philippines as of 11 April
voter, able to read and write, at least forty years of 1899 if he was 1) a subject of Spain on 11 April 1899, 2)
age on the day of the election, and a resident of the residing in the Philippines on said date, and, 3) since that
Philippines for at least ten years immediately
date, not a citizen of some other country.
preceding such election."
 1935 Constitution: Jus sangunis is the basis for Filipino
 The term "natural-born citizens," is defined to include "those who are citizenship.
citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to
acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship."

 It is necessary to take on the matter of whether or not respondent FPJ is a COMMENTS:

natural-born citizen, which, in turn, depended on whether or not the Fornier vs. COMELEC
father of respondent, Allan F. Poe, would have himself been a Filipino  In this case, FPJ presented a body of evidence. How did the SC treat
citizen and, in the affirmative, whether or not the alleged illegitimacy of that body of evidence? Did the SC fully believe the pieces of evidence
respondent prevents him from taking after the Filipino citizenship of his presented by FPJ? Not necessarily. But how come it said that based on
putative father. Any conclusion on the Filipino citizenship of Lorenzo Pou this body of evidence, FPJ is natural born if in the first place it was not
could only be drawn from the presumption that having died in 1954 at 84 so 100% convinced about the authenticity, and sufficiency of these
years old, Lorenzo would have been born sometime in the year 1870, when pieces of evidence?
the Philippines was under Spanish rule, and that San Carlos, Pangasinan,
his place of residence upon his death in 1954, in the absence of any other
evidence, could have well been his place of residence before death, such
 What is the quantum of proof necessary to prove you are natural born?
Preponderance of evidence.
that Lorenzo Pou would have benefited from the "en masse Filipinization"
that the Philippine bill had effected in 1902. That citizenship (of Lorenzo
 Here in this case, the SC acutally did not 100% fully believe everything
Pou), if acquired, would thereby extend to his son, Allan F. Poe, father of
that FPJ presented. But it said that it actually preponderates against the
respondent FPJ. The 1935 Constitution, during which regime respondent
petitioner. Because lisud man gud na when you say you are not natural
FPJ has seen first light, confers citizenship to all persons whose fathers are
born. You are duty bound to prove a negative fact. As opposed to
Filipino citizens regardless of whether such children are legitimate or
positive presentation of evidence. It’s so hard to say he’s not president
as opposed to saying I am president. Remember the Grandfather of FPJ
was considered a Spanish subject Filipinized.
 With this, Poe should be considered as a natural born citizen and further
qualified to run for presidency.
 Is it your fault that your father is a Foreigner? It’s not your fault why
imong inahan na minyo ug foreigner. That’s why the Constitution did
 Citizenship is a treasured right conferred on those whom the state believes
not place them in the same category ??? (them = those born of Filipino
are deserving of the privilege. It is a "precious heritage, as well as an
mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship etc)
inestimable acquisition," that cannot be taken lightly by anyone — either
by those who enjoy it or by those who dispute it.
Citizenship Issue (in-depth notes)
 Aristotle: Citizen refers to a man who shared in the POE VS COMELEC
administration of justice and in the holding of an office. The
concept grew to include one who would both govern and be
governed, for which qualifications like autonomy, judgment
and loyalty could be expected. RESIDENCE, DEFINED
 No Philippine citizens during Spanish regime, but “Subjects Residence, defined
of Spain” or “Indios”. How is residence treated under election laws?
 Treaty of Paris (1898) between Spain and USA, Philippines Residence is synonymous with domicile.
was ceded to the US. US Congress called us Philippine How is this illustrated in the case of Imelda Marcos vs Comelec?
 Philippine Bill of 1902 aka Phil. Organic Act: a "citizen of MARCOS VS COMELEC
the Philippines" was one who was an inhabitant of the Facts:
Philippines, and a Spanish subject on the 11th day of April  A candidate for district representative wrote in her CoC seven months
1899. The term "inhabitant" was taken to include 1) a native- as her period of residence in the constituency where she seeks to be
born inhabitant, 2) an inhabitant who was a native of elected preceding the election
 She was sought to be disqualified for failure to comply with the one
year residency requirement because she briefly stayed in the
constituency and resided and even voted in different places for four appointment, always with either her influence or consent
decades  Second, domicile of origin is not easily lost. To successfully effect a
change of domicile, one must demonstrate:
Held: 1. An actual removal or an actual change of domicile;
 It is the fact of residence, not a statement in the Certificate of Candidacy, 2.A bona fide intention of abandoning the former place of
that is decisive whether an individual satisfies the residency requirement. residence and establishing a new one;
 Domicile means the individual’s permanent home, a place to which 3. Acts which correspond with the purpose.
whenever absent for business or pleasure, one intends to return. Only with evidence showing concurrence of all three requirements
 An individual does not lose his domicile even if he has maintained several can the presumption of continuity or residence be rebutted, for a change
residences for different purposes over a long period of time. of residence requires an actual and deliberate abandonment, and one
 If none of these purposes point unequivocally to an intention to abandon cannot have two legal residences at the same time. Here, the evidence
her domicile of origin, she retains it. adduced plainly lacks the degree of persuasiveness required to convince
the court that an abandonment of domicile of origin in favor of a domicile
of choice indeed occurred. To effect an abandonment requires the
voluntary act of relinquishing petitioner's former domicile with
MARCOS v COMELEC an intent to supplant the former domicile with one of her own choosing
G.R. No. 119976 Sept. 18, 1995 (domicilium voluntarium).

One-liner: For election purposes, ‘residence’ is synonymous with ‘domicile’,

that is, a fixed permanent residence to which, when absent, one has the COMMENTS:
intention of returning.
 How many years was she a resident? 7 months, which is short of 5
months of residency as required by the law.
 A petition for disqualification was filed against Mrs. Imelda- Romualdez
 How did Imelda justify this? Actually she said there, it was an honest
Marcos upon her filing of candidacy for the position of Representative of
the First District of Leyte. Said petition was filed by the incumbent
representative and was also running for the same position, alleging that  How did the SC treat that 7 month declaration, did the SC say that she
Mrs. Marcos did not meet the constitutional requirement for residency. was a resident of TACLOBAN. Yes. How come the SC said she is but in
fact Imelda herself unilaterally declared in her COC that she is only a
RULING: resident for 7 months, how did the SC justify this response? Now
 Dismiss the complaint and further proclaim Marcos as the duly elected actually here, the SC said, regardless of your unilateral declaration in
representative of the said district your COC, the determination of your period of residence, is not
 The 1987 Constitution mandates that an aspirant for election to the House dependent upon it. It should be based on established facts, of whether
of Representatives be "a registered voter in the district in which he shall be or not you are resident of your place. But here, you cannot move thru
elected, and a resident thereof for a period of not less than one year this case, if you don’t pass by the concept that, residence is one with
immediately preceding the election." domicile for purposes of election.
 The deliberations of the 1987 Constitution on the residence qualification  How do you define domicile? … So even you leave that place for
for certain elective positions have placed beyond doubt the principle that business or pleasure, you always have that intention to return.
when the Constitution speaks of "residence" in election law, it actually  Why? Where did Imelda go? Did she register somewhere else, aside
means only "domicile" from Tolosa, in that 4 decade period? Yes, as a matter of fact she voted.
 Domicile = an individual's "permanent home", "a place to which, whenever She went wherever Ferdinand went.
absent for business or for pleasure, one intends to return, and depends on
facts and circumstances in the sense that they disclose intent." It includes  Actually in this case it also classifies the 3 kinds of domicile.
the twin elements:
1. "the fact of residing or physical presence in a fixed place" and 1. Domicile of origin
2. animus manendi, or the intention of returning there permanently. a. Is it necessary that you are born there for that place to be your
domicile of origin? No. Imelda was in fact 8 years old when her
 Residence = the factual relationship of an individual to a certain place. It is
parents brought her there. So we cannot say that the domicile of
the physical presence of a person in a given area, community or country.
origin is necessarily your place of birth, because as young as 8 years
 A man may have a residence in one place and a domicile in another.
old you do not have any discretion as to where you want to go. Thus,
Residence is not domicile, but domicile is residence coupled with the
domicile of origin may be the place where you were born, or where
intention to remain for an unlimited time. A man can have but one
you were raised.
domicile for the same purpose at any time, but he may have numerous
places of residence.
2. Domicile by operation of law
 His place of residence is generally his place of domicile, but it is not by any
a. When she married Marcos, did she change her domicile by
means necessarily so since no length of residence without intention of
operation of law? Because in this case it was established, that she
remaining will constitute domicile.
had the intention to go back. But, marriage operates to change by
 In the case at bar, Mrs. Marcos held various residences for different
operation of law, your domicile, provided if you comply with the
purposes during the past four decades. None of these purposes
requisites. IN this case, the SC said there is no evidence to show that
unequivocally point to an intention to abandon her domicile of origin in
Imelda abandoned her domicile.
Tacloban, Leyte. While she was born in Manila, as a minor she naturally
b. Did the death of Marcos further strengthen Imelda’s position that
followed the domicile of her parents. She grew up in Tacloban, reached her
she did not abandon Tacloban? Yes. Why? The SC said, you cannot
adulthood there and eventually established residence in different parts of
compel the wife to still cling on to the domicile of her dead husband.
the country for various reasons. Even during her husband's presidency, at
the height of the Marcos Regime's powers, she kept her close ties to her
3. Domicile of choice
domicile of origin by establishing residences in Tacloban, celebrating her
birthdays and other important personal milestones in her home province,
instituting well-publicized projects for the benefit of her province and  So remember, residence is synonymous with domicile. So if residence is
hometown, and establishing a political power base where her siblings and defined as, physical presence in a locality, that would be sufficient. But
close relatives held positions of power either through the ballot or by since we say that it is synonymous with domicile, your physical
presence in the locality is not required, as long as you intend to return to suffrage and for elective office, means the same thing as domicile. The
that domicile, provided that is your domicile of origin. latter refers with the (1) intention to reside in a fixed place (2) personal
presence in that place, coupled with conduct indicative of such
DOMINO VS COMELEC  Definition of "Domicile"
- fixed permanent residence to which, whenever absent for
Facts: Domino ran as Representative in Sarangani, with 1 yr business, pleasure, or some other reasons, one intends to
and 2 months as residency in his COC. Comelec disqualified return.
him as his Voter’s Registration Record negate such. The - can be ascertained with the presence of the following rules,
namely: (1) that a man must have a residence or domicile
Constitution required at least 1 year residency. Domino won,
somewhere; (2) when once established it remains until a new
but his proclamation was put on hold. one is acquired; and (3) a man can have but one residence or
domicile at a time.
Issue: WON Domino satisfied the residency requirement.  In the case at bar, petitioner's domicile of origin was Candon, Ilocos
Sur and that sometime in 1991, he acquired a new domicile of choice
Held: No. The principal elements of domicile, physical at Balara, Quezon City, as shown by his certificate of candidacy for the
position of representative of the 3rd District of Quezon City in the May
presence in the locality involved and intention to adopt it as 1995 election.
a domicile, must concur in order to establish a new domicile.
Domino lacked the intention to abandon his residence in QC  Moreover. a person's "domicile" once established is considered to
continue and will not be deemed lost until a new one is established. To
as he registered there as a voter (then just had it cancelled by successfully effect a change of domicile one must demonstrate an
a MeTC to effect transfer to Sarangani). While voting is not actual removal or an actual change of domicile; a bona fide intention of
conclusive of residence, it does give rise to a strong abandoning the former place of residence and establishing a new one
presumption of residence especially in this case where and definite acts which correspond with the purpose. In other words,
DOMINO registered in his former barangay. Exercising the there must basically be animus manendi coupled with animus non
revertendi. The purpose to remain in or at the domicile of choice must
right of election franchise is a deliberate public assertion of be for an indefinite period of time; the change of residence must be
the fact of residence, and is said to have decided voluntary; and the residence at the place chosen for the new domicile
preponderance in a doubtful case upon the place the elector must be actual.
claims as, or believes to be, his residence. While, Domino's  To establish a new domicile of choice, personal presence in the place
intention to establish residence in Sarangani can be gleaned must be coupled with conduct indicative of that intention. It requires
not only such bodily presence in that place but also a declared and
from the fact that he bought a house, sought cancellation of
probable intent to make it one's fixed and permanent place of abode,
his previous registration in QC and that he applied for one's home.
transfer of registration, DOMINO still falls short of the one  As a general rule, the principal elements of domicile,
year residency requirement. (1) physical presence in the locality involved and
(2) intention to adopt it as a domicile, must concur in order to
establish a new domicile. No change of domicile will result if either of
these elements is absent. Intention to acquire a domicile without actual
DOMINO v COMELEC residence in the locality does not result in acquisition of domicile, nor
310 SCRA 546 (1999) does the fact of physical presence without intention.
 The lease contract entered into sometime in January 1997, does not
One-liner: "Residence" as used in the law prescribing the adequately support a change of domicile. The lease contract may be
qualifications for suffrage and for elective office, means the indicative of DOMINO's intention to reside in Sarangani but it does not
same thing as "domicile," which requires not only such bodily engender the kind of permanency required to prove abandonment of
one's original domicile. The mere absence of individual from his
presence in that place but also a declared and probable intent permanent residence, no matter how long, without the intention to
to make it one's fixed and permanent place of abode, one's abandon it does not result in loss or change of domicile Thus the date
home. of the contract of lease of a house and lot located in the province of
Sarangani, i.e., 15 January 1997, cannot be used, in the absence of
FACTS: other circumstances, as the reckoning period of the one-year residence
 This is a disqualification case to deny due course to or cancel the certificate requirement.
of candidacy of Juan Domino for the position of Representative of the lone  Further, Domino's lack of intention to abandon his residence in Quezon
district of Sarangani Province because, allegedly, he is neither a resident City is further strengthened by his act of registering as voter in one of
nor a registered voter of the province of Sarangani in the May 11, 1998 the precincts in Quezon City. While voting is not conclusive of
elections. That, Domino is a not a resident much less a registered voter of residence, it does give rise to a strong presumption of residence
the province of Sarangani substantiated by his registration in the precinct especially in this case where DOMINO registered in his former
of balara Quezon City and the Certificate of Candidacy filed in the same city barangay. Exercising the right of election franchise is a deliberate public
on 1995. That, he does not comply with the one year residence assertion of the fact of residence, and is said to have decided
requirement preponderance in a doubtful case upon the place the elector claims as,
or believes to be, his residence. The fact that a party continuously
ISSUE: voted in a particular locality is a strong factor in assisting to determine
 WON Domino was a resident of the Province of Sarangani for atleast one the status of his domicile.
year immediately preceding the May 11, 1998 election
 In showing compliance with the residency requirement, both intent
and actual presence in the district one intends to represent must satisfy
the length of time prescribed by the fundamental law. Domino's failure
 No.
to do so rendered him ineligible and his election to office null and void.
 The term "residence," as used in the law prescribing the qualifications for
COMMENTS: One-liner: The Constitution and the law requires residence
 3 requisites in order to change domicile: as a qualification for seeking and holding elective public
1. Actual transfer of domicile office, in order to give candidates the opportunity to be
2. Bona fide intent to transfer familiar with the needs, difficulties, aspirations, potentials
3. Actual acts that would prove such purpose
for growth and all matters vital to the welfare of their
 Take note that these 3 requisites are actually matter of intention. It’s so
hard to concretize intentions. So the evidence should be based on actions. constituencies; likewise, it enables the electorate to evaluate
In this case it’s a very common practice amongst politicians. the seekers' qualifications and fitness for the job they aspire
 In Domino vs COMELECc, what did the politician do to establish residence? for.
Contract of lease in Sarangani.
 After the contract of lease what happened? Did that contract graduate to
 Petitioners filed a case against respondent, Emano on the ground that
something else? Was there no extrajudicial settlement that actually sold
he was not able to fulfill the requirement of residency of 1 year when
the property later on? There was.
he ran for mayor in CDO.
 So at first, it was a rented house and lot. Later it said it was sold. That is
 Respondent previously served as governor in Misamis Oriental for 3
very common among politicians. How did the SC treat that kind of body of
consecutive terms before he registered as a voter and ran for mayoralty
evidence proving residence. The SC said that mere lease of house and lot is
post in CDO.
not sufficient to engender a kind of permanency required to prove
abandonment of residence.
 WON respondent possessed the minimum period of residence to be
PERIOD OF RESIDENCE eligible to vote in CDO and be voted as a mayor thereof


