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1 cell theory, cell specilization and cell replacment

Cell Theory:
3 principles of cell theory
1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells
2. Cells are the smallest units of life
3. All cells come fom preexisting cells

Dicovery of the microscope: 1st theory

 Robert Hooke: 1665
 Cork through a self made microscope
 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: ‘animalcules’ –little animals
 Matthais Schleiden: 1838-‘indepentent, separate beings’

Louis Pasteurs: 3rd principal

 Sterilizing chicken broth(soup)- by boiling it
 Living organsims would not spontaneously reappear
 Exposure to pre-existing cells
 Life would re-establish itself in the broth

Functions of life:
M: Metabolism- includes all the chemical reactions that occur within an
R: Reproduction- involves heridatary molecules that can be passed to
H:Homeostalsis- maintance of a constant interal environment
G: Growth- increase in cell number or cell size and or both.
R: Response- responses to stimuly allows an organism to adapt to its
E: Excretion- it enables chemical compounds that an organsim cannot use or
that maybe toxic or harmful to it can be released from the organsims system.
N: Nutrition
Paramecium: unicellular

Chlorella: page 7 pierson

 Single-celled organism
 Contains a large cholorplast
 Chloroplast: conversion of enery in sunlight to chemical energy form
called carbhydrate
 Carbhohdrate is the major nutritional source for the organsim
Cells and cell size:
 Resolution refers to clarity of a viewed object

 Light microscope
Use light passing through living or dead specimens to form an image
Stains are used to make to make it easier to see any details

 Electron microscope:
Use electrons passing through a dead specimen to form an image and
provide us with the gratest magnifications( over 100000X) and


Inexpensive to purchase and operate Expensive to purchase and operate
Simple and easy specimen prepration Complex and lengthy specimen
Magnifiies upto 2000x Magnifies over 500000x
Specimen may be living or dead Specimens are dead, and must be fixed
in a plastic material

Magnification = Size of image

By size of specimen

Limiting Cell Size:

 A cell with more surface area per unit volume is able to move more
materials in and out of the cells, for each unit volume of the cell
 Width increaseas surface area increases but at a much slower rate than
the volume
 Volume: r
 SA: r

 A large cell compared to a small one has a lesser SA to bring in materials

that are needed to get rid of waste. Because of this, cells are limited in
size they can reach and still be ablr to carry out functions of life.
 Large animlas do not have larger cells; they have more cells.
 Large cells have modifications such as:
 long and thin not spherical
 Infoldings or outfoldings to increase area relative to their volume

Cell reproduction and differentation

 Repace damaged or dead cells

Stem cells:
 They are cells within organisms that retain their ability to divide and
differentiate into various cell types.

In plants:
 Merismatic tissues: occur near the root and stem tips and are composed
of rapidly reproducing cells that are capable of becoming various types of
tissue within the root or stem.
 Gardeners make use of this when they take cuttings from stems or roots
to propagate new plants

In mice:
 Pluripotent or embryonic cells were fouund
 Stem cells have the ability to form any type of cells in an organism and
can even form a complete organsim.

 Stem cells divide divide to form: specific type of tissue and daughter cells
that stay as stem cells, this enables the production of a particular tissue.

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