Packed Together

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PACKED t ally n SALAZAR (12)

t oget her
“We became friends through Sydney S. and
GRADES, BUT IT’S Sarah C. when I started hanging out with s arah CAMPER (12)
THE PEOPLE WE more of the Falcon Creek kids freshman year.” “I met Sydney Szarka on her birthday at the
REMEMBER AND end of 6th grade. I wasn’t close with her at all,
THE MEMORIES but Sam was. Sam and Sydney H. were going
WE’VE MADE! to Sonic on her birthday and invited me along.
Learning isn’t always very fun, but it’s the people you meet along We were instantly best friends. In fact, every
the way that make it such a great adventure. For this group in year on her birthday we go to Sonic.”
particular, they believed the more the merrier. It all started with Sam,
Sarah, and Sydney Holtman in 6th grade. As they moved into high
school, they connected with kids from other middle schools and
continued to find more life long friends.

s y dney HOLTMAN (12)

“I met Sam in orientation for 6th grade and
I thought he was so funny, so we became
friends.” Sydney helped Introduce Sarah to
Sydney Szarka as well.

s y dney SZARKA (12)

“I met Tallyn at cheer tryouts my
freshman year.” Before meeting Tallyn,
Sydney met Sarah through Sam and
Sydney Holtman in middle school.

s amuel (s am) CAMPER (12)

“I met Jack in lacrosse because we played
on the same team over the summer and for
Grandview.” Sam is Sarah’s twin brother and
john ( jack) MATTHEWS (12) helped introduce her to Sydney Szarka.
“After Sam and I started hanging out, he
introduced me to Sarah.”

delpe s h jawad t at e maggie

BEAUGE (10) AHMAD (10) ALPERT (10) ALPERT (10)
“I like his (Jawad) shoes.“ “He’s(Tate) chill and funny.“ “She’s(Maggie) my sister.“ “She’s(Ellie) on my cheer team.“

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