 YES.
 Respondent fulfilled the residency requirement because he bought a
house in CDO where he and his family actually resided in 1973 before
he registered as a voter in 1997.
RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT, RATIONALE  There is nothing in the law which bars an elected provincial official
from residing and/or registering as a voter in a highly urbanized city
TORAYNO VS COMELEC whose residents are not given the right to vote for and be elected to a
position in the province embracing such highly urbanized city as long as
Facts: Immediately after being the governor of Misamis he has complied with the requirements prescribed by law in the case of
Oriental for the third term, Emano ran as Mayor of CDO, a qualified voter.
saying in his COC his residency thereat for 2 yrs and 5  Residence requirement, rationale: The residence requirement is rooted
in the desire that officials of districts or localities be acquainted not
months. Emano asserted under oath that he was qualified to only with the metes and bounds of their constituencies but, more
act as governor until end of his term and admitted in sworn important, with the constituents themselves — their needs, difficulties,
statements that he was a resident of Misamis Oriental. aspirations, potentials for growth and development, and all matters
vital to their common welfare. The requisite period would give
Petitioners: Residence is a continuing qualification that an candidates the opportunity to be familiar with their desired
constituencies, and likewise for the electorate to evaluate the former's
elective official must possess throughout his term. Thus,
qualifications and fitness for the offices they seek.
private respondent could not have changed his residence to
CDO while he was still governor of Misamis Oriental.
Emano: I actually and physically reside in CDO while being Governor, since the COMMENTS:
seat of provl govt is in CDO. There is no law preventing an elective official  Because CDO, is a highly-urbanized city, you cannot be part of a
from transferring residence while in office. province. IOW, people in highly-urbanized cities cannot vote for
provincial officials. Mandaue city, is highly urbanized, but it remains
Issue: WON Emano acquired a bona fide domicile of choice part of the province of Cebu, the reason there is prior to the LGC? Ask
Atty. Largo.
for at least 1 yr to qualify him to run as Mayor of CDO.
 There are 2 viewpoints here.
Held: Yes. The Constitution or the law intends to prevent the 1. The viewpoint of the candidates: you should know the problems in the
possibility of a stranger or newcomer unacquainted with the locality of where you are running.
conditions and needs of a community and not identified with 2. The viewpoint of the voter: is to know the qualifications, credentials,
personality, character and everything about the candidate. You cannot
the latter from seeking an elective office to serve that
know these things if the candidate is not residing in the locality.
community. Such provision is aimed at excluding outsiders
from taking advantage of favorable circumstances existing
in that community for electoral gain. Emano could not be
said to be a stranger or newcomer.
 Maquera seeks that, RA 4421 which requires a candidate to post a
TORAYNO v COMELEC surety bond equivalent to one-year salary of the position to which he is
G.R. No. 137329 August 9, 2000 a candidate, be declared unconstitutional.
 Republic Act NO. 4421 requires a candidate to post a surety bond
equivalent to one-year salary of the position to which he is a candidate,
which bond shall be forfeited in favor of the government, if the candidate, city, shall be transmitted to the Congress, directed to the
except when declared winner, fails to obtain at least 10% of the votes cast President of the Senate. Upon receipt of the certificates of
for the office, there being not more than four candidates for the same
canvass, the President of the Senate shall, not later than
thirty days after the day of the election, open all the
ISSUE: certificates in the presence of the Senate and the House of
 WON RA 4421 is constitutional Representatives in joint public session, and the Congress,
upon determination of the authenticity and due execution
thereof in the manner provided by law, canvass the votes. x
 NO. Property qualifications are inconsistent with the nature and essence of
the Republican system ordained in our Constitution and the principle of
social justice underlying the same, for said political system is premised
upon the tenet that sovereignty resides in the people and all government
authority emanates from them, and this, in turn, implies necessarily that COMMENTS:
the right to vote and to be voted for shall not be dependent upon the How is the vice President elected, how long is his term of office and
wealth of the individual concerned, whereas social justice presupposes what are his qualification?
equal opportunity for all, rich and poor alike, and that, accordingly, no
person shall, by reason of poverty, be denied the chance to be elected to Article VII, Section 3, 1987 constitution:
public office; and There shall be a vice president who shall have the same qualifications and
term of office and be elected with and in the same manner as the
 The effect of said Republic Act No. 4421 is to impose property President. He may be removed from office in the same manner as the
qualifications in order that a person could run for a public office, which President.
property qualifications are inconsistent with the nature and essence of the
Republican system ordained in the Constitution and the principle of social What is the term limit for the Vice President?
justice underlying the same. Consequently, Republic Act No. 4421 is
unconstitutional and hence null and void. Article VII, Sec 4, 2nd par., 1987 Constitution
No Vice president shall serve for more than two successive terms.
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of time shall not be
COMMENTS: considered as an interruption in the continuity of the service for the full
 SC the posting of a cash bond is not one of those contemplated in the term for which he was elected
Constitution. Why what are the qualifications to be President? CARRL. The
SC said that the enumeration of the requirements for Presidency are How is voluntary renunciation defined in Aldovino vs Comelec?
exclusive. You cannot change by mere legislation. IT needs amendment by It is an act of surrender based on the free will or loss of title to office by
the constitution. free choice. It is an act of abandonment that emanates from the author.
 If it is required for you to post a cash bond, and you fail, it is called a
property disqualification.
 Along that line, there is a proposal, that only those taxpayers should be
allowed to vote? Does not make sense, forgetting that everybody pays FACTS:
taxes everyday. Kanang VAT. Even the poorest of the poor.
 Respondent was elected councilor for three consecutive terms.
 During respondent’s third term Sandiganbayan preventively suspended
VICE-PRESIDENT, HOW ELECTED, him which was subsequently lifted.
 Petitioner sought to cancel respondent’s certificate of candidacy or to
cancel it on the ground that he had been elected and had served for
Art VII, Sec 4, 1987 Constitution three terms; his candidacy for a fourth term therefore violated the
The President and the Vice-President shall be elected by three-term limit rule under the Constitution and Section 43(b) of RA
direct vote of the people for a term of six years which shall 7160.
 COMELEC ruled that preventive suspension is an effective interruption
begin at noon on the thirtieth day of June next following the because it renders the suspended public official unable to provide
day of the election and shall end at noon of the same date, six complete service for the full term; thus, such term should not be
years thereafter. The President shall not be eligible for any re- counted for the purpose of the three-term limit rule.
election. No person who has succeeded as President and has  The present petition seeks to annul and set aside this COMELEC ruling
served as such for more than four years shall be qualified for for having been issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
election to the same office at any time. or excess of jurisdiction.

No Vice-President shall serve for more than two successive ISSUES:

1. Whether preventive suspension of an elected local official is an
terms. Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of interruption of the three-term limit rule; and
time shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity 2. Whether preventive suspension is considered involuntary renunciation
of the service for the full term for which he was elected. as contemplated in Section 43(b) of RA 7160

Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular election for RULING:

1. No.
President and Vice-President shall be held on the second
i) Preventive suspension does not involve an effective interruption of a
Monday of May. term and should therefore not be a reason to avoid the three-term
The returns of every election for President and Vice-President, ii) A preventive suspension cannot be a term interruption
duly certified by the board of canvassers of each province or because the suspended official continues to stay in office although
he is barred from exercising the functions and prerogatives of the office One-liner: The winner is the candidate who has obtained a
within the suspension period. The best indicator of the suspended majority or plurality of valid votes cast in the election.
official’s continuity in office is the absence of a permanent replacement
and the lack of the authority to appoint one since no vacancy exists.
iii) Preventive suspension does not have the element of voluntariness that Facts: A candidate for Brgy Chairman died before the
voluntary renunciation embodies. Neither does it contain the element election day. His widow wrote the Comelec to substitute
of renunciation or loss of title to office as it merely involves the him. She won but the Comelec disregarded the same as
temporary incapacity to perform the service that an elective office there is no substitution of candidates for brgy and SK
demands. Thus viewed, preventive suspension is – by its very nature –
officials. Instead, respondent Placido was proclaimed
the exact opposite of voluntary renunciation; it is involuntary and
temporary, and involves only the actual delivery of service, not the title winner.
to the office.
iv) Recognizing preventive suspension as an effective interruption of a term Placido: Brgy election is non-partisan, substitution of
can serve as a circumvention more potent than the voluntary candidates is not allowed. Petitioner did not file any
renunciation that the Constitution expressly disallows as an COC, hence I was the only candidate for Brgy Chairman.
2. Section 43 (b) of RA 7160 practically repeats the constitutional provision,
Issue: Can the widow be proclaimed as the duly elected Brgy Chairman?
and any difference in wording does not assume any significance in this
Held: Yes, as it was she who obtained the plurality of votes
in the contested election. Technicalities and procedural
Does preventive suspension interrupt the term of office? niceties in election cases should not be made to stand in
 No. preventive suspension does not involve loss of title to office; hence, it the way of the true will of the electorate. Absence of any
cannot interrupt the term of office. provision governing substitution of candidates in brgy
elections cannot be inferred as a prohibition against it. As
How do you illustrate the sentence “No person who has succeeded as
president and has served as such for more than four years shall be qualified doing so would ignore the purpose of election laws which
for election to the same office at any time?” is to give effect to, rather than frustrate, the will of the
 Joseph Estrada assumed the presidency on June 30, 1998. But he was voters. In case of doubt, political laws must be so
forced by people power II to step down on January 20, 2001. construed as to give life and spirit to the popular mandate
 Thus, he served for only 2 years and 6 months, leaving a balance of 3 years freely expressed through the ballot. In all republican
and 6 months from his 6 year term as president
forms of government the basic idea is that no one can be
 Gloria Arroyo succeeded and served for 3 years and 6 months. Since she declared elected and no measure can be declared carried
did not serve for more than 4 years, she was able to run and win the unless he or it receives a majority or plurality of the legal
presidency in 2004.
votes cast in the election. Further, the letter-request was
treated by Comelec as a COC.


Art VII, Sec 4, 1987 Constitution BROKEN
x x x The person having the highest number of votes shall
be proclaimed elected, but in case two or more shall have an
equal and highest number of votes, one of them shall forthwith Art VII, Sec 4, 1987 Constitution
be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the Members of both x x x The person having the highest number of votes shall
Houses of the Congress, voting separately. be proclaimed elected, but in case two or more shall have
an equal and highest number of votes, one of them shall
The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the canvassing of forthwith be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the
the certificates. Members of both Houses of the Congress, voting
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole judge of
all contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the canvassing
of the President or Vice-President, and may promulgate its of the certificates.
rules for the purpose.
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole judge
Art IX , Sec 6, 1987 Constitution of all contests relating to the election, returns, and
Each [Constitutional] Commission en banc may promulgate its qualifications of the President or Vice-President, and may
own rules concerning pleadings and practice before it or before promulgate its rules for the purpose.
any of its offices. Such rules, however, shall not diminish,
increase, or modify substantive rights. PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION, IN CASE OF
Art VII, Sec 7, 1987 Constitution
RULLODA VS COMELEC The President-elect and the Vice President-elect shall
assume office at the beginning of their terms.
declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be
If the President-elect fails to qualify, the Vice President- discharged by the Vice-President as Acting President.
elect shall act as President until the President-elect shall
have qualified. Whenever a majority of all the Members of the Cabinet
transmit to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of
If a President shall not have been chosen, the Vice the House of Representatives their written declaration that
President-elect shall act as President until a President shall the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties
have been chosen and qualified. of his office, the Vice-President shall immediately assume
the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
If at the beginning of the term of the President, the
President-elect shall have died or shall have become Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President of
permanently disabled, the Vice President-elect shall the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of
become President. Representatives his written declaration that no inability
exists, he shall reassume the powers and duties of his office.
Where no President and Vice-President shall have been chosen
or shall have qualified, or where both shall have died or Meanwhile, should a majority of all the Members of the
become permanently disabled, the President of the Senate or, Cabinet transmit within five days to the President of the
in case of his inability, the Speaker of the House of Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Representatives, shall act as President until a President or a their written declaration that the President is unable to
Vice-President shall have been chosen and qualified. discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Congress
shall decide the issue. For that purpose, the Congress shall
The Congress shall, by law, provide for the manner in which convene, if it is not in session, within forty-eight hours, in
one who is to act as President shall be selected until a accordance with its rules and without need of call.
President or a Vice-President shall have qualified, in case of
death, permanent disability, or inability of the officials If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of the last
mentioned in the next preceding paragraph. written declaration, or, if not in session, within twelve days
after it is required to assemble, determines by a two-thirds
vote of both Houses, voting separately, that the President is
unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the
Vice-President shall act as President; otherwise, the
PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION, IN CASE OF President shall continue exercising the powers and duties of

Art VII, Sec 8, 1987 Constitution

In case of death, permanent disability, removal from office, or ESTRADA VS DESIERTO
resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall become
the President to serve the unexpired term. In case of death, One-liner: The determination of the President’s inability to
permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation of govern is determined by Congress and such is a political
both the President and Vice-President, the President of the judgment that cannot be subject to judicial review.
Senate or, in case of his inability, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, shall then act as President until the President Facts: Estrada was accused to be a jueteng lord that led to
or Vice-President shall have been elected and qualified. his impeachment case. Edsa Revolution II ensued with
people asking Estrada’s resignation, and his allies
The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall serve as defected (AFP, PNP and most of his cabinet members).
President in case of death, permanent disability, or resignation On the day Arroyo took her oath as the new President,
of the Acting President. He shall serve until the President or Estrada wrote Senate Pres and Speaker of the House
the Vice-President shall have been elected and qualified, and that he is unable to exercise Presidential powers and
be subject to the same restrictions of powers and duties. However, he claims he did not resign as President,
disqualifications as the Acting President. but merely was on leave on the ground that he is unable
to govern temporarily. Despite receipt of letter, the House
PERMANENT DISABILITY OF THE PRESIDENT of Reps and Senate passed Resolutions expressing
support to Arroyo as the new President.
Art VII, Sec 11, 1987 Constitution
Whenever the President transmits to the President of the Issue: WON SC has jurisdiction to review the claim of
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his temporary inability of Estrada and thereafter revise the
written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers decision of both Houses of Congress recognizing Arroyo
and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written as the new President.
Held: SC does not have jurisdiction. It is Congress that has the Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives
ultimate authority to determine such, and the determination who shall assume office upon confirmation by a majority
of Congress is a political judgment which the SC cannot vote of all the Members of both Houses of the Congress,
review. Estrada’s claim had been put to rest by Congress by voting separately.
the latter declaring Arroyo as the de jure President. Such
decision made by the Congress, a co-equal branch of
government, cannot be reviewed by SC. COMMENTS:
 What if there’s a vacancy in the office of the vice president. How do
you fill it up?
The president will nominate a vice president from the senate And from
the house of the rep
ESTRADA VS DESIERTO  And after the nominations, what happens next?
Congress will confirm the nomination separately
One-liner: Estrada’s acts and omissions before, during and  What if the lower house confirms and the upper house doesn’t
after Arroyo’s oathtaking, or taking into account the totality confirm?
of prior, contemporaneous and posterior facts and Is there a constitutional basis there? Is the constitution silent?
circumstantial evidence bearing a material relevance on the Yes. The constitution is silent.
 So, if you were the president and the constitution is silent. What will
issue, implied his resignation from presidency. you do if your nominee is unacceptable to both houses?
Nominate another.
Facts: Estrada claims he did not resign as President, but
merely was on leave on the ground that he is unable to
govern temporarily. He wrote a letter (see above) about it. ESTRADA VS DESIERTO
Further, Estrada relies on RA No. 3019 (AGACPA)
One-liner: Upon nomination for VP of the President from
prohibiting his resignation from office. The circumstances
among the Congress members, both Houses of Congress
surrounding the case were based on an “Angara Diary”.
shall confirm such by voting separately.
Estrada: (to Angara) Ayoko na, masyado nang masakit x x x
Facts: After assumption into office, Pres. Arroyo
Negotiations involving Estrada’s resignation and Arroyo’s
nominated Sen. Guingona as her Vice President. Both the
assumption took place.
Senate and House of Reps separately resolved to confirm
such nomination. Thereafter, Guingona took his oath as
Issue: WON Estrada has resigned as President before Arroyo
Vice President.
took her oath as President.
Issue: WON Guingona’s assumption to Vice Presidency was proper.
Held: Yes. Elements of resignation are (1) there must be an Held: Yes.
intent to resign and (2) the intent must be coupled by acts of
relinquishment. It is not governed by any formal
requirement – it can be oral, written, express or implied. As
regards the letter re: inability to govern, if it was prepared ESTRADA V DESIERTO
before the press release of the petitioner clearly showing his G.R. Nos. 146710-15 March 2, 2001
resignation from the presidency, then the resignation must
prevail as a later act. If, however, it was prepared after the FACTS:
 It began in October 2000 when allegations of wrong doings involving
press release, still, it commands scant legal significance. bribe-taking, illegal gambling, and other forms of corruption were
Petitioner's resignation from the presidency cannot be the made against Estrada before the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee. On
subject of a changing caprice nor of a whimsical will November 13, 2000, Estrada was impeached by the Hor and, on
especially if the resignation is the result of his repudiation by December 7, impeachment proceedings were begun in the Senate
the people. Further, reliance on RA No. 3019 was misplaced. during which more serious allegations of graft and corruption against
Estrada were made and were only stopped on January 16, 2001 when
The intent of the law is to prevent the act of resignation or
11 senators, sympathetic to the President, succeeded in suppressing
retirement from being used by a public official as a damaging evidence against Estrada. As a result, the impeachment trial
protective shield to stop the investigation of a pending was thrown into an uproar as the entire prosecution panel walked out
criminal or administrative case against him and to prevent and Senate President Pimentel resigned after casting his vote against
his prosecution. But no person can be compelled to render Estrada.
service if he wants to retire or resign.
 On January 19, PNP and the AFP also withdrew their support for
Estrada and joined the crowd at EDSA Shrine. Estrada called for a snap
VACANCY IN THE OFFICE OF THE VP- HOW FILLED presidential election to be held concurrently with congressional and
local elections on May 14, 2001. He added that he will not run in this
election. On January 20, SC declared that the seat of presidency was
Art VII, Sec 9, 1987 Constitution vacant, saying that Estrada “constructively resigned his post”. At noon,
Whenever there is a vacancy in the Office of the Vice- Arroyo took her oath of office in the presence of the crowd at EDSA as
President during the term for which he was elected, the the 14th President. Estrada and his family later left Malacañang Palace.
President shall nominate a Vice-President from among the Erap, after his fall, filed petition for prohibition with prayer for WPI. It
sought to enjoin the respondent Ombudsman from “conducting any
further proceedings in cases filed against him not until his term as the Court said that the cases against Estrada were still undergoing
president ends. He also prayed for judgment “confirming Estrada to be the preliminary investigation, so the publicity of the case would really have
lawful and incumbent President of the Republic of the Philippines no permanent effect on the judge and that the prosecutor should be
temporarily unable to discharge the duties of his office. more concerned with justice and less with prosecution.

1. WoN Estrada resigned as President.
2. WoN Arroyo is only an acting President.  So what happened in Estrada vs. Desierto that illustrates how the vice
3. WoN the President enjoys immunity from suit. pres is nominated? What happened?
4. WoN the prosecution of Estrada should be enjoined due to prejudicial
publicity. GMA nominated Senator Giungona, Jr as Vice-president. Congress
confirmed it. However some senators voted yes but with reservations
RULING: because there’s still a pending challenge on the legitimacy of GMA’s
1. Elements of valid resignation: (a)an intent to resign and (b) acts of
relinquishment. Both were present when President Estrada left the Palace.
 In other words, despite reservations, the nomination of the vice was
Totality of prior contemporaneous posterior facts and circumstantial
confirmed. After it was confirmed what happened next?
evidence— bearing material relevant issues—President Estrada is deemed
He took his oath of office as a Vice-President.
to have resigned— constructive resignation. SC declared that the
resignation of President Estrada could not be doubted as confirmed by his
leaving Malacañan Palace. In the press release containing his final  Summarize how you fill out the office of the vice president.
statement: Pres will nominate from congress. Congress will confirm the
 He acknowledged the oath-taking of the respondent as President; nomination. If they will not confirm the nomination, the pres will
 He emphasized he was leaving the Palace for the sake of peace nominate another. If the congress confirms the nomination, that
and in order to begin the healing process (he did not say that he person nominated will become the vice-president.
was leaving due to any kind of disability and that he was going to
reassume the Presidency as soon as the disability disappears);  So, to fill out the vacancy in the office of the vice.
 He expressed his gratitude to the people for the opportunity to  Nomination by the president
serve them as President (without doubt referring to the past  Confirmation by the congress
opportunity);  Oath-taking
 He assured that he will not shirk from any future challenge that
may come in the same service of the country;
 He called on his supporters to join him in promotion of a  What do you think is the reason why out of the entire person in
constructive national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity. Congress, GMA nominated Guingona? Of course in her press release
Intent to resign—must be accompanied by act of relinquishment—act or she said I want to nominate a son of Mindanao because they
omission before, during and after January 20, 2001. underrepresented? But what do you think is the real reason aside
from they came from the same party? How old is Guingona? Was he
2. The Congress passed House Resolution No. 176 expressly stating its old?
support to Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as President of the Republic of the Yes. Because Guingona was too old. He is not a threat to the
Philippines and subsequently passed H.R. 178 confirms the nomination of presidency.
Teofisto T. Guingona Jr. As Vice President. Senate passed HR No. 83
declaring the Impeachment Courts as Functius Officio and has been  Did you notice that this is about a story. The President was gone. He
terminated. It is clear is that both houses of Congress recognized Arroyo as stepped down. The V-Pres assumed office. Someone from the senate
the President. Implicitly clear in that recognition is the premise that the was nominated as the V-pres. So there’s a vacancy in the senate.
inability of Estrada is no longer temporary as the Congress has clearly DOMINO EFFECT.
rejected his claim of inability.
The Court therefore cannot exercise its judicial power for this is political in
nature and addressed solely to Congress by constitutional fiat. In fine, even
if Estrada can prove that he did not resign, still, he cannot successfully Art VII, Sec 8, 1987 Constitution
claim that he is a President on leave on the ground that he is merely In case of death, permanent disability, removal from office,
unable to govern temporarily. That claim has been laid to rest by Congress or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall
and the decision that Arroyo is the de jure, president made by a co-equal
become the President to serve the unexpired term. In case
branch of government cannot be reviewed by this Court.
of death, permanent disability, removal from office, or
3. The cases filed against Estrada are criminal in character. They involve resignation of both the President and Vice-President, the
plunder, bribery and graft and corruption. By no stretch of the imagination President of the Senate or, in case of his inability, the
can these crimes, especially plunder which carries the death penalty, be Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall then act as
covered by the alleged mantle of immunity of a non-sitting president. He President until the President or Vice-President shall have
cannot cite any decision of this Court licensing the President to commit
criminal acts and wrapping him with post-tenure immunity from liability. been elected and qualified.
The rule is that unlawful acts of public officials are not acts of the State and
the officer who acts illegally is not acting as such but stands in the same The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall serve as
footing as any trespasser. President in case of death, permanent disability, or
4. No. Case law will tell us that a right to a fair trial and the free press are resignation of the Acting President. He shall serve until the
incompatible. Also, since our justice system does not use the jury system,
the judge, who is a learned and legally enlightened individual, cannot be
President or the Vice-President shall have been elected and
easily manipulated by mere publicity. The Court also said that Estrada did qualified, and be subject to the same restrictions of powers
not present enough evidence to show that the publicity given the trial has and disqualifications as the Acting President.
influenced the judge so as to render the judge unable to perform. Finally,

Art VII, Sec 10, 1987 Constitution

The Congress shall, at ten o'clock in the morning of the third
day after the vacancy in the offices of the President and Vice-
President occurs, convene in accordance with its rules without
need of a call and within seven days, enact a law calling for a
special election to elect a President and a Vice-President to be
held not earlier than forty-five days nor later than sixty days
from the time of such call. The bill calling such special
election shall be deemed certified under paragraph 2, Section
26, Article V1 of this Constitution and shall become law upon
its approval on third reading by the Congress. Appropriations
for the special election shall be charged against any current
appropriations and shall be exempt from the requirements of
paragraph 4, Section 25, Article V1 of this Constitution. The
convening of the Congress cannot be suspended nor the special
election postponed. No special election shall be called if the
vacancy occurs within eighteen months before the date of the
next presidential election.

Art VI, Sec 25(4), 1987 Constitution

A special appropriations bill shall specify the purpose for
which it is intended, and shall be supported by funds actually
available as certified by the National Treasurer, or to be raised
by a corresponding revenue proposal therein.

 If president dies who becomes president? Vice-president

 What if president and v-president both die at the same time? Senate
President, if not then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as
Acting President

 What will congress do for the meantime? Congress will legislate. But still
no legislation for that till today because it is a remote possibility that the
same situation will happen

 What if all 4 dies? Pres, V-Pres, Senate President, and Speaker of the
HOR? All went aboard Air-Force 1 and it exploded in the air. Their charred
bodies were found beyond recognition, shredded to pieces.
Special Elections will be held but Congress must first legislate.

Art VI, Sec 4, 1987 Constitution

The term of office of the Senators shall be six years and shall
commence, unless otherwise provided by law, at noon on the
thirtieth day of June next following their election. No Senator
shall serve for more than two consecutive terms. Voluntary
renunciation of the office for any length of time shall not be
considered as an interruption in the continuity of his service
for the full term of which he was elected.
rested for 3 years. A disqualification case was filed alleging that he
should rest for 6 years because that is exactly the length of his office.
OFFICE AND TERM LIMT COMELEC dismissed the case because there is NO legal basis. So one
can rest for 3 or 6 years for as long as there is a gap after the 2
successive terms.
Art VI, Sec 2, 1987 Constitution
The Senate shall be composed of twenty-four Senators who
shall be elected at large by the qualified voters of the
Philippines, as may be provided by law. TOLENTINO VS COMELEC
One-liner: Although the Comelec failed to call and give
Art XVIII, Sec 2, 1987 Constitution
notice, the special election is still valid as the right and
The Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, and
duty to hold the election emanate from the statute and not
the local officials first elected under this Constitution shall
from any call for the election by some authority and the
serve until noon of June 30, 1992.
law charges voters with knowledge of the time and place
of the election (statutory notice).
Of the Senators elected in the elections in 1992, the first
twelve obtaining the highest number of votes shall serve for
Facts: After Arroyo’s succession to Presidency and Sen.
six years and the remaining twelve for three years.
Guingona’s confirmation as the new VP, a seat in Senate
was left vacant. Senate resolved to call on Comelec to fill
COMMENTS: such vacancy through a special election to be held
 How many ELECTIVE senators are there? 12 senators. simultaneously with the upcoming regular election, such
that the Senatorial candidate with the 13th highest
 Was there ever a time that we had more than 12? Yes number of votes shall fill the vacancy. The Comelec did
 When? The first senatorial election happened in 1992 not 1987. In 1992
we had 24 senators. At that time Aquino was so popular. And because of Issue: WON a special election to fill a vacant 3-yr term
her popularity: 23 out of 24 senatorial candidate she produced won. Senate seat was validly held.
 Only one from the opposition made it to the top 24. Who do you think it
Held: Yes. The calling of an election, that is, the giving
ERAP. Popular among the masses. He then became V-President and then notice of the time and place of its occurrence, whether
President overwhelmingly. made by the legislature directly or by the body with the
duty to give such call, is indispensable to the election's
 What do you think is the reason why after we elected 24 senators in validity. In a special election to fill a vacancy, a statute
1993, there were now 12 senators elected every 3 years? that expressly provides that an election to fill a vacancy
Based on the constitution, you alternate. First 12 are for 6 years and the 2 nd shall be held at the next general elections fixes the date at
is for 3 years. which the special election is to be held and operates as
the call for that election. And besides, there was no proof
 In other words you replenish. It’s called staggered. What do you think is
the reason why constitution staggers the term of office of the senators? that Comelec’s failure misled voters (test to determine the
Because, the first six years, there’s 12. And in any case if there’s a problem validity of a special election re: failure to give notice).
or failure in election, at least there are still 12 senators that are still COMELEC, having adopted the Senate’s proposal, has a
functioning. wide latitude of discretion in adopting means to carry out
its mandate of ensuring free, orderly, and honest elections
 Top 12 serve for 6 years, bottom 12 for 3 years. At midterm after 3 years
the bottom 12 disappears and the top 12 stays for another 3 years. But
so long as these means are not illegal or do not constitute
bottom 12 that disappeared is replenished by a new batch. So this new grave abuse of discretion. We should respect the
batch of senators find companion in the senate. In this case what do you electorate's will and let the results of the election stand,
think is the reason now? despite irregularities that may have attended the conduct
Continuity. In other words, the older 12 will bring experience in the senate of the elections.
and the new batch will bring freshness, new ideas. Mixture of experience
and freshness.

 What is the term of office? 6 years Election Issue (in-depth notes)

 In case a vacancy arises in Congress at least one year
before the expiration of the term, Section 2 of R.A. No.
 Term limit? 2 consecutive terms. That is the term of office. Meaning you
cannot exceed 2 successive terms. After 2 successive terms you rest. Then
6645, as amended, requires COMELEC: (1) to call a special
can run again. election by fixing the date of the special election, which
shall not be earlier than sixty (60) days nor later than ninety
 Since the term of office is 6 years. But the election is held every 3 years. (90) after the occurrence of the vacancy but in case of a
Do you need to rest for 6 years or 3 years only before you can run again? vacancy in the Senate, the special election shall be held
When we get to the topic term limit, you will realize that even a gap of one
simultaneously with the next succeeding regular election;
day will already qualify one for another term. Law does not distinguish
between 3 or 6 years. There was a case against Drilon because he only and (2) to give notice to the voters of, among other things,
the office or offices; to be voted for.
 Note: Special Elections for District Representatives, COMELEC must
notify. For senators, COMELEC was justified in not notifying public in
the case of Tolentino because it provided for in the law, however SC
COMMENTS: said that COMELEC must also notify public next time.
 What happened in Tolentino vs. Comelec?
When Arroyo assumed office and Guingona as V-president, there’s already
a vacancy in the senate. So they’re lacking one senator. Based on the  This also happened when PNOY became president. There was also
constitution they have to call a special election vacancy but they did not elect 13 th senator on his midterm. It could
have been Risa Hontiveros. Congress did not certify senate vacancy.
 Which body calls for a special election?

 They have to certify first that there’s a vacancy and inform the COMELEC
of such vacancy. And once the COMELEC is informed that there’s a Art VI, Sec 3, 1987 Constitution
vacancy,…of course COMELEC knows that there’s a vacancy. But they No person shall be a Senator unless he is a natural-born
need a certification from Congress that there’s really a vacancy. And once citizen of the Philippines and, on the day of the election, is
the COMELEC knows that there’s vacancy what does it do? at least thirty-five years of age, able to read and write, a
They will call for a special election once they receive a certification from
registered voter, and a resident of the Philippines for not
less than two years immediately preceding the day of the
 Now what is the problem in this case? election.
The problem in this case was that the COMELEC failed to inform the people
that there will be a special election and it was not on a separate ballot.
 When was that special election held? It was a regular election.  Registered voter anywhere in the country; elected at large
unlike District Representatives (only in their respective
 In other words a situation rises in this case which is unique because a districts)
special election for the 12 th senator was held simultaneously with the
regular election. Why is there a problem?
Financial issue. But SC held that the failure of COMELEC to call out for a  In the case of Aquino Sr, his age was short of few days at
special election does not invalidate it because based on the constitution the day of election, still short of few days at the day of
there’s no other option but to really hold a special election simultaneously proclamation, however at the time he assumed office he
with the regular election. was already of age, so he was accommodated by a split
decision of SET at that time.
 How did the SC justify the failure of the COMELEC to notify? Didn’t
Supreme Court say that “it’s okay, It’s alright”? But Because based on Sec  Today, under the 1987 Constitution, he should be of age
12 of RA 6645 you can see that the special election will be held
simultaneously with the succeeding regular election and to give notice.
at the DAY OF ELECTION, not on the day of
proclamation, not on the day of assumption of office.
Maybe under age in filing COC but must be of age on the
 So COMELEC did not notify. Was there another way to notify the public?
The statutory notice/ constructive notice.
day of election

 Yes, because there was a law calling for the schedule of that election. In PIMENTEL VS COMELEC
other words, SC is saying that even if the COMELEC failed to notify, it is in One-liner: The right of a citizen in the democratic process
the law. It was a statutory notice or a constructive notice. Now, okay, so of election should not be defeated by unwarranted
the SC treated those badges of fault. It says it’s alright. But did not the SC
acknowledge that the COMELEC is at fault?
impositions of a requirement not otherwise specified in
There was a word for COMELEC that although it was not invalidated, they the Constitution.
have to strictly follow the law.
Facts: Law and Comelec resolution requiring mandatory
 In other words, the SC is saying that it’s okay for now, but next time.. drug testing of candidates for public office, etc were
questioned as unconstitutional.
 Now who was that 13th senator that benefited from that election?
HONASAN Issue: Can Congress or COMELEC expand the
qualification requirements of candidates for senator under
 How many votes did he obtain? More than 10 million the Constitution?

 What did the SC say if it will nullify the 13 th

senator? Held: No. A law or an administrative rule violating any
We cannot just nullify 10 million votes. If we are to nullify those votes, they norm of the Constitution is null and void and has no
will be DISENFRANCHISED of suffrage. (term if one cannot register, cannot
vote or vote is nullified.)

 What if it was a special election for district representatives? Would the SC

still justify the COMELEC? COMMENTS:
No because the COMELEC now must notify.
 Qualifications of a Senator cannot be amended, expanded or
restricted by ordinary legislation. We have to amend the
 Maquera v Borja = property qualification
 Pimentel v COMELEC = lifestyle qualification
Party-list members shall constitute 20% of the total number of the
house of representatives. The 20% allocation is based on the combined
OF OFFICE AND TERM LIMIT number of the district representative and the party-list representatives.

Art VI, Sec 5, 1987 Constitution NUMBER OF PARTY-LIST

1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of not
more than two hundred and fifty members, unless otherwise VETERANS FED. PARTY VS COMELEC
fixed by law, who shall be elected from legislative districts
apportioned among the provinces, cities, and the One-liner: Having determined that the twenty percent seat
Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with the number of allocation is merely a ceiling, and having upheld the
their respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform constitutionality of the two percent vote threshold and the
and progressive ratio, and those who, as provided by law, three-seat limit imposed under RA 7941, to determine
shall be elected through a party-list system of registered how many party list seats the qualified parties are entitled
national, regional, and sectoral parties or organizations. to rank all of the parties and allocate basing on the votes
garnered by the party in first rank.
2. The party-list representatives shall constitute twenty per
centum of the total number of representatives including Facts: Comelec resolution “proclaiming 38 additional
those under the party list. For three consecutive terms after party-list representatives to complete the full complement
the ratification of this Constitution, one-half of the seats of 52 seats in the House of Reps as provided in the
allocated to party-list representatives shall be filled, as Constitution”.
provided by law, by selection or election from the labor,
peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, Issue: Should the twenty percent allocation for party-list
women, youth, and such other sectors as may be provided by solons be filled up completely and all the time?
law, except the religious sector.
Held: No, it is just a mere ceiling. COMELEC gravely
3. xxx abused its discretion in granting 38 seats (on top of the 14
reps already proclaimed, to total 52 as provided in the
4. Within three years following the return of every census, the Constitution) which violated the two percent threshold
Congress shall make a reapportionment of legislative districts and proportional representation requirements of RA
based on the standards provided in this section. 7941.The Supreme Court held that Section 5 (2), Art. VI
of the Constitution stating that "the party-list
Art VI, Sec 7, 1987 Constitution representatives shall constitute twenty per centum of the
The Members of the House of Representatives shall be elected total number of representatives including those under the
for a term of three years which shall begin, unless otherwise party-list" is not mandatory; that this percentage is a
provided by law, at noon on the thirtieth day of June next ceiling the mechanics by which it is to be filled up has
following their election. No Member of the House of been left to Congress; that in the exercise of its
Representatives shall serve for more than three consecutive prerogative, Congress enacted RA 7941 by which it
terms. Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of prescribed that a party, organization or coalition
time shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity participating in the party-list election must obtain at least
of his service for the full term for which he was elected. two percent of the total votes cast for the system to
qualify for a seat in the House of Representatives but that
no winning party, organization or coalition can have more
than three seats therein; that Congress has the prerogative
to determine whether to adjust or change this percentage
 How many are members of the House of Representatives? 250 requirement; and that the two percent threshold is
consistent with the intent of the framers of the law and
 Is that the maximum? Why or why not?
It is the maximum as provided, but it can be adjusted later. with the essence of "representation” (ie, organizations
and coalitions having a sufficient number of constituents
 What is the basis for Congress to adjust? deserving of representation are actually represented in
Aside from the constitution, the growing population. As the number of Congress).
inhabitants increments, meaning as it gets larger, then chances are, we are
going to add more districts. Especially if it is a city and it now has 250, 000
inhabitants, it can be made as a sole district.
Election (in-depth notes)
 When we say inhabitants, do we mean representatives? To determine the winners in a Philippine-style party-list
No, it is only the population. That is the reason why if you legislate a election, the Constitution and RA No. 7941 mandate at least
district, you don’t need to get a certificate from COMELEC of the number of four inviolable parameters. These are:
registered voters to support that but a certification from the Census or the
National statistics office that you have reached 250, 000 inhabitants
1. Twenty percent allocation — the combined number of
all party-list congressmen shall not exceed twenty percent
 So, out of this 250 members of the house of representatives, how many
are the party-list members?
of the total membership of the House of Representatives, parties participating in the system. All parties with at
including those elected under the party list. least 2% are guaranteed 1 seat. Only these parties shall
2. Two percent threshold — only those parties garnering a be considered in the computation of additional seats.
minimum of two percent of the total valid votes cast for the b. Determine the number of seats the first party is entitled
party-list system are "qualified" to have a seat in the House to (first party votes divided by total valid votes cast for
of Representatives; all the party list groups). The other qualified parties
3. Three-seat limit — each qualified party, regardless of the will always be allotted less additional seats than the
number of votes it actually obtained, is entitled to a first party for two reasons: (1) the ratio between said
maximum of three seats; that is, one "qualifying" and two parties and the first party will always be less than 1:1,
additional seats. (2) the formula does not admit of mathematical
4. Proportional representation — the additional seats which rounding off, because there is no such thing as a
a qualified party is entitled to shall be computed "in fraction of a seat.
proportion to their total number of votes." c. To solve for the number of additional seats that the
other qualified parties are entitled to, based on
Sec 11, RA 7941: In determining the allocation of seats for the proportional representation:
second vote, the following procedure shall be observed:
(a) The parties, organizations, and coalitions shall be ranked
from the highest to the lowest based on the number of votes COMMENTS:
they garnered during the elections. Veterans Federation Party vs COMELEC
(b) The parties, organizations, and coalitions receiving at least  Petitioner questions whether or not the 20% allocation should be filled
two percent (2%) of the total votes cast for the party-list up completely and should the 20% allocation be mandatory or merely a
system shall be entitled to one seat each; Provided, that
those garnering more than two percent (2%) of the votes  Ruling : Not mandatory but merely a ceiling.
shall be entitled to additional seats in proportion to their total  Another issue was that whether the 3 seat limit is constitutional.
number of votes; Provided, finally, That each party,  Ruling: 3 seat limit is constitutional because congress wanted to ensure
organization, or coalition shall be entitled to not more than that only those parties with sufficient number of constituents should
have a representation in Congress.
three (3) seats.
 Why is there a 3 seat limit?
 The reason why there is a party-list is to ensure the broadest
Comelec’s elements of the party-list system to determine 52 representation of underrepresented and marginalized. If you allow
reps (but ignoring the 2% rule): popular party-list to monopolize the number of seats in Congress, it will
1) the system was conceived to enable the marginalized sectors defeat the purpose. That is why there has to be a 3 seat limit or 3 seat
of the Philippine society to be represented in the House of cap.
 The reason why there is a 2% threshold is to prevent the proliferation
of small groups which are incapable of contributing significant
2) the system should represent the broadest sectors of the legislation that might pose a threat to destabilize Congress.
Philippine society;  How did they compute the 20% allocation?
3) it should encourage the multi-party system.
Number of district representatives x .20 = number of party- list law
How to allocate additional seats: makers 80
1) One additional seat per 2% increment - a party that wins at  If we use that formula, can we exhaust or maximize the 20%
least six percent of the total votes cast still be entitled to allocation? No.
three seats; another party that gets four percent will be  Summarize the 4 parameters
1. 20% allocation
entitled to two seats; and one that gets two percent will be 2. 2% threshold
entitled to one seat only; 3. 3 cap limit
2) The Niemeyer Formula - adopted by Germany as its method 4. Proportional representation
of distributing party-list seats in the Bundestag; would
violate the principle of "proportional representation," a basic
tenet of our party-list system; not applicable to the
Philippines because of our three-seat limit and the non-
mandatory character of the twenty percent allocation; the BANAT VS COMELEC, BAYAN MUNA VS
number of additional seats to which a qualified party would
be entitled is determined by multiplying the remaining  Is the 2% threshold Constitutional?
The 2% threshold is constitutional in so far as the first seat allocation is
number of seats to be allocated by the total number of votes concerned; but it is unconstitutional as it allocates additional seats.
obtained by that party and dividing the product by the total
number of votes garnered by all the qualified parties.  Is the 20% allocation mandatory?
3) Philippine setting formula: It seems mandatory because we need to maximize or exhaust the 20%
a. Rank all the participating parties, organizations and allocation because the purpose there is to ensure the widest or the
broadest participation of those groups that cannot win the election
coalitions from the highest to the lowest based on the
because they are underrepresented or marginalized.
number of votes they each received, then compute the
ratio by dividing its votes by the total votes cast for all the  Does it not make sense to you when we said that we cannot allow
party list groups with insufficient number of members? Because it will
destabilize the party-list system as well as Congress.

 Based on the trend, we allow party-list with less than 2% threshold but not
to as low as 1000-2000 votes. As a matter of facts, if you don’t win 2
successive elections, you will be delisted from the party-list system
because you failed to prove that you are winnable with sufficient number
of votes.
both terms, as vice mayor it is interrupted and as mayor it is
interrupted. In other words, if you succeed it is favorable to both
positions. As mayor it does not count as one term and as a vice mayor
it does not count as one term because it is effectively interrupted by
succession and succession is not your choice. It is under the law.
 What is the justification of the Supreme Court in this case why there is a MONTEBON VS COMELEC
3-limit rule?
Legal Justification: Constitution and LGC
Practical Justification: Because the argument there is that if we are a
What are the requisites for disqualification?
democratic country, why are we limiting the choices of the people?
1. the official concerned has been elected for three consecutive
terms in the same local government post
 What is the purpose of the three term limit?
2. that he has fully served three consecutive terms
-Not to develop proprietary rights – that is in Latasa vs Comelec that if we
3. obtain the position by way of election
allow politicians to serve more than three terms, chances are they will tend
 What is the mode by which you get into that position? By election. In
to develop a sense of interest over the public office
other words, you must be elected to that particular position and fully
-Prevent monopolization of power
served that particular office of the same position
-Enhance freedom of choice of the people
 That will count as one term for three terms for purposes of three term
 Democracy only works when we have an intelligent electorate.
 In which case, if you succeed, is that by election? No. Thus, if you
Unfortunately, they cannot discern what is abuse from what is proper;
succeed that does not count as one term because the requisite is you
hence, there are certain safeguards provided under the constitution, and
must be elected to that position to count as one term.
one is the three term limit. For as long as our electorate, again this is not
an absolute statement, sees election not as a political activity but as an
economic opportunity, we will never be able to choose (??) PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION, EFFECT ON TERM CONTINUITY


 What is the purpose of term limit? How did the SC justify term limit when COMMENTS:
it said you can no longer run for city mayor because anyway you are going  In other words, the SC said there is no loss of title into the office and
to govern the same territory and the same constituents? your suspension does not interrupt the term.
The SC said you got 9 years already if we allow you to run as city mayor this
time and if we are going to follow your argument that a city is different  What is the best evidence that you did not lose title?
from a municipality then you will still have the chance to serve another
There was no permanent replacement because it is going to be a
three successive terms
temporary replacement.

 If you stay that long in the public office, 18 years as a mayor from  E.g. if you are going to be a mayor the vice mayor acts as the mayor
municipality to city you might develop a sense of proprietary interest of during the time that you are suspended. Now, The SC actually said that
the public office and it should not be because you only borrow it from the if you are suspended preventively it gives rise to a presumption.
mandate of the people that you are going to occupy that office for a
certain period of time. If it goes beyond 9 years, you might develop affinity
to public office and you might think it is your own. Once you think of it as
 What is that presumption in so far as the term limit is concerned?
In this point, the SC is strict when it said that preventive suspension
your own it is hard to give it up.
does not interrupt the term. The SC said that it gives to the
presumption that you fabricated the accusations against you so that
COMMENTS: your term will be interrupted so that this term will not count.
 Now, from Borja to Latasa what are the justifications why there is a term
limit?  What if you are mayor and you discovered that you have stage four
In Borja there are two justifications: cancer. You went to the US for treatment for a period of 6 months.
1. to prevent monopoly of political power Does that interrupt the term considering that sickness is not your
2. to enhance the freedom of choice of the people choice?
In Latasa: Prolonged sickness belongs to the same category as preventive
1. to prevent an official form developing proprietary interest in the suspension, it does not interrupt the term because again there is no
public office loss of title and the best evidence is there is no permanent
replacement and that presumption that you fabricate the accusations
SUCCESSION, EFFECT ON TERM CONTINUITY for you to be suspended is somehow unfair but the remedy there is do
not do something bad so that you will not be preventively suspended.
BORJA VS COMELEC We are talking here of the accountability of public officials. The
standard of public officials is too high that you might think that we are
perfect in the government because it says that public officials shall be
COMMENTS: at all ties accountable to people. In other words, you cannot say I’m
 In other words here if you succeed, it does not count as one term. doing this as a private person. Anything you do inside and outside the
workplace is still subject to scrutiny and discipline because still you are
 As a vice-mayor, he succeeded as mayor. As a mayor, does it count as one a public officer.
term? No, because he merely succeeded.
 There is also an argument which says, actually the only exception is
 Now as a vice mayor since he vacated that by virtue of succession, does the voluntary renunciation that does not interrupt the term of office. So if
vice-mayor count as one term? No again. The effect here is you interrupt preventive suspension is not voluntary renunciation why are you saying
now that preventive suspension does not interrupt the term of office. The
SC said that voluntary renunciation is not the only exception there because
if you read the Constitution, voluntary renunciation of office for any length
of time shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity of the
service. The lawyer there argued that look at the provision seemingly it
seems that the only exception is voluntary renunciation but preventive
suspension, sickness are not voluntary renunciation. You did not choose to RIVERA VS COMELEC
be sick and preventively suspended. But the SC here said that it is not the
only reason that interrupts the term of office for purposes of the three  First premise is that the requisites you see which it will count as one
term limit. term is:
1. election
2. full service
 Preventive suspension is not a penalty. It is a safeguard so that you will not
influence the evidence against you while you are still in the office but  What happened here was he was elected, proclaimed then he fully
suspension as a penalty interrupts. served but at the end of the term his election and proclamation were
voided and it retroacts. In other words, you are not entitled to the
DISQUALIFICATION PRIOR TO TERM END, EFFECT OF public office in the first place so are you now removed in the
contemplation of being elected to public office? The argument is very
LONZANIDA VS COMELEC convincing so it is doubtful on whether or not it counts. How did the SC
resolve that in Rivera vs COMELEC?

How was he interrupted?  The SC said the argument is convincing it makes a lot of sense.
 COMELEC issued a resolution for him to vacate the office prior to the end However, since there is now doubt WON that term counts considering
of term. He was forced to vacate by virtue of writ of execution issued by that one of the requisite is missing. In case of doubt, the doubt should
the court (for municipality). If it’s a city, COMELEC will issue. be resolved in favor of the limitation.

 In this case, he was forced to vacate by virtue of writ of execution. It was

not his choice so he does not fall under the term voluntary renunciation. Summary of three cases:
He was forced to vacate and prior to the term end. How long was it? 3  In case of disqualification and discontinuance of service BEFORE the
months. Even if 3 days or 1 day prior to the end of your term for as long as end of term, it DOES NOT COUNT as one term.
there is an interruption without your choice, that interrupts your term.  If the disqualification or discontinuance occurred AFTER the term of the
official, it will be considered as ONE TERM.
 In case of doubt on WON term counts considering that one of the
 Take note that the disqualification here is with finality because you cannot requisites are missing, the doubt should be resolved in favor of the
issue a writ of execution without a finality. Embarrassing but look at the limitation.
brighter side of life, it does not count as one term. So you can still run for  In the case of Richard Gomez: His COC was cancelled due to material
another term. misrepresentation.
 Substitution is allowed in case of death, disqualification with finality, or
What happened in Ong vs Alegre? It is the opposite now. withdrawal.
 What happened here was Richard did not withdraw but he was
DISQUALIFICATION AFTER TERM END, EFFECT OF disqualified with finality so Lucy replaced him as a candidate it was
allowed beyond December 10 because Lucy and Richard shared the
same surnames if it had not been the same surnames it will not be
ONG VS ALEGRE allowed because the ballots were already printed by then. Lucy won
but her election was sought to be voided on the ground that she
 It counts as one term because, when did the disqualification acquire
substituted Richard who was not a candidate in the first place. If he is
not a candidate in the first place then there is no one to replace.
It became final after he has fully served his office at the end of the term.
Remember that his COC was cancelled due to material
 What are the requisites in which it will count as one term? misrepresentation so it’s as if Richard never filed his COC that being
1. valid election said Lucy cannot replace him because he was not a candidate in the
2. full service first place and so Lucy’s election was also voided a month prior to term
end. So it does not count as one term. Lucy has three more terms.
 Given that scenario we have these requisites, what is the implication if
you are disqualified after the term of office, does it count as one term? RECALL, EFFECT ON THREE TERM DISQUALIFICATION
Yes because you have full served the term of office. That is one requisite
full service. ADORMEO VS COMELEC
 What about if you are disqualified, can you argue that well it is the
COMELEC that voided my election? In other words, if they are saying that
When can we have a recall election?
I was not the winner after all I stole the mayoralty position, they are When is the date of a recall election? Is it within a year prior to
saying that my election is invalid in the first place in which case the first assumption to office or within a year prior to the next regular election or
requisite is not satisfied because you are voiding my election. How did midterm?
the SC address that? Was he elected now considering that the election
was voided and once the election is void, it retroacts to the day you were It is midterm. There is a recall election. That is a removal of the office.
elected or proclaimed. So what you are saying is, your election is null and But you cannot do that within a year from assumption of office because
void. Now does it count as one term considering that the first requisite is it is too early and you cannot do that a year prior to the next regular
not satisfied? election because it by then it is too late. Let’s do that in between:
Rivera v COMELEC. That is where the SC justifies that. midterm. So in other words if you do that midterm, there is an interval
of time from the time your second term ended until the period of the
election. There is a gap. That is why if you win a recall election, it does not
count as one term because it is that period of time when you are
considered a private citizen. This principle is now more emphasized in
Socrates vs COMELEC.
 Supreme Court emphasized the fact that if you run for a recall and won the  What is the effect of the conversion of municipality to city in so far as
recall election, it does not count as one term after you’ve served three the three term limit is concerned?
consecutive terms because what is prohibited is immediate election for the It’s not so much on whether or not it interrupts, but rather whether or
fourth term. In other words, if there is a gap, for example of even just one not the city is not different from the municipality (ex: different land
(1) day, that is NOT immediate election, that is allowed. area, different voters, etc.)

 If for example you are subject of a recall election and of course, you want
to prove them wrong because the basis there is “loss of confidence”, you ELECTION PROTEST, EFFECTS OF
want to prove that the people are still behind you, so of course you’ll also
run as mayor, as a matter of fact you have no choice but to run because ABUNDO VS COMELEC
you are the “automatic” candidate in the recall election if you are the one
who is sought in the recall election. Can you say that since you are a COMMENTS:
candidate now that it interrupts your term?  Did not this case reiterate the requisites by which you can say that it
counts as a term? What are the requisites?
 For example you are the mayor sought to be recalled, can you just say that 1. He is elected for that purpose
2. He fully served that term
to avoid the Comelec from incurring expenses for election, I will resign.
Is that allowed?  What do you think is the reason why there are a lot of cases on term
No, it is not allowed because if you are the subject of recall, you are not limit?
allowed to resign. And you have to be forced as a candidate since you are A politician has all the tricks to circumvent the three term limit. They
the automatic candidate. are trying to test the waters.
 What if you were disqualified after your term of office? So you will
argue that my election was void from the beginning and so it should
not count as one term. How will you address that?
Summary of these 2 cases: In case of doubt, resolve in favor of limitation.
 A recall election cannot bar the candidate from running because it is not
considered an immediate reelection. There is that period of time/ gap that
you are considered a private citizen, in which case, it does not count as one
 You know, a recall petition is tedious/expensive. However, curiously, almost  If suspension was not preventive suspension but as a penalty, would
always, if there is a recall election in Palawan, it is granted. But here, when it interrupt the term?
there was a recall election in Danao city. What happened there was the - I remembered the case of Gov. Gwen Garcia. She was suspended on
Durano brothers, and I think it was the Vice-Mayor Durano who initiated, her last term. That suspension was as a penalty and not a preventive
but of course seemingly for the people, a recall petition against the Durano suspension. It was a penalty from the office of the president and not
Mayor. from the ombudsman. Though they have shared concurrent
 You must prove that the recall petition is called for/signed by at least 25% jurisdiction. Even if it was a penalty, it does not interrupt the period.
of the voters. We verify whether or not the signatures really belonged to
the voter who signed it by comparing it against our records, one-by-one
(around 40,000-50,000 signatures) and we are not hand-writing experts.
- In the case of Aldovino, it was involuntary – they do not interrupt the
office; prolonged leave of absence, sickness, force majeure, and also
There are boxes labeled as “looks similar”, “does not look similar”. So we
included preventive suspension as a penalty. And to top it all, there is a
just check. That process is very tedious. So after the verification, there are
written opinion issued by the DILG saying that preventive suspension as
still other requirements that have to be complied with.
a penalty does not interrupt the period. It has not been tested in the
 The COMELEC will then determine if the petition is sufficient in form and actual case but so far that is the best answer.
substance, then let there be a recall election. But then suddenly, COMELEC
will suddenly say, there is no budget. And curiously, if it is in Palawan, there Premise: preventive suspension does not interrupt since there is no loss
is budget. of title in the office. There is no permanent replacement.
 The only ground for a recall election is “loss of confidence”. Same goes with suspension as a penalty. For example Gwen Garcia was
suspended, Agnes Magpale assumed office as acting governor and not as
governor. It was only a temporary replacement. No distinction. It does not
Cancellation and disqualification are two
different things.
Cancellation – ground is material misrepresentation or falsity in the COC. You The 3 term limit is a ground for disqualification.
lied something about CARRL. You never lie about CARRL. So there was no - The ground for cancellation is this – if you lie about CARL (citizenship,
candidate to speak of. age, registration and literacy), if you lie about them, it is a ground for
Disqualification – along the way, the candidate did something that cancellation for material misrepresentation.
disqualified him. - If you exceed the 3 term limit, it is not a qualification but a
- For example: He violated the prescribed size of campaign materials/ he disqualification.
bought votes - Today, the COMELEC received a TRO. Prior to that, we also campaign
- So if he committed an election offense while he was still a candidate and for the biometrics. If no biometrics, your registration may be
he got disqualified with finality, there was still a candidate so he can be deactivated pursuant to RA 10367 – Mandatory Biometrics Law. The SC
replaced. issued the TRO restraining the COMELEC from deactivating voters
without biometrics. To me, it seems like mooted because we have already
deactivated voters without biometrics last Nov. 16. There is nothing more
to restrain. We are not in the level of finalizing the project of precincts –
final list of polling places for 2016 elections and who are inside these
polling places. It might have expanded the qualifications in the Constitution
because we have said that you cannot impose literary, substantive
requirements in the exercise to right of suffrage. However, the purpose
there is mainly to – in the commission there is a database where by your
fingerprints alone, it will match anywhere in the country. To go away with
the questions as to the identity of the voter. It might be that the SC will say
defer the implementation because suffrage is the bedrock of all republican
institution. The SC might even nullify the biometrics law. You cannot just
disenfranchise the citizen because it is the citizen exercising his sovereign
will. There is a case that even if you are not a registered voter, but you are
qualified to vote, you should be allowed to vote. It is an old case. The trend
is the SC places high premium of primordial consideration in suffrage. You
cannot blame COMELEC since they are just following the law.

HOUSE OF REPS, MEMBERS, broadcast possible representation of party,

sectoral or group interests in the House of
Art VI, Section 6, 1987 Constitution Representatives by enhancing their chances to
No person shall be a Member of the House of Representatives unless he is a
natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, on the day of the election, is at compete for and win seats in the legislature, and
least twenty-five years of age, able to read and write, and, except the party- shall provide the simplest scheme possible.
list representatives, a registered voter in the district in which he shall be
elected, and a resident thereof for a period of not less than one year
Section 9, RA 7941
immediately preceding the day of the election.
Qualifications of Party-List Nominees. No person
Art VI, Section 7, 1987 Constitution shall be nominated as party-list representative
The Members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for a term of
three years which shall begin, unless otherwise provided by law, at noon on unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
the thirtieth day of June next following their election. No Member of the Philippines, a registered voter, a resident of the
House of Representatives shall serve for more than three consecutive terms.
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of time shall not be
Philippines for a period of not less than one
considered as an interruption in the continuity of his service for the full term (1)year immediately preceding the day of the
for which he was elected. election, able to read and write, a bona fide
Sir’s tips: CARRL member of the party or organization which he
Citizenship - Filipino citizen seeks to represent for at least ninety (90) days
Age - At least 25 years old on the day of election preceding the day of the election, and is at least
Residence - Residence of 1 year in the legislative district
where he presents himself/ herself as candidate twenty-five (25) years of age on the day of the
Registration - Registered Voter election.
Literacy - Able to read and write

In case of a nominee of the youth sector, he must

PARTY-LIST REPRESENTATIVES OR at least be twenty-five (25) but not more than
NOMINEES, QUALIFICATIONS thirty (30) years of age on the day of the election.
Art VI. Section 5(2), 1987 Constitution Any youth sectoral representative who attains the
(2) The party-list representatives shall constitute 20% of the total number of
age of thirty (30) during his term shall be allowed
representatives including those under the party-list. For three consecutive to continue in office until the expiration of his
terms after the ratification of this Constitution, one-half of the seats allocated term.
to party-list representatives shall be filled, as provided by law, by selection or
election from the labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural
communities, women, youth, and such other sectors as may be provided by (still CARRL plus he needs to be member of the party list he is
law, except the religious sector. representing at least 90 days preceding the date of the election)

Art. IX (C), Section 8, 1987 Constitution

Political parties, or organizations or coalitions registered under the party-list
system, shall not be represented in the voter’s registration boards, boards of
election inspectors, boards of canvassers, or other similar bodies. However, COMMENTS:
they shall be entitled to appoint poll watchers in accordance with law.  What happened in Bagong Bayani? What did we say about
qualifications of nominees? Should they represent the marginalized
Section 2, RA 7941
sector in bagong bayani? Yes. The party list of the unrepresented
The State shall promote proportional representation sectors must belong or represent the marginalized but also the
in the election of representatives to the House of nominees.
 Cite examples that are considered by SC as marginalized
Representatives through a party-list system of - labor, fisher folk, urban poor
registered national, regional and sectoral parties or - Elderly, women and youth = not part of marginalized
 Based on these enumeration, what do you see? Is it only about
organizations or coalitions thereof, which will economic status?
enable Filipino citizens belonging to marginalized - You are rendered powerless. Intention that you deserve is taken away
and under-represented sectors, organizations and from you. “Pinasagdan”

parties, and who lack well-defined political

constituencies but who could contribute to the BANAT VS COMELEC
formulation and enactment of appropriate legislation COMMENTS:
that will benefit the nation as a whole, to become
 In the Banat case, the SC became more specific, what did it say about
members of the House of Representatives. Towards the nominee?
this end, the State shall develop and guarantee a full, - In Bagong Bayani it says, if you want to become a nominee, you must
free and open party system in order to attain the belong to the marginalized sector that you are representing. But in
Banat, the SC became more specific when it said that for example
when you are a fisher folk, you should also be a fisher folk. If you are require: Provided, That the sectors shall
representing a senior citizen, you must also be a senior citizen.
include labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor,
Summary insofar as the qualifications of the nominees are concerned. indigenous cultural communities, elderly,
 In Bagong Bayani, you should belong to the marginalized or handicapped, women, youth, veterans,
overseas workers, and professionals.
 In Banat, the SC became more specific.
The COMELEC shall publish the petition in at
ATONG PAGLAUM VS COMELEC least two (2) national newspapers of general
COMMENTS: circulation.
 In Atong Paglaum, did the SC somehow blurred the lines for the
qualifications? There is a sector composed of human rights leaders. Can The COMELEC shall, after due notice and
they get you, a lawyer, as their nominee?
hearing, resolve the petition within fifteen (15)
- Yes, you need not belong to the organization PROVIDED there is a track
record. days from the date it was submitted for decision
 What does “you need not wallow in poverty mean”? What is the reason? but in no case not later than sixty (60) days before
- There is no financial status required in the law – in the case of Banat election.
 How about in Atong Paglaum? Did the SC somehow changed again that
definition insofar as that financial status is concerned?
 You must be below or in the middle class – cannot be above SECTORS TO BE REPRESENTED,
 When Chairman Brillantes assumed the commission, they actually said the
party-list is a joke. Joke in a sense that there are a lot of bogus parties.
Bogus in a sense that they use it as a backdoor entrance to Congress for
 How are they classified in Atong Paglaum v COMELEC?
those who already exceeded the 3 term limit.
Marginalized and underrepresented?
 As for organizations advocating women rights, does the nominee need to
Labor, indigenous communities, urban poor
be a woman?
- Partly yes, partly no. the supreme has already blurred the lines and you will
Those who lack well-defined political constituencies?
never know.
Women, youth, elderly
 Enumerate the sectors that need sectoral representation
- Peasants, fisher folk, elderly, urban poor, etc. . .
 What do you understand by constituencies?
- Those registered voters under you district/province/municipality NATURE OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND
 What do you understand when the SC said “lacking well-defined
constituencies”? For example, elderly, where do you find the elderly? STATUTORY ENUMERATION OF
Everywhere. Can you find them in a particular district? Yes. But is there ANG LADLAD VS COMELEC
number sufficient to make you a winner in the district elections? NO. That
is why they lack well-defined political constituencies. They are everywhere COMELEC refused accreditation of Ang Ladlad party-list due to moral and
throughout the country but if you limit their number to a particular district, religious grounds. When it reached the SC, morality and religion are not
they cannot bring you to congress. enough reasons. The COMELEC somehow ran out of arguments.
 What did it raise to save face?
- The LGBT is not enumerated by law as the sectors to be represented by
 How did the supreme court ruled that argument?
Art VI, Sec 5(2), 1987 Constitution
xxx - SC said that the enumeration is not exclusive. You can be a party-list
even if you are not in the enumeration. In statutory construction, the
Section 5, RA 7941 supreme court used the principle of ejusdem generis - “such other
sectors provided by law”
Section 5. Registration. Any organized group of
persons may register as a party, organization or
coalition for purposes of the party-list system by
filing with the COMELEC not later than ninety (90) NATURE OF LIST OF NOMINEES
days before the election a petition verified by its BA-RA 7941 VS COMELEC
president or secretary stating its desire to participate
in the party-list system as a national, regional or ONE LINER: The nature for the list of nominees is not confidential but is a
matter of the public’s right to information and is imbued with public
sectoral party or organization or a coalition of such interest and public concern.
parties or organizations, attaching thereto its
constitution, by-laws, platform or program of COMMENTS:
government, list of officers, coalition agreement and  In the case at bar, Petitioner wanted to compel the disclosure of the
representatives of the different party-list candidates. So here, the
other relevant information as the COMELEC may COMELEC denied because, although it didn’t really say that there is a
reason but it was implied that they denied it because there is a rule that names under that certified list. And this certified list is inside the
section 7 of RA 7941 states that the “The names of the party-list nominees polling place. Diba nigkita ninyo naa man nay voting booth right? Then
shall not be shown on the certified list.” And the certified list shall be naa na siya’y cardboard gibutang. Sa atubangan nimo naa nay certified
posted in the polling places on the day of the election. list of candidates and party list, as well as nominees. But there is that
particular provision. How did the Supreme Court analyze that
 They said that the election should not be personalized, the voters should contention providing that under the law, it should not be divulged?
not vote for the party-list because of the representative so the SUPREME
COURT said that this is in violation of the people’s right to information is
imbued with public interest because the voters must know who they are
 The Supreme Court said that yes it is clear that it should not be
divulged, but it is only in the certified list, there is nothing in that law
voting for, and who they will put out there in the congress.
prohibiting the COMELEC from divulging through other mediums and
not on the certified list. So in other venues, there is no prohibition to
 The SUPREME COURT said that there is nothing confidential about the list the COMELEC to divulge or publish the names, but it is true that in the
of nominees, because it involves no less than public interest or public certified list, there is that particular prohibition. But as a matter of fact,
concern. Is there a definition of public interest or public concern? No when you think about it, that prohibition doesn’t make sense.
specific definition.


 The terms "public concern" and "public interest" have eluded precise
definition. But both terms embrace, to borrow from Legaspi, a broad OF REPS,
spectrum of subjects which the public may want to know, either because
Art VI, Section 9, 1987 Constitution
these directly affect their lives, or simply because such matters naturally
In case of vacancy in the Senate or in the House of Representatives, a
whet the interest of an ordinary citizen. At the end of the day, it is for the
special election may be called to fill such vacancy in the manner
courts to determine, on a case to case basis, whether or not an issue is of
prescribed by law, but the Senator or Member of the House of
interest or importance to the public.
Representatives thus elected shall serve only for the unexpired term.

 If, as in Legaspi, it was the legitimate concern of a citizen to know if certain Q. Is the rule on special elections absolute in case a vacancy occurs in
persons employed as sanitarians of a health department of a city are civil the Senate or House of Representatives?
service eligibles, surely the identity of candidates for a lofty elective public
office should be a matter of highest public concern and interest.” NO. The rule will depend on the date when the vacancy occurred and the
House where the vacancy originated. If the vacancy occurred in the
 The Supreme Court said that if, in that case the people had the right to Senate, irrespective of the date it occurred, the special elections shall be
know whether these are eligible, the public should know the legibility of simultaneous with the next regular elections.
the representatives of the party-list, because otherwise, if they don’t know
the identity of the nominees, it results in blind voting. If the vacancy occurred in the House of Representative, the rule will
depend on the date when it occurred: 
 Blind voting, here, within the context of this case is, you vote for a party- If vacancy falls inside the one year period prior to the next regular
elections – no more special elections. It shall be done simultaneously with
list without knowing who is going to represent that party list. Blind voting
the next regular elections 
is different from block-voting. Do you know what is block voting? Within
If vacancy falls outside the one year period prior to the next regular
the Marcos’ time, it was not considered as block-voting.in other words, if
elections – there will be a special election.
you vote for a party, Marcos’ party at that time was KBL. If you vote for
that party, everybody running under that particular party will get one vote
Q. When shall the special election be held? (For the HREP)
each. When you say Iglesia, that’s not block voting. That’s “Flock voting”.
If vacancy falls outside the one year period before the expiration of the
We really can’t say, whether or not its true that they’ve been doing flock
voting. Even the SWS and Pulse Asia once said that there is no such thing
Not earlier than 60 days nor longer than 90 days after the occurrence of
as a religious vote in the country, except probably Iglesia. Unsa may
the vacancy.
meaning sa probably? We really don’t know for sure.
Art III, Sec 22, Omnibus Election Code
 So there is no definition of public concern or public interest right? What xxx
was the contention of COMELEC why at first they refused to divulge the
names of the nominees? They refused on the ground that they don’t want
the voter to vote because of that certain representative. Yeah, because
 What happens if there is a permanent vacancy in the district
party list participation is about the representation of the marginalized and
If there is a permanent vacancy, if the vacancy is at least 1 year before the
underrepresented sectors. In other words, here, the COMELEC said that
next regular election for Members of Congress, the COMELEC, upon
party list elections is not about the personalities, its about the issues, its
receipt of a resolution of the House of Representatives, certifying to the
about the parties, it’s about the advocacy. According to COMELEC, no need
existence of such vacancy and calling for a special election, shall hold a
to know about the names of the nominees. The Supreme Court said that it
special election to fill such vacancy. If Congress is in recess, an official
will result to blind voting. But did it not that the COMELEC cited their
communication on the existence of the vacancy and call for a special
grounds for not divulging the names?
election by the President of the Senate or by the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, as the case may be, shall be sufficient for such purpose.
 Section 7 of RA 7941, “Section 7. Certified List of Registered Parties. The The Member of the House of Representatives thus elected shall serve only
COMELEC shall, not later than sixty (60) days before election, prepare a for the unexpired term.
certified list of national, regional, or sectoral parties, organizations or
coalitions which have applied or who have manifested their desire to
participate under the party-list system and distribute copies thereof to all
 And does it count as one term?
Unlike Recall elections, if you are selected for the Senate or House of
precincts for posting in the polling places on election day. The names of the
Representatives, it counts as one term for purposes of applying the three
party-list nominees shall not be shown on the certified list”
term limit rule, no matter how short it is.
 There is that particular provision that says that they cannot divulge the
 What happens if the special election occurs within a year from the next
regular elections? Are we going to have that special elections still?  How many votes did he obtain? 10 million
The election will be held simultaneously with the next regular elections.

RA 6645 Sections 1 and 2 states:

 What did the Supreme Court say about the 10 million regarding those
who want to nullify the elections? If the 10 million votes are nullified, it
will be prejudicial to the voters. The Supreme Court used the term
“Section 1. In case a vacancy arises in the Senate at least eighteen (18)
months or in the House of Representatives at least (1) year before the next
regular election for Members of Congress, the Commission on Elections,
 If the votes for Honasan are nullified, the term used is
upon receipt of a resolution of the Senate or the House of Representatives,
“disenfranchised”, meaning their voices are no longer heard in a
as the case may be, certifying to the existence of such vacancy and calling
for a special election, shall hold a special election to fill such vacancy. If
Congress is in recess, an official communication on the existence of the
vacancy and call for a special election by the President of the Senate or by  Remember that Pnoy ran for president while he was still a senator, so
the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as the case may be, shall be when he won as president, he created a vacancy in the senate, right?
sufficient for such purpose. The Senator or Member of the House of Was there an election? Special election? There was no special election.
Representatives thus elected shall serve only for the unexpired term. But in that particular election, somebody would have benefited from
that special elections. Hontiveros. She was the thirteenth. Had there
Section 2. The Commission on Elections shall fix the date of the special been a special election, she could have won senator. But only for three
election, which shall not be earlier than forty-five (45) days not later than years equivalent to the remainder of the term.
ninety (90) days from the date of such resolution or communication,
stating among other things the office or offices to be voted for: provided,  How do you summarize now, how to fill the vacancy in the Senate and
however, that if within the said period a general election is scheduled to the house of representathieves, vis-à-vis notice requirement.
be held, the special election shall be held simultaneously with such
general election.”
- In case there is a vacancy in the Senate, there shall be a special
election during the next regular senatorial elections without need
of notice, and then if the vacancy is in the House representatives,
But RA 7166 Section 4 states that “Postponement, Failure of Election and
the special elections called by the COMELEC is not earlier than
Special Elections. - The postponement, declaration of failure of election
forty (FIVE?) days and not later than 90 days where the notice is
and the calling of special elections as provided in Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the
an indispensable requirement.
Omnibus Election Code shall be decided by the Commission sitting en banc
by a majority vote of its members. The causes for the declaration of a
 In this case the Supreme Court admonished the COMELEC that
failure of election may occur before or after the casting of votes or on the
although there is already a statutory notice for the Special Elections for
day of the election.
the vacancy in the Senate, that next time they should do their job.
In case a permanent vacancy shall occur in the Senate or House of
Representatives at least one (1) year before the expiration of the term, the
Commission shall call and hold a special election to fill the vacancy not
earlier than sixty (60) days nor longer than ninety (90) days after the
occurrence of the vacancy. However, in case of such vacancy in the Senate,
the special election shall be held simultaneously with the succeeding
regular election.”

Section 4, RA 7166

 There was a vacancy in the Senate, and they held the special elections
together with the regular elections. Petitioners assailed the failure of the
COMELEC to give notice to the special elections.

 In so far as the Senate is concerned, our first premise was if there is a

permanent vacancy in the senate regardless of the time it occurred, that
special election is going to be done simultaneously with the next regular
Senatorial elections.

 And in that next regular elections, there is a specific date. And because
there is a specific date, that amounts as a sufficient notice to everybody
that there’s going to be that special election, however, what if it is a special
elections for the house of representatives? If for the House of
Representatives, the notice cannot be dispensed with because there is no
specific date, so the COMELEC sets the date to notify the electorate about
the date otherwise the special elections will be nullified for lack of the
notice requirement.

 In that case, who was the 13 th

senator? Honasan
inconsistency. Just recall your stat-con. It’s not there. Can you reconcile
ELECTIVE LOCAL OFFICIALS the 3 years and the 5 years? Because here the repealing clause of the
lgc is actually an implied repeal. It did not specify the laws and specific
TERM OF OFFICE AND TERM LIMIT provisions. Can the Supreme Court say “Ok, let’s meet half way. 3 years
Art X, Section 8, 1987 Constitution and 5 years, so 4 years.” Can the Supreme Court do that? The average.
Section 43, LGC To make everybody happy. Can the Supreme Court do that? S: No, it
will be Judicial Legislation.

 Term of office and term limit of barangay
COMMENTS: officials is 3 years, not to exceed 3 consecutive
 David filed a petition because he wanted to question the term limit for the terms.
barangay officials, because according to him what should apply is the law
that said that the term limit should be 5 years, but there was the new law
under the Local Government Code that say that the term limit of a QUALIFICATIONS
Barangay Official should be 3 years.
Section 39, LGC
Section 39. Qualifications. -
 The Supreme Court ruled in favor of COMELEC. They first gave the history
(a) An elective local official must be a citizen of the Philippines; a
of the Barangay, and then they gave the different laws of governing
registered voter in the barangay, municipality, city, or province or, in
barangay officials and they said that before it used to be 6 years, and then
the case of a member of the sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang
it was reduced to 5 years. And when this law came, it was reduced to 3
panlungsod, or sangguniang bayan, the district where he intends to be
years, and this is the prevailing law.
elected; a resident therein for at least one (1) year immediately
preceding the day of the election; and able to read and write Filipino
 According to David, his contention was that the law allowing 5 years as or any other local language or dialect.
term limit is a special law, and it should be applied. Because the Local
Government Code is a General Law. Lex specialis derogat legi generali. (b) Candidates for the position of governor, vice-governor, or member
of the sangguniang panlalawigan, or mayor, vice-mayor or member of
 But the Supreme Court said that the provision there in the Local the sangguniang panlungsod of highly urbanized cities must be at least
Government Code is actually a Special law itself, so it should prevail. Aside twenty-one (21) years of age on election day.
from that, it also expresses the intent of the legislative that they intended
it to be 3 years because the other government officials such as the mayor, (c) Candidates for the position of mayor or vice-mayor of independent
vice mayor, which are superior to the barangay, their term limit is 3 years, component cities, component cities, or municipalities must be at least
so it would be unfair if the inferior, the barangay would have a term limit of twenty-one (21) years of age on election day.
5 years. The Court said if you’re going to harmonize these laws, it should be
the Local Government Code that should prevail and 3 years should prevail. (d) Candidates for the position of member of the sangguniang
panlungsod or sangguniang bayan must be at least eighteen (18) years
 Term of office of Local Elective Officials except Barangay officials that shall of age on election day.
be determined by law, shall be 3 years and no such official shall serve more
than 3 consecutive terms. So take note here that somehow it appears that (e) Candidates for the position of punong barangay or member of the
the Constitution is saying that: sangguniang barangay must be at least eighteen (18) years of age on
The term of public elective local official of office is 3 years and election day.
when it says that except for barangay officials as may be determined by
law somehow it creates an impression that it would be any other term (f) Candidates for the sangguniang kabataan must be at least fifteen
of office except 3 years. Right? Seemingly that is the first impression. (15) years of age but not more than twenty-one (21) years of age on
How did the Supreme Court Address that contention? election day.

 The Supreme Court said that the Constitutional Commission left that part Section 7, RA 9164
to be decided by the Congress so it’s up to the Congress to decide the term
limit of the barangay officials, and it was decided by the Congress that it
should be 3 years. What it is saying is that it really depends on the WHEN SHOULD YOU POSSESS
Congress. That particular Constitutional Provision did not textually prohibit
Congress from setting the term limit, or the term of office of the elective
barangay officials to any other term except 3 years. Ok? It could be 3 years,
it could be longer, it could be shorter. It all depends on congress. And here COMMENTS:
the Congress legislated that its going with 3 years. So what were the other NOTE: Frivaldo Doctrine no longer applies because, we (COMELEC) are
contentions here? So basically this is a statutory construction case right? very strict insofar as its qualifications. Frivaldo Doctrine, still applies
First, they said there were 2 prior laws that set 5 years of the Barangay however, if you are confronted with a problem, with perfectly similar
officials. Then came the LGC that says its going to be 3 years. Now… Which circumstances in the Frivaldo case.
prevails? The prior law or the subsequent law. As a general rule, the later
law.  Who is Frivaldo? He was an anti-Marcos, at the height of the
dictatorship, he fled the country. When Cory Aquino won, he went back
 The subsequent law prevails except if it is specifically provided in the law, to the Phils, and ran for governor twice, and won. The on the third time
and if it is a general law that is later than the special law. Even if the prior there was this disqualification.
law are special laws, but here the Supreme Court says that “there is
nothing general about that particular provision in the LGC insofar as the 3 ways in which you re acquire your citizenship?
term of office is concerned of the barangay officials” 1. Direct act of Congress (but many enemies in Congress)
2. Naturalization (it’s a very tedious process)
 So when you say 5 years before, now it becomes 3 years, is there 3. Repatriation
inconsistency there? Yeah, definitely there is. Ok you reconcile the
 When Frivaldo filed his COC, was he a natural-born citizen? No. Because replace.
the repatriation process was still ongoing. On the day of elections, was he a
natural born citizen? No. On the day of proclamation? Yes. When he  Can Chiz replace her? No, because Chiz is independent. This is to
assumed office? Yes. ensure continuity. Because if you are independent, there is nothing to
 When did he assume office? June 30 2PM. Supposedly the term of office
starts 12nn. So he was late by 2 hours. However, here the SC really  Can Duterte replace Dino, despite the fact that Duterte is not PDP
liberalized Frivaldo. This is a very special case, and Frivaldo here, his act of Laban? Yes, because it only takes PDP Laban Party to say the Duterte is
patriotism to the country, and his advanced age factored in the decision of our guy.
the SC.
 Residence requirement for voting is not reckoned 6 months prior to
 The main issue is: When should you possess citizenship as a qualification? registration, but 6 mos prior to elections. In which case, there is no
such thing as flying voters. Because when you say flying votes, (“dili
How did the SC address that? Sec 39 LGC.
mana sila taga dire”)…. Because even on the day of registration, you are
not a resident of Cebu city, you can register, because take note that the
 In the latter part of the law, it specifies when we should possess age rules of the law, the Constitution will say that registration is a mere
requirement. On the day of election. But in the first part of the law, it proposal to vote. You can register, as long as you establish residence 6
merely says, Local Elective Officals. It does not talk about candidates. And months prior to elections. Remember that voter’s registration is
it does not specify when should you possess the qualification of being a conducted more than 6 months prior to elections.
natural-born citizen. The SC used this.


 When you say falsity, it refers not to any other detail, found in the COC, but
only refers to CARRL. If you lie about this, it will constitute a material COMMENTS:
misrepresentation for falsity of COC, which will be a ground for cancellation  What happened to Labo here insofar as his Filipino citizenship? How
of COC, or denial of due course. If your COC is cancelled/denied due did he lose it? By naturalization because he married an Australian.
course, the effect would be that there was no candidate to speak of in the
first place. That’s what happened to Poe in the Senate Decision. They say  To reacquire citizenship, did he go to Congress? No. Did he apply for
that Poe falsified her COC when she claimed that she is a natural-born repatriation or naturalization? No. So IOW (in other words) here the SC
citizen, when in fact she was not. said if you don’t do any of these 3 you cannot take back your Filipino
citizenship. Because here, what Labo is saying is since my marriage
On Duterte replacing Dino as President: became annulled, impliedly I am now back as a Filipino citizen. Here
 There is talk that Diño, filed a COC for Mayor and not for President. Sir the SC said, you cannot take it back merely by that. You have to
finds it so strange why people insist that he filed a COC for Mayor before undergo any of the 3 processes
the Law Dept. If you want to run for mayor use the COC for mayor, for Pres
use COC for Pres. Now, granting that Dino really filed a COC for Mayor, and
filed in the law dept, it is still another strange story because, when you go  Labo also argued, it is the will of the people, technicalities aside. Here
the law dept, it only accepts COC for President, VP and Senators. Most Labo cited Frivaldo with the technicalities aside, will of the people
likely, Dino filed a COC for President. Because otherwise, Duterte could not thing. However, in this case it is not a loud, thunderous will of the
have the guts to replace him. Because there’s no one to replace. There’s a people, since the margin of votes in favor of Labo is only 2,100, just a
talk that Duterte cannot replace Dino because he is a nuisance candidate. whimper.
Probably, he could have been declared as one, but smart move, withdrew
his COC, so the COMELEC lost jurisdiction. Sec. 39. Qualifications. — (a) An elective local official must be a citizen of
the Philippines; a registered voter in the barangay, municipality, city, or
province or, in the case of a member of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
 No filing fee: Reason? Property Qualification. sangguniang panlungsod, sangguniang bayan, the district where he
intends to be elected; a resident therein for at least one (1) year
 For Frivaldo, at the time he filed his COC, he was not yet a Filipino citizen. If immediately preceding the day of the election; and able to read and write
you lie about that, your COC may be cancelled on the ground that you lied Filipino or any other local language or dialect.
about being Filipino, when in fact, you are not. Frivaldo doctrine, probably
it would happen if you signed this, naka lusot, and wala ni file ug
disqualification. But later, there is a petition for disqualification, now you
can apply Frivaldo doctrine. But previously, at the first level of filing COC, SK OFFICIALS, Q AND DQ
you cannot.
Sec 10, RA 10742
 Cancellation of COC = also has falsity as a ground. Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act (RA 10742, SEC. 10.) SEC. 10.
Qualifications. –
While Grace Poe’s DQ Case was still pending: An official of the Sangguniang Kabataan, either elective or appointee,
 Brillantes, said that COMELEC has no jurisdiction to disqualify Grace Poe on must be:
the ground of falsity. Because it was argued, if you say falsity, there is 1. a citizen of the Philippines,
deliberate intent to falsify. What if Grace Poe honestly believes she’s a 2. a qualified voter of the Katipunan ng Kabataan,
citizen, and these are difficult questions of law. However, the case has not 3. a resident of the barangay for not less than one (1) year immediately
yet reached the SC. preceding the day of the elections,
4. at least eighteen (18) years but not more than twenty-four (24) years of
 What if her name is still on the ballot and people vote for her, yet she gets age on the day of the elections,
disqualified? They will become stray votes. Not Disenfranchisement 5. able to read and write Filipino, English, or the local dialect,
because not all disenfranchisements are illegal. 6. must not be related within the second civil degree of consanguinity or
affinity to any incumbent elected national official or to any incumbent
 Can Grace Poe be replaced? No because she has no party. Even if Grace elected regional, provincial, city, municipal, or barangay official, in the
Poe had a party, she could not be replaced because there was no one to
locality where he or she seeks to be elected, and to the Republic;
7. must not have been convicted by final judgment of any crime involving
moral turpitude. d. Those with dual citizenship;

TN: Here that it is not the choice of the person to be a dual

GARVIDA VS SALES citizen that’s why before it is allowed that a person of dual citizen can
run for public office as long as he does not have dual allegiance. But that
One-liner: For you to be an SK Chair you must be 18 yrs. Old but not more was before.
than 24 yrs old on the day of the election.
Q. If you are 24 years old and 6 months are you more than 24 years old? Filipino citizenship is lost by:
Yes, because under the rules of statutory construction a year is 365 days. Not 1. Naturalization in a foreign country
more than 24 years old means exactly 24 years old. 2. Express renunciation of citizenship
3. Subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the
Constitution or laws of a foreign country.
Remember there is a new law for SK – RA 10742 (Qualifications and Can be reacquired by:
Disqualifications). Before one important qualification but rather 1. direct act of congress
disqualification is that you must not be related to an incumbent government 2. naturalization
official with the 4th civil degree of consanguinity. 3. Repatriation

TN: the rules in political law are different from that of succession (civil law). Take note also that NOW under RA 9225 if you want to reacquire
- Here the parents of your adoptive parents can be counted if they are Philippine citizenship take an oath of allegiance that’s ok. But if you
incumbent. want to run for a public office there is another requirement that is you
must execute an affidavit renouncing any and all foreign citizenship. The
- The same way that if your natural parent is incumbent since you are adopted
law says you must execute it at the time of the filing of the COC but
and you sever your ties with him/her you can still run as you are strangers
there is a case here that says BEFORE or prior to filing of the COC.
now in the eyes the law.
e. Fugitives from justice in criminal or non-political cases here or
This is an attempt to prevent political dynasty of course the Congress have not abroad;
yet passed the Anti-Dynasty Bill but would you expect the Congress would
legislate against its interest? I doubt it. Q: How do we define FUGITIVES from justice?
Includes not only those who flee after conviction to avoid
The thing is for example my father is a mayor of Cebu City, I can still run for SK punishment but likewise those who, after being charged, flee to
in Mandaue City because my father and I do not belong to the same avoid prosecution. This definition truly finds support from
jurisdiction so although we are family we are separated by jurisdiction. jurisprudence and it may be so conceded as expressing the
general and ordinary connotation of the term. Remember the
NOW, its 2nd degree. See RA 10742 bottom line here is flight from justice thus you will be covered
here and abroad.

DISQUALIFICATIONS f. Permanent residents in a foreign country or those who have

acquired the right to reside abroad and continue to avail of the same right
Section 40, LGC after the effectivity of this Code; and
Disqualifications. - The following persons are disqualified from running for any
elective local position: g. The insane or feeble-minded.
a. Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral
turpitude or for an offense punishable by one (1) year or more of
imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving sentence; DUAL CITIZENSHIP
TN: Final judgment, in other words there are no other remedies Article IV, Section 5, 1987 Constitution
available under the law but to serve sentence because the judgment here Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be
have reached finality. dealt with by law.
This answers the question “How did Jalosjos able to serve and be
elected for 3 consecutive terms when in fact he is serving jail time. He was RA 9225
imprisoned but he was able to file a COC and serve because again it was not xxx
yet final.
A: His conviction for rape was appealed as such this disqualification
does not apply to him. THERE MUST BE EXPRESS
Q: Now what if you are convicted? You can still run, just wait 2 years VALLES VS COMELEC
after serving your sentence. In short within 2 years after you serve your
sentence you are disqualified that period is the disqualification.
b. Those removed from office as a result of an administrative case;  Was she issued an Australian passport? Yes. Does that tantamount to a
renunciation of citizenship? Because here the argument is this, she
TN: that again FINALITY is the keyword. The Aguinaldo doctrine has renounced her Philippine citizenship the moment she applied for alien
been abandoned by the Supreme Court
certificate of registration, and the moment she was issued an
Australian passport. Does that tantamount to renunciation of Filipino
Aguinaldo doctrine: If for example you are a mayor now and there is
an administrative case filed against you. If you run for the election and you
citizenship? No. It has to be EXPRESS Renunciation. It was said in Labo
are reelected – the people have condoned you so the administrative case is case, you cannot reacquire Filipino citizenship by mere implication.
removed. THIS DOES NOT APPLY ANYMORE because of the Binay case. IOW, they cannot renounce their Filipino citizenship by mere
implication. It has to be express. Jus sanguinis? Her father was Filipino
c. Those convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of allegiance so that was enough for her to become Filipino.

It is also worth mentioning in this connection that under Article IV, Section
FILING OF COC ENOUGH TO 5, of the present Constitution, "Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the
national interest and shall be dealt with by law."
Arty Guji: Labo here invokes that he won by a plurality of votes (2100) and
One-liner: The provision that persons with dual citizenship are prohibited he said that the SC should listen to the will of the people “thunderous
from running or seeking public office must be understood as referring to dual victory” but the SC said its not that loud as opposed to Frivaldo.
allegiance. The mere filing of certificate of candidacy therefore has the effect
of electing Philippine citizenship and renouncing other foreign citizenships Q. Is there a standard by which we can say that you have to have this
and/or allegiances. number of votes so that we can say that the sovereign will have spoken?
There is no standard. Even if you win by only one vote if you are a
Held: Dual allegiance is different from dual citizenship. The former is a result qualified candidate in the first place you are going to win, but if you are
of the intentional act of an individual by some positive act to owe loyalty to disqualified or that you are not a candidate to begin with, even if you win
two or more states, while the latter may be obtained by reason of the cross by let say a 100 000 votes you are going to lose because you are not
applications of the jus soli and jus sanguinis principles. While dual citizenship supposed to be there in the first place.
is involuntary, dual allegiance is the result of an individual’s volition.
The reason behind there is because if you suffer one disqualification
COMMENTS: in so far as CARL is concerned ok; when you lose one qualification
Looking into the Manzano case, when Manzano said that he is an American automatically you cannot be a candidate in any point in time so no matter
national holding an American passport, SC said that it is a mere assertion that how many votes you have you cannot take an oath of office.
he is an American national. Take note of the use of the word nationality, not
citizenship. He is just holding it, not using it. He retains the passport because TN: But if in the COC you lied on something that is not related to
his renunciation of American citizenship is still in the process. He did not CARL i.e. you state that you are a lawyer when you are only a law
surrender his passport at that time. graduate. That misrepresentation does not make you less of a candidate.
You might be liable for perjury because the COC is under oath but it does
 If you are dual citizen insofar as this case is concerned, can you run for not disqualify you as a candidate because according to the SC that
public office? Let’s limit to Manzano. Dual citizenship, you’re allowed. misrepresentation is harmless for as long as it does not involve CARL.
What is not allowed is that if you have dual-allegiance. What’s wrong with
dual-allegiance? Firstly, dual-citizenship arises when there are 2 concurrent
laws applying. However, when you have dual-allegiance, that disqualifies THERE MUST BE PERSONAL AND
you because when you run for public office, you should have complete
devotion to country. When you say dual-allegiance that’s being unfaithful.
One Liner: Filing of a sworn statement is not the only qualification to run
 In this case, it was argued that even if Edu Manzano was a dual citizen but
for public office. We must not also do something that will vacate our
at that time before the Bureau of Immigration, he admitted he is an
American Citizen holding an American Passport. How did the SC address
 The SC said, the fact that he admitted that he is American Citizen in the BOI  In connection with Mercado case, upon filing of the COC, that is
and that he holds American passport, these are mere assertions of his enough to effectively renounce your dual-citizenship. But in this case,
American nationality, not citizenship. So prior to the complete termination what is the other requirement? The law says personal and sworn
of his dual-citizenship, if you say I am American, holding American renunciation of any and all other citizenship before any public officer
passport, these are mere assertions of American nationality. or authorized to administer oath. Who is that public officer? Notary
 Take note that the steps by w/c you re-acquire citizenship or you abandon
your dual-citizenship, insofar as Manzano is concerned, is no longer  What if you just want to renounce your dual-citizenship? Is that
enough. enough? When is personal renunciation of any and all other citizenship
required? If you will run for public office. But if you don’t want to run,
no need.
 Whatwere these steps? (personal, sworn statement etc... found in DE
GUZMAN case)
 When should you renounce this way? Prior to filing of COC. What about
simultaneously filing with COC? In the language of the law it says prior
LABO VS COMELEC to filing COC, but there is a case that says PRIOR TO or
SIMULTANEOUSLY with filing of COC, you can execute a personal and
One-liner: That foreign naturalization was nullified after a marriage to a sworn renunciation etc.
foreign national declared null and void does not automatically restore dual
citizenship.  If Grace Poe was natural-born and she wants to reinstate herself as
natural-born, but by doing so she’s going to execute a certain
Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be dealt document. And by execution of that document, it already amounts to
with by law. Labo claims that his naturalization in Australia made him at worst you doing something. But did we not say, that to be natural born, you
only a dual national and did not divest him of his Philippine citizenship. Such a need not do anything to perfect your Filipino citizenship. How come
specious argument cannot stand against the clear provisions of CA No. 63, here she is doing something, and she can take back her natural-born
which enumerates the modes by which Philippine citizenship may be lost: status? Why?

1. Naturalization in a foreign country  What happened here was to establish that if you want to run for public
2. Express renunciation of citizenship office, you need to execute a sworn and personal declaration of any
3. Subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the Constitution or laws of a and all other citizenship. But here in this case, what happened was her
foreign country, all of which are applicable to the petitioner. renunciation was not notarized and sworn. What was her argument? It
was mere formality. American citizenship. However, after renouncing his American citizenship,
he used his U.S. passport at least six times.
 Is it true that in the deliberations, it said that it is a mere formality? Yes.
But, the SC addressed it when it said to De Guzman, you are right. But your Held: The requirement that the renunciation must be made through an
argument is misplaced because, it is a mere formal requirement. The SC oath emphasizes the solemn duty of the one making the oath of
said yes it is a mere formal requirement, but not within the context of your renunciation to remain true to what he has sworn to. Allowing the
argument. During the deliberation, it is clear that they said that the subsequent use of a foreign passport because it is convenient for the
renunciation is a mere formal requirement. But, when you say formal person to do so is rendering the oath a hollow act. It devalues the act of
requirement, it does not mean that you are not going to follow the taking of an oath, reducing it to a mere ceremonial formality.
formalities involved. It has to be sworn, notarized. When they said it was a
mere formal requirement, it was only because the renunciation must be It must be stressed that what is at stake here is the principle that only
deemed a formal requirement only with respect to the reacquisition of you those who are exclusively Filipinos are qualified to run for public office. If
natural-born citizenship, to override the effect of the principle: that for you we allow dual citizens who wish to run for public office to renounce their
to be natural born, you need not do anything to acquire or perfect your foreign citizenship and afterwards continue using their foreign passports,
natural-born citizenship. So the effect is, kung nahitabo diay na, you can be we are creating a special privilege for these dual citizens, thereby
reinstated as natural-born. effectively junking the prohibition in Section 40 (d) of the Local
Government Code.
 Answer (Grace Poe question): So if she was natural-born Filipino, and the
fact she was American citizen. She did (the procedure stated above) to  Is there a difference between using and holding an American
renounce her citizenship. Can she do that to reacquire her natural-born passport? Looking into the Manzano case, when Manzano said that he
Filipino citizenship? Yes, even if she did something to perfect her natural- is an American national holding an American passport, SC said that it is
born Filipino citizenship. It is a mere Formality in that context (deemed a a mere assertion that he is an American national. Take note of the use
formal requirement only with respect to the reacquisition of you natural- of the word nationality, not citizenship. He is just holding it, not using
born citizenship, to override the effect of the principle: that for your to be it. He retains the passport because his renunciation of American
natural born, you need not do anything to acquire or perfect your natural- citizenship is still in the process. He did not surrender his passport at
born citizenship), and not a formality that can be done away with. that time.

Otherwise stated, renunciation of foreign citizenship must be complete,  In Maquiling:

unequivocal, irreversible and permanent. - Did he take his Oath of allegiance to the Philippines? Yes.
 Last year, previous batch, one of my exam questions was: A candidate filed
a COC but he was still holding his Liberian passport. He comes to you. What - Did he execute a personal sworn statement of renunciation? Yes
is your advise? - In other words, perfect for a public official candidate.
- But he did something else. He continued using his passport.
- 90% of the students said “advise not to use the passport anymore” for
it will vacate his renunciation which will disqualify him to run for public - What is the effect of continued use after renunciation? Continued
office. CORRECT. Do not answer “hide the passport” especially during use of passport vacates the renunciation.
the bar exams. There are ethical considerations. This will offend legal
ethics. As the words of the SC go:
The use of foreign passport after renouncing one's foreign
citizenship is a positive and voluntary act of representation as to one's
 Another question: Office of the President and Ombudsman has concurrent nationality and citizenship; it does not divest Filipino citizenship
jurisdiction in disciplining public officials. You can go either way. If you regained by repatriation but it recants the Oath of Renunciation
were the lawyer of the client, where would you file the complaint? Do required to qualify one to run for an elective position.
not answer: If the President is an ally of my client, I will file in the Office of
the President. Correct in so far as lawyering is concerned but never in the - Used the passport 6 more times. Therefore, he is disqualified.
bar exams. Ethical considerations. Just a bit of advise.
In effect, Arnado was solely and exclusively a Filipino citizen only for a
period of eleven days, or from 3 April 2009 until 14 April 2009, on which
SOBEJANA-CONDON VS COMELEC date he first used his American passport after renouncing his American
One-liner: The personal and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign
citizenship before any public office authorized to administer oath is an This Court has previously ruled that:
additional qualification for elective office specific only to Filipino citizens who Qualifications for public office are continuing requirements
re-acquire their citizenship under Section 3 of R.A. No. 9225. Failure to and must be possessed not only at the time of appointment or
renounce foreign citizenship in accordance with the exact tenor of Section 5 election or assumption of office but during the officer's entire
(2) of RA 9225 renders a dual citizen ineligible to run for and thus hold any tenure. Once any of the required qualifications is lost, his title may
elective public office. be seasonably challenged.

We therefore hold that Arnado, by using his US passport after renouncing

MAQUILING VS COMELEC his American citizenship, has recanted the same Oath of Renunciation he
took. Section 40 (d) of the Local Government Code applies to his situation.
One-liner: Anyone who seeks to run for public office must be solely and
He is disqualified not only from holding the public office but even from
exclusively a Filipino citizen. To allow a former Filipino who reacquires
becoming a candidate in the May 2010 elections.
Philippine citizenship to continue using a foreign passport — which indicates
the recognition of a foreign state of the individual as its national — even after
the Filipino has renounced his foreign citizenship, is to allow a complete FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE
disregard of this policy.
Facts: Arnado is a natural born Filipino citizen and subsequently acquired
American citizenship by naturalization. He reacquired his Filipino citizenship COMMENTS:
by taking his Oath of Allegiance to the Philippines and that he renounced his
 Respondent had 10 counts of insurance fraud or grand theft of personal Held: To be qualified to run for elective office in the Philippines, the law
property cases still pending before the Municipal Court of LA, California. He
requires that the candidate who is a green card holder must have waived
did not receive summons because he flew to the Philippines and then ran
his status as a permanent resident or immigrant of a foreign country.
for governor against Marquez. Marquez filed a disqualification case against
Therefore, his act of filing a certificate of candidacy for elective office in
Rodriguez being a fugitive from justice.
the Philippines, did not of itself constitute a waiver of his status as a
 Case remanded back from SC to COMELEC. permanent resident or immigrant of the United States. The waiver of his
 COMELEC had an incorrect definition of fugitive from justice. green card should be manifested by some act or acts independent of and
 This guy did not have finality of judgment. But there are cases filed against done prior to filing his candidacy for elective office in this country.
him, pending. No final judgment of conviction yet. Without such prior waiver, he was disqualified to run for any elective
 Fugitive from justice is one who not only escapes to avoid punishment office.
after judgment with finality but also who flees to avoid prosecution or
being charged or prosecuted. Atty. Guji : Because the fact that you are a green card holder says that
 So even if you only have a pending case, when you flee from it, you are a either you are a permanent resident or immigrant outside the country and
fugitive from justice. being such you actually abandoned not only your residence but also
 Are you a fugitive from justice if there is a pending case in the country then domicile in the country in which case you suffer the disqualification of
you escape prosecution or escape from punishment after finality of residence under CARRL.
judgment? Do you need to cross country to be called fugitive from justice?
It does not matter if you escape the justice system here or abroad. If you  The phrase “without mental reservation or purpose of evasion” is
disrespect our justice system, all the more you are disqualified. exactly illustrated in this case.
SC: Article 73 of the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Local
Government Code of 1991, to the extent that it confines the term "fugitive
from justice" to refer only to a person (the fugitive) "who has been VACANCY IN ELECTIVE LOCAL
convicted by final judgment," is an inordinate and undue circumscription
of the law. GROUNDS
 NOTE: One can still run for public office even if with pending case or  Death
convicted but no finality. As long as there is no final conviction, or still on  Permanent Disability
appeal. one can still run. Remember Jalosjos. He was already serving time  Resignation
in Muntinlupa but won congressman twice! Even Arroyo. She is still a  Disqualification with finality
congresswoman even if placed on house/hospital arrest.  Loss of some continuing requirements

 But in case he already flew before summons were served, this does not
apply. Court has no jurisdiction over his person yet. HOW FILLED
Section 45 (C), LGC
Sections 12 and 68, Omnibus Election Code 1. Appointment = vacancy in councilors; co-equals
2. Succession = applies to highest ranking officials (Gov, V-Gov, Mayor, V-
Section 68 mayor)
Any person who is a permanent resident of or an immigrant to a foreign
country shall not be qualified to run for any elective office under this Code,  Local chief executive appoints officials, does not apply to all
unless said person has waived his status as permanent resident or immigrant  But if governor dies, it is by succession. Succeeded by vice-governor
of a foreign country in accordance with the residence requirement provided  Mayor dies, Vice-mayor becomes mayor.
for in the election laws.  Vice-mayor dies, first councilor succeeds Vice-mayor (highest ranking
 So there is vacancy in the office of the councilor = fill out with
CAASI VS CA appointment

One-liner: Immigration abandons domicile/residence. Application for 2 nd

councilor cannot succeed = co-equal with other councilors; same
immigrant status and permanent residence in the U.S. and possession of a rank
green card attesting to such status are conclusive proof of being a permanent  No succession among councilors. No succession among co-equals.
Succession presupposes a lower position assuming a higher position.
resident of the US.
 Appoint a councilor who is not an incumbent. He is there already.
Appoint an outsider.
 These 2 cases were consolidated because they have the same objective, the
 Does it matter if one who vacated as first councilor belongs to one
disqualification of private respondent Miguel for the position of mayor of
political party? YES. As long as it is in the vacancy in councilorial
Bolinao on the ground that he is a green card holder, hence, a permanent
position. So, if you belong to a political party and you vacate that
resident of USA, not of Bolinao.
position, you must be replaced by somebody from the same political
 Miguel admitted that he holds a green card issued to him by the US Immigration
REASON: for continuity
Service, but he denied that he is a permanent resident of USA. He allegedly
obtained the green card for convenience in order that he may freely enter the
US for his periodic medical examination and to visit his children there.
Q. How is the vacancy caused by a Sangguniang member not
belonging to any political party, filled?
 He is implying that he has no intention of remaining there. It is only for his The Local Chief Executive shall appoint a qualified person to fill the
medical condition and to visit his children. vacancy, upon the recommendation of the sanggunian concerned.

 But he actually holds a green card. What is the effect of holding a green card?
He has allegiance to that country. Yes and in relation to residency? He is a DATE OF ELECTION
permanent resident of that country and has abandoned his residence/domicile
in our country. Article XVIII, Sections 1, 5, 1987 Constitution
Section 1. The first elections of Members of the Congress under this deadline. Even if COMELEC may adjust pre-election activities, it must be
Constitution shall be held on the second Monday of May, 1987. done under reasonable conditions.


 Regular elections (national, provincial, barangay): 2nd Monday of May,
holiday. Started in May 1992. Every 3 years thereafter. Omnibus Election Code, Sec 38
 Regional officers: 2Monday of May (2013); Every 3 years thereafter.
nd Conduct of elections.- The barangay election shall be non-partisan and
refers to ARMM only, the only region shall be conducted in an expeditious and inexpensive manner.

 Barangay officials: last Monday of October. NO consistent date of

elections. But very specific in day.
 Non-partisan and conducted in an expeditious and inexpensive manner
Section 42, LGC  Not supporting, belonging to or biased in favor of any political party
Sections 1 and 2, RA 7166
Section 1, RA 9164 Specific acts of partisanship:
Filing of CoC representing or allowing to be represented as candidate of
any political party or any other organization.
No party, organization intervenes in the nomination or in the filing of CoC
Party or organization giving support, directly or indirectly, material or
otherwise favorable to or against a candidate

ADJUSTMENT OF PERIOD OF PRE- Relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity
Campaign staff – not more than 1 in every 100 registered voters

RA 6646, Sec 29 Caveat!

Designation of Other Dates for certain Pre-election Acts.- If it should no longer It should not be in any manner construed to impair the freedom of
be reasonably possible to observe the periods and dates prescribed by law for individuals to support or oppose any candidate for any barangay office.
certain pre-election acts, the Commission shall fix other periods and dates in
order to ensure accomplishment of the activities so voters shall not be
deprived of their right of suffrage. OCCENA VS COMELEC
RA 8436, Sec 28 Facts: The constitutionality of an old law which had virtually the same
provision on the non-partisan character of barangay elections was
challenged. It violates constitutional guarantees on the right to form
CANNOT EXTEND REG (WITHIN association and societies for purposes not contrary to law.

AKBAYAN VS COMELEC Held: The right to form association is not absolute. It is subject to
pervasive police power thus may be constitutionally regulated to serve
COMMENTS: important and appropriate public interest.
 The ERAP impeachment sparked interest among the youth aged 18-21 but The right to organize remains intact but certain activities are restricted.
they were not able to beat the deadline in voter’s registration schedule so The ban is narrow, not total. It operates only on concerted or group action
they filed a petition asking the SC to extend the voter’s registration and by of political parties. Acting individually, party members may intervene.
doing so they invoked that power of COMELEC which gives the COMELEC
the power to adjust pre-election activities. They said “pre-election What is the purpose of non-partisan character?
activities” include voter’s registration. Barangay is the basic unit or the base of the pyramid of both social and
political structure. It should not be insulated from divisive and debilitating
 Voter’s registration may be done everyday except on the prohibited period partisan politics. Barangay officials have legislative and consultative
120 days before the election and 90 days before special election. There is power, Act as agents of neutral community action such as distribution of
even registration on a holiday, Saturdays and Sundays so there is absolutely basic services, Instruments in conducting plebiscites and referenda, Settle
no reason for you not to register except procrastination. local disputes. (Occena v Comelec)

 Problem was petitioners filed their petition within the 120-day prohibited COMMENTS:
period and the period they asked for also fell within the 120-day period
prior to elections.  Non-partisan = prohibits the participation or intervention of political
party and any organization for that matter. What is prohibited is the
concerted group effort to promote candicacy. Everybody in barangay
 SC: Cannot extend registration. Aside from the fact that voter’s registration election is an individual party. Collaboration such as Team Unity / Team
is not the only thing that the COMELEC does. After registration, it also Performance is already a circumvention of the prohibition.
finalizes its projects on precincts, meaning when we finalize the number of
voters in a polling place; when we cluster/merge precincts. Basically, a
polling place consists only of a maximum of 200 voters. But on election  Reason for non-partisan character: barangay officials are the first line
day, a polling place may consist of 1000 voters because of clustering. This is of defense, serves as grassroots. They do not only legislate; also
to save cost because we are using PCOS machine. Instead of using 5 PCOS consultative. They even settle disputes. They must be shielded from the
machines for 5 polling places, we only use 1 because of clustering conflicts.
precincts. We also finalize voter’s lists and appoint board of election
inspectors. Voter’s registration is not limited to filing of form; it goes  Can the mayor, in his personal capacity, endorse the candicacy of a
through a process. COMELEC works all year round. Do not ask COMELEC to particular punong brgy? You can argue both ways – either on personal
do the impossible and petitioners should be blamed for not beating the capacity or the circumvention. However, in the Omnibus Election Code
Sec 38, it says, “Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed as in
any manner affecting or constituting an impairment of the freedom of COMELEC EN BANC
individuals to support or oppose any candidate for any barangay office.”
 In case of doubt, you rule in favor of the preferred freedom of expression.
It was also argued here that non-partisan character violates right to form Who postpones elections?
association. The Commission sitting en banc by a majority vote of its members, motu
proprio or upon verified petition by any interested party, after due notice
 But SC said, this does not take away the right to associate, it only limits, and hearing where all the interested parties are afforded equal
prohibiting the concerted group effort to promote candicacy. opportunity to be heard.


Can the Election Officer postpone elections?
Omnibus Election Code, Sec 5 The election officer, on basis of threats of violence and bloodshed, cannot
Postponement of election. - When for any serious cause such as violence, by herself declare failure of election and reset it even with the agreement
terrorism, loss or destruction of election paraphernalia or records, force of the candidates.
majeure, and other analogous causes of such a nature that the holding of a
free, orderly and honest election should become impossible in any political
subdivision, the Commission, motu proprio or upon a verified petition by any COMMENTS:
interested party, and after due notice and hearing, whereby all interested  There was violence; safety of everybody was threatened. Candidates
parties are afforded equal opportunity to be heard, shall postpone the said that they will not complain if elections will be reset. And the
election therein to a date which should be reasonably close to the date of the COMELEC officer postponed the election.
election not held, suspended or which resulted in a failure to elect but not
later than thirty days after the cessation of the cause for such postponement  SC: cannot postpone, no jurisdiction. Jurisdiction pertained only to the
or suspension of the election or failure to elect. commission en banc
 Common in ARMM elections
What are the grounds for postponement?
 Serious cause When is election postponed?
o Violence To date reasonably close to date of election not held, suspended or failed
o Terrorism but not later than 30 days after cessation of the cause.
o Loss or destruction of paraphernalia or records  Like in Bohol. Election resumed after 30 days
o Force majeure
o Other analogous causes of such a nature that the holding of free,  But it should not be too close as to preclude notice to the electorate.
The announcement made minutes before the supposed voting is not a
orderly and honest election becomes impossible in any political
notice at all to the electorate who should be given ample notice of the
exact schedule and venue of the election.

 Loss or destruction of election paraphernalia or records (e.g. official
ballots, election returns, voter’s list). But COMELEC may improvise e.g. Section 6, Omnibus Election Code
when ballots are delayed, we can borrow ballots from other barangays. Sec. 6. Failure of election.- If, on account of force majeure, violence,
COMELEC is empowered to make snap judgments on election day terrorism, fraud, or other analogous causes the election in any polling
Especially during automated elections. I said earlier that that ballots place has not been held on the date fixed, or had been suspended before
are polling place specific. What if all the ballots for a certain place was lost? the hour fixed by law for the closing of the voting, or after the voting and
There cannot be an election there. Election paraphernalia was lost. That’s during the preparation and the transmission of the election returns or in
the problem with automated elections.
the custody or canvass thereof, such election results in a failure to elect,
 Force majeure = e.g. earthquake last October 2013. Voting Centers (public
and in any of such cases the failure or suspension of election would affect
schools) suffered damage so barangay election was postponed.
the result of the election, the Commission shall, on the basis of a verified
petition by any interested party and after due notice and hearing, call for
Q. What is the process of postponement of election?
the holding or continuation of the election not held, suspended or which
1. Motu proprio by the Comelec or upon a verified petition by any interested
resulted in a failure to elect on a date reasonably close to the date of the
election not held, suspended or which resulted in a failure to elect but not
2. Due notice and hearing where all parties are afforded equal opportunity to
later than thirty days after the cessation of the cause of such
be heard
postponement or suspension of the election or failure to elect.
Section 4, RA 7166
Section 4, RA 7166
Section 2, RA 6679
R.A. 7166 Sec. 4. Postponement, Failure of Election and Special Elections.
The postponement, declaration of failure of election and the calling of
MONTESCLAROS VS COMELEC special elections as provided in Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the Omnibus
Election Code shall be decided by the Commission sitting en banc by a
If the ground is not one of those enumerated, the Comelec cannot postpone, majority vote of its members. The causes for the declaration of a failure of
it merely recommends, as when it is operationally very difficult to election may occur before or after the casting of votes or on the day of
simultaneously hold the barangay and SK elections, legislative action to the election.
amend the law resetting the election is required.
In case a permanent vacancy shall occur in the Senate or House of
Representatives at least one (1) year before the expiration of the term,
POSTPONEMENT OF ELECTION, the Commission shall call and hold a special election to fill the vacancy not
earlier than sixty (60) days nor longer than ninety (90) days after the
occurrence of the vacancy. However, in case of such vacancy in the Senate,
the special election shall be held simultaneously with the succeeding regular Facts: A mayor was proclaimed winner after obtaining a majority of 24,
election. 000 votes. But the second placer petition to declare failure of election due
to fraud, violence, threat, intimidation, vote-buying and delay in the
Q. What are the grounds for declaration of failure of election? delivery of election documents and paraphernalia.
1. Force majeure  Missing names of registered voters
2. Violence  More than half of the registered voters failed to vote because
3. Terrorism others voted for them.
4. Fraud  He was credited with less votes than he actually obtained.
5. Other analogous causes the election in any polling place was not  Control data of election returns were not filled out in some polling
held. places.

Q. What are the 3 instances where a failure of election may be declared? Held:
1. Election in any polling place was not held on the fixed date on  These grounds do not warrant failure of election as none of them fall
account of force majeure, terrorism, fraud, violence and other analogous under the three instances where failure of election may be declared.
cases.  Missing name’s in voter’s list – remedy is inclusion or exclusion or
2. Election in any polling place had been suspended before the close of annulment of book of voters.
voting on account of force majeure, terrorism, fraud, violence and other
analogous cases
3. After voting and during preparation and transmission of election
returns or inter custody of canvass, such election results in failure to elect on
the same grounds. After finalization of voter’s list, we publish or post it outside the
COMELEC office. We also give copies to political parties way before
Somehow it does not apply to automated elections. But there are instances election. They know already the list.
that it can still apply, like for example you are in a mountain barangay, the
signal is not that strong. What they (teachers) do is they bring the memory If indeed some of the names are missing and they should be there
card to the canvassing area. What if along the way, somebody else takes it? in the first place, remedy is file for inclusion (to include somebody who is
That’s why it can still apply. excluded by the ERB) or exclusion (if ERB approved the application of a
voter despite the fact that he or she does not possess all the
Q. Sir, how about during election and there still people lining up but its qualifications) or annulment of book of voters (when book of voters was
already 5pm. Are they still allowed to vote? not prepared according to law or contains statistically improbable data).
If the deadliest deadline is 5pm. If for example, if there are areas where Have these remedies before the election. Do not complain during or after
people are still queuing within 30 meters towards the polling place. What we election. These remedies won’t be available. They are lost forever.
do is we ask their names, jot them down tell them to wait for their turn to
votes. Our goal is not to disenfranchise the people. It happens when you fail to vote for two consecutive elections, your
votes will be deactivated. The COMELEC informs you of the deactivation of
your votes only after the deactivation not before as what the law says.
 Election starts at 7AM. For purpose of counting, Barangay elections is considered regular
 For manual elections, it ends at 3PM. except SK.
 If prior to 3PM, it was suspended already, it gives rise to a ground for
failure of elections. TN: Since a copy of the complete list of voters is published in the
 For automated elections, we extended the voting hours until 5PM. In 2013, Comelec website and posted in the bulletin of the Comelec.
extended further to 7PM to accommodate everybody (thousand voters in a 
polling place). You’ll think it is unfair, but no it is not unfair because the remedy is
not Failure of Election but Election Protest. But the problem is Election
protest takes a lot of time and it might be resolved after term of office.
Facts: Voter turnout for the election was very low. Only 2,330 out of 9,830  More than half of the registered voters failed to vote because others
registered voters therein cast their votes. Upon Other candidates filed voted for them – remedy is challenge the identity of the voter during
separate petition for the declaration of failure of election in some or all inside the polling place (ROLE OF WATCHERS)
COMMENTS: challenge in writing, in English. But in highly
Held: Even if less than 25% of the electorate in the questioned polling places urbanized cities, there is already a picture and thumb mark of the voter.
cast their votes, it must still be respected. Low turnout does not result in Teacher only verifies. Presumption of regularity. Voter’s ID is not
failure of elections. It only means no interest on the part of the people to needed to vote. Only needed when one’s identity is challenged. May
vote. present any other valid ID, for that matter.

The law does not require majority of voters cast their votes, mere plurality of  Less votes – should have been raised before the BEI that counted the
votes is enough for a candidate to be proclaimed a winner votes. So BEI can rectify.
TN: Manifest error readily seen by the naked eye – raise that before the
Board of Election Canvassers that counted the votes) 
 Control data of election returns were not filled – should have been
Late election returns is not a ground for failure of election. That the raised before the Board of Canvassers that canvassed the election
election returns were delivered late and the ballot boxes brought to the office returns.
of the Municipal Treasurer unsecured, i.e., without padlocks nor self-locking
metal seals cannot impel us to declare failure of election. The late deliveries
did not convert the election held in Calamba into a mockery or farce to make COMMENTS: But even if raised, it would not matter for it
us conclude that there was indeed a failure of election. does not affect the integrity of election. Control data has serial
numbers and has statistics. Teachers sometimes fail to fill up the statistics The power to nullify an election must be exercised with greatest care as
such as total number of registered voters, total number of those who not to disenfranchise voters. (Ruiz v Comelec)
actually voted, males, females. Failure to fill these up does not affect the
integrity of election returns. Election returns contain the votes counted.  To declare failure of elections should be the last resort.
Names of candidates have corresponding number of votes then thumb
marked by the teachers. Sometimes, they fail to place their thumb marks.
Even the signatures of watchers are not required. They are mere BATABOR VS COMELEC
circumstantiality. With or without the signatures of watchers, election is
valid. However, there are election returns which are completely filled up by Facts: Proclamation of one position was sought to be annulled on the
meticulous teachers. Then, one will object because the election ballot is ground of failure of election.
immaculately clean. It is spurious, too good to be true. A mere formal
defect does not affect integrity. Held: Failure of election necessarily affects all elective positions in the
place where elections failed. To hold otherwise is discriminatory and
 Unsecured ballot boxes - a mere defect that does not affect their integrity violates equal protection clause. We cannot take out one position if
exposed to the same ground.
COMMENTS: A ballot box has 3 padlocks. Sometimes teachers
lose one padlock or two. Sometimes they borrow padlocks from watchers.
So others will contest the security of ballot boxes. They say that the SARDEA VS COMELEC
padlocks are not the prescribed COMELEC padlocks. However, this does not
affect integrity. We don’t care about the ballot boxes after the counting Facts: While the canvassing of the election returns was going on, some
because it does not contain the official ballots anymore. It contains the sympathizers of a defeated mayoralty candidate stormed the municipal
counted ballots already. For canvassing, the election returns matters, not building and destroyed all election materials and paraphernalia including,
the ballot boxes. among others, the copies of election returns furnished to respondent
 Late election returns – not a ground for failure.
COMMENTS: It is possible that the election returns will be The Municipal Board of Canvassers convened and assessed the extent of
delayed e.g. those from the mountain barangays, island barangays. This is the damage wrought by the demonstrators. It discovered that the election
for the manual elections. If it were automated, as long as there is signal returns in the possession of the MTC Judge were intact, so it ordered the
wherever you are, you can transmit the data. retrieval of said election returns for use in the canvass. Several people
filed a petition to declare a failure of election.
Q. What are the two requisites for the en banc to act on a verified petition
to declare failure of election? Held: The pre-conditions for declaring a failure of election are:
1. No voting took place in the polling places on the date fixed by law (1) no voting has been held in any precinct or precincts because of force
2. The votes that were not cast affect the result of elections majeure, violence or terrorism
(Mitmug v Comelec, Benito v Comelec) (2) the votes not cast therein suffice to affect the results of the elections.

The language of the law clearly requires the concurrence of these two
COMMENTS: circumstances to justify the calling of a special election.
 For example, we have 4 polling places - 405, 406, 403, 407. We are a small
barangay. Number of voters – 250, 260, 270, 280. No voting happened in The destruction and loss of the copies of the election returns intended for
one polling place. Election paraphernalia, voter’s lists are lost. No ballot the Municipal Board of Canvassers on account of violence is not one of
boxes, no election returns. No voting for the 280. the causes that would warrant the declaration of a failure of election
because voting actually took place as scheduled and other valid election
 If candidate A got 700 votes and B obtained 80 votes. Is there failure of returns still existed. Moreover, the incident did not affect the result of the
elections? NONE. Because even if we let the 280 vote, it is statistically election.
improbable for B to overcome the votes for A. Special election will be
useless. B is a sure loser because of A’s lead. For as long as there is voting, regardless of number, there is no failure of
election. It only fails if the sovereign will has been muted and cannot be
 But if the votes not cast will affect the elections, we can by all means have ascertained. If the will of the people is determinable, it must be
special elections. So, first declare failure of elections then have special respected.


Facts: A punong barangay lost by 29 votes. He alleged 100 of his relatives and
supporters were not able to vote because the BEI in 3 polling places
discontinued the voting. Omnibus Election Code, Article VI Sec. 45.
Found: Out 316 voters, 220 actually voted. Postponement or failure of election. - When for any serious cause such as
Held: No failure of election. If indeed voters were prevented from voting, violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of election paraphernalia or
remedy is election protest. (Batabor v Comelec) records, force majeure, and other analogous causes of such nature that
the holding of a free, orderly and honest election should become
Even if less than 25% of the electorate in the questioned polling places cast impossible in any barangay, the Commission, upon a verified petition of an
their votes, it must still be respected. (Mitmug v Comelec) interested party and after due notice and hearing at which the interested
parties are given equal opportunity to be heard, shall postpone the
Even if only 1 out 177 voted in a polling place, there is still no failure of election therein for such time as it may deem necessary.
election. (Benito v Comelec)
If, on account of force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud or other
For as long as there is voting, regardless of number, there is no failure of analogous causes, the election in any barangay has not been held on the
election. It only fails if the sovereign will has been muted and cannot be date herein fixed or has been suspended before the hour fixed by law for
ascertained. If the will of the people is determinable, it must be respected. the closing of the voting therein and such failure or suspension of election
(Sardea v Comelec) would affect the result of the election, the Commission, on the basis of a
verified petition of an interested party, and after due notice and hearing, at the ARMM which includes the Province of Sulu. Some election inspectors
which the interested parties are given equal opportunity to be heard shall call and watchers informed the head of the COMELEC Task Force of
for the holding or continuation of the election within thirty days after it shall discrepancies between the election returns and the votes cast for the
have verified and found that the cause or causes for which the election has mayoralty candidates.
been postponed or suspended have ceased to exist or upon petition of at
least thirty percent of the registered voters in the barangay concerned. To avoid a situation where proceeding with automation will result in an
erroneous count, the head suspended the automated counting of ballots
When the conditions in these areas warrant, upon verification by the and immediately communicated the problem to the technical experts of
Commission, or upon petition of at least thirty percent of the registered COMELEC and the suppliers of the automated machine. After the
voters in the barangay concerned, it shall order the holding of the barangay consultations, the experts told him that they found nothing wrong with
election which was postponed or suspended. the automated machines. The error was in the printing of the local ballots,
as a consequence of which, the automated machines failed to read them
Q. Who declares failure of election? correctly.
The Commission sitting en banc by a majority vote of its members, motu
proprio or upon verified petition by any interested party, after due notice and The head called for an emergency meeting of the local candidates and the
hearing where all the interested parties are afforded equal opportunity to be military-police officials overseeing the Sulu elections, including the
heard. respondent winning candidate and petitioner losing candidate for
governor. COMELEC issued Minute Resolution ordering a manual count
COMMENTS: but only in the said municipality. After a manual count, respondent was
proclaimed governor-elect.
The election officer, on account of threats of violence and bloodshed, cannot
by herself validly suspend of or postpone elections even with the agreement
Two of the losing candidates questioned the resolutions of the COMELEC
of the candidates. (Bashier v Comelec)
ordering a manual count of the votes.

BENITO VS COMELEC Held: Losing candidates were given every opportunity to oppose the
manual count. They were orally heard and submitted written position
Facts: Rival Mayoralty candidate won by 48 votes. Losing candidate then filed papers and their representatives escorted the transfer of ballots to Manila
a petition to declare failure of election in precincts 3 precincts: 15A, 6A/6A1 and watched the manual count from the beginning to the end.
and 17A.
COMELEC is given the broad power to "enforce and administer all laws
Allegedly, five election precincts were clustered namely, precincts 15A, and regulations relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative,
6A/6A1, 17A, 2A/2A1 and 13A. On election day, voting was disrupted before referendum and recall". This provision gives COMELEC all the necessary
noon by armed men. The voting resumed an hour after the firing occurred. powers for it to achieve the objective of holding free, orderly, honest,
peaceful and credible elections. Embraced therein is the power to order a
Notwithstanding the turn of events, the ballot boxes for the 5 precincts were manual count where automated counting fails. Furthermore, R.A. No.
taken together with those from the 19 other precincts for counting. The votes 8436 did not prohibit the manual counting when machine count does not
from precincts 15A, 6A/6A1 and 17A were excluded upon objection by losing work.
candidate's counsel who, it is claimed, arrived only after the ballots from the
other 19precincts had already been tabulated.
Considering that rival candidate would still lead petitioner by 7 votes even if
Facts: The Municipal Board of Canvassers, proclaimed petitioner Carlos as
all 41 votes from the 3 excluded precincts were counted in the latter's favor,
the duly elected mayor of Valenzuela having obtained 102,688 votes, the
his rival candidate was proclaimed mayor.
highest number of votes, over that of respondent Serapio who obtained
77,270 votes.
Losing candidate filed a petition to declare failure of election and to call a
Respondent filed with the RTC an election protest challenging the election
special elections in precincts 15A, 6A/6A1 and 17A.
results. RTC rendered its decision and set aside the final tally of valid votes
because of its finding of "significant badges of fraud”.
Held: It is odd that Benito singled out only 3 precincts when there were 2
other precincts in the same school threatened by armed men. There was no
Despite the plurality of valid votes in favor of protestee Carlos, the trial
objection raised to the count of votes in the said two precincts during the
court set aside his proclamation and declared protestant Serapio as duly
counting of votes at the counting center. So why a selective objection to the 3
elected mayor of Valenzuela City.
precincts herein?
Held: In a petition to annul an election under Section 6, Batas Pambansa
Further, there cannot be a failure of election in a political unit if the will of the
Blg. 881, two conditions must be averred in order to support a sufficient
majority has not been defiled and can be ascertained, as in the case at bar. All
cause of action: (1) the illegality must affect more than 50% of the votes
the law requires is that a winning candidate must be elected by a plurality of
cast and (2) the good votes can be distinguished from the bad ones.
valid votes, regardless of the actual number of ballots cast. Thus, even if only
1 out of 177 voted in a polling place, there is still no failure of election
It is only when these two conditions are established that the annulment of
provided there is notice.
the election can be justified because the remaining votes do not
constitute a valid constituency.
Note: As long there is notice, no turn-out in a precinct does not mean a failure
of elections. For all you know, all others had no interest to cast their votes.
Assuming that the trial court was correct in holding that the final tally of
The power to nullify elections must be exercised with greatest care so not to
valid votes as per revision report may be set aside because of the
disenfranchise the electorate. In short, the power to declare failure of
"significant badges of fraud," the same would be tantamount to a ruling
election must be the last remedy.
that there were no valid votes cast at all for the candidates, and, thus, no
winner could be declared in the election protest case. In short, there was
LOONG VS COMELEC failure of election. In such case, the proper remedy is an action before the
Commission on Elections en banc to declare a failure of election or to
Facts: Automated elections systems was used for the regular elections held in annul the election. However, the case below was an election protest case
involving an elective municipal position which, under Section 251 of the
Election Code, falls within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the appropriate

Nonetheless, the annulment of an election on the ground of fraud,

irregularities and violations of election laws may be raised as an incident to an
election contest. Such grounds for annulment of an election may be invoked
in an election protest case. However, an election must not be nullified and the
voters disenfranchised whenever it is possible to determine a winner on the
basis of valid votes cast, and discard the illegally cast ballots. In this case, the
petitioner admittedly received 17,007 valid votes more than the protestee,
and therefore the nullification of the election would not lie. The power to
nullify an election must be exercised with the greatest care with a view not to
disenfranchise the voters, and only under circumstances that clearly call for
such drastic remedial measure.

 The RTC, on account that a victory was attended by significant badges of

fraud, cannot declare failure of election in guise of voiding the
proclamation of the winner despite obtaining 25, 000 majority votes during
canvass, 27, 000 votes by physical count and 17, 000 votes by revision.
(Carlos v Angeles)

Canvass is when we consolidate results from all polling places. If there is
protest, there will be physical count, looking into who is voted for without
first determining whether that vote counts. Revision is equivalent to the RTC’s
ballot appreciation. Appreciation is determining whether the particular vote
can be counted for the candidate. Manual elections have nuisances. E.g.
RONULO. Then, you might vote for ROMULO. Wrong spelling. But, there is a
principle in ballot appreciation “sounds alike are counted”. After revision, he is
still the winner. But RTC said his victory was attended by badges of fraud e.g.
unsecured ballot boxes and BROWN OUT. Suddenly, results were changed.

SC said RTC cannot nullify votes on the ground of significant badges of fraud
because you are actually circumventing the jurisdiction of the COMELEC en
banc. RTC judge cannot declare failure of election in the guise of voiding

